BoschメーカーSMS 69T68の使用説明書/サービス説明書
ページ先へ移動 of 41
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en 3 T abl e of c onte nt s 8 Intended use . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 ( Safety instructions . . . . . . . . . . 4 Before you sw itc h ON the ap p liance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Delive r y . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
en Inte nded use 4 Timer p rogramming . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 End of p rogramme . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Autom atic switch off / interior light . . 23 Switch ing off the applianc e . . . . . . . . 24 Interruptin g the p r ogramm e . . . . .
Safety instructio ns en 5 Before y ou switc h ON the ap p li ance Please read th e operating and installation instruc t i ons careful l y. The y contain imp o rtant inf ormation o n how to instal l , u s e and maintai n the appliance. Retain al l docum ents for subsequent use o r for the ne xt ow ner.
en Safety instruc tions 6 Instal l built-under o r i nte gr at ab le ap pli an ces only und er continuou s wor k tops wh ic h have be en screwed to adjacent cu pbo ar ds t o en su re st abi li ty.
Safety instructio ns en 7 Do not lean or sit on the op en door. In the case of f ree-s t anding appliances, ensure that t he baskets are not overloaded. If the appl ian ce is not in a cavi t y and a s i de panel i s acces sibl e, t h e do or hinge area must be c ov ered at the side for re aso ns of safe ty (risk o f injury).
en Protec tion of the env ironment 8 7 Prot ectio n of th e en vir onmen t P r o t e c t i o n o f t h e e n v i r o n m e n t Both the pac kaging of new ap pliances and th e old appl i a nces the mselves co ntain valua bl e raw mat eria ls and r ecyclable m aterials.
Getting to kn ow your appliance en 9 Appliance in terior * de pen din g on m ode l Overvie w o f menu The settings c an be found in the in div idu al c hap ters. Se lec t ing lang ua ge Th e language i n the displa y window )2 can be se t fr om p : ‹‚ , to p : ƒ„ .
en Wate r so ft eni ng sy s te m / Spec ial salt 10 5. Press program me button # until the factor y s et valu e p : ‹‚ is in dic ated o n th e digit a l disp lay 8 . “Germ an” ( Deu ts ch) is indicate d in the dis p lay win d ow )2 . 6. Press programme b utton 3 .
W ater soft ening sy stem/S pecia l salt en 11 Using sp ecia l salt Alwa ys refill with sp ecial salt immed iately before switch ing on the app lian ce. This e ns ures that o verrun spec ial salt solution is im mediately wash ed out and doe s no t corrod e the ri nsi n g t ank.
en Rinse ai d 12 , Rinse a id R i n s e a i d As soon as the rinse-aid refill indicator P is lit on the fascia, the re is still a rinse- aid reserve of 1-2 rin sing process es. Refill with rinse aid. The rinse aid is required for stain-free utensils and cle ar glas ses.
Utensils en 13 Switc h in g o f f rin se a id refil l indica tor If the rinse-aid refill indicator P is impair ed (e.g. when us i n g combin ed deterge nts conta i n ing rinse aid comp on ent), it can be s witched off. Pr oce ed a s de scri bed u nder “S et t in g amoun t of rinse aid” and set th e va lue to § : ‹‹ .
en Utensils 14 Cups an d glas ses Top b asket 12 Pans Bottom b asket 9" Tip Hea vil y so il ed u ten si l s ( pa n s) sho uld be place d in the bottom b a sket.
Utensils en 15 F old in g s p ik e s Fo ldi ng spik es * * de pen din g on m ode l The sp ikes can be folded down to impro ve arrangeme nt of pans , b owls and glas ses. Small acces sories holder * Sm a ll ac c es so r ie s ho ld e r * dep ending on model Light-we ig ht plastic a c cesso r ies, e.
en Utensils 16 1. Pull out the top b asket 12 o ut. 2. To lo w er th e basket, press in the left and th en the right leve r on the outside of th e basket. In d oin g so, hol d t he sid es o f t he ba ske t al ong the up p er edg e to preven t i t from sudd enly dr oppi n g.
Dete rgent en 17 . Detergent D e t e r g e n t You c an use tablets as w ell as powder or liquid d etergen ts for dis h wash ers, but ne ver use was hing u p liqui d. The dosage can be indiv idu ally adju sted with powd er or a liquid dete r gent accor ding to the deg ree of so iling.
en Dete rgent 18 Tip If the u tensils are onl y lig htly so iled, slightly les s than the indicated amount of deter g ent is u s ually ad equate. Suitabl e d etergen ts and care pr oducts ca n be purc ha sed onl i ne via our website or v ia custome r service (se e back page) .
Ov erv iew of pr o gr a mme s en 19 / Over view of pr ogra mme s O v e r v i e w o f p r o g r a m m e s The m ax . p ossible number of progr ammes is illustrated in this overview. The co r responding program mes and their arrangement can b e found on the fascia.
en Ad d itional op tions 20 Progr amme se lect ion You c an selec t a suita b le prog ramme accord i ng to the typ e of utensils and degre e of s oiling. Info rmat io n f or test in stitut es Test institutes r eceive the information for comp ar ability te s ts (e.
Oper ating the applian ce en 21 1 Oper ating the app lia nce O p e r a t i n g t h e a p p l i a n c e Prog ram me dat a The p rogram me data (consu mption va lues) can be fou nd in the sum mary of in str uctio ns. Th ey ref er t o no rma l conditions a nd the water ha r dness se t va lue • : ‹… .
en Op era tin g t he app li anc e 22 Not e - for environmenta lly fr iendly oper ation of the dishwasher: For ecol ogical reas ons the Eco 50° progr amme is pre set wheneve r th e app lian ce star ts. This con serves envi r onme ntal re sources a nd not lea st sa ves you m oney.
Oper ating the applian ce en 23 End o f pro gramm e The p rogram me ends w hen the value ‹ : ‹‹ app ears on the d igital display 8 and Finis hed app ears in the dis p lay win dow )2 . The end of the programme is also indica ted by an acoustic s ignal.
en Op era tin g t he app li anc e 24 Switc h in g o ff the app liance Short tim e after t he en d of the pro gramme: 1. Open t h e door. 2. Switch off O N/OFF switch ( . 3. Turn off the tap (not a p plicable if Aqua- Stop fitted). 4. Rem ove the ute nsils when they hav e cooled down.
Cleanin g and mainte nance en 25 4. Rele ase both buttons . The LED for button # flashes and the digital d isplay 8 d ispla ys the factory setting • : ‹… . 5. Press program me button # until the factor y s et valu e š : ‹‹ is in dic ated o n th e digit a l disp lay 8 .
en Clea ning an d mainten ance 26 Filt ers Th e fi lt er s 1j keep larg e foreign objec ts in the rinsing w ater away from the pu mp. These fore ig n ob jects may occas ionally block th e filters. The f ilte r system c onsi sts of a coar se filter, a flat fine filter and a microfilter.
Fau lt, what to do? en 27 3 Fault, wh at t o d o? F a u l t , w h a t t o d o ? Ex peri en ce ha s sho wn th at you c an rectify most faults wh ich occ u r in daily oper ation yours elf. This ens ures tha t the mac hin e is q u ickly ava i l able to you again .
en Fau lt, what to do? 28 Faul t ta ble Fault Cause Rem edial actio n “Check water su pply” disp l ay @ lights up. Suppl y h o se ki nke d. Insta ll sup ply hose witho ut k i nks . Tap tu rne d off. Turn o n th e tap . Tap jam med o r cal cified .
Fau lt, what to do? en 29 A d if feren t erro r c ode i s ind icat ed on th e d igita l disp l ay . ( “ : ‹‚ to “ : „‹ ) A technica l f ault ha s pro bably occu rred . Switch off appliances with the ON/OFF swit ch ( . After a short time restart the applianc e .
en Fau lt, what to do? 30 Utensils not d ry. N o or too li ttle rinse aid in th e d ispe nser . Re fi ll ri ns e aid . Pr ogramm e sel ected w ithou t dr yin g. Sel ect progra mme with dr ying (see Overvi e w of programmes, P rogramme sequ ence) . Water collecting in depressions on the utensils and cutlery.
Fau lt, what to do? en 31 Foo d r emnant s on the utensils. Utensils pla ced too c los e ly together, utensils basket overfil led. Arra nge ut ensi ls with ade quat e c le a r ance between them e nsuring that the spray jets can reach the surface of the utensils.
en Fau lt, what to do? 32 Water stains on plastic pa r ts Droplet form ati on on plastic su r face is phy sically u navoi dable. After drying, wate r stains are vi s ibl e . Us e a mor e inten sive progra mme (mor e water change s). Arra nge ut ensils in a s lopi ng p osi ti on.
Fau lt, what to do? en 33 Coloure d (blue, y ellow, brown), difficult to remove to non-removable coatings in the appliance or on stai nless s teel u tens il s. Film formation co nsist ing of ing redie nts f rom veg etabl es (e.g. cabbage, celery , pota toes, noodles , .
en Fau lt, what to do? 34 Rust spots on the cutlery. Cutlery not adequately rust- res i sta nt . K nif e bla d es ar e freq uentl y m o re s e v ere ly af fec te d. U se cor rosi on-r esis tant c ut lery . Cutle ry wil l al so r ust if rusting parts are rinsed at the sam e tim e (pan ha ndles, damag ed utensil bask et s, etc.
Fau lt, what to do? en 35 Appliance stops in the pr ogramm e or progra mme is i nterr upted. Door not close d prop erly. Close the door. D o no t pl ac e utensils or fragr ance dispenser in the table t collecti ng tray. Top ba s ket presse s against inner door and prev ents door f rom be i ng c lo sed sec ur el y.
en Custo mer ser vi ce 36 4 Cus to mer se r vi c e C u s t o m e r s e r v i c e If you are unab le to rectify the fault, pleas e contac t your customer se rvice. We always find a s uitable solution, even to avoid un nece ss ary visi ts by tec hnicians.
Installation and connection en 37 De li ver y Your d ishw asher has been c h ecked thoroughly in the facto r y to en su re th at it is in working or d er. This may cause sm all water stains . These w ill d isap pear after the first w as h cycle. T echnic al specif ications We ig h t: max.
en Inst allation and c onnection 38 F r esh wate r connect ion 1. Conn ect the fre s h-w ater conn ection to the tap according to the installation instructions with the enclos ed pa r ts. Ensure that th e fr esh-wa ter conne ction is not kinked, cr ushed or twisted.
Installation and connection en 39 Elect r ic al connecti o n Conn ect the ap plianc e to an alt erna tin g cu rrent o nly , rang ing from 220 V to 240 V and 50 Hz or 60 Hz via a cor rectly installe d socke t w ith protective earth conducto r . See rati ng plate for r equired f usi ng 9B .
en Inst allation and c onnection 40 T r a nsportation Emp ty the dishwas her and sec ure loose par ts. Drain the appliance accor ding to t he following steps: 1. Turn on the tap. 2. Open t h e door. 3. Switch on ON/O FF switch ( . 4. Select p r ogramm e with the highe st tem p eratu r e.
デバイスBosch SMS 69T68の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Bosch SMS 69T68をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはBosch SMS 69T68の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Bosch SMS 69T68の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Bosch SMS 69T68で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Bosch SMS 69T68を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はBosch SMS 69T68の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Bosch SMS 69T68に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちBosch SMS 69T68デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。