ページ先へ移動 of 141
GETTING READ Y CONTENTS SEWING BASICS UT IL IT Y ST I TCHES APPENDIX INDEX Cover A Enclosed Accessories After open ing the b ox, check that the follo wing acce ssor ies are encl osed. If an y item is m issing or damaged, contact your retaile r. Access ories 1.
GETTING READ Y CONTENTS SEWING BASICS UT IL IT Y ST I TCHES APPENDIX INDEX Cover B Names of Machine Parts and Their Fun ctions The nam es of the various part s of the s ewing ma chine and their fun ctions are de scribed belo w. Before us ing the sewing mac hine, care fully read the se descript ions to learn th e names of th e machine parts.
————— ———————— ——————————— ——————————— ————— Names of Ma chine Parts and Their Functions Cover C GETTING READ Y CONTENTS.
Cover D GETTING READ Y CONTENTS SEWING BASICS UT IL IT Y ST I TCHES APPENDIX INDEX Operation buttons The ope ration butt ons help you to eas ily perform v arious bas ic sewi ng mach ine operatio ns. 1 Thread cassette indi cator The indicator light s up or goes off depending on the condition of t he sewing machi ne.
Cover E GETTING READ Y CONTENTS SEWING BASICS UT IL IT Y ST I TCHES APPENDIX INDEX Operation panel The oper ation pane l, located o n the front of the sewing ma c hine, con sists of the LCD (liq uid crystal display) and keys for sp ecifying vario us sewing settings.
1 GETTING READ Y CONTENTS SEWING BASICS UT IL IT Y ST I TCHES APPENDIX INDEX Optional Accessories The follo wing are av ailable as o ptional accessori es. 1. Side cutter Part code: SA177, XC3879-002 2. Quil ting g uide Part code: SA132, XC2215-002 3. Guide foot Part code: SA133, XC1957-002 4.
2 GETTING READ Y CONTENTS SEWING BASICS UT IL IT Y ST I TCHES APPENDIX INDEX Introduction Thank y ou for purcha sing this sewing machin e. Before using this sewing mach ine, caref ully read the “Im portant Safet y Instruction s” (page 6), and then st udy this manual for the correc t operatio n of the vari ous functions.
3 GETTING READ Y CONTENTS SEWING BASICS UT IL IT Y ST I TCHES APPENDIX INDEX Contents Enclosed Accessorie s ................ ............. .................... ................... ............. ............... Co ver A Acces sories .. ...... ...... ..
———————— ———————— ———————— ——————————— ———————— ———————— ——————————— — 4 GETTING READ Y CONTENTS SEWING BASICS UT IL IT Y ST I TCHES APPENDIX INDEX SEWING BASICS .
5 GETTING READ Y CONTENTS SEWING BASICS UT IL IT Y ST I TCHES APPENDIX INDEX Decora tive Stitching ................. .................... ................... ................... ............. ................ 10 0 Fago ting ... ...... ........ .......
6 GETTING READ Y CONTENTS SEWING BASICS UT IL IT Y ST I TCHES APPENDIX INDEX Important Safety Instructions When us ing this mac hine, basic safety precau tions shou ld always be taken, includi ng the foll owing: Read all ins tructions befor e using. DANGER - To reduce t he risk of e lectric sh ock: 1.
7 GETTING READ Y CONTENTS SEWING BASICS UT IL IT Y ST I TCHES APPENDIX INDEX FOR USERS IN THE UK, EIRE, MALTA AND CYPRUS ONLY If this ma chine is fitte d with a thre e-pin non- rewireable BS plu g then pl ease read the following.
8 GETTING READ Y CONTENTS SEWING BASICS UT IL IT Y ST I TCHES APPENDIX INDEX CONGRATULATIONS ON C HOOSING OUR MA CHINE Your machi ne is one of the most a dvanced com puterized househol d sewing m achines. To fully enjoy all t he features, we suggest that you stud y the manua l before u sing the ma chine.
1 GETTING READ Y CONTENTS SEWING BASICS UT IL IT Y ST I TCHES APPENDIX INDEX GETTING READY The variou s preparat ions requir ed before starting to sew are desc ribed in thi s chapte r. Turning the Machine On /Off ................... ............. ....
GETTING READY —————— ——————————— ———————— ———————— ——————————— ————————— —— — 10 GETTING.
Turning the Machine On /Off 11 GETTING READ Y CONTENTS SEWING BASICS UT IL IT Y ST I TCHES APPENDIX INDEX Turning on the machine 1 Make sure that the sewing machine is tu rned off (th e main po wer swi tch is set t o “O”) , and then plug the power supply cord into the power supply jack on the right side of the machi ne.
GETTING READY —————— ——————————— ———————— ———————— ——————————— ————————— —— — 12 GETTING.
Underst anding the LC D Screens 13 GETTING READ Y CONTENTS SEWING BASICS UT IL IT Y ST I TCHES APPENDIX INDEX Checking machine operating procedures Simp le descript ions on repl acing the p resser foo t, threading the upper t hread, wi nding the bobbin and installing the bobbi n can be display ed in the LCD .
GETTING READY —————— ——————————— ———————— ———————— ——————————— ————————— —— — 14 GETTING.
Changing the Machine S ettings 15 GETTING READ Y CONTENTS SEWING BASICS UT IL IT Y ST I TCHES APPENDIX INDEX ■ List of st itch or m achine at tribut es The stitc h or machine a ttributes that c an be set are li sted below . For details on e ach attribute, re fer to the correspondin g reference page.
GETTING READY —————— ——————————— ———————— ———————— ——————————— ————————— —— — 16 GETTING.
Changing the Machine S ettings 17 GETTING READ Y CONTENTS SEWING BASICS UT IL IT Y ST I TCHES APPENDIX INDEX Changing the screen language The l anguage u sed in the sc reens t hat are di splayed can be change d to one of the many av ailable. 1 Press (settings key) i n the operation panel, and then press , , and (arrow ke ys) until is se lected.
GETTING READY —————— ——————————— ———————— ———————— ——————————— ————————— —— — 18 GETTING.
Winding/ Installing the Bobbin 19 GETTING READ Y CONTENTS SEWING BASICS UT IL IT Y ST I TCHES APPENDIX INDEX 5 Slide the bobbi n winder s haft to the ri ght. 6 Place th e spool of thread for th e bobbin onto the bobbi n thread spool pi n. 7 Slid e the sp ool ca p onto the bo bbin th read spool p in.
GETTING READY —————— ——————————— ———————— ———————— ——————————— ————————— —— — 20 GETTING.
Winding/ Installing the Bobbin 21 GETTING READ Y CONTENTS SEWING BASICS UT IL IT Y ST I TCHES APPENDIX INDEX b Press (start/stop b utton) once. 1 Start/stop button X T he bobbin starts spinni ng and the thread is wound around th e bobbin. X The bo bbin spins slowly w hen it is full.
GETTING READY —————— ——————————— ———————— ———————— ——————————— ————————— —— — 22 GETTING READ Y CONTENTS SEWING BASICS UT IL IT Y ST I TCHES APPENDIX INDEX Installing the bobbin Install the bobbin woun d with threa d.
Winding/ Installing the Bobbin 23 GETTING READ Y CONTENTS SEWING BASICS UT IL IT Y ST I TCHES APPENDIX INDEX 6 Pass the thread thr ough the s lot as show n, and then pull the thread out toward the front. 1 Cutter X The cu tter cuts the th read. 7 Reatt ach the bo bbin co ver.
GETTING READY —————— ——————————— ———————— ———————— ——————————— ————————— —— — 24 GETTING.
Uppe r Thread ing 25 GETTING READ Y CONTENTS SEWING BASICS UT IL IT Y ST I TCHES APPENDIX INDEX Loading the spool into the thread cas sette Load th e spool of threa d into the e nclosed threa d cassett e to pre pare t he upper thread . Memo ● The order for thre ading the thread ca ssette is indicated on the threa d cassette.
GETTING READY —————— ——————————— ———————— ———————— ——————————— ————————— —— — 26 GETTING.
Uppe r Thread ing 27 GETTING READ Y CONTENTS SEWING BASICS UT IL IT Y ST I TCHES APPENDIX INDEX 8 While holding the e nd of the th read with your right hand an d the thread cassette with y our left hand, cl ose th e cover. 9 Pass the thread through the slit in the to p of the thread cassette.
GETTING READY —————— ——————————— ———————— ———————— ——————————— ————————— —— — 28 GETTING.
Uppe r Thread ing 29 GETTING READ Y CONTENTS SEWING BASICS UT IL IT Y ST I TCHES APPENDIX INDEX • If the needle is not raised to the cor rect position, the needle cannot be threaded with the nee dle threader . Be sure to ch eck that the threa d cassette indic ator is lit up in gree n before in serting the threa d cassette.
GETTING READY —————— ——————————— ———————— ———————— ——————————— ————————— —— — 30 GETTING READ Y CONTENTS SEWING BASICS UT IL IT Y ST I TCHES APPENDIX INDEX 5 Close t he thread ca ssette co mpartmen t cover.
Uppe r Thread ing 31 GETTING READ Y CONTENTS SEWING BASICS UT IL IT Y ST I TCHES APPENDIX INDEX 4 Thread the thread cassette with the thread from th e spool on the extra sp ool pin. • For m ore details, refe r to “Loadin g the spool into the thread cassett e” (pag e 25).
GETTING READY —————— ——————————— ———————— ———————— ——————————— ————————— —— — 32 GETTING.
Uppe r Thread ing 33 GETTING READ Y CONTENTS SEWING BASICS UT IL IT Y ST I TCHES APPENDIX INDEX 5 Insert the thread cartridg e (with the extra spool pin atta ched) into the thread cassette comp artmen t. • For more details, refer to ste p 5 in “Using the ext ra spool pin” (page 3 0).
GETTING READY —————— ——————————— ———————— ———————— ——————————— ————————— —— — 34 GETTING READ Y CONTENTS SEWING BASICS UT IL IT Y ST I TCHES APPENDIX INDEX c Pres s (OK key) .
Uppe r Thread ing 35 GETTING READ Y CONTENTS SEWING BASICS UT IL IT Y ST I TCHES APPENDIX INDEX Pulling up the bobbin thread When making gathers or before free-motion qui lting, first pull up the bobbi n thread as described be low. 1 Insert the bobbi n into the shuttle .
GETTING READY —————— ——————————— ———————— ———————— ——————————— ————————— —— — 36 GETTING.
Replacing the Needle 37 GETTING READ Y CONTENTS SEWING BASICS UT IL IT Y ST I TCHES APPENDIX INDEX Memo ● The sma ller the threa d number, th e thicker the thre ad, and the larger the n eedle numbe r, the thicke r the needle. ● Use the ball point ne edle when sew ing on stretch f abrics or fabrics where sk ipped stit ches easi ly occur .
GETTING READY —————— ——————————— ———————— ———————— ——————————— ————————— —— — 38 GETTING READ Y CONTENTS SEWING BASICS UT IL IT Y ST I TCHES APPENDIX INDEX Replacing t he needle Repl ace the needl e as desc ribed below.
Replacing the Needle 39 GETTING READ Y CONTENTS SEWING BASICS UT IL IT Y ST I TCHES APPENDIX INDEX 6 While hol ding the needle w ith your left hand, use th e screwdrive r to tight en the ne edle clam p screw.
GETTING READY —————— ——————————— ———————— ———————— ——————————— ————————— —— — 40 GETTING READ Y CONTENTS SEWING BASICS UT IL IT Y ST I TCHES APPENDIX INDEX 4 Lowe r the ne edle-c hang ing too l.
Replac ing the Press er Foot 41 GETTING READ Y CONTENTS SEWING BASICS UT IL IT Y ST I TCHES APPENDIX INDEX Replacing the Presser Foot The presse r foot presses down o n the fab ric. Presser foot precautions Be sure to observe the f ollowing preca utions concer ning the presse r feet.
GETTING READY —————— ——————————— ———————— ———————— ——————————— ————————— —— — 42 GETTING READ Y CONTENTS SEWING BASICS UT IL IT Y ST I TCHES APPENDIX INDEX 4 Press the blac k butto n at the b ack of t he presser foot holder .
Replac ing the Press er Foot 43 GETTING READ Y CONTENTS SEWING BASICS UT IL IT Y ST I TCHES APPENDIX INDEX Removing the presser foot holder Remove the presser foot holder when clea ning the sewing mac hine or whe n installing a p resser foot tha t does not u se the presse r foot holder, su ch as the quilting f oot.
GETTING READY —————— ——————————— ———————— ———————— ——————————— ————————— —— — 44 GETTING.
Replac ing the Press er Foot 45 GETTING READ Y CONTENTS SEWING BASICS UT IL IT Y ST I TCHES APPENDIX INDEX 3 Raise t he presse r foot leve r. 1 Presser foot lever X The pre sser foot is rai sed. 4 With a screwdriver, loose n the presser foot holder scre w, and then remove the w alking foot.
GETTING READY —————— ——————————— ———————— ———————— ——————————— ————————— —— — 46 GETTING.
2 GETTING READ Y CONTENTS SEWING BASICS UT IL IT Y ST I TCHES APPENDIX INDEX SEWING BASICS The n ecessary pr eparat ions for se wing are de scribed i n this ch apter. Sewing ... ................... ................... .................... ............
SEWI NG BASI CS ————————— ———————— ———————— ——————————— ———————— ————————— —— — 48 GETTING READ Y CONTENTS SEWING BASICS UT IL IT Y ST I TCHES APPENDIX INDEX Sewing Basic se wing opera tions are d escribed belo w.
Sewing 49 GETTING READ Y CONTENTS SEWING BASICS UT IL IT Y ST I TCHES APPENDIX INDEX General sewing procedure Follow t he basi c procedure s below to sew. 1 Turn on the machi ne. Turn o n the se wing ma chine . For det ails on turni ng on the ma chine, refer to “Turning on the machin e” (pag e 11).
SEWI NG BASI CS ————————— ———————— ———————— ——————————— ———————— ————————— —— — 50 GETTI.
Sewing 51 GETTING READ Y CONTENTS SEWING BASICS UT IL IT Y ST I TCHES APPENDIX INDEX Starting to sew Once yo u are ready to start sew ing, you can start the sewin g machin e. The se wing sp eed can b e adjust ed using eith er the opera tion buttons or the foot controller.
SEWI NG BASI CS ————————— ———————— ———————— ——————————— ———————— ————————— —— — 52 GETTING READ Y CONTENTS SEWING BASICS UT IL IT Y ST I TCHES APPENDIX INDEX 3 Turn on the sewing ma chine.
Sewing 53 GETTING READ Y CONTENTS SEWING BASICS UT IL IT Y ST I TCHES APPENDIX INDEX Securing the stitching When sewing w ith the straight stitc h, for example, at the end of an openin g or where se ams do not overlap , use reverse stit ching or reinf orcement stitching t o secure the end of the th read.
SEWI NG BASI CS ————————— ———————— ———————— ——————————— ———————— ————————— —— — 54 GETTI.
Sewing 55 GETTING READ Y CONTENTS SEWING BASICS UT IL IT Y ST I TCHES APPENDIX INDEX Cutting the threa d When you have finished se wing, cut th e threads. 1 When y ou wish to finish th e stitch ing and th e sewing machine is stopped, press (needle pos ition button) o nce to raise th e needle.
SEWI NG BASI CS ————————— ———————— ———————— ——————————— ———————— ————————— —— — 56 GETTI.
57 GETTING READ Y CONTENTS SEWING BASICS UT IL IT Y ST I TCHES APPENDIX INDEX Adjusting th e Sti tch Width and Length The zig zag width (pa ttern width) a nd stitch leng th of utility stit ches can be adjusted. Norma lly, when a stitc h is selected , the appropri ate width a nd length are automaticall y selected.
SEWI NG BASI CS ————————— ———————— ———————— ——————————— ———————— ————————— —— — 58 GETTI.
Useful Fun ctions 59 GETTING READ Y CONTENTS SEWING BASICS UT IL IT Y ST I TCHES APPENDIX INDEX Useful Functions Function s useful in impro ving sewing efficiency are described b elow.
SEWI NG BASI CS ————————— ———————— ———————— ——————————— ———————— ————————— —— — 60 GETTI.
Usef ul Sewi ng Tip s 61 GETTING READ Y CONTENTS SEWING BASICS UT IL IT Y ST I TCHES APPENDIX INDEX Useful Sewi ng Tips Various ways t o achieve better results for your se wing projec ts are descr ibed belo w. Refer to th ese tips when sewi ng your proje ct.
SEWI NG BASI CS ————————— ———————— ———————— ——————————— ———————— ————————— —— — 62 GETTI.
Usef ul Sewi ng Tip s 63 GETTING READ Y CONTENTS SEWING BASICS UT IL IT Y ST I TCHES APPENDIX INDEX Sewing thin fabrics When sewing t hin fabrics, the stitching ma y become misaligne d or the fabri c may not f eed correctly. If this oc curs, place th in paper or sta bilizer materia l under the fabric and sew it together w ith the fabri c.
SEWI NG BASI CS ————————— ———————— ———————— ——————————— ———————— ————————— —— — 64 GETTING READ Y CONTENTS SEWING BASICS UT IL IT Y ST I TCHES APPENDIX INDEX S3_brotherE.
3 GETTING READ Y CONTENTS SEWING BASICS UT IL IT Y ST I TCHES APPENDIX INDEX UTILITY ST ITCHES The variou s stitches a nd their a pplication s are describ ed in this chapter. Selecting St itching ................. ................... ............. ...
UTILIT Y ST ITCHES ———————— ———————— ———————— ——————————— ———————— ————————— —— — 66 GETTI.
Selectin g Stitching 67 GETTING READ Y CONTENTS SEWING BASICS UT IL IT Y ST I TCHES APPENDIX INDEX 6 Press , , and (arrow keys ) unti l the type of stitch that you wish to use is selected. 7 Press (OK key). X The screen containing the various stitches in the sele cted stitch ty pe appears.
UTILIT Y ST ITCHES ———————— ———————— ———————— ——————————— ———————— ————————— —— — 68 GETTI.
Overcastin g Stitches 69 GETTING READ Y CONTENTS SEWING BASICS UT IL IT Y ST I TCHES APPENDIX INDEX Sewing overcasting stitches using zigzag foot “J” Seven stitches can b e used to sew ov ercasting st itches with zigz ag foot “J” . 1 Attac h zigza g foot “J” .
UTILIT Y ST ITCHES ———————— ———————— ———————— ——————————— ———————— ————————— —— — 70 GETTI.
Overcastin g Stitches 71 GETTING READ Y CONTENTS SEWING BASICS UT IL IT Y ST I TCHES APPENDIX INDEX 4 Raise t he presse r foot le ver to che ck that t he side cutter is securely attached. 5 Pass the upper thread unde r the side cutter, and then pull it out t oward the rea r of the sewing mach ine.
UTILIT Y ST ITCHES ———————— ———————— ———————— ——————————— ———————— ————————— —— — 72 GETTING READ Y CONTENTS SEWING BASICS UT IL IT Y ST I TCHES APPENDIX INDEX Basic Stitching Straight stitches are use d for sewing plai n seams.
Basic Stitc hing 73 GETTING READ Y CONTENTS SEWING BASICS UT IL IT Y ST I TCHES APPENDIX INDEX 5 Star t sewi ng. • For d etails, refer to “S tarting to sew” (page 5 1). • For d etails on sewing reverse/re inforcement stitches, refer to “Sec uring the stitc hing” (page 5 3).
UTILIT Y ST ITCHES ———————— ———————— ———————— ——————————— ———————— ————————— —— — 74 GETTING READ Y CONTENTS SEWING BASICS UT IL IT Y ST I TCHES APPENDIX INDEX Blind Hem Stitchi ng Secure the bottoms of skirts and pa nts with a bli nd hem.
Blind He m Stitching 75 GETTING READ Y CONTENTS SEWING BASICS UT IL IT Y ST I TCHES APPENDIX INDEX 6 Adjust the stitc h width until the needle slightly catc hes the fold o f the hem. 1 Needle drop point 1 Stitch width ■ If the needle catches too much of the hem fold The needle is too far to the left.
UTILIT Y ST ITCHES ———————— ———————— ———————— ——————————— ———————— ————————— —— — 76 GETTING READ Y CONTENTS SEWING BASICS UT IL IT Y ST I TCHES APPENDIX INDEX Buttonhol e Stitching Buttonhole s can be sew n and button s can be sewn on .
Buttonhole S titching 77 GETTING READ Y CONTENTS SEWING BASICS UT IL IT Y ST I TCHES APPENDIX INDEX Buttonhole sewing The ma ximum button hole length is about 28 mm (1-1/8 inch) (diameter + thi ckness of the b utton). Button holes are se wn from the fron t of the pres ser foot to t he back, a s shown bel ow.
UTILIT Y ST ITCHES ———————— ———————— ———————— ——————————— ———————— ————————— —— — 78 GETTI.
Buttonhole S titching 79 GETTING READ Y CONTENTS SEWING BASICS UT IL IT Y ST I TCHES APPENDIX INDEX 8 Raise the presser foot lev er, remove the fabric, and then cut the thread.
UTILIT Y ST ITCHES ———————— ———————— ———————— ——————————— ———————— ————————— —— — 80 GETTI.
Buttonhole S titching 81 GETTING READ Y CONTENTS SEWING BASICS UT IL IT Y ST I TCHES APPENDIX INDEX 4 Place the butto n into button-sewing f oot “M”.
UTILIT Y ST ITCHES ———————— ———————— ———————— ——————————— ———————— ————————— —— — 82 GETTING READ Y CONTENTS SEWING BASICS UT IL IT Y ST I TCHES APPENDIX INDEX Zipp er Inserti on A zippe r can b e sewn in place.
Zipper Inse rtion 83 GETTING READ Y CONTENTS SEWING BASICS UT IL IT Y ST I TCHES APPENDIX INDEX 6 Select stitch 3 . • For d etails, refer to “ Selectin g stitching” (page 6 6). 7 Topstitc h around the z ipper. 1 Stitching 2 Right side of fabric 3 Basting stitching 4 End of zipper opening 8 Remove the basting stitchin g.
UTILIT Y ST ITCHES ———————— ———————— ———————— ——————————— ———————— ————————— —— — 84 GETTI.
Zipper Inse rtion 85 GETTING READ Y CONTENTS SEWING BASICS UT IL IT Y ST I TCHES APPENDIX INDEX 0 Clos e the zippe r, turn ov er the fab ric, an d then baste th e other sid e of the z ipper to the fabric. 1 Basting stitching a Attach the presser foot hold er to the other pin of zi pper foot “I ”.
UTILIT Y ST ITCHES ———————— ———————— ———————— ——————————— ———————— ————————— —— — 86 GETTI.
Sewing S tretch Fabric s and Elas tic Tape 87 GETTING READ Y CONTENTS SEWING BASICS UT IL IT Y ST I TCHES APPENDIX INDEX 3 Select a stit ch. • For d etails, refer to “ Selectin g stitching” (page 6 6). 4 Sew the elastic ta pe to the fabric while stretching the tape so that it is the same le ngth as the fabr ic.
UTILIT Y ST ITCHES ———————— ———————— ———————— ——————————— ———————— ————————— —— — 88 GETTI.
Appliqué , Patchwor k and Quilt S titching 89 GETTING READ Y CONTENTS SEWING BASICS UT IL IT Y ST I TCHES APPENDIX INDEX Appliqué stitching 1 Cut out the appliqué , leaving a seam allowan ce of betw een 3 an d 5 mm (1/ 8 and 3/ 16 i nch).
UTILIT Y ST ITCHES ———————— ———————— ———————— ——————————— ———————— ————————— —— — 90 GETTI.
Appliqué , Patchwor k and Quilt S titching 91 GETTING READ Y CONTENTS SEWING BASICS UT IL IT Y ST I TCHES APPENDIX INDEX Memo ● To ch ange the width of the seam allow ance (the ne edle position), a djust the stitch widt h. Quilting Sandw iching battin g between the top and bottom layers of fabric is called “quilting”.
UTILIT Y ST ITCHES ———————— ———————— ———————— ——————————— ———————— ————————— —— — 92 GETTI.
Appliqué , Patchwor k and Quilt S titching 93 GETTING READ Y CONTENTS SEWING BASICS UT IL IT Y ST I TCHES APPENDIX INDEX 4 Slide t he drop feed lev er, locat ed at the re ar of the mac hine on the base, to (to the right as se en fr om the fro nt of the ma chine ).
UTILIT Y ST ITCHES ———————— ———————— ———————— ——————————— ———————— ————————— —— — 94 GETTI.
Reinforceme nt Stitching 95 GETTING READ Y CONTENTS SEWING BASICS UT IL IT Y ST I TCHES APPENDIX INDEX Reinforcement Stitching Reinforce points that w ill be subject to st rain, such as sle eve holes, insea ms and pocket corn ers. Triple stretch stitching Use triple stre tch stitching t o reinforce sle eve holes and inseam s.
UTILIT Y ST ITCHES ———————— ———————— ———————— ——————————— ———————— ————————— —— — 96 GETTING READ Y CONTENTS SEWING BASICS UT IL IT Y ST I TCHES APPENDIX INDEX 2 Attach butt onhole fo ot “A”.
Reinforceme nt Stitching 97 GETTING READ Y CONTENTS SEWING BASICS UT IL IT Y ST I TCHES APPENDIX INDEX Dar ning Fabric t hat has been torn ca n be dar ned. Darning is sewn as shown below. 1 Determine the de sired length of the da rning. Set the button gu ide plate on buttonhole foot “A” to t he desired length.
UTILIT Y ST ITCHES ———————— ———————— ———————— ——————————— ———————— ————————— —— — 98 GETTING READ Y CONTENTS SEWING BASICS UT IL IT Y ST I TCHES APPENDIX INDEX 5 Pull down t he butt onhol e leve r as f ar as possible .
Eyelet Stitc hing 99 GETTING READ Y CONTENTS SEWING BASICS UT IL IT Y ST I TCHES APPENDIX INDEX Eyelet Stitching Eyelets, such as those on belts, can be se wn. Three siz es of eyelets are possible: 7 mm, 6 mm and 5 mm (1/4, 15/64 an d 3/16 inc h). 1 Attach mo nogramming foot “N”.
UTILIT Y ST ITCHES ———————— ———————— ———————— ——————————— ———————— ————————— —— — 100 GETT.
Decorative S titching 101 GETTING READ Y CONTENTS SEWING BASICS UT IL IT Y ST I TCHES APPENDIX INDEX Fagoting Stitching across an open sea m is called “fa goting”. It is used on bl ouses and child ren's clothi ng. This stitch is more deco rative whe n thicker thre ad is used.
UTILIT Y ST ITCHES ———————— ———————— ———————— ——————————— ———————— ————————— —— — 102 GETT.
Decorative S titching 103 GETTING READ Y CONTENTS SEWING BASICS UT IL IT Y ST I TCHES APPENDIX INDEX 5 Select stitch 25 , 26 or 27 . • For d etails, refer to “ Selectin g stitching” (page 6 6). 6 Stitch between t he stra ight stitc hes. 7 Pull out the threads for the straight stitches.
UTILIT Y ST ITCHES ———————— ———————— ———————— ——————————— ———————— ————————— —— — 104 GETTING READ Y CONTENTS SEWING BASICS UT IL IT Y ST I TCHES APPENDIX INDEX 5 Unfold t he fabric, an d then iron the tucks down to o ne side.
Decorative S titching 105 GETTING READ Y CONTENTS SEWING BASICS UT IL IT Y ST I TCHES APPENDIX INDEX Heirloom stitching When sewin g with the wing need le, the need le holes are enla rged, creat ing a lac e-like dec orative stitch . This is used to decorate he ms and table cloths on thin or mediu mweight fabrics in addition to pla in weave fabrics.
UTILIT Y ST ITCHES ———————— ———————— ———————— ——————————— ———————— ————————— —— — 106 GETTING READ Y CONTENTS SEWING BASICS UT IL IT Y ST I TCHES APPENDIX INDEX 2 Attach mo nogramming foot “N”.
Decorative S titching 107 GETTING READ Y CONTENTS SEWING BASICS UT IL IT Y ST I TCHES APPENDIX INDEX 2 Attach mo nogramming foot “N”. • For d etails, refer to “R eplacing th e presser foot” (page 41). 3 Select stitch 36 . • For d etails, refer to “ Selectin g stitching” (page 6 6).
UTILIT Y ST ITCHES ———————— ———————— ———————— ——————————— ———————— ————————— —— — 108 GETT.
Sewing the Various Bu ilt-In Deco rative Patter ns 109 GETTING READ Y CONTENTS SEWING BASICS UT IL IT Y ST I TCHES APPENDIX INDEX Combining patterns Multiple p atterns ca n be combi ned and sewn toget her. 1 Select the first pattern, an d then press (OK ke y).
UTILIT Y ST ITCHES ———————— ———————— ———————— ——————————— ———————— ————————— —— — 110 GETT.
Sewing the Various Bu ilt-In Deco rative Patter ns 111 GETTING READ Y CONTENTS SEWING BASICS UT IL IT Y ST I TCHES APPENDIX INDEX Chec king the sel ected pattern Up to 70 patterns can be combined. I f all of the selected patterns cannot be displayed in the LCD at the same time, the pa ttern can be checked a ccording to the fol lowing pr ocedure.
UTILIT Y ST ITCHES ———————— ———————— ———————— ——————————— ———————— ————————— —— — 112 GETT.
Sewing the Various Bu ilt-In Deco rative Patter ns 113 GETTING READ Y CONTENTS SEWING BASICS UT IL IT Y ST I TCHES APPENDIX INDEX Storing a pattern Combined patterns can b e stored f or later use. Since stored pat terns are not lo st after the sewing machi ne is turned off , they can be recalled a t any time.
UTILIT Y ST ITCHES ———————— ———————— ———————— ——————————— ———————— ————————— —— — 114 GETTING READ Y CONTENTS SEWING BASICS UT IL IT Y ST I TCHES APPENDIX INDEX 5 Press ( OK key).
Sewing the Various Bu ilt-In Deco rative Patter ns 115 GETTING READ Y CONTENTS SEWING BASICS UT IL IT Y ST I TCHES APPENDIX INDEX 5 Check the sewn pa ttern. If the pa rt of the patte rn indicated in the illustration is sewn uniform ly, the patte rn is correctly aligned.
UTILIT Y ST ITCHES ———————— ———————— ———————— ——————————— ———————— ————————— —— — 116 GETTING READ Y CONTENTS SEWING BASICS UT IL IT Y ST I TCHES APPENDIX INDEX S3_brotherE.
4 GETTING READ Y CONTENTS SEWING BASICS UT IL IT Y ST I TCHES APPENDIX INDEX APPENDIX The variou s mainte nance and troubles hooting pr ocedures a re des cribed in t his chapt er. Stitch Setting s ................. .................... ............. .
APPENDIX ———————— ———————— ————————— —————————— ————————— ———————— ————— — 118 GETTI.
Stitch Set tings 119 GETTING READ Y CONTENTS SEWING BASICS UT IL IT Y ST I TCHES APPENDIX INDEX Blind h em stitch 17 R Blind hem stitching on mediumweigh t fabrics 0.0 (0) 3 ← – 3 → 2.0 (1/16) 1.0–3.5 (1/16–1/8 ) No Reinforce - ment No 18 R Blind hem stitching on stretch fabr ics 0.
APPENDIX ———————— ———————— ————————— —————————— ————————— ———————— ————— — 120 GETTING READ Y CONTENTS SEWING BASICS UT IL IT Y ST I TCHES APPENDIX INDEX Decorative stitch 29 J Decorative stitchi ng 4.
Stitch Set tings 121 GETTING READ Y CONTENTS SEWING BASICS UT IL IT Y ST I TCHES APPENDIX INDEX Button hole stitch 42 A Horizontal b utton- holes on t hin and mediumweigh t fabrics 5.
APPENDIX ———————— ———————— ————————— —————————— ————————— ———————— ————— — 122 GETTING READ Y CONTENTS SEWING BASICS UT IL IT Y ST I TCHES APPENDIX INDEX Side cutt er 63 S Sewing stra ight stitch es while cutting the fabric 0.
Stitch Set tings 123 GETTING READ Y CONTENTS SEWING BASICS UT IL IT Y ST I TCHES APPENDIX INDEX Other stitche s Stitch Type Patter n Presser Foot Twin Needle Adjustable Pattern Length/wid th Left/Righ.
APPENDIX ———————— ———————— ————————— —————————— ————————— ———————— ————— — 124 GETTI.
Maintena nce 125 GETTING READ Y CONTENTS SEWING BASICS UT IL IT Y ST I TCHES APPENDIX INDEX 3 Turn the b alance wh eel toward y ou until the tip of the shuttle hook alig ns with the edge of the race sh elf. 1 Shuttle r ace 2 Shuttle 3 Edge of t he shutt le race 4 Tip of the shuttle hook • Be sure to turn the bala nce wheel tow ard you.
APPENDIX ———————— ———————— ————————— —————————— ————————— ———————— ————— — 126 GETTI.
Troublesho oting 127 GETTING READ Y CONTENTS SEWING BASICS UT IL IT Y ST I TCHES APPENDIX INDEX The upp er thread b reaks. The up per thread w as not threaded correct ly (for example, the spool is not inst alled correctl y, the spool cap is to o big for t he sp ool being used , or the thread has co me out of the nee- dle ba r thread ho ok).
APPENDIX ———————— ———————— ————————— —————————— ————————— ———————— ————— — 128 GETTING READ Y CONTENTS SEWING BASICS UT IL IT Y ST I TCHES APPENDIX INDEX The fab ric is wrinkl ed.
Troublesho oting 129 GETTING READ Y CONTENTS SEWING BASICS UT IL IT Y ST I TCHES APPENDIX INDEX The fab ric does not feed . The fe ed dogs are lo wered. Slide t he drop fe ed lever to the left. page 92 The stitc h is too fine. Len gthen the stit ch lengt h.
APPENDIX ———————— ———————— ————————— —————————— ————————— ———————— ————— — 130 GETTI.
Troublesho oting 131 GETTING READ Y CONTENTS SEWING BASICS UT IL IT Y ST I TCHES APPENDIX INDEX Nothing appears in the LCD If nothing appears in th e LCD when th e sewing machine is t urned on, the brightness of th e LCD is either too li ght or too dark .
APPENDIX ———————— ———————— ————————— —————————— ————————— ———————— ————— — 132 GETTI.
Index 133 GETTING READ Y CONTENTS SEWING BASICS UT IL IT Y ST I TCHES APPENDIX INDEX Index Symbol s + key ......... ...... ...... ......... ...... ...... ......... ...... ...... ..... C over E Numeri cs 2-point zi gzag sti tch .... ........ ...... ...
APPENDIX ———————— ———————— ————————— —————————— ————————— ———————— ————— — 134 GETTING READ Y CONTENTS SEWING BASICS UT IL IT Y ST I TCHES APPENDIX INDEX O OK key .
English 885-S08 XC5252-021 Printed in China.
デバイスBrother CS-8150の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Brother CS-8150をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはBrother CS-8150の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Brother CS-8150の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Brother CS-8150で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Brother CS-8150を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はBrother CS-8150の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Brother CS-8150に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちBrother CS-8150デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。