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If y o u need to call Customer Service Ple ase c omplet e the follo wing in forma tion f or fu ture re fe re n ce : Mod el Nu mbe r: MFC -J6 91 0DW Seri al N umb er : 1 Dat e of P ur c ha se : Pl ac e o f P ur c h as e : 1 The seria l numb er is on th e ba ck of the unit.
i Brother numbers IMPORT ANT For technic al help, you must ca ll the country wher e you bought the machine . Calls must be made fro m within t hat count ry. Re giste r your pr odu ct By register ing your product wit h B rother Internationa l Corporat ion, you will be recorde d as the origina l owner o f the prod uct.
ii Orde ring ac ces sorie s an d supp lies For b est quality results use only g enuine Br other acc essories, whic h are av ailable at mos t Broth er retail ers. I f you cannot find the access ory you nee d and you have a Visa, Mast erCard, Dis cover, or American Expre s s credit c ard, you can orde r accessor ies dir ectly f rom Brot her.
iii Descri ption It em Multipurpo se Paper - P lain Paper (Letter size / 500 shee ts) BP6 0MPLTR (U SA only ) Matte Inkjet P aper (Letter size / 25 sheets ) BP6 0ML (USA onl y) Plain Inkjet P aper (Le.
v Compilati on and Public ation Notice Under the s upervision of B rother Indust ries, Ltd. , this manual ha s been compiled an d publi s hed, covering the lat est product desc r i ptions and specificat ions. The contents of this man ual and the specificat ions of this pro duct are subject to change wit hout notice.
vi User's Guide s an d where do I find it? Which manual? What' s in it? Where is it? Safe t y an d Leg a l Read this Guide first. Pl ea se read the Safety Instructions before y ou set up your m achine. See th is Guide for trademar ks and legal limitations.
vii Table of Conte nts (BASIC USER’S GUIDE) 1 Gene ral info rmat ion 1 Usi ng th e do cum en tat ion ..... .. ... .. .. .. ... .... ... .. .. ... .. .. ..... .. ... .. .. ... .... ... .. .. ... .. .. ..... .. ... .. .. . 1 Sym b ols a nd co n vent ion s u sed in the d oc um ent ati on .
viii 5 Receiv ing a fa x 35 Receive Modes ....... ....... ....... ....... ......... ....... ...... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ..... ... 35 Choose the corr ect Recei ve Mode ........ ....... ....... ......... ....... ......... ....
ix 9 Photo Ca ptur e C enter ™: Prin tin g p hot os f rom a memor y c ard or U SB Flas h memo ry dr ive 57 PhotoCapt ure Center ™ operation s ...... ....... ......... ....... ........ ....... ....... ....... ......... .. 57 Usi n g a mem or y ca rd or U SB Fl as h me m or y d ri ve .
x C Men u a nd f eat ur es 1 00 On-screen pr ogramming ....... ....... ......... ....... ....... ......... ....... ......... ....... ......... ...... 100 Menu table . ..... ........ ....... ....... ....... ......... ....... ......... ....... .........
xi Table of Conte nts (ADVANCED USER’S GUIDE) The Advanced User ' s Guide ex plains the foll owing feature s and operat ions. You can view the Adv anced User's Guide on the Documentat ion CD-ROM.
1 1 1 Using the d ocumentation 1 Thank you for buying a Bro ther machine! Reading t he documentati on will help you make t he most o f yo ur machin e. Symb ols a nd conv e ntions us ed in the do cum ent ati on 1 The followi ng s ymbol s and conventions ar e used thr oughout the d ocumentation .
Chapter 1 2 Acces sing the A dva nce d U ser ’s Gui de, Softwar e User’s Gui de, Ne twork User ’s Guide, a nd Network Glo ssa ry 1 This B asic User’s Guide does not cont ain all the inform ation a bout the machine, such as how to use the advanc ed features fo r Fax, Copy , Photo Capture Ce nter™, P rinter, Scanne r, PC-Fax, and Network .
Gener al informat ion 3 1 Note • (Windows ® users only) Your Web browser m ay displ ay a yellow bar at the top of the page th at contains a securit y wa rning about Act ive X control s. For the page to displ ay correct ly you mus t click on the bar, cli ck Allow Bl ocked Conte nt , then click Yes in the Securi ty Warning dialog box .
Chapter 1 4 Acces sing B rother Support (Windows ® ) 1 You can fi nd all the contac ts you will need, such as Web suppor t (Brother Solu tions Cente r), C ustomer S er v ice and B rother Author ized Servic e Centers in Brot her num be r s on page i and on the Installat ion CD- R O M .
Gener al informat ion 5 1 Acces sing Brother Support (Ma cintosh) 1 You can find all the contac ts you will need, such as W eb s upport (Br other Sol utions Center) on t he Inst allation CD-ROM.
Chapter 1 6 Contro l panel ov ervie w 1 1 Fax an d Copy keys : Duplex Press thi s key to copy , scan or fax both sides of th e paper. Ni n1C o p y Press thi s key to m ake N i n 1 or Pos ter cop ie s . Fax Preview Lets you pr eview incoming faxe s on the LCD.
Gener al informat ion 7 1 5 Start keys : Black Start Lets you start sendi ng f axes or maki ng copies in black & whi te. Also lets you star t a scann ing oper ation (in color or black & whi te depending on the sca n setting in the Contr olCenter software) .
Chapter 1 8 LCD T ouchs cr ee n 1 The LCD shows the cur rent machine sta tus when the mac hine is idle. 1 F axes in memory Show s how ma ny receive d faxes are in the memory. 2 Fax Preview Lets you p revi ew rece ived faxes. 3M E N U Lets you a ccess the main m enu.
Gener al informat ion 9 1 Ba sic Op era t ions 1 To operate the Touc hscreen use your finger to press the MENU or opti on button direct ly on the T ouchscreen. To di splay an d access all the screen menus or options in a setti ng, press dc or ab to s croll through them.
10 2 Loadin g paper and other print medi a 2 Note Fo r Tra y #2, see Loading paper in paper tra y #2 on page 13. Lo adi ng pa pe r in pa pe r t ray #1 2 a Pull the pape r tray completely out of t he machine. Note If the paper support fl ap (1) is open, clos e it, and then cl ose the paper s upport (2).
Loading p aper 11 2 b Open t he out put pap er tray cover (1). c With both hands , gently press and sli de the p aper l ength g uide (1) and t hen th e paper side gui des (2) to fit the paper size.
Chapter 2 12 Note When you put Photo L si z e into the pa per tray, y ou nee d to release the hi nges o n both sides of t h e outpu t paper tray cover, and push the cover ov er. And then slide the pa per l ength gu ide. f Gently adj ust the paper s ide guides to fit the pa per wi th both h ands.
Loading p aper 13 2 i While holdi ng the paper tray in place , pull o ut th e paper suppor t (1) un til it clicks, and then unfold the pape r support flap (2). Note Befor e you sh orten Tr ay #1, tak e the pa per out of the tr ay. T hen s horte n the tray by pres sing the unive rsal gui de re lea se but ton ( 1).
Chapter 2 14 b Open the paper tray c over (1). c Using both hands , gently press and slide the paper leng th guide (1) and then the paper s ide guid es (2) to f it the paper size. Make sur e th at the t riangu lar marks (3) on the paper lengt h guide (1) and pape r side guides (2) l ine up wi th t he marks f or the pa per size you are u s ing.
Loading p aper 15 2 Note Be caref ul not t o push the pap er in too f ar; it may lift at t he back o f the tray and c ause feed problem s. g Close the paper tray c ove r . h Slowly push t he paper tray back i nto the machine. i Do one of the following : If you are using Ledg er, Legal or A3 si z e paper, go to step j .
Chapter 2 16 l Close the output paper tray cover and slowly pus h the paper t ray in to th e machine. m Pull out the paper s upport (1) until it clicks and un fold the paper support fl ap (2 ) . Note If you are finished us ing Led ger, Legal or A3 size paper and want to use a smalle r paper size, take the pa per out of t he tray.
Loading p aper 17 2 Loa ding p aper in the manu al feed slot 2 You can load specia l print media one at a time int o this slot. Us e the man ual feed slot t o print or copy on en velopes, labels or t hicker paper. Note • The mac hine a utomaticall y tur ns on t he Manual Feed mode when you put paper in the manual fee d slot.
Chapter 2 18 d Using both h ands gentl y adj ust the manual feed sl ot paper guides to fit the paper. Note • D O NOT pr ess the paper guides too t ightly agains t t he paper. Doing this may caus e the pa per to f old. • Place the paper in the center of t he manual feed slot between t he p aper guides .
Loading p aper 19 2 Load in g en vel ope s and post cards 2 Abou t envel opes 2 Use envelo pes that weigh f rom 20 to 25 lb (80 to 95 g/m 2 ). Some envelopes need margin setting s to be set in the applicat ion . M ake sure you do a test print f irst before printi ng man y envel opes.
Chapter 2 20 b Put env elopes or postcards in the paper tray with the address side down and the leading edge in fi rst as shown in the illus tration . U sing both hands , gent ly press an d sli de the paper length guide (1) and paper si de guides (2) to fit the size of the envelope s or postcards.
Loading p aper 21 2 Pr i nta ble ar ea 2 The print able ar ea dep ends o n the s e ttings in t he app lication y ou are us ing. The figures belo w show the unprin table areas on cut-she et paper and envelopes . T he machine can print in the shaded areas of cut-s heet paper only when the Borderle ss print featur e is avai lable and turned on.
Chapter 2 22 Paper settings 2 Pa per Si ze an d Ty pe 2 To get the best print qual ity, set the machine for the t y p e of paper you are using . You can use eight sizes of paper for printi ng cop ies: Letter, Legal, Ledger, A4, A5, A3, Execut ive and 4 6i n .
Loading p aper 23 2 Tray use i n FA X mod e 2 You can chang e t he def ault t ray the mac hine will us e fo r printing received f axes. Auto Select wi ll allow your machine t o take paper from Tray #1 f irst , or from Tray #2 if: Tray #2 is set to a differen t paper siz e tha t is more sui table for the received f axes.
Chapter 2 24 Accep table pape r and other print medi a 2 The print qu ality can be affected by the type of paper you use in t he machi ne. To get t he bes t print qualit y for t he s ettings you have c hosen, al ways set the Paper Typ e to match the type of paper y ou load.
Loading p aper 25 2 Ha ndling and us ing prin t me d ia 2 Stor e paper i n its or iginal pa ckaging and keep it seal ed. Keep the pa per flat and away fro m moistu re, direct sunl ight and heat. Avoid to uching the shiny (coat ed) side of photo paper.
Chapter 2 26 Choosing t he right print m edia 2 Paper t yp e and s iz e for ea ch ope rat i on 2 1 Ma nu al Fe ed Sl ot on ly Pa per T ype Paper Size Usag e Fax Co py Ph ot o Ca pt ur e Printer Cut-Sheet Ledger 11 17 in. (279.4 4 31.8 mm ) Yes Yes Y es Yes Letter 8 1/2 11 i n.
Loading p aper 27 2 Pape r capac ity o f th e pa per t rays 2 1 Up t o 25 0 s heet s of pl ai n pap er 20 lb (8 0 g/m 2 ). Pap er we ight an d thi ckne ss 2 1 BP 71 69 lb (2 60 g/m 2 ) p ape r is e sp ecial ly de si gn ed for B rot he r in kjet mac hine s.
28 3 How t o l oa d documents 3 You can send a fax, mak e copies , and scan from the ADF (auto m atic doc ument feeder) and f rom t he sca nner glas s. Duplex (2-sided) doc uments can be faxed, cop ied, or sc anned up t o Legal size u s ing t he ADF. Using the ADF 3 The ADF can hol d up to 35 pages and fee ds eac h shee t indivi dually.
Loadi ng docume nts 29 3 d Place your docume nt, face up, top edge fir st in t he ADF u nt il the LCD shows ADF Ready an d you f eel it touch the f eed roll ers. IMPORT ANT DO NO T leave a thick document on the scanner gl ass. I f you do this, the ADF m ay ja m .
Chapter 3 30 U nscann able ar ea 3 The sc annable area depends on the settings in the appl ication you are using. The fi gures below s how unscannabl e areas. 1 The un scanna ble are a is 0. 04 in (1 mm ) when you use th e A DF. Usa ge Doc ume n t Siz e Top ( 1 ) Bo tt om (2 ) Le ft (3 ) Right (4) Fax Ledger 0.
31 4 4 How to send a fax 4 The followi ng s teps show how to send a fax. a When t he mac hine is i dle, t he dat e and time appea r on t he LCD. When y ou want to send a fax, or chang e fax s end or receive s ettings, pr ess the ( FAX ) key to illum inate it in blue.
Chapter 4 32 c You can c hange the following fax sending settings. Press FAX and then press d or c to scroll through the fax settings. When the setting you want i s displayed, press it and c hoose your op tion. (Basic User's Guide) For details c hanging the followi ng fax sending setti ngs, see pages 33 to 34.
Sending a fax 33 4 Stop fa xing 4 To stop faxing, press Stop/Exi t . Se tti ng sc an ner gl a ss si ze for faxi ng 4 When documents are A4 size, you need to set the Scan Size to A4. If you do not, the bottom p ortion o f the faxes will be mi s si ng. a Press ( FAX ).
Chapter 4 34 h Pres s Black Star t . Note The f ax message in the mem ory w ill be sent and then eras ed when you pre s s Black Star t . Tr ansmis sion Ver ifi catio n Rep o rt 4 You can use the Tran smission Verif ication Repor t as proof that you sent a fax.
35 5 5 Re ceive M odes 5 Choo se th e co rrec t R eceive Mode 5 The correct Receive M ode is d etermined by the external dev ices and telephone subscriber service s (Voic e M ail, Dis tinctive Ring, etc.) you have (or will be us ing) on the s ame line as the Brother mac hine.
Chapter 5 36 To set the Recei ve Mod e follow the instructi ons below: a Pres s MENU . b Pres s a or b to di splay Initial Setup . c Pres s Initial Setup . d Pres s a or b to di splay Receive Mode . e Pres s Receive Mode . f Pres s Fax Only , Fax/Tel , External TAD or Manual .
Rec eiving a fax 37 5 Using Rec eive Mo des 5 Some Receive Modes ans wer automatical ly ( Fax Only and Fax/Tel ). You may wa nt to change the Ri ng Delay b ef ore using t hese modes. (See Ri ng Delay on page 38.) Fa x Onl y 5 Fax Only mode will automat ically answer every call as a fax call.
Chapter 5 38 Recei ve Mode settin gs 5 Rin g De l a y 5 The Ring Delay sets the number of tim es the machi ne ring s befo re it ans wers i n Fax Only or Fax/Tel m ode. If you hav e external or extens ion t elephones o n the same line a s the machi ne , keep the Ring Delay se tting of 4r i n g s .
Rec eiving a fax 39 5 Easy Recei ve 5 If Eas y Re ceive is On : 5 The machine can rece ive a fax automat ically, even if you answer the call. When you s e e Receiving on the LCD o r hear a cli ck on the phone lin e through t he hands et you are using, jus t replace the handset.
Chapter 5 40 Usin g Fa x P revi e w 5 When you r eceiv e a fax, you wil l see the pop- up message on the LCD. (For ex ample: New Fax(es): 02 ) a Pres s Fax P review .
Rec eiving a fax 41 5 How to prin t a fa x 5 a Press Fax Preview . b Press the fax you want to view . c Press (Print) . If the fax is mul tiple pages, go to step d . If the fax is a sing le page it will start prin tin g. Go to s tep e . d Do one of the following : Press Print All Pages to pri nt all pages of the fax.
42 6 Telephone serv ices 6 Your mac hine supports the Calle r ID a nd Dis tinctive Ring subscriber telephon e servic es that some telep hone companies of fe r .
Telephone services and external de vices 43 6 Dist inct ive Ri ng 6 Distinc tive Rin g is a fun ction of you r B rother machine t hat all ows a per son with one line t o receive f ax and vo ice cal ls through two different phone numbers on that one line.
Chapter 6 44 Note Ring P attern #1 is of ten cal led Short-Short and is the most commo nly used . If the ring patter n you received is not on th is c har t, please ca ll yo ur teleph one company a nd ask for o ne that is shown . The machin e will only answer calls to it s regist ered number.
Telephone services and external de vices 45 6 Conn ectin g an exter nal TAD (telephon e an swering devi ce) 6 You may choose to connect an exte rnal answering devic e. However, when you have an external TAD on the same t elephone line as the m achine, the TAD ans wers al l calls and the machine “list ens” for fax calli ng (CNG) tones.
Chapter 6 46 C onn ecti ons 6 The externa l TAD mus t be plugged into the jac k labeled EXT. Your machi ne cannot work pro perly if you plug the TAD into a wall jack (un less you are using Dist inctive Ring) . a Plug the teleph one line cord from the telephone wall ja c k int o the j ack label ed LINE.
Telephone services and external de vices 47 6 Exter nal and ex tens ion telepho nes 6 Co nne cting a n exter nal or ext ensi on t eleph one 6 You can connect a separate tel ephone to your machine as shown in the dia gram below. Connect t he tel ephone li ne cord to t he jac k labeled E XT.
Chapter 6 48 Using a n on- Brothe r c ordles s exte rn al tel ep hon e 6 If your non-Broth er cordl ess telephon e is con nected to the EXT. jack of the machin e and y ou t ypically carr y the cordless handset els ewhere, it is easier to answer calls during the Ring Delay.
49 7 7 How to dial 7 Ma nual dial in g 7 Press all of the digit s of the fax or telephon e number. One Touch Di alin g 7 Your mac hine has 8 One Touch keys wh ere you can store 16 f ax or telephone numbers for automati c dia ling. Press the One T ouch key that stores the number you want to call.
Chapter 7 50 Fax R ed ial 7 If you are s en ding a fa x ma nually and t he line is busy, pre ss Re di al/P au se , and then p ress Black St art or Color Start to t ry agai n. If you want to mak e a sec ond call to a nu m ber you recen tly dialed, you can pres s Redial/ Pause and c hoose on e of the last 30 numbers from the Outgoi ng Call List .
Dialing and s toring n umbers 51 7 a Do one of the following : Press the O ne Touch key where you want to st ore the number. If a num ber i s not stored th ere, the LCD shows Not Registered Register Now? Press Yes . Press ( Phone Book ), More , and Se t One Touch Dial .
Chapter 7 52 g To choose where th e numbe r will be stored , do one of t he follo wing: To a ccept the di splayed next avai lable Speed Dial locati on, press OK . To enter a dif ferent Speed Dial loc ation, press the 2-digi t number usi ng the button s on the Touchs creen.
Dialing and s toring n umbers 53 7 f Do one of the following : If you want to change th e name, pre s s Name: Enter the new name (up to 16 cha racters) by pressing t he b uttons on the Tou c hscreen .
54 8 How to copy 8 The followi ng steps show t he basic copy oper ation. For det ails about each option , see the Advanc ed User’s Guide . a When you want to make a copy, pr ess ( COPY ) to il luminate it in blue . Make sur e you are in COPY mode.
Making c opies 55 8 Copy setti ngs 8 You can change the foll owing copy s e ttings. Pre ss COPY an d then press d or c to scroll through t he c opy setti ngs. Wh en the setting you want is displayed, press it and choos e your opt ion. (Basic User' s Guide) For details about chan ging the foll owing copy settings, see page 55.
Chapter 8 56 Tray S el e ct 8 You can tempora rily change the t r a y for the nex t copy. T o change the default tray sett ing see Tray use in COPY mode on page 22. a Pres s ( CO PY ). b Load your docum ent. c Enter the nu mber of c opies y ou want . d Pres s d or c to di splay Tray Select .
57 9 9 PhotoCapture Cente r™ o peration s 9 Even if your machine is not connected to your computer, you c an print photo s direct ly f rom digital camera me dia or a US B Flash m em ory drive. (See Pr in t Imag es on page 60.) You can scan documents and sav e them direct ly to a memory card or US B Flash memory drive.
Chapter 9 58 Getting star ted 9 Firm ly put a m emory car d or USB Flash memory dr ive into the proper slot. 1 USB Fla sh m emory d riv e IMPORT ANT The USB direct int erface supports only a USB Flash memory drive, a PictBridg e-com p atible camera, or a digital cam era that use s the USB mass storage standard.
Pho toCap ture Center ™: Pri nting photos fr om a m emory car d or USB Flash m emor y drive 59 9 IMPORT ANT DO NO T insert a M emory Sti ck Duo™ into the lower S D slo t. Doing this may cau se damage to t he mac hine. PHOTO CAPTURE key lights: PHOTO CAPTUR E light is on, the memory ca r d or USB Flash memory driv e is proper ly inse rted.
Chapter 9 60 Print Ima ges 9 View Photos 9 You can prev iew your photos on the LCD before you print them. If your ph otos are l arge fil es ther e may b e a delay befor e each phot o is display ed on t he LCD. a Make sure you have put th e memory card or USB Flash memo r y drive in the proper slot.
Pho toCap ture Center ™: Pri nting photos fr om a m emory car d or USB Flash m emor y drive 61 9 PhotoCapture Cente r™ pri nt settings 9 You can change the print sett ings for th e next printing .
Chapter 9 62 b Do one of the following: If you want to scan a 2-sided docu ment, load your document in the ADF. Press Stop /Exit t o retu rn to Ready mode. Press Du plex , and then press Scan . Go to ste p c . If you want to scan a single - si ded docu ment, l oad your document and press ( SCAN ).
63 10 10 Prin ting a document 10 The machine can rec eive data from your computer and pr int i t. To print f rom a computer, instal l the printer driv er. (Se e Printing for Windows ® or Print ing and Fax ing for M acintosh in th e Softwa r e Us er’s Guid e for d etails a bout t he print setti ngs.
64 11 Scann ing a docum ent 11 There ar e s e v era l ways to scan docum ents. You can use t he SCAN key on t he mach ine or the sc anner drivers on your comp uter. a To use th e machine a s a scanner , insta ll a scanner dri v er. If the machine is on a Network , configure it with a TCP/IP address.
65 A A Replac ing the ink cartridges A Your mac hine is equipped wit h an ink dot counter. The ink dot counter automatical ly monitor s the lev el of ink in each of the four cartri dges. Whe n the machin e detects an ink cartri dge is runni ng out of i nk, the machine will tell you wit h a message on the LCD.
66 d Turn the green re lease lever on the orange p r o tective packing (1) clock wise until i t clicks to rele ase the va cuum s eal. Then rem ove the oran ge protect ive packing as sho wn. e Each c olor has i ts ow n corre ct posit ion. Insert t he ink cartr idge in the di rection of the arrow on the label.
Routin e maintenan ce 67 A IMPORT ANT • DO NO T take out i nk cart ridges if you do not need to repla ce them. If you do so, it may reduc e the ink quant ity and the machine will not know the quanti ty of ink left in t he ca rtridge. • DO NO T touch the cartridg e inser tion slots.
68 d Close the document c ove r and open the ADF co ver. Clean the whit e bar (1) and the glas s strip (2) wit h a sof t lint-free cloth moiste ned with a non-flammable gla ss cleaner.
Routin e maintenan ce 69 A Ch ec king the prin t quality A If faded or streak ed colors and text appe ar on your printout s, some of the print head nozzles may be clogged. You can check this by printing the P rint Q uality Check Shee t and looking at the nozzle chec k patter n.
70 C hecki ng t h e prin t al ign ment A You may ne ed to adjust t he print alignm ent aft er transpo r ting the machine if your pr inted text becomes blur red or images become faded . a Pres s . b Pres s Test Print . c Pres s Alignment . d Pres s Black Star t or Color Start .
71 B B Error and Ma intena nce me ssa ges B As with any sophi sticated of fice prod uct, errors may oc cur and consumable i t ems may ne ed to be replaced. If this happens , your machine ide ntifies the p roblem and sho ws a message. Th e most common error and mainte nance message s are shown below.
72 Cannot Detect You installed a new ink cartrid ge too quickly and the mac hine did not dete ct it. Take out the new i nk c artridge and re-ins tall it slowly un til it clic ks. If you are not us ing G enuine Br other Innobella™ i nk the m achine may not detect the ink cartri dge.
Troubleshoot ing 73 B DR Mode in Use The machine i s set to Di stinctiv e Ring m ode. You can not change the Rec eive Mode from Manual to another m ode. Set Dis tinctive Ri ng to Off . (See Turning off D istincti ve Ring on page 44.) High Temperature T he pri nt head is too warm .
74 Ink A bsorber NearFull The ink absorbe r box or flus hing box i s nearly full. The ink a bsorber box or flu shing box will ne ed to be replac ed soon . Call Brother C ustomer S ervice or a Br other Authori zed Servi ce Center to have your m achine se rviced.
Troubleshoot ing 75 B No Paper Fed The ma chine is out of paper or paper is not pr operly loaded in the paper tray. Do one of the fol lowing: Refill the pa per in th e paper tray, and then p ress Black St art or Co lor S ta rt . Remov e the paper and load i t again , and then pr ess B lack St art or Color St art .
76 Out of Fax Memory The fax m emory is ful l. Do one of th e follo wing: Cle ar the data in the memor y. To gain extra me mory, you can turn o ff M em ory R ec eiv e. (S ee Turning off Memo ry Rec eive oper ations in chap ter 4 of the Ad vanced User’s Guide .
Troubleshoot ing 77 B Paper Jam [Rear] P aper is jammed in the machi ne. Remo ve the jammed paper by following th e s teps in Paper is jamm ed at the bac k of the mac hine on page 82. Make sure the pap er length guide is set to the correct p aper siz e.
78 Wrong Paper Size The Pa per Siz e setting doe s no t match t he si ze of pap er in the tr ay. O r, you did not set th e paper guides in the tray to the i ndicator s for the pa per size you are using. 1 Chec k that the paper s ize you choo se match es the size of paper in th e tray.
Troubleshoot ing 79 B Error animation B Error animat ions displa y ste p-by-step instruct ions when paper gets jammed. Y ou can read the steps at your own pace by pressing c to see the next step a nd d to g o backward. Tran sfer r ing you r faxe s or Fa x Jour n al re por t B If the LCD shows: Unable to Clean XX Unable to Init.
80 Tran sf er rin g th e Fa x Jou r nal re port to an othe r f ax mac hi ne B If you have not set up your Station ID , you can not enter fax transf er mode. (See Set you r Stati on ID in the Qui ck Setup Guide .) a Pres s Stop/Ex it to i nt errupt the error t em p or ari l y .
Troubleshoot ing 81 B Docum ent is jammed insid e the ADF uni t B a Take out any pape r from the ADF that is not j ammed. b Lift the document cov er. c Pull the j ammed do cument out to t he right. d Close the docum ent cover. e Press Sto p/Ex it . Remo vin g small d ocume nts ja mmed in the ADF B a Lift the document cov er.
82 d Lift the Jam Clear fl ap, and remove the jammed paper. e Put th e pa per tray f irmly back in the machine. Note Make sure you pull out t he paper support until it cli cks. f Re-connect the power c ord. Note If there is a repeat paper ja m, a small piece of pa per may be stuc k in t he machine.
Troubleshoot ing 83 B d Close the J am Cl ear Co ver. Ma ke sure the cover is cl osed properly . e Re-conne ct the power cord. P ap er i s j am med at the f r on t a nd ba ck of the ma chine B If the LCD shows Paper Jam [Front,Rear] , f ollow these steps: a Unplug th e machine f rom the AC powe r outlet.
84 d Lift the flap, and remove the jammed paper. (With trays r emoved , go to step e .) e Open t he Jam Clear Cov er ( 1) at the back of the machine. f Pull the jammed paper out of the ma ch in e. g Close th e Jam Clear Co ver. Ma ke sure the cover is closed prope rly.
Troubleshoot ing 85 B h Put paper tray #1 (1) and then tray #2 (2) f irmly back in the machine. i Using both hands, use the f inger holds on each side of the machin e to lif t t h e scanner c over (1) into the open p ositi on. Move the print head (if neces sary) to take ou t any paper r emaining in this area.
86 j Gently clos e the scanner cover usin g the finger hol ds on each side. CAUTIO N Be carefu l n ot t o trap yo ur fingers under the scanne r cover. Alwa ys use the finger holds provided on each side of the scanner cover when opening and c losin g it.
Troubleshoot ing 87 B CAUTIO N Be careful not to trap your finge rs under the scanner c over. Always use the finger hold s provided on each side of the scanner cov er whe n opening and closing i t.
88 Troubleshooting B IMPORT ANT For technic al help, you must call the count ry where you bought the machine. Calls must be made from with in th at country. If you think there is a prob lem wi th your machine, check the char t below and follow the troubl eshoot ing tips.
Troubleshoot ing 89 B P oor pr int qua lit y. Ch eck t he pri nt qu al ity . ( See Chec ki ng t he pri nt qual it y on page 69.) Make sure th at the Me dia T yp e s ettin g in th e printe r driver or the Paper Typ e sett ing in the m achi ne ’s me nu mat ch es th e ty pe of pa pe r you are us in g.
90 The print outs are wri nk led. (Win dows ® us ers) In th e print er driver Ad vanced tab, cl ick Color Settings , and unch eck Bi-Directio nal Printing . (M aci nto sh u sers ) In th e print er driver, c hoose Prin t Settings , cl ick Ad vanc ed , ch oo se Ot he r Pr in t O pt ion s , an d unch ec k Bi -Dire ctio nal Printing .
Troubleshoot ing 91 B Machin e does not pr int from Ad ob e ® Illu s trato r ® . Try to reduce th e print resol ution. (Se e Pri nt ing for W ind ow s ® or P rin ting an d Fax ing for Macin tosh in th e Softwar e User’s Guide .
92 Re ce iving Faxe s Dif ficulty Su gges tion s Ca nnot rec e ive a fa x. Mak e s ure you r mach ine h as a di al t one by pre ssi ng th e Hook key. If yo u hear stat ic or int erfer e nce on you r fa x line , ple as e co ntac t y our loc al tele ph one com pany .
Troubleshoot ing 93 B Ca nnot rece iv e a f ax. (c ont inu ed ) If you ar e using a t elep ho ne ans w eri ng ma ch ine ( Exte rnal TAD mode) on th e sam e lin e as the B rot her mach ine, ma ke su re yo ur an sw e rin g mac hine is s et up correctl y.
94 Sen t fax es are bl an k. Ma ke su re yo u a re load in g the doc ume nt pr o per ly . (See Load ing d oc ument s on pa ge 2 8. ) Po or fax s end qual ity. T ry chan gi ng y ou r re so lut i on to Fi ne or S.Fi ne . M ake a co py to c he ck yo ur ma chine 's s can ne r op erat ion .
Troubleshoot ing 95 B Scan ning Di fficu ltie s Diffic ulty Sugg est ions TW AIN o r WIA erro r s ap pe ar w he n star ting to scan. (Windows ® ) Mak e su re the B rot h er TW A IN or W IA dr ive r is ch ose n a s the p rima r y sour ce in your sca nnin g ap pli cati on .
96 Ph otoC aptu re Cent er™ Dif fic ul tie s Dif ficulty Su gges tion s Remo va bl e Di sk do es not w ork pr oper l y. 1 If y ou a re us in g Wi ndow s ® 20 00, h ave you in stal led t he Wind ow s ® 20 00 update? If not, do the fol lowing: 1) Unpl ug th e U SB cab le.
Troubleshoot ing 97 B The n et wor k sc an ning feat ure doe s not w o rk. (Win dows ® us ers) It is nece ssary to configure the thi rd-par ty Security /Firewal l Sof tware to a llow Net wor k scan ni ng .
98 Dial T one B Setti ng the dial tone to Detecti on w ill shorten the dial de t ect pau se. a Pres s MENU . b Pres s a or b to di splay Initial Setup . c Pres s Initial Setup . d Pres s a or b to di splay Dial Tone . e Pres s Dial Tone . f Pres s Detection or No Detection .
Troubleshoot ing 99 B Mac hine I nformatio n B Ch ec ki ng the se ri al num b er B You can see the mac hine’s serial number on the LCD. a Press MENU .
100 C On-scr een programming C Your mac hine is designed to be easy to oper ate with LCD on-scr een programming usi ng the menu but tons on t he Touchscree n. Use r -f riendly programming hel ps you take f ull adv antage o f all the menu select ions y our machine has to offer.
Menu and featur es 101 C Menu table C The menu table will hel p you unde r stand th e menu selections and opt ions that are found in the machine' s progra m s.
102 General S etup (C onti nu ed) Tray Setting (C onti nu ed) Tray#2 Pa per Size (Options) Letter * Legal Ledger A4 A3 EXE S e ts th e si z e of pa p er i n th e pa pe r tra y #2 . 22 Tra y Us e: Co p y Tray#1 Tray#2 Auto S elect * Choose the tray th at wil l be us ed for C OPY mod e.
Menu and featur es 103 C General Se tup (Co nti nu ed) Sleep Mode — 1 Min 2 Mins 3 Mins 5 Mins * 10 Mins 30 Mins 60 Mins You ca n ch oose how lo ng the machine must be i dle bef o re it go es i nto Sl eep mode. See 1 . LGR - Short Gra in — On Off * Turn on this s etting when you us e Ledg er sh ort gr ain pa pe r .
104 Fax (C onti nu ed) Setup Rec eive (C onti nu ed) Au to Reducti on On * Off Re du ce s t h e s ize of in com ing f axes. Se e 1 . Me mory R ecei ve Off * Fax Fo rward Paging Fax St orage PC Fax Rec.
Menu and featur es 105 C Fax (Co nti nu ed) Miscellane ous Disti nctiv e Off * Set ( On ) Us es t he te le phon e com p any's Dist incti ve Ri ng sub scr ibe r serv ic e to re gist er t he ring patter n wi th th e ma ch ine.
106 N etwor k me nu Leve l1 Level 2 Leve l3 Lev el4 Opti ons De scr ipt ion s Network Wired LAN TCP/IP BOOT Method Auto * Static RARP BOOTP DHCP Choos e the BOOT method that be st suits your ne eds. IP Address [000-255]. [000-255] . [000-255] . [000-255] Enter th e IP addr e ss.
Menu and featur es 107 C Network (Co nti nu ed) Wired L AN (Con ti nued) TCP/IP (C onti nu ed) IPv6 On Off * En ab le or disa bl e th e IPv 6 pr oto co l. If y ou want to us e th e IPv 6 pr oto co l, vi si t ht tp: //s ol utio ns . bro the r.c om/ for more information.
108 Network (C onti nu ed) WLAN (C ont i nued) TCP/IP (Co nti nued) WINS Server (Pr imary ) 000. 000.000.000 (Seconda ry) 000. 000.000.000 Spec ifi es the IP addr e ss of t he pri mary o r secon da ry WIN S serv er. DNS Server (Pr imary ) 000. 000.000.
Menu and featur es 109 C Network (Co nti nu ed) WLAN (Con ti nued) WLAN Status St atus — Yo u can se e t he current wirele s s ne twor k s tat us. Signal — Yo u ca n se e the current wirele s s net wor k si gnal str engt h. SSID — Yo u ca n se e the current SSID.
110 Network (C onti nu ed) E-mail /IFAX (Avail able afte r IFAX is dow n load ed ) (C ont i nued) Setup Se rver (Co nti nued) Mailbox Pwd — Ent er the passw o rd to logi n to th e P O P 3 se rv er . (U p to 20 c har acte rs ) APOP On Off * Enab l es or disa bl es AP OP .
Menu and featur es 111 C Network (Co nti nu ed) E-mail/ IFAX (A v a il ab le af t er IFAX is dow n load ed ) (Con ti nued) Setup Rel ay Rl y Bro adcas t On Off * Relays a document to anot her fax mach in e ov er t he Internet. Relay D omain — Registers the Domain name.
112 MENU ( ) (conti nued) Level1 Lev el2 Level3 O ptions Descriptions Page Print Rep orts Transmiss ion — — Prints th ese li sts and reports. Se e 1 . Help List —— Quick Dia l — Alphab etica l Order N umer ica l Ord er Fax Journal —— User Settings —— Network Config —— WLAN Report —— Ca ller ID hi st .
Menu and featur es 113 C Initial Se tup (Co nti nu ed) Reset Network — Re set s t he pr int se rver back to i ts fact ory defau lt settings , such as th e pass word and I P a ddr ess inf o rmat ion.
114 FAX ( ) Leve l1 L evel 2 Level 3 Opt ion s Desc ript i ons Page Call Hist ory Outgoi ng Ca ll Sen d a fax — Yo u ca n ch oose a nu mbe r from th e Outgoing Cal l hi stor y a nd then mak e a tele phone call to it, send a fax to it , add i t to S peed Dial, add it to One Touch Dial, or delete it.
Menu and featur es 115 C Gl ass Scan S ize —— L etter * Legal Ledger A4 A3 To f ax a Lega l, Le dger , A3 o r A4 si ze doc ume nt , you 'll nee d to c han ge the Glass Sca n Siz e s etti ng. 33 Volume (A pp ears af ter pre ssing H ook ) —— Off Low Med * High Ad ju st s t he v ol ume le vel of th e spea ker.
116 SCAN ( ) Level1 Option1 Option2 Option3 Descrip tions Page to File — — — Yo u can sca n a b lack & white or a c olor d ocum e nt in to yo ur co mput er. See 1 . Duplex Sc an — Off * DuplexScan : LongEdge DuplexScan : ShortEdge You ca n ch oo se th e du plex SCA N m od e.
Menu and featur es 117 C to Media (when a memory card or U SB Flash memory dri ve is in se rted) (Co nti nu ed) Glass Scan Size — Letter * Legal Ledger A4 A3 To s can a Le ga l, Le dg er, A3 or A4 s iz e docu m ent , yo u' ll nee d t o chan ge the Glass S can S ize se tting .
118 to Email (C onti nu ed) E-mail se rver (Av ai labl e aft er IF AX is down loaded) (C onti nu ed) Manual Phone Book (Con ti nued) Duplex Scan (Options) Off * DuplexScan : LongEdge DuplexScan : ShortEdge You ca n ch oo se th e du plex SCA N m od e. See 1 .
Menu and featur es 119 C to Email (Co nti nu ed) E-mail ser ver (Ava ilable after I FAX is down loaded) (Co n tin ued) Manual Phone Bo ok (Co nti nued) Glass Scan Size (Opt ions ) Letter * Legal Ledger A4 A3 To s can a Le ga l, Le dg er, A3 or A4 s iz e do cu men t , yo u’l l nee d t o chan ge the Glass S can S ize se tting .
120 CO PY ( ) Leve l1 Lev el 2 Leve l3 Op tion s Descr i ptio ns Page Quality —— Fast Normal * Best Choose the Copy resolu tion for th e next copy. See 1 . Paper Typ e —— Plain Pape r * Inkjet Pap er Brother BP 71 Brother BP 61 Other Glossy Transparen cy Ch oo se the pa pe r typ e th at matches th e paper in the tray.
Menu and featur es 121 C Enl arge/ Redu ce (Co nti nu ed) Fit to Page — — Your machine wil l adjust the size au toma tica lly to the pap er si ze yo u set . Se e 1 . C ustom(2 5-4 00 %) — — Yo u ca n ent er an enl ar gem ent o r r edu ct ion ratio.
122 Duplex Co py —— Off * 2side i 2si de 1side i 2si de LongEdgeFl ip 2side i 1si de LongEdgeFl ip 1side i 2si de ShortEdgeF lip 2side i 1si de ShortEdgeF lip Yo u c an ch oose t he dupl ex pri nt se tti ngs .
Menu and featur es 123 C Watermark Cop y Setti ngs Op tion 1 Optio n2 Opt ion 3 O pt ion4 D esc ript ions Pa ge Edit Template T ext — CONFID ENTIA L * DRAFT COPY Uses a template to place text in to you r document as a Wat erma rk .
124 Use Image Scan (Set wa termark doc ume nt an d pres s Start .) Transpar ency -2 -1 0 * +1 +2 Yo u ca n ch oo se th e lev el of tran sp are ncy o f t h e watermark as you s c an it from a pa per d ocu me nt.
Menu and featur es 125 C PHOTO C APTURE ( ) Leve l 1 L ev el2 Leve l 3 O pti on s Des crip t ion s Page View Photo(s) (Print All Photos) ( Auto Correct ) See the print setting s in the fo llow ing ta ble. You can pri nt al l ph oto s in your memory card or USB Fl ash mem ory dr ive .
126 Print Setti ngs Index Pri nt Index Sheet 6 Images/Line * 5 Images /Line See t he pri nt se tt i ng s in th e fol lowi ng t abl e. Yo u ca n pri nt a t hu mbn ai l page .
Menu and featur es 127 C Contrast (Do es not ap pe ar when E nhance is chose n.) — — A djus ts th e co ntr as t. See 1 . True2Life (Do es not ap pe ar when E nhance is chose n.) On Off * White B alanc e Adju sts t he h ue of th e wh ite are as . Sharpne ss Enhances the detail of the im age.
128 Phone Book () Se t New Defa ul t Print Q uality Paper T ype Paper S ize Brightn ess Contras t True2Li fe Croppin g Borderl ess Print D ate — — Y ou can sav e yo ur print set tings. See 1 . Factory R eset ———Y o u c a n r e s t o r e a l l t h e sett ings to fa ctory s ettings.
Menu and featur es 129 C Call History () Fax Preview () Leve l 1 L ev el2 Leve l 3 O pti on s Des crip t ion s Page Call Histo ry O utgoin g Call Send a fa x — Yo u ca n ch oo se a num ber from th e Outgoing Cal l hi stor y a nd then mak e a tele phone call to it, send a fax t o it, add it t o One Touch Dial, add it to Speed Dia l, or delete it.
130 Entering T ext C When you ar e setti ng c ertain menu selections, you may need to ente r text into the machine. Press to cycle between let ters, number s and specia l cha racters. Up to four letter s are assi gned to each letter but ton on the LCD.
131 D D Genera l D Note This c hapter prov ides a s ummary of the mac hines’ s pecificat ions. For additional specif ications visit htt p://www. for detail s. 1 Me asu red d iag ona lly. 2 Me asu red wh en th e ma ch ine is con ne cted to the U SB i nte rfa ce.
132 1 Noi se depe nd s on prin tin g co ndit ions . Di mens io ns We ight 40.8 lb (18. 5 kg) Noise Operating: 50 dB or l ess 1 Temper ature Operating: Best Pr in t Qu al it y: 50 t o 95 F (10 to 3.
Sp ecifications 133 D Prin t media D 1 For gloss y pa pe r or tra nsp are nc ies, rem ove p rin te d pa ges f rom the ou tput pa per tray imme di ate ly afte r they e xi t the mac hi ne t o a void sm udgi ng. 2 Use onl y tran spa ren ci es re com m en ded f or in kjet pri ntin g.
134 1 For gl oss y pa pe r or t ran spar en ci es, r em ove pri nt ed pa ges f ro m th e o utpu t pap er tray i mmedi atel y afte r t hey exit t he ma ch ine t o av oid smu dg i ng. 2 Use on ly tran sp aren ci es reco mm ende d f or i nkjet print ing .
Sp ecifications 135 D Fa x D 1 “Pages” re fers to the “ITU-T T est Chart #1” (a typ ical busin ess le tter, Standard resoluti on, MMR code). S pecifica tions and p rin te d ma ter ials ar e subj ec t to cha ng e wit hout pri or no t ice. Co mpa tib ilit y ITU-T Super Group 3 Duplex Fax Send (2- sided) Yes.
136 Cop y D 1 Ma nu al du pl ex is av ai labl e for Ledg er an d A3 d ocu me nt s us ing t he sca nn er glas s. 2 Minimum top and b otto m ma rgins of 0.
Sp ecifications 137 D PhotoCapture Ce nter™ D 1 Memory cards, adapters and USB Flash memory drive are not i ncluded. 2 USB 2. 0 S tanda rd USB Mas s S tor age st an dard fro m 16 M B to 32 GB Supp ort f orm at: FAT12 /F AT16/ FAT32 3 Pr ogre ss ive JP EG form at is not supp or ted .
138 PictBridge D Com p atib il ity Supports the Camera & Imaging Pr oducts Associ ation PictBridge s tandard CIPA DC-0 01. Visit http: //www.cipa. jp/pict bridge/ for m ore informatio n.
Sp ecifications 139 D Scanne r D 1 For the l ates t dr iver up da tes for the M ac O S X yo u are usin g, v is it us at h t tp://s olu tio ns .br othe r.c om/ . 2 Wind ow s ® XP in th is User’s Guid e inclu des Windows ® XP Home Editi o n, Wind ows ® X P P rof e ssion al , an d Wi nd ows ® XP P rofe ssi on al x64 Ed ition .
140 Printer D 1 When the Borderle s s f eature i s set t o On. 2 See Pape r ty pe a nd size f or ea ch ope rat ion o n pa ge 26 . 3 W hen pr int ing o n Le dger size p ap er. 4 Minimum top and b otto m ma rgins of 0.87 in. (2 2 mm) 5 For deta iled spe cificatio ns visi t http://ww w.
Sp ecifications 141 D I nterface s D 1 You r m ac hine ha s a US B 2 .0 H i-Sp ee d in te rfa ce. Th e ma ch ine c an al so be co nn ec ted t o a com p ute r th at h as a US B 1.
142 Computer requireme nts D SUPPORTED OPERATING SYSTEMS AND SOFTWARE FUNCTI ON S Comput er Platform & Operating S ystem Ve rsion Supp or te d PC S of t wa r e Fu nc tions PC In terface Processor .
Sp ecifications 143 D Consuma ble i tems D Ink The machine uses indi vidual Blac k, Yellow, Cyan and Mage nta ink cart ridges that are se parate from the print head assembly.
144 Network (LAN ) D Note For detail s about the full Networ k speci fication s, see the Network User’s Gui de . 1 Se e the Comput er R equi rem ent s c har t on pa ge 1 42.
Index 145 E E A Accessories and s upplies ...... ... .. .. ... .. .. ..... . i i ADF (automatic document feeder) ..... .. ... . 2 8 Answering ma c h ine (TAD) . .... ... .. .. ... .. .. .... 45 connecti ng . .. .. ..... .. ... .. .. ... .. ..... .. ..
146 F Fax codes chan ging . .. .. ..... .. ... .. .. ... .. ..... .. .. ... .. .. ..... .. 48 Fax Re c eive C ode .... ... .. .. ... .. ... 3 9 , 47 , 48 Teleph one Answer Code . ... .... ... .. .. 4 7 , 48 usi ng .. .. ..... .. ... .. .. ... .. .....
147 E O One Touch changing . ... .. ..... .. .. ... .. .. ... .... ... .. .. ... .. ..... . 52 deleting . ..... .. .. ... .. .. ..... .. ... .. .. ... .. ..... .. .. ... . 52 setting up ... .... ... .. .. ... .. .. ..... .. ... .. .. ... .... ... . 5 0 using .
148 T TAD ( telep hone answer ing devic e), exter nal . .. ... .... ... .. .. ... .. .. ..... .. ... .. .. ... .. .. 35 , 45 conn ecting . .. ... .... ... .. .. ... .. .. ..... .. ... .. .. 45 , 46 Rece ive Mode .... ... .. .. ... .... ... .. .. ... .
Brother Internat ional Corp oration 100 Somerset Co rporate B oulevard P.O. Box 6911 Bridgewater, NJ 08807-09 11 USA Brother Intern ational C orporation (Canada ) Ltd. 1 rue Hôtel de Ville , Dollard-des -Ormeaux, QC, Cana da H9B 3 H6 Visi t us on the Wo rld Wi de Web http ://www .
デバイスBrother J6910DWの購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Brother J6910DWをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはBrother J6910DWの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Brother J6910DWの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Brother J6910DWで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Brother J6910DWを既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はBrother J6910DWの不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Brother J6910DWに関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちBrother J6910DWデバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。