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If yo u need to c all Custo mer S ervice Ple ase com plete the fol lowin g inform ation for futu re refere nce: Model Number: MFC-8460N, MFC- 8860DN and MFC- 8 87 0DW (Circl e your model number) Ser ial N umb er: 1 Da te of P u rch a se : P lac e o f P urc h as e: 1 The seria l nu mber is on t he back of t he unit .
i Approval Info rmation and Compil ation and Publication Notice THIS EQ UIP MENT IS DESI GNE D T O WORK WI TH A T WO WIRE AN ALOGUE PS TN LI N E FITT ED WIT H T HE A PPRO PRIAT E CONNECT OR.
ii EC Declaration of Conformity under the R & T TE Directi ve.
iii Table of Contents S ection I Gene r al 1 General infor mation Usi ng the docume ntat ion ... ..... .. .. ... .. .. ... .. ..... ..... .. .. ... .. ... .. .. ... .... ..... .. ... .. ... .. .. ... .. ..... . 2 Symb ols and conven tions used in the d ocumentation .
iv 4 Securi ty fea tures Secur ity ... ..... .. ... .. .. ... .... ..... ... .. .. ... .. .. ... .. ..... ..... .. .. ... .. .. ... .. ..... ..... .. .. ... .. .. ... .. ... .... ..... 23 Set ti ng L ock .... ..... .. ... .. ... .. .. ..... ..... .. .
v Sett i ng th e F ax Re cei ve St amp ... ... .. ... .. .. ... .... ..... ... .. .. ... .. .. ..... ..... .. ... .. .. ... .. .. .. 44 Receiv ing faxes into memory .... ..... ..... .... ... .. .. ... .. ... .... ..... .. ... .. .. ... .. ..... ..... .
vi 10 Printin g r eport s Fax reports . ................ ................... ................... ..................... .............. ................. 66 Tra nsmi ssio n ver ifi cation r eport ... .... ..... ... .. .. ... .. ..... ..... .. .. ... .. .
vii S ection V Appe ndices A S afe ty a nd Leg al Choosi ng a locat i o n . ... .. ... .. ..... .... ... .. .. ... .. ... .. ..... .... ... .. ... .. .. ... .... ..... .. ... .. ... .. .. ... .... .. 84 Import ant I nfor mat ion .... ... .. ..... ....
viii Machi ne Inf or matio n .. ....... ..... .. ... .. .. ... .. ..... ..... .. .. ... .. .. ... ..... .... ... .. .. ... .. .. ... ..... .... ... 12 8 Checki ng the serial n umber s .. .. ... .. .. ... ..... .... ... .. .. ... .. ... .... ..... .. .
Section I Genera l I General information 2 Loading documents and pa per 10 General setup 17 Security features 23.
2 1 Using the documen tation 1 Thank y ou for bu y ing a Brother mac hine! Reading the docu m entation will help you make the mos t of your m ach i ne. Sy mbo l s and co nv en ti on s used in th e docu menta ti o n 1 The f ol lowing symbols an d conventions are used throughou t t he documentat ion.
General i nformat io n 3 1 If this wi ndow does not appear, use Windows ® E x p lorer to f i nd and r un the setup.exe program from the root directory of t he Brother CD-ROM. d Cli ck Documentation . e Click the documentation you want to read: Set up Gui de : Setup and software inst alla t ion inst ructi ons.
Chapter 1 4 How to f i nd Scanning instructi ons 1 There are several ways you can sca n document s. You c an find the instructions as follo ws: So ftware U ser' s Guide : 1 Scannin g from a Macintosh ® (For Mac OS ® 9.1-9.2/Ma c OS ® X 10.
General i nformat i o n 5 1 Control panel overview 1 MFC - 8 460N, MFC-88 60DN and MFC-8870DW h ave similar control k eys. 1 One-Touch keys These 20 ke ys give you in st ant access t o 40 previo usly sto r ed numbe r s. Shift Lets you ac cess One-Touch nu m b er s 21 to 40 when held down.
Chapter 1 6 8 Copy keys Duplex ( M F C-8860DN an d MFC-8870DW onl y ) Le ts yo u print co pie s on b oth side s of the paper . Co ntras t/Qu ali ty (MFC-8860DN and MFC-8870 D W onl y) Lets you c hange t he quali ty or c ontrast for the nex t copy . Contr ast ( MFC-8460N onl y) Lets you c hange t he contra st for the next copy.
General i nformat i o n 7 1 10 Fax and telephon e keys Te l/R Lets you an swer an incomi ng call on an exter nal phone. When con nected to a PBX, you can use this key to ga i n ac cess to an outsi de l ine, t o recall an ope rator, or to t r ansfer a call to another exten s i on.
Chapter 1 8 Stat us LED indi cati ons 1 The Status LED (light em i tting diode) wi ll fl ash and chan ge color de pending on t he mach i ne’s status. The LED indications show n in the table below are used in the il lustrations in this chapter. LED LED Status LE D is off.
General i nformat i o n 9 1 Note W hen t h e power switch is off or t he machine is in Sleep mode, the LED is of f. Red Servic e e rror Foll ow the st eps be low. 1. Turn off the power swi tch. 2. W ait a f ew seconds , and then t urn it bac k on an d try t o pr int agai n.
10 2 Loading docum ents 2 All fax, scan and copy operations can be performed f rom the ADF or t he scanner glass. Using t h e ADF 2 You can use t he A DF (automat i c docume nt feeder) to fax, scan or copy shee t s of paper. The A DF feeds each s h eet one at a t i me.
Loading doc uments a nd paper 11 2 Us ing the scan ner glas s 2 You can use the scanner glass t o f ax, scan, or copy the p ages of a book or single s heets of paper. Document s can be up to 215.9 mm wide to 355.6 mm long (8.5 inches wide to 14 in c hes l ong).
Chapter 2 12 Ha ndli ng and us ing me dia 2 Store pa per in i t s origina l packag i ng, an d keep i t sea led. Keep the paper f lat and away from moisture, direct sunlight and heat. Avoid touc hi ng either side of transparenc i es, as this can decrease the print quality.
Loading doc uments a nd paper 13 2 Paper capacit y of the pape r tra y 2 Paper si ze Paper typ es No. of sheets Paper Tray (Tr ay # 1) A4, Let ter, Ex ecuti ve, A5, A6, B5 and B6 Plai n paper, Recy cled paper and Bon d pa per up to 250 [8 0 g/m 2 (20 l b)] Transp arency up to 10 Multi -pu rpose tr ay (M P tr ay) Width: 69.
Chapter 2 14 Loading pape r , and other med ia 2 When prin ti ng on plain paper 60 to 105 g/m 2 (16 to 28 lb ) or laser transparencie s use the paper t ray. For prin t ing on other types of media use the MP t ray (Multi purpos e tray). Lo adin g paper 2 a Unfold the output p aper tray support fla p.
Loading doc uments a nd paper 15 2 Lo ading env elop es and ot her medi a 2 Use the MP t ray when printing envelop es, labels, and thick paper. a Open the MP tray and lower it gentl y . b Pull out the MP tray support. c Insert t he media i nto t he M P tray wi t h the top edge first and t he printing side fa ce up.
Chapter 2 16 Print abl e Area 2 Prin tabl e Area for copie s 2 The printabl e area of you r machine beg ins at appro x i mately 3 mm (0.12 in.) from t he t op and bot t om and 2.05 mm (0.08 in.) from both sides of the paper. 1 3m m ( 0 . 1 2i n . ) 2 2.
17 3 3 Mod e tim er 3 The ma c hine has three mode keys on the control pane l: Fa x , Scan , and Co py . You can set how m uc h time the machine takes af ter t he last Copy or Sc an operation to return to Fax mode. If you select Off , the machin e will stay in t he mode you used last.
Chapter 3 18 Pape r Size 3 You can use ni ne sizes of paper for p rint ing copies: A4, Letter, L egal, Executive, A5, A6, B5, B 6 and F olio, and four sizes for printing faxes: A4, Letter, Legal or Folio. When y ou change the type of paper you load in the m achine, you wi ll also need to change the setting for paper size at the same time .
General setup 19 3 Tr ay us e in F ax m ode 3 You can change th e d efault tr ay priority that the mach i ne will use for printing received faxes. W hen y o u select Tray#1 Only , MP Only or Tray#2 Only 1 , the machine takes paper only from t hat tray.
Chapter 3 20 Volume Se ttings 3 Ring v olume 3 You can selec t a ring vo l ume level from a range of settings, f rom High to Off . While in Fax mode press or to adjust the volume level. The LCD shows the current set t ing, and each k ey press wi ll chang e t he volume to the next.
General setup 21 3 Automatic d aylight savings time 3 You can s et th e m achine to change auto matica lly for Da yligh t Savi ngs T i m e. I t will set itself forward one hour in the Spring, and bac k one hour in t he Autum n. a Pr ess Me n u 1 , 5 .
Chapter 3 22 Sleep t ime 3 Setting the sleep time reduces power consum ption by t urning off the fuser while the ma chine is idle. You c an c hoose how long t he machine m ust be idle (f rom 00 t o 99 m i nutes) before i t goes into sleep mode. When the machine receives a fax, computer data or makes a copy, the timer wi l l reset.
23 4 4 Securit y 4 Se tting Loc k 4 Setting Lock le t s you set a pas sword to s top other people fro m accidentally changing your machin e settings. Make a careful note of y o ur password. I f you forget i t , p l ease c a ll your Brother d ealer or Brother C ustomer S ervice.
Chapter 4 24 Turning Se tting Loc k on/ off 4 If you enter the wr ong pas s w ord when following the instruc t io ns below, the LCD will show Wrong Password . Re-enter t he correct passwo rd. Turning Se tting Loc k on 4 a Pre ss Men u , 1 , 9 , 1 . 19.
Securi ty f eatures 25 4 Set ting the pass word fo r the adm in is trat or 4 The p assword you s et i n these s teps i s f or th e admi ni strator. This p ass word is used to set up res trict ed us ers and t o turn S ecure Func tion Lock on or off. See Setting up restricted users on page 26 and Turn ing Secure Fun c tion Lock on on page 26.
Chapter 4 26 Setti ng up r estricte d users 4 You can set up users with restrictions and a password. a Pre ss Men u , 1 , 9 , 2 . 19.Security 2.Function Lock a Lock Off i On b Set Password Select ab & OK b Pre ss a or b to select Setup User . Pre ss OK .
Securi ty f eatures 27 4 Switching Users 4 This set t ing a l lows anoth er user to log on the machin e when Secure Function Lo ck is turned on. Note The time to change from an in di vidual user to the Public user is the same as the Mode Timer setti ng ( Men u , 1 , 1 ).
Chapter 4 28.
Section I I Fax II Sending a fax 30 Receiving a fax 39 Phone and external devi ces 46 Dialling and storing numbers 52 Remote fax options 60 Printing reports 66 Polling 68.
30 5 How to fax 5 En terin g fa x mode 5 To ent er fax mod e press ( Fax ), and the key will glow blu e. Sen ding a single- side d fax from the ADF 5 Using t he ADF to send y o ur faxes i s the easiest way. To cancel a fax in progress press Sto p/ Exit .
Sending a fa x 31 5 Se ndin g a fax fr om the scan ner gl a ss 5 You can use the scanner glass t o f ax the pages o f a b ook, or a single page at a time. The docum ents can be up to Letter, A4 or Legal size. Pres s Sto p/Ex it t o ca nc el a fax i n pr ogr e ss .
Chapter 5 32 Broadcastin g 5 Broadcas ting lets you send the same fax mess age t o more than one fax number. You can include Groups , One-Touch, Speed - Dial numbers and up to 50 manuall y dialled numbers in the same broadcas t . For information see How to Dial on page 52.
Sending a fa x 33 5 Additional s ending operations 5 Se ndi ng fax es usi ng mu ltipl e sett ing s 5 Before you send a fax, y ou c an chang e any combin ation of t hese s ettings: cont r a st, resolution, overseas m ode, delayed fax timer, p olling trans mis s io n, rea l tim e, t rans missio n or cover page settings.
Chapter 5 34 Send a c over page for t he next fax 5 If you want t o s end a cover page o nly for the nex t fax , yo ur mach ine w ill as k you to enter the num ber of pages y ou are sending so it can be printed on the cover page. a Make sure you are in F ax mode .
Sending a fa x 35 5 Contras t 5 For m ost docu m ents the default s etting of Auto will giv e the best results. It automat ically chooses the suitable contrast for your document. If your document is very light or dark, chan gi ng t he contrast m ay improve the quality of the f ax.
Chapter 5 36 Du al acces s 5 Your machine su pport s dual access, which lets you dial a number and begin s can ni ng a fax into memory while you are already sending or receiving a fax. The LCD will show the new job num ber. The number of pages you can scan in t o the mem ory will vary depending on what i s printed on them.
Sending a fa x 37 5 Ov er se a s mod e 5 If you are having difficulty sending a fax overseas due t o a bad c onnection, then turnin g on the overseas mode may hel p. This is a temporary setting, and will only be active f or you r next f ax. a Make s ure you are in Fax m ode .
Chapter 5 38 Ch ecking and cance lling wait ing job s 5 Check which jobs are still waiting i n the mem ory to b e sent. If th ere are no jobs, the LCD will show No Jobs Waiting . You ca n cancel a fax job that is stored and waiti ng in the memory. a Pre ss Men u , 2 , 6 .
39 6 6 Recei ve m ode s 6 You must choose a recei ve mode dep endi ng on t he external devices a nd telephone services y ou have on your li ne. Choo sing th e re ce ive mode 6 The diagram below will help you choose the correct mode. For m ore detailed i nformation on the receive modes s e e page 4 0.
Chapter 6 40 Using Rece ive Mod es 6 Some rec eive modes answer automatically ( Fax Only and Fax/Tel ) . You may want to chang e t he ri ng delay before using these modes se e p age 41. Fax o nly 6 Fax onl y m ode will autom atically answer every call as a f ax.
Receivi ng a fax 41 6 Recei ve M ode se ttings 6 Ring De lay 6 The ring delay sets the numbe r of t imes the machin e ri ngs before it answers in Fax Only and Fax/Tel m odes. If y ou have externa l or ex tension phone s on the s ame li ne as t he machine or subscribe t o the BT Call Sign 1 s ervice, keep the Ring Delay s etting of 4.
Chapter 6 42 Fax D e te ct 6 Turning fax detect On allow s the m achin e to receive fax calls automatica ll y if you li ft any hands et on the same line as the machine.
Receivi ng a fax 43 6 Additional rec eiving operations 6 Pr inting a re duce d inc oming fax 6 If y ou choose On , th e m ach ine au tom at ical ly reduc es each page of an i ncoming f ax to fit on one page of A4, Letter, Legal or Fol i o size paper.
Chapter 6 44 Set ting the Fa x Re ceive Stamp 6 You can set t he machine to print the received date and time in the top centre of each received fax page. a Make sure you are in F ax mode . b Pre ss Men u , 2 , 1 , 9 . 21.Setup Receive 9.Fax Rx Stamp a On b Off Select ab & OK c Pre ss a or b to choose On or Off .
Receivi ng a fax 45 6 Pr inting a fax from the memory 6 If you are using the Fax Storage feature ( Menu , 2 , 5 , 1 ) , you ca n still p rint a fax fro m the memo r y when you are at y our machine . See F ax st orag e on p age 61. a Pr ess Me n u , 2 , 5 , 3 .
46 7 Phone line service s 7 Sett ing the Phon e Line Ty pe 7 If you are connecting the mach i ne to a l ine that features a PBX or ISDN to send and receive faxes, it is also necessary to chan ge the Phone Line Type acc ordi ngly by completing the following s t eps.
Phone an d external device s 47 7 BT Ca ll Sign (U. K. onl y ) 7 The B T Call Sign subscriber service is a way to have a separate number fo r y our m achine, it allows you to have at l east two separate telep hone numbers on o ne phone l ine. Each phone num ber has its own d i stinctive ringing pattern.
Chapter 7 48 Co nnec tion s 7 The e x ternal T AD must be connect ed as shown in the illustration below. 1T A D a Set your external T AD to one or t wo rings. (The m achine’s Ring De l ay setting does not apply.) b Record the outgoing m essage on your external TA D.
Phone an d external device s 49 7 Externa l and exte nsio n phones 7 Oper ati on fr om exte nsion tel ephon es 7 If y ou answer a fax call on an ext ension telep hone, or an external t elephone that i.
Chapter 7 50 The i nadvisable conf i guration i s s hown in figure 1, and the recomm ended master/slave configuration is s hown i n figu re 2 . This n ew connec t ion configu r ation can be arranged b.
Phone an d external device s 51 7 Telephone Ans wer Code 7 If you receive a voice call and the machine is in F / T m ode, it will start to sound t he F/T (double) ring after the initial ring delay. If you pick up the cal l on an extension phone you can turn the F/T ring off by pressing #51 (make s ure you press t hi s bet wee n the rings ).
52 8 How to Dial 8 Man ual dial ling 8 Use the keypad to enter all the digi ts of the teleph one number. One- Touch di alli ng 8 Press t he One-Touch key that stores t he number you want to call. To dial One-Touc h numbers 21 to 40, hold down Sh ift as y ou press the One-Touch key.
Dial ling and s tori ng n umber s 53 8 Se arch 8 You can searc h al phabetica l ly for names y ou have s tored in t he One-Touch and S peed- Dial me mori es. a Pr ess Search/Sp eed Dial . b Press the di al pa d key for the f irst letter of the name. (Use the chart Entering Text on pag e 146 to help you en ter letters.
Chapter 8 54 Storing numb e rs 8 You can set up your m achine to d o the following types of easy dialling: One-To uch, Speed - Dial and Groups for Broadcas ting faxes. You can also specify the default resolution f or each O ne-T ouch and Speed - Dial n um ber.
Dial ling and s tori ng n umber s 55 8 e Choose one of the options below: If you wa nt to chang e the f ax resolution, press a or b t o sel ect Std , Fine , S.Fine or Photo . Press OK . Press OK if y ou don ’t want to chang e the resol ut ion.
Chapter 8 56 Sto ring S pee d-Dial num bers 8 You can st ore your frequently used num bers as Speed-Dial numbe r s. The machine can store 30 0 Speed-Dial numbers.
Dial ling and s tori ng n umber s 57 8 f Choose one of the options below: If you sele c t ed Fax/Tel at c , press a or b to sel ect Std , Fine , S.Fine or Photo . Pre ss OK and then go to h . If you selected E-Mail at c , press a or b to sele ct B/W200x100 , B/W200dpi , Color150dpi , Color300dpi or Color600dpi .
Chapter 8 58 Sett ing up Gr oups for br oadc asting 8 If you often want to send the same fax mess age t o many fax numbers you can set up a group. Groups are store d on a One-Touch key or a Speed - Dial number. Each gr oup uses up a One-Touch key or a Speed-Dial location.
Dial ling and s tori ng n umber s 59 8 i Select the f i le format (TIFF or PDF) that will be us ed to send to you r com puter. j Do one of the following: To sto re another group for broadcasting, go to b . To f i nish storing g roups for broadcasting, press Stop/Ex it .
60 9 Remote fax options let you receive faxes while you are away from the machine. You can only u se one f ax option at a time. Fax forw arding 9 The fax forwarding feature lets you automat ical ly forward your received faxes t o another machine. If you select Backup P rint On, t he m achine will also print the f ax .
Re m o te fax opti ons 61 9 Fax storag e 9 The fax storage feature lets you store your receiv ed faxe s in th e machine’ s memory . You can retrieve stored f ax messages fr om a fa x machin e at anoth er l ocation usin g t he remote retrieval comma nds, see Re trie vi ng fax mess ages on page 64.
Chapter 9 62 Chang ing re mote fax opt ion s 9 If received faxes are left i n your machine’s mem ory whe n you chang e t o another remote fax option, the LCD will ask you the following mess age: 25.Remote Fax Opt Erase All Doc? a 1.Yes b 2.No Select ab & OK or 25.
Re m o te fax opti ons 63 9 Remote retriev a l 9 The rem ote retri eva l feature lets you retrieve your stored fax messages when y ou are no t at the machine . You can call your machine from any touc h tone phon e or f ax machine, then use the Remote Access Code to retrieve your mes s a ges.
Chapter 9 64 Ret ri e vi ng fa x me ss a ge s 9 a Dial your fax number. b When your machine answ ers, immediately en ter your remot e access code (3 digits f ollowed by l ). If you h ear one long beep, you have messages . c When yo u hear two sho r t beeps, use t he dial pad to press 9 6 2 .
Re m o te fax opti ons 65 9 Remote fax commands 9 Follow the com m ands b elow to acce ss featu r e s when you are away from the machine. When you call the machine and enter your Remot e A ccess Code (3 di gits followed by l ), t he syst em w ill give two short beeps and you must enter a remote com m and.
66 10 Fax reports 10 Some fax reports (transmission verification and fa x journal) c an be printed aut omatical l y or manually. Tr an smi s sion veri fi cat ion repo rt 10 You can use t he tr ans m ission report as proof that y ou sent a fax.
Printin g r eport s 67 10 Reports 10 The following repo r t s are avai labl e: 1 XMIT Verify Displays t he Transmiss i on V eri fication Report for your last 200 outgoing faxes at most and prints t he la s t r e port. 2 Help List Prints a list of comm onl y used func t ions to help you program your machi ne.
68 11 Polling le t s you set up y our machine so ot her people can receive faxes from you, but they pay f or the c a ll. It also lets you call somebo dy else’s f ax machine and recei v e a fa x fro m it, so y ou p ay for the call. The pol ling f eature needs t o be set up on both m achines for this to work.
Po lling 69 11 Se quenti al po lling 11 Sequ ent ial polling lets you request docu m ents fro m several fax m achines in one operati on. a Make s ure you are in Fax m ode . b Pr ess Me n u , 2 , 1 , 8 . 21.Setup Receive 8.Polling RX a Standard b Secure Select ab & OK c Pr ess a or b to choos e Standard , Secure or Timer .
Chapter 1 1 70.
Section II I Copy III Making copies 72.
72 12 How to c opy 12 Ente ring cop y mode 12 Press ( Copy ) to enter Copy mode. 1 Contrast 2Q u a l i t y 3 Copy Ratio 4T r a y U s e 5 Number of Copies Mak ing a sing le co py 12 a Make sure you are in Copy mode . b Load your docume nt . c Pre ss Sta rt .
Making cop ies 73 12 Copy options 12 W hen you wa nt t o quickly chang e the c opy settings t emporarily for the next copy, us e the Copy keys. You can use different combin ations.
Chapter 1 2 74 Ch angi ng t ext cop y reso lut ion 12 You can change the tex t copy resol ut ion t o 1200x600dpi i f you have selected Text from the Qu a li t y or Contrast/ Qu ality options, and make a copy wi t h 100% ratio using t he scanner g lass.
Making cop ies 75 12 f Choose one of the options below: Press a or b to se le ct the enlargeme nt or r educ t ion ratio you want. Press OK . Press a or b to se le ct Custom ( 25-400%) . P r e ss OK . Use the dial pad to enter an enlargement or reduction ratio from 25% to 400% .
Chapter 1 2 76 If you a re c opy ing from the ADF: 12 Insert your docum ent face up in the direction shown below: 2 in 1 (P) 2 in 1 (L) 4 in 1 (P) 4 in 1 (L) If you a re c opy ing from.
Making cop ies 77 12 Du plex (2-s ided) c opyin g (MFC-8860DN and MF C-8870 DW o nly) 12 If y ou want to use the duplex copy feature, load your docu m ent in the ADF.
Chapter 1 2 78 f After the machi ne scans the page, press 1 to s can the nex t page. Flatbed Copy: Next Page? a 1.Yes b 2.No Select ab & OK g Put t he next page on the scanner gl ass. Pre ss OK . Repeat f and g for each page of t he layout. h After all the pag es have been scan ned, press 2 in f to fin ish .
Making cop ies 79 12 So rtin g copi es using the ADF 12 You can sort multiple copies. Page s wil l be stack ed i n th e order 1 2 3 , 1 2 3, 1 2 3, and so on. a Make s ure you are in Copy mode . b Load your docum ent . c Use the dial pad to enter the numb er of copies (up to 99).
Chapter 1 2 80 Tr ay Sel e ct 12 You can change th e tr ay use only for the next copy. a Make sure you are in Copy m ode . b Load your docume nt . c Use the d ial pad to ent er th e number of copies (up to 99).
Sectio n IV Software IV Software and Network fea tures 82.
82 13 The User’s Guide on the CD-ROM includ es the Software User’s Guide and Net work User’s Guide for features available when conne c ted to a computer (for example, Printing and Sc anni ng). Prin ti ng (For Wi ndows ® , see Ch apter 1 in t he Software Us er’ s Guid e on the CD-ROM .
Section V Appen dices V Safety and Legal 84 Options 93 Troubleshooting and routine maintenance 95 Menu and Features 129 Specifications 148 Glossary 160.
84 A Choosing a location A Place your machin e o n a flat, stable surface that is free of vibration. Put the mac hi ne near a telephone so c ket and a standard, grounded electrical sock et . Ch oose a loca t ion wh ere the temperatu r e remains between 10 ° and 3 2.
Safety an d L egal 85 Importa nt In formation A Sa fety pr ecau tions A Ple ase read these instructions before attem pt ing any maintenan c e, and keep them for later reference. W hen using your telephone equi pment, follow basic safety precautions to reduce the risk of fire, electric shock or personal injury.
86 WARNIN G Before cleaning the inside of the machine, first unplug the telephon e l ine cord, and then the power cord from the elect rical socket. Do not handl e the pl ug wi t h wet hands. Doing thi s might cause an el ectrical shoc k. Afte r you hav e just used t he machine, som e intern al part s of the mac hine wil l be ex tremely h ot .
Safety an d L egal 87 To prev ent injuri es, DO NOT p ut your fingers i n the area show n in t h e illu strat io ns. DO NOT use a v acuum cleaner to clean up scattered toner. Doing t hi s might cause t he toner dust t o i gnite insid e the vacuum c l eaner, potentially starting a fire.
88 IEC 608 25-1 Spe cificatio n A This machi ne i s a Class 1 laser product as defined in I EC 60825-1 specifications. The lab el shown below i s attached i n countries where required.
Safety an d L egal 89 LAN co nnect ion A CAUTION DO NOT connec t this product to a LAN connection that is subject to over-voltages. Rad io in terf eren ce A This product com pl ies with EN55022 (CISPR Publication 22)/C l ass B. When connecting the machin e to a c omputer, ensure that you use the f ollowing i nterface c abl es.
90 Imp ortan t safe ty in struct ions A 1 Rea d al l of t hes e in s tructions. 2 Save them for later reference. 3 Follow all warnings a nd instructions m arked on the p roduct. 4 Unp l ug this product from the wall socket before c leani ng inside of the machine.
Safety an d L egal 91 14 T o protect you r product against power s urges, we rec ommend t he use of a power protection dev i ce (Surge Protector). 15 T o r educ e t he ri sk of fi re, electric shock and injury to people, note the follo w i ng: D o no t use t his product near appliances th at use water, a swimm ing pool or in a wet bas em en t .
Chapter A 92 Tr ad ema rk s A The B rother logo is a registered trademark of Brother Indus tries, Ltd. Brother is a registered trademark of Brother Industries, Ltd. Multi-Fun c t ion Link is a registere d trademark of Brother I nt ernational C orporat ion.
93 B Optional Pape r Tray (LT-5300) B An optional lower tray can be installed, and it can hold up t o 250 s heets of 80 g/ m 2 (2 0 lb ) paper. W hen an opt ional tray is installed, the machin e can hold up to 550 sheets of plain paper. If you w ant to buy an optional lower tray u nit , c all your Brot her dealer.
94 Note • There m i ght be some DI M Ms t hat will not work with the machine. • For more information, call t he dealer you bought the machi ne from o r Br ot her Custom er Service. Inst alling ext ra mem ory B a Turn off the machine’s power switch .
95 C Troubleshoo ting C If y ou think there is a prob lem with y our machine, c heck the chart belo w and foll ow the troubl es hooting tips. Most prob lems can be easily r eso l ved by yourself. If you need additional help, the Brother Sol ut i ons Center offers lat est FAQs and troub l eshooting tips.
96 Phone Li ne or Connect ions Difficulties Su ggesti ons Dia lling doe s not wo rk. Ch eck for a di al to ne. Ch ange Tone/Pulse se tti n g . (See the Qu ic k Setup Gu ide .) Ch eck all l ine c ord c onn ecti ons. Che ck th at the ma chin e is pl ugged in and swit c h e d on.
Troubl esho oting and r outine maint enance 97 Cu stom feat ure s on a si ngle line . I f you hav e Call Wai ting, Cal l Wai tin g/Cal ler ID, Voic e Ma il, a n ans werin g mac hine , an a larm sy stem or other cu st om fea ture on a si ngle ph one line wi t h your ma chin e, it may crea te a p roble m s endi ng or rece ivin g fax es.
98 Th e ma chin e pri nts u nex pect edly or it pri nts gar bag e. Tu rn of f th e ma chine ’s po we r sw itch and then turn i t o n ag ain. If the er ror messa ge con tin ues le av e the ma chine f or seve ral mi n utes a nd th en t ry it agai n.
Troubl esho oting and r outine maint enance 99 ‘Un able to wri te to LP T1’, ‘ LPT1 al read y in use’ or ‘M FC is Bu sy’ err o r m essag e ap pe ars .
100 Printo uts are too l ight . If this pro blem o ccurs wh en mak ing co pies o r print ing rec eived f axes, t urn To ner Save mode to off i n the m achine menu s etti ngs. (Se e To ner sa ve on page 21.) Set T oner Save m ode to o ff in the Adv anced tab in the p rinter dri ver.
Troubl esho oting and r outine maint enance 101 I mprov in g the pri nt qu ality C Examples of poor print quali ty Recommendat ion Faint Ch eck the mac hine’ s en viro nmen t. C ondi tions suc h as humi dit y, hi gh temp eratu res, and so on , may cause this pr int fa ul t.
102 Ho llow p r in t Mak e su re that you use pape r th at m eets our s pec ifica tion s. ( See Accepta bl e paper and other med ia o n page 11 .) Choose Thi ck pa per mode in th e print er driv er o r in th e mac hine ’s Pape r Ty pe menu sett in g, or use thi nner pape r than you ar e curren tly us ing.
Troubl esho oting and r outine maint enance 103 White l in es acros s the page Ma ke s ure tha t yo u us e pa per t hat meet s our s pec ifica tion s. A rou gh s urfac ed pap er or thi ck p rint me dia ca n ca use the p rob lem. (Se e Ac ceptable paper and other medi a on pag e 1 1.
104 Curled o r wave Che ck the pape r typ e an d q ua lit y. High temp eratu res and h igh humi dit y wil l caus e pa pe r t o c url . If you do n ot us e the ma chin e ofte n, th e pa per may have been in t he pape r tr ay t oo l ong. T urn o ver th e stac k of p aper i n t he p aper t ray.
Troubl esho oting and r outine maint enance 105 Se tting Dia l To ne de te ction C W hen you sen d a f ax automatically, by d efault y our mac hine w ill wa it for a fix ed amou nt of tim e before it st art s to dial the numb er. By chan ging the Dial T one s ett ing to Detection you can m ake your machine d ial as soo n as it detects a dial tone.
106 Error messages C As w ith any sophistic at ed of fice p r o duct, e r ro rs ma y occur. If this happens , your machi ne will identify the prob lem and display an error message. T he most c ommon error mes s ages are shown below. Error Message Cause Act i on BT C all Sign On (U.
Troubl esho oting and r outine maint enance 107 Disc onne cted The other person or other per son’s fax mac hi n e stopped the call . Try t o send or r eceive ag ai n . Docu ment Jam The docume nt was not ins erted or fed pr oper ly, or the document scanned fr om the ADF was too long.
108 Out of Memory The machi ne’s mem ory is f ull. Fax sen ding or cop y op erati on in progr ess Do one of the foll owing: Pre ss Start t o send or copy the scanned pages. Pre ss Stop/Exit and wai t unti l t he other operat io ns in pr ogr ess fini sh an d then try again.
Troubl esho oting and r outine maint enance 109 Tone r Erro r The toner cart r i dge and dr um unit assemb ly i s not inst alled p rope rly. Reinst all the toner cart ridg e. Tone r Life End The toner car tri dge and drum unit assemb ly i s not inst alled p rope rly, or the tone r cartr idge is used up and print ing is not possibl e.
110 Ch ecking if th e mac hine h as faxe s in i ts m emory C If the LCD sho ws an e rror m essag e t hen y ou can check to see if there are faxes in the machin e’s memory. a Pre ss Men u , 9 , 0 , 1 . b Do one o f the following: If the LCD shows No Data , there are no f axes left in the mac hi ne’s me mory.
Troubl esho oting and r outine maint enance 111 Docume nt ja ms C If the docum ent is jammed, follow t he steps bel ow . Document i s ja mmed in t he t op of the ADF unit C The doc ument may get jammed if it is not inserted or fed properly, or if it is too l ong.
112 Document i s jammed in t he duple x slot (MFC-8860DN and MF C-887 0DW on ly) C a Take out any paper from the ADF that is not jammed. b Pull the j amm ed document out to the right. c Pre ss Sto p/ Exit . Pape r jams C To clea r pape r jams, pl ease follow the steps in th is sec tion.
Troubl esho oting and r outine maint enance 113 c Press the cover release lever t o open the front cover. d Slowly t ak e out the drum unit and t oner cartridge assem bl y. Th e j ammed p aper may be pulled out with the toner cartridge and drum unit assembly, or this may release t he pap er so y ou can pull it out of the paper tray opening.
114 Paper is jammed at the back of the mach i ne C a Press the cover release lever to open the front cover. b Take out the drum unit and t oner cartridge assem bl y. c Open the back cover. d Pull t he tabs at the left and right h and sides toward you to open the f user cov er ( 1).
Troubl esho oting and r outine maint enance 115 g Put the drum unit and toner cartridge ass emb ly ba ck in th e m ach ine. h Close th e front cover. Paper is jammed in the dupl ex tray (MFC-8860DN and MFC- 8870DW only) C a Pull the duplex t ray com pl etely out of the machine.
116 c Hold down the lock lever on the right and take the t oner cartridge o ut of the drum unit. Take out the jamme d paper i f there i s any ins i de the drum unit. d Put the toner c artridge back into the drum unit until you hear it lock into place.
Troubl esho oting and r outine maint enance 117 Clea n th e ou tsi de of the machi ne as fol lows : C a Pull the pap er t ray completely out of the machine. b Wipe the outside of the machine with a sof t clot h to remove dust. c Remove any thing that is stuck ins ide the paper tray.
118 Cle anin g the s cann er g lass C a Turn off the machine’s power switch . b Lift t he document co v e r (1). Clean the whit e plastic surface (2) and scanner gl ass (3) undernea t h it wi t h isopropyl alcohol on a soft lint-free clo th.
Troubl esho oting and r outine maint enance 119 HOT SURFACE After you have just used the m ac hine, some internal parts of the machine will be extremely hot. Whe n y ou open the f ront cover of the machine, DO NOT touch the shaded parts shown in the illustration.
120 Cl ea ning t he co ron a w ire C We recomm end t hat you put the drum unit and t oner cartridge as sembly on a piece o f disposa bl e paper or cloth in case you accid entall y spi ll or scatte r toner. a Open the front cover and take out the drum unit an d toner cartridge a s sembl y .
Troubl esho oting and r outine maint enance 121 d When y ou find t he s ubstance on t he drum surf ace that mat ches the pri nt sample, gently dab the surface of the OPC drum with a c otton swa b that is lightly dampened with isopropyl al cohol. CAUTION The OP C drum is phot osensitive so do not touch it with your fingers.
122 Re placin g the tone r cartrid ge C HOT SURFACE After you have just used the machi ne, some int ernal pa rts of the machi ne will be extremely hot. When you open the front or back cover of the m ac hine, DO NO T touch the shaded parts show n in t he illu s trat ion.
Troubl esho oting and r outine maint enance 123 CAUTION Put th e drum unit o n a drop cloth or la r ge piece of dispos able paper t o avoi d s pilling and scattering the toner. Handle the toner cartridge caref ully. If t oner scatters on your hands or cl othes, wipe or wash it off with cold water at once.
124 g Clean the prima r y corona wire inside the drum unit by gently sliding the bl ue tab from left to ri ght and right to left several tim es. Be s ure to re turn th e b lue tab t o the home position ( b ). h Put the drum unit an d toner c art ridge assembly back in the machine.
Troubl esho oting and r outine maint enance 125 HOT SURFACE After you have just used the m ac hine, some internal parts of the machine will be extremely hot. Whe n y ou open the f ront or back cov er of the machine, DO N OT touch the shad ed parts s hown in the illustration.
126 CAUTION Unpack the drum unit just bef ore you put it in the machine. Put the old drum unit into the plastic bag. c Unpack the new drum unit. d Put the t oner cartridge firm l y into t he new drum unit until y ou hear it lock into place. If you put it in properly, the lock leve r wi ll lift auto mati cally.
Troubl esho oting and r outine maint enance 127 Packing a nd shippin g the mach ine C W hen you trans port the ma c hine, use the packing material s t hat came with your machin e. I f y ou do not pack the mach i ne pro perl y, you c ould void your warranty.
128 Machin e Infor matio n C Ch ecking the s eria l numb ers C You can see the m achine’s serial number on the LCD. a Pre ss Men u , 7 , 1 . 71.Serial No. XXXXXXXXX b Pre ss Sto p/ Exit . Ch eckin g the p age coun ters C You can see the machine’s page counters for copies, printed pages, rep orts and li sts, faxes or a s ummary tot al .
129 D On scree n programming D Your ma c h ine has been designed to be easy to use. The LC D provides on screen pro gram ming using the menu ke y s. W e h ave created s t ep by step on screen instructions to help you program you r machin e. Simply follow the instructions as they guide y ou t hrough the menu s el ections and p rogramming op tions.
130 To ac cess the menu mo de: a Pre ss Men u . b Choose an option. Pre ss 1 for General Setup menu. Pre ss 2 for F ax m enu. Pre ss 3 for Copy menu. Pre ss 4 for Printer menu. Pre ss 5 for Print Reports menu. Pre ss 6 for LAN menu.
Menu a nd Feature s 131 Menu Ta ble D The factory settings are shown in Bold with an a sterisk. Choose & OK Choose & OK to accept to exit Ma in Me nu S u bm en u Menu S e le ct i o ns O pti ons De scr ip t ion s Pag e 1.
132 1.General Setup (Con ti nued) 3.Paper Size 1.MP Tray A4 * Letter Legal Executive A5 A6 B5 B6 Folio Any Se t s the size o f t he pa per in th e MP tray. 18 2.Tray#1 A4 * Letter Executive A5 A6 B5 B6 Se t s the size o f t he pa per in t he pa pe r tr ay .
Menu a nd Feature s 133 1.General Setup (Co nti nued) 5.Auto Daylight — On * Off (F or som e co untr ies, the f ac tor y se tti ng is Off .) Ch an ge s for Dayl ight Savi n gs Time auto mati c all y. 21 6.Ecology 1.Toner Save On Off * In creas es t he page yiel d of the ton e r cartri dge.
134 1.General Setup (Con ti nued) 9.Security 1.Setting Lock — Sto ps u nauth or ized us er s from ch angi ng th e ma chin e’s curre nt setti ngs . 23 2.Function Lock — C an r es tri ct se lected mac hine oper ati on fo r u p to 25 in divi dual use rs an d all oth er no n-aut ho rize d Pub lic us ers.
Menu a nd Feature s 135 2. Fax (Co nti nued) 2.Setup Send (I n Fax mo de only ) 1.Contrast Auto * Light Dark Ch an ge s the l ightne ss or da rkne ss o f fax es y ou s end . 35 2.Fax Resolution Standard * Fine S.Fine Photo Sets th e default res olutio n for ou tgoi n g fa xes.
136 2 .Fa x (Con ti nued) 3.Set Quick- Dial 1.One-Touch Dial — St ore s up to 40 O ne- Touch Dia l num ber s, s o yo u ca n dial by p ress ing o ne k ey (a nd St ar t) . 54 2.Speed-Dial — St ore s up to 300 Sp eed- Dia l num ber s, s o yo u ca n di al b y pr es sing onl y a few ke ys (a nd St art ).
Menu a nd Feature s 137 3.Copy 1.Quality — Photo Text Auto * Yo u ca n ch oose the Copy reso lutio n for your type of doc umen t. 73 2.FB Txt Quality — 1200 × 600dpi 600dpi * Yo u ca n chan ge t o th e high er Cop y resol ut ion wh en you make a t ext copy wi th 10 0% ra tio us i ng the s can ne r g lass .
138 5.Print Reports (Con ti nued) 6.Network Config — — Li sts y our N etw ork setti ngs. 67 7.Order Form — — Yo u ca n pri nt an acce sso rie s orde r for m to fill o ut an d se nd to y ou Br o ther dealer . 67 6.LAN (For MFC-84 60N and MFC-88 60DN) 1.
Menu a nd Feature s 139 Mai n Men u S ubmenu Menu Selectio ns Opti ons D escript ions Page 6.LAN (Fo r MFC -84 60 N an d MF C- 88 60 DN ) ( Co nt in ue d) 3.Setup IFAX (MFC- 8860DN) 1.Setup Internet 1.Mail address Enter the mail add r ess . See Network User’s Guide on the CD-ROM.
140 6.LAN (Fo r MFC-8 460N an d M FC-88 60DN) (Co nti nued ) 4.Scan to Email (MFC- 8860DN) 1.Color PDF * JPEG Choo s es the fi le format t o send the scanned data . See Ne twork User’s Guide on the CD-ROM. 2.B/W PDF * TIFF 3.Scan to FTP (MFC- 8460N) 5.
Menu a nd Feature s 141 6.LAN (MFC-8 8 70D W) (Continue d) 1. Wir ed (Co nti nued ) 1.TCP/IP (C o nti nued) 8.DNS Server (Prim a ry) 000 .000 .000. 000 (Se con dary) 000 .000 .000. 000 Spec ifies the IP address of the pr imary or se c ondar y DNS server.
142 6.LAN (MFC-887 0 DW) (Co ntinued) 2 .WLAN (C on tinu ed) 1.TCP/IP (Co nti nued ) 7.WINS Server (Pri m ary ) 00 0.00 0.000 .000 (S ec on da ry) 00 0.00 0.000 .000 Specifie s the IP addr ess of the pri mary or second ary WI NS ser ver. Se e Ne t work User’s Guide on the CD-ROM.
Menu a nd Feature s 143 6.LAN (MFC-8870 DW) (Continued) 3.Setup IFAX 1.Setup Internet 1.Mail address Enter the mail add r ess . See Ne twork User’s Guide on the CD-ROM. 2.SMTP Server [000- 255]. [00 0-255] . [00 0-255] . [00 0-255] Ent e r t he SMTP se rv e r addre ss.
144 6.LAN (MFC-887 0 DW) (Co ntinued) 4.Scan to Email 1.Color PDF * JPEG Choo s es the fi le format t o send the scanned data . Se e Ne t work User’s Guide on the CD-ROM.
Menu a nd Feature s 145 Ma in Me nu S u bm en u Menu S e le ct i o ns O pti ons De scr ip t ion s Pag e 7.Machine Info. 1.Serial No. —— Lets you c heck the seri al number of your mac hi ne. 128 2.Page Counter — Total Copy Print List/Fax Lets y ou check the numb er of total pag es the machi ne has printe d during its l i fe.
146 Entering Te xt D Wh en setting certain menu selections, such as the Station I D, you w ill need t o type text characters . The number keys have letters printed on keys. The keys: 0, # and l do not have printed letters because they are used for special characters.
Menu a nd Feature s 147 D Sp eci al characters an d symbols Press l , # or 0 , then press d or c to move the curs or under the symbol or character you want. Press OK to sel ect it. 1 m is not a vaila ble for I-Fa x setti ngs. Press l for (spa ce) ! " # $ % & ' ( ) l + , - .
148 E Gen eral Specification s Memory Cap acity 32 MB AD F (a u tom at ic do cum en t feeder) Up t o 50 pa ges (Staggered) Recomm ended Env i ronment: Tem perat ure: 20 to 30 ° C (68 ° F to 86 ° F).
Specif icati on s 149 Print media Pa per Inpu t P ape r Tra y Paper type : Plain pape r , Bond Pap er, Re cycl ed paper or T ransparencie s Paper size: A4, Letter, Executive, A5, A6, B5 and B6.
150 Fax 1 ‘ Pages ’ ref ers to th e ‘Br oth er S tand ard C hart No. 1’ ( a ty pica l bu sine ss l etter , Sta nd ard r esol uti on, J BIG code ).
Specif icati on s 151 Copy 1 When m aki ng a co py from t h e scann er gla ss in text qualit y mode at th e 100 % rat io . Co lour /Mono chrom e Monochrom e Du plex C opy i ng Yes (MFC - 8 860DN and MFC-8870DW only) Si ngle -Si ded Docu me nt Size ADF Width: 148.
152 Scan 1 Maxi mum 1200 × 1200 dpi s canni ng wit h th e WI A d iver i n Win do ws ® XP (re sol ution up to 1920 0 × 19 200 d pi c an be chose n by us in g the Br other sca nner utili ty) 2 When u.
Specif icati on s 153 Print 1 If yo u use the h ig h q ual i ty 120 0 dpi set tin g (1200 × 1200 dpi ) th e prin t sp eed wi ll be s lo wer . 2 Fro m st an da rd pa per tr ay and op tion al pa pe r tr ay . Interfa ces 1 Your mac hine has a Hi -Sp ee d USB 2 .
154 Computer requ irements 1 For WIA , 1 20 0x1 200 r esol uti on. Br othe r Scan ner Uti lity en able s to en han ce up to 1 9200 x 192 00 dpi 2 Ded ic ated "Scan to " ke y f u nction s only in th e Mac OS ® X 10.2 .4 or gre ater. 3 Ne two rk PC Fax Re ceiv e not sup port ed in Wi ndows NT ® W ork sta tion 4.
Specif icati on s 155 Consumable items 1 When prin ting Lette r or A4 siz e pa pe r at 5% prin t cove rage Toner Cart ridge Lif e TN-3130 : Standa r d Toner Cartri dge : Approx. 3,500 pages 1 TN-3170 : High- Yield Ton er Cartr idge: Appr ox. 7,0 00 pages 1 Drum Unit Lif e Expectancy DR-31 00 : Appr ox.
156 Ethernet w ired n etwork (MF C-846 0N and MFC-8 860D N only ) 1 PC Fax Send for Mac ® 2 Mac OS ® 9.1 - 9. 2 (B r othe r L aser Dr iv er ov er TCP /I P ) Mac OS ® X 10.2 .4 or greater ( mDNS ) De dica ted ‘ Sc an’ k ey and d ire ct Ne twor k S cann ing supp ort ed in Ma c OS ® X 10.
Specif icati on s 157 Ethernet wi reles s network (MFC-8870 DW only) 1 PC Fax Se nd for Ma c ® 2 Mac OS ® 9.1 - 9.2 (Br other La ser D riv er ov er T CP/I P) Mac OS ® X 10.2.4 or gr eater (mDNS) De dic ated ‘S can ’ key an d direc t Ne two rk Sc anni ng sup porte d in Ma c OS ® X 10 .
158 Aut hent ic a tion and en cryp tion f or wir e les s use rs o nl y Auth enti catio n met hod The Brother machi ne s upports the following methods : Open syst em Wireless devices are allowed to acces s t he net work without any authentication.
Specif icati on s 159 Network key There are some rules for each security method: Open s ys tem/Shared key wi th WEP This key is a 64-bit or 128-bi t value that must be entered in an ASCII or hexadecimal format. • 64 (40) bit ASCII: U s e s 5 t ex t characters.
160 F ADF (au tomatic docum ent feed er) The doc um ent can be placed in the ADF and s canned on e page a t a t ime autom aticall y. Auto Reduction Reduces the siz e of incoming faxe s. Automati c fax transm i ssion Sendi ng a fax wi t hout pi cking up the hands et of the external phone or pres sing Tel /R .
Gl o s sar y 161 EC M (Err or C orrect i on Mode ) Detects errors durin g fax transmi ssio n and res ends the pages of the fax th at had an error. Ext ensio n phon e A t elephon e on the fax num ber that is plugged into a s eparate wall s ocket.
162 O ne-Touch Keys on the machine’s c ont rol pa nel where you can store numbers for eas y diallin g. You can stor e a second number on each key if you press Sh ift and the One-Tou c h Key together. Out o f Paper Reception Receiv es faxe s into t he machi ne ’ s mem ory wh en the machine is out of paper.
Gl o s sar y 163 Xmit Repo rt (T ransm i ss i on Ve rificatio n Rep ort) A listing for each tran s mission , that shows its date, time and number..
164 G A ADF (autom at ic document f eeder) .. .. 10 , 30 ADF cove r . ... .. ..... .... ... .. ... .. .. ..... ..... .. .. ... .. 111 Answering machine (TAD) connecting ... .. ... .. ..... ..... .. .. ... .. ..... .... ... .. .. 48 Autom a t ic fa x recei ve .
Inde x 165 Fax S torage . ... .. ..... ..... .. .. ... .. .. ..... ..... .. ... .. . 61 printing fr om me m ory .. ... .... ... .... ... .... ... .. 45 turning off ..... .... ... .. ... .... ..... .. ... .. .. ..... ..... . 62 Fax, stan d-al one rec eiving .
166 drivers .... ..... .. ... .. ..... ..... .. .. ... .. .. ..... ..... .. 15 3 fax from mem or y ..... ..... .. ..... .... ... .. .. ... .. ..45 paper jams .... ... .. .. ... .. ..... ..... .. .. ... .. ..... .. 11 2 quality ..... ..... .. ... .... .
Inde x 167 V Vo lu me , sett ing beeper ... .... ... .. ..... ..... .. .. ... .. .. ..... ..... .. ... .. . 20 ring ..... ... .. .. ... .. ..... ..... .. .. ... .. .. ..... ..... .. ... .. . 20 speaker ... .. ... .... ..... ... .. .. ... .. ..... ....
This machi ne i s approved for u se in the c ountry of purchas e only, loca l Brothe r compa nies or t heir dealer s will onl y suppor t ma chines pur chased in their own cou nt r i e s.
デバイスBrother MFC-8860DNの購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Brother MFC-8860DNをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはBrother MFC-8860DNの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Brother MFC-8860DNの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Brother MFC-8860DNで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Brother MFC-8860DNを既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はBrother MFC-8860DNの不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Brother MFC-8860DNに関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちBrother MFC-8860DNデバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。