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Adva nced User ’s G uide MF C-J450DW MF C-J470DW MF C-J475DW D CP-J152W Vers ion A USA/CAN.
i User' s Guides an d wh ere do I find them? 1 Vi si t us at htt p: / /sol uti on s. bro th er.c om/ . Which Guide ? What's in it? Where is it ? Pr oduc t S afe ty G uid e Read th is Gui de first. Pleas e read the Sa fety Instruc tions befor e you set up y our machi ne.
ii Table of Conte nts 1 Gene ral setu p 1 IM PORT AN T NOT E .... .. .. ..... .. ..... .. ..... .. ..... .. ..... .. ..... .. ..... .. .. ..... .. ..... .. ..... .. ..... .. ..... .. . 1 Mem ory Stora ge ...... ... .... ... .. ..... .. .... ... .... .
iii 4 Receiv ing a fax (M FC m odels) 15 Mem ory R ece iv e (Bl ac k & Wh ite on ly) .... .. ... .... ... .... ... .... ... .... ... .... ... .... ... .... ... .. .... 15 Pr int ing a fa x fro m the me m ory .... ..... .. ..... .. ..... .. ..... .
iv A R outi n e m ai nte nan ce 37 Cleaning and checking the mac hine ........ ....... ....... ......... ....... ......... ....... ....... ....... 37 Cl eani ng t he out si de of th e mach in e .. .... ... .... ... .... ... .... ... .. ..... .. ..... .
1 1 1 I MP ORT AN T N O TE 1 Most of the ill ustrations in this User's Guide show the MFC-J470DW. Mem or y Sto rag e 1 Your menu setting s are stored permanen tly, and, in th e event of a pow er failure, will not be lost. Temporar y settings (for ex ample, Overseas Mode ) will be lost.
Chapter 1 2 Beep er V olume 1 When th e bee per i s on, the machine will make a soun d when you pres s a key, make a mist ake, or after you send or receiv e a fax. You can choos e a rang e of so und v o lume leve ls, fr om High to Off . a Pres s Menu .
General setup 3 1 Automatic Daylight Saving Time (MFC mode ls) 1 You can set t he machi ne to change automatical ly f or day light saving time. It wi ll reset i tself for ward one hour in the Spri ng and backward one h our in t he F all. Make sure you have set the correc t date a nd time in the Date & Time setti ng.
Chapter 1 4 Au to Powe r Off (DCP model) 1 The Auto P ower Do wn feature w ill turn of f t he machi ne a fter it has been in Sleep Mode the numb er of h ours you choose. When this feat ure is Off , the machine will r emai n in Sle ep Mode and not turn itself off.
General setup 5 1 Mode Time r (MFC mode ls) 1 The machine’ s cont rol panel has four temporary mo de keys: FAX , SCAN , COPY and WE B . You can change the amount of time t h e ma chine takes after the last Fax, Scan, Copy or Web op eration b efore it returns to Rea dy mode.
6 2 TX Lock 2 TX Lo ck let s you prevent unauth orized access t o the machine. Whil e TX Lock i s O n, the follow ing operation s are available : Recei ving faxes PC-Fax Receiv e 1 (If PC-Fax Re ceive w as al r e ady On) 1 W hile th e TX Lo ck f eat ure is tu rne d on, y our m ach ine wi ll rece ive f axes an d sto re them in i ts mem ory.
Secur ity features ( MFC mode ls) 7 2 Chan gi ng t he pa sswo rd 2 a Press Me nu . b Press a or b to choose Fax . Press OK . c Press a or b to choose Miscellaneous . Press OK . d Press a or b to choose TX Lock . Press OK . e Press a or b to choose Set Password .
8 3 Additiona l sending options 3 Sending f axes using m ultiple sett ings 3 When you sen d a f ax, y ou can c hoose a combi nation of setting s, such as Fax Resolution , Contrast , Glass ScanSize , and Real Time TX . You can also c hoose: Outgoing Call , Caller ID hist.
Sending a fax ( MFC mode ls) 9 3 NOTE Even if you choos e Light or Dark , the machine will send the fax us ing the Auto setti ng in eit her of the followi ng condit ions: • When you send a colo r fax. • When you choose Ph oto as th e F ax Resolution.
Chapter 3 10 Set ting yo ur cha nges a s the new de fault 3 You can store th e fax o ptions you use frequen tly for Fax Resolution , Contrast , Glass ScanSize a nd Real Time TX by saving them as the defau lt se ttings. These set tings will stay until you change t hem a gain.
Sending a fax ( MFC mode ls) 11 3 Dual Acce ss (B lack & Whi te o nly) 3 You can dial a number and start scanning the fax into memory—even when the m achine is sending fro m memor y, receiving fa xes or printing P C data. Th e LCD shows t he new job number.
Chapter 3 12 g Pres s Bl ack S tar t . Fax in g from t he AD F The mach ine s tar ts scannin g an d send ing the document . Faxing from the scanne r glass Whe n the LC D asks you Next Page? , do one of the following: To sen d a single p age, pr ess 2 (or press Bla ck Start again) .
Sending a fax ( MFC mode ls) 13 3 Real Time T ransmis sio n 3 When you are sending a fax, the machine wil l scan the document into the memory before sending it. T h en, as s o on a s the telep hone line is free, the mac hine will start dialing and sending.
Chapter 3 14 C hecki ng a n d c ancel ing waiting jo bs 3 You can chec k which jobs are still wait ing in the memory to be sent and canc el a job. (If t here are no jobs, the LCD shows No Jobs Waiting .) a Pres s Menu . b Pres s a or b to ch oose Fax .
15 4 4 Memo ry R eceive (Black & White on ly) 4 Memory Re ceive lets you recei ve faxes wh ile you are away from the machin e. You can only use one Memory Receiv e operation at a ti m e : PC-Fa x Receive Off You can change your selec tion at any time .
Chapter 4 16 g Pres s a or b to ch oose <USB> or the name of the PC you want to receive faxes if you are on a network. Pres s OK . h Pres s a or b to ch oose Backup Print:On or Backup Print:Off . Pres s OK . i Pres s Stop/Exit . NOTE • PC-Fax Receiv e is not supported by the Mac OS.
Rece iving a fax (MFC models) 17 4 Changin g Memory Rec eive oper at io ns 4 If receiv ed faxes a r e in your machi ne’s memory when you change the Memor y Receive operat ions, th e LCD will as k yo.
Chapter 4 18 R eceivi n g a f ax a t the e nd of a con ver sati on 4 At t he end of a conversation, yo u can as k the other par ty to fax y o u information before you both hang up. Make sure the ADF is empty. a Ask the other party to pl ace the document in their mac hine and to p r e ss the St art or Send k ey.
19 5 5 Vo ice operations 5 You can use your external t elephone to dial voice ca lls. T one or Pu lse (Can ad a on ly) 5 If you have a Puls e dialin g servic e, b ut need to send tone signals ( for example, for telephone banki ng), follow t he i nstructions : a Press Hook .
Chapter 5 20 Set ting up you r area code ( USA on ly) 5 When retu rning calls from the Caller ID his tory, your mac hine wil l dial “1” pl us t he are a code for all ca lls. If your lo cal diali ng plan req uires that “1” not be dialed for calls within you r area code, en ter y our are a code in this sett ing.
Dia ling and st oring numbers ( MFC mode ls) 21 5 C onve rting te leph one wa ll o utle ts 5 There are thre e ways to conver t to a n RJ11 jack. The firs t two ways may require hel p fr om the te lephone com pany. You can chang e the wall outlet s from one RJ14 jack to two RJ11 jacks.
Chapter 5 22 Additional dia ling operations 5 O utg oi ng C al l h ist ory 5 The last 30 numbers you sent a f a x to will be stor ed in the Outgoing Call hist ory. You can cho ose one of these num bers to f ax to, add to the Addr ess Book, or delete from the hi s tor y.
Dia ling and st oring numbers ( MFC mode ls) 23 5 NOTE • ( USA only) If you redial from the Caller I D histor y outsid e your area code, y ou mus t set up your area code i n advanc e. (See Setting up y our area code (USA only ) on page 20. ) • Y ou can p r int the C aller ID histor y Lis t.
Chapter 5 24 Additiona l ways to store n umbers 5 Storing Sp eed D ial num bers from th e Outgoin g Call his tory 5 You can also stor e S p eed D ial numbers from the Outgoi ng Call hist ory. a Pres s Red ial/Pause . You can al so choose Outgoing Call by pre ssing ( FAX ).
Dia ling and st oring numbers ( MFC mode ls) 25 5 Se tt in g up G rou ps fo r Broa dc asti ng 5 A Group, which is stored in a Sp eed Dial location, allows you t o se nd the same fax message to many fax numbers by pressin g ( Address Book ), Search , OK , the two-digit loc ation a nd B lack Start .
Chapter 5 26 e Enter the new name (up to 16 characte rs) using the dial pad. (For help ent ering le tters , see Bas ic User’s Guide : Entering T ext .) Pres s OK . (For example, ty pe NEW CLIENTS.) f Pres s a or b to ch oose Complete . Pres s OK . g Pres s Stop/Exit .
27 6 6 F ax repor ts (MFC mode ls) 6 Pre ss Men u k e y s t o set up the Tran s miss ion Verifi c a tion Rep ort and the J ournal P eriod. Tran smi ssi on Ver if ica tion Re port 6 You can use the Transmissi on Verificat ion Report as proof that you s ent a fax.
Chapter 6 28 Reports 6 The fol lowing repor ts are a vailable: Transmission (MFC models) Print s a Transmis sion Verif ication Report for y our las t tr ansmission. Address Book (MFC models) Print s a list of names and numbers stored in the Address Bo ok memor y, in alphabet ical or numeri cal order.
29 7 7 Copy option s 7 You can change the copy s ettings for t he next co py . These setting s are temporary. The mac hine retu rns to it s de fau lt sett in gs on e min ut e aft er copying. Pre ss COPY 1 and then press a or b to scro ll through t he c opy setti ngs.
Chapter 7 30 Enlarging or reduc ing copies 7 You can choose a n enlarg ement or r eduction ratio. If you choose Fit to Page , your machi ne will adjust to th e size you s et in Paper Size . a Load your docum ent. b (MFC models) Pres s ( CO PY ). c Enter the nu m b er of cop i es you want.
Making c opies 31 7 M aking N in 1 c opies o r a post er (Pa ge L ayou t) 7 The N in 1 copy fe ature can help you save paper by letting y ou c o py two or four p ages onto one prin ted page .
Chapter 7 32 Place t he d ocume nt face down in the dir ectio n sh own be low : 2in1(P) 2in1(L) 4in1(P) 4in1(L) Poster(2x1) Poster(2x2) Poster(3x3) NOTE The post er cop ies ha v e overla pping portions so t hat you can easil y paste them tog ethe r.
Making c opies 33 7 2 i n 1 ID cop y (Pag e L ay out) 7 You can copy both sides of your ident ificati on card onto one page, keep ing the original car d size. Make sure th e paper s i ze is set to Letter or A4. NOTE You can copy an identi fication card t o the extent permit ted un der applic able l aws.
Chapter 7 34 f If you do not want to chan ge a dditional settings, pr ess Black Start or Color Start . If you place d the document in the A DF 1 , the mac hine sc ans the document and starts printi ng. 1 MFC models only If you are using t he sca nner g lass, go to step g .
Making c opies 35 7 2- sided c opying (MFC model s) 7 You can reduce the amount of paper used for copies by c opying on both sides of the paper . We recommend you load sing le-sided documents in th e ADF f or 2 - si ded co pying. For 2- sided doc uments and boo k s, use t he scanner gl ass.
Chapter 7 36 l Place the next page on the scanner glass. Press OK to scan t he page. Repeat steps k and l un til al l the pages have been sca nned. m Pres s 2 to f i nish scanning. The mac hine st arts printing. DO NOT touch the print ed page until it is ejec ted the second t ime.
37 A A Cleaning and chec king the ma chine A Clea ning t he o uts ide of th e ma ch in e A Clean the LCD screen as fol lows: IMPORTANT • P ress and hold d own to t urn th e machine off. The LCD will show Shutting Down for a few seconds before the pow er goe s off.
38 d Wipe th e inside and o utsid e of the paper tray with a dr y , sof t li nt-free cl oth t o remove d ust. e Close the output paper tray cover and put the paper tray fi rmly back in the machine.
Routine maintenan ce 39 A c Lift the scan ner cover to release the lock. Gently push t he scann er cover support d own and c l ose the s canner cover u sing both han ds. d Re-conne ct the power cord. Clea ni ng the pa per fe ed rol le rs A If the paper feed roll ers are s tain ed with ink, it may cause paper feed prob lems.
40 c (MFC models) Lift the Jam Clear Fl ap (2), and then clean the back side of the Pap er Feed Roller s (1) with a soft lint-free cloth moiste ned with water. After c leaning, wipe the rol lers wi th a dry , s oft l int -fr ee cl oth to rem ov e al l moist ure.
Routine maintenan ce 41 A d Clean t he Pap er Pick -up Roller s (1) wit h a s oft lint -free cloth moi stened with water. Slowl y turn the rol lers s o that the whole surfa ce is cleaned. After cl eaning, wipe the rol lers with a dry , sof t lint -fre e clot h to r emo ve al l moisture.
42 Packing a nd sh ipping the machi ne A When you tr ansport t he m achine, u se the pac king mater ials t hat cam e wit h your machi ne. If you do not pack the machine correc tly, any damage tha t may occur in trans it may not be covered by your warrant y.
Routine maintenan ce 43 A IMPORTANT • M ake sure the plast ic tab on the lef t side of the orange protecti v e part (1) locks securely into place (2) . • I f you are not able to find the ora nge protec tive pa rt, ship the machine without it. DO NOT install t he ink cartrid ges as an alternat ive befor e shi pping.
44 B This is a comprehe nsive list of featur es and term s that appe ar in Broth er manuals. A vai labilit y of these features depen ds on the mode l you purchased . Gloss ary B Add ress Book Your l ist of Speed Dial names and numbers that y o u ha v e sto red f or easy dialing .
Gl ossary 45 B Dual A ccess Your mac hine can s can outg oing faxes or schedul ed jobs into the m emory at the same time it is sendi ng a fax fr om memory , receivin g or p rinting an incom ing fax. Easy Re ceive Enabl es your machi ne to respond t o CNG tones if you int errupt a fax call by answeri ng it.
46 Overse as Mode Makes t emporary changes to the fax tones to accommodat e noise and static on overseas tele phone lin es. Pause Allows you to pla c e a 3. 5 second delay in the dial ing s equenc e while you ar e dialing using the dial pad or wh ile you ar e storing Speed Dial number s.
Gl ossary 47 B User Settin gs A p rinted rep ort that s hows the current setti ngs of t he m achine. WLA N Re po rt A p rinted rep ort that shows the result of the WLAN Connect ion.
Index 48 C Nu mer i cs 2 in 1 ID Copy ..... ..... .. ..... .. ..... .. ..... .. ..... .. .. 33 2-si ded copy ... ..... .. ..... .. .. ..... .. ..... .. ..... .. ..... .. ..... .. 3 5 A Acces s code s , storing and dialing ... .. ..... .. 2 3 Addre ss Book Acces s codes and c redit card numbe rs .
49 C sen din g . ..... .. ..... .. ..... .. ..... .. ..... .. ..... .. .. ..... . 8 at end of conver sation ... .. ..... .. ..... .. .... 10 Broad casting .... .. ..... .. ..... .. ..... .. ..... .. ... . 11 canceling from memo ry . .. ..... .. ..... .
50 R Reduc ing copi es ... ... .... ... .... ... .... ... .... ... .... ... .... ... .... 30 incoming f axes . .. ..... .. ..... .. ..... .. ..... .. ... .... 1 7 R emo te Setu p See Softwar e and Network User’ s G u ide. Repor ts . ..... .. ..... .
www.brothe rearth.c om Brother Internat ional Corp oration 200 Crossin g Bouleva rd P.O. Box 6911 Bridgewater, NJ 08807-09 11 USA Brother Intern ational C orporation (Canada ) Ltd. 1 rue Hôtel de Ville , Dollard-des -Ormeaux, QC, Cana da H9B 3H6 Visi t us on the Wo rld Wi de Web http ://www .
デバイスBrother MFC-J450DWの購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Brother MFC-J450DWをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはBrother MFC-J450DWの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Brother MFC-J450DWの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Brother MFC-J450DWで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Brother MFC-J450DWを既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はBrother MFC-J450DWの不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Brother MFC-J450DWに関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちBrother MFC-J450DWデバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。