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i User's Guide s and w here do I find it? 1 MFC-J6 25DW only 2 Vi si t u s at htt p:/ / sol uti ons. br oth er. co m/ . Whic h ma nual ? What's in it? Where is it? Pr oduct Saf ety G u ide Read thi s Guide fi r s t . Please read the Safet y Instructions before you set up your mac hine.
ii Table of Conte nts 1 Gene ral setu p 1 IM PORT ANT N OTE . ..... ..... .. ..... .... ..... .. ..... .... ... .... ..... ..... .. ..... .... ... .... ..... ..... .. ..... .... . 1 Mem ory s torag e ..... ..... .. ..... .... ..... .. ..... .... ... .
iii 4 Receiv ing a fa x 16 Memory Recei ve (Black & White only) (M FC-J625DW only) ... ....... ....... ....... ....... 16 Re cei ving fa xes in to mem ory w hen p aper tr ay is em pty .... .... ..... .. ..... ..... .... .. 16 Fa x F orw ardin g ..
iv 7 Making c opies 38 Co py se tti ngs .. .. ..... ..... .... ... .... ..... .. ..... .... ..... .. ..... ..... .. ..... .... ..... .. ..... ..... .... ... .... ..... . 3 8 St op cop ying .. .. ..... .... ... .... ..... .... ... .... ..... .. ..... .
v A Rou tine mai nte nance 59 Cleaning and c hecking the machin e ..... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ......... ..... 59 Cl eani ng t he outsi de of the m ac hine ... ..... .. ..... ..... .. ..... .... ..... .. ..... ..... ..
1 1 1 I MP ORT AN T N OT E 1 In this manual, the screen message s of t he M F C-J625DW are used unle s s s pecified. Most of the ill ustrations in this User's Guide show the MFC-J62 5DW. Mem or y st orag e 1 Your menu setting s are stored permanen tly, and in the event of a power failure wil l no t be lost.
Chapter 1 2 Beep er Vo lume 1 When t he beeper is on, the m achine will beep when yo u press a key, make a mi s t ake, or aft er you send or r eceiv e a f ax. You can choos e a rang e of beeper volume leve ls, fro m High to Off . a Pres s Menu . b Pres s s or t to disp l ay General Setup .
General setup 3 1 Automatic D a ylight Saving Time 1 You can set t he machi ne to change automatical ly f or day light sa v i ng time. It will reset i tself forwar d one hour in the Spri ng and backward one h our in the Fall. Mak e sure you have set the correct dat e a nd tim e in the Date&Time setti ng.
Chapter 1 4 LC D sc re en 1 LCD Cont ra st 1 You can adjust t he LCD contrast. If you ar e hav ing difficul ty reading the LCD, tr y cha nging t he contrast settin g. a Pres s Menu . b Pres s s or t to disp l ay General Setup . c Pres s General Setup .
General setup 5 1 Sett ing the D im Ti mer for the ba ckli ght 1 You can set h ow long th e LCD b acklight stays on after you go bac k t o the Ready screen. a Press Menu . b Press s or t to di spla y General Setup . c Press General Setup . d Press s or t to di spla y LCD Settings .
6 2 TX Lock 2 TX Lo ck let s you prevent un authoriz ed access to the ma c h ine. You will not be able to con tinue to schedule Dela y e d Faxes or Pol ling jobs. However , any pre-schedule d Delay ed Faxes will still be sent even if you turn on TX Lock, so t hey will not be lost.
Security features 7 2 Chan gi ng th e pass word 2 a Press Menu . b Press s or t to di sp lay Fax . c Press Fax . d Press s or t to di sp lay Miscellaneous . e Press Miscellaneous . f Press s or t to di sp lay TX Lock . g Press TX Lock . h Press Set Password .
8 3 Additiona l sending options 3 Sending f axes using mu ltiple sett ings 3 When you sen d a fax you can choos e a combi nation of setting s, suc h as Fax Resolution , Contrast , Glass ScanSize , and Real Time TX .
Sending a fax 9 3 Ch angi ng fax re solution 3 The quality of a fax can be improv ed b y changing the fax r esolution. a Press ( FAX ). b Press Options . c Press s or t to di spla y Fax Resolution . d Press Fax Resolution . e Press s or t to di splay t he resolut ion options, and t hen pres s the option you want.
Chapter 3 10 Restor ing fax se ttings to the fact ory se t ting s 3 You c a n restore all the fax settin gs you have cha nged to the f actory setting s. These sett ings will sta y unt il you change them agai n. a Pres s ( FA X ). b Pres s Options . c Pres s s or t to disp l ay Factory Reset .
Sending a fax 11 3 Send ing a fax a t the end o f a conv ersa tio n 3 At the end of a conversation, you can send a fax to the other part y befor e you b oth hang up. a Ask the ot her p arty to wait f or fax tones (beeps) and the n t o press the St art or Send key before hangi ng up.
Chapter 3 12 h Pres s Bl ack Start . Fax in g from t he ADF The mach ine s t arts scannin g an d send ing the document . Faxing from the scanne r g lass Whe n the scre en asks yo u Next Page? , do one of the fol lowing: To sen d a single p age, pres s No (Send) (or press Black Star t again) .
Sending a fax 13 3 e Press Real Time TX . f Press On . g Press so you can continue sending your fax. Note • I f you are send ing a c olor fax o r if t he memory i s full and you are s ending a black & white f ax from the A DF , the machin e will send the docu m e nt in real time (even if Real Time TX is se t to Off ) .
Chapter 3 14 D elayed Batc h Tran smissi on (Black & Whit e o nly) (MF C -J62 5 DW o nly ) 3 Befor e sending the delayed fa xes, your machi ne w ill help you economiz e by sor ting all th e f axes in the memory b y dest ination and sched uled time.
Sending a fax 15 3 Po lling overvi ew (MFC -J625DW onl y) 3 Polling lets you s et up your machin e so other people can receiv e faxes from you, but they pay for the call. It als o lets you c all somebody else’s fax mac hine and receive a fax from it, so you pay for the call.
16 4 Memory Rec eive (Black & White only) (MFC-J625DW on ly) 4 You can only us e o ne Memor y Receive oper ation at a time: Fax Forwar ding Paging Fax Storag e PC-Fax Receiv e Off You can change y our selection at any time.
Rec eiving a fax 17 4 Pagin g 4 When you choose Paging, your m achine dials the cel l phone or pa ger numbe r you have program m ed . This activate s your ce ll phone or pager so you will know that you have a fax mes sage in the mem ory. If you have s et Paging , a backup c opy of the received fax will automatic ally be printed at the machine.
Chapter 4 18 Fax St orage 4 If you choos e Fax S tor age, your machin e stor es recei ved fax es in t he memory. You will be ab le to retri eve fax m essages from anoth er lo c a tion usi ng the remote retriev al commands . If you hav e turned on Fax St orage, a backup cop y wil l a utomaticall y be printed at the machi ne.
Rec eiving a fax 19 4 PC-F ax Rec eive (W indows ® onl y) 4 If you turn on the PC-Fax R eceive feature your machin e wi ll store received fa xes in memory and send them to your PC automatical ly. You can t hen us e your P C to view and store the s e f axes.
Chapter 4 20 Turning of f Memo ry Rece ive opera tions 4 a Pres s Menu . b Pres s s or t to disp l ay Fax . c Pres s Fax . d Pres s s or t to disp l ay Setup Receive . e Pres s Setup Receive . f Pres s s or t to disp l ay Memory Receive . g Pres s Memory Receive .
Rec eiving a fax 21 4 Remote Retriev a l (MFC -J625DW onl y) 4 You can call your mach ine from any touch-tone te lephone or fax machine and then use the r emote acces s co de and remot e com mands to retrieve f ax messages.
Chapter 4 22 Remo te Fax commands 4 Foll ow the commands below t o acces s features when you ar e away from the machine . W he n you call t he machine and enter your remote access code (3 digits followed by ), t he syst em wi ll give two shor t beeps and you must enter a remote command.
Rec eiving a fax 23 4 Ret rievi ng f ax m e ssag es 4 You can call your mach ine from any touch-tone telephon e an d have your fax messages sent to anot her mac hine. Befo r e you use this f eature, you hav e to t urn on Fax Storage. (See Fax Sto rage uu page 18.
Chapter 4 24 Additiona l receivin g operations 4 Pr in ti ng a redu c ed i nco ming fa x 4 If you c hoose On , the m achine au tomatic ally red uces each page of a n incoming fax to fit on one page of Let ter, Legal or A4 size paper. The machi ne cal culates the reduction r atio by usi ng the pa ge size of t he fax and your Paper Size sett ing.
Rec eiving a fax 25 4 Po lling overvi ew (MFC -J625DW onl y) 4 Polling lets you s et up your machin e so other people can receiv e faxes from you, but they pay for the call. It als o lets you c all somebody else’s fax mac hine and receive a fax from it, so you pay for the call.
Chapter 4 26 Ca nc eli ng a Se quen tia l P olli ng J ob 4 a Pres s Stop/Exit . b Do one of the following: To can cel t he ent ire se quential pollin g j ob, press Entire Seq. Poll . Go to s tep c . To can cel t he curr ent job , press t he butt on that displays the number being dialed.
27 5 5 Vo ice operations 5 Voice cal ls can be made wit h an ext ernal telephone by diali ng m an ually. T one or Pu l s e (Can ada on ly) 5 If you have a Pulse di alin g service, but need to send tone signals ( f or example, for telephone banki ng), follow t he i nstructions below: a Press Hook .
Chapter 5 28 Set ting up your a rea c ode (US A only ) 5 When retu rning calls from the Caller ID his tory your machin e wi ll automatica lly dial “1” plus the ar ea code f or all c alls. If y our loc al diali ng plan requires tha t the “1” not be used for ca lls within your area code, enter your are a code in this sett ing.
Dialing and storing n umbers 29 5 C onve rting t eleph on e wall o utle ts 5 There are thre e ways to conver t to a n RJ11 jack. The first t wo ways may require hel p fr om the te lephone com pany. You can chang e the wall outlet s f rom one RJ14 jack to two RJ11 jacks.
Chapter 5 30 Additiona l dialing operations 5 O utg oi ng Ca ll 5 The last 30 number s you sent a fa x to wil l be stor ed in the outgoi ng cal l history . You can cho ose one of these num bers to f ax to, add t o Spee d Dial, or dele te from the history.
Dialing and storing n umbers 31 5 Note • ( USA only) If you redial from the Caller I D histor y outsid e your area code, you must set up your AREA CODE in advanc e. (See Setting up y our area code ( USA only ) uu page 28. ) • Y ou can p rint the Caller ID Li s t .
Chapter 5 32 Additiona l ways to store n umbers 5 Storing Sp eed Dial num ber s fro m Ou tgo ing C alls 5 You can al so store Speed Dial nu m be rs from the Outgoi ng Call hist ory. a Pres s Red ial/Pause . You can also choose th e numbe r by pressing History .
Dialing and storing n umbers 33 5 Stor i n g Speed Dial num bers from the Calle r ID hi story 5 If you have the Caller ID subs criber ser v i ce from your teleph one company, you can also store Speed Dial number s from incoming calls in the Call er I D History.
Chapter 5 34 Setting up Grou ps for Broa dcasti ng 5 Groups , whi c h can be s tored on a Speed Dia l loc ation, all ow yo u to s e nd the same fax message t o many fax numbers by pressing SpeedDial , the two-digi t location, Send a fax and Black Sta rt .
Dialing and storing n umbers 35 5 Note How t o chan ge the stored name or number: If you want to chan ge a charact er, press d or c to position th e curs or under the charact er you want to change, and then press . Re-enter the charac ter. j Press OK .
36 6 Fax reports 6 Use the Menu button on the scr een to set up the T r a nsmission Ve rificatio n Report and the Jo ur nal P e rio d. Tr ansmis sion Veri ficat ion Rep ort 6 You can use the Tran smission Verif ication Repor t as proof that you sent a fax.
Printing r eports 37 6 Reports 6 The followi ng r e ports are availab le: Transmission Print s a Tran smissio n Verificat ion Report for y our las t trans mission. Quick Dial Lists na m e s and numbers stored in the Speed Dial m emory, in alp habetical or numerical orde r.
38 7 Copy settings 7 You c a n change the c opy sett ings temporar ily for the next c opy. These s ettings are temporary . The m a chine retur ns to its default sett ings 1 minute after cop y i ng unles s you have set the Mode Timer to 30 seco nds or les s.
Making c opies 39 7 Enlar ging or red uci ng the copi ed imag e 7 You can choos e an enl argement or reduction ratio. If you choose Fit to Page , y our machine will adj ust the size autom atically to the paper size you set. a Press ( COPY ). b Load y our doc ument.
Chapter 7 40 Mak in g N in 1 copi es or a poste r (Pag e Lay out) 7 The N in 1 copy feature c an help you save paper b y let ting you copy two or four pages onto one print ed page.
Making c opies 41 7 Place the document face do wn i n the dir ect ion show n below : 2in1(P) 2in1(L) 4in1(P) 4in1(L) Poster (2x1) Poster (2x2) Poster (3x3) 2 in 1 I D Copy 7 You can c opy both sides o f your i dentifi cation card ont o one page, keeping the origi nal card si z e .
Chapter 7 42 d Pres s Options . e Pres s s or t to d i spl ay Page Layout . f Pres s Page Layout . g Pres s s or t to disp l ay 2in1(ID) . h Pres s 2in1(ID) . i Pres s Bl ack Start or Color Start . The mac hine st arts scan ning th e first page. j After t he m achine has s canned o ne side, pr ess Yes .
Making c opies 43 7 Duplex (2-sided) copying (MFC -J625 DW on ly) 7 You can reduce the amount of paper used for copies by c opying on both sides of the paper. We recommend you load your docum ent in the ADF for dup lex cop ying. F or 2-side d documents and book s use the sc anner glass .
Chapter 7 44 m The sc reen s hows: Place the next page on the scanner glass and pres s Scan . Pres s OK . The mac hine st arts pr inting. n If you pressed Sort for m ultiple copies, repeat s tep m for each additional page. After all t he pages have bee n scanned, press Complete .
45 8 8 PhotoCapture Cente r™ o perations 8 M emo ry ca rds, US B Fla sh m emo ry d rive an d fol der st ruc ture s 8 Your mac hine is design ed to be compa tible with moder n dig ital cam era image .
Chapter 8 46 Print Ima ges 8 Print In dex (Thum bnails) 8 The Photo Capture Center™ ass i gns numb ers for images ( such as No.1, No. 2, No.3, and s o on). The PhotoCaptu re Ce nter™ does not recog nize any other numbers o r f ile names that you r digital camera or c o mputer has use d to identify the pic tures.
Ph oto Cap tur e Ce nter ™ : Pri ntin g pho tos fro m a m em ory c ard or U SB F lash me mo ry dr ive ( MFC -J 625D W o nly ) 47 8 Printin g Photos 8 Before you can pr int an in dividual image, you have to know the image number. a Make sure you have put the memory card or USB Flash mem ory drive in the proper slot .
Chapter 8 48 D POF pr int i ng 8 DPOF stand s for Digital Pri nt O rder Format. Maj or digit al camera manufactu rers ( Canon Inc. , E a stman Kodak Company , F UJI FILM Cor poration, Panasonic Corpor ation and Sony Corpor ation ) creat ed t his standard to make it ea s i er to print image s f rom a digi tal camera.
Ph oto Cap tur e Ce nter ™ : Pri ntin g pho tos fro m a m em ory c ard or U SB F lash me mo ry dr ive ( MFC -J 625D W o nly ) 49 8 f If you do no t want to cha nge addit ional settin gs, press . Press Start t o p rin t. Pape r option s 8 Pap er Ty pe 8 a Press ( PHOTO ).
Chapter 8 50 Adjusting Brightness , C ontr ast an d Col or 8 Brig htne ss 8 a Pres s ( PHO TO ). Do one of the following: Press View Photos and press s or t to di splay each photo. When the photo you wan t is di splayed, press OK . Press Print All .
Ph oto Cap tur e Ce nter ™ : Pri ntin g pho tos fro m a m em ory c ard or U SB F lash me mo ry dr ive ( MFC -J 625D W o nly ) 51 8 h Do one of the following : If you want to c ustomize another col or e nhancement, repeat s teps f to g .
Chapter 8 52 Borde rless print ing 8 This f eature expan ds the printable area to t he edges of the pap er. Printi ng time will be sl ightly slo wer. a Pres s ( PHO TO ). Do one of the following: Press View Photos and press s or t to di splay each photo.
Ph oto Cap tur e Ce nter ™ : Pri ntin g pho tos fro m a m em ory c ard or U SB F lash me mo ry dr ive ( MFC -J 625D W o nly ) 53 8 Re stor ing al l set ting s to the fa ctory settings 8 You can rest.
Chapter 8 54 H o w to r eset to the fact ory sett ings 8 You can restore al l the Scan to Medi a settings ( Quality and File Type ), t hat you have cha nged, to the factory sett ings. a Pres s ( SCAN ). b Pres s s or t to disp l ay Scan to Media . c Pres s Scan to Media .
55 9 9 Printi ng photos directly from a PictBri dge camera 9 Your Br other machin e supp orts the PictBridge s tandard, allowing y ou to conn ect to and print photo s direc tly from any PictBridge c ompatible dig ital camera.
Chapter 9 56 When your cam era does no t hav e any menu selections , these s ettings a re al so used. The name and avail ability of each setting depends on t he specifi cation of you r camera. Ple ase ref er to the documentat ion supplied with your camera f or more detaile d info rmation on changi ng Pict Bridge setting s.
Printing pho tos from a ca mera (MFC-J6 25DW only) 57 9 DPO F printing 9 DPOF s ta nds fo r Dig ita l Pri nt Ord er F orma t. Major d igital camera manuf actur ers (Cano n Inc.
Chapter 9 58 Pri ntin g I mag es 9 Note Remove any memory ca rd s or US B Flash memory drive fro m the machine before connect ing a digital camer a. a Make sure t h at your camera is t urned off. Con nect your camera to t he USB direct interface (1) on th e m achi ne using the USB cable.
59 A A Cleaning and chec king the ma chine A Clea ni ng t he out sid e of th e ma ch i ne A Clean the scree n as follow s: IMPORT ANT • T urn off t he power switch whe n you clean the screen . • DO NOT use any t ype o f liqu id cleaners (incl uding ethanol).
60 d Wipe th e inside and o utside of the paper tray with a dr y , sof t li nt-free cl oth t o remove d u s t. e Close the output paper tray cover and put the paper tray fi r ml y back in the machine.
Routin e maintenance 61 A Clea ni ng t he pap er fe ed rol le rs A If the paper feed roll ers are s t ained with ink, it may cause paper feed prob lems. a Unplug th e machine f rom the AC power outlet. Pull the paper tr ay (1) com pletely ou t of th e ma ch in e.
62 C lea ning th e pa pe r pi ck- up rolle rs A a Unplug the machine fro m the AC power outlet . b Pull the pape r tray completely o ut of the machine. Note If the machine s tarts to multi -feed th e last few sheets of paper in th e t ray, clean the Base Pad (1) wit h a soft lint -free clot h moiste ned with water.
Routin e maintenance 63 A Check in g the i nk volu m e A Although an ink volu me icon appears on the screen, you can use th e ink menu to see a large grap h showing the ink tha t is left in each cartri dge. a Press ( Ink ). b Press s or t to di spla y Ink Volume .
64 c Install t he orange protective par t and then clo se t he ink car tridge cover. IMPORT ANT • Make sure the plastic tab on the right si de of the orange protecti ve part (1) clicks securely into place (2). • If you are not able to find the orang e protec tive part, ship th e machin e without it.
Routin e maintenance 65 A h Using b oth hands, grasp t he plastic ta bs on both sides of the machine an d gently close th e scanner cover. i Wrap t he ink cartridges in the ba g and tape it on the paper tr ay.
66 B This is a comprehe nsive list of features and terms that appear in Brother ma nuals. Avai lability o f these features depen ds on t he mode l you purc hased.
Glos sary 67 B Distinc t i ve Ring A subscrib er service purchas ed from the teleph one com pany that gives you another t elephone num ber on an existing teleph one line. The Brot her machin e uses the new num ber to s i mulate a dedi cated fax l ine.
68 OCR (op t i cal c haracter r ecognition) ScanSoft ™ PaperPor t™12SE with OCR or Presto! PageM anager softwa r e applic ation conver ts an ima ge o f t ext t o text you can edi t. Overse as Mode Makes t emporary c hanges t o the fax tones to accommodat e noise and static on overseas tele phone lin es.
Glos sary 69 B Standard reso lution 203 98 dpi (bla ck & whi te). 203 196 dpi (c olor). I t is used for re gular sized te x t and the quickest transm ission. S tatio n ID The st ored informati on that ap pears o n the top of faxed pages . It includes the sende r ' s name an d fax number.
Index 70 C Nu mer ics 2 in 1 ID Copy ..... ..... .. ..... .... ..... .. ..... ..... .... 41 A Acces s code s , storing and di aling . .... ..... .. 31 Appl e Macin tosh See Softwar e User's Guide. B Br oa d ca st ing .. ..... ..... .. ..... .... .
71 C from memory (Dual Access) . ..... .... ... . 1 1 manu al . ..... .. ..... ..... .... ... .... ..... ..... .. ..... . 10 ov er se as ... .. ..... ..... .... ... .... ..... .. ..... ..... . 13 Real Time Tran smissio n ..... .. ..... .... .... 1 2 Res ol u tio n .
72 Q Quic k Dial Acces s codes and credit card numbe rs .. .. ..... .... ..... .. ..... ..... .. ..... .... ..... .. 31 Broadcas ting .... .. ..... ..... .. ..... .... ..... .. ..... .. 1 1 deleti ng Groups .... .. ..... ..... .... ... .... ..... .. 35 usin g Groups .
Brother Internat ional Corp oration 100 Somerset Co rporate B oulevard P.O. Box 6911 Bridgewater, NJ 08807-09 11 USA Brother Intern ational C orporation (Canada ) Ltd. 1 rue Hôtel de Ville , Dollard-des -Ormeaux, QC, Canada H9B 3 H6 Visi t us on the Worl d Wide Web http ://www.
デバイスBrother MFC-J625DWの購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Brother MFC-J625DWをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはBrother MFC-J625DWの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Brother MFC-J625DWの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Brother MFC-J625DWで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Brother MFC-J625DWを既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はBrother MFC-J625DWの不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Brother MFC-J625DWに関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちBrother MFC-J625DWデバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。