BTCメーカーDSC 3312Xの使用説明書/サービス説明書
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Digital Camera User manual 021229 D.
About this Manu al This manual makes using the Digital Camera as easy as possible. Information in this document has been carefull y checked for accuracy; howeve r, no guarantee is given to the correc tness of the conten ts. The information in t his do cum en t i s s u bj ec t to ch ang e w ith o ut no ti ce .
Table of Contents Chapter 1 – Getting Started ............................................................................. 1 Safety Informati on ............................................................................... 2 Inc luded C ompo nents .
Chapter 5 – Mode / Operati on Guide ......................................................... 28 Capture Mode ................................................................................... 28 FLASH M enu ........................................
Chapter 1 – Getting Started This chapter describes the fe atures of the camera along with the co mponents, a camera over view, and instruct ions on getting start ed. Features • Digital zoom (4X) • Up to 20 48 x 1536 resol ution • Interpola ted resolu tion up to 6.
Digital Camera User Manual 2 Safety Information 1. Do not disassemble the camera. Touching the produ ct's internal parts coul d resul t in injury. In the event of a malfuncti on or i f the camera i s accidental ly broken open, tak e th e product to an auth ori zed serv i c e center for inspecti on.
Included Components 3 Included Components Your digital camera comes eq ui pp ed with th e follo wi ng components. Please check to mak e sure all i tems are included. 1. User manual 6. Quick Reference Guide 2. Digital Camera 7. Pouch 3. Two (2) AA Alkaline Batteries 8.
Digital Camera User Manual 4 Camera Overview The fr o nt, r ear , b otto m, and top vi ews of the di gita l camera are shown on th e following pages. Take a moment t o rev iew these il lust rations to famil iarize yoursel f wit h t he t erm s u sed in t his ma nual .
Camera Overview 5 1. Shutter Button: Press this button to t ake pictures, or to s e le c t me n u o p tio ns . 2. Mode Switch: Slide to s elect the c amera mod e: Capture, Movie, or Playback. 3. Power Butt on: Press this button to turn on the di gi ta l ca mer a.
Digital Camera User Manual 6 Back View 1. LCD Screen: Use the LCD Screen to pre view photos. W hile in the S etup menu, use the LCD Screen t o view configuration details. 2. Left Button: U se the Left Button to cycle to the right during picture playback.
Camera Overview 7 4. Right Button: U se Right Button to cycl e to the lef t during pictu re Playback. In capture mode and movie mod e, use th e Ri ght Button to increas e the EV le ve l. 5. Zoom-out/down Button: Use t he Zoom -out Bu tt on to zoom-out on your subject while in Capture mode .
Digital Camera User Manual 8 Right View 1. Battery / Memory Card Cover: Open s to allo w access to the battery ch ambers as well as the memory card slot. 2. Battery Chamber: Ta kes two AA Alkaline, NiMH, or Lithium batterie s. 3. Memory Card Slot: Accepts an MMC or SD Card to st ore images.
Installing the Memory Card 9 Installing the Memory Card To install the memory ca rd: 1. Turn off the camera. 2. Open the battery / memory card compartment by pressing the cover and sliding it in the direct ion of the arrow as shown.
Digital Camera User Manual 10 3. Insert the memory card wi th the notched corner facing the o u tside edge of the ca mera (gold circuitry facing toward the back of the camera).
Installing the Batteries 11 Installing the Batte ries To install or replace the batteries: 1. Turn off the camera. 2. Open the ba ttery compar tment on the botto m of the camera by pressing the cover and sliding it in the direction of the arrow as shown.
Digital Camera User Manual 12 3. I nse rt t he bat terie s int o the chamb er ma kin g sure that the positi ve and negative ends are properly ori en ted, as ind icated by the ba ttery icons in the compartment.
Choosing a Language 13 Choosing a Language The digital camera can display tex t in English, Spanish, German, French, Itali an, Dutch, Chinese, and Japanese. To select a different language: 1. Turn the camera on. 2. Press the MENU Button to di splay the me nu.
Digital Camera User Manual 14 5. Use the up a nd down button to selec t the language y ou want to use and the n pres s the right button to set the language.
Chapter 2 – Taking Pictures This chapter shows you how to take pictures with your digital camera. Preparing the Camera To prepare the camera for taking pictures: Press the p ower butto n to turn the camera on. A startup image appears on the LCD Scre en.
Digital Camera User Manual 16 Selecting t he Camera Mode Slide the Mode Switch t o the mode y ou wish to use. For basic "point and click" pic tur e taking, use the Capture mode indicated by t he camera icon .
Automatic Image Processing 17 Automatic Image Processing The camera adjusts the s ho t to compensa te for ambien t lig h tin g , and, in au to-f las h mod e, detec ts wh eth er or n o t the flash is re quired. Taking a picture W hen you are satisfied wi th the preview, slowly press the Shutter bu tton.
Digital Camera User Manual 18 Protecting the Camera W hen you are finished taking pictures, press the power button to turn it off. Slide the camera into t he camera pouch. The pouch will protec t the camera against accidental damage of the le ns, TFT LCD screen, or wear and tear on internal electronic parts.
Chapter 3 – Reviewing You r Pictures One ben efi t o f di gita l ca mera s i s tha t y ou c an immediat ely prev iew the shot you just took. Switching to Playback Mode To view the pictures that you ha ve stored in i nter nal memory or on the SD Card, slide the Mode Swi tch to Playback Mode and tu rn t he c ame ra on .
Digital Camera User Manual 20 Thumbnail Review If you pr ess the Zoom-O ut button W when the zoom ra tio is at 0.5X ( default), the camera swi tches to Thum bnail Rev iew m ode. In Thumbnail Review mode, up to nine pictures are shown on the LCD si multaneo usly.
Chapter 4 – Connecting to a Computer The digital camera stores pictures as digital data ra ther than on film. Instead of making a trip to a developer and printing from negatives, you can copy your pictures to a computer for long- term storage.
Digital Camera User Manual 22 Installing Software Follo w th e s e i n s tr uc ti o ns to in sta ll th e di g i tal ca m era drivers and software on your system. CAUTION: Have your Windows Installation CD-ROM ready beforehand, as you may be prompted to insert it during the installation process.
Installing Software 23 Step 2: Card Reader / PC Camera Dri ver Installation 1. Connect th e s mall connec tor of the USB cable to the camera, as shown. 2. Connect th e larg e end of the U SB cable to an empty USB slot on your computer. To locate USB slots on your computer, look for the U SB icon .
Digital Camera User Manual 24 Making the Connection The camera can b e used in two di fferent modes wh en connected to your computer: 1. Card Reader 2.
Copying Photos to a PC 25 Copying Photos to a PC W hen connected to your computer in Card Reader mod e, the d igi tal c amer a b e ha ves e xac tly li ke a ny o ther disk drive attached to your comp uter. This makes copying the images to your hard drive as easy as copying files from a floppy disk , zip drive or CD-ROM.
Digital Camera User Manual 26 Using PC Camera Mode To use the camera as a PC Ca mera, you must set the USB in PC Camera mod e in the setup menu and then connect it to the computer via the US B port. 1. Turn the camera on 2. Press the MENU button to enter the me nu sys te m.
Using PC Camera Mode 27 W hen connected, the c a m era may be us ed in conjunction with any commercially a vailable video capture sof tware to crea te your o wn home mo vies. You can edit and distribute your mo vie files across th e Internet or save them on CD-ROM for later viewing on your PC or with a VCD/DV D player.
Chapter 5 – Mode / Operation Guide The digital c am era has three mod es of operation. Sli de the Mode Swit ch t o select t he m ode. T his cha pte r describes these mod es and their function. Capture Mode Capture mode is used for taking still pictures.
Capture Mode 29 FLASH Menu The Flash menu deter mines how the flash is used . 1. Press the MENU button to show the menu sys te m. 2. Use the up a nd down button to select AUTO, ON, or OFF. Press the righ t button to enter the selecte d option. Note: The image may be overexpos ed when you shoot bright scenes by u sing forced flash.
Digital Camera User Manual 30 PRESET Menu This mode is selected in the CAP TURE mode m enu. Change the preset white ba lance se tti ng to suit the light ing conditions in which the picture is ta ken.
Capture Mode 31 RESOLUTION Adjust the image qua lity and resolution by selecting RESOLUTION from the menu display. There are five diffe rent picture resolut ions available: 6.
Digital Camera User Manual 32 SELF-TIMER Th i s o p tio n g i v e s y o u t h e a b il i ty to ta k e ha n d s- f re e photos, such as self-por traits or group pho tos. To Take a Group Photo 1. Position the camera on a stable surface ( such as a tripod) and frame the shot.
Capture Mode 33 CONTINUOUS Use the continuous setting t o take consecutive images . Keep pres sing the s h utter key wh en taking con tinuous picture. To setup a continuous shot 1. Press the MENU button to show the menus. 2. Use the up a nd down button to select CONTINU O US.
Digital Camera User Manual 34 Movie Mode Movie mode allows you record movie clips to your camera's on-board memory or flash card. To record a movi e clip 1. Turn the Mo de switch to the M ovie Cli p mode setting. 2. Frame your shot, after the camera's LCD screen turns on.
Focus 35 Focus A lens focus swi tch is loc a ted on the lef t side of the camera. Select the focus mode by sliding t he focus switch. Landscape This focus is optimized for t aking landscape pictures , with the lens focus uni versally distributed to enco mp ass everything wi thin the fram e.
Digital Camera User Manual 36 Playback Mode Playback mo de is used to view p hotos stored in the digital camera's on-board memory or on a flash memory card. To view the pho tos, sli de the Mod e swi tch to Playback mode. (Press the D ISP button to turn on the LCD screen.
Playback Mode 37 DPOF DPOF stands for "Digital Print Order Format", and refers to a format that is used for re cording the print specificat ions of images t aken using a digi tal camera on media such as a flash Card. 1. P res s th e le ft or r ig ht b u tt on to di sp la y th e i mag e for which you want to specify a DPOF setting.
Digital Camera User Manual 38 Delete 1. P res s th e le ft or r ig ht b u tt on to di sp la y th e i mag e you want to delete. 2. Press the MENU button to enter the menu system. 3. Use the up o r down butt on to select DELETE . Pre ss the right button to enter th e men u.
Setup Menu 39 Setup Menu The Setup menu configu res the cam era. Follow thes e instruct ions to use the Setup menu . 1. Press the MENU butt on. 2. Use the dow n button to select SETUP , and t h e n press the righ t button to enter th e Setup men u . The Setup menu appears.
Digital Camera User Manual 40 Language The digital camera can display me nu items in the following languages: En glish, French, Spanish, German, Italian, Dutch, Chinese, and Japanese. For more details on setting th e de fault language, re fer to page 13.
Setup Menu 41 Auto Off You can determine whether the digital camera turns itself off automatically after a period of inactivity. DISABLE: The camera stays on until it is tu rned off manua lly. 60 SEC: The camera turns off if it is not used for 60 seconds.
Digital Camera User Manual 42 Buzzer W hen this feature is turn ed on, the c amera mak es a beep when you push a button. To activate the beeps, select the BUZ ZER opt ion from the Setup menu. Select ON and pre ss the ri gh t bu tto n to confirm the sele ction.
Setup Menu 43 TV Out W hen y ou c onn ec t the ca mer a to a te lev isi on s et wi th the includ ed video cable, you have the op tion to choose a transmission format compatible with that of your TV. This allows you to record video images sent to the TV with a VCR.
Digital Camera User Manual 44 Preview After ta king a photo, you can decide to prev iew the image before saving it. OFF: Saves the image without confirmation. 1 SEC: The i mage appears on the LCD screen for one second before being sa ved. CONFIRM: A confirmation message appears on th e LCD screen before the image is save d.
Setup Menu 45 DPOF DPOF (Digital Print Order Form at ) is a s yst em that all ows digital cameras to define which captu red images are to be printed on compatible print device s. At its simplest level the syste m saves a set of te xt file s in a special directory on a digit al camera’s storage card .
Digital Camera User Manual 46 Format This option completely eras es and ref ormats the s torag e device. It is similar in funct ion to formatting a PC hard drive. Alth ough format take s long er than de lete, be sure to format your st orage device occasionally to ensure the ca rd c on tin ue s to fu nc ti o n o pti ma lly .
Setup Menu 47 Memory Type You can ch oose whether y ou want to s tor e pho tos in the on-board (internal) memory or on a fl ash card. Follow these i ns tructions to set the defa ult storage medi a. 1. Turn the camera on. 2. Press the MENU butt on to displ ay the me nu system.
Digital Camera User Manual 48 5. Use the up a nd down button to select INTERNAL or CARD . Press th e righ t button to set your selection. 6. Press the Menu b ut to n t o ex it . USB The digital c amera can be us ed with any com merci ally available video sof tware as a video camera.
Chapter 6 – Using the LCD Screen Icons on the LCD Screen show the status of camera settings and functions such as qua li ty, zoom ratio, and number of pi ctures. Thes e icons are display ed i n every camera mode except Se tup mode. This chap ter describes the LCD Scr een icons and their meanin gs.
Digital Camera User Manual 50 Movie Mode Memor y T yp e EV Value Movie Mode Preset Mode Batter y Status Playback Mode Total Pictures Current Pictures Batter y Status Pla y back Mode DPOF Image Type.
Setup Menu 51 LCD Icon Description Icon Name Description Auto Flash The camera senses whether the fl ash is needed by detecting the amount of ambient light. Flash Off Flash is turned off, regardless of the amount of light available. Flash On Flash is always on, regardless of light available.
Digital Camera User Manual 52 Icon Name Description Batter y Indicator Indicates the level of battery power remaining. Continuous Use the continuous setting to obtain the three conti nuous images when you want to take serious pictures in one touch Auto White Balance The camera automatically determines the White Balance setting.
Appendix 1 – Button Function Guide Mode Shutter Disp Menu ↑ (T) ↓ (W) Å ( − ) ( + ) Æ Capture Single Capture LCD W Text ÅÆ LCD W /O Text Menu Of f ÅÆ Menu On Zoom- in Zoom- out Decrease .
Appendix 2 – Specification Image Sensor Type: CMOS Resolution: 3M pixels Digital Zoom 4x for Still Image ca pture , 0.2 steps 4x for Still Image pla yback, 0.
Appendix 3 – Troubleshooting Guide Problem Possible cause Solution The camera is turned off. Press the pow er button to turn the camer a ON . The batt eries are disc harged . Replace the batter ies with fr esh ones. Refer to Insertin g Batterie s. The camera has no power.
Digital Camera User Manual 56 Problem Possible cause Solution Windo ws ME and Windows 2000: w hen the US B cable is un pl ugged from the PC, an "Un safe Removal Device Detected" error message appears . When r emoving USB dev ices, it is recommended th a t users fo llow the "Safe Re mo val of USB Device " proc edure .
デバイスBTC DSC 3312Xの購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
BTC DSC 3312Xをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはBTC DSC 3312Xの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。BTC DSC 3312Xの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。BTC DSC 3312Xで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
BTC DSC 3312Xを既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はBTC DSC 3312Xの不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、BTC DSC 3312Xに関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちBTC DSC 3312Xデバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。