Canonメーカー800 ISの使用説明書/サービス説明書
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Pre p aration s S hoo ti ng Play back/Eras in g Menus and Setti ngs Pr int i ng Do wnloa ding Images to a Comp uter Camer a User Guide Ple ase Re ad This Fir st Th is gui de expla ins h ow to pr epar e the ca mera a nd use its basic featu res. ENGLISH Basic XXX- XX XX-X XX XXXX XX X © 2 00 6 CANO N INC .
The fo llowi ng guid es a re av ai labl e. R efer to t hem as nec ess ary acc ord ing t o the fl owch art be lo w . Flowchar t an d R efer enc e Guides System Map Basic Camera User Guide (Thi s Guide) • Read this first.
1 1. Charging the Batte r y . C ha rge t he ba tte ry be fo re u se u nd er the f ol low ing cir cu mstan ce s. • W hen us ing t he batte ry fo r th e firs t tim e. • W hen t he "C hang e th e bat tery pa ck" me ss age di spla y s. 1. Insert the battery into the batte ry charger.
2 2. Inst all ing t he Battery . 1. Slide t he me mor y ca rd slot/ ba ttery c over and open i t ( , ). 2. Pu sh the b at tery l ock in the d ir ecti on o f the a rrow ( ) an d insert the bat tery un til it l ocks.
3 T o R emove the M emo r y Car d Use a fing er to pus h the mem ory c ard in unt il you hea r a cl ick, th en re lease it. Y ou can us e SD* mem ory ca rds and MultiM edi aCar ds wi th th is camera . Th ese cards a r e co lle cti vely c a l led mem ory cards in th is gu ide.
4 First Time Set tings Setting the Da te/Time 1. Pre ss the po w er b utton ( ). 2. Us e the or butt on to se lect a n i tem a nd t he or bu tton to chan ge i ts va l u e ( ) . T o set the d ayligh t sa ving opti on, use the or butto n to disp la y .
5 1. Press the power button. The st ar t-up so und w ill play and th e star t -up i m age will d ispl ay i n the LC D monit or . • Pre s sing the po wer bu tto n agai n tur ns the po wer of f. • T o swi tch t o the sett in g tha t mu tes all so un ds (e x cept fo r th e warn in g so und) , pres s and h ol d t he DISP .
6 2. Pres s the sh utter button fully to shoot. Th e shutter so und will play an d the im age w il l re cord. T he i ndicator w il l b link green whi le the image is recorded to the mem ory card. R evi ewin g an Image Righ t Aft er Sho oting After a s hot i s taken, the ima ge ap pears in the LCD moni tor for appro xim ate ly 2 seco nds.
7 Shooting Modes AUTO The camera auto matic ally selects set tings. MA NUAL Manual Allows you t o se lect se tti ngs your self, such a s th e expo sure c ompensati on, whit e ba lanc e, my c ol ors o r IS O sp ee d.
8 SPECI A L SCENE Be ach Sh oots w itho ut maki ng peop le ap pear dar k ne ar wate r or sa nd w her e reflec te d su nlight is st ron g. Fireworks Capt u res fir ewor ks i n the sky s harply and at op t ima l exp os ure . Unde rwat er Ap propr iate for sho ot ing im ages w ith Wa terpr oof Case WP- DC5 (s ol d s epar ate ly ).
9 Using t he Zoom 1. Press t he zoom l ever t oward or . The zo om can be ad justed from 35 – 140 mm ( focal len gth ) i n 35m m fil m equi valent t e rms. Using t he Flash 1. Press the button to cycle thr ough flash se ttings . Flash set tings cannot be us ed in some shooting m odes.
10 Shooting Close-Ups/ Infinity Shots 1. Press t he / button t o switch m odes. T o canc el th e ma cro/ inf in ity m ode: pres s th e / but ton t o re mov e or from t he d is play . These settings cannot be se t in some shoot ing modes. Macro Use th is mod e to sho ot clos e- ups of fl owers or smal l item s.
11 1. T urn the m ode d i al to (play back ) ( ). The la st reco rde d image w ill appea r in the LC D mo nit or . 2. Use the or button to display the image you wish to vi ew ( ). U se th e b utton to m ove to th e pr evi ou s imag e and t he bu tto n to mov e the n ex t imag e.
12 Set tings for the shooti ng or pl ayba ck mode s or suc h camer a se tting s as the pr int set tings , dat e/tim e and s ounds are set usin g the FU NC. men u or the Rec., Play , Pr int, Se t up o r My C am era me nu. FU NC . Men u This menu sets many of the co mmon s hoo ting fu nctio ns.
13 R ec., Play , Pr int, Set up an d My Cam era Menu s Conv en ient s ett ings f or s hootin g, playba ck o r p rinting c an be set w ith t hese me nus. Pre ss th e MENU butt on. Us e t he or bu tton to sw itc h b etwe en men us. • Y o u ca n also us e th e z oom l ever t o sw itc h b e twee n me nu s.
14 Y ou can eas ily prin t by co nnect ing the came ra to a di rec t print c ompa tible pri nter *1 wit h a cable an d simp ly pr essin g the but ton on t he cam era. 1. Connect t he camer a to a Direct Print compat ible pr inter and turn on the print er's power .
15 2. Set the camera to th e playb ack m od e, turn on the power a nd confirm that , or is displ ayed in t he upper lef t of the LCD monitor ( ). • T he bu tton wil l lig ht blue . • T he displ ayed i con w ill var y acco rding to th e print er mo del.
16 Th e fo ll owi ng met hods can be used t o do wnlo ad im ag es r ec ord ed b y t he cam era to a com put er . S ome me thods , d epend ing on the OS used , m ay not be avai lable .
17 Sys tem R equ ireme nts Plea se in stall the softw are on a c ompu ter m eetin g the fo llowi ng m inimum requ irem ents. Windows Macintosh OS Wi ndow s 98 S econ d Edi tion ( SE) Wi nd ows.
18 Prep ari ng to D ownl oad Im a g es Items to Pr epare • Ca mera an d com put er • Canon Digi tal Camer a Sol ution Disk suppli ed wi th the c amer a • Inte rfac e cabl e supp lied wit h the came ra 1. Inst all the softwar e. 1. Plac e th e Can on Di g i t al C amer a So luti on Di sk in th e computer's CD-ROM drive.
19 2. Connecting the camera t o a comput er . 1. Co nnec t t he s upp lie d i nt erfac e ca ble to th e comp u te r's US B port and t o the came ra's DIGIT AL termin al . Lif t up the le ft ed ge of th e came ra's D IG IT A L te rmi nal c over wi th a fi ngerna il an d plu g the int erfa ce c able in a ll the w ay .
20 Downl oa ding Ima ges to a C omput er A window a llowin g y ou to set t he preferences will appear whe n a conn ection is es tabli shed be twee n the ca mera a nd compu t er . 1. Select [Canon CameraWindow] and click [O K] (first time only ). 2. Download the i mages.
21 Do wnlo adin g I mage s to a Co mput er The following window will a ppear when you esta blish a connection bet ween t he cam era and comp uter. If i t fails to appear , cl ick the [Canon CameraWindow] icon on t he Dock (the bar which appears at the bot t om of the des ktop).
22 Do wnloa ding Image s U si ng t he Came ra (D ire ct T ran sf er) Use t his me thod t o downl oad i mag es usin g cam era ope rat ions. Ins tall the su pplie d softw are and ad jus t th e com pute r set tings befo re us ing this method fo r th e fir st ti me (p.
23 Select & T r ansfer/ Wallpaper 2. Select or and press the button (or the FUNC./SET b utton). 3. Select images to downloa d a nd pr ess the button (or the FUNC./SET button) . • Th e im ag es wi ll do wn load . Th e but ton wi ll bl ink bl ue wh ile dow nlo ading is in pr ogr ess.
24 European Union (and EEA) only . This symbol indicates that this product is not to be disposed of with your household waste, according to the WEEE Directive (2002/96/EC) and your national law . This product should be handed over to a designated collection point, e.
Safety Pr ecauti ons Be sur e to rea d, unde rstan d and fo llow t he saf ety pr ecaut ions be low when using t he cam era, in ord er to pr event injur y , b urns or e lectr ica l s hoc k t o yo urse lf an d ot her s. Be sure to also read th e safety pre cautions li sted in the Advanced Camera User Guide .
Pre p aration s S hoo ti ng Play back/Eras in g Menus and Setti ngs Pr int in g Do wnloa ding Images to a Comp uter Camer a User Guide Ple ase Read This First Th is gui de expla ins h ow to pr epar e the ca mera a nd use its basic featu res. ENGLISH Basic CEL-SF6UA210 © 200 6 CANON INC.
デバイスCanon 800 ISの購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Canon 800 ISをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはCanon 800 ISの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Canon 800 ISの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Canon 800 ISで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Canon 800 ISを既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はCanon 800 ISの不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Canon 800 ISに関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちCanon 800 ISデバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。