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Camera User Guide ENGLISH • Make sur e you read this g uide, incl uding the Safety Precaution s before u sing the ca mera. • Reading this guide will help you le arn to use the camera properly. • Store thi s guide sa fely so that you can u se it in the fut ure.
2 Check if the following i tems are incl uded in yo ur camera pa ckage. If anything is missing, c ontact the retailer wher e you purc hased the camera.
3 Test Shots and Disclaimer Take some init ial test sh ot s and play them ba ck to make sure t he images were recorde d correctly . Please note tha t Canon Inc.
4 What Do You Want to Do? 4 z Shoot, leaving it to the camera to make settings ......................... 20 Iw P At the bea ch (p. 59) Against snow (p. 59) Portrai ts (p. 58) Take good people shots OU Foliage (p. 59) Sunsets (p. 59) Shoot various other scenes t Fireworks (p.
What Do You Want to Do? 5 1 z Look at my pictures .................... .................................................. 23 z Automatically play back pi ctures (slideshow) ............................... 88 z Look at my pictures on a TV .............
6 Chapters 1 – 3 explain th e basic opera tions and freq uently used f unctions of this came ra. Chapte rs 4 onward explain the advanc ed function s, letti ng you learn more a s you read each chapte r. Checking the Package Contents .......2 Read This First .
Table of Contents 7 Changing the Tone of an Image (My Colors) ............. ............. ............. ... 71 Shooting Clo se-ups (M acro) ..... ...... 72 Shooting Far Away Subjects (Infinity) . ............. .............. ............. 72 Changing the AF Frame Mode.
8 • Before using the product, please ensure that you read the safety precautions described below. Always ensure that the product is used correctly. • The safety precautions noted on the following pages are intended to prevent injuries to yourself and other persons, or damage to the equipment.
Safety Precautions 9 Caution Denotes the possibility of injury. • Be careful not to bang the camera or subject it to strong impacts or shocks when hanging it by the strap. • Be careful not to bump or push strongly on the lens. This could lead to injury or damage the camera.
Conventions Used in This Guide 10 • Icons are use d in the text to re present the c amera buttons and switches. • Language th at display s on the scre en appears i nside [ ] ( square brac kets). • The direction al buttons an d FUNC./SET bu tt on are repres ented by the following icons.
11 Getting Started This chapter explains preparations before shooting, how to shoot in » mode, and then how to view and erase the images you take. The latter part of this chapter explains how to shoot and view movies and transfer images to a computer.
12 The cards bel ow can be used wit hout restrict ions on their ca pacities. • SD memory cards* • SDHC memory cards* • SDXC memo ry cards* • MultiMedia Cards • MMC plus memory cards • HC MMC plus memory cards * This memory card complies with the SD standards.
Inserting the Batteries and Memory Card 13 Insert the memory card. z Insert the me mor y card as shown unt il it locks into place with a click. z Be sure the memor y card is orient ed correctly . Inserti ng the memory card in t he wrong direct ion could damage t he camera.
Inserting the Batteries and Memory Card 14 Compatible Batteries AA alkalin e batteries and Canon AA NiMH ba tteries (s old separate ly) (p. 33). Battery Charge In dica tor When battery charge is low, an i con and message wi ll appear. If the batteries are charged, the ic on and message will no t app e ar .
15 The Date/Time se ttings scre en will appe ar the fir st time the c amera is turn ed on. Since th e dates and times re corded into yo ur images are ba sed on these settings, b e sure to s et them. Turn on the camera. z Press the power button. X The Date/Time screen will ap pe ar.
Setting the Date and Time 16 Changing the Date and Time You can change the current da te and time set tings. Display the menu. z Press the n butt on. Choose [Date/Time]. z Press the zoom b uttons to cho ose the 3 tab. z Press the op but tons to choose [Date/Time ], then p ress the m button.
17 You can change the language t hat display s on the screen. Enter Playback mode. z Press the 1 butt on. Display the settings scr een. z Press and hold the m button, then press the n button. Set the disp lay languag e. z Press the opqr buttons to c hoose a language, t hen press the m bu tton.
18 Before you us e a new memory card or one that has be en formatted in other devices, y ou should f ormat the ca rd with this c amera. Formattin g (initializ ing) a memory car d erases all d ata on the memory car d. As you canno t retrieve the erased data, exercise a deq uate cautio n before formatting the memory card.
Pressing the Shutter Button 19 Complete formatting. X When formatti ng ends, [Memor y card formattin g complete] will appear on the screen. z Press the m butt on. To take imag es that are in focus, be sure to first press the shutter button lightly (hal fway) to focu s, then pre ss fully to shoot.
20 Since the ca mera can determi ne the subje ct and shooting conditions, you can let it automa tically sele ct the best settings fo r the scene a nd just shoot . The camera can a l so de tect and f oc us on faces, se tti ng the colo r a n d brightne ss to optimal le vels.
Taking Pictures (Smart Auto) 21 X When the came ra focuses, it will beep twice and AF frames wil l appear wh ere the camera focuse d. Several AF fr ames will appear wh en the camera focuse s on more than one point. Shoot. z Press the s hutter butto n fully to s hoot.
Taking Pictures (Smart Auto) 22 • What if the image comes out dark even if the flash fired when shooting? The subject is too far away for the flash t o reach. The effective flash range is approximately 30 cm – 3.0 m (12 in. – 9.8 ft.) at maximum wide ang le ( j ), and approximately 30 cm – 2.
23 You can view th e images you ha ve taken on the scr een. Enter Playback mode. z Press the 1 butt on. X The last image y ou took will ap pear. Choose an image. z Pressing the q button wi ll cycle throu gh the images fr om newest to oldest . z Pressing the r button will cycl e t hr ou gh the images fr om oldest to new est.
24 You can ch oose and er ase images o ne at a ti me. Please no te that eras ed images canno t be recovered . Exercise ad equate caution before erasi ng an image. Enter Playback mode. z Press the 1 butt on. X The last image y ou took will ap pear. Choose an image to erase .
25 The camera can aut omaticall y select all sett ings so that you can shoot movies just by pres sing the shut ter button. Enter E mode. z Press the b utton and pres s the qr buttons to ch oose E , then pres s the m button. Compose the shot. z Pressing t he i zoom bu tton will zoom in on your su bject, ma king it app ear larger .
Shooting Movies 26 X Recording wi ll start, and [ Rec] and the elapsed time wil l appear on th e screen. z Once shooti ng begins, take your fi nger off the shutter but ton. z If you chan ge the compo sition of yo ur shot during shoo ting, the foc us will stay the same, but the b ri ghtness and t on e will automatical ly ad ju st .
27 You can view th e movies you have shot on the scr een. Enter Playback mode. z Press the 1 butt on. X The last image y ou took will ap pear. X appears on movie s. Choose a movie. z Press the qr buttons to choo se a movie, then press th e m button. z The movie cont rol panel wil l a ppear.
28 You can use t he include d software t o transfer i mages you h ave shot with t he camera to a co mputer for view ing. If you a re already us ing softwar e included with anothe r Ca non-brand comp act digita l camera, insta ll the softwa re from the includ ed CD-ROM, overwr iting your cu rrent insta l lation.
Transferring Images to a Computer for Viewing 29 Preparations Windows Vist a an d Mac OS X (v10.5) ar e used for thes e explanati on s. Install the Software. Windows Place the CD in the computer’ s CD- ROM drive. z Place the suppl ied CD-ROM (DIGITAL CAMERA Solution Disk ) (p.
Transferring Images to a Computer for Viewing 30 Connect the camera to th e computer. z Turn off the c ame ra. z Open the cove r an d insert the inc lu de d interface cable’s sm aller plug ( p. 2) firmly into the ca mera terminal in the dire ction shown.
Transferring Images to a Computer for Viewing 31 Transfer and View Images z Click [Import Images from Came ra], and then click [Import Un transferre d Images]. X All images not previously transferre d will transfer to th e computer. Tr ansferred images will be sorted b y date and s aved in separate fo lders in the Pi ctures fol der.
32 Accessories Interfac e Ca ble IFC-400 PCU* AV Cable AVC-DC3 00 DIGITAL CAMERA Solution Disk Wrist Strap WS-800 AA Alkaline B atteries (x2) Supplied wi th Camera USB card re ader Windows/Macin tosh Memory Card Canon-Bran d PictBridge C ompliant Pr inters *Also avail able for purch ase separately.
33 The followi ng camera accessor ies are sold separ ately. Some access ories are not sold in some region s, or may no longer be available. Power Supplies AC Adapter Kit ACK800 z This kit let s y ou power the camer a using household po wer.
Separately Sold Accessories 34 Flash High-Power Flash HF-DC1 z This exter nally mounted flash can be used to capture ph otographic subjects tha t are too distan t for the bu ilt-in flas h to illuminate . Other Accessories AV Cable AVC-DC 300 z Use this cabl e to connect to a TV for shooting and viewing image s.
35 Learning More This chapter explains the parts of the camera and what appears on the screen, as well as the bas ic operating instructions. 2 C OP Y.
36 (Mode) Button Use the butt on t o change the Sho oting mode. Components Guide Lamp (pp. 52, 53, 54, 62, 113, 114) Microphone (p. 26) Lens Shutter Button (p. 19) Power Button (p. 15) Flash (pp. 48, 67) Speaker Tripod Socket Memory Card / Battery Cover (p.
Components Guide 37 Screen (LCD Monitor) (pp. 38, 126, 128) Zoom Button Shooting: i (Telephoto) / j (Wide Angle) (pp. 20, 25, 49) Playback: k (Magnify) (p. 90) / g (Index) (p. 86) Indicator (p. 39) Strap Mount ( p. 11) 1 (Playback) Button (pp. 23, 85) DIGITAL Terminal (pp.
38 Switching th e Display Shooting You can change the screen d is play by pressi n g the n button, then choosing [ Shooting In fo] from the 4 tab. Refer to pp. 12 6 f or details on informatio n that appe ars on the sc reen. Playback You can change the screen d is play by pressi n g the n button, then choosing [ Info Disp lay] from t he 1 tab.
Indicator 39 Screen Display in Dark Shooting Conditions The display automatical l y brightens wh en shooting i n da rk conditio ns, allowing y ou to chec k the compo sition (Night Display f unction). H owever, the brightnes s of the ima ge on the scr een, and th e brightnes s of the act ual image recorded may be different.
40 You can set commo nly used shoot ing function s using the FUNC. menu. The menu items an d options dif fer depending o n the Shooting mode (pp. 130 – 133). Display the FUNC. menu. z Press the m butt on. Choose a menu item. z Press the op buttons to choose a menu item.
41 Various fu nctions can be se t from the me nus. The menu it ems are organize d under tabs , such as f or shooting ( 4 ) and playba ck ( 1 ). The options di ff er depending o n the Shooting mode and the Play back mode (pp. 134 – 1 36). Display the menu.
42 You can silenc e or adju st the volume of camera so un ds . Muting Sounds Display the menu. z Press the n butt on. Choose [Mute]. z Press the zoom b uttons to cho ose the 3 tab. z Press the op but tons to choose [Mute], then press t he qr buttons to choose [O n].
Changing the Sound Settings 43 Adjusting the Volume Display the menu. z Press the n butt on. Choose [Volume]. z Press the zoom b uttons to choose th e 3 tab. z Press the op but tons to choose [Volume], the n press the m bu tt on. Change th e volume. z Press the op b uttons to choo se an item, then press th e qr buttons to adjust th e volume.
44 When you have mis takenly chan ged a setting , you can reset th e camera to the default settings. Display the menu. z Press the n butt on. Choose [Reset All]. z Press the zoom b uttons to cho ose the 3 tab. z Press the op but tons to choose [Reset All], then press the m button.
45 To save ba ttery power, the screen turns off, and the came ra shuts d own automatic ally when it is no t operated fo r a certain time . Power Saving du ring Shoo ting The screen wil l turn off ap proximatel y 1 minute afte r y ou stop operat ing the camera.
46 C OP Y.
47 Shooting with Commonly Used Functions This chapter explains how to use common functions, such as the self- timer, and how to turn off the flash. • This chapte r assumes that the camer a is set to » mode. When shoo ting in another mode, check wh ich function s are avail able in tha t mode (pp.
48 You can shoot with the flas h tu rned off. Press the r button. Choose ! . z Press the qr buttons to choo se ! , then press the m button. X Once set, ! will appear on the scre en.
49 You can use the digital zoo m to zoom up to appr oximately 13x maximum, and capture su bjects that are too f ar away for t he optical z oom to enla rge. However, dep ending on the r ecording pix el setting (p. 55) an d zoom factor, the images ma y appear c oarse (the zoom factor will appea r in blue).
Zooming in More Closely on Subjects (Digital Zoom) 50 Digital Tele-Converter The focal lengt h of th e len s ca n be inc re ased by approx ima tel y 1.4x or approximat ely 2.3x. Thi s e nables a fast er shutter sp eed and less cha nce of camera shake t han the zoom (in cl uding digi ta l zoom) used b y it self at the same zoom factor.
51 You can inser t the shooting d ate and time in the lower right corner of an image. Once in serted, ho wever, the y cannot b e deleted. B e sure to c heck beforehand that the d ate and time are correc tly set (p. 15). Display the menu. z Press the n butt on.
Using the Self-Timer 52 The self-ti mer can be used to shoot a gr oup phot o that incl udes the photograph e r. Th e camera will shoot ap pr ox ima tely 10 seconds afte r th e shutter but ton is pr essed. Press the p button. Choose Ò . z Press the op buttons to cho ose Ò , then press the m button.
Using the Self-Timer 53 Shoot. z Press the s hutter butto n halfway to focus on the subjec t, then pre ss it ful ly . X When the sel f-timer s tarts, th e lamp blin ks and the self- timer sou nd p lays. X Two seco nds before the shut ter release s, the lamp an d sound sp eed up (the lamp remains lit wh en the flas h will fire) .
Using the Self-Timer 54 Customizing the Self-Timer You can set th e delay (0 – 30 sec onds) and the nu mber of shots ( 1 – 10 shots). Choose $ . z Follow Step 2 o n p. 52 to choose $ , the n press the n button immediately. Choose the settings. z Press the op but tons to choose [Delay] or [Shots ].
55 You can choose from 5 recordi ng pixel setti ngs. Choose the recording pixel setting. z After pressi ng the m button, press the op buttons to choos e . Choose an option. z Press the qr but tons to choo se an optio n, then press th e m button. X The setting will appear on the screen.
Changing the Compression Ratio (Image Quality) 56 Approximate Values for Recording Pixels and Compression Ratio • The values in the table are measured according to Canon standards an d may change depending on the subject, memory card and camera settings.
57 Adding Effects and Shooting in Various Conditions This chapter explains how to add e ffects and how to shoot in various conditions. 4 C OP Y.
58 The camera wil l select t he necessary s ettings for t he conditi ons in which yo u wish to shoot wh en you choose the matching mo de. Choose a Shooting mode. z After pr essing the bu tton, press the qr buttons to cho ose K . z Press the op but tons to choos e a Shooting mode , then press the m button.
Shooting in Various Conditions 59 Take shots in low light cond iti ons (Low Light) z Lets you t ake shot s in dark p laces with reduced camer a shake and subj ect blur. w Take shots o f people at the beach (Beach) z Lets you take shots of brig htly lit people on sandy beach es where the refl ected sunlight is st rong.
Shooting in Various Conditions 60 t Take shots of firewo rks (Fireworks) z Lets you t ake shot s of firewo rks in vivi d colors. In t mode, atta ch the camera to a tripod to prevent the camera from moving and blurring the image. • In and modes, the recording pixel setting will be fixed at (1600 x 1200 pixels).
61 You can ad d variou s effects to images w hen shoot ing. Choose a Shooting mode. z Follow Step 1 on p. 58 t o choose a Shooting mode . Shoot. Shoot images with v ivid colors (Super Vivid) z Lets you take sho ts with vivid, i ntense colors.
62 The shutter will release appr oximately two seconds after the camera detects a new face (p. 73) . You can use thi s wh en the photogr apher wants t o be in the image, such as a group ph oto. Choose . z Follow Step 1 o n p. 58 to choose . Compose the shot and press the shutter button halfway.
63 You can set t he shutter s peed to a rang e between 1 and 15 seconds to shoot long exposu res. However , you should attach the c amera to a trip od to prevent the camera f rom moving an d blurrin g the image. Choose ≈ . z Follow Step 1 on p. 5 8 to choose ≈ .
64 C OP Y.
65 Choosing Settings Yourself In this chapter you will learn how to use t he various functions in G mode to progressively advanc e your shooting skills. • This chapte r assumes tha t you have cho sen G mode by pressing the button, the n the qr buttons.
66 You can choo se the setti ng s for vario us functions t o suit your pre ferences . AE stands for Auto Exposure. The focusing ra nge is approxim ately 5 cm (2.0 in.) – infinity at maximum wide angle ( j ), and approximately 25 cm (9.8 i n.) – infinity at max imum telephoto ( i ).
67 You can adju st the st andard expos ure set by the camera in 1/3-stop increments in the range of -2 to +2. Enter Exposure Compensation mode. z Press the o button. Adjust the brightnes s. z While watching the screen, pr ess the qr buttons to ad just the brigh tness, then press the m button.
68 The white balance (WB ) function se ts the optima l white bal ance for na tural looking col o rs to match the s hooting cond itions. Choose the w h it e balance fun ction. z After pres si ng the m button, press the op buttons to choos e . Choose an option.
69 Choose the ISO spee d. z After pressi ng the m button, press the op buttons to choos e . Choose an option. z Press the qr but tons to choo se an optio n, then press th e m button. X The setting will appear on the screen. Changing the ISO Speed Automatically adjusts the ISO speed to the Shooting mode and shooting conditions.
70 You can shoot continuousl y at a maximum speed of approximate ly 0.8 images/seco nd while the shutter b utton is p ressed ful ly and he ld. Choose a Drive mode. z After pres si ng the m button, press the op buttons to choos e . Choose an option. z Press the qr buttons to choo se W , then press the m button.
71 You can change the tone of an i mage, for exampl e to sepia or bla ck and white, when shooting. Choose My Colors. z After pressi ng the m button, press the op buttons to choos e . Choose an option. z Press the qr but tons to choo se an optio n, then press th e m button.
72 You can shoot a n object at a cl ose distance or even shoot extr eme close-ups of it. The focu sing range is ap proximatel y 1 – 50 c m (0.4 in. – 1.6 ft.) fr om the end of the lens at maximu m wide angl e ( j ). Choose e . z After pressi ng the q button, press the qr buttons to ch oose e , then pr ess the m button.
73 You can change the AF (Auto Focu s) frame mode to matc h the scene you want to shoo t. Choose [AF Frame]. z Press the n button to choos e [AF Frame] from th e 4 tab, then pr ess the qr buttons to ch oose an optio n. Face AiAF • Detects peop le’s faces and sets the f ocus, exposu re (evaluat ive metering only) and white ba lance ( only).
Changing the AF Frame Mode 74 Center The AF fram e is locked to the cen ter. This is effective f or focusing on a specific poin t. Changing th e Co mposition with the Focus Lock While you keep the shutter but ton pressed ha lfway, the foc us and exposu re are locked.
75 If you pr ess the shutt er button halfway, the AF frame wil l magnify and you can check the fo cus. Choose [AF-Poi nt Zo om]. z Press the n button to choos e [AF- Point Zoom] fr om the 4 tab, then press the qr buttons to choo se [On]. Check the focu s.
76 The focus can be loc ked. After l ocking the fo cus, the foc al distanc e will not change ev en when you release yo ur finger fr om the shutt er button. Lock the focus. z Keep the shutt e r button pres sed halfway and press the q button. X The focus locks a nd % appears on the screen.
77 You can lock t he exposure and shoot, or set the focus and expos ure separatel y t o shoot. AE sta nds for “Auto Ex posure”. Choose ! (p. 48). Lock the exp osure. z Point the camera towa rd the subj ect and press the o button while pres sing the shutter butto n halfway.
78 You can make t he main subj ect, such a s people, ap pear bright b y having th e camera provi de t he ap propria te illumin ation with the f lash . At the sa me time , you can u se a slow shutter s peed to br ighten t he backgrou nd that t he light from the flash cannot reach.
79 You can automa tically corre ct red-eye t hat occurs in im ages taken wit h t he flash. Choose [Flash Settings]. z Press the n button to choos e [Flash Settings] fro m the 4 t ab, then press the m button. Choose the setting. z Press the op but tons to choose [Red- Eye Corr.
80 C OP Y.
81 Using Various Functions for Shooting Movies This chapter serves as a more advanced version of the “Shooting Movies” and “Viewing Movies” sections in Chapter 1, and explains how to use various functions fo r shooting and viewing movies. • This chapte r assumes tha t E has bee n chosen by pressing th e button, then the qr buttons.
82 You can choose among 3 differ ent image qual ity settings . Choose the image quality setting. z After pres si ng the m button, press the op buttons to choos e . Choose an option. z Press the qr but tons to choo se an optio n, then press th e m button.
83 You can lock t he exposure or c hange it in 1/3 st eps within a r ang e of ±2 before sho oting. Focus. z Press the s hutter butto n halfway to focus. Lock the exp osure. z After rele asing the s hutter button, press the o button to lock t he exposure .
84 The following functions ca n be used in the s ame way as for sti ll images. • Zooming in More Closely On Subj ects The optical zoom is not available while shoot ing. Be sure to set the optical zoom before shooting. • Using the Self-Tim er (p. 52) • Using the Self-Tim er to Prevent Camer a Shake (p.
85 Using Various Playback and Editing Functions This chapter explains various ways to play back and edit images. • Press the 1 button to enter Pla yback mode bef ore operati ng the camera.
86 Searching I mages Using In dex Display Displaying multi ple images a t the same time l ets you quickly find the image you want. Press the g zoom button. X Images will di splay in an index. z The number of images increase each time you press the g zoom button.
87 When there a re many images on the memory card, you can search t hem by a specified method or i mage unit. Choose a jump method. z In single ima ge playback, press the o button. X The jump method and the positi on of the currently dis p lay ed image will appe a r at the bottom of the screen.
88 You can automa tically play b ack images re co rded to a memory ca rd. Choose [Slideshow]. z Press the n button to choos e [Slideshow ] from the 1 tab, then press t he m button. Choose a setting. z Press the op buttons to choose a menu item, then pr ess the qr buttons to choos e an option .
89 You can magni fy the area of a recorded im age that was ins ide the AF Fra me to check th e focus. Choose [Focus Check]. z Press the n button to choos e [Info Display] fr om t he 1 tab. z Press the qr buttons to choo se [Focus Check], then pr ess the n button.
90 Press the k zoom button. z The display will zoom in on the image and will appear. If you conti nu e to hold the zoom button s, it wi ll zoom in up to a maximum factor of approximat e ly 10x. z If you press the opqr buttons, you can move the lo cation of th e displaye d area.
91 Using the sep arately sold AV c able, you can co nnect the came ra to a TV to view imag es you h ave shot. Turn off the camera and T V. Connect the camera to th e TV. z Open the camera’ s terminal cove r and fully insert the c abl e plug into the camera’s terminal.
92 You can pro tect impor tant image s so that t hey cannot be acciden tally erased with the camera (pp. 24, 93). Choose [Protect]. z Press the n button to choos e [Protect] f rom the 1 tab, then press the m button. Choose an image. z Press the qr but tons to cho ose an image, then press th e m button.
93 You can erase al l images at once. Since erased im ages cannot be re covered, exercise a dequate caution be fore eras ing. Protec ted images ( p. 92) cannot be erased. Choose [Erase all]. z Press the n button to choos e [Erase all] from the 1 tab, then p re ss the m button.
94 You can change the orientat ion of an image and save it. Choose [Rotate]. z Press the n butto n to choose [ Rotate] from the 1 tab, then press t he m button. Rotate the image. z Press the qr b uttons to ch oose an image. z The image will ro tate 90° with ea ch press of the m butto n.
95 You can res ize images t o a lower pix el setting and save the res ized image as a separate file. Choose [Resize]. z Press the n button to choos e [Resize] fr om the 1 tab, then pre ss the m button. Choose an image. z Press the qr but tons to choo se an image, then press th e m button.
96 You can automa tically cor rect red eyes in i mages and sav e them as new files. Choose [Red-Eye Correct io n]. z Press the n button to choos e [Red- Eye Correc tion] from the 1 tab, then press the m button. Choose an image. z Press the qr b uttons to ch oose an image.
97 Printing This chapter explains how to c hoose images for printing, and print using a Canon-brand PictBridge compli ant printer (sold separately). Canon-Brand PictBridge Compliant Printers This chapter uses Canon-brand SELPHY CP series printers in the explanations.
98 Easy Print You can easil y print the pict ures you take by connectin g the camera to a PictBridge compliant p rinter (sold separately ) using the supplied int erface cable (p. 2). Turn off the camera and p rinter . Connect the camera to th e printer.
Printing Images 99 Print images. z Press the op buttons to choose [Print], then press th e m button. X Printing will start. z If you want to pri nt additiona l images, repeat Steps 5 and 6 after pr inting has completed. z After prin ting has co mpleted, turn o ff the camera and p rinter, and unplug the interface ca ble.
Printing Images 100 Making Print Setti ngs Connect the camera to th e printer. z Follow Steps 1 – 5 on p. 98 to displa y the screen on the l eft. Choose a menu item. z Press the op but tons to c hoose an item. Choose an option. z Press the qr buttons to choose an option.
Printing Images 101 Trimming and Printing (Tri mmi ng ) You can cut out a portion of an image for print i ng. Choose [T rimming] . z Follow Ste ps 1 – 2 on p. 100 t o choose [Trimming], then p ress the m button. X A frame will ap pear around th e portion of the image to be trimmed.
Printing Images 102 Choosing the Paper Size and Layout for Printing Choose [Paper Settings]. z Follow Ste ps 1 – 2 on p. 100 t o choose [Paper Sett ings], th en press the m button. Choose a paper size . z Press the op but tons to choose an option, the n pres s th e m button.
Printing Images 103 Available Lay out Options Printing ID Photos Choose [ID Photo]. z Follow Ste ps 1 – 4 on p. 102 t o choose [ID Photo], then press the m bu tto n. Choose the length of the lon g side and short side. z Press the op but tons to c hoose an item.
Printing Images 104 Printing Movies Connect the camera to th e printer. z Follow Steps 1 – 5 on p. 98 to choose a movie. z Press the qr buttons to choo se 2 , then press the m button to display the screen on the le ft. Choose a printing metho d. z Press the op butt ons to choose , then press the qr butt ons to choos e a printing method.
105 You can cho ose up to 998 images on a memory c ard for pr inting and specify settings such as the number of copies so th at they can be pri nted togeth er (p. 107) or proc essed at a photo dev eloper servi ce. These sel ection methods comply with the DPOF (Digital Pr int Order Fo rmat) standa rds.
Choosing Images for Printing (DPOF) 106 Choosing the Number of Copies Choose [Select Images & Qty.]. z Press the n butt on to choose [Select Images & Qty.] f rom the 2 tab, then press the m button. Choose an image. z Press the qr but tons to cho ose an image, then press th e m button.
Choosing Images for Printing (DPOF) 107 Set All Images to Print Once Choose [Select All Images]. z Follow Step 1 on p. 106 to choose [Sele ct All Images], then press th e m button. Make print settings. z Press the qr bu ttons to choos e [OK], then press the m button.
108 C OP Y.
109 Customizing Camera Settings You can customize various settings to suit your shooting pr eferences. The first part of this chapter ex plains convenient and common ly used functions. The latter part expl ains how to change shooting and playback settings to suit your purposes.
110 You can custo mize conven ient and commonl y used functi ons from the 3 ta b (p. 41). Low Level Memory Card Formatting Perform low lev el formatti ng when [Memory c ard error] ap pears, the ca mer.
Changing Camera Settings 111 Turning Off the Start-up Image You can turn of f the start -u p image that di splays when you turn on the camera. z Choose [S tart-up Im age], the n press the qr buttons to cho ose [Off] .
Changing Camera Settings 112 Creating Folders by Shoo tin g Date Images a re saved in to fold ers create d each mont h, however , you can also create fold ers by sho oting date. z Choose [Creat e Folder], the n press the qr buttons to cho ose [Daily ].
Changing Shooting Function Settings 113 Setting the Screen Shut-Off Time You can adjust the time the scre en takes to sh ut off automati cally (p. 45). This also works when [Auto Power Down ] is set to [Off]. z Choose [Po wer Savi ng], then pres s the m button.
Changing Shooting Function Settings 114 Turning Off the Re d-Eye Reducti on Function The red-eye r eduction la mp lights in orde r to reduce the red-eye effe ct that occurs when shooting i n dark condi tions with the flash. You can turn off this function.
Changing Shooting Function Settings 115 Changing the Way the Image Displays Rig ht After Shooting You can change the way the image displays right after shoot i ng.
116 You can ad just the se ttings in th e 1 tab by pressing t he 1 button (p. 41) . Choosing the Imag e that First Displays in Playback z Choose [R esume], t hen press the qr buttons to ch oose an optio n. Changing Playback Function Settings Last seen Resumes with the image last viewed.
117 Useful Information This chapter introduces how to change the date/time battery, the use of the AC adapter kit, troubleshooting tips, and contains lists of functions and items that appear on the screen.
118 The life of th e date/ti me battery (back-up batter y) is appr oximately 7 years. I f the Date/Time se ttings scree n appears ev ery time the camera is tu rned on, replace the date/time battery with a new one (CR1 220). Turn off the camera. Open the cover and remo ve the AA batteries (p.
119 If you use AC Adapte r Kit ACK8 00 and DC Coupler D R-DC10 (b oth sold separately ), yo u ca n us e th e camera withou t wor ry in g ab ou t how much charge is l eft in the b atteries. Turn off the camera. Open the cover. z Follow Step 2 on p. 12 to open the memo ry card/batt ery cover.
Using Household Power 120 Connect the power cord. z Insert the coupler ca ble terminal into the adapter plu g. z Connect the p ower cord to the compact power adapt er, then plug the other en d into a power outle t. z Turn the ca mera on to use it. z After you finish, turn off the camera and unplug the po wer cord from th e power outlet.
121 If you think the re is a problem with the ca mera, first check the f ollowing. If the items below d o no t solve your pr oblem, conta ct a Canon Custome r Su pport Help Desk as li st ed on the incl ud ed customer sup port list. Power You pressed the power button, bu t nothing happened.
Troubleshooting 122 • Confirm that functions which you do not intend to use (macro, etc.) are not set. • Shoot using the focus lock or AF lock (pp. 74, 76). Even when you press the shutter bu tton halfway, the AF frame does not appear, and the camera does not focus.
Troubleshooting 123 Shooting movies Correct shooting time does not display, or stops. • Format the memory card in the camera, or use a memory card capable of recording at high speeds. Even when the shooting time does not display properly, the rec orded video will be the length that it was actually shot (pp.
124 If error message s ap pe ar on the scr ee n , try on e of th e fol lowing soluti on s. No memory card • The memory card is not installed in the correct direction. Install the memory card in the correct direction (p. 13). Memory card locked • The SD memory card, SDHC memory card or SDXC memory card’s write protect tab is set to “LOCK”.
List of Messages That Appear on the Screen 125 Communication error • Images could not be transferred to the computer or printed due to the large amount of images (approx. 1000) stored on the memory card. Use a commercially available USB card reader to transfer the images.
126 Shooting (Inform ation Display) Information Displayed on the Screen Battery Charge Indicator (p. 14) White Balance (p. 68) My Colors (p. 71) Drive Mode (p. 70) Camera Shake Warning (p. 21) Metering Method (p. 76) Compression (Image Quality) (p. 55) / Recording Pixels (pp.
Information Displayed on the Screen 127 Scene Icons In » mode, the came ra display s an icon f or the sc ene it has determined and then automatic al ly fo cu ses and select s the optimum setti ng s for sub je ct brightnes s an d color. * Appears when the scene is dark and the camera is attached to a t ripod.
Information Displayed on the Screen 128 Playback (Detail ed Information Disp lay) Shooting Mode (p. 130) ISO Speed (p. 69) Exposure Compensation Amount (p. 67), Exposure Shift Amount (p. 83) White Balance (p. 68) Histogram (p. 39) Image Editing (pp. 95 – 96) Compression (Image Quality) (p.
Information Displayed on the Screen 129 Summary of Movie Control Panel in “Viewing Mo vies” (p. 27) * Displays the frame of approx. 4 sec. before or after the current frame. Exit Playback Slow motion playback (You can use the qr buttons to adjust the speed.
130 Shooting modes » G K Function I V Exposure Co mpensation (p. 67) — {{{{{ Self-Timer (pp . 52, 53, 54) {{{{{{ {{{{{ — {{{{{ — {{{{{ — Custom Timer (p. 54) Delay *1 {{{{{ — Shots *2 {{ {{{ — Flash (pp. 48, 67, 78) {{{{{{ — {{{{{ *3 { ———— {{{{{{ AE Lock (p.
Functions Available in Each Shooting Mode 131 K E w O P U t ≈ {{ — {{{{ { —— {{{{{{{{{{ {{{{{{{{{{ {{{{{{{{{{ {{{{{{{{{{ {{{{{{{{{{ {{{{{{{{{ — {{{{{{{ ——— — {{{{{{ — { — ——�.
Functions Available in Each Shooting Mode 132 FUNC. Menu Shooting modes » G K Function I V ISO Speed (p. 69) {{{{{{ — { ———— — { ———— — { ———— — { ———— — { ———— White B alance (p.
Functions Available in Each Shooting Mode 133 FUNC. Menu K E w O P U t ≈ {{{{{{{{ — { ———————— { — ———————— { — ———————— { — —————�.
134 4 Shooting Menu Shooting modes » G K Function I V AF Frame (p. 73) Face AiAF *1 {{{{{{ Center — {{{{ — AF Frame Size (p. 74) *2 Norma l — {{{{ — Small — {{{{ — Digital Zoom (pp. 49, 50) Standard {{ — {{{ Off {{{{{{ 1.4x {{ — {{{ 2.
Menus 135 K E w O P U t ≈ {{{{{{{ — {{ {{{{{{{{{ — {{{{{{{{{ — {{{{{{{ — { — — {{{{{{{{{ {{{{{{{{{{ — {{{{{{{{ — — {{{{{{{{ — {{{{{{{ — { — {{{{{{{{{{ {{{{{{{ — {{ {{{{{{{{.
Menus 136 3 Set up Menu 1 Playback Menu Item Content Ref. Page Mute On/Off* p. 42 Volume Set all operation sounds (5 levels). p. 43 Start-up Image On*/Off p. 111 Format Formats memory card, erasing all data pp. 18, 110 File Numbering Continuous*/Auto Reset p.
Menus 137 2 Print Menu Item Content Ref. Page Print Displays printing screen (When connected to a printer). — Select Images & Qty. Chooses individual images for printing. p. 106 Select All Images Chooses all images for printing. p. 107 Clear All Selections Cancels all settings for printing.
138 • This camera is a high-pr ecision elec tronic dev ice. Do not drop it or s ubject it to strong impacts. • Never place t he c amera close to magnets, motors or other device s that generate st rong electro magnetic fie lds. Exposur e to strong magne tic fields may cause malfu nctions or corr upt image da ta .
139 Image Sensor Camera Effective Pixels ..................Approx. 10 million pixels Lens Focal Length ................... ................ 3.3x zoom: 6.6 (W) – 21. 6 (T) mm (35mm film equival ent: 37 (W) – 122 (T) mm ) Focusing Range ............
Specifications 140 Continuous S hooting Mode .................... ....................... .... Normal Speed (Normal)........................... .... Approx. 0.8 shots/sec. (In G mo de) Approx. 2.2 sho ts/sec. (In Blur Re duction and Low Light mode) Number of Shot s (Approximate) (CIPA compliant) .
141 Numerics 3:2 Guide . ........................ ....................... . 115 A AC Adapter Kit............................... .......... 119 Accessories .............................. ................. 33 AE Lock ....................................
Index 142 G Grid Lines ... ....................... .............. 115, 126 H Household Power .................................... 119 I Image Quality J Compression Ra tio Images Display Time .................... ................. 114 Editing J E diting Erasing Images.
Index 143 Shooting Da te and Time J Date/Time Shooting Info .......................... .... ..... . 126 Shooting Time...... ..... .... ...................... 26 Shooting Using a TV................. ................. 79 Slideshow ......................
144 MEMO C OP Y.
145 MEMO C OP Y.
146 MEMO C OP Y.
147 MEMO C OP Y.
Disclaimer • Reprinting, tr an smitting, or storing in a retriev al system any part of thi s guide witho ut the permis sion of Canon is pr ohibited. • Canon reser ves the right to chang e the conte nts of this guide at an y time withou t p rior notice .
デバイスCanon A800の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Canon A800をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはCanon A800の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Canon A800の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Canon A800で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Canon A800を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はCanon A800の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Canon A800に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちCanon A800デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。