CanonメーカーIXS 980 ISの使用説明書/サービス説明書
ページ先へ移動 of 179
2 Check if t he following items ar e included in your c amera packag e. If an ything is missing, c ontact the retailer wh ere you pu rchased th e camera. • You can use the included memory card to try out your new camera and take some test shots. • Adobe Reader is required to view the PDF manuals.
3 Test Shots Take some init ial test sh ots and play them back to make sure the imag es were recorde d correct ly. Please note that Canon I nc., its sub sidiaries a nd affiliate s, and its distributo .
4 What Do You Want to Do? 4 ● Shoot, leaving it to the camera to make settings . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 ● Shoot various scenes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 – 56 - Take good shots of people - Take good landscap es - Sho ot various other scen es ● Focus on faces .
What Do You Want to Do? 5 ● Take pictures using the viewfinder. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76 ● Take pictures of moving subjects using the viewfinder. . . . . . . . 79 ● Continuously focus on subjects that move (Servo AF) . . .
6 Chapters 1 – 3 explain th e basic ope rations and frequently used functi ons of this camera . Chapters 4 and on explain the advanced f unctions, l etting you learn furt her as you read each chapter . Checking the Package Contents .......2 Read This First .
Table of Contents 7 Changing the Image Quality (Compress ion Rat io) ................. ...... 68 - Changing the ISO Speed ......... 70 Adjusting the Tone (White Ba lance) ................. .......... ... 71 Adjusting the Brightness (Exposure Compensation) .
Table of Contents 8 ? Adding E ffects W ith the My Colors Functio n .. .......... ............ 123 @ Adjusting Dark Subjects (i-Contras t) ............ ........... .......... ....12 4 ] Correcting Red-Eye Effect .........125 ^ Attaching Sound Memo s .
9 • Before using the camera, pl ease ensure that you read the saf ety precautions desc ribed below and in the “Safety Precaut ions” se ction. Always ensure tha t the camera is operat ed correctly .
Safety Precautions 10 • Avoid dropping or subjecting the battery to severe impacts. This may cause explosions or leaks, resulting in fire, injury and damage to the surroundings. In the event that a battery leaks and the eyes, mouth, skin or clothing contacts these substances, immediately flush with water and seek medical assistance.
11 Getting Started This chapter explains preparations before shooting, how to shoot in A mode, and then how to view, erase and print the images you take. The latter part of this chapter explains how to shoot and view movies, and how to download images to a computer.
12 Use the incl uded charger t o charge the bat tery. Remove the cover. Insert the battery. ● Align the S marks on the batte ry and charger, t hen inse rt the b attery by sliding it in and down . Charge the battery. ● Flip out the plug and plug it int o a power outle t (for CB -2LX).
Charging the Battery 13 Approximate Number of Shots That Can Be Taken * The number of shots that can be taken is based on the Camera & Imaging Products Association (CIPA) measurement standard. • Depending on the shooting conditions, the number of shots that can be taken may be less.
14 Insert the i ncluded ba ttery and me mory card in to the camer a. Check the card’s write-protect tab. ● If the memory card has a write-protect tab, you will not be ab le to take i mages if th e tab is in the loc ked positio n. Slide the t ab up until you h ear a click .
Inserting the Battery and Memory Card 15 Close the cover. ● Close the cove r , and slide it until it locks into place with a click. Removing the Batt ery and Memory Card Remove the battery. ● Open the cove r and press the battery lock in the direc tion of the arro w.
Inserting the Battery and Memory Card 16 Approximate Number of Shots per Memory Card • Values are based on a camera at default settings. • The number of shots that can be taken will vary depending on camera s ettings, the subject and the memory card used.
17 The Date/Time set tings menu will a ppear the firs t time the ca mera is turned on. Since th e date and ti me recorded into your im ages are bas ed on these settings, b e sure to ma ke them. Turn on the camera. ● Press the power button. X The Date/Time se ttings menu will ap pear.
Setting the Date and Time 18 Changing the Date and Time You can change the curren t date and time settings. Display the menus. ● Press th e n button. Select [Date/Time] in the 3 tab. ● Press the qr buttons to selec t the 3 tab. ● Press the op butt ons or turn th e  dial to select [Date /Time], then pr ess the m button.
19 You can change the langua ge displayed in the LCD monito r menus and messages. Display the langua ge setting menu. ● Press the 1 butt on. ● Press and hold the m button , then immediately pr ess the n button . Set the disp lay languag e. ● Press the opq r buttons or turn t he  dial to sele ct a language , then pres s the m button.
20 The shutter button has two stops. To ta ke image s that are in fo cus, be sur e to first pr ess the shu tter button lightly (halfway) to focus, th en take the s hot. Press halfway (lightly to the first stop). X The camera focu ses and auto matically makes nece ssary sett ings for sh ooting, such as adjust ing bright ness and col or.
21 The camera c an automatic ally make all settings so that you ca n take imag es just by pres sing the sh utter butto n. Also, when taking p ictures of people , the f ace will be automati cally det ected and focuse d (p. 82) , and the c olor and th e brightnes s will adjust to the optimum levels.
Taking Pictures 22 Focus. ● Press the shutter butto n halfway to focus. X When the came ra focuses, it will beep twice and the indicato r will light gr een (orange when t he flash will fire). X A green frame wi ll appear wher e the camera focused. X Several AF fr ames will appea r when the camera focus es on more t han one poin t.
Taking Pictures 23 • Nothing displa ys when the cam era is turned on? Press the l button to t urn on the LCD monitor. • The camera does not play any sounds? Pressing the l button while turning on t he camera power will turn off all sounds except for warning sounds.
24 You can view th e images you ha ve taken on t he screen. Set the playback mode. ● Press the 1 butt on. X The last image y ou took will ap pear. Select an image. ● Pressing the q button will cycle th rough the images in the reverse order they were taken .
25 You can selec t and erase im ages one at a ti me. Please not e that erased images canno t be recover ed. Exercise adequate c aution befor e erasing an image. Set the playback mode. ● Press the 1 butt on. Select an image to erase. ● Press the qr buttons or turn the  dial to displ ay an imag e to erase.
26 You can eas ily print the imag es you ha ve taken if you con nect the ca mera to a PictBrid ge compliant p rinter (sol d separatel y). Items to Prep are • Camera and Pict Bridge compl iant printe r (sold sep arately) • Interface c able supplie d with th e camera (p.
Printing Images 27 Select an image to prin t. ● Press the qr buttons or turn the  dial to select an i mage. Print images. ● Press the c button. X Printing will start and t he c button will blink blue. ● If you want to pri nt additio nal images, repeat Steps 5 and 6 after printing ha s completed.
28 The camera can a utomatica lly make all s ettings so th at you can sh oot movies just by pressing th e shutter but ton. Set the E mode. ● Set the mod e dial to E . Set the X mode. ● Turn the  dial to set the mode to X . Compose the shot of your subject.
Shooting Movies 29 Shoot. ● Press the shutter butto n fully. X The camera will s tart shooting the movie, and [ Rec.] and the elapsed time wi ll appear on the s creen.
30 You can view th e movies you ha ve shot on th e screen. Set the playback mode. ● Press the 1 butt on. X The last movie y ou shot will appear. X appears on movi es. Select a movie. ● Press the qr buttons or turn the  dial to select a movie, then press the m button.
31 You can use the included s oftware to dow nload the i mages you hav e taken to a computer. Items to Pr epare • Camera and compute r • Canon Digital Ca mera Solution Disk supplie d with the camera (p. 2) • Interface c able supplie d with th e camera (p.
Downloading Images to a Computer 32 Preparations Windows XP and Mac OS X (v10.4) ar e used for thes e explanati ons. Install the software. Windows Place the Canon Digital Camera Solution Disk in the comp uter’s CD- ROM drive. Click [Easy Installation].
Downloading Images to a Computer 33 Connect the camera to th e computer. ● Make sure the c amera is turned off before connecting . ● Open the cover, and insert the small end of the plug fi rmly in to the camer a terminal in the direc tion as sho wn.
Downloading Images to a Computer 34 Macintosh X CameraWindow will appear when you establish a conne ction bet ween the camera and compu ter. ● If CameraWindow do es not appear, click the [CameraWindo w] icon on the Do ck (the bar whic h appears at the bottom of the desktop) .
Downloading Images to a Computer 35 Downloading I mages with the Camer a Select [New Images]. ● Press the op butt ons or turn th e  dial to select [New Ima ges]. ● If the scre en on the l eft is not showing, press the n butt on. Download ima ges.
36 Accessories Wrist Strap WS-DC7 Memory Card (32 MB) Canon Digital Camera Solution Disk AV Cable AVC-DC400 *1 AC Adapter Kit ACK-DC30 Compact Power Adapte r CA-DC10 Supplied with Camera *1 Also available for purchase separately. *2 See the user guide supplied with the printer for more information on the printer and interface cables.
Accessories 37 High-Pow er Flash HF-DC1 Bubble Jet Pr inters (PIXMA series) *2 Compact Photo Printers *2 (SELPHY series) (CP series) Card Reader Windows/ Macintosh Video IN Terminal Audio IN Terminal TV/Video Use of genuine Canon accessories is recommended.
38 The following camera acces sories ar e sold separat ely. Some accessor ies are not sold in some reg ions, or may no l onger be available. Power Supplie s • AC Adapter Kit ACK-DC30 This kit lets you power the camera using household po wer. Recommended for powering the camera for an extended perio d of time or when connecting to a computer.
39 Learning More This chapter explains the parts of the camera and what disp lays on the screen, as well as, basic operations. Conventions Use d in this Guide • Icons are use d in the text t o represent t he camera but tons and dial s. • Language tha t displays on the screen a ppears insid e [ ].
40 Mode Dial Use the mode dial to chan ge shooti ng modes. Components Guide Lamp (AF Assist Beam (p. 143) / Red- Eye Reduction Lamp (p. 142) / Self- Timer Lamp (p. 62)) Microphone (p. 29) Lens Zoom Lever Shooting: i (Telephoto) / j (Wide Angle) (p. 21) Playback: k (Magnify) / g (Index) (p.
Components Guide 41 Control Dial When appears on the sc reen, you c an select modes by turning the control dial . Even when doesn’t a ppear, the di al will work i n the same way as th e directio nal keys (p. 39). Indicators (p. 44) Screen (LCD Monitor) (p.
42 Shooting (Inform ation Display) * : Standard, : Right side down, : Left side down When shooting, t he camera detects if it is held verti cally or horizonta lly, and adju sts settings accordin gly for the bes t shot.
Information Displayed on the Screen 43 Playback (Detail ed Information Di splay) Switching the Display You can change the displa y using the l button. Print List (p. 131) My Category (p. 119) Shooting Mode Shutter Speed (p. 89) Exposure Compensation (p.
Information Displayed on the Screen 44 Display fo r Shooting in Dar k Conditi ons during Sho oting The display automatical ly brighten s when shoot ing in dark conditions , allowing y ou to chec k the compo sition (Nig ht Display function).
45 Commonly used sh ooting fu nctions can b e set with the FU NC. menu. The menu and me nu items differ depending o n the S hooting mod e (p. 156 ). Press the m button. X The FUNC. menu will ap pear. Select a menu item. X Press the op b uttons to select a menu item.
46 Various fu nctions can be set from th e menus. The menu items are or ganized under tabs , such as f or shooting ( 4 ) and play back ( 1 ). The menu i tems differ depend ing on the mode (pp. 158 – 161). Press the n button. Select a tab. ● Press the qr buttons, or move the zoom lever (p.
47 You can silence the sounds of t he camera buttons or adjust the vol ume of the camera soun ds. Muting Sounds ● Press the n button and sel ect the 3 tab, then s elect [Mute] and use th e qr buttons to se lect [On] . Adjusting the Volume ● Press the n button and sel ect the 3 tab, then sele ct [Volume ] and press t he m button.
48 The screen brightne ss can be chan ged in two way s. With the Menu ● Press the n button, select th e 3 tab, select [ LCD Brightness] an d then press the m button. ● Press the qr buttons or turn the  dial to change the brightness. ● Press the n button again t o complete the s etting.
49 When you have mist akenly made a se tting, you ca n reset the camera to the default set tings. Select [Reset All]. ● Press the n button and sel ect the 3 tab, then select [Reset All] and pres s the m button. Reset the settings. ● Press the qr buttons or turn the  dial to select [OK ], then pr ess the m button .
50 You should use th is camera to format a ne w memory card, or a memory car d that has bee n used with othe r devices, be fore usin g it. Formatt ing (initiali zing) a memory c ard erases a ll data on the memory card. A s you cannot ret rieve the erased da ta, exercis e adequate c aution b efore forma tting the memory card.
Formatting Memory Cards 51 • The supplied memory card has already been forma tted. • When the [Memory card error] message appe ars, or when the camera do es not work correctly, formatting the memory card may solve the problem. Copy the images from the memory card to a computer or other device bef ore formatting.
52 Images displ ay for appr oximately 2 seconds after being shot . You can change the l ength of time t he images di splay. Select [Review]. ● Press the n button and select the 4 tab, then u se the qr buttons t o select the displa y time. ● In the playba ck mode (p.
53 Shooting Special Scenes and Using Common Functions This chapter explains how to s hoot different scenes using the mode dial, as well as how to use other common functions, such as the flash and the self-timer.
54 The camera wi ll make the necessar y settings for the s cene you wis h to shoot when you select a matc hing mode. Set the mode dial to K (p. 40). Turn the  dial to the desired mode. Shoot. I Take portraits (Portr ait) ● Produces a sof t effect when photograph ing people .
K Shooting Various Scenes 55 H Take indoor sh ots (Indoor) ● Lets you sh oot indoo rs with nat ural color s. U Shoot sunsets (Sunset) ● Lets you tak e shots of sunset s in vivid colors. O Take shots of fol iage (Folia ge) ● Lets you shoot trees and l eaves such as new growth, autu mn leaves or blo ssoms in vivid color s.
K Shooting Various Scenes 56 t Take shots of firework s (Fireworks) ● Lets you t ake shot s of firewo rks in viv id colors. y Take shots o f aquatic life in an aquarium (Aq uarium) ● Lets you s hoot aquat ic life in in door aquariums wit h natural co lors.
57 You can turn t he flash off when shooting. Press the r button. Select ! . ● Press the qr buttons or turn the  dial to select ! , then press the m button. X Once set, ! will ap pear on the scr een. ● After shoo ting, the c amera will retu rn to .
58 You can us e the digit al zoom to zo om up to a maximum of 1 5x and capt ure subjects th at are too far away fo r the optic al zoom (p. 2 1) to enl arge. The images may appear r ough, h owever, dep ending o n the rec ording p ixel setting (p . 68) and the zo om factor used.
i Zooming in More Closely on Subjects (Digital Zoom) 59 To turn off the digital zoom, press the n but ton, select the 4 tab, and th en select the [Digital Zoom] menu ite m and [Off] option. Digital Tele-Converter The focal le ngth of the lens can be i ncreased by an equivalen t of 1.
60 You can inser t the date an d time an ima ge was shot in t he lower ri ght corner . Once insert ed, however, they cannot be d eleted. Be sure to check beforehand that the d ate and time are correc tly set (p.
61 When the per son shoot ing wishes t o join in a group phot o, the sel f-timer ca n be used to shoo t. Approxima tely 10 sec onds after th e shutter but ton is pressed, t he camera will tak e the photo . Press the p button. Select Ò . ● Press the op butt ons or turn th e  dial to select Ò , then press the m button.
62 Once you compos e the shot, such as for a grou p photo, and pr ess the shutter bu tton, the ca mera will take three sho ts in a row two seconds aft er it detects yo ur face (p. 82) wh en you e nter the sc ene. Select " . ● Follow Step 2 o n p.
63 You can shoot an object at a cl ose distance or even shoot extreme cl ose- ups of it. The possi ble shootin g range is approximate ly 5 – 50 c m (2.0 in. – 1.6 ft.) from the end of the lens when the z oom lever is moved to the maximum wide angle, and approximate ly 40 – 50 cm (1.
64 You can zoom in on subjects and take pictu res while clo se to them. Th e possible s hooting ran ge is approx imately 5 – 50 cm (2. 0 in. – 1.6 ft.) (when moving the zoom le ver to the maxi mum wide angle side as on p. 63) from the end of th e lens, howe ver, you can sho ot zooming i n even clos er to the subject usi ng the digit al zoom.
65 Making Settings for the Images You Want In this chapter you will learn how to use t he various functions in G mode, and methods of shooting in 8 mode to progressively advance your shooting skills. • It is assum ed that the mode dial i s set to 6 , and that the camera i s in G mode.
66 You can set various fu nctions as you like for s hooting. AE stands for Auto Exp osure. Set the mode dial to 6 (p. 40). Turn the  dial to G . Make setting s according to purpose (pp. 67 – 75). Shoot. If a correct exposure cannot be obtai ned when pressing the shutter but ton halfway, shutt er speed and aperture value are shown in re d.
67 You can make the flash fire ev ery time you sh oot. The area tha t is possib le to shoot wit h a flash when the zoom lever is moved to j , and the ma ximum wide angle i s reached is app roximatel y 50 cm – 4.6 m (1.6 – 15 ft.), and approximatel y 50 cm – 2.
68 You can select from six type s. Select the recording pixels . ● Press the m button, then se lect in the FUNC. menu. Select an option. ● Press the qr buttons or turn the  dial to select an o ption, then press the m button. X The setting yo u made will be di splayed on the screen.
Changing the Image Quality (Compression Ratio) 69 Approximate Values for Record ing Pixels and Image Quality • The values in the table are according to guidelines set by Canon. The values may change depending on the subject, memory card, and camera settings.
70 Select an option. ● After pressi ng the o button, pres s the op buttons or tu rn the  d ial to selec t an ISO speed, then press th e m button. X Once set, the ISO speed will a ppear on the screen. Approximate Values for ISO Speed • Lowering the ISO speed results in crisper imag es.
71 The white bala nce (WB) function ad justs the optimal white balance fo r natural looking co lors. Select the white b alance. ● Press the m button, then select in the FUNC. menu. Select an option. ● Press the qr buttons or turn the  dial to select a n option, t hen press t he m button.
72 You can ad just the st andard exp osure set by the camer a in 1/3-sto p increments in the rang e of -2 to +2. Select the exposure compensation. ● Press the m button, then sele ct # . Adjust the brig htness. ● While watching the screen, press the qr buttons or tu rn the  dial to adjust the brightness and press the m button.
73 You can change the tone of an image into sepia or black and white whe n shooting . Select My Colors. ● Press the m button, then sele ct in the FUNC. menu. Select an option. ● Press the qr buttons or turn the  dial to select a n option, t hen press t he m button.
Changing the Tone of an Image (My Colors) 74 Custom Color The contra st, sharp ness, color saturati on, red, gr een, blue, and skin ton es in an image ca n be chosen and set f rom 5 differe nt levels . ● Follow Step 2 o n p. 73 and sel ect , then press th e l button.
75 You can set th e time delay (0 – 30 seconds) and the number of shots (1 – 10 shots). Display the [Drive Settings] screen. ● After pressi ng the p button, i mmediat ely press the n butt on. Select $ . ● Press the op butt ons or turn th e  dial to select [Self -Timer], then u se the qr buttons to se lect $ .
76 If you want t o save battery power, you ca n use the viewf inder for sho oting, instead of the screen (p. 13 ). Operation s for shootin g are the same as when using the scr een. Turn off the screen (p . 42). ● Press the l button to turn of f the screen.
77 You can shoot while checki ng the bright ness distr ibution of yo ur compositio n in the histogram (p. 44) (real time histogram). Set the display to [Information Display] (p. 42). Select [H istogram]. ● Press the n button, and sele ct [Histogram] from the 4 tab, and press the qr buttons to s elect [On].
78 While you pre ss the shutte r button ha lfway, the f ocus and exposu re are fixed. You can no w recompose and sh oot. This is calle d Focus Lock. Focus. ● Center the subject y ou want to shoot, a nd press the shu tter button halfway. ● Confirm that the AF Frame on the subject is green.
79 Shoot using the viewfind er (p. 81). Sinc e you can keep the focus an d exposure a djusted, e ven withou t pressing the shutter button half way, you can captur e moving su bjects with out missing a shot. Set the 8 mode. ● Set the mode dial to 8 .
Shooting with 8 (Quick Shot) 80 Estimated num ber of shots in 8 In 8 , since the focus and exposur e are constant ly being ad justed, th e battery will be deplete d quicker tha n usual. Appr oximately 180 shots are possible whi le shooting in this mode .
81 Using Advanced Shooting Functions This chapter serves as the advanced version of Ch apter 4 and explains how to use advanced functi ons to capture images in exactly the way you want. • If the mode dial is set to 6 then it is assumed that t he camera is in G mode.
82 You can change the AF (Auto Fo cus) frame mode to match the sce ne you want to shoo t. Select [AF Frame ]. ● Press the n button and select the 4 tab, then sel ect the [AF Frame], then press the qr buttons to selec t an option . Face Detect • Recognizes pe ople’s fa ces and focuse s, adjust s exposure (evaluativ e metering on ly (p.
Changing the AF Frame Mode 83 Press the n button, select th e 4 tab, then select the [AF Frame Size] menu item and [Small] option. If you pres s the shutt er button h alfway using [Face Detect] o r [Center] whi le in AF frame mode, the AF frame will magnify an d check the focus .
84 The focus can be locked . After lock ing the foc us, even whe n releasin g your finger fr om the shutter button the fo cal area wi ll not chan ge. Focus. ● Keep the shutt er button pr essed half way and press the q button . ● The focus is l ocked, the n % is display ed on the sc reen .
85 When not using the auto fo cus, if you pr ess the shutt er button hal fway after roughly fo cusing manual ly, you can fi ne tune the foc us. Press the q button. Select f . ● Press the qr buttons, or turn the  dial, select f and quickly pres s the o or p buttons.
86 You can desig nate which fac e to focus on out of a group of people, and follow that face with in a ce rtain area. Register 0 to the c button (p. 145). Press the c button. X You can follo w the face de tected as the main subject within a cert ain area even when it moves if a frame appears.
87 You can change the metering mo de (brightne ss measuri ng function) to match the sce ne you want to shoot. Select the metering mo de. ● Press the m button, then select in the FUNC. menu. Select an option. ● Press the qr buttons or turn the  dial to select an option, then press the m button.
88 Just like wit h AE lock (p. 87), you can loc k the exposur e for shootin g with the flash with FE lock. FE st ands for “Fla sh Exposure ”. Select h (p. 67). Set the exposure. ● Point the camera towa rd the subj ect for which you wish to set the expos ure, and while press ing the s hutter button halfway, press the o button.
89 You can set bot h the shutt er speed and ap erture val ue to achieve the exposure y ou want. D stands for “Manu al”. Set the camera to D . ● Set the mode dial to 6 , and turn th e  dial to sele ct D . Select Ω . ● Press the m button, and select Ω in the FUNC.
D Setting the Shutter Speed and Aperture Value 90 Available Shutter Spee ds • 1/160 indic ates 1/160 se cond, 0"3 indicates 0. 3 second an d 2" indicate s 2 seconds.
91 When people’ s faces, or th e subject is da rk, you can take shots wher e the dark porti ons are dete cted and auto maticall y brightene d. Select [i-Contrast]. ● Press the n button, and sele ct [i- Contrast] fr om the 4 tab, and us e the qr buttons to select [Aut o].
92 You can automa tically cor rect image s taken with t he flash where eyes appear red. Select [Fla sh Settings]. ● Press the n button, and sele ct [Flash Settings] from the 4 tab and press the m button. Make the setting. ● Press the op butt ons or turn th e  dial to select [R ed-Eye Corr .
93 You can change the look of an image when sh ooting. Howev er, dependi ng on the scene, the image may be come rough, or the colors may not co me out as expected .
Changing the Color and Shooting 94 Y Color Swap You can take sh ots changi ng the color of an item in the image to anothe r color. You c an only reco rd one other color. Select Y . ● Set the mod e dial to K , turn the  dial and sele ct Y . Press the l button.
Changing the Color and Shooting 95 Indicate the area to be colored in the changed imag e. ● Press the op buttons or turn the  dial, and you can change th e area to be colo red. ● When you wa nt only the color tha t you have chosen to remain, i ncrease the v alue of -.
96 Large subj ects can b e split into several sh ots that can later be me rged together u sing the incl uded softwar e on a compute r to create a panor amic image. Select x or v . ● Set the mod e dial to K , turn the  dial and sele ct x or v . Take the first shot.
97 Using Various Functions for Shooting Movies This chapter serves as the advanc ed version of Chapter 1’s “Shooting Movies” and “Viewing Movies” and ex plains how to use advanced functions to shoot and view movies. • This chapte r assumes th at the mode dia l is set t o E .
98 You can selec t from thre e modes. Set the mode dial to E . Select a movie mode. ● Turn the  dial to select a mode. You can se lect from tw o setting s. Select the image qualit y. ● Press the m button, then se lect in the FUNC. menu. Select an option.
Changing the Image Quality 99 Image Quality Table Estimated Shoo ting Time In X yo u can se t the exposu re, or change it in 1/3 steps within a range of ±2. Focus. Set the exposure. ● Press the o but ton to lock the exposure, the expos ure shift bar appe ars.
100 For X mode, the foll owing funct ions can be used in th e same way as for still images. For > an d z modes, the functions with an * a ttached can be used in the same way as for still images. See the re ferred pag es for deta ils. • i Zooming in More Closely on Subjects (Digital Zoom) (p.
Playback Functions 101 Summary fo r “Viewin g Movies” (p. 30) You can trim t he beginning s and ends of r ecorded movi es in one-sec ond increments. Select * . ● Follow Step 3 on p. 30, sele ct * and press the m button. X The movie editing panel and the movie editing bar wi ll display.
* Editing 102 X Even if yo u move to a po int oth er than a point, only the portio n from the nearest to the left will be tr immed when is selected. Only the portion from the neare st to the right will be trimmed when is selected. X The section in light blue design ated with will be the se ction of the movie that will remain aft er edit ing.
103 Using Various Playback and Other Functions The first part of this chapter expl ains various ways to play back and edit images. The latter part of this chapter explains how to download images to a computer, and h ow to specify images for printing. It is a ssumed th at the 1 button, has be en pressed, and th e camera is in playback mo de (p.
104 Displayin g 9 images at a ti me lets you quic kly find the image you want . Move the zoom lever toward g . X Images will disp lay in an in dex. The selected ima ge will have a gr een frame and be enlarge d. Select an image. ● Press the opqr buttons o r turn th e  dial and sele ct the imag e.
105 When there ar e many images on th e memory card, you can sear ch them by a specified method or i mage unit. Select a Jump Method ● In Single Image Playback, press th e o button. ● Press the op but tons and sel ect a jump method. ● If you press the l button, you c an switch between on and off for the informati on display.
d Searching for Images Using the Jump Display 106 Viewing images using filter playback. ● If you press the m button, filter playback will start, and a blue frame will appear. ● If you press the qr buttons or tu rn the  dial, the targ et images se lected in Step 1 will disp lay.
107 You can automa tically pl ayback image s and movies rec orded to a memo ry card. Each i mage displa ys for approxi mately 3 seco nds. Select [Slide Show]. ● Press the n button and s elect the 1 tab, then select [Slide Show] and pr ess the m button.
. Viewing Slideshows 108 Selecting Images f or Playback Select the Classification You can select im ages by classification, group them together an d play them ba ck. Select , ; , or . ● Follow St ep 2 on p . 107, pr ess the opqr buttons or turn th e  dial to select , ; , or and press th e m button.
. Viewing Slideshows 109 Select an image. ● Press the qr but tons or tu rn the  dial, select the i mage and pres s the m butto n. ● Once set, and the se lected orde r number will appe ar on the scr een. ● If you press the m button once more, selection will ca ncel.
. Viewing Slideshows 110 Changing the Effect You can selec t an effect to use when swit ching imag es. ● Press the op buttons, and select and press the qr buttons or turn the  dial to select an item. X When you select an item, an imag e with the effect you selected wil l appear.
111 Move the zoom lever toward k . ● The enlarged display will appear, an d if you continue to hold the z oom lever t he image will magni fy up to a maximum factor of appr oximatel y 10x. ● If you pres s the opqr buttons, you can move the locat ion of the displ ayed area.
112 Using the supplie d AV cable, yo u can connect th e camera to a TV to view images or movies y ou have shot. Items to Prep are • Camera and TV • AV cable supplied wi th the camer a (p. 2) Turn off the camera and T V. Connect the camera to th e TV.
113 You can sele ct images or movies a nd erase them in groups . Since er ased images or movi es cannot be recovered, e xercise adequ ate cauti on before erasing. H owever, pr otected imag es and mo vies (p. 11 7) cannot be erased. Select [Erase ]. ● Press the n button, and sele ct [Erase] o n the 1 tab, and pr ess the m button.
/ Erasing All Images 114 Press the n button. Erase. ● Press the qr buttons or turn th e  dial, select [OK] an d press the m butto n. Select Range Select [Select Range]. ● Follow Step 2 o n p. 113 to sel ect [Sele ct Range] an d press the m button.
/ Erasing All Images 115 Erase. ● Press the p button to select [Er ase] then press the m button. Follow Steps 2 and 3 in the above screen, turn the  di al, and you can select the first and last images. Select by Category Select [Select by Date], [Select by Category] or [Sel ect by Folder].
/ Erasing All Images 116 Press the n button. Erase. ● Press the qr buttons or turn th e  dial, select [OK] an d press the m butto n. If there are no images that have been sort ed into categories ( p. 119), you will not be able to select [Select by Cate gory] in Step 2.
117 You can prot ect importan t images an d movies so t hat they cann ot be erased by the came ra (pp. 25, 113). Select [Protect]. ● Press the n button and s elect the 1 tab, then se lect [Protec t] and press the m button. Select a selection method .
: Protecting Images 118 Select Range Select [Select Range]. ● Follow Step 2 o n p. 117 to sel ect [Sele ct Range], and pr ess the m button. ● Follow Steps 2 and 3 on p. 114 t o select images. Protect images. ● Press the p button, select [P rotect] and press the m button.
119 You can categ orize image s and movies. Yo u can also use the categori zed images in the follow ing function s. • Jump Display ( p. 105), Slid e Show (p. 107), Erase All ( p. 113), Protec t (p. 117), Pr int Settings ( DPOF) (p. 132 ) Select [My Category].
; Organizing Images by Category (My Category) 120 Select Range Select [Select Range]. ● Follow Step 2 o n p. 119 to sel ect [Sele ct Range] an d press the m button. ● Follow Steps 2 and 3 on p. 114 t o select images. ● Press the p button, select the item and press the qr buttons, or turn the  dial, and select a t ype.
121 You can resi ze images th at were ta ken at a high recordin g pixel set ting to a lower pixel setting, an d save the re sized image as a separate f ile. Select [Resi ze]. ● Press the n button and s elect the 1 tab, then se lect [Resi ze] and press the m button.
122 You can trim a r equired portio n of a recorde d image and save i t as new image f ile. Select [Trimming]. ● Press the n button, and select [Trimming] on the 1 tab, and press the m button. Select an image. ● Press the qr buttons or turn th e  dial, select the i mage and pres s the m butto n.
123 You can change the color of an image and s ave it as a sep arate image. Refer to p. 73 fo r details on each menu item. Select [My Colors]. ● Press the n button, and sele ct [My Colors] on th e 1 tab, and pr ess the m button. Select an image. ● Press the qr but tons or tu rn the  dial, select the i mage and pres s the m butto n.
124 Detects dar k sections on s ubjects or in people’s faces in images , corrects the bright ness, and sa ves it as a separ ate file. You can selec t 4 levels of correction: [A uto], [Low], [Medium], [High]. Select [i-Contrast]. ● Press the n button, and sele ct [i- Contrast] on the 1 tab, and press the m button.
125 You can automa tically cor rect images wi th red-ey e and save those images as new files. Select [Red-Eye Correction]. ● Press the n button and s elect the 1 tab, then sele ct [Red-Ey e Correction ] and press the m button. X The [Red-Eye C orrection] screen will appear.
] Correcting Red-Eye Effect 126 Manual Correctio n When the camera cannot automatically detect and correct red -eye, correct it manually. Add a correction fra me. ● In Step 3 on p. 12 5, select [Add Frame] and then press the m button . Set the position an d size.
127 You can record and attach a sound memo (WAVE fo rmat) to an imag e. The attached sou nd memo can be up to approx imately 1 minu te long. Select [Sound Memo]. ● Press the n button and s elect the 1 tab, then s elect [Sou nd Memo] and press the m button.
128 “Downloading Images w ith the C amera” (p . 35) i n Chapter 1 expla ined how to transfer images usin g [New Imag es]. This s ection will explain other ways to transfer i mages. These de signatio n methods compl y with the DPOF (Digital P rint Order Form at) standar ds.
129 You can selec t individua l images you want to transf er to a compute r. These designatio n methods co mply with th e DPOF (Di gital Print O rder Forma t) standard s. Designating Images Individually Select [Transfer Order]. ● Press the n button and s elect the 1 tab, then s elect [Trans fer Order] an d press the m button.
{ Designating Images for Transfer (DPOF) 130 Select All Images ● When you select [Mark all] i n Step 2 on p. 129, the sc reen shown lef t will appear . ● If you select [ OK] and press the m button, all images will be des ignated together. ● If you press the n button, the selected con tents will be saved, and you will return to t he menu.
131 Directly aft er shooti ng, or while in playback, by pressi ng the c button yo u can add images to the print l ist (DPOF). You ca n print fro m a print list si mply by connecti ng your camera an d printer. These desig nation method s comply with the DPOF (Di gital Print Order Forma t) standa rds.
132 You can make pri nt setting s to images on a memory card (u p to 998 images), such as which images to print and how many prints to make. You can then p rint all the selected ima ges at onc e or take th e memory car d to a photo develo per to order pr ints.
Designating Images for Printing (DPOF) 133 Selecting the Number of Copies Select [Select Images & Qty.]. ● Press the n button and se lect the 2 tab, then se lect [Select Ima ges & Qty.] and press the m button. Select an image. ● Press the qr buttons or turn the  dial to select an i mage to set, then press th e m button.
Designating Images for Printing (DPOF) 134 ● For [Index ], you cann ot set the number of prints. Only se lect images with the operation in St ep 2. X Pressing t he n button will make th e settings an d return you t o the menu screen. Select Range Select [Select Range].
Designating Images for Printing (DPOF) 135 Set All Images to Print Once Select [Select All Images]. ● Select [Sel ect All Images] fr om the screen in Step 1 on p. 13 3 and press the m button. Make print settings. ● Press the qr but tons or tu rn the  dial, select [OK] an d press the m butto n.
_ Sound-Only Recording (Sound Recorder) 136 Changing th e sound quali ty. ● Press the op buttons, and select the sound qualit y. Record. ● Press the qr buttons or turn the  dial to select , then pr ess the m button. X Recording wi ll start, and t he recording time will appear.
137 Customizing the Camera You can customize various func tions to suit your shooting preferences. The first part of th is chapter expl ains convenient commonly used functions. The latter part explains how to change shooting and playback settings to suit your goals.
138 You can custo mize conveni ent commonly u sed functi ons from th e 3 tab (p. 46). Turning off the Power Saving Func tion You can se t the power saving func tion (p. 51 ) to [Off]. Howeve r, setting i t to [On] is rec ommended to save batter y power.
Changing Functions 139 Using the World Clock When traveling abroad, you can record images with local dates and times simply by switching the time zone setting if you pre-register the destination time zones. You can enjoy the convenience of not ha ving to switch the Date/Time settings.
Changing Functions 140 Changing the File Number Assignme nt Images you sh oot are automat ically assi gned file numbe rs, in the orde r they were taken, from 0001 – 999 9, and saved to folders of up to 2000 images. You can change the file nu mber assignmen t.
Changing Functions 141 Creating Folders by Day and Ti me You can set a day and time for folder creat ion. ● Select [Creat e Folder], then pr ess the m button. ● Select [Auto Create], then pres s the qr buttons or turn the  dial to select an in terval.
142 If you set t he mode dial to 6 and th en to G mode , you can c hange the settings on the 4 tab (p. 46). Using the Slow Synch ro You can use thi s to shoot p eople and main su bjects at th e appropriat e exposure, and the sh utter speed is lowered s o that both the subj ect and the background appear at th e proper brig htness.
Changing Shooting Functions 143 Turning off th e AF Assist Bea m When the ca mera cannot focus whe n you pres s the shutt er button h alfway, the lamp will a utomatically light to as sist focu sing. You can turn o ff the lamp. ● Select [A F-assist Beam], then press th e qr buttons to s elect [Off].
Changing Shooting Functions 144 Categorizing Imag es Automatically Images can be automatical ly catego rized (p. 119) wh en shootin g. ● Select [A uto Category], then pres s the qr buttons to se lect [On] . ● : For images shot in I , F or V mode, or images with fa ces detect ed when [AF Fr ame] is set to [Face Detect].
Changing Shooting Functions 145 Changing the IS -Mode Settings ● Select [IS Mo de], then pr ess the qr buttons to select an opt ion. ● [Continuou s]: The imag e stabiliza tion is always on. You c an confirm the result dire ctly on the displa y, which makes it easier to chec k the composit ion or focu s of the subjec t.
146 You can make set tings in the 1 tab by pressing th e 1 button (p. 46 ). Registering Fun ctions to the 1 Button ● Select [Set Pl ay button] an d press the m button. ● Press the qr buttons or turn the  dial to select an option, t hen pres s the m button.
147 You can set i mages yo u have taken as the star t-up image th at displa ys when the camera is turned on, or r ecord sound s for each of t he cameras operations with the 5 menu. Change ● Press the op buttons or turn the  dial to select an opt ion.
5 Changing the Start-up Image or Sound (My Camera Settings) 148 ● Sounds: P ress the qr butt ons or turn the  dial to sele ct , then pres s the m button to record. ● After reco rding, pre ss the qr buttons or turn the  dial to select , then press the m button.
149 Useful Information for Using the Camera This chapter introduces camera ac cessories and contains lists of functions. The index also appears at the end.
150 If you use AC Adapte r Kit ACK -DC30 (s old sepa rately), yo u can use t he camera witho ut worrying ab out how much ch arge is left in the batter y. Insert the coupler. ● Open the cover (p. 1 4) and inse rt the coupler a s shown until it locks into place with a click.
151 I f you think there is a pr oblem with the camera, firs t check the f ollowing. If the items belo w do not solve your pr oblem, contact a Canon Custom er Support Hel p Desk as listed on the includ ed customer support list . Power You pressed the pow er button, but nothin g happened.
You Think There is a Problem 152 appears when the shutter b utton was pressed half way (p. 57). • Set the [IS mode] to [On] (p. 145). • Set the flash to h (p. 67). • Increase the ISO speed (p. 70). Image is blurred. • Shoot the subject within th e focusing distance (p.
You Think There is a Problem 153 Recording images to t he memory card takes a long tim e, or continuous shoo ting slows down. • Format the memory card in the camera (p. 50). When you can’t make setti ngs for shooting func tions or FUNC. menu • The items in which settings can be made differ depe nding on the shooting mode.
154 If error message s appear on the LCD mon itor, try one of the fol lowing solutions. No memory card • The memory card is not installed in the corre ct direction. Install the memory card in the correct direction (p. 14). Card locked! • The SD memor y card or SDHC m emory card’s write protect tab is se t to “Lock”.
List of Messages That Appear on the Screen 155 Cannot select! • When selecting th e selection range (pp. 114, 118 , 120), you tried to select a starting image that was after the last image or you tried to select an ending image that was before the st arting image.
156 Functions Available i n Each Shooting Mode Shooting modes Function A 6 8 GD I F Flash (pp. 57, 67) {{ — {{ { — {{{{ { { {{{{ { Focusing Zone (pp. 63, 67, 85) { {{{{ { {{ { — {{ — {{ — {{ f — {{ — {{ ISO Speed (p. 70) {{ — {{ { {{ — { —— — {{{ —— Drive Mode (pp.
Functions Available in Each Shooting Mode 157 KE VH U O P wtyS Z R T Yv xX > z {{{{{{ —— { —— { ——— {{{{{{ — {{ —— {{ —— {{{{{{{{{ {{{{ —— {{{{{{{{{ { — {{{{ — { —.
158 4 Shooting Menu Menus Shooting modes Function A 6 8 GD I F AF Frame (p. 82) Face Detect { {{{{{ AiAF {{ { — {{ Center {{ { — {{ AF Frame Size (p. 82) Normal/Small — {{ ——— AF-Point Zoom (p. 83) On/Off {{ { — {{ Servo AF (p. 84) On/Off {{ { — {{ Digital Zoom (p.
Menus 159 KE VH U O Pw t y SZ R T Yv xX > z {{ { {{{ — {{ {{ { ——— {{ { {{{ — {{ {{ { — {{ { {{{ { { {{{ {{ { { —— —— — ———— — —— — — — — — { {{{ { { {.
Menus 160 3 Setting Menu There is usually no need to change th e setting, but select when you print an image recorded in the (Widescreen) mode at the full page setting for wide paper using a Cano n SELPHY CP750/CP74 0/CP730/CP720/CP710/CP5 10 Compact Photo Printer.
Menus 161 2 Print Menu 5 My Camera Menu i-Contrast Corrects dark portions of images. p. 124 Red-Eye Correction Corrects red-e ye portion of images. p. 125 Trimming Trims portions of images. p. 122 Resize Resizes and saves images. p. 121 My Colors Adjusts colors in images.
162 Equipment • This camera is a high- precision electroni c device. Do not drop it or subje ct it to strong impact. • Never place t he camera close to magnets or mot ors that gene rate stro ng electromag netic fiel ds. Exposure t o strong magnet ic fields ma y cause malfunction s or corrup t image da ta.
163 Camera Effective Pixels. . . . . . . . . . . Approx. 14.7 million Image Sensor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1/1.7-inch type CCD (Total number of pixels: Approx. 15 million) Lens . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.7 (W) – 28.
Specifications 164 Movie Mode: Standard, Color Accent, Color Swap Continuous Shooting . . . . . . . . . . . . . Approx. 1.3 images/sec. Self-timer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Face Self-Timer, Approx. 10-sec./Approx. 2-sec. delay, Custom Timer i-Contrast .
Specifications 165 Communication Settings . . . . . . . . . . MTP, PTP Power. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Battery Pack NB-5L (rechargeable lithium-ion battery) AC adapter kit ACK-DC30 Operating Temperatures . . . . . . . . . . 0 – 40° C (32 – 104° F) Operating Humidity .
166 Numerics 3:2 Guide ............................... ................. 144 A AC Adapter Kit .... ................... ........... 38, 1 50 Accessories ............. .................. ............... 36 AE Lock ............................ ..........
Index 167 Focus AF Frame ...... .................. ...................... 22 AF Frame Mode .................................... 82 AF Lock ....................... ....................... ... 84 AF-Point Zoom ................ ...................... 83 Face Selection .
Index 168 Print/Share Bu tton ..................... ....... 26, 145 Printer ............ ........................ ............. 26, 27 Printing ............... ................... ................... 26 Program AE ........................... .........
169 Canadian Radio Inter ference Regu lations This Class B digi tal apparatus complies wit h Canadian ICES-00 3. Réglementation canadienne sur les interférences radio Cet apparei l numérique de l a classe B est co nforme à la norme NMB-003 du Canada.
170 Trademark Acknowledgments • T he SDHC logo is a trad emark. Disclaimer • Wh ile every effort has be en made to ensu re that th e informati on containe d in this guide is acc urate and c omplete, n o liabil ity can be accepted fo r any erro rs or omis sions.
171 MEMO C OP Y.
172 MEMO C OP Y.
173 MEMO C OP Y.
174 MEMO C OP Y.
175 MEMO C OP Y.
176 MEMO C OP Y.
177 MEMO C OP Y.
178 MEMO C OP Y.
179 MEMO C OP Y.
デバイスCanon IXS 980 ISの購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Canon IXS 980 ISをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはCanon IXS 980 ISの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Canon IXS 980 ISの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Canon IXS 980 ISで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Canon IXS 980 ISを既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はCanon IXS 980 ISの不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Canon IXS 980 ISに関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちCanon IXS 980 ISデバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。