CanonメーカーVIXIA mini Xの使用説明書/サービス説明書
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PUB. DIE-0453-000 NT S C HD Camcor der I ns tr u c t i o n Manu al C OP Y.
3 Use of shielded cable is requir ed to comply with class B limits in Subpart B of Part 15 of FCC Rules. Do not make any changes or modifications to the equipment unless otherwise specified in the man- ual. If such changes or modifications should be made, you could be required to stop operation of the equipment.
4 IMPORT ANT SAFETY INSTRU CTIONS In these safety instructions the word "apparatus" refers to the Canon HD Camcorder VIXIA mini X and all its accessories. 1 Read these instructions. 2 Keep these instructions. 3 Heed all warnings. 4 Follow all instructions.
5 CAN ICES-3(B)/NMB-3(B) REGIONS OF USE The VIXIA mini X is in compliance (as of January 2014) with the radio signal re gulations of the r egions listed below. For deta ils on other regions where it can be used, make inquiries with the contacts l isted at the end of this instruction manual ( A 310).
6 • “Full HD 1080” refers to Canon camcor ders compli ant with high-defin ition video com- posed of 1,080 vertical pixels (scanning lines). • This product is licen sed under A T&T pat ents.
7 About this Manual and C amcorder Thank yo u for purchasi ng the Can on V IXIA min i X. Please read this manu al carefully bef ore you use the camcorder and retain it for future reference. Should yo ur cam corder fail to ope rate cor- rectly , refer to T roubleshooting ( A 249) .
8 • The photos i ncluded in this manual are simulated pic tures taken with a still camera. • Illustrations of the camco rder’ s screen or a computer’ s screen includ ed in th is man ual ma y show only relevan t part s of the screen.
9 • Observe the follow ing precautions w hile the cam- corder's ACCES S indicat or is on or flashing. Failing t o do so may result i n permanent data loss or damage t o the memory card. - Do not ope n the memo ry card slot c over . - Do no t disconnect t he power sour ce or turn of f the camcorder .
10 T able of Contents Important U sage In structions.... ............. ............. ........ 2 About this Manual and C amcorder .. ............. .............. 7 The Camcorder ’s Function s in Real-Life Situations ............... ............. ....
11 Insertin g and Rem oving a M emory Card ............. ...... 39 First Ti me Settings ........ ............ .................... ............ 41 Basic S etup ................. ................... ............. ............ 41 Changi ng the Time Z one .
12 Advanced Functi ons ....... ........... ......... ........... ..... 90 Video Qua lity and Shootin g Modes .......................... 92 Selectin g the Vid eo Qualit y . ................... ............. ...... 92 Selectin g the Pho to Size ........
13 Audio Mix ........ ............. ................... ............. .......... 136 Audio Lim iter ......... ............. ................... ............. .... 137 Audio Com pressor ............. ............. ............. .......... 137 Using H eadphones .
14 Using an iOS or Android Device as a R emote Control .................. ................... ............. ............. .... 180 Remot e Browse: V iewing Re cording s Using a Web Browse r on an iOS or Androi d Device ... ............. .... 190 Saving R ecordings a nd Upload ing Mov ies to the Web Using an iOS Dev ice .
15 Using t he Camco rder Abroad .......... ................... .... 287 General I nformatio n ......................... ............. .......... 288 Optional Accessories .......... ............. ................... .... 288 Specifi cations .. ........
16 The Camcor der’ s Functions in Real-Life Situations Unique fun ctions for special cases Change t he field of v iew yo u record fr om a fisheye- like ultra wide angle to a clos e-up c enter view .
17 Record a mirror imag e of you r dance training so you can practice a long wit h the p layback sce ne. X Au toma tic I mage Rota tio n and Image Flipp ing ( A 11 5) Decorate movies with graph ics and st amps. X Decoration ( A 11 1) Create a dynam ic montage sequenc e with short cuts .
18 Change how smooth or natur al movement looks in you r videos. X Frame Rate ( A 226) Create a copy of your mo vies applying a unique cin ematic filter .
19 Keep the exposure optimized while sh ooting a mov ing subject. X Fa ce D ete ctio n and T ra cking ( A 146 ) Give yourself time to get in the pictur e. X Self Timer ( A 110 ) Playback, edit ing and others Save part s of your video a s photos o r short video snap shot scenes.
20 Save recordings on you r comput er and u pload them to the Web . X Saving Recor dings ( A 16 1) Wir ele ss f unct ions Use your smartphone or table t as a remote contr ol while record ing.
21 Use an iOS app to w irelessly transfer recordings to your iPhone/iPad a nd upload them to the Web. X M ovie U ploa der ( A 193) Share your recor dings with W eb albums using CANON iMAGE GA TEWA Y . X CANON i MAGE GA TEW A Y ( A 196) Connect the camco rder to your home networ k and wire- lessly stream you r recordings.
22 Getting t o Know the Camc order Supplied Accessories The followin g acce ssories are supplied w ith the camco rder: * CA-110E, including power cord, in Asia . ** This guide explains how to dow nload PIXELA's T ransfer Utility LE softw are, which allows you to save your A V CHD movies to a m emory card.
23 Names of Parts Left side view 1 Start/St op butt on ( A 59 , 64) 2 T erm inal c over 3 LCD panel ( A 28 ) 4 ^ (playback mode) bu tton ( A 69 ) 5 HDMI term inal ( A 153, 15 4) 6 USB termi nal ( A 15.
24 Right side view 8 MIC LE VEL dial ( A 126) 9 DC IN te rminal ( A 32) 10 × (headphone s) terminal ( A 13 9) 11 MIC t erminal ( A 118) 12 Power/Ch arge ind icator ( A 32) 13 Powe r switch ( ON/OFF) .
25 Front view T op view 14 Lens cove r 15 Stereo microphone ( A 120) 16 Speaker ( A 71) 17 LCD touch scr een ( A 29, 47 ) 14 15 16 17 C OP Y.
26 Bott om view Back vi ew 18 Serial num ber 19 T ripod socket ( A 28 0) 20 Memory card slo t/Battery c ompartm ent cov er ( A 39 ) 21 Memory card slot ( A 39) 22 Battery release latc h ( A 32) 23 Bat.
27 25 W i-Fi an tenna ( A 1 74) 26 Strap moun ts ( A 29 ) C OP Y.
28 Adjust ing the c amcorder’ s position The camcorder ha s an adjustab le stand ( 7 ) and an artic u- lated LC D panel ( 3 ) that allow you to ea sily adjust i ts position to matc h your r ecor din g condition s.
29 17 LCD touch screen • The screen is produced using extremely hi gh-precision manufac turing tech niques, wit h more than 99.99% o f the pixels operating to specificat ion. Less than 0.01% of t he pixels may occasio nally m isfire or appear as black, red, blue or green dots.
30 Pr eparations Charging the Battery Pack The first s tep for usin g your ca mcorder is to prepare the power supp ly . This section explains h ow to charg e a bat- tery pack . Using a Memory Car d Next, yo u need to prepare a memory c ard where your mov ies an d phot os wi ll be r eco rd ed.
31 Bas ic Ope rati on of th e C amcor der In this sect ion you can lea rn more about basic oper ations, such as usi ng the touch sc reen, changing operating modes and using the menus. Selecting the Movie Reco rding Format (A VCHD/MP4) Before you be gin recording, you can select w hether to recor d in AVCHD or MP4 format .
32 Charging the B attery Pack Charging the Battery Pack The camco rder can be powered wit h a batt ery pack or directly using th e compact power a dapter . For approximate c harging times and recording/playback times with a ful ly charged battery pack, refer to Charging Ti mes ( A 300).
33 Charging the B attery Pack 3 Push the batt ery compartment cover in the d ir ection of the arr ow to open it. 4 Insert the battery pack with the Canon label facing the top of th e camcorder . • When in serting the battery pack , push it up again st the battery release latch .
34 Charging the B attery Pack 6 Char ging will start when th e camcorder is turned off. • If the c amcorder was on, the green power/ch arge ind ica- tor w ill go ou t when you tur n off the cam corder . After a moment , the pow er/char ge indicat or will tur n on in red (battery pack char ging).
35 Charging the B attery Pack • T ur n off the camcorder bef ore connecting o r discon- necting t he comp act power adapter . Af ter tur ning o ff the cam corder , important da ta is up dated in the mem - ory . Be su re to wait until the green p ower/char ge indi- cator goe s out.
36 Charging the B attery Pack • The b attery pack will be c harged only w hen the cam - corder is off. • If t he po wer suppl y wa s di sconn ect ed whi le char gin g a battery pack, mak e sure the p ower/char ge indicator has gone out bef ore r estori ng the power supply .
37 Using a Memory Ca rd Using a Memory Card Memory Cards Compatible for Use with t he Camcorder Y ou can use the follo wing type s of comm ercially avail able S D cards with this camcorder .
38 Using a Memory Ca rd ■ SD XC Cards Y ou can use SDXC cards with thi s camcorder . When u sing SDXC cards w ith other dev ices, such as d igital r ecorders, com - puters and card readers, ma ke sur e t hat t he ex ternal dev ice is compatible with SDXC c ards .
39 Using a Memory Ca rd Inserting and Removing a Memory Card Make sure to initializ e all memory cards with the cam corder , using the [Complete Initializatio n] option, befor e using them for the first t ime.
40 Using a Memory Ca rd 4 Close the memory car d slot cover . • Do not force the cover closed if the mem ory card is no t correctly insert ed. T o r emo ve the m emory card Push the memory card once to release it. When the memory card springs out, p ull it all the w ay out.
41 First Time Settings First Time Settings Basic Setup The firs t time you t urn on the cam corder , you will be guided by the camcorder’ s basic setup screens to se lect the cam corder’ s language a nd set the date and ti me. For detail s on how to use the touch sc reen, refer to Us ing the T o uc h S creen ( A 47).
42 First Time Settings 3 T ouch [Y .M.D], [M.D,Y] or [D.M.Y ] to select the date for- mat you pr efer and then t ouch [ æ ]. • After yo u select the date form at, the [Date/ Tim e] screen will appear wit h the first field se lected. 4 T ouch a field you want to change (year , month, day , hour s or minu tes).
43 First Time Settings 6 Set the correct date and t ime by changing all the fields in the s ame wa y . • T ouch [24H] to use 24-ho ur clock or leav e it unselected to use 12-hour c lock (AM/PM). 7 T ouch [OK] to complete the basic setu p and close the setu p scree n.
44 First Time Settings Changing the Time Zon e Change th e time zone to match your l ocation. The default se t- ting is Ne w Y ork. In addition, t he camcorder is able to retain the date and time of an other lo cation.
45 First Time Settings Initializing a Memory C ard Initiali ze mem ory cards when you use them wi th this ca mcorder for the first ti me. Y ou can also in itialize a mem ory card to perma- nently del ete al l the recordings it contains . 1 Power the camcorder using the compact power adapter .
46 First Time Settings 3 Initia lize the memory car d. 1 T ouch this option if you want to physically erase all the data rather than just clear the f ile allocation table of the memory card. 2 If you selected the [Com plete Initialization] option, yo u can touch [Cancel] to cancel th e initialization wh ile it is in pro gress.
47 Basic Operation of the Camcorder Basic Operation of the Camco r der Using the T ouch Screen The butto ns and menu items that appe ar on the touch scr een change dy namically dependi ng on the op erating mo de and the task you are per forming. W ith the int uitive touc h screen interface you ha ve all the c ontrols at y our finger tips.
48 Basic Operation of the Camcorder Using the Menus The 0 (Home) m enu is the gateway to most of the camcor der’ s functio ns and settings. In re cording mode, the 0 (Home) menu offers immediate access to some frequently used functions.
49 Basic Operation of the Camcorder ■ 0 (Home) Menu 1 T ouch [ 0 ] on the bottom left corner (r ecording mode) or top left corner (playback mode) of the screen to open the 0 (Home) menu. 2 Drag you r finger left /right to bring the desir ed menu to the center .
50 Basic Operation of the Camcorder Menu item Description [ 1 Other Sett ings] ( A 53, 225) Opens the [ 1 Other Settin gs] menus, which giv e you access to various camcorder settings. [Audio Scene]* (r ecording mode only) ( A 120) Optimize audio settings for your surroundings to get the best possible sound.
51 Basic Operation of the Camcorder [ < Self Timer] (recor ding m ode only) ( A 110) Conveni ent fu nction to give yo u tim e to get in t he picture after setting up the camcorder . [ Remote Control+Str eaming] (recor ding mode only) ( A 180) Use your smartphone or tablet as a remote contr ol to recor d with the camcorder .
52 Basic Operation of the Camcorder ■ Using the Menus Changing th e camcor der’ s various setting s using the menus i s very easy . Y ou make your select ion simply by touching the but- ton of the desired option. Wh en they appear on the screen, you can touch [ K ] to re turn to the previ ous scre en or [ X ] to close the me nu.
53 Basic Operation of the Camcorder The [ 1 Other Settings] Menu The [ 1 Other Settings] menus o ffer many options to con trol various aspects of t he camcorder’ s operation. For det ails, refer to the co mplete list o f settings in the appendi x [ 1 Other Set- tings] Menus ( A 225).
54 Basic Operation of the Camcorder 3 T ouch the tab of the desi red me nu. 4 Drag your f inger up/down to bring th e setting you want to change into the orange selection bar . • Y ou can also u se the [ Í ] and [ Î ] icons for scrollin g. • Menu it ems not a vailable app ear gra yed out.
55 Basic Operation of the Camcorder Operating Modes In this m anual, th e camcorder’ s operating modes are indica ted with a bar of ic ons. A fu ll ico n in blu e ( N ) indicates tha t the functi on.
56 Basic Operation of the Camcorder ■ Playback Press and h old the ^ butto n to switch the cam corder between rec ordi ng mode and pla yback mode. In the bar o f operating mode icon s, the y icon r .
57 Selecting the Movie Recording Format (AVCH D/MP4) Selecting the Movie Recor ding Format (A VCHD/MP4) Y ou can choose to record movies in AVCHD or MP4 for mat. A VCHD movies are id eal for co pying to an exter nal dev ice such as a Blu-R ay Disc recorder .
58 Basic Recor ding and Playbac k Basic R ecording This sect ion cove rs how to easi ly record video and photos and explain s the conv enient N mode. T o record using other shoo ting modes, u se more advanced functions an d enjoy f ull acce ss to all m enu settin gs, refer to A dvanced Functions ( A 90).
59 Basic Recording Basic Record ing Recording Video Y ou are now ready to record movies . Because t he camcorder uses an ult ra wide an gle lens, you can even chan ge the fiel d of view (ult ra wide or c lose up). Y ou can also select a d ifferent shooting mode according to the sho oting co nditions ( A 95).
60 Basic Recording • After th e power/ charge in dicator turn s on in g r een , it will go ou t. • Place an d adjust th e camcorder as necessa ry . If shooti ng with th e camcorder hand-held , be careful not to obstruct the lens . 2 Press the start/stop button to begin r ecordi ng.
61 Basic Recording 3 Pr ess the start/stop button again to stop recor ding. • Y ou can also t ouch [ Ñ ] on the bottom r ight corner of the scr ee n. When you have finished r ecor ding Make sure the ACCE SS indicat or is off and set the p ower switch to OFF .
62 Basic Recording Switching Between Movies and Photos W ith a sing le touch, you can switc h between recording movies ( ) and t aking phot os ( ). T o t ake photos (photo mo de), touch [ ].
63 Basic Recording • In order to protect the lens, tur n off the camcorder after you have finish ed recording to keep the lens co ver closed. • B e sure to save your recordings regularly ( A 161 ), especially after maki ng impo rtant recordings. Canon shall not be liable for any loss or c orrupt ion of dat a.
64 Basic Recording Ta k i n g P h o t o s Y ou can easily take photos with the ca mcorder . 1 Set the power s witch to ON to t ur n on the camcorder . • The lens cover will open . • After th e power/ charge in dicator turn s on in g r een , it will go ou t.
65 Basic Recording 3 T ouch [PHO TO] to take a ph oto. • Y ou can also p ress the start/stop button. • will app ear on the screen. The screen will tur n bla ck moment arily an d the apertu re value and shutter speed wi ll app ear . • Photos have an aspect rat io of 4:3.
66 Basic Recording AUTO Mode Wit h N mod e, you ca n take g r eat -looking videos by letting the camcorder aut omatically adjust set tings. • P hotos cann ot be recorded while the camc order is in movie m od e. • Y ou can use the 1 > > [Photo Si ze] setting to change the siz e of the p hotos yo u take.
67 Basic Recording * Under certain conditions, the Smar t AUTO icon that appears on the screen may not match the actual s cene. Especially when shooting against orange or blue backgro unds, the Sunset or one of the Blue Skies icons may appear and the colors may not lo ok natural.
68 Basic Recording Smart AU TO icon s * The icon in parentheses appears under backlight conditions. Subject Background Bright * Blue skies* Vivid colors* People (stationary) ( ) ( ) ( ) People (moving.
69 Basic Playback Basic Playback Playing Back V ideo 1 Pr ess and hold the ^ button until an i ndex screen appears. • The index sc reen that appears w ill depend on the record- ing mo de that w as used previously .
70 Basic Playback • T o play back A VCHD movies: T o uc h 0 > [ · Movie P layback] to o pen the [ y· ] index screen. T o play back MP4 movies: T o uc h 0 > [ ¸ Movie P layback] to o pen the [ y¸ ] index screen. T o play back MP4 video snapsh ot scenes o nly: T o uc h 0 > [ Video Sn apshot] to op en the [ ¦ ¸ ] index screen.
71 Basic Playback 2 Look for the scene you want to play back. • Drag you r finger ri ght/left (2 a) or touch [ Ï ] or [ Ð ] (2b) to display the previous/next index s creen. 3 T ouch the desir ed scene to play it back. • The cam corder will play back the scene selected and con- tinue un til the end of the last s cene in th e index screen.
72 Basic Playback Play back cont r ols 1 Stop the playback. 2 Jump to the b eginning of the scene. Double-tap to jump to the previous scen e. 3 Pause the pl ayback. 4 V olume contr ol. 5 Decoration ( A 111). 6 Capture a video sna pshot scen e ( A 149).
73 Basic Playback 8 For A VCHD scene s: Recording da te and time. For MP4 sc enes: Recording da te. 9 Jump to the beginning o f the next scene. 10 Resume the playback. 11 Capture the display ed frame as a photo ( A 151) . 12 Slow play back** b ackward/forwa rd.
74 Basic Playback 1 In the [ y· ], [ y¸ ] or [ ¦ ¸ ] index screen, touch [ I ] and then t ouch the des ir ed scene. • The [Sc ene Info] sc reen appears. • T ouch [ Ï ]/[ Ð ] to select th e previous/next scene. 2 T ouch [ K ] twi ce t o retur n to th e i ndex screen .
75 Basic Playback During playb ack of the desired scene: • The im age will be flipp ed left t o right . Repeat the proce- dure to end th e mirror image pla yback. The ^ bu tton When the c amcorder is tur ned on, press and hold th e ^ button to s witch bac k and forth b etween p layback and rec ord in g mo de .
76 Basic Playback • Y ou m ay not be able to play back w ith this camcorder movies recorded on or c opied o nto a memory card using anothe r device. • MP4 v ideo snapsho t scenes ca n be played b ack from the [ ¦ ¸ ] or [ y¸ ] in dex screen while A VCHD video sna pshot scenes can be playe d back on ly from the [ y· ] index screen.
77 Basic Playback Viewing Photo s 1 Pr ess and hold the ^ button to turn on the camcor der in playback mode. • Ke ep the butto n held down unti l the index scr een appear s. • After th e power/ charge in dicator turn s on in g r een , it will go ou t.
78 Basic Playback 3 Look for t he photo you want to view . • Drag you r finger ri ght/left (3 a) or touch [ Ï ] or [ Ð ] (3b) to display the previous/next index s creen. 4 T ouch the photo you want to view . • The photo is dis played in sing le ph oto vie w .
79 Basic Playback Play back cont r ols 1 Slideshow ( A 89) . 2 Return to the [ } ] index scr een. 3 Photo j ump T ouch [ Ï ] or [ Ð ], or drag your finger along t he scroll bar to find the desir ed photo. T ouch [ K ] to return to single photo view .
80 Basic Playback 2 Magnify the photo. • The cen ter of th e photo i s magnifi ed approximately 2 times. • T ouch [ ] to magn ify the image fu rther . T o uch [ ] t o reduce the magnific ation. • Drag you r finge r along th e magnif ied area to check other parts of the photo.
81 Basic Playback Deleting Scenes and P hotos Y ou c an delete r ecor dings tha t you ar e not int erest ed in keeping . Deleting recordings allow s you also to free up space on the memory ca rd. ■ Deleting Scenes or Phot os from the Index Screen 1 Open the index scr een that contains the scene or photo you w ant to del ete ( A 69, 77).
82 Basic Playback * When you select [Select], perform the follow ing procedur e to select the individual re cordings y ou want to delete befor e touch- ing [Y es]. ** T ouch [Stop] to interr upt the operation while i t is in pr ogress. Some recor dings may be deleted nev ertheless.
83 Basic Playback ■ Deleti ng a S ingle Scene 1 Play back the scene you want to delete ( A 69). 2 Delete the scen e. [<folder name>] (for MP4 movies and photos): Delete all the scenes or photos recorded on a particular date that are stored in the same folder .
84 Basic Playback ■ Deleting a Si ngle Photo 1 In single ph oto view , sel ect the photo you want to dele te ( A 77). 2 Delete the phot o. 3 Drag your finger left/right to select another photo to dele te or to uch [ X ]. • B e careful when delet ing recordings.
85 Basic Playback Dividing Scenes Y ou can divid e A VCHD s cen es in or der to le ave out th e be st part s and later cut out t he rest . 1 Play back the desir ed scene ( A 69). 2 At the point wher e you want to divide the scene, open the scr een for dividing scenes.
86 Basic Playback 4 Divide the scene. • The vi deo from the di vision p oint to t he end of the scene will appear as a new scene in the in dex screen. • When adva ncing/r ever sing fra mes while dividing the scenes, t he interva l between f rames is about 0.
87 Basic Playback T rimm ing Scenes Y ou c an trim MP4 scenes by re moving everything up to a cer tain point or everyth ing after a certai n point . By doin g so, you l eave only me morable m oments to k eep for posterity . 1 Play back the scene you want to trim ( A 69).
88 Basic Playback 4 T rim the scene. • Y ou can se lect whether to trim the part be fore or after the ´ mark er and wh ether to sav e the remain ing par t of the video as a new scene (k eeping the original scene) or to over wri te the orig inal scen e.
89 Basic Playback Slideshow Y ou can play a slideshow of all th e photos. 1 Open the [ } ] index scr een ( A 77). 2 T ouch the photo that will open the slidesh ow to display it in s ingle photo view. 3 Start the slidesh ow . • D uring th e photo slides how , touch the scre en and touch [ Ý ] to stop the slideshow .
90 Adva nced Func ti ons Video Q uality and Shootin g Modes This sect ion exp lains how t o chang e the vid eo qual ity of your recordings and how to use t he camcorder’ s various shooting modes to get perfect recordings whe n you are shooting fashion scenes, dance t raining session s, night scenes or m any other special scen es.
91 Recording Audio This sect ion expla ins vari ous funct ions related to recording audio, such as audio scen e selection , wind screen, audio mix and u sing headph ones. When Y ou W ant More Control This sect ion exp lains functi ons you can use when you want more con trol over how y our recordings look .
92 Video Quality and Sh ooting Modes Video Q uality and Shooting Modes Selecting the V ideo Quality The camcor der of fers the following video quality options (bit rates) for recor ding movies: 24 Mbps, 17 Mbps and 4 Mbp s 1 . Select 24 Mbps for higher video quality; select 4 Mbps for longer r ecor d- ing times or small er file sizes .
93 Video Quality and Sh ooting Modes • For d etails o n approximate r ecording t imes, refer to Approximate recording times ( A 299). • B it rate (measu red in Mbps) indicates h ow muc h infor- mation is recorded in 1 second of video and therefore affects also t he recording t ime availab le on the memory card.
94 Video Quality and Sh ooting Modes Selecting the Photo Siz e Photos are r ecorded as JPG files. The camcorder off ers three photo siz es but the p hoto qu ality c annot be changed. A s a gen- eral rule , select a l arger phot o size for higher quality .
95 Video Quality and Sh ooting Modes Selecting the Shooting Mode In addi tion to N mode, t he camcorder featu r es a n umber of shooting modes that offer th e most app r opriate se ttings for a variety of special s cenes.
96 Video Quality and Sh ooting Modes 2 Drag your finger u p/down to bring the desir ed shooting mode to the cen ter and then to uch [OK]. • Y ou can also t ouch the icon in the c enter inst ead of touch- ing [OK].
97 Video Quality and Sh ooting Modes [ I Sports] ( ƒ ) T o record scenes with lots of movement, such as sport events and dan ce scenes. [ J Night Scene] ( ƒ ) T o record nightscapes with lower noise. [ L Beach] ( ƒ ) T o record on a sunny beach without the subject being underexposed.
98 Video Quality and Sh ooting Modes [ ’ Programmed AE] The camcorder automatically sets the shutter speed and aperture but y ou have the option to adjust the white bala nce ( A 141) and expo- sure ( A 143), and change the frame rate ( A 226). •[ I Sports]/[ L Be ach]/[ K Sno w]: The pic ture may not appear smooth du ring play back.
99 Special Recording Modes Special Recording Modes Interval Recording When th e movie f ormat is se t to MP4 , you can easily set the camcorder to record about half a sec ond of vi deo or a p hoto at fixed interv als from 5 seconds t o 10 minut es.
100 Special Recording Modes • T he defau lt reco rding interval i s 5 seconds. Befo re touc h- ing [OK], y ou can chang e the recording interval with the follo wing pr oc edur e ( A 101). 3 T ouch [OK] and start r ecording with inte rval recor ding.
101 Special Recording Modes 5 T ouch [Y es] to join the i nterval scenes. • If you prefer to joi n the interv al scenes later on, touc h [No] instead . The rest of the procedure is not nec essary . • Y ou can touch [St op] > [OK] to inte rrupt the o peration while i t is in progress.
102 Special Recording Modes T o join interv al scenes la ter on Even if y ou did n ot join MP4 sce nes recorded using interva l recording immediatel y after recording t hem, you can do so at a later date . 1 Open the [ y¸ ] index screen ( A 69). 2 T ouch an interval scen e marked with the icon.
103 Special Recording Modes Slow and Fast Motion When th e movie f ormat is se t to MP4 , you can use slow motion or fast motion to r ecor d movi es with a unique look.
104 Special Recording Modes 1 Activate sl ow/fast mo tion. • Y ou can also t ouch the icon in the c enter inst ead of touch- ing [OK]. • Before touching [OK], you can change the play back speed with the fo llowin g procedure. • or a nd the sel ected spee d will ap pear on the scr ee n.
105 Special Recording Modes T o chan ge the playback speed Y ou can chan ge the playb ack speed w hile acti vating slow /fast motion (from t he [ Slow Mo tion]/[ Fast Mot ion] sele ction screen) or from the record standby screen after sl ow/fast mot ion is ac tiva ted.
106 Special Recording Modes Video Snapsho t Y ou can record a series of sho rt scenes, each a few se conds long. When you pla y the vid eo snapshot scenes on e after th e other , this will result in fast-pac ed, dynam ic video. 1 Activate vi deo snapshot.
107 Special Recording Modes 2 Press the start/stop bu tton. • Y ou can also t ouch [ Ü ]. • The cam corder record s for ab out 4 secon ds (the blue frame se rves as a visual progress bar) and the n automati- cally retu rns t o record standby mo de.
108 Special Recording Modes 1 Activate the pr e-r ecording funct ion. • Y ou can also t ouch the icon in the c enter inst ead of touch- ing [OK]. • z will appear on the screen. 2 Press the start/stop bu tton. • Y ou can also t ouch [ Ü ]. • The scene recorded in the memory w ill start 3 seconds before the start/stop b utton was pressed.
109 Special Recording Modes • W hen the m ovie form at is A VCHD an d you acti vate the pre-r ecording func tion, the time code wil l start runnin g.
110 Convenient Fu nctions Convenien t Functi ons Self Timer By set ting t he sel f-tim er , you will be able to in clude y ourse lf in the shot before the camco rder starts recording a movie or taki ng a photo. 1 Activate t he self-timer function . • or will ap pear on th e screen.
111 Convenient Fu nctions 2 In recor d standb y mode, press the start/s top button. • Y ou can also touch [ Ü ] for movies or [PHOT O] for p hotos. • T he countd own appears on the scr een. Decoration: Adding a P ersonal T ouch Add a new le vel of en joyment while play ing back y our scene s by decora ting them.
112 Convenient Fu nctions ■ Decorat ing S cenes 1 Play back the scene you want to decorate ( A 69). 2 T ouch the scr een to display th e playback contr ols. 3 T ouch [ Ò ] to display the decoration toolbar . • Y ou can touch [ Ý ] to pause the playback .
113 Convenient Fu nctions 3 [ Ó Pens and S tamps] S elect the ty pe of pen or stamp an d its color . Y ou can also save a single canvas or load a previ- ously s aved ca nvas. 4 [ × Animat ed Stamps] Select an imated stamps to ad d to your de coration .
114 Convenient Fu nctions • T o save your freehand draw ings and stam ps on the mem- ory card: T ouch [ Ó ] > [ 8 Save] > [ Y es] > [ K ]. • T o load a previously save d canvas (f reehand drawi ngs and stamp s only) from the me mory ca rd: T ouch [ Ó ] > [ 8 Loa d] > [Y es] > [ K ].
115 Convenient Fu nctions Image Rotation and Ima ge Flipping For MP4 mo vies and phot os, the c amcorder offers two f unctions to manipul ate how the image is recorded or play ed back. Usi ng mirror image recording, the camcorder will record the imag e re versing left and r ight.
116 Convenient Fu nctions Examples of image rotation when [ Detect Orientation] is set to [On] * As seen from the back of the camco r der , with the lens pointing for- ward. ** Even when orientation detection is turned on, movies r ecor ded with the camcorder turned sideways cannot be played back in vertical ori- entation using the camcorder .
117 Convenient Fu nctions ** * T o display photos in the correct orie ntation, orientati on detection should be turned on while recor ding and 1 > > [Auto Rotate] should be set to [ i On] during playback.
118 Recording Audio Recor ding Audio Y ou can recor d audio using the buil t-in stereo microphone or an exter nal microphon e conne cted to th e MIC term inal. When you are recor ding A VCHD mo vies and the vi deo quali ty is set to 24 Mbps , you can en joy tw o-channel l inear PC M audi o recor d- ing wit h a sampling fr eque ncy of 48 kHz.
119 Recording Audio ■ Using Commer cially Available Microphones Y ou can also use com mercially availa ble c ondenser mi cro- phones wit h their own power supp ly . Y ou can connec t almost any stereo microphone w ith a ∅ 3.5 mm plug but a udio record- ing lev els may vary .
120 Recording Audio Audio Scenes (Built-in Microphone) Y ou can have the camcor der optim ize the audio setti ngs of the built-i n micro phone by select ing the audio scene th at matches your sur r ound ings. Th is will greatly en hance the sense of “bein g ther e”.
121 Recording Audio • Y ou can also touch the icon in the center instead o f touching [OK]. • Alternativel y , you can t ouch 0 > [Audio Sc ene] to op en the audio scen e menu. Opti ons ( Default value) [ Standar d ] T o record most general si tuations.
122 Recording Audio [ Forest and Bir ds] T o record bir ds and scenes in forests. The camcor der clearly captures sound as it spreads. [ Noise Suppression] T o record scenes while r educing noise from wind, passing vehi- cles and similar ambient sound.
123 Recording Audio Set ting s for each audi o scen e [ ‘ Stan dar d] [ ’ Music] [ F e s t i v a l ] [ ‚ Speech] Audio reco rding level [ Manu al]: 70 [ Manual]: 70 [ Manual]: 70 [ Manual]: 86 [Built-in Mic Wi nd Screen] [ H Auto (High)] [ L Auto (Low) ë ] [ L Auto (Low) ë ] [ H Auto (High)] [Built-in Mic Att.
124 Recording Audio [ M e e t - ing] [ “ For ests and Bird s] [ ” Noise Suppres- sion] [ „ Custom Setting] Audio reco rding level [ Manu al]: 94 [ Manual]: 80 [ Manual]: 70 Selected by user ( A 126) [Built-in Mic Wi nd Screen] [ H Auto (High)] [ H Aut o (High)] [ H Auto (High)] Selected by user ( A 128) [Built-in Mic Att.
125 Recording Audio •[ „ Custom Setting] i s not av ailable in N mode. After setting [Au dio Scene] to [ „ Custom Setti ng], if the camcorder is then set to N mode, this setting will change to [ ‘ Standard].
126 Recording Audio Audio Recording Level Y ou can ad just the a udio recording level of the buil t-in mic ro- phone or an exter nal microphone co nnected to t he MIC t ermi- nal. 1 Set the audio r ecor ding level to manual . • The current audi o recor ding level will app ear next to the audio le vel in dica tor .
127 Recording Audio 2 T ur n the MIC LEVEL dial to adjust the audio recor ding level as necessary . • As a guideli ne, adjust t he audio recording level so t hat the audio lev el meter will go to th e righ t of the -1 0 dB mark only occa sionally . • W hen the audio level meter reaches the red point (0 dB), the so und may be distorte d.
128 Recording Audio Wind Screen (Built-in Microphone) The camcorder auto matically reduces th e background sound of wind when recording out doors. Y ou can se lect from two lev els or turn off the auto wind scr een. 1 Make sur e [Audio Scene] is set t o [ „ Custom Setting] ( A 120).
129 Recording Audio Microphone Attenuator (Built-in Microphone) Y ou can a c t i va t e t h e mi c r o p h o n e a tt e n u a t or ( 20 d B ) f or th e b u i l t - in micr ophone to prevent audio fro m being distort ed if the audio level is too h igh.
130 Recording Audio 2 Activate t he microphone attenu ator . Options ( Default value) [ 2 Auto matic] The camcorder will au tomatically activate the built-in micro- phone attenuator as necessary for optimal audio recording lev - els so high audio levels will not be distorted.
131 Recording Audio Audio Equalizer (Built-i n Microphone) Y ou can use the audio equa lizer to adj ust sound levels by spe cif- ically t argetin g one of the avai lable f requency rang es. 1 Make sur e [Audio Scene] is set t o [ „ Custom Setti ng] ( A 120).
132 Recording Audio Microphone Directionality (Built-in Microphone) Y ou can ch ange the d irectionality of the b uilt-in mi crophone to have more con trol over how sound is recorded. 1 Make sur e [Audio Scene] is set t o [ „ Custom Setti ng] ( A 120).
133 Recording Audio Options ( Default value) Microphone Attenuator (Exter nal Microphone) Y ou can activ ate the mi crophone attenu ator (20 dB ) for a mic ro- phone conn ected to t he MIC terminal t o prevent audio f rom being distort ed if t he audio l evel i s too hi gh.
134 Recording Audio Options ( Default value) Low Cut Filter (Exter nal Microphone) When you are record ing u sing a mi crophone conn ected to t he MIC ter minal, y ou can ac tivate th e low cut filter to reduce the sound of blowing wind, a car ’ s engine and similar ambient sounds.
135 Recording Audio Switching the Input (Exte r nal Microphone) Y ou can switch the in put of the MIC terminal de pendin g on whether you are using an exter nal microphone or a n exter nal audio sou rce, such as a digi tal audio player . Howeve r , this pro- cedur e is not necessar y for the optional W M-V1 Wireless Micr o- phone.
136 Recording Audio Audio Mix When recording, you can mix aud io from the buil t-in microphon e with ex ternal au dio fr o m th e MIC ter min al an d ad jus t t he mix ba l- ance for ori ginal soun d effects.
137 Recording Audio Audio Limiter The audio limiter will li mit the am plitu de of aud io signal s to pre- vent audio dist ortions when sudden, loud sounds ar e picked up by the camco rder . 1 Make sur e [Audio Scene] is set t o [ „ Custom Setti ng] ( A 120) and th e audio re cording level is set to [A u t o m a t i c ] ( A 126).
138 Recording Audio 1 Make sur e [Audio Scene] is set t o [ „ Custom Setti ng] ( A 120). 2 Activate t he audio compressor . Options ( Default value) [ H High] Flattens out audio levels more and is best when recording multi- ple people talking at varying levels, such as during a meeting.
139 Recording Audio Using Headphones Use headph ones for playback or t o check the audi o level w hile recording. Connect headpho nes to the × termi nal. W hen using headphone s, make sure to low er the vol ume to a n appropriate level . ■ Adjusting the V olume from the Menus * Y ou can also drag your finger along the v olume bar .
140 Recording Audio ■ Adjusting the V olume during Playback In play back mode, adjust the headphones vo lume the same wa y you would adjust the speaker’ s volume ( A 71) , selectin g the headpho ne icons instead. • Use commercially av ailable headpho nes with a ∅ 3.
141 When You Want Mo re Cont rol When Y ou W ant Mo r e Control White Balance The whit e balance f unction helps you to accur ately reproduce color s under dif fer ent lig hting con ditions so tha t white obj ects will al ways look truly w hite in y our recordings.
142 When You Want Mo re Cont rol T o set the custom white bala nce 1 Point the camcor der at a white object, so it fills the frame at the center of the screen . 2 T ouch [Set WB]. When the adjustmen t is comp leted, Å stops flashing and disappears. The camco rder will retain the cu stom wh ite bal- ance even if you t urn it off.
143 When You Want Mo re Cont rol Exposure When y ou want to record a subject that is much bright er or darker tha n its surr oundings, the automatic e xposur e obtained by the camco rder may not be b est for that specific su bject.
144 When You Want Mo re Cont rol 1 Select the desired shooting m ode ( A 95), but do not touch [OK ]. 2 T ouch [ y ] to open the exposur e adjustment screen. ■ Exposur e Compensation 1 T ouch [ n ]. • The exposu re is locked and the exposu r e com pensation dial a ppears with t he compensa tion valu e set at ±0 .
145 When You Want Mo re Cont rol 3 T ouch [ X ] to apply the select ed shooting mode and exposur e compensation value. • During exp osure lock, y and the exposure compensat ion value will app ear on the screen. ■ T ouc h AE 1 T ouch a subject that appears inside the y frame.
146 When You Want Mo re Cont rol Face Detection The camco rder automatic ally detec ts people’ s faces an d uses this info rmation to set the corr ect expo sure. * Face detection is alway s activated in N mode. By defau lt, face de tection is activ ated so you can skip st ep 1 in the follo wing procedure.
147 When You Want Mo re Cont rol 2 Point the camcor der at a person. • If there is more than o ne person in the picture, the ca m- corder will autom atically selec t one person it deter mines i s the m ain subje ct. The m ain subje ct is in dicated by a whit e frame an d the camcorder will optimize t he setting s for that person.
148 When You Want Mo re Cont rol • The c amcorder ma y mistak enly dete ct the fac es of non-huma n subjects. I n such case, tu rn face detect ion off. • In c ertain c ases, faces may n ot be detect ed correctly . T ypi cal examples i nclude: - Faces extremely small, large, dark or b right in relation to the ov erall pi cture.
149 When You Want Mo re Cont rol Capturing Vide o Snapshot Scene s and Photos from a Movie Y ou can capt ure video snapshot scen es or photos from a previ- ously recorded scene. For example, y ou may w ant to prin t pho- tos from video recorded at a party or create a small v ideo cli p using video snapshot s cenes from the hig hlights of an event.
150 When You Want Mo re Cont rol 4 T ouch [ Ñ ] t o stop the playback. • The new video snap shot scene will have the same record- ing dat e (for A VCHD mov ies) or be saved in the same folder (f or MP4 movies) as t he orig inal s cene.
151 When You Want Mo re Cont rol ■ Capturing Photos 1 Play back the scene from whi ch you want to capture the p hoto ( A 69 ). 2 At th e point you want to captur e, pause the playback and captur e the photo. 3 T ouch [ Ñ ] t o stop the pl ayback. • The s ize of photos cap tured from a scene is 1920x1080 (16:9 aspec t ratio).
152 Exter nal Connections T ermi nals on th e Camc or der This section giv es more details about the camcorder’ s out- put termin als and p resents connection d iagrams f or con- necting your camcor der to o ther devi ces.
153 Terminals on the C amcorder T erminals on the Camcorder Open the si de termi nal cove r to ac cess the term inals on the camcorder . 1 HDMI T e rminal The HDMI terminal offer s a high-qu ality dig ital con nection that combines au dio and video in a single convenien t cable.
154 Terminals on the C amcorder Connection Diagrams In the foll owing conn ection dia grams, the lef t side shows the ter- minals on t he camcorder and the ri ght side shows (for refer ence only) an ex ample of terminals o n a connect ed device .
155 Terminals on the C amcorder Connection 2 USB T yp e: Digital data connection Connect to a computer to save your recordings. • The H DMI term inal on the cam corder is for output onl y . Do not conn ect it to an HDMI o utput term inal on an exter nal de vice, as this may damage t he camco rder .
156 Terminals on the C amcorder Playback on a TV Screen Connect the camco rder to a TV to e njoy yo ur recordings with famil y and fri ends . 1 T urn off the camcorder and t he TV . 2 Connect the camcor der to the TV . • Connect ion 1 . Ref er to Co nnection Diagrams ( A 154).
157 Terminals on the C amcorder 3 T ur n on the connected TV . • On the TV , select as the video input th e same te rminal to which y ou connec ted the camco rder . Refer to the i nstruc- tion manua l of the conn ected TV . 4 T ur n on the camcorder and set it to play back mode.
158 Saving and Sh aring Your R ecordi ngs Saving and S haring Y our Record ings Converting Movies to MP4 Format Y ou can conver t A VCHD and MP4 s cenes to an MP4 sc ene wit h lower vide o quality ( down-conversi on) to obtain smaller file siz es.
159 Saving and Sh aring Your R ecordi ngs 3 T ouch the indivi dual scenes you want to convert. • A checkm ark ! will ap pear on th e scenes y ou touch . The total number of sele cted scenes will appear next to the " icon. • T ouch a selected sce ne to remove the ch eckmark.
160 Saving and Sh aring Your R ecordi ngs • T o add decorations*: * When a cinema-look filter is a pplied to a movie, you c annot add decorations. 5 T ouch [ST ART] to convert the scen e. • T ouch [STOP] t o interrup t the op eration whi le it is i n progr ess.
161 Saving and Sh aring Your R ecordi ngs Saving Recordings on a Computer Make sure to save your recordings on a comp uter on a regul ar basis. Th is section exp lains h ow to sa ve your recordings on a computer using a USB connection .
162 Saving and Sh aring Your R ecordi ngs ■ Savi ng A VCHD Movies (Windows only) Wi th the soft ware T ransfer Utili ty LE, you can save t o your com- puter the AV CHD scen es you have recorded. Download the software and in stall it before you con nect the camcorder to t he computer f or the first time.
163 Saving and Sh aring Your R ecordi ngs 3 Run the instal ler to install the softwar e. • For det ails, refer to the S oftware Guide (P DF file) of PIXELA ’ s software. Connecting the Camc order to a Computer 1 Camcorder: Power the camcor der using the compact power adapter .
164 Saving and Sh aring Your R ecordi ngs ■ Sav ing MP4 Movies and Photos (Windows/ Mac OS) Wi th the softwa re ImageBrowser EX yo u can sav e MP4 mov ies and photos t o your comp uter and easi ly organi ze them. Re fer to the ‘ImageB rowser EX User Gu ide’ (PDF f ile) for the f ull system requirements and oth er inform ation.
165 Saving and Sh aring Your R ecordi ngs 1 Download the softwar e from your local Canon W eb site. • Vi sit the follow ing Web si te to down load ImageB rowser EX. http://www m/icpd/ (Click on y our country /region, select you r camco r der model an d the proceed to t he download pag e.
166 Saving and Sh aring Your R ecordi ngs 5 Follow the onscr een instructions to complet e the insta llati on. • During t he install ation process, you may be prompted to ins tall Mic rosoft S ilverlig ht. F ollo w the i nstruct ions to d o so. • CameraW indow wil l also be in stalled.
167 Saving and Sh aring Your R ecordi ngs First-time conne ction to a computer running Windo ws The first tim e you conn ect the cam corder to the c omputer , you also need t o select th e CameraW in dow auto-lau nch setting . Connecting the Camc order to a Computer 1 Power the camcorder using the compact power adapter .
168 Saving and Sh aring Your R ecordi ngs • W hen the cam corder is conn ected to a comput er: - Do not ope n the memo ry card slot c over . - Do not change or delet e any of t he memory card’ s folders or files directly from the comp uter as this may result in perm anent da ta loss.
169 Saving and Sh aring Your R ecordi ngs Copying Recordings to an Exter nal V ideo Recorder Connect the c amcorder to B lu-ray Disc recorders and other A VCHD-compatib le digita l video recorders us ing the su pplied USB cable t o make perf ect copies o f your mov ies in high d efini- tion.
170 Saving and Sh aring Your R ecordi ngs Connecting 1 Power the camcorder using the compact power adapter . 2 Open the [ y· ] index screen ( A 69). 3 Connect the camcor der to th e digital video r ecorder using the suppli ed USB cable. • Connect ion 2 .
171 Saving and Sh aring Your R ecordi ngs Installation Install t he software before you connec t the ca mcorder to the computer for the fi rst time. Th e software is comp atible w ith computers running W indows o r Mac OS o perating system. Refer to Savi ng Reco r ding s on a Comp uter ( A 161).
172 Wi-Fi Functions Overview of the Camcorder's Wi-Fi Functions This is an intr oductio n to th e W i-Fi f unctions of fer ed by t he camcorder and co ntains also impo rtant inform ation ab out the supported Wi-Fi standar ds.
173 Wi-Fi Connection and Settings This section exp lains how to conn ect your camcor der to an access point (wireles s rou ter) on an exis ting Wi-Fi network as well as ho w to check the W i-Fi settings and, if neces- sary , change them.
174 Overvi ew of the Camcorder 's Wi-Fi Funct ions Overview of the Camcorder's Wi-Fi Functions Y ou can use the camcorder’ s Wi-Fi f unctions to connect w ire- lessly to W i-Fi enab led devices* li ke smartphones or ta blets and save, pla y back and u pload your recordings.
175 Overvi ew of the Camcorder 's Wi-Fi Funct ions iOS Devices • Install the CameraAccess plus app and use your iPhone or iPad as a remote contr ol to record with the camcorder ( A 180). Y ou can even stream video from the camcorder and record i t directly on your iOS device.
176 Overvi ew of the Camcorder 's Wi-Fi Funct ions Andro id Devices • Install the CameraAccess plus app and use your smartphone or tablet as a remote contr ol to recor d with the camcord er ( A 180). Y ou can even stream video fr om the camcorder an d recor d it directly on your Andr oid device.
177 Overvi ew of the Camcorder 's Wi-Fi Funct ions Comp uter s an d Other Wi- Fi Dev ices • On compu ters with a Wi-Fi receiver , use a W eb browser to access the camcorder and play back recor dings on the device. Y ou can also save a local copy on the computer ( A 190).
178 Overvi ew of the Camcorder 's Wi-Fi Funct ions ■ Before Using Wi-Fi Functions Based on the funct ion, the c amcorder will wirelessly con nect directly to a W i-Fi-e nabled devi ce, such as a smartph one, or to a Wi -Fi network v ia an access poi nt (wireless router)*.
179 Overvi ew of the Camcorder 's Wi-Fi Funct ions • We recommend inserting a fully charged b attery pac k or using the su pplied CA-110 Compact Po wer Adapte r when using Wi-Fi fu nction s. • Whe n using the camcorder’ s W i-Fi functions, do n ot cover th e rear left cor ner of the camc order with yo ur hand or ot her object.
180 The Camcorder's W i-Fi Functions The Camcorder's Wi-Fi Functions Using an iOS or Android Device as a R emote Control Using the C ameraAcces s plus app*, y ou can vie w the imag e streamed from the camco rder on you r iOS/An droid device even when the ca mcorder is somewh ere else.
181 The Camcorder's W i-Fi Functions ■ Str eaming via Wi-Fi (Monitor from Home) With this functio n, you can m onitor t he image str eamed from the camcorder when it is in another locatio n within W i-Fi conne ction range, for exa mple, in another room i n the house.
182 The Camcorder's W i-Fi Functions 2 Camcor der: Ac tivate th e [Monito r fr om Home] function. • The cam corder’ s SSI D (network name) and password will app ear . • The cam corder will be ready to con nect wit h the iOS or Andr oid devic e.
183 The Camcorder's W i-Fi Functions • Use the ap p’ s on screen controls to operate th e camcorder while v iewing the live i mage on the devi ce. When you have finished recor ding 1 Camcor der: T ouch [End] to end the wir eless connect ion and turn off the camcor der .
184 The Camcorder's W i-Fi Functions 1 Camcorder: Set the camcorder to the desir ed r ecording mode (movie mode or photo mode). 2 Activate t he [Monitor while Out] function. • Y ou can also t ouch the icon in the c enter inst ead of touch- ing [OK].
185 The Camcorder's W i-Fi Functions 5 T o change the port number to be used, touch [80] . Enter a di ffer ent port n umber and touch [OK]. • By defa ult, the po rt number is set to 80 but you can chan ge i t if ne cess ary . 6 If necessary , set up a connect ion to an access point.
186 The Camcorder's W i-Fi Functions Connecting the iOS/Android Device If the iO S/Android de vice is connected to the sam e W i-Fi net - work as the ca mcorder , CameraA ccess plus wi ll recognize the camcorder's ID and register it autom atically .
187 The Camcorder's W i-Fi Functions 3 T ouch Finish and close the CameraAccess plus app. • If necessar y , disconnect th e iOS/An droid device from the access point. T o use the Monitor while Out function 4 While you ar e out, start the CameraAccess plu s app.
188 The Camcorder's W i-Fi Functions Using the virtual keyboa rd When you ne ed to enter text f or vari ous settings, touch the text fiel d and a v irtual keyb oard will appear on the screen. The illust ration below explains the various keys yo u can use.
189 The Camcorder's W i-Fi Functions • For d etails abo ut the Came raAccess pl us app, visit PIXELA ’ s W eb site. http:// /cecap • W hen using CameraAcc ess plus, you ca nnot switch between movie mode a nd photo mode .
190 The Camcorder's W i-Fi Functions Remote Browse: Viewing Rec ordings Using a Web Br owser on an iOS or An droid Device Wi th the R emote Browse fu nction, y ou can use t he Web browser on any d evice equi pped with a W i-Fi receiver (iOS/ Android devices, com puters, et c.
191 The Camcorder's W i-Fi Functions 1 Camcor der: From any index scr een, activate th e Remote Br owse mode. • Y ou can also t ouch the icon in the c enter inst ead of touch- ing [OK]. • The cam corder’ s SSI D (network name) and password will app ear .
192 The Camcorder's W i-Fi Functions 4 iOS/Andr oid dev ice: Enter the URL that appears on the camcorder’ s scr een into the W eb browser’ s addr ess bar . • When t he W i-Fi con nectio n is correctly est ablished, the Playback via Browser screen w ill appear .
193 The Camcorder's W i-Fi Functions When you have finis hed Camcor der: T ouch [End] > [OK] to end the wi r eless co nnection and tur n off the camc order . Saving Recordings and Uploading Mov ies to the Web Using an iOS Device Using the M ovie Uploader app*, you can play bac k and save your mo vies and p hotos on an iOS d evice.
194 The Camcorder's W i-Fi Functions 1 Camcorder: From any index scr een, set the camcor der to connect with th e iOS device. • Y ou can also t ouch the icon in the c enter inst ead of touch- ing [OK]. • The cam corder’ s SSI D (network name) and password will app ear .
195 The Camcorder's W i-Fi Functions • As long as you do not reset the camcorder’ s W i-Fi pass- wor d, you only ne ed to enter t he passwor d the firs t time you connec t the dev ice. • When t he W i-Fi con nectio n is correctly est ablished, [Con- nected] will appear o n the camco rder’ s screen.
196 The Camcorder's W i-Fi Functions Sharing Recordings with CANON iMAGE GA TEWA Y After yo u re gister for CANON iM AGE GA TEW A Y*, you wil l be able to acce ss vario us Web services** .
197 The Camcorder's W i-Fi Functions General requir ements • Complet ed fr ee r egi stra tion onli ne for C ANON iMA GE GA TE- WA Y . • Account se ttings for the services you plan to use (Y ouT ube, Facebook, etc.). Available serv ices may differ by country / re g i o n .
198 The Camcorder's W i-Fi Functions ■ Setting the Desired We b Service s in the Camcor der Log in to CANON iM AGE GA TE WA Y and set th e Web services you want to u se. 1 Camcor der: From any index scr een, activate th e W eb service functi on.
199 The Camcorder's W i-Fi Functions 3 Camcor der: When the wir eless connection is success - full y establish ed, touch . 4 iOS/Andr oid device: Following the camcorder's onscreen instructions, log in to CANON iMAGE GA TE- WA Y . • The online album screen will be d isplay ed.
200 The Camcorder's W i-Fi Functions ■ Adding/Deleting Web Services from the Camcor der Y ou can add more Web services to th e camcorder or delete the ones that are alr ead y set. 1 iOS/ Andro id device: Log i n to CANON iMAGE G A TE- WA Y and open the W eb se rvices sett ings scr een.
201 The Camcorder's W i-Fi Functions ■ Sharing Y our Recordings Using Web Services Conven iently share you r recordings with famil y and fr iends u sing Web services. 1 Fr om any index scr een, activate the W eb s ervice func- tion. • Y ou can also t ouch the icon in the c enter inst ead of touch- ing [OK].
202 The Camcorder's W i-Fi Functions • If no co nnections t o access po ints have been sav ed in the camcorder , the m essage [Save the access po int] will appear o n the screen.
203 The Camcorder's W i-Fi Functions Checking your uploads using CANON iMAGE GA T EWA Y Library Y ou ca n use the CANO N iMAGE GA TEW A Y Librar y or Album s creen to see the m ovies a nd photos you uploaded. Y ou can also check what files y ou have sent an d the variou s setti ngs fo r the We b serv ices.
204 The Camcorder's W i-Fi Functions Wireless Playback on a Compu ter Using the M edia Serv er funct ion, you ca n wirelessly vie w your movies an d photo s on your co mputer or similar device.
205 The Camcorder's W i-Fi Functions • Y ou can also t ouch the icon in the c enter inst ead of touch- ing [OK]. • If yo u have previou sly co nfigured and s aved a connect ion to an acce ss point, t he camcorder wi ll conn ect automati- cally t o the last acc ess point u sed.
206 The Camcorder's W i-Fi Functions 3 Computer: Start your pr eferred media pl ayer software and select your camcorder’ s model name (Canon VIXIA mini X) from th e list of media servers.
207 Wi-Fi Conn ection and Settings Wi-Fi Connection and S ettings Wi-Fi Connection Using an Access Poi nt The camcorder can c onnect to a W i-Fi net work using an a ccess point (wireless router) and even remember th e settings for 4 access points. General requir ements • Corr ectly configur ed rou ter that complies with the 802.
208 Wi-Fi Conn ection and Settings 2 T ouch the desir ed setup met hod. • Dependi ng on the set up method chosen, the p rocedure will be d ifferent. Read the descriptio ns below and continue with the pr ocedur e desc ribed in the r ele vant page.
209 Wi-Fi Conn ection and Settings * WPS, which stands for W i-Fi Protect ed Setup, is a standard that makes connecting to an access point easier . ■ Wi- Fi Protecte d Setup (WPS) If your ac cess point is WPS-compat ible (bears the logo shown below), connectin g the ca mcorder to it ca n be ver y easy .
210 Wi-Fi Conn ection and Settings 1 [WPS: Button] method • P re ss and hold the WPS button o n the wir eless ro uter . • Depen ding on t he router , the amount of time required ma y diff er . • Make su re the router’ s WP S func tion is act ivated.
211 Wi-Fi Conn ection and Settings 3 T ouch [OK] to save the configurat ion. • If yo u were in the process of perfor ming an other proce- dure, the ca mcorder will au tomatic ally con nect to th e access point.
212 Wi-Fi Conn ection and Settings 1 Select t he desir ed access p oint. • If the desired acce ss point is not disp layed, you c an touch [ Í ] or [ Î ] to go through the list of detec ted access points. Y ou can also touc h [Search Again] to have the camcorder sea rch for access point s again.
213 Wi-Fi Conn ection and Settings 3 T ouch [OK] to save the configurat ion. • If yo u were in the process of perfor ming an other proce- dure, the ca mcorder will au tomatic ally con nect to th e access point.
214 Wi-Fi Conn ection and Settings 1 In the [SSI D] field, enter the SSID . T ouch [OK] and then touch [Nex t]. 2 In the [Aut hentica tion/Encry ption Method] fi eld, touch [OPEN NONE] and then touch th e desir ed method. • If yo u selected [OPEN WEP], th e WEP in dex is 1.
215 Wi-Fi Conn ection and Settings 8 Enter the [Primary DNS Server] and [Secondary DNS Server] fields i n the same way and touch [Next]. 9 T ouch [OK] to save the configurat ion. • If yo u were in the process of perfor ming an other proce- dure, the ca mcorder will au tomatic ally con nect to th e access point.
216 Wi-Fi Conn ection and Settings Viewing and C hanging Wi-Fi Se ttings Y ou can review an d change, i f necessary , the s ettings used fo r the vario us W i-Fi conn ections and for the Monitor whi le Out functi on. 1 Fr om recordi ng mode or any index screen, open the [ — Check Curr ent Configuratio n] scr een.
217 Wi-Fi Conn ection and Settings 3 If necessary , change the camcor der’ s network name (SSID) an d password. • T he next t ime you make a wi rele ss connection, you will need to change the W i-Fi setti ngs on the iOS/Andr oid device. 4 T ouch [ K ] r epeatedly to r eturn to the 0 (Home) menu, and th en touch [ X ] to close the menu.
218 Wi-Fi Conn ection and Settings • T o manually chan ge the settin gs of the ac cess point con- nection di splayed, tou ch [Edit] > [Manual S etup] and then perfor m the pr ocedur e in Manual Setup ( A 213). • T ouch [ K ] to return to t he access poi nt selection screen.
219 Wi-Fi Conn ection and Settings Glossa ry This is a glossary of so me of the b asic terms u sed fre- quently in thi s chapter . Th e docum entation for you r access point m ay also con tain a glossary y ou can refer to.
220 Additional Inform ation Appendix: Menu Options Lists This section contains tables of all the camcorder’ s menu set- tings and se tting op tions f or your reference.
221 General Information This sect ion conta ins inform ation abou t option al accesso- ries that c an be used w ith the camc order and ends w ith the com prehensive list o f technica l spec ification s.
222 Appendix : Menu Options List s Appendix: M enu Option s Lists The fu nction s that a re availa ble dep end on the ca mcorder’ s oper - ating m ode. O n the camcorder ’ s screen, menu items n ot av ailabl e appear grayed out. F or de tails about how to select an item , refer to Using the Menus ( A 48).
223 Appendix : Menu Options List s [Shooting Mode] ( A 95) [ Macro], [ N Auto] , [ Food and Fash ion], [ I Sports], [ J Night Scene], [ L Beach], [ K Snow], [ Car], [ ’ Programmed AE ] [ Flip/Rotate.
224 Appendix : Menu Options List s [ — Wi- Fi ] ( A 172) [ 6 Movie Uploader], [ 5 Playback via Browser], [ T o Web Service], [ 8 Media Server], [ w Check/Edit Settin gs] [Edit] Functions in Pla ybac.
225 Appendix : Menu Options List s [ 1 O ther Settings] Menus p / Camera Setup (recor ding mode only) Menu item Setting options [Movie Format] ( A 57) [ · A VCHD] , [ ¸ MP4] [Video Qualit y] ( A 92).
226 Appendix : Menu Options List s [Frame R ate]: For MP 4 movies o nly . Sets the frame ra te (the number of f rames recorded per second). C hanging the frame rate will c hange how smo oth moveme nt look s in your mov ies. Y ou can sele ct 30P (30 frames per seco nd, progressive) or a cinema-like 24P (24 fr ames per sec ond, progressive).
227 Appendix : Menu Options List s • The frame ra te cannot b e changed when the sh ooting mo de is set to N . [Auto Backlig ht Correctio n]: The ca mcorder automat ically cor- rects for backlight when shootin g subjects with a strong light behind t hem.
228 Appendix : Menu Options List s [Image Stabilize r]: The image stabi lizer reduces camcorder blur (blur due t o the camcorder moving) so y ou can get nice, stabl e shots. • The image stabili zer is not ava ilable in t he follow ing cases: - When recording using slo w or fast moti on.
229 Appendix : Menu Options List s [Slideshow T ra nsition]: Y ou can select th e transiti on effect between phot os in a slideshow . [ k Dissolv e]: The currently displayed p hoto fad es away while the next ph oto fades i n. [ l Slide I mage]: P hotos slid e to the le ft as the sl ideshow advanc es.
230 Appendix : Menu Options List s [Display Date/Time ]: Sel ect whethe r to disp lay th e recording date and t ime during p layback. • During A VCHD movie and photo p layba ck, both th e date and time are displayed. Durin g MP4 movie p laybac k, only the date is disp layed.
231 Appendix : Menu Options List s [MIC Low Cut] ( A 134) [ i On], [ j Of f] [MIC T ermi nal In put] ( A 135) [ Þ External Audio], [ ß Microphone] [Audio Mix] ( A 136) [ j Of f] , [ i On] When [ i O.
232 Appendix : Menu Options List s [Notification Sounds]: A beep will accompan y some op era- tions like turning on the camcor der , the self-timer countdown, etc.
233 Appendix : Menu Options List s q System Setup Menu item Setting options [Language H ] ( A 41) [ ], [Dansk], [Deutsch], [ ], [English] , [Español], [Français], [Italiano], [Magyar], [Melayu], [Ne.
234 Appendix : Menu Options List s [LCD Backlight] – [ H Bright], [M Normal] , [ L Dim] [Avail able Space in Memory] – [Used Space in Memory] – [File Numberin g] – [ m Reset], [ n Continu ous].
235 Appendix : Menu Options List s [LCD Brightness]: Adjusts the bri ghtness of the LCD screen. • Changing the brightne ss of the LCD scr een d oes not af fect t he brightne ss of your r ecor dings or the bright ness of the play- back im age on a TV .
236 Appendix : Menu Options List s [Available Space in Memor y] (recor ding mode only)/ [Used Space in Me mory] (p layback mo de only ) : Displays a screen where you can veri fy how much of the mem ory card is currently ava ilable f or recording or how much is in use ( ª indi- cates photos).
237 Appendix : Menu Options List s • File numbe rs consi st of 7 digits, f or example “101-0 107”. The 3 digits b efore the hyph en indica te the fol der where the file is saved and can range from 10 0 to 999. The 4 digit s after th e hyphen are a unique identifier for each file and can rang e fr om 0001 to 9 900.
238 Appendix : Menu Options List s [HDMI Status]: Displ ays a scr ee n wher e you can veri fy the s tan- dar d of the output signal fr om the HDMI termina l.
239 Appendix: Onscreen Icons and Displays Appen dix: Onsc r een Ic ons an d Displays The follow ing tabl es show th e icons th at appea r in the v arious modes. For e asy reference, the ico ns in the table are grouped according to the area in wh ich they ap pear on t he screen.
240 Appendix: Onscreen Icons and Displays Icons on the top of t he screen Icon Description/Function A The left side shows the current recor ding mode (movie or photo mode) while the right side shows the new r ecording mode w hen this control butt on is touc hed.
241 Appendix: Onscreen Icons and Displays Icons on the left side of the sc reen Icon Description/Function A ó I J L K ’ Shooting mode bu tton (In N mode: Smart AUTO icons) 95 67 ¦ z Special recor ding modes and, if appli- cable, an icon indicating an interval of time for that fun ctio n.
242 Appendix: Onscreen Icons and Displays Icons on the righ t side of the sc reen Icon Description/Function A 8 0h00m Remaining video recor ding time 248 8 0000 Remaining available number of photos 24.
243 Appendix: Onscreen Icons and Displays Icons on the bottom of the screen Icon Description/Function A 0 [ 0 ] button: Open the 0 (Home) men u 49 ‘ ’ ‚ “ ” „ Audio scene button: Change the audio scene.
244 Appendix: Onscreen Icons and Displays Play back mod e Icons on the top of t he screen Icon Description/Function A [ ] b utton: Mirr or image playback 74 [ ] button: Repeat playback 74 Edit [Edit] button: Open the [Edit] pan el 22 4 Ð Ý Ö Õ Ø × Ô Ó Memory car d operation 247 Interval scenes that have not yet been joined.
245 Appendix: Onscreen Icons and Displays 00:00:00:00 (for A VCHD movies) Scene playback time code (hours : minutes : seconds : frames) 247 0:00:00 (for MP4 movies) Scene playback time (hours: minutes.
246 Appendix: Onscreen Icons and Displays [ ] button: V olume 71 PHOTO [PHOTO] button: Capture a p hoto 151 Ò [ Ò ] button: Decoration 112 ¦ [ ¦ ] button: Capture a video snap- shot scene 149 N Ã y ±0.
247 Appendix: Onscreen Icons and Displays Time code/ Scene counter Both th e time code and scene counter ar e coun ters that advance only whe n recording.
248 Appendix: Onscreen Icons and Displays Special recording modes - Interval recordin g and select ed interv al ( A 99) - Slow mo tion and sele cted speed ( A 103) - Fast motion and selected s peed ( .
249 Trouble? Tro u bl e ? T roubleshooting If you hav e a problem with you r camcorder , refer to this sectio n. Someti mes what you thi nk is a malfunc tion of the camcor der may have t he simplest of solution s - please read the “CHEC K THIS F IRST” bo x before go ing on to the more detai led problems and solutio ns.
250 Trouble? Power Source The camcor der wil l not turn on or it turns of f by itse lf. - The battery pack is ex hausted . Repla ce or charg e the bat- tery p ac k. - Remove the battery p ack and i nsert it co rrectly . Cannot ch arge the battery pa ck.
251 Trouble? Recording Pressing the sta rt/stop button o r touchi ng [ Ü ] wi ll not start recordin g. - Y ou cannot record while t he camcorder is writing p revious recordings onto the me mory ca r d (wh ile the AC CESS indica- tor is on or f lashing).
252 Trouble? When a subj ect flits a cr oss in fr ont of the le ns, the i mage appears slightly bent. - This is a phenome non typical of CMOS i mage senso rs. When a subje ct crosses very quick ly in front of the c am- corder , the ima ge may seem sligh tly warpe d.
253 Trouble? Playback Dele ting scenes takes lo nger than u sual. - When the mem ory card contains a large numb er of scenes, some oper ations ma y take longe r than usual . Save your recordings ( A 161) an d initia lize th e memo ry car d ( A 45). Cannot captur e a video snap shot scene f rom a movie.
254 Trouble? appears (i n red ) on the scr een. - A memory c ard error occurred. T urn o ff the camcorder . Remove an d reinsert the mem ory card. Initia lize the memory card if the display does not change back t o normal. and [ End ] appear (in red ) on the scr een.
255 Trouble? - Charging has s topped b ecause t he compact power adap ter or the ba ttery pack i s faulty . Consult a Cano n Service Cen- ter . Pict ur e and Sou nd The scr een app ears too dark . - The LCD screen was dimmed. Chan ge the 1 > q > [LCD Backli ght] setting to [Norm al] or [Brig ht].
256 Trouble? Horizontal b ands appea r on the scr een. - This is a phenomeno n typical of CMO S image sensors w hen recording under some t ypes of fluo rescent, mercury or sodium lamps. This is n ot a malfunct ion. T o reduce the symptoms, ch ange the 1 > p > [Flicker Redu ction] setting.
257 Trouble? Memory Card and Accessories Cannot in sert the memory card. - The memory c ard was not facing t he correct direction. T ur n the memo ry card over a nd insert it . Cann ot record o n th e mem ory card. - The memor y card is full. D elete some recordings ( A 8 1) to free some space or replace t he memory ca rd.
258 Trouble? Ther e is no imag e on the TV scr een and t here is no sound . - The video inp ut on the TV is no t set to the vi deo terminal to which you conne cted the c amcorder .
259 Trouble? Wi-Fi Functions Refer als o to th e instruct ion manual of your ac cess poin t and other dev ices yo u will us e. Cannot co nnect with the ac cess po int.
260 Trouble? Wire less pl ayback on a computer or simila r device is not smooth. - Playback m ay not be smooth d ependin g on the a ccess point’ s settings and capabilit ies.
261 Trouble? Cannot compl ete a wire less connect ion to the camc order . - Re setting the camc order’ s settings using 1 > q > [Reset All ] will reset the cam corder’ s SSI D (network name) and change t he network passw ords.
262 Trouble? Battery communicatio n err or . Does this batter y displa y the Canon logo? - This may be due to u sing a ba ttery pack n ot recommended by Canon f or use with th is camcor der . - If you are using a batter y pack recomm ended by C anon fo r use with this camcor der , there may be a probl em with the battery pack o r camcorder .
263 Trouble? - Canvas data cannot be read from canv as files c r eate d using other devices. Cannot play b ack - Y ou may not b e able to p lay ba ck scenes th at were recorded with other devices o r created or edit ed on a computer. - There is a problem wit h the memo ry card.
264 Trouble? - There is a problem wit h the memo ry card. If t his message appear s often without appar ent r eason, cont act a Canon Service Cen ter .
265 Trouble? Chec k th e m emor y ca rd - Cannot access th e memor y card. Check the me mory ca r d and make su re it is inser ted correctly . - A memory c ard error occurred. The camcorder c annot record or display the ima ge. T ry removi ng and reinsert ing the memory card, or u se a different memory card.
266 Trouble? LCD Scr een has been d immed Use the [LCD Backli ght] set- ting to c hange the brightn ess - Cha nge the 1 > q > [LCD B acklight] setting to [Normal] or [Bright].
267 Trouble? Need to r ecover file s fr om the memory car d. Change the posit ion of the LOCK sw itch on the memor y card . - This message will appe ar the next time yo u turn on the cam- corder if po.
268 Trouble? Recordin g w as sto pped due to insu fficient w rite speed of the memory car d - The data transf er rate was t oo high fo r the memory card in use and the recor ding was sto pped. Replace th e memory card with one rated CL ASS 4, 6 or 10.
269 Trouble? Select th e desir ed scene number - A number of scen es have th e same recording date but d if- ferent file cont rol information. T his can o ccur for example when you r eco rd mov ies in th e area of the internatio nal date line. Sel ect a numb er to d isplay th e correspondin g group of scenes.
270 Trouble? - If a dialog box ap peared on the c omputer screen, clo se it. Disconnect the USB cable, and restore t he connect ion after a short w hile. Unable to r ecog nize the data - Y ou transferred data to the camcorder recorded using a video c onfigu ration th at is not suppor ted (P AL or SE CAM).
271 Trouble? Invalid port number . Perform the setting aga in. - The port number enter ed cannot be used . In the settings for the M onit or wh ile O ut f unc tion ( A 183) ch ange the po rt number to a p ort that does not confl ict with ot her devices .
272 Trouble? - If the access p oint is us ing MAC address filteri ng, enter t he camcorder’ s MA C address in th e access point’ s configur a- tion screen. The acces s point is n ot compatib le with UPnP - An access poi nt compat ible wit h UPnP (U niversal Plug an d Play) was not found in th e connecte d network.
273 Trouble? Unable to conn ect - Cor dless p hones, microwave ov ens, refrigerators an d other appliance s may i nterfere with t he wireless sig nal. T ry usin g the camco r der in a loc ation farthe r away from such appli- ances.
274 Trouble? - If you are not usin g a DNS serv er , set the DNS ad dress to []. - If you are using a wireless gatew ay router , make su re all of the devices in the netwo rk, incl uding the camcorder , are configured with the co rrect gateway add ress.
275 Trouble? Wi-Fi err or . Incorrec t authenticati on method. - Make sure the camcorder and a ccess point are corr ect ly conf igure d. - Make sure the camcorder and a ccess poin t are using the same authenticat ion/encr yption metho d and encryption key .
276 Trouble? - T u rn off the camcorder and acc ess point (wireless router). After a short while, tu rn them on again and perfo rm the W i-Fi network se tup again.
277 Trouble? Server busy T ry a gain lat er - The CANON iMA GE GA T EWA Y server is busy due to a high number of u sers trying to connect to the server .
278 Do’s and Don’ ts Do’s and Don’t s Handling Precautions Camcorder Be sure to observe t he follow ing precaution s to ensure maxi- mum perfo rmance. • Save your recordings perio dically . M ake sure to transfer your recordings to an ext er nal device, su ch as a com puter ( A 161), an d save th em on a regular basis.
279 Do’s and Don’ ts • Do not hold the camcor der in th e same postur e for long peri - ods of times as t his may cau se low-te mperature contact burns. Even if the camcor der does not feel too ho t, pro longed contact wit h the same bo dy part m ay cause sk in redness or blister ing.
280 Do’s and Don’ ts • Do not poi nt the camcorder toward an i ntense lig ht source, such as the su n on a sun ny day or an intense art ificial li ght source. Doing so may damage th e image sen sor or the ca m- corder's inter nal com ponen ts.
281 Do’s and Don’ ts • When recording movi es, try t o get a c alm, stable p icture. Excessive ca mcorder movem ent whil e shootin g can result in jittery sce nes. In ex treme cases, the play back of su ch scenes may result in v isually in duced mo tion sic kness.
282 Do’s and Don’ ts • Dirty te rminals m ay cause a p oor cont act betw een the b attery pack and the camc order or batter y charger . W ip e the term i- nals with a so ft cloth. ■ Long-T erm Stor age • Store battery p acks in a dr y place a t temperat ures no higher than 30 °C (86 °F).
283 Do’s and Don’ ts • Do not disassemb le, bend , drop, or subject me mory ca r ds to shocks and d o not expose them to water . • Check the dir ection b efor e inserting the memory car d. F orcing a memory c ard into the slot if it is not co rr ect ly oriente d may damage the memory ca rd or the camcorder .
284 Do’s and Don’ ts Built-in Rechargeable Lithium Battery The camc or der ha s a b uilt -in r ech arg eab le lith ium batt ery to keep the date/tim e and other settings.
285 Maintenan ce/Oth ers Maintenance/Others Cleaning Camcor der Body • Use a soft, dry cloth to clean the camcorder body . Never u se chemically treated cloth s or volat ile solve nts such as paint thi nner . Lens • Remove any dust or dirt p articles using a non- aerosol type blower brush.
286 Maintenan ce/Oth ers Condensation Moving the camc order rapidly between h ot and co ld temper a- tures may cause con densation (w ater droplets) to form on it s inter nal surf aces. Stop using the camco rder if condensat ion is detected. C ontinued use may dama ge the cam corder .
287 Maintenan ce/Oth ers Using the Camcorder Abroad Power S ources Y ou can use the compact power adapt er to operat e the cam- corder and to charge batt ery pac ks in any c ountry with powe r supply bet ween 100 and 240 V AC, 50/60 Hz. Con sult a Ca non Service C enter f or info rmation on plug ada pters for overse as use.
288 General Information General In formation Optional Accessories The followi ng option al accessor ies are compatib le with this cam- corder but the ir availabi lity may differ from area to area. Select accessories a re described in more detail in the followin g pages.
289 General Information Call or visit you r local r etail er/de aler for ge nuine Cano n video accessories. Y ou can also o btain genu ine accessories for your Canon camc order by cal ling: 1-800 -828-4 040, Can on U.S.A. Infor mation Ce nter . Battery P acks When you need extra batter y packs, use only the NB-12L .
290 General Information CB-2LG Batte ry Charger Y ou ca n charge th e suppli ed batter y pack using the optional battery c harger . For details on charg ing times, refer t o Opti onal Acces sories ( A 288).
291 General Information Charging the Battery Pack 1 Attach the battery pack to the batt ery charger by insertin g it at a downward angle, aligni ng the triangle marks.
292 General Information Specifications VIXIA mini X — V alues giv en are approximate figures. System •R e c o r d i n g S y s t e m A VCHD 1 movies: Video: MPE G-4 A VC/H.264 Audio: Linear PCM 2 2ch, Dolby Dig ital 2ch MP4 movi es: Vid eo: MPEG-4 A V C/H.
293 General Information • Video S igna l Con figu rat ion: AV C H D , M P 4 • Recording Media SD, SD HC (SD Hi gh Capacity ) or SDXC (SD e Xtended Capacit y) memory card (not incl uded) • Maximum Recording Time Commercially availab le 16 GB memory card 24 Mbps : 1 hr .
294 General Information • Image Sen sor 1/2.3-in . CMOS, 1 2,800,0 00 pixels Effective pixe ls (ul tra wide) : 8,290,000 p ixels (AVCHD movies) 8,990,000 p ixels (M P4 movie s) 12,000,000 pi.
295 General Information • Lens f=2.7 m m, F/2. 8 35mm-equiv alent f ocal leng th (ult ra wide) : 17.5 mm (A VCHD mo vies) 16.8 mm (MP 4 movi es) 15.4 mm (p hotos) 35mm-equiv alent focal length (close-u p) : 43.7 mm (A VCHD mo vies, wh en [Image stabilizer] is [On]) 35.
296 General Information • Im age S tab iliz ati on: Electronic • Size of Video Recordings 24 Mbps, 17 Mbps: 1920 x 108 0 pixels 4 Mbps: 1280 x 720 pix els 3 Mbps: 640x 360 (only during [x1/4 ] slo.
297 General Information • Supported c hannels: 1 - 11 • Encryption method s: WEP-6 4/WEP-128 , TKIP/A ES Power/ Others • Power supply (rated) 3.6 V DC (battery pa ck), 5.3 V DC (c ompac t power adapt er) • Powe r consumption (17 Mbps video quality , normal brightness) A VCHD movies: 2.
298 General Information • Battery ca pacity: 1910 m Ah (typ ical) • Dimensions : 34.4 x 48.5 x 1 0.4 mm (1.35 x 1. 91 x 0.41 in .) • Wei g ht : 35 g (1.2 oz) CA-110 Compact Powe r Adapter • Power supply: 100 - 240 V A C, 50/60 Hz • Rate d ou tput / c ons ump tio n 5.
299 Reference Tables Refer ence T ables Approximate recording times 1 For MP 4 movi es only . 2 A single scene can be r ecor ded continuously for 12 hours; at that point, the camcor der will stop for about 3 seco nds. After that, recor d- ing will continue as a separate scene.
300 Reference Tables Char ging Time s The char ging times given in the f ollowing t able are approximat e and va ry according to chargin g conditi ons and in itial ch arge of the battery pack.
301 Reference Tables Recording AVCHD movies Recording M P4 movie s * Approximate tim es for rec ording with repeated operations such as start/stop, and power on/of f. Vide o q ual it y Recordin g (maximum) Recordi ng (typical)* Playback 24 Mbps 155 min.
302 Index A Abroad, usi ng the camcord er ...... ........ .... 287 Audi o co mpre ssor ........ . 137 Audio equali zer ............ . 131 Audio limiter ............ ...... 137 Audio mix ......... ........ .... 136 Audio reco rding l evel ...... 126 Audio scen es .
303 Converti ng movie s to MP4 ....... ....... ...... ...... 158 D Date and time ... ...... ........ 41 Decoration .......... ........ . 111 Deleting re cording s .......... 81 Dividing scen es .... ..... ...... 85 E Edit pan el ............ ..... ...
304 Maint enance ............. .... 285 Markers ...... ........ ........ . 228 Memory ca rd ....... ... 37 , 282 Micropho ne attenuat or ....... .... 129 , 133 Micropho ne directi onality ....... ........ . 132 Mirror im age play back ...... 74 Mirror im age reco rding .
305 Serial n umber ........... ...... 26 Shooti ng mo de ............ ... 95 Shootin g mode button ...... 95 Slidesho w ... ..... ........ ...... 89 Slow mo tion ........... ..... . 103 Smart AU TO ........... ........ 67 Snow (shoo ting mo de) ......
306 CANON CONSUMER DIGIT AL VIDEO EQUIPMENT LIMITED W ARRANTY FOR THE UNITED ST A TES The limited warr anty set forth below is given by Canon U.S.A ., Inc. (“Canon USA”) with respect to Cano n Consumer Digital Vi deo Equipment (the “Equipm ent”) pu rchased in the U nited States.
307 D) I f the Equi pment is used for com mercial or industrial use. This Limite d Warranty d oes not cover cabinet (exterior finish), video casset te tape, head cleanings, nor does it apply to Eq uipment purchased ou tside the United States.
308 CANON CONSUMER DIGIT AL VIDEO EQUIPMENT LIMITE D WARRANTY The limited warr anty set forth below is given by Canon Canada Inc. (“ Canon Canada”) with respect to Canon Con sumer Digit al Video E quipment (t he “Equip ment”) purchased in Canada.
309 Canon Canada assumes no liability for special , consequential or incidental dama ges, loss or corruption o f data includin g, without limitation, data stor ed on the hard disk drive of the Equipme.
© CANON INC. 2014 30-2, Shimomaruko 3-chome, Ohta-ku, T okyo 146-8501, Japan PUB. DIE-0453-000 USA CANON U.S.A., INC. NEW JERSEY OFFICE 100 Jamesburg Road, Jamesburg, NJ 08831 USA CANON U.S.A., INC. CHICAGO OFFICE 100 Park Blvd., Itasca, IL 60143 USA CANON U.
デバイスCanon VIXIA mini Xの購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Canon VIXIA mini Xをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはCanon VIXIA mini Xの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Canon VIXIA mini Xの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Canon VIXIA mini Xで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Canon VIXIA mini Xを既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はCanon VIXIA mini Xの不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Canon VIXIA mini Xに関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちCanon VIXIA mini Xデバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。