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40QNC / 38HDF 40QNQ / 38QR F High - - - W all Du ct Fr ee Split Sys tem Size s 018 to 036 Installation Instructions 40QNC, QN Q Unit NOTE : Read the en tire instru ction man ual b efore startin g th e installatio n.
2 DIMENSIONS - - INDOOR A08433 Model S ize W In. (mm) H In. (mm) D In. (mm) Operat ing W eight lb (kg) 18k 42.5 (1080) 11.6 (295) 7.9 (201) 31 (14.1) 24k 42.5 (1080) 11.6 (295) 7.9 (201) 31 (14.1) 30k 57.5 (1461) 13.4 (340) 9.5 (241) 51 (23.2) 36k 57.
3 CLEARANCES - - INDOOR min. min. min. min. 4i n . 4i n . 80 in. 8i n . A08357 Fig. 3 - - 40QNC,QN Q Unit Cl ear ance s CLEARANCES - - OUTDOOR A D B Air-inlet Air-outlet C E A08436 UNIT Coil Facing Wall - - - in.
4 Th ese installatio n instru ction s cov er the installatio n of th e matched system s listed in table 2. Parts List Ind oor Unit The fol lowing it ems a re i nc lude d with the i ndoor unit: T ab le.
5 Refrig eran t Charge Th e 38H DF and 3 8 QRF u nits can be matched with mu ltiple outdoor unit s and thus addit ional c har ge might be re quire d when ma tc hed wi th t he 40QNC or 40Q NQ uni ts . T able 6 – A ddit ional Char ge Add itional C harge l b (kg ) Unit S ize 38HD F 38QRF 018 1.
6 INST ALLA TION Compl ete Pr e- - in stall ation Ch ecks 1. Unpack Uni t - - Stor e the i ndoor and outdoor unit s in the orig inal p ackag ing u ntil it is mo ved to th e fin al site fo r in- stallation . 2. Ins pect Shi pment - - U po n receipt o f shipm ent, ch eck th e indoor and outdoor unit s f or dam age .
7 point A or B as s hown in Fig. 12 or Fig. 13. Dr il l the hole at a sl ope so that t he outsi de end is 1/2 inc h (13 mm) lowe r than ins ide end t o ensur e opti mal dra ina ge. Ref e r t o Fig. 14. Side O r Bott om Pipi ng Rem ove the knoc kout in the uni t and dri ll a 2- - 1/2 i nch (63.
8 Mo unting Uni t on W all The uni ts c an a ls o be mount ed on t he wa ll us ing the accessory mo un ting k it. Comp lete Ou tdoor Refri geran t Pipi ng Co nn ec- tions Foll ow the f oll owi ng gener al guide line s: 1. Us e re fri gera nt gr ade fi eld – s upplie d tubing.
9 38QRF Units 1. Assem ble th e con necto r tub es to th e factory su pp lied filter dri er by br az ing t he f ac tory s upplie d fla re c onnec tor s to the inlet an d o utlet fo r the filter d rier (see Fig . 19 ) A09507 Fig. 19 - - 38QRF018 - - 036 Connec tor T ube Ass em bly 2.
10 Control W iring Th e con trol circu it is 24 vo lts AC (m inim um 4 0 V A ) su pp lied fro m the i ndoor unit. 1. Ma ke sur e you have e nough c ontr ol wire s to cove r the dis - ta nce be twe en the indoor a nd outdoor unit .
11 T able 10 – 38HDF / 38QRF Ele ctr ical Dat a 38HD F / 38QR F UNIT SIZE V --- P H --- H z VOL TAGE RANGE* COMPRESS OR OUTDOOR F AN MOTOR MIN C KT AMPS FUSE/ HACR BKR AMPS RLA LRA FLA NE C Hp kW Out Min Max 018 208/230 - - - 1 - - - 60 187 253 9.0 48.
12 A08367 Fig. 24 - - 40QNC01824 Mat ched w it h 38HDF T ypic al W ir ing Sch emat ic.
13 Optional on 38QRF018/024 Models A08368 Fig. 25 - - 40QNQ018, 024 Mat che d with 38Q RF T ypic al W ir ing Sc hemat ic.
14 A08369 Fig. 26 - - 40QNC030, 036 Matc hed wit h 38HDF T ypic a l W ir ing Sch emat ic.
15 Optional on 38QRF0036 Models Standard on 38QRF030 A08370 Fig. 27 - - 40QNQ030, 036 Matc hed wit h 38QRF T ypic al Wi ri ng Sche mat ic.
16 Run Power W i ring for Ind oor Unit Be su re field wirin g com plies with lo cal b uild ing co des an d NEC , and u nit vo ltage is within lim its sh ow n in T able 11.
17 A Wal l Han gi ng Br ac k e t H ook Ho l e Re t a i n e r C lip Re t a i n e r Cl i p B UNIT SIZE DIMENS ION AB 40QNC01824 13. 4 10.6 40QNC030 12.2 12. 2 40QNC036 12.2 12. 2 40QNQ018 13.4 10. 6 40QNQ024 13.4 10. 6 40QNQ030 12.2 12. 2 40QNQ036 12.2 12.
18 A09512 Fig. 31 - - Contr ol Wi ring Bet wee n Indoor and Outdoor Unit s Up to s ix unit s c an be dais y - - cha ined a nd contr olle d from one wi red c ontrol .
19 Zone Manager If a Zone M ana ger is r equi red, the f ollowi ng ste ps should be per form ed at t he sam e ti me t he indoor c ontrol a nd powe r wir ing are bein g co nn ected : 1. Pl ug the com munic at ion boa rd to t he J8 a s shown i n Fig. 33 2.
20 ST A R T - - UP Pr eliminar y Che cks 1. Che c k conde nsa te dra inage s yste m; on t he opposit e s ide of the d rain co nn ectio n, in sert a water b ottle u p in to th e fan coil u nit an d fill th e d rain p an. W ater m ust flow stead ily; if not, che ck the pipe s lope or inspe ct for any pipe re str ict ions.
21 T rip le Evac uation Method The tr iple e va cua tion m et hod shoul d only be us ed when va cuum pump i s onl y capa ble of pumping down to 28 in. of mer cur y vac uum and s yste m does not c onta in any l iquid w at er . Refer to Fig . 37 and p roceed as follo ws: 1.
22 SER VICE ! W ARNING ELECTRICAL SHOCK HAZARD Fai lure to fol low thi s war ning coul d re sul t in pe rs onal inj ury or deat h. Befo re installin g, mo dify in g, or serv icing system , main electrical disco n nect switch m ust b e in th e OFF posi tion.
23 TROUBLES HOOTING See T abl e 12 and T abl e 13 for tr ouble shooti ng infor mati on. Fau lt Code Onc e a fa ilur e occur s with the i ndoor unit i n opera tion, t he gree n LED on the i ndoor unit f las hes a t inte rval s of 0.
24 Copyright 2009 Carrier Corp. S 7310 W . Morris St. S I ndianapolis, I N 46231 Prin ted in U.S .A. Edition Date: 09/09 Manufacturer reser ve s the right to change, at any time, specifications and de signs without notice and without ob ligations.
デバイスCarrier 40QNCの購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Carrier 40QNCをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはCarrier 40QNCの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Carrier 40QNCの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Carrier 40QNCで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Carrier 40QNCを既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はCarrier 40QNCの不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Carrier 40QNCに関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちCarrier 40QNCデバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。