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40RU P ackag ed Air - - - Handling Unit s 60 Hz W ith P uron R (R - - - 410A) Refrig erant Sizes 25, 28, 30 Installation, Start - - - Up and Service Instructions T ABLE OF CONTENTS SAFET Y CONSIDE RA TIONS 1 ................... PR E - - INS T ALLA TION 2 .
2 ELECTRIC AL SHOCK H AZARD Failure t o follow thi s warning c ould ca use in personal injury or dea th. Before performi ng service or ma intena nce opera tions on unit, a lways turn off main power switch t o unit and install l ockout ta g. Unit may have more than one power switch.
3 T able 1A — 40RUA Physi cal D ata, Engli sh — Cooli ng Units UNI T 40RUA* 25 28 30 NOM INA L CA P A C IT Y ( T o ns ) 20 25 30 OPERA TIN G WEIGHT (l b) Base Unit wi th T XV 730 1050 1062 Plenum 225 325 325 FA NS Qty ...D iam . (in .) 2...15 2...
4 T able 1B — 40RUA Physi cal Dat a, SI — Cool ing Unit s UNI T 40RUA* 25 28 30 NOM INA L CA P A C IT Y ( kW) 70 87 105 OPERA TIN G WEIGHT (k g) Base U nit wi th T XV 331 477 482 Plenum 102 148 148 FA NS Qty .
5 T able 1C — 40RUQ Physi cal D ata, Engli sh — He at Pump Unit s UNI T 40RUQ* 25 NOM INA L CA P A C IT Y ( T o ns ) 20 OPERA TIN G WEIGHT (l b) Base U nit wi th T XV 720 Plenum 140 FA NS Qty .
6 T able 1D — 40RUA Physi cal D ata, SI — He at Pump Unit s UNI T 40RUQ* 25 NOM INA L CA P A C IT Y ( kW) 70 OPERA TIN G WEIGHT (k g) Base U nit wi th T XV 326 Plenum 44 FA NS Qty .
7 T ab le 1E — 40 RU S Ph y sical Da ta , Eng lish — Ch illed W a ter Units UNI T 40RUS* 25 28 30 NOM INA L CA P A C IT Y ( T o ns ) 20 25 30 OPERA TIN G WEIGHT (l b) Base U ni t 683 1035 1042 Plenum 225 325 325 FA NS Qty ...D iam . (in .) 2...15 2.
8 T ab le 1F — 4 0R US P h ysica l D a ta, S I — C h illed Water Un its UNI T 40RUS* 25 28 30 NOM INA L CA P A C IT Y ( kW) 70 87 105 OPERA TIN G WEIGHT (k g) Base U ni t 310 469 473 Plenum 102 148 148 FA NS Qty ...D ia m. (mm ) 2...381 2...457 2.
9 UNIT UNIT WEIGHT lb (kg) 40RUA*25 730 (331) 40RUQ*25 720 (326) 40RUS*25 683 (310) LEGEND TXV — Thermostatic Expansion V a lve NOTES: 1. Dimensions in [ ] are in millimeters. 2. Direction of airflow . 3. Recommended clearance: • Rear: 3 in. [914 mm] (2 ft, 6 in.
10 6. 40RUS may require alternate or additional field favricated poping access holes UNIT 40RUA*28 40RUA*30 40RUS*28 40RUS*30 UNIT WEIGHT lb (kg) 1050 (477) 1062 (482) 1035 (469) 1042 (473) LEGEND TXV — Thermostatic Expansion V alve NOTES: 1. Dimensions in [ ] are in millimeters.
11 Model T ype 40RU = Carrier Fan Coil Puron r R–410ARefrigerant Ty p e o f C o i l Q = Heat Pump A = StandardDXCoil S = Chilled Water Coil Refr igeran t Options A = None No minal T onnage 25 = 20 T.
12 T ypical posit ioning and al terna te return a ir loca tions are shown in Fig. 6. Alt ernat e re turn ai r l ocat ions can be used by moving the unit panel from the alt ernate ret urn air locat ion to the standard ret urn a ir loca tion. Refe r to overh ead sus pension acces sory d rawing (F ig.
13 Un it Isola tion - - W here extrem ely qui et operati on is ess ential, install isolato rs between floor and bas e of unit, or between ceilin g and top section o f unit. Be sure that unit i s level and adequa tel y supported. Use channe ls at front and sides of unit for refere nce point s when leve ling.
14 LEGEND: TXV – Therm ostatic Expansio n V alve NOTE: Component location arrange metshown for field installation of sight glasses, solenoid val ves, filter driers, and TXV sensing bulbs.
15 T able 2 – Factory- - Ins talled N ozzle and Distrib utor D ata UNI T COIL TYPE STD TXV Qty ...Pa rt No. DISTRIBUT OR Qty ...Pa rt No. FEEDER TUB ES PER DIST RIBUT OR { Qty ...S iz e (in .) NOZZL E Qty ...Pa rt No. 40RU A* 25 4R o w 2 . . . B B I Z E --- 8 --- G A 2.
16 T abl e 3 — F it ting Re qui reme nt (c ont ) UNI T ACCES S HOL E NO . } CON NECTI ON TYPE CIRCUI T FIT TINGS R EQU IRED † (in.) 40RUA*28 1 Suction Lower 1 3 / 8 Street Elbow 1 3 / 8 Nippl e, 1.
17 Ch illed W ater Pipin g - - See T ables 1E and 1F for chilled water con nection sizes . For eas e in brazing, it it recommend ed that all intern al solder joints be made befor e unit is placed in f inal position . Knockouts are provided i n the unit corne r posts for 40RUS refrigera nt piping.
18 Conde nsate Dr ai n - - Install a trappe d c ondensate drai n line t o unit c onnect ion as shown in Fig. 13. T he unit drai n connectio n is a P VC stu b. See Fig . 14. S ome areas may requir e an adapter to con nect to either galvan ized steel or copper pi pe.
19 Po wer Suppl y a nd Wiri ng - - Check th e unit data plate to ensure that ava ila ble power supply ma tche s elect rical characteris tics of the un it. Pro vide a disconnect sw itch with an integrated lock- - out feature of size required to provide adequa te fan mot or starting curre nt.
20 T able 4 – Electrica l D ata, Sta ndard Motors UNI T V --- P H --- H z { VOL TAGE LIMITS FAN MOTOR POWER SUPPL Y Hp (k W) FLA Minimum Circui t Amps MOCP 40RUA*25 40RUQ*25 40RUS*25 208/230 - - - 3 - - - 60 187 - - - 253 5.0 (3.73) 14.7/13.6 18.4/17.
21 C10695 Fig. 18 - - Unit W ir ing T able 6 – Fan Contactor Coil Data UNI T 40RU* VOL TAGE (vac) MAXIMUM HOL DIN G VA 25, 28, 30 24 10 Conne cti ng Duc twor k - - Re fer to t he Carri er System Design Manual for t he recom mende d design and layout of ductwork.
22 C10696 Fi g. 1 9 - - T ypica l Fa n Dischar ge Co nnec ti ons for M ult ipl e Fa n Units C10697 Fig. 20 - - Duct Flange Installation 40RU.
23 ST ART- - UP Befor e starting un it, check the follow ing an d correct as neces sary: S Is unit soli dly supporte d? S Is fan adjusted for spee d and pull ey al ignment ? S Are pulle ys, motor , an.
24 Fan Motor Lub r icati on - - Fan motor supplie d with unit is permanen tly lubricated and requir es no fur ther lubrica tion. Fan Shaft Beari ngs - - Size 25- - 30 units have pillow- - block bearing s (F ig. 23) that must be lubr icated with su itable beari ng grease approximat ely e very 3 months.
25 Indivi dual Fa n Whee l Adjustme nt - - Loosen the 2 locking bol ts holding fan w he el hub to shaft. See Fig. 23. Pos ition fan wheel in center of the fan housing and tighten locking bolt s. Clearanc e between whee l and housing should be the sa me on both side s.
26 Ch illed W ater Co il Freeze Pr otection - - Shut off water supply to unit. Remove side panel of unit a nd remove ve nt and drain pl ugs i n top and bottom of c oil heade r . Drai n coil and blo w out r emaining water . Reins tall plugs and side panel.
27 Table 8A - - Fan Motor D ata, Standar d Motor — Engli sh UNI T 40RUA*25 40RUQ*25 40RUS*25 40RUA*28 40RUS*28 40RUA*30 40RUS*30 208/230 - - - 3 - - - 60 and 460 - - - 3 - - - 60 Speed (rp m) 1745 1745 1745 Hp 5.0 7.5 10.0 Fr a me ( NE M A ) S184T S213T S215T Shaft Dia (in.
28 T able 8C - - Fan Motor Dat a, Standard Mot or — SI UNI T 40RUA*25 40RUQ*25 40RUS*25 40RUA*28 40RUS*28 40RUA*30 40RUS*30 208/230 - - - 3 - - - 60 and 460 - - - 3 - - - 60 Speed (r/ s) 29.08 29.08 29.08 Shaft kW 3.73 5.60 7.46 Fr a me ( NE M A ) S184T S213T S215T Shaft Dia (mm) 28.
29 T able 9A - - Standar d Dri ve Data, 60 Hz — Englis h UNI T 40RUA*25 40RUQ*25 40RUS*25 40RUA*28 40RUS*28 40RUA*30 40RUS*30 MOTOR DRI VE Moto r Pulley Pit ch Diamet er (in.) 3.7 - - - 4.7 4.3 - - - 5.3 4.3 - - - 5.3 Pu lle y Fa ctor y Se ttin g Ful l T u r n s O pe n 3.
30 T ab le 9C - - High - - S tatic D rive D a ta, 6 0 H z — E ng lish UNI T 40RUA*25 40RUQ*25 40RUS*25 40RUA*28 40RUS*28 40RUA*30 40RUS*30 MOTOR DRI VE Moto r Pulley Pit ch Diamet er (in.) 4.3 - - - 5.3 4.3 - - - 5.3 4.3 - - - 5.3 Pu lle y Fa ctor y Se ttin g Ful l T u r n s O pe n 3.
31 T ab le 9E - - Mediu m - - S ta tic Driv e Da ta , 6 0 Hz — S I UNI T 40RUA*25 40RUQ*25 40RUS*25 40RUA*28 40RUS*28 40RUA*30 40RUS*30 MOTOR DRI VE Moto r Pulley Pitc h Diameter (mm) 109.2 - - - 134.6 109.2 - - - 134.6 109.2 - - - 134.6 Pu lle y Fa ctor y Se ttin g Ful l T u r n s O pe n 3.
32 T able 10A - - 40RU Standard Fan Perf ormanc e Data — 0.0- -2.4 in. wg Exte rnal Stat ic Pr es sur e — Engl ish UNIT AIRFL OW (Cfm ) EXTER NAL STATIC PRE SSU RE ( in. wg ) 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 Rpm Bhp Rpm Bhp Rpm Bhp Rpm Bhp Rpm Bhp Rpm Bhp Rpm Bhp 40RUA* 25 40RU Q* 25 40RU S* 25 6,000 532 1.
33 T able 10B - - 40RU Standard Fan Perf ormanc e Data — 0- - 600 kPa Exte rnal St atic Pr e ss ure — SI UNIT AIRFL OW (L/s) EXTER NAL STATIC PRE SSU RE ( kPa) 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 r/s kW r/s kW r/s kW r/s kW r/s kW r/s kW r/s kW 40RUA* 25 40RU Q* 25 40RU S* 25 2830 8.
34 T able 10C - - 40RU High- - Capaci ty Fan Per form ance Data — 0.0- -2.4 in. wg Exte rnal Stat ic Pr es sur e — Engl ish UNIT AIRFL OW (Cfm ) EXTER NAL STATIC PRE SSU RE ( in. wg ) 0.0 0.2 0. 4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 Rpm Bhp Rpm Bhp Rpm Bhp Rpm Bhp Rpm Bhp Rpm Bhp Rpm Bhp 40RUA* 25 40RU Q* 25 40RU S* 25 6,000 542 1.
35 T able 10D - - 40RU High- - Capaci ty Fan Per form ance Data — 0- - 600 kPa Exte rnal St atic Pr e ss ure — SI UNIT AIRFL OW (L/s) EXTER NAL STATIC PRE SSU RE ( kPa) 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 r/s kW r/s kW r/s kW r/s kW r/s kW r/s kW r/s kW 40RUA* 25 40RU Q* 25 40RU S* 25 2830 9.
36 Legend and No tes for T ables 10A an d 10C LEGEND Bhp - - - Brake Ho rsep ower I nput to F an ESP - - - E xternal Stati c Press ure NOTES: 1. Maximum allowable fan speed for size 25 un its i s 1200 rpm . Maximum allowable f an speed for si ze 28 a nd 30 units is 1100 rpm.
37 40RU.
38 Copyright 2011 Carrier Corp. D 7310 W . Mo rr i s St. D In dianapolis, IN 46231 Prin ted in U.S.A. Edition Date: 01/11 Manufacturer reser ves the right to change , at any time, specifications and designs without notice and without obligations.
デバイスCarrier 40RUの購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Carrier 40RUをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはCarrier 40RUの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Carrier 40RUの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Carrier 40RUで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Carrier 40RUを既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はCarrier 40RUの不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Carrier 40RUに関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちCarrier 40RUデバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。