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Copy right 20 05 Carrie r Cor poration Form 42B-1PD Carri er’ s v ersatile belted fan coil units sati sfy des ign req uirem ents: • A selec tio n of 8 sizes covers capacit ies from 60 0 to 400 0 c.
2 Fan wh eels ar e des igned to provide low ope rating costs The forward-curved, centrifugal, double- inlet fans ar e static ally a nd dynamically balanced at the fa ctory to minimize transmission of vibration to the buildin g structure.
3 Ph ysic al data UNIT SIZE 42BHC, BVC 06 08 10 12 16 20 30 40 NOMINAL CFM 600 800 1000 1200 1600 2000 3000 4000 42BHC SHIPPING WT (lb) (no heat/ w ith heat ) 203/234 20 5/236 253/287 256/290 312/34 6.
4 42BHC, BVC OPTIONS AND ACCESSORIES * F actor y-installed option. †Field-installed accessor y . The 42BHC and 42BVC fan coil units ar e designed to offer maximum flexibility in an application, accessibility for service, quiet operation and durability.
5 Thermostat s — Three th er mo stat s are avail able for f ield installation: Honeywell T834C ma nual changeover , single-stage heat thermostat features: • off-cool-heat system s witch • on-aut.
6 Base unit dimensions 42BHC F AN COIL BASE UNIT ( NO CONTROLS) N OT E S: 1. All dimensions are in inches ( ± 1 / 4 in.). 2. An y modifications to product specifications by any person are sub j ect to acceptance of t he f actor y . Product specifications are sub j ect to change without notice.
7 42BHC F AN COIL WITH MOTOR CONTROL OPTION N OT E S: 1. All dimensions a re in inches ( ± 1 / 4 in.). 2. Any modifications to product specifications b y any person are sub j ect to acceptance of the factory . Product specifications are sub j ect to change without notice.
8 Base unit dimens ions (co nt) 42BHC F AN COIL WITH ELECTRIC HEA T OPTION N OT E S: 1. All dimensions are in inches ( ± 1 / 4 in.). 2. Any modifications to product specifications by an y person are sub j ect to acceptanc e of the f actory . Product specifications are sub j ect t o change without notice.
9 42BVC F AN COI L BASE UNIT (NO C O NTROLS) N OT E S: 1. All dimensions are in inches ( ± 1 / 4 in. ). 2. Any modifications to product specifications by an y person are sub j ect to acceptance of the f actor y . Product specifications are sub j ect to change without notice.
10 N OT E S: 1. All dimensions are in inches ( ± 1 / 4 in.). 2. Any modifications to product specifications by any person are sub j ect to acceptance of t he f actory . Product s pecifications are sub j ect to change without notice. 3. RH shown, LH opposite.
11 42BVC F AN COIL WITH ELECTRIC HEA T OPTION N OT E S: 1. All dimensions a re in inches ( ± 1 / 4 in.). 2. Any modifications to product specifications b y any person are sub j ect to acceptance of th e factory . Product specifications are sub j ect to change without notice.
12 Base unit dimens ions (co nt) 1 3 2 4 LEFT HAND UNIT 1 2 4 3 RIGHT HAND UNIT 42BHC UNIT CORNER WEIGHTS (lb) N OT E : U nit weights (shown in pounds) ± 10 % , are based on the 8-row coil and 1 H p motor .
13 1 3 2 4 4 3 1 2 1 1 2 4 3 3 4 2 RIGHT HAND UNIT LEFT HAND UNIT 42BVC UNIT CORNER WEIGHTS (lb) TOT A L WEIGHT UNIT CORRECTION F ACTOR (lb) Cor ner weights on pages 12 and 13 are for 8-row water filled coils.
14 Accessor y dimensio ns 3 A C 2.4 4 H 2.4 3 1 2 2 W B T OP VIEWS BOTTOM/REAR INLET T OP/REAR INLET RIGHT HAND SIDE VIEWS W 4 2.4 C 1 H A A B A 2.4 MIXING BOX N OT E : All dimensions in inches. 42BHC,BVC UNIT SIZE DIMENSIONS (in.) HW A B C 06 18.5 28 6 24 11 08 18.
15 1 W D 3 A 1 FRONT VIEW SIDE VIEW MIXING BOX RAILS N OT E : All dimensions in inches. UNIT DIMENSIONS (i n.) WD A 42BHC06 28 51.6 16.1 42BHC08 28 51.6 16.1 42BHC10 37 55.2 18.1 42BHC12 37 55.2 18.1 42BHC16 47 55.4 18.1 42BHC20 48 57.8 18.1 42BHC30 48 59.
16 Accessor y dimensio ns (cont) A A B B D C F F E E D C V AL VE P AC KAGE S N OT E : All dimens ions in inches. CONTR OL V AL VE PIPI NG P A CKAGE S I Z E ABCDE F C v CLOSE OFF Normal Close Off Spring Return 2-wa y 1 / 2 in. 12.45 2.285 — — 15.25 7.
17 C D HWS B A 2(5 1 ) RH T ell- T ale Drain LH T ell - T ale 0 CW S CWR HWR 1- 5 / 8 ( 41) ) 4 6 2 ( 8 / 3 - 0 1 E F ) 9 1 2 ( 8 / 5 - 8 H G ) 5 7 1 ( 8 / 7 - 6 0 PIPING CONNECTION LOCA TI ON DIAGRAM* LEGEN D *R ight-hand unit with re-heat coil shown.
18 * F actor y-installed option. HEA T OPTIONS 42BHC,BVC UNIT SIZE COIL RO WS DIMENSIONS (in.) A B CDE F G H Cool Heat Re-heat 06/08 4 0— 6 1 / 8 12 3 / 4 —— — 5 15 / 16 2 11 / 16 13 1 / 2 15 .
19 Basi c def init ions Unit hand — When facing the supply air outlet from the front of the unit (air blowing in your face), your right hand will be th e right hand side of th e unit an d your left h and the left ha nd side of th e unit . PIPING COMPONENTS LEGEN D * Check all system component p ressure ratings (coils, v alues, pumps, etc.
20 PIPING COMPONENTS (con t) LEGEN D * Check all system component p ressure ratings (coils, v alues, pumps, etc.) with manuf acturer and any applicable local or national piping codes prior to specifying system pressure rating.
21 PIPING COMPONENTS (con t) LEGEN D N OT E S: 1. Motorized spring return 2-way v alves hav e a maximum close-off different ial of 25 psi. 2. Motorized spring return 3-way v alves hav e a maximum close-off different ial of 25 psi.
22 This se lection pr ocedure provid es a guide to de ter mine unit pe r for manc e of t he 42 BHC, B VC uni ts. C apaci ty tables (in Perfor mance Data ) are bas ed on no minal cfm. Corre ction fa ctors a re prov ided for oth er op erati ng con di- tions as ex plain ed in t he fol lowin g sele ction e xamp le.
23 42BHC, BVC AI RFLOW CORR ECTION F ACTO RS N OT E : U se Sensible H eat correction factors when calculating heating capacity . DIREC T EXP ANSIO N (DX) C ORR ECTIO N F ACTO RS Consult factory for v alues outside of table .
24 42BHC, BVC NOMINAL COOLING CAP ACITIES LEGEN D * Based on en ter ing air tem perature of 6 7 F wb, 80 F db and te mperature r ise of 10 degrees F . N OT E : All ratings at sea level. R atings in accordan ce with A RI (Air Conditioning & R efri geration I nstit ute).
25 42BHC,BVC 4-ROW COOLING CAP ACITY (by Gpm) LEG EN D N OT E : All cap acities are giv en in thousands of Btuh ( MBtuh). 42BHC,BVC 6-ROW COOLING CAP ACITY (by Gpm) LEG EN D N OT E : All cap acities are giv en in thousands of Btuh ( MBtuh).
26 42BHC,BVC 8-ROW COOLING CAP ACITY (by Gpm) LEG EN D N OT E : All cap acities are giv en in thousands of Btuh ( MBtuh). 42BHC,BVC 4-ROW COOLING CAP ACITY (by ∆ T) LEG EN D N OT E : All cap acities are giv en in thousands of Btuh ( MBtuh).
27 42BHC, BVC 6-ROW COOLING CAP ACITY (by ∆ T) LEG EN D N OT E : All cap acities are giv en in thousands of Btuh ( MBtuh). 42BHC, BVC 8-ROW COOLING CAP ACITY (by ∆ T) LEG EN D N OT E : All capacities ar e give n in thousand s of Btuh (MB tuh).
28 DIREC T EXP ANSION (DX) BAS E COOLIN G CAP ACITIES * (MBtu h) — 4-ROW COIL LEGEN D * Capacity ba sed on R -22 r efr igerant a t 105 F liq uid temp erature and 10 F superhea t.
29 DIREC T EXP ANSION (DX) BAS E COOLIN G CAP ACITIES * (MBtu h) — 6-ROW COIL LEGEN D * Capacity ba sed on R -22 refr igera nt at 105 F liquid temperatu re and 10 F superhea t.
30 UNIT HORSE POWER DA T A T ABLE LEGEN D N OT E S: 1. Cont act f actor y if higher horsepower selection is required for a giv en cfm and total static pressure. 2. The variable pit ch motor sheav e provided will all ow + 15 % rpm ad j ustment. U nit sizes 06, 08, 10 and 12 ha v e 3 / 4 in.
31 UNIT HO RSEPOW ER DA T A T ABLE (cont) LEGEN D N OT E S: 1. Cont act f actor y if higher horsepower selection is required for a giv en cfm and total static pressure. 2. The variable pitch motor sheave pro vided will allow + 15 % rpm ad j ustment. U nit sizes 06, 08, 10 and 12 ha v e 3 / 4 in.
32 42BHC,BVC COMPONENT ST A TIC RESIST ANCE (in. wg) Hydronic coil pressure drop — All of the factory’ s hy- dron ic co ils have a c oeffici ent of velo cit y (Cv) res istance factor assigned to assist in a more accurate deter mination of water pre ssure drop (see Cv Factor by Coil and Unit Size table below).
33 42BHC,BVC W A TER PRESSURE DROP (ft. wg) FOR CV F ACTOR AND W A TER FLOW RA TE (GPM) N OT E : T able interpo lation is permissible, and e x trapolation is not rec- ommended.
37 42BHC ,BVC ELECTR IC HEA TER DA T A A V AILABI LITY 42BHC, BVC ELE CTRI C HEA TER DA T A LEGEN D N OT E S: 1. St ages a vailab le: Single phase: 1-12 kW , 1 stage only 3-12 kW , 1 stage or 2 stage Three phase: 1-40 kW , 1 stage only 4-40 kW , 1 or 2 stage 12-40 kW , 1, 2 or 3 stage 2.
38 St and ard c o nt rol f ea tu res • 4 in. x 4 in. junction box NOTE: M otor leads are wired to the 4 in. x 4 in. junction box, mounted on the exter nal panel.
39 System Fan Coil Unit HV AC Guide Specifications — 42B Size Range: 6 00 to 40 00 Nom inal Cf m Carrier Mode l Number: 42BHC (Hor izontal Fan Coil Unit) 42BVC (V ertical Fan Coil Unit) Part 1 — General 1.
Manufa cturer reser ves the right to disconti nue, or change at any time, specificat ions or designs wi thout noti ce and without incurrin g obligations.
デバイスCarrier 42BHCの購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Carrier 42BHCをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはCarrier 42BHCの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Carrier 42BHCの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Carrier 42BHCで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Carrier 42BHCを既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はCarrier 42BHCの不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Carrier 42BHCに関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちCarrier 42BHCデバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。