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1 48EZ( N) - - - A Comfort t 13 SE ER Si ngl e - - - Packag ed HYBR ID HEA T ® Du al F uel Sy stem w ith P uro n r (R - - - 410A) Re frige rant Sing le And T hree Phase 2 --- 5 N o m i n a l T o n s ( S i z e s 2 4 --- 6 0 ) Installation Instructions NOTE : Read the en tire instru ction m anual b efore starting th e installatio n.
2 words ar e used wit h the sa fet y - - a ler t symbol. DANGER ide ntif ies the m ost serio us h azards wh ich w ill r es ult i n se vere per sona l injur y or d eath. W AR NIN G sign ifies hazard s wh ich co uld resu lt in per- sona l i njur y or de at h.
3 A09450 Fig. 2 - - 48EZ- - A24- - 36 Unit Di mens ions 48EZ - - A.
4 A09451 Fig. 3 - - 48EZ- - A42- - 60 Unit Di mens ions 48EZ - - A.
5 L ARGE CURB SMALL CURB ROOF CURB DET AIL Wood nailer* Roofcurb* Insulation (field supplied) *Provided with roofcurb Cant strip field supplied Roofing material field supplied Flashing field supplied .
7 Inspec tion Prio r to in itial u se, and at mo nth ly in tervals, all rigg ing shack les, cl evi s pins , and s tr aps s hould be vi sua lly i nspe ct ed for any dam age , evi denc e of we ar , st ruc tur al defor ma tion, or cr ac ks.
8 A 1/8 - - in. ( 3.2 mm) NPT plugge d ta pping, accessib le for test gau ge conne cti on, mus t be ins ta ll ed i mmedi at el y upst re am of the gas suppl y conne ct ion t o the gas valve . Wh en in stalling th e gas s upply li ne, obse rve loc al code s per ta ining to g as pip e installatio ns.
9 T able 1 – Phys ic al Dat a - - Unit 48EZ- -A UNIT SIZE 48E Z - - - A 24040 24060 30040 30060 36060 36090 42060 42090 NOMI NAL CA P A CIT Y - - - to n 2 2 2 --- 1 / 2 2 --- 1 / 2 3 3 3 --- 1 / 2 3 --- 1 / 2 SHI PPING WEIG HT - - - l b.
10 T able 1 - - Physic al Data - - Uni t 48EZ - - A (Cont ’d) UNIT SIZE 48E Z - - - A 48090 48115 48130 60090 60115 60130 NOMI NAL CA P A CIT Y - - - to n 444555 OPERA TING WEIGHT - - - lb (kg) 482 219 482 219 482 219 507 230 507 230 507 230 COMP RESSORS Sc roll Quantity 1 RE FRIG ERA NT (R - - - 410A) Quantity - - - lb (kg ) 9.
11 Ste p 9 — Install D uct Co nnect ions The unit ha s duct f la nges on t he supply- - and re turn- -air openi ngs on the si de and bott om of the uni t. For downshot appli ca ti ons, t he duct work c onnec ts t o the roof c urb (Se e Fi g. 2 and 3 for con nectio n sizes an d locatio ns).
12 Horizontal Duct Covers A09061 Basepan Downflow (V ertical) Supply Knockout Basepan Downflow (V ertical) Return Knockout A09060 Fig. 8 - - Supply and Ret urn Duc t Ope ning Return Duct Panels Return & Supply Duct Panels fr om Underside of Base (Alternat e Method) Supply Duct Panels A09420 Fig.
13 Step 10 — I nsta ll El ectrical Co nn ection s ELECTRICAL SHOCK HAZARD Fai lur e t o fol low t his w ar ning coul d re sul t i n per sona l injur y or dea th.
15 4. V eri fy t he f oll owing c ondit ions: a. Ma ke sur e gas l ine is f re e of ai r . Bef ore l ighti ng the uni t for th e first time, p erform the fo llowin g w ith th e gas val ve in the “ OFF” posi ti on: NOTE : I f the ga s supply pipe was not pur ged befor e conne ct ing the uni t, i t wil l be ful l of ai r .
16 MANIFOLD BURNER BURNER FLAME C99021 Fig . 12 - - M on op ort Bu rner Ch eck Heating C ontr ol Sta rt and c hec k the unit f or pr oper he ati ng cont rol ope ra tion a s follo ws (see fu rnace lig hting instru ctions located o n the in side of the co ntro l access pan el): 1.
17 4. Divide numbe r of s ec onds in St ep 3 int o 3600 ( number of se conds in one hr) . 5. Multip ly result of Step 4 b y the n um ber of cu bic feet (cu ft) show n for one revol uti on of t es t dia l to obta in c ubic fe et (c u ft ) of gas f low per hour .
18 Ste p 4 — Star t- - up Cooling a nd Make A djust - ments Comple te the r equi red pr ocedur es gi ven i n the Pr e- -Star t- - Up section b efore starting th e unit. Do n ot jum per any safety dev ices whe n oper ati ng the unit. Do not ope ra te t he c ompre ss or when t he outdoor t empe ra tur e is be low 40 ° F( 4 .
19 Gas Heati ng Fan Sp eed Set-up T o ch ange th e gas h eating sp eed: 1. Remove the vi nyl ca p off of t he des ir ed s pee d ta p wir e (Re fer t o T able 6 for c olor c oding) . T abl e 10 shows t he temp erature rise asso ciated with each fan sp eed for a gi ven st at ic pr es sur e.
20 T a ble 7 – F ilter Pressur e D r op T a ble (IN. W .C.) FIL TER SIZE in. (mm) CFM 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1 100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 2000 2100 2200 2300 20X20X1 (508X508X 25) 0.05 0.07 0.08 0.10 0.12 0.13 0.14 0. 15 — — — — — — — — — — — 20X24X1 (508X610x25 ) — — — — 0.
21 T able 1 0 (cont ) - - Dry Coil Air De live ry* - - Hori zont al and D ownfl ow Di sc harge - - Uni t 48EZ- - A24- - 60 UNIT HEA TIN G RISE RAN G E MOTOR SPEED WIRE COL OR EXTER NAL STA TI C PRES SUR E (in. W.C.) 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0. 6 0.7 0.8 0.
22 T able 1 0 (cont ) - - Dry Coil Air De live ry* - - Hori zont al and D ownfl ow Di sc harge - - Uni t 48EZ- - A24- - 60 UNIT HEA TIN G RISE RAN G E MOTOR SPEED WIRE COL OR EXTER NAL STA TI C PRES SUR E (in. W.C.) 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0. 6 0.7 0.8 0.
23 T able 1 0 (cont ) - - Dry Coil Air De live ry* - - Hori zont al and D ownfl ow Di sc harge - - Uni t 48EZ- - A24- - 60 UNIT HEA TIN G RISE RAN G E MOTOR SPEED WIRE COL OR EXTER NAL STA TI C PRES SUR E (in. W.C.) 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0. 6 0.7 0.8 0.
24 T able 1 0 (cont ) - - Dry Coil Air De live ry* - - Hori zont al and D ownfl ow Di sc harge - - Uni t 48EZ- - A24- - 60 UNIT HEA TIN G RISE RAN G E MOTOR SPEED WIRE COL OR EXTER NAL STA TI C PRES SUR E (in. W.C.) 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0. 6 0.7 0.8 0.
25 A09068 Fig. 15 - - 208/230- - 1- - 60 W iri ng Diagr am, Unit 48EZ- -A 48EZ - - A.
26 A09209 Fig. 16 - - 208/230- - 3- - 60 W iri ng Diagr am, Unit 48EZ- -A 48EZ - - A.
27 A08019 Fig. 17 - - Cooli ng Chargi ng T able- -Subcool ing 48EZ - - A.
28 MAINTENANCE T o ensur e c onti nuing hi gh per form anc e a nd to mi nimi ze the po ssibility of p rematu re equ ipmen t failure, p eriod ic main tenan ce mu st b e p erformed on this eq uip ment. Th is comb inatio n hea ting/ cool ing unit should be inspe ct ed a t lea st onc e each y ear by a qual if ie d ser vic e per son.
29 f. Connec t 5 pi n plug a nd 4 pin pl ug to indoor blower motor . g. Rein stall blo wer access pan el (see Fig . 19 ). 3. Resto re electrical pow er to u nit. Start u nit and ch eck for prope r blowe r r ota ti on and mot or spee ds duri ng hea ti ng and coo ling cy cles.
30 BLOWER HOUSING 2 SETSCREWS (HIDDEN) C99085 Fig. 20 - - Rem oval of Motor and Blowe r Whee l A07680 Fig. 21 - - Burne r Rack Re moved FEEDER TUBE STUB TUBE DEFROST THERMOST A T C99029 Fig.
31 OF2 OF1 ON QUIET SHIFT 120 30 60 60 30 90 INTER V AL TIMER OFF P3 DFT O R W 2 Y C T2 C C O DFT T1 Y P1 J1 SPEEDUP Speedup Pins Defrost inter v al DIP s witches Quiet Shift A08020 Fig.
32 C99097 Fig. 25 - - Ref ri ger ant Cir cui t 2. Disc onnect l ea ds on swi tc h. 3. Apply ohm me te r le ads ac ros s swi tc h. Y ou should ha ve cont inui ty on a good sw itc h.
33 COMPRESSOR ACCUMULATOR OUTDOOR COIL INDOOR COIL LCS LEGEND HPS – High Pressure Switch LCS – Loss of Charge Switch Accurater ® Meter ing De vice Arro w indicates direction of flo w TXV in Metering Position Bypass P osition HP S C03011 Fig.
34 Ser vic ing Sys te ms on Roof s and wi th Synt het ic m ate rial s POE ( polyol es te r) com pre ss or l ubric ants a re known to c aus e long term d amage to so me syn thetic ro ofin g materials. Exposur e, eve n if imme dia tel y cle ane d up, may c aus e emb rittlement (lead ing to crack ing ) to o ccur in on e year o r mo re.
35 T able 1 1 – T r ouble shoot ing Gui de - - Cooling or Heat Pump He ating M ode SYMPTOM CAUS E REMED Y Compr essor an d Outdoor f an w ill not star t. Po we r Fa i l ur e Cal l power com pany . Fuse blown o r circuit brea ker tripped R e p l a c ef u s eo rr e s e tc i r c u i tb r e a k e r .
36 T able 12 – T r ouble shooti ng Guide –Heat ing SYMPTOM CAUSE REMEDY Burners will n ot ignit e W ater in gas line Drain. Ins tall drip leg. No power to fur nace Check power s upply fuses, w i r ing or circuit break er . No 24 - - v power s upply to contr ol circuit Check tr ansformer.
37 ST AR T - - UP CHECKLIST (Re move and St or e in Job Fi le s) I. PRELI MINAR Y INFORMA TION MODEL NO.: SERIAL NO. : DA TE: TECHNICI AN: II. PRE ST ART - - U P (Insert check m ark in bo x a s ea ch .
38 Copyright 2009 Carrier Corp. S 7310 W . Morris St. S In dianapolis, IN 46231 Edition Date: 08/09 Manufacturer reser v es the right to change, at any time, specifications and designs without notice and without ob ligations.
デバイスCarrier 48EZ-Aの購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Carrier 48EZ-Aをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはCarrier 48EZ-Aの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Carrier 48EZ-Aの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Carrier 48EZ-Aで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Carrier 48EZ-Aを既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はCarrier 48EZ-Aの不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Carrier 48EZ-Aに関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちCarrier 48EZ-Aデバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。