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Diesel Gener ator Set T - - 343 Rev - - OPERA TIO N AND SER VICE for 69UG15 Gener ator Set Unit s PID UG1450 and Higher r.
i T - - 343 T ABLE OF CONTENTS P ARAG RAPH NUMBE R Page SAFE TY SU MMAR Y Safety- - i .................................................................... GENE RAL S AFETY NOTIC ES Safe ty- -i ..........................................................
ii T - - 343 T A BLE OF CON TEN TS - - Continued P ARAG RAPH NUMBE R Page 3.2 BA TTER Y CHARGER (SOLID ST A TE) 3- - 3 .................................................. 3.3 AL T ERNA TING CURRENT G ENE RA TOR 3- - 4 ..................................
iii T - - 343 LIS T OF ILLU STR A TI ONS FI GURE NUM BER Page Figur e 1-1 Gener ator Set 1- - 3 ...................................................................... Figur e 1-2 Gener ator Set - - T op V iew 1- - 4 ...................................
Safe ty- - i T -343 SA FETY S UMMA R Y GENE RAL SAF ET Y NOT ICE S The f ollowing general saf ety notices supplement t he spec ific war nings and caut ions appear ing elsewhere in t his manual. They are recommended pr ecautions that must be underst ood and applied during operat ion and maintenance of t he equipment cover ed herein.
Safe ty- - i i T -343 SPECIF IC WARNING AND CAUTI ON ST A TEMENT S The statements that follow ar e applic able to t he gene rator set and appear elsewher e in this manual. These r ec om- mended pr ecautions must be understood and applie d during operation and maintenanc e of the equipment cove r e d her ein.
1- - 1 T -343 SECTI ON 1 DESCRIPTION 1.1 I NTRO DUCTI O N The Car rier Transicold model 69UG 15 under - - mounted diesel - - dr iven generat or s ets provide elect ric al power for all - - electr ic ref rigerat ion unit s.
1- - 2 T -343 T able 1- 1 Model Cha rt LEGEN D A1 - - Standar d Mount - - (See F igure 2-1) A2 - - Quick Mount - - (See F igure 2- 2) B1 - - Receptac le Box - - wit h Circuit Break er B2 - - Receptac .
1- - 3 T -343 15 9 2 14 5 6 87 10 12 1 1 13 14 230 VOL T 460 VOL T 15 15 14 14 3 15 14 16 1. Mechanic al Fuel P ump 2. Injec tor P ump 3. Engine Speed S ensor 4. Poly V - - Belt 5. Radiator 6. Contr ols (S ee Figur e 1-6 or F igure 1-8) 7. Engine O il Filt er 8.
1- - 4 T -343 1 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 2 3 1. Fuel T ank 2. Exhaus t Muffler 3. Solid St at e Batt ery Charger 4. Low Coolant Sensor (If E quipped) 5. Water T emper ature S ensor 6. Water T emper ature S witc h 7. Engine 8. Coolant O ver flow Bot t le 9. Alt ernat ing Current G enerator 10.
1- - 5 T -343 1.3 EN GINE The engine is a v ert ical, in - - line four c ylinder dies el engine, which is direct - - connect ed to t he alter nating curr ent generat or . Inf ormat ion on the major engine systems is provided in th e following s ubparagraphs.
1- - 6 T -343 The r otor is , in eff ect, t he secondary of a rot ating current tr ansfor mer induction frequenc y conv erter. T he exc iter rot or output voltage is applied to t he generator f ield windings by a t hree - - phase, f ull wave rot ating silicon rectif ier unit.
1- - 7 T -343 b. Meters 1. Ammeter (A) The ammet er ( see F igure 1-6, F igure 1-7, F igure 1-8) is an in dicator of the charg ing system and u nit electrica l draw . I t indicat es t he rat e of dis charge or charge of t he batt ery . During st art up, t he intak e heater dr aws approxim ately 42 am ps.
1- - 8 T -343 CONTROL BO X CONTROL PA N E L 3 4 5 6 7 2 1 12 9 8 11 10 13 1. T ot al T ime Met er 2. Water T emper ature G auge 3. Oil P ress ure G auge 4. Ammeter 5. Int ake Air Heat er Swit ch 6. Ignit ion Swit ch 7. Bat ter y Charger Fus e or Circuit B reaker ( CB5) 8.
1- - 9 T -343 T able 1 -2 Auto Restart P reset V alu es Indica tor Preset V alu e Descrip ti on Ov erspeed 2100 RPM Over speed is t he point at which t he unit will signal f or shut down Crank Dis con.
1- - 10 T -343 T able 1- 3 Auto Re st ar t Seque ncing (Cont inued) Series Attem pt Numb er In take Heater Energized in Se conds Fuel Solenoid Enga ged Engine Crank Durati o n (Se conds ) Engine Rest Durati o n (Se conds ) Engine St atus 4 30 X Up T o 15 25 If the engine s tar ts: a.
1- - 1 1 T-343 T able 1 -4 Safety Devi ces Uns afe C ondition Safety Switch Switc h Set ting ENGIN E Low engine lubricat ing oil press ure Low o il pressu re switch (LOP) - - Auto ma tic re se t Opens below 18 psig (1.
1- - 12 T -343 1.10 ENG INE DA T A (Cont inued) f. Lubricat ion Syst em Oil Pr ess ure S afe ty Switc h Set ting Opens 18 psig (1. 27 kg/ cm 2 ) Capacity E ngine - - 16.
2- - 1 T -343 SECTI ON 2 OPER A TION 2.1 G ENERA TOR SET INST ALLA TION The gener ator s et is m ounted under t he cent er of t he trailer chassis and is easily handled wit h a for k lift t ruck capable of handling 2, 000 pounds. The for k lift pock ets provided ar e access ible f rom eit her s ide.
2- - 2 T -343 1 2 3 4 5 8 6 7 REAR OF CHASSIS ROADSIDE VIEW CONT AI NER FL OOR CROS S I - - - BEA MS FORK LI F T POCK ET A A VIEW A - A 1. Angle Ass embly , Clamp 2. W asher , Spheric al, Male 3. W asher , Spheric al, Fem ale 4. Bolt 5. W asher , Spheric al, Belleville 6.
2- - 3 T -343 2.3 S T ART I NG AND STOPPI NG INS TRUCT IO NS 2.3. 1 Pre -Start In sp ectio n a. Check engine lubr icat ion and fuel f ilter s, oil lines, and connect ions for leaks. I f requir ed, tight en connec- tions and/or replace gas kets . b. Check engine lubric ating oil level.
2- - 4 T -343 2.4 CO NTRO L CI RCUIT O PERA TIO N W ARNI NG Be war e of m oving poly V- B elt a nd belt driv- en c ompone nts . 2.4 .1 S eque nce of Oper at ion a. St andard Unit s Wit h t he int ake heat er s witc h (IH) held in t he ON position, c urrent f lows t hrough t he amm eter to t he intake heat er .
3- - 1 T -343 SECTI ON 3 TROUBLESHOOTING CONDI TI ON POS SI BLE CAUSE REMEDY / REFE RENCE SECTION 3.1 DIESEL ENGI NE 3.1 .1 E ngine Will Not Star t Star ter m otor will not cr ank or low crank ing spe.
3- - 2 T -343 CONDI TI ON POS SI BLE CAUSE REMEDY / REFE RENCE SECTION 3.1 .3 E ngine Will Not Shut Of f Engine will not shut off Loose ground c onnection Im properly s eated f uel solenoid Clean/Tighten Corre ct 3.
3- - 3 T -343 CONDI TI ON POS SI BLE CAUSE REMEDY / REFE RENCE SECTION 3.1 .6 M isc ella neous Engine T roubles hooting Loss of power Restr ict ion in air cleaner Air in fuel system Air vent res tric .
3- - 4 T -343 CONDI TI ON POS SI BLE CAUSE REMEDY / REFE RENCE SECTION 3.2 BA TTER Y CHARG ER (SO L ID ST A T E) (CO NT INUED) Charger does not c harge Open input circ uit breaker Charger is not r ece.
3- - 5 T -343 CONDI TI ON POS SI BLE CAUSE REMEDY / REFE RENCE SECTION 3.3 AL TERNA TING CURRENT GE NERA TOR ( CONT INUE D) Over heating Gener ator over loaded Clogged ventilat ing sc reens High tem peratur e surr ounding generator Insuff icient air c irculat ion Unbalanced load Dry bearing Check Clean Sec tio n 4.
3- - 6 T -343 CONDI TI ON POS SI BLE CAUSE REMEDY / REFE RENCE SECTION 3.4 AUTO RE -ST ART O PT IO N (CONT I NUED) Engine st art s, but shut s down f rom over speed Elect ronic gover nor module is bad Replace Engine cranks , but will not start Elect ronic gover nor module is bad See 3 .
4- - 1 T -343 SECTI ON 4 SERVICE AND PREVENTIVE M AINT ENANCE 4.1 I NTRO DUCTI O N This sec tion c overs ser vice f or the gener ator s et and general engine ser vice. Refer to the K ubota engine works hop manual, S ect ion 1.1, f or ot her engine servic ing.
4- - 2 T -343 T able 4 -1 Prevent ative M ain ten ance Act io ns an d Sch edu le Descrip ti on o f Proced u re Refer ence Paragr aph Perf orm at Pre- T r ip Inspect ion Standard Serv ice Inter va l Un.
4- - 3 T -343 T able 4 -1 Prevent ative M ain ten ance Act io ns an d Sch edu le ( Con ti nu ed) Descrip ti on o f Proced u re Refer ence Paragr aph Perf orm at Pre- T r ip Inspect ion Standard Serv ice Inter va l Unit s Ex tende d Service In terval Uni ts Every 1000 Hour s Annuall y or Every 3000 Hours Annuall y or Every 3000 Hours 20.
4- - 4 T - - 343 4. Run engine 6 t o 12 hour s and drain syst em while warm. Rinse syste m three times after it has cool ed dow n. Refill system with water . CAUTI ON Use on ly et hyl ene g l ycol , an ti - freeze ( wi th in hi b ito rs) i n system. Use of g lyco l by it self will dama ge the cooling system (Ref er to par agr aph 1 .
4- - 5 T -343 4.4 .10 Lube Oil Filter The pri mary oil f ilt er is locat ed near t he radiat or f an (see Figu re 1-4). 1. A ft er warm ing up the engine, s top engine, r emove drain plug f rom oil r eservoir and drain engine lube oil. 2. Replac e filters .
4- - 6 T - - 343 CAUTI ON Do not unde rf ill or over fill the oil bath c ups. Ove rfilling of cups ca use s loss of ca pac ity ; under filling cups ca use s la ck of f ilter ing effi cien cy . 1 2 3 4 5 6 1. Air I nlet Hood 2. Air Cleaner Body 3. Cap Clamp 4.
4- - 7 T -343 b. Gener ator Windings ( Dry ing) W ARNI NG Do not d irect water or ste am into the gene ra tor ope nings . Do not a llow any soa p and wat er sol u tio n s to enter t he altern ato r . W ARNI NG Hig h vol tag e (di elect ric) testi ng mu st n o t be per form ed to the ma chine wit hout firs t obse rv ing NEMA rule s.
4- - 8 T - - 343 c. Di od e T estin g The r ectif ier diode as semblies c an be tes ted, and if damaged, replac ed. Over cur rent , over v oltage, ov er speed, or reverse c urrent s can damage the assembly or diodes. T o remov e the diode assemblies and perfor m diode test ing, do the f ollowing: 1.
4- - 9 T -343 The gener ator is a single bearing t ype, which m eans the shaft end of the rot or f loat s. B efor e installing the generat or , rot ate s haft and check if bear ing rot ates . 1. B rush ant i-seiz e lubricant (lube- plate) on the f ace of fly wheel.
4- - 10 T - - 343 4.6 .2 Chec k and Re plac e Isola tors /Shoc km ounts a. Rep lacemen t Cri teria CAUTI ON Continue d oper at ion with faile d shoc km ounts ma y re s ult in engine or gen erato r damag e. When a s hockmount has been c ut, split, abraded or has flar ed due to norm al deteriorat ion, it mus t be replaced.
4- - 1 1 T-343 4.7 UNI DRIV E TORQUE RE QUI REME NTS Ext ensive dam age m ay occ ur if the proper hardwar e is not used and/ or proper pr ocedures are not followed when working wit h the unidr ive ass embly . Periodic inspect ion of har dware and bolt tor que is recommended to ensur e the int egrit y of the unidr ive.
5- - 1 T -343 SECTI ON 5 SCHEMA TICS 5.1 I NTRO DUCTI O N This s ect ion contains t he 12-volt DC cont rol cir cuit s chemat ics, t he 460 volt alternating c urrent generator sc hemat ic and the 230 volt alternat ing curr ent gener ator schemat ic. T o ident ify the s chemat ics applic able to your PID number r e f e rt oT a b l e1 - 1 .
5- - 2 T -343 Based O n Drawings 62-1 141 1- 00 Rev- 62-1 1414- 00 Rev - IH Figure 5- 2 Sc hem atic D iagr am (F or Applicabilit y , Refer t o T able 1-1).
5- - 3 T -343 NOTE: WHEN PE IS NOT FIT TED, OUT PUT GROUND WIRES ARE CONNECTED DI RECTL Y A T GENERA TOR TE RMI- NAL STRIP TER MINAL T10. Based O n Drawings 62-1 141 1- 00 Rev- 62-1 1414- 00 Rev - Fig.
5- - 4 T -343 Based O n Drawings 62-1 141 1- 00 Rev- 62-1 1414- 00 Rev - Figure 5- 4 Sc hem atic D iagr am 23 0 V olt A lter nat ing Curr ent Gene ra tor (F or Applicabilit y , Refer t o T able 1-1).
5- - 5 T -343 Based On Drawing 62-1 1413-00 Rev A Figure 5- 5 Sc hem atic D iagr am - Le gend (Applies t o Figures 5- 6, 5-7).
5- - 6 T -343 Based O n Drawing 62-1 1413-00 Rev A Figure 5- 6 Sc hem atic D iagr am (F or Applicabilit y , Refer t o T able 1-1).
5- - 7 T -343 Based On Drawing 62-1 1413-00 Rev A Figure 5- 7 Sc hem atic D iagr am 4 60 V olt Alte rna ting Curr ent Gene ra tor (F or Applicabilit y , Refer t o T able 1-1).
Index - - 1 T -343 INDEX A AC Gener ator Descr iption, 1 - - 5 Air Filt er I ndicator, 4- - 5 Ammeter , 1- - 7 Auto Rest art Module, 1 - - 6 Auto Rest art Pr eset V alues, 1- - 9 Auto Rest art Sequenc.
Index - - 2 T -343 INDEX (Continued) O Oil Air Filt er , 4 - - 5 Oper ating Cont rols and I nst rument s, 1 - - 6 Oper ating Pr ecaut ions, S afet y - - i P Poly V- - Belt Se rvice, 4- - 4 Post - - St.
© 2008 Carrier Corporat ion D Printed in U. S. A. 0908 Carrier Transicold Division, Carrier Corporation Container Products Group P .O. Box 4805 Syracuse, N.Y . 13221 U. S A www .carrier A member of the United T echnologies Corporation family .
デバイスCarrier 69UG15の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Carrier 69UG15をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはCarrier 69UG15の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Carrier 69UG15の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Carrier 69UG15で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Carrier 69UG15を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はCarrier 69UG15の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Carrier 69UG15に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちCarrier 69UG15デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。