CastelleメーカーOfficeDirect Storage Serverの使用説明書/サービス説明書
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User ’ s Guide Plug- &-f orget Networ k Stor age Solut ion.
III Copyri ght 2000 Castelle. All rights reserved. OfficeDirect Storag e Server User ’ s Guide 61-1202 -001 rev A. Castelle is a registered trademark of Castelle. Microsof t, W indows, an d Outlook are regis tered trademar ks of Micros oft, Inc.
IV FCC Statement: This device complies with the limits fo r a Class A digital device, pu rsuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operatio n is su bject to the following two conditions: • This device may not cause harm ful interference. • This device must accep t any interference receiv ed, including interference that may cause undes ired operation.
Contents About your Storage Ser ver _________ _________ _________ 1 Storage S erver Featu res ________ _____ _________ ________ ___ 2 Package Co ntents _______ ______ ________ ______ ________ ___ 2 Wh.
1 Chapter 1 About your Storage Server Castelle’ s OfficeDirect Storag e Server .100 is design ed to of fer the growing business a simplified, cos t-effective way to outfit an existing small LAN with some of the more valuable featur es of a large en terprise network.
2 S TORAGE S ERVER U SE R ’ S G UIDE S TORAGE S ERVER F EATURES P ACKAGE C ON TENTS The Of ficeDirect Storage Server package contains: • A Storage Server Unit. • Power Adapter • Categor y 5 UTP n etwork cabl e with R J45 connector s. • CD-ROM containing PDF User Manual and the Storage Server Utility program for W i ndows 95/98/NT4.
W HAT YOU ’ LL N EE D A BOUT YOUR S TORAGE S ERVER 3 W HAT YOU ’ LL N EED Network • Ethernet N etwork emp loying 10 BaseT or 100 BaseTX. • TCP/IP installed and enabled . Supported Clien t Machines • PC usi ng W indows 9 5/98/ NT4.0 or W indows 2000.
4 S TORAGE S ERVER U SE R ’ S G UIDE LEDs There are six status LEDs on the fr ont panel: Front Panel LEDs Reset Butto n (IP/Password) T o reset, p ress and hold un til yo u hear 1 beep , The password wi l l be cleared, and it s IP Ad dress se t to the defa ult valu e of 192.
C ONNECTIONS AND C OMPONENTS A BOUT YOUR S TORAGE S ERVER 5 Buzz er The buzzer pr ovides valuable f eedback on the st ate of your Storage Server . • 1 Beep when res et butto n or power switch is pressed.
7 Chapter 2 Installation and Setup R EQUI REMEN TS Y ou’ll need a 10 /100 BaseT Ether net ne t work with TC P/IP installed and enab led. S ETTING UP THE HARDWARE Connect Network Cable Use the RJ45 sock et to connect the Storage Server to y our hub. The Storage Server will auto-configure for 10BaseT or 100BaseTX, and full or half duplex.
8 S TORAGE S ERVER U SE R ’ S G UIDE be ON. Then , during the boot proces s, the Ready , Alert and Disk Full LEDs will be ON. Once the boot pr ocess is finished, the Read y LED should be ON a nd the Alert LED should be OFF . If the Alert LED stays ON, there is a hardware problem.
S TORAGE S ERVER S ETUP U SING W INDOWS I NSTALLATION AND S ETUP 9 2. T he Storage Server Setup Utility screen disp lay s a lis t of all Storage Servers on the left; the selected Storage Server ’ s informa tion is di splayed on the righ t. (If no Storage Serv ers are listed, see T r oublesh ooting .
10 S TORAGE S ERVER U SE R ’ S G UIDE TCP/IP Tim e Z on e Select yo ur t ime zone from the list . Date/Time Enter th e local d ate (mm/dd /yyyy form at) and time . Obtain an IP Address automatically (DHCP Client) If you ha ve a DHCP or Boot P server on yo ur L AN, you can e nable this se tting.
S TORAGE S ERVER S ETUP U SING M ACINTOSH I NSTALLATION AND S ETUP 11 Microsoft Networking Apple Networking 6. Click "OK" to save and ex it. The Storage Server is now operational, with the following lim itatio ns . • All W indows users will b e give n " Gue st " access rights.
12 S TORAGE S ERVER U SE R ’ S G UIDE compatible with the following browse rs: • Netscape Navigator 4 .04/4.08/4.5 • Internet Ex plorer 4. 0/5.0 Connec ting to th e Stor age Ser ver Confirm that y our system has a compatible IP Addres s and Network Mas k (Subnet Mas k).
S TORAGE S ERVER S ETUP U SING M ACINTOSH I NSTALLATION AND S ETUP 13 Main M enu 4. Select Network and configure each tab, using the online help as necessar y . 5. Macintosh users can n ow access the Storage Server , provided the y use the Guest button on the Net work logi n, or login as admin .
14 S TORAGE S ERVER U SE R ’ S G UIDE System Config urati on>Prin ter Port S TORAGE S ERVER S ETUP WITH O FFIC E D IRECT M ES SAGING S ERVER .100 The Of ficeDirect Messaging Server .100, an integrated email and fax serv er a ppliance for Mi crosoft Outlo ok, i s a companion produ ct to the Of ficeDirect Storage Server .
15 Chapter 3 Administration O VERVIEW The Storage Server ad ministrator controls Storag e Server usage b y creating and man aging access-defined Users, Groups, and Shar es. N OTE : AppleShare does no t support “Read-only “ acces s; access is always “Read-W rite.
16 S TORAGE S ERVER U SE R ’ S G UIDE Remember : • A Share can be accessed by only 1 Group, but a Group can access many Shares. •T h e ad min user , and all us ers in the ad ministra tor group, have Read/W rite access to all shares and f olders.
C ONNECTING TO THE S TORA GE S ERVER A DMIN IST RATIO N 17 4. T his Ja vaScript Sup port window may appear for a few moments bef ore the Storage Server Setup screen is lau nched, and may either b e closed or allowed to stay open. JavaScr ipt Suppor t 5.
18 S TORAGE S ERVER U SE R ’ S G UIDE Other Users 1. Start yo ur web br owser . In the Address box, en ter: HTTP://ip_address , where ip_address is the Storage Server ’ s IP Address (e.g . HTTP:// . 2. When prompted f or the password, enter admin for the Us er Name .
C ONNECTING TO THE S TORA GE S ERVER A DMIN IST RATIO N 19 • Micr osoft - C onfigure Mi crosoft networking; s et W orkgroup Name, Code Page (al pha bet) and WINS (W indows Internet Naming System). Syste m • General - Set the Storage Server name, date and time.
20 S TORAGE S ERVER U SE R ’ S G UIDE Groups • V iew the current Grou ps, modify th eir access to Shares, and add or del ete Users from any Grou p. • Create new Gr oups, or delete exi sting Gro ups. Shar es • Create, delete and modify Shares. A "Share" is a folder (directory) which User s can access.
M ANAGI NG S HARES , G ROUPS , AND U SERS A DMIN IST RATIO N 21 Special Sh ares, Group s & Users The Storage Ser ver has pre-defined shares, group s and users th at may n ot be de let ed, al t h oug h l imi ted mo dific ati on s may b e ma de.
22 S TORAGE S ERVER U SE R ’ S G UIDE Nest ed Share s The Storage Server allo ws a fo lder inside a share to be a share. This allows "nes ting" of s hares to any depth. Rem ember , though: • In W indows' Netw o rk Nei g hborhoo d , all shares are listed on the same level - the "nesting" is completel y invi sib le.
C OMMO N A DM INI STRA TIVE T ASKS A DMIN IST RATIO N 23 C OMMON A DMINISTRATIVE T ASKS T ask Proced ure Protect Serv er configuration Assig n a password to the Admi n user . Select Users , th en sele ct the Admi n user , and click Modify . Create Users Users menu o ption.
24 S TORAGE S ERVER U SE R ’ S G UIDE Backup data on the Server Use your backup progra m to b ackup any f older . T o backup all files, u sers in the Administrator group can backup the HDD1 folder . Shutdown t he Server Use either o f the follo wing metho ds: 1.
25 Chapter 4 Windows Client Setup O VERVIEW The Sto rage Serv er supp orts W i ndows clie nts runn ing W indows 95/ 98/2000, W indows NT 4.0 or 2000 Professional Edition. This chapter will help you check and configure TCP/IP settings and access to the Storage Serve r ’ s storage.
26 S TORAGE S ERVER U SE R ’ S G UIDE 2. If a line like the on e highlighted ( TCP/I P -> Network card ) is not listed, then you need to install th e TCP/IP by selecting Add> Pr otocol>Mi cro soft>TC P/IP>OK . 3. W ith the TCP/IP entry highlighted, click on the Pr operties button to bring up the TCP/IP Pr operties w indow .
O VERVIEW W INDOWS C LIENT S ETUP 27 N OTE : If you h ave a rout er on you r LAN, ask y our networ k administ rator what values to use. If you h ave made any changes, res tart your P C. Netwo r k Lo gon T o use the Storage Server , you must log o n to the Network correctly: 1.
28 S TORAGE S ERVER U SE R ’ S G UIDE Server may still be used, but will be limited to guest access rights. By default, gu est access allows read/write access to the "public" sh are; the administrator , however , may customize the gu est access rights.
U SING THE S TORAGE S ERVER ' S S TORAGE W INDOWS C LIENT S ETUP 29 U SING THE S TORAGE S ERVER ' S S TORAGE T o use the Storage Server's storag e, you must "Map" a d rive letter to each folder o n the Storage Server f older which you wish to access.
30 S TORAGE S ERVER U SE R ’ S G UIDE 6. This drive will now be available in W in d ows Explorer , and from the File>Open or File>Save As dial og box i n all W indows applicati ons.
U SING THE S TORAGE S ERVER ' S S TORAGE W INDOWS C LIENT S ETUP 31 3. Do uble - click the St orage Serve r icon. A prin ter ic on shou ld be sh own. 4. Right-cl ick the pr inter icon , and select Install. The Add Printer wizard will start. 5. Select the manufacturer and p rinter matching the printer connected to the Storage Server .
33 Chapter 5 Macintosh Client Setup R EQUI REMEN TS • Macintosh OS V ersion 7 .5 or later , with A ppleShare. • The Administrator must create a valid User Name o n the Storage Server for each Mac user .
34 S TORAGE S ERVER U SE R ’ S G UIDE 5. I n the Enter Network Password dialog bo x, enter yo ur name and passw ord. These must m atch the values sto red on the Storage Server , or you will be denied access. If the Storage Server administrator has not cr eated a us er n ame for you , click the Guest b utton.
35 Chapter 6 T roubleshooting W INDOWS Problem 1: The Storage Server Utility doesn't list any S torage Serve rs. Recommendation 1: Che c k th e fo ll o wing: 1.
36 S TORAGE S ERVER U SE R ’ S G UIDE 192.168 .0.2 54, w ith a Subnet Ma sk of 255.255. 255.0. (The Storage S erver's default IP Addres s is 192.1 68.0.2, with a Subnet Mask of 25 5.255.255. 0). Remember th at each device needs a unique IP Address, and the sa me Subnet Mask .
W INDOWS T ROUBLESHOOTING 37 4. If you DO h ave a router , check that your Gateway IP Addr ess is set correctly . Ask your LAN administrator for the correct val ue. Problem 4: When I click on the Storage Server icon in Network Neighbor- hood, I get prompted for a pas sword.
38 S TORAGE S ERVER U SE R ’ S G UIDE This can happen if the amount of f ree disk space is not suf ficient to spool (queue) the p rint job. Storage Usage can be checked using the Status> Stor age screen on the Administrator interface. If this is the prob lem, you must delete some print jobs: 1.
M ACINTOSH T ROUBLESHOOTING 39 1. On the Storage Server's System>Printer screen , check the Printer Object T ype . If this is not cor rect, the Storage Server's printer will not be listed on the Macintosh. Check the Printer's User Manual for this data, or contact the printer supplier .
デバイスCastelle OfficeDirect Storage Serverの購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Castelle OfficeDirect Storage Serverをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはCastelle OfficeDirect Storage Serverの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Castelle OfficeDirect Storage Serverの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Castelle OfficeDirect Storage Serverで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Castelle OfficeDirect Storage Serverを既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はCastelle OfficeDirect Storage Serverの不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Castelle OfficeDirect Storage Serverに関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちCastelle OfficeDirect Storage Serverデバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。