Chief ManufacturingメーカーCM2C40の使用説明書/サービス説明書
ページ先へ移動 of 30
INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS I nstruccion es de in stal ación I nstal lati onsanl eitu ng I nstruções de Insta lação I struzion i di install azione I nstal lati e-i nstr ucti es I nstructi ons d ´insta llat ion Automated Flat Pane l Ceiling Lift This de vic e comp li es wi th part 1 5 of the F CC ru les.
CM2C40 Ins tal latio n Instruc tion s 2 CS AV , I nc ., an d i ts a f fi lia ted co rpo ratio ns a nd sub si di ar ies ( col le ct i vel y, "C SAV" ) , int end t o mak e t hi s m anu al acc ur ate a nd compl ete.
Installa tion Ins tru cti ons CM2C40 3 TOOLS REQUIRED FOR INSTALLATION PARTS CONTENTS INS TALLAT ION REQ UIREM ENTS .... .. .. ... .. ..... ..... .. ..... .... ... .... ..... ..... ..... .. ..... ..... .... ..... .. ..... ..... .. ..... ..... .... ...
CM2C40 Ins tal latio n Ins truc tion s 4 LEGEND Tight en Fastener Apreta r el emento de f ijac ión Befest igungst ei l f est ziehen Aperta r fixad or Serrare il fissa ggi o Bevestigi ng vastdraai en .
Installa tion Ins tru cti ons CM2C40 5 INSTALLATION RE QUIREMENTS The CM2C40 has been designed to be m ount ed e ither han gi ng fro m an ove rhea d str ucture or m ounted to exi stin g stud wall stru ct ures.
CM2C40 Ins tal latio n Ins truc tion s 6 Fig ure 3 7. Remov e two lo cknuts sec uring facepl at e to f acepl ate moun ting br acket . (See fi gur e 4) 8. Move f acep late up one set of holes t o a djust locat ion 1" or two sets o f holes to ad just 2" .
Installa tion Ins tru cti ons CM2C40 7 15. Ali gn stu ds in facep late with appr opria te holes i n facepl ate moun ting bracket and hang facepl ate on bracket w ith studs . 16. Secure f aceplate to f acep late mount ing b rac ket us ing t wo lock nut s.
CM2C40 Ins tal latio n Ins truc tion s 8 Figure 10 x3 x1 x2 From Displ ay 5 4 7 6 8 7 9 8 5 4 4 9 10 10.
Installa tion Ins tru cti ons CM2C40 9 6. Rou te cab le(s) d own thr ough ope nin g at rea r of mi ddl e cabl e clamp m ount ing brac ket . ( See figur e 1 0) and (See figur e 11) NOT E: If pl ug on c.
CM2C40 Ins tal latio n Ins truc tion s 10 Mount I nstallati on The CM2C40 has been designed to be m ount ed e ither han gi ng fro m an ove rhea d str ucture or m ounted to exi stin g stud wall struct ures.
Installa tion Ins tru cti ons CM2C40 11 7. While m ain taining dimens ions referenc ed in f igure 15, mar k base pl ate mounting hol e loc ations . (Se e fi gure 16 ) 8. Drill p ilot ho les a t m arked loc ations. 9. Mark f our side br ack et mount ing hol e loca tions if applica ble.
CM2C40 Ins tal latio n Ins truc tion s 12 NOT E: Holes ar e provi de d in the f acepla te fo r use wi th a padlo ck or simil ar locking de vice, i f desi red. In addi tion, the pi n and nut m ay be remov ed fr om the upp er hol es and mov ed to t he lower holes for use as a mo re permanen t locking devi ce .
Installa tion Ins tru cti ons CM2C40 13 Bottom Cover Ins tallation Afte r th e CM2C40 has b een pro perly con figured for the di splay and the display i nstal led , th e bottom c over h eight must b e adjus te d to ensur e pro per fit into ceil ing .
CM2C40 Ins tal latio n Ins truc tion s 14 5. Assemble bot tom cover t o cover mou nting plat e usin g #10-24 s cre ws a mi ni mu m of 1/ 4" plu s the thickne ss o f the cover ma teri al long.
Installa tion Ins tru cti ons CM2C40 15 Lift Col umn Bearing Adjustment The up per and lower li ft col umns are al igned usi ng t wo li ft bearings , one upper and one lower .
CM2C40 Ins tal latio n Ins truc tion s 16 Exte nded Pr ogrammi ng Capab ilit ies The CM2C40 allows for extended pr ogramming t o mak e the moun t compat ibl e wit h other devices such as a Un ivers al Remot e or ot her c ontrol d evices t hro ugh a s erial conne ction.
Installa tion Ins tru cti ons CM2C40 17 NEC Protocol: The modu lated carr ier is us ually der i ved f rom 455kHz an d is 1/12 of t he fr eque ncy wi th 1/3 duty c ycle. When dat a are t ran smitt ed repe ate dly, th e fr ame cycle is 107.9 ms or 186 per iod.
CM2C40 Ins tal latio n Ins truc tion s 18 IR-SE 15 P ro gr am min g IR-SE1 5 Control Fe atures: • Carrier Frequency :38KHz • Prot ocol:NEC - Ful l Re peat • Syste m Code( s):6 E (D efault) - M ult iple Codes Selec ted vi a K ey-Pre ss (see bel ow) To Chan ge System Cod e: 1.
Installa tion Ins tru cti ons CM2C40 19 IR-SC3 3a P ro gram min g IR-SC33a Co ntrol Fea tures • Carrier Fr equ ency: 38KHz • Proto col : NEC - Full Repeat • System C ode : 6E Table 1 -4: Key Num.
CM2C40 Ins tal latio n Ins truc tion s 20 Seri al Communicat ions NOT E: Check wit h the appropr iate aut omation syst em vendor for a vaila ble dr iver s and/ or sof t ware f or any ex ternal d evices.
Installa tion Ins tru cti ons CM2C40 21 Add ress De scr iption: Multipl e Chief dev ices can be used on t he same net work by setti ng each dev ice to a diffe rent address. Note: All uni ts ship with a defau lt a ddr ess of 0 Add ress T abl e: Add resses ar e set usi ng di pswi tches l ocat ed nex t to po wer in let on mo unt .
CM2C40 Ins tal latio n Ins truc tion s 22 CM 2C40 Hardwa re Reference Motor Control Hardware Informati on (See figur e 31) RS485 Netwo rk Program mable Param aters an d Status B it Assign ments R S48 .
Installa tion Ins tru cti ons CM2C40 23 Figure 31 CM 2C40 C onnec tors and Sw itches 1st Posi tio n of c on necto r array 1st Posi tion of con necto r a rray 1st Position of switch arra y.
CM2C40 Ins tal latio n Ins truc tion s 24 CM2C40 Interfac e Board Hardware Inform ation (See figur e 31) Dry Con tact Cl os ures The un it prov id es dry co ntact output s for system feedback, or t o cont rol oth er dev ices. To co mplete ci rcuits to ex terna l devices : 7.
Installa tion Ins tru cti ons CM2C40 25 Othe r Dr y Co ntac t Op tio ns Ex te n d R e tra c t w ith S ing le S wit ch Pins 1 and 2 on 9 pin Conne ctor.
CM2C40 Ins tal latio n Ins truc tion s 26 Retra ct Error In put NOT E: Units a re shi ppe d with e rror con tacts "Nor mally Open". To se t unit to r espond to " Normally Clo sed" error contac ts c onta ct a Chi ef Techni cal Suppor t repre sent ativ e by calli ng 1-8 00- 582- 6480, or by vi siting www.
Installa tion Ins tru cti ons CM2C40 27 Connecto r and Swit ch A ssi gn ment s All Di pswi tches ar e in the "OFF" posit ion when s hipped fr om fact or y.
CM2C40 Ins tal latio n Ins truc tion s 28 Figure 40 2. 50 28 .38 1 1.60 - 4.50 +2.00 TOP MO UNT ING BUTTON 30 .74 - . 00 +7 .60 BO TT OM OF D OOR RA NG E OF AD JU STMENT 1 9. 00 1 9. 25 1 . 31 2 X . 63 2 X . 50 2X 3.04 5.90 1 9. 00 20. 50 2 X .91 2X 4.
Installa tion Ins tru cti ons CM2C40 29 Tr ouble sho ot ing SYMPT OM POSSIBLE CAUSE CORRECTIVE ACTION Lift does n ot r es pon d • No Power to Mou nt • 12V t rigger o ption being us ed • Overheat.
CM2C40 Ins tal latio n Ins truc tion s USA/In ternati ona l A 8401 E agl e Creek Par kway, Savag e, MN 55 378 P 800.5 82. 6480 / 952.894 .62 80 F 877.8 94.
デバイスChief Manufacturing CM2C40の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Chief Manufacturing CM2C40をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはChief Manufacturing CM2C40の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Chief Manufacturing CM2C40の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Chief Manufacturing CM2C40で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Chief Manufacturing CM2C40を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はChief Manufacturing CM2C40の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Chief Manufacturing CM2C40に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちChief Manufacturing CM2C40デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。