CiscoメーカーNetwork Analysis Module 6000の使用説明書/サービス説明書
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Corporate Headquarters: Copyright © 200 1–20 02. Cisco Syst ems, Inc. All rights reserved. Cisco Systems, Inc., 170 West Tasman Drive, San Jose, CA 95134-1706 USA Catalyst 6000 Family Network Analy.
2 Catalyst 6000 Family Network Analysis Modu le Installation and Configuration Not e 78-10406-05 Overview • Related Documentati on, page 73 • Obtaining Documen tation, page 73 • Obtaining T echn.
3 Catalyst 6000 Family Network Analysis Mo dule Installation and Configuration Note 78-10406-05 Overview Managing the NAM The N AM Traf fic Analyzer applicat ion provides access to the NAM data and v oice tra f fic management and monitoring features through a web bro wser .
4 Catalyst 6000 Family Network Analysis Modu le Installation and Configuration Not e 78-10406-05 Overview • The licensed Appli cation Response T ime (AR T) MIB, which i s used to determine the source of the slo wdo wns in applicat ion performance. The AR T MIB measur es the response time on the netw ork at the transport layer .
5 Catalyst 6000 Family Network Analysis Mo dule Installation and Configuration Note 78-10406-05 Overview SHUTDOWN Button Caution Do not remov e the N AM from the switch until the N AM has shut do wn completely and the ST A TUS LED is orange. Y ou can damage th e N AM if you rem ov e it from the switch before it completely shuts down.
6 Catalyst 6000 Family Network Analysis Modu le Installation and Configuration Not e 78-10406-05 Safety Overview Specifications Ta b l e 2 describe s the specifications for the N AM. Safety Overview Safety warnings appear throu ghout this document in procedures that may harm you if perfo rmed incorrectly .
7 Catalyst 6000 Family Network Analysis Mo dule Installation and Configuration Note 78-10406-05 Safety Overview War ni n g AttentionCe symbole d'avertissement indi que un danger . V ous vous trouvez dans une situation pouvant cause r des blessures ou des dommages corporels.
8 Catalyst 6000 Family Network Analysis Modu le Installation and Configuration Not e 78-10406-05 Software Requirements War ni ng ¡Advertencia!Este símbolo de aviso significa pe ligro.
9 Catalyst 6000 Family Network Analysis Mo dule Installation and Configuration Note 78-10406-05 Hardware Requirements Hardware Requirements For Cataly st OS, any Cat alyst 6000 or 6500 series sw itch with an y supervisor module is supported using Supervisor Engine 1, 1A, or 2.
10 Catalyst 6000 Family Network Analysis Modu le Installation and Configuration Not e 78-10406-05 Installing and Removing the NAM This section descri bes ho w to install and v erify the operation of t.
11 Catalyst 6000 Family Network Analysis Mo dule Installation and Configuration Note 78-10406-05 Installing and Removing the N AM Figure 2 Slot Numbers on Cata lyst 60 00 Family S witches Installing the NAM War ni n g During this procedure, wear groundin g wrist straps to avoid ESD damage to the card.
12 Catalyst 6000 Family Network Analysis Modu le Installation and Configuration Not e 78-10406-05 Installing and Removing the NAM Step 3 If the desired slot is empty and i s not co vered b y a switching-module filler p late, go to Step 5 .
13 Catalyst 6000 Family Network Analysis Mo dule Installation and Configuration Note 78-10406-05 Installing and Removing the N AM Caution Always use the ejecto r le vers when installin g or removing the N AM. A module that is partially seated in the backplane will cause the syst em to halt and subsequently crash.
14 Catalyst 6000 Family Network Analysis Modu le Installation and Configuration Not e 78-10406-05 Installing and Removing the NAM Verifying the Installation These sections describe ho w to verify the installation of t he N AM.
15 Catalyst 6000 Family Network Analysis Mo dule Installation and Configuration Note 78-10406-05 Installing and Removing the N AM Removing the NAM This section descri bes ho w to remove the N AM from the Catalyst 6000 f amily switch.
16 Catalyst 6000 Family Network Analysis Modu le Installation and Configuration Not e 78-10406-05 Configuring the NAM Step 2 V erify that the N AM shuts down.
17 Catalyst 6000 Family Network Analysis Mo dule Installation and Configuration Note 78-10406-05 Configuring the NAM Initial Configuration Before you can use the N AM for network analysi s , you must .
18 Catalyst 6000 Family Network Analysis Modu le Installation and Configuration Not e 78-10406-05 Configuring the NAM Step 10 Config ure one or more IP addresses as DN S name servers b y entering: roo.
19 Catalyst 6000 Family Network Analysis Mo dule Installation and Configuration Note 78-10406-05 Configuring the NAM Cisco Network Analysis Module (WS-X6380-NAM) login: root Password: Network Analysis Module (WS-X6380-NAM) Console, 2.1(1) Copyright (C) 1999, 2000, 2001 Cisco Systems, Inc.
20 Catalyst 6000 Family Network Analysis Modu le Installation and Configuration Not e 78-10406-05 Configuring the NAM Using NetFlow Data Expor t as a Traffic Source T o use NetFlo w Data Export (NDE) as a traf fic source for the N AM, enable the NetFlow Monitor option to allo w the N A M to receiv e the N DE stream.
21 Catalyst 6000 Family Network Analysis Mo dule Installation and Configuration Note 78-10406-05 Configuring the NAM IPWRITE_MTU_FAILED = 0 IPWRITE_ENCAPFIX_FAILED = 0 Router# show ip flow export Flow export is enabled Exporting flows to 172.
22 Catalyst 6000 Family Network Analysis Modu le Installation and Configuration Not e 78-10406-05 Configuring the NAM Using SPAN as a Traffic Source Note Y ou can confi gure SP AN as a traf fic source us ing both the CLI and the N AM Tr af fic Analyze r application.
23 Catalyst 6000 Family Network Analysis Mo dule Installation and Configuration Note 78-10406-05 Configuring the NAM Source VLANs: RX Only: None TX Only: None Both: None Destination Ports:None Filter .
24 Catalyst 6000 Family Network Analysis Modu le Installation and Configuration Not e 78-10406-05 Configuring the NAM Catalyst OS Software These sections describe ho w to config ure the N AM from the .
25 Catalyst 6000 Family Network Analysis Mo dule Installation and Configuration Note 78-10406-05 Configuring the NAM Step 5 Config ure the IP address and subnet mask by enterin g this command: root@lo.
26 Catalyst 6000 Family Network Analysis Modu le Installation and Configuration Not e 78-10406-05 Configuring the NAM Step 17 V erify the SNM P access controls and settings by entering this command: r.
27 Catalyst 6000 Family Network Analysis Mo dule Installation and Configuration Note 78-10406-05 Configuring the NAM sysDescr "Catalyst 6000 Network Management Module (WS-X6380-NAM)" sysObjectID 1.
28 Catalyst 6000 Family Network Analysis Modu le Installation and Configuration Not e 78-10406-05 Configuring the NAM Community-Access Community-String ---------------- -------------------- read-only .
29 Catalyst 6000 Family Network Analysis Mo dule Installation and Configuration Note 78-10406-05 Configuring the NAM Configuring the SNMP Agent Note If you are using the NAM T raff ic Analyzer applicatio n, the information in this section is optional.
30 Catalyst 6000 Family Network Analysis Modu le Installation and Configuration Not e 78-10406-05 Configuring the NAM After completing this conf iguration, you can use the N AM with a network mo nitoring application such as T raff icDirector , NetScout nGenius Real-T ime Monitor , or any other IETF -compliant RMON application.
31 Catalyst 6000 Family Network Analysis Mo dule Installation and Configuration Note 78-10406-05 Configuring the NAM sysDescr "Catalyst 6000 Network Management Module (WS-X6380-NAM)" sysObjectID 1.
32 Catalyst 6000 Family Network Analysis Modu le Installation and Configuration Not e 78-10406-05 Configuring the NAM Enable the vlanStats coll ection type by ent ering this comman d from the root acc.
33 Catalyst 6000 Family Network Analysis Mo dule Installation and Configuration Note 78-10406-05 Configuring the NAM Configuring the HTTP Server T o configure the HTTP server pa rameters for the N AM,.
34 Catalyst 6000 Family Network Analysis Modu le Installation and Configuration Not e 78-10406-05 Configuring the NAM 1931 bytes transferred in 0.02 sec (107.96k/sec) Verifying cisco-nam-strong-crypto-patchK9-1.0-1.i386.rpm. Please wait... Package cisco-nam-strong-crypto-patchK9-1.
35 Catalyst 6000 Family Network Analysis Mo dule Installation and Configuration Note 78-10406-05 Configuring the NAM MBEGA1UECBMKU29tZS1TdGF0ZTEhMB8GA1UEChMYSW50ZXJuZXQgV2lkZ2l0cyBQ dHkgTHRkMR4wHAYDVQ.
36 Catalyst 6000 Family Network Analysis Modu le Installation and Configuration Not e 78-10406-05 Configuring the NAM YmNAY2lzY28uY29tMIGfMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GNADCBiQKBgQC8+SR503gS ygkf6pnHuh0LelNf6.
37 Catalyst 6000 Family Network Analysis Mo dule Installation and Configuration Note 78-10406-05 Configuring the NAM Before you can use t he N AM for voice monit oring, you must log into the N AM root.
38 Catalyst 6000 Family Network Analysis Modu le Installation and Configuration Not e 78-10406-05 Administer ing the NAM Administering the NAM How you administer the NAM on your switch depends o n whether you ar e using the Cisco IO S software or the Catalyst OS software.
39 Catalyst 6000 Family Network Analysis Mo dule Installation and Configuration Note 78-10406-05 Administering the NAM Step 3 At the N AM login prompt, type root to log in as the root user or guest to log in as a guest user . login: root Step 4 At the password pr ompt, enter the passw ord for the account.
40 Catalyst 6000 Family Network Analysis Modu le Installation and Configuration Not e 78-10406-05 Administer ing the NAM New UNIX password: Retype new UNIX password: passwd: all authentication tokens .
41 Catalyst 6000 Family Network Analysis Mo dule Installation and Configuration Note 78-10406-05 Administering the NAM Upgrading the NAM Software Y ou can upgrade both the application software and the maintenance softw are. T o upgrade the application software, see the “Upgrading the N AM Application Software” section on page 50 .
42 Catalyst 6000 Family Network Analysis Modu le Installation and Configuration Not e 78-10406-05 Administer ing the NAM Note If the FTP server does no t allo w anonymous users, use the follo wing syntax for the ftp-url v a lue: ftp://user@host /absolute-path/filenam e.
43 Catalyst 6000 Family Network Analysis Mo dule Installation and Configuration Note 78-10406-05 Administering the NAM Network Analysis Module (WS-X6380-NAM) Console, 1.2(1a)m Copyright (c) 1999, 2000, 2001 by cisco Systems, Inc. upgrade ftp://root@hostname-ultra10/tftpboot/c6nam.
44 Catalyst 6000 Family Network Analysis Modu le Installation and Configuration Not e 78-10406-05 Administer ing the NAM Proceed with reload of module? [confirm] % reset issued for module 9 Router# 00:31:11:%SNMP-5-MODULETRAP:Module 9 [Down] Trap 00:31:11:SP:The PC in slot 9 is shutting down.
45 Catalyst 6000 Family Network Analysis Mo dule Installation and Configuration Note 78-10406-05 Administering the NAM This exampl e sho ws how to upgrade the N AM maintenance softw are: Router# Router# hw-mod module 9 reset hdd:1 Device BOOT variable for reset = hdd:1 Warning:Device list is not verified.
46 Catalyst 6000 Family Network Analysis Modu le Installation and Configuration Not e 78-10406-05 Administer ing the NAM 02:27:19:SP:The PC in slot 9 is shutting down. Please wait ... 02:27:36:SP:PC shutdown completed for module 9 02:27:36:%C6KPWR-SP-4-DISABLED:power to module in slot 9 set off (admin request) 02:27:39:SP:Resetting module 9 .
47 Catalyst 6000 Family Network Analysis Mo dule Installation and Configuration Note 78-10406-05 Administering the NAM • Ta b l e 4 describes the user administration tasks you can perform using the CLI an d N AM Traf fic Analyzer application.
48 Catalyst 6000 Family Network Analysis Modu le Installation and Configuration Not e 78-10406-05 Administer ing the NAM Step 4 At the password pr ompt, enter the passw ord for the account. The default pas swo rd for the root account is “root, ” and the default password for the guest account is “guest.
49 Catalyst 6000 Family Network Analysis Mo dule Installation and Configuration Note 78-10406-05 Administering the NAM Step 3 Enter the ne w password again: Retype new UNIX password: passwd: all authe.
50 Catalyst 6000 Family Network Analysis Modu le Installation and Configuration Not e 78-10406-05 Administer ing the NAM Upgrading the NAM Application Software T o upgrade the N AM application software, follow these steps: Step 1 Copy the N AM application software ima ge to a directory accessible to FTP .
51 Catalyst 6000 Family Network Analysis Mo dule Installation and Configuration Note 78-10406-05 Administering the NAM Network Analysis Module (WS-X6380-NAM) Console, 2.1(1a)m Copyright (C) 1999, 2000, 2001 Cisco Systems, Inc. WARNING! Default password has not been changed! root@nam5.
52 Catalyst 6000 Family Network Analysis Modu le Installation and Configuration Not e 78-10406-05 Administer ing the NAM Step 8 Boot into the maintenance i mage with this co mmand to reset the N AM ma.
53 Catalyst 6000 Family Network Analysis Mo dule Installation and Configuration Note 78-10406-05 Administering the NAM Operating System-Independent Administration The follo wing sections describe N AM administration that is independent of the swit ch operating system.
54 Catalyst 6000 Family Network Analysis Modu le Installation and Configuration Not e 78-10406-05 Administer ing the NAM Cisco Network Analysis Module (WS-X6380-NAM) login: root Password: Network Analysis Module (WS-X6380-NAM) Console, 2.1(1a) Copyright (C) 1999, 2000, 2001 Cisco Systems, Inc.
55 Catalyst 6000 Family Network Analysis Mo dule Installation and Configuration Note 78-10406-05 Administering the NAM Additional NAM Software Administrative Commands The N AM supports these additiona.
56 Catalyst 6000 Family Network Analysis Modu le Installation and Configuration Not e 78-10406-05 Administer ing the NAM patch ftp://user:passwd@ho st/full-path/ filename Applies a p atch to th e applica tion software from the s pecified location .
57 Catalyst 6000 Family Network Analysis Mo dule Installation and Configuration Note 78-10406-05 Administering the NAM The N AM also supports CLI commands f or the supervisor en gine, which are described in more detail in the Catalyst 6000 F amily Command Refer ence publication.
58 Catalyst 6000 Family Network Analysis Modu le Installation and Configuration Not e 78-10406-05 Administer ing the NAM Configuration Commands The follo wing commands are all performed in eith er glo.
59 Catalyst 6000 Family Network Analysis Mo dule Installation and Configuration Note 78-10406-05 Troublesh ooting the NAM Unsupported Supervisor Engine CLI Commands These CLI commands are not supporte.
60 Catalyst 6000 Family Network Analysis Modu le Installation and Configuration Not e 78-10406-05 Troubleshooting the NAM Symptom The user is unable to start th e T raff ic Director capture after using the NAM T raff ic Analyzer application capture with a large b u f fer size.
61 Catalyst 6000 Family Network Analysis Mo dule Installation and Configuration Note 78-10406-05 Troublesh ooting the NAM Symptom The user cannot connect to the server .
62 Catalyst 6000 Family Network Analysis Modu le Installation and Configuration Not e 78-10406-05 Troubleshooting the NAM Error Message ...httpd:tac_authen_pap_read:invalid reply content, incorrect key? ...PAM-tacplus[616]:auth failed:Auth entication error, please contact administrator.
63 Catalyst 6000 Family Network Analysis Mo dule Installation and Configuration Note 78-10406-05 Troublesh ooting the NAM • Y ou can recov er the password in situations wher e you hav e forg otten the local web admin user password, or w hen another user with account permission logged in and changed the lo cal web admin user password.
64 Catalyst 6000 Family Network Analysis Modu le Installation and Configuration Not e 78-10406-05 Supported RMON and RMON2 MIB Objects Step 6 Click Users . Step 7 In the contents, click T A CA CS+ . Step 8 Enter the correct informatio n. Step 9 Click A pply .
65 Catalyst 6000 Family Network Analysis Mo dule Installation and Configuration Note 78-10406-05 Supported RMON and RMON2 M IB Objects Supervisor Engine ...mib-2(1).rmon(16).alarm (3) RFC 1757 (RMON-MIB) A threshold that can be set on cr itical RMON v ariables for network manage ment.
66 Catalyst 6000 Family Network Analysis Modu le Installation and Configuration Not e 78-10406-05 Supported RMON and RMON2 MIB Objects Network Analysis ...mib-2(1).rmon(16).protocolD ir(11) RFC 2021 (RMON2-MIB) A table of protocols fo r which the Network Analysis Module monitors and maintains stati stics.
67 Catalyst 6000 Family Network Analysis Mo dule Installation and Configuration Note 78-10406-05 Supported RMON and RMON2 M IB Objects Network Analysis (2).netscout2(1) .art(5).art ControlT able(2) draft-warth-rmon2-artmib-01.
68 Catalyst 6000 Family Network Analysis Modu le Installation and Configuration Not e 78-10406-05 GNU General Pub lic License GNU General Public License The Catalyst 6000 Netwo rk Analysis Module contai ns software co vered under the GNU Public License (listed belo w).
69 Catalyst 6000 Family Network Analysis Mo dule Installation and Configuration Note 78-10406-05 GNU General Public License For e xample, if you distrib ute copies of such a pro g ram, whether gratis or for a fee, you must gi ve the recipients all the rights that you hav e.
70 Catalyst 6000 Family Network Analysis Modu le Installation and Configuration Not e 78-10406-05 GNU General Pub lic License These requirements apply to the modif i ed work as a whole.
71 Catalyst 6000 Family Network Analysis Mo dule Installation and Configuration Note 78-10406-05 GNU General Public License 6. Each time you redistrib u te the Program (or any w ork based on the Prog .
72 Catalyst 6000 Family Network Analysis Modu le Installation and Configuration Not e 78-10406-05 Standards Compli ance Specifications THE ENTIRE RISK AS TO THE QU ALITY A ND PERFORMANC E OF THE PR OGRAM IS WITH Y OU. SHOULD THE PROGRAM PR O VE DEFECT IVE, YOU ASSUME THE COST OF ALL NECESSAR Y SER VICING, REP AIR OR CO RRECTION.
73 Catalyst 6000 Family Network Analysis Mo dule Installation and Configuration Note 78-10406-05 Related Documentation Related Documentation • For ad ditional FCC class compliance info rmation, refer to the Ca talyst 6000 Re gulatory Compliance and Safety Information publication.
74 Catalyst 6000 Family Network Analysis Modu le Installation and Configuration Not e 78-10406-05 Obtaining Technica l Assistance Ordering Documentation Cisco documentation is a vailable in the foll o wing ways: • Registered Cisco Direct Cust omers can order Cisco product documentation from the Network i ng Products MarketPlace: http://www .
75 Catalyst 6000 Family Network Analysis Mo dule Installation and Configuration Note 78-10406-05 Obtaining Technical Assistance • Download and test software packages • Order Cisco learning materials and merchandise • Register for online skill assessment, tr aining, and certif ication programs Y ou c an self-register on Cisco.
76 Catalyst 6000 Family Network Analysis Modu le Installation and Configuration Not e 78-10406-05 Obtaining Technica l Assistance Cisco TAC Escalation Center The Cisco T A C Escalation Center addresse.
77 Catalyst 6000 Family Network Analysis Mo dule Installation and Configuration Note 78-10406-05 Obtaining Technical Assistance This document is to be used in conjunction with th e documents listed in the “Related Documentation” section. Copyright © 20 02, Cisco Syst ems, Inc.
78 Catalyst 6000 Family Network Analysis Modu le Installation and Configuration Not e 78-10406-05 Obtaining Technica l Assistance.
デバイスCisco Network Analysis Module 6000の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Cisco Network Analysis Module 6000をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはCisco Network Analysis Module 6000の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Cisco Network Analysis Module 6000の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Cisco Network Analysis Module 6000で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Cisco Network Analysis Module 6000を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はCisco Network Analysis Module 6000の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Cisco Network Analysis Module 6000に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちCisco Network Analysis Module 6000デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。