Cisco Systemsメーカー12000/10700 V3.1.1の使用説明書/サービス説明書
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Corporate He adquarters Cisc o Syst ems , Inc . 170 West Ta sman Drive San Jos e, CA 95 134-1706 USA Tel: 408 526-4000 800 553- NETS (638 7) Fax: 408 526-4100 Cisco 1 20 0 0/1 070 0 v3.1 .1 R oute r Mana ger User Guide Softwa re Re le a se 3 .
iii Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 CONTENTS About Th is Gui de xxv Document Audienc e xxv Document Organi zation xxv i Conv enti ons xxviii Command C onvent ions xxviii Example Conv entions xxv iii Document Conv entions xxix Obtain ing Docu mentati on xxix Cisco.
Cont ent s iv Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 OSI Mapp in gs 2-10 Views 2-11 Component Managed View 2-11 Layer 3 QoS View 2-12 Network Vi ew 2-12 Phys i ca l Vi ew 2-12.
Content s v Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 Commissi oning a Chas sis 3-27 Decommiss ioning a Ch assis 3-30 Object Stat es 3-30 Manu ally D epl oyin g Mo dules 3-30 User Named vs .
Cont ent s vi Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Trap G enerat ion 4-17 Chassi s Inven tory 4-17 Viewing the C hassis Inve ntory Wi ndow 4-17 Chassi s Invento ry Window—.
Content s vii Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 View in g th e RP R Co nf ig ur atio n Win d ow 4-38 RPR Confi gurati on Window—Det ailed Des cr iption 4-39 Config urat.
Cont ent s viii Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Starti ng or Stopp ing Perf ormanc e Log ging 5-10 Modu le Pe rfo r m an c e Win do w — D et ai led D es cr i p ti on .
Content s ix Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 CHAPTER 8 Interf ace Configur ation 8-1 Inter faces and Re late d Tec hnolo gy-Speci fic Windo ws 8-1 Launchi ng the Inter .
Cont ent s x Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 APS I nte rface 8-21 SRP In te rface Configur atio n 8-22 Viewing the SRP In te rfac e Configur ation At tribut es 8-22 Con.
Content s xi Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 SONET Int erfac e Sta tus 9-12 Viewing the SONET Int er face Stat us Window 9-1 2 SONET Stat us Window—Det ailed Des crip.
Cont ent s xii Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Line Tab 10-14 Pat h Ta b 10-15 Virtu al Tri butary Tab 10-15 DS3/ E3 I nter fac e Perf orm anc e 10 -15 Viewing the DS 3.
Content s xiii Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 CAR Po li cy Co nf ig urat io n 11-6 Per In terf ace R ate Cont rol ( PIRC) Sup por t 11-6 Limite d Support f or Engine 4.
Cont ent s xiv Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 WRED To F ab Co nf ig ur atio n 11-32 Creati ng a ToFab Policy 11-32 Editi ng an Exist ing ToFab policy 11- 33 Deleti ng .
Content s xv Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 Creati ng ATM QoS Pro files 12- 12 Editi ng a n ATM QoS Prof il e 12-14 Deleti ng an ATM QoS Prof ile 12- 15 ATM QoS Pr of .
Cont ent s xvi Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Decommiss ioning a VL AN 13-16 Start Pe rformanc e Loggi ng 13-17 Stop P erforman ce Lo gging 13-18 VLAN Confi gurati on .
Content s xvii Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 BGP R edi stri bution Inf orm ation 14-16 BGP Redis tribut e Configur ation 14-1 6 BGP Redis tribut e Configur ation— D.
Cont ent s xviii Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Redist ribu te Inf ormatio n 14-39 BGP Addres s Family— Redistr ibute Conf igurat ion 14-4 0 BGP Addres s Famil y- Co.
Content s xix Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 MPLS Forw ar ding Inf ormation 15-4 Viewing the MPL S For warding Infor matio n Window 15-4 MPLS Forw ar ding Inf ormation.
Cont ent s xx Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Adding a Ro utin g Tar get to a Selected Chassis 16-10 Deleti ng a Rout ing Targe t from a Se le cted Cha ssis 16-10 VRF C.
Content s xxi Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 CHAPTER 17 MPLS Trap Management 17-1 MPLS Traps Support ed by the C12 000/10 72 0 Router Ma nager 17-1 Enabl ing/ Dis abli.
Cont ent s xxii Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 View in g Pe rfor m a nc e Sta ti stic s 20-4 Viewing a Char t 20-5 Printi ng a Pe rfor manc e Fil e 20 -6 Saving Perfor.
Content s xxiii Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 Running Configs C-4 CE1 C-4 PE1 C-5 P C-7 PE2 C-11 CE2 C-12 I NDEX.
Cont ent s xxiv Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01.
xxv Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 About This Guide This gu id e pr ovides inf or matio n o n using the Cisc o 12000/10 720 Ro uter Mana ger a pp lica tio n.
xxvi Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 About Thi s Guide Docum ent Organ ization Document Orga nization This guide is org anized as follo ws: T able 1 Document Or ganizat.
xxvii Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 About This Guide Documen t Organizat ion Chap ter 13 Mana ging VLA Ns This chapte r describes the VL AN functionality su pported by the Cisco 12000 /10720 Route r Manager applicat ion and gui des you th rough t he p roce ss of cre at ing and configuring V L AN obje cts.
xxvii i Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 About Thi s Guide Conv ent ions Conven tions Con ventio ns ar e prese nted in the f ollo wing sectio ns: • Command Co nv entio.
xxix Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 About This Guide Obtaining Documentation Document C onv ention s This guide u ses t hese co n ventions: Notes and caut ion ary st atem ent s use t hese co nv entio ns: Note Means reader tak e note.
xxx Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 About Thi s Guide Obtain in g Docum e ntation Documenta tion C D-ROM Cisco documentati on and additio nal literature are a v ailable in a Cisco Documentation CD-R OM packag e, w hich ma y have shipped with your produ ct.
xxxi Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 About This Guide Obtaining Technical Assistance Obtaining Tech nical Ass istanc e Cisco provid es Ci sco.c om , w hich i ncl udes the Cisc o T ech nica l A ssista nce Cent er ( T A C) we bsit e, as a sta rting point for all techni cal assis tanc e.
xxxii Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 About Thi s Guide Obtainin g Addi ti ona l Publicat io ns and Info rmatio n Cisco TAC Website The Ci sco T AC website provides online d ocume nts an d tool s to he lp tro ubleshoo t and resolve t echnica l issues with Cisco products and technologie s.
xxxii i Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 About This Guide Obtaining Additional Publications and Information • P a cket magazine is the Cisco qua rterly pub licatio n t.
xxxiv Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 About Thi s Guide Obtainin g Addi ti ona l Publicat io ns and Info rmatio n.
C HAPTER 1-1 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 1 Overview This c hapter pr ovides an overvie w of t he Cisco 12000/10 720 Ro uters a nd the Cisco 12000/10 720 Rou ter Manager a pplicat ion.
1-2 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Ch ap ter 1 Ov er vi ew Cisco Ele m en t Manag er Framewo rk (Cis co EMF) Sof tware This chapte r describes the follo wing informat .
1-3 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 1 Overview Key Features of the Cisco 12000/10720 Route r Manager Software • Cisco 12000 /1072 0 Router Manager deployment .
1-4 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Ch ap ter 1 Ov er vi ew Access ing Onli ne Help Accessing On line Help Each wind ow has the option to click the He lp icon, or to sel ect Help fr om the me nu b ar . A lis t of he lp topics i s di spla yed.
C HAPTER 2-1 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 2 Concepts This c hapt er d escri bes Cisco 1200 0/ 10720 Rou ter Man ager conc e pts a nd covers the fol lowing inform ati.
2-2 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 2 Concep ts Cisco 12000 /10720 Router Mana ger Obj ects a nd I nterface s Physical Objects Ta b l e 2 - 1 lists all phy sical obje cts cre ated i n Cisc o 12000 /1072 0 Rou ter Mana ger a nd the mana geme nt functi on s tha t c a n b e pe rf orme d o n e ach ob jec t.
2-3 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 2 Concepts Cisco 12000/10720 R outer Manag er Objects and Interfaces See the “ Vi ew s ” section on page 2-11 for further details on hierarch ies within Cisco E MF and Cisco 12000/10 720 Rout er M ana ger .
2-4 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 2 Concep ts Cisco 12000 /10720 Router Mana ger Obj ects a nd I nterface s Figu re 2-1 Cisco 120 1 6 Chas sis The Cisc o 1 20.
2-5 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 2 Concepts Cisco 12000/10720 R outer Manag er Objects and Interfaces • Lo wer card cage, which co ntains the follo wing: .
2-6 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 2 Concep ts Cisco 12000 /10720 Router Mana ger Obj ects a nd I nterface s Ti p The technol ogies suppo rted by an int erface are expose d within FCAP-base d manage ment windo ws.
2-7 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 2 Concepts Cisco 12000/10720 R outer Manag er Objects and Interfaces • VLAN — Domain , VLAN, sub-inter face obje cts. VLAN sub-interf aces can be conf igured on Ethern et inte rface s.
2-8 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 2 Concep ts Cisco 12000 /10720 Router Mana ger Obj ects a nd I nterface s Figur e 2-2 Sample T elec om Gr aphical Object An object is a repre sentation of a netw ork element. For e xample, the ob ject could be a node or a link.
2-9 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 2 Concepts Cisco 12000/10720 R outer Manag er Objects and Interfaces Figur e 2-3 Sample Cis co 12000 Chassis Sho wing T eleco m Gra phical Obj ects Refer t o the C isco Element Management F r a mework Use r Guide Rele ase 3.
2-10 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 2 Concep ts Cisco 12000 /10720 Router Mana ger Obj ects a nd I nterface s OSI Mappings Ta b l e 2 - 6 gi ves the complete list of OSI mappings for all co mbinations of the Admin and Opera tional status.
2-11 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 2 Concepts Views Views Cisco 1200 0/ 10720 Rou ter Man ager views can b e acc essed by clic king on the V i ewer icon in t he Cisco EMF la unchpa d.
2-12 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 2 Concep ts Views Laye r 3 QoS View The La yer 3 Qo S view disp lays only La yer 3 Q oS obje cts with in Ci sco 120 00/10 7.
2-13 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 2 Concepts Cisco 12000/10720 R outer Mana ger Object Sta tes be any other user ma intained V LAN grou ping. The re can be mulitple dom ains in th e VLAN view and each do main ca n contai n mulitpl e VLAN objects .
2-14 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 2 Concep ts Cisco 12 00 0/10720 Rout er Mana ger Objec t States Decommission ed State The decommis sioned state indicat es that an obj ect is not ma naged. W hen yo u manuall y depl oy a n object , it is nor mally plac ed into a decommissioned state.
2-15 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 2 Concepts Cisco 12000/10720 R outer Mana ger Object Sta tes Heartbea t pollin g is perf ormed on a n objec t in the perf orman ce loggi ng on state .
2-16 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 2 Concep ts Cisco 12 00 0/10720 Rout er Mana ger Objec t States.
C HAPTER 3-1 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 3 Getting Started This c hapter d escrib es t he t ypica l t asks y ou shou ld com ple te to sta rt u sing th e Ci sco 12000/107 20 Rout er Mana ger appli cati on. Se e Figu re 3-1 on page 3-2 for fu rthe r detai ls.
3-2 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 3 Getting Started Cisco 12 00 0/107 20 Rout er Mana ger Workf low Figur e 3-1 Wo r kflo w for Cis co 1200 0/1 0720 Router Ma.
3-3 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 3 Getting Star ted Starting Ci sco E MF and Cisco 12000/ 10720 Router Manag er Starting Cisco EMF and Cisco 12000/10720 Ro uter Manager The Ci sco 120 00/10720 Rout er Man ager ap plicati on is vi ewed through t he Cisco Eleme nt Ma nageme nt Framework (Cisco EMF).
3-4 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 3 Getting Started Starting Cis co EMF and Ci sc o 12000 /10720 Rou ter Manager The Lo gin win dow (see Figure 3-2 ) appear s. Figur e 3-2 Login Window Step 2 Enter a valid u ser n ame and pa ssword.
3-5 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 3 Getting Star ted Starting Ci sco E MF and Cisco 12000/ 10720 Router Manag er Launchp ad The icons di spla yed in the CEMF Ma nage r and Ev ent Manag er pane ls on the Laun chpad re pres ent the applicatio ns provided by this Cisco EMF installation.
3-6 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 3 Getting Started Starting Cis co EMF and Ci sc o 12000 /10720 Rou ter Manager Map Viewer (Viewe r) MapV iewer al low s complete fle xibility in vie wing, bui lding, and monitor ing your netwo rk using graphi ca l r epre sen tat ions of net work e lem e nts .
3-7 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 3 Getting Star ted Starting Ci sco E MF and Cisco 12000/ 10720 Router Manag er Notification Profiles An importa nt aspect of.
3-8 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 3 Getting Started Deploym ent PreFilter Ev ent pre-f iltering al low s any e vent generated by the netw ork which matc hes the criter ia established in the f ilter to be “ filte red out ” , and thus no t saved into t he data base .
3-9 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 3 Getting Star ted Deployment Y ou can also deploy ei ther of the fo llowing log ical obj ects: • SVC — See “ Deplo y .
3-10 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 3 Getting Started Deploym ent Figur e 3-4 Deplo yment Pr ocess W or kflow 1.
3-11 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 3 Getting Star ted Deployment This sec tion provided a n example t hat shows how to deploy a Si te obje ct. T he deployme nt proc ess differs slightly for oth er t ypes of gene ric o bj ect.
3-12 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 3 Getting Started Deploym ent Figur e 3-6 Deployment Wiz ard - T emplate s Windo w Step 4 Select the gene ric o bject th at you w ish to de ploy f ro m th e list supp lied.
3-13 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 3 Getting Star ted Deployment The Dep loymen t Wizard - Obje ct Parame ters wi ndow app ears (se e Figure 3- 7 ). Figur e 3-7 Deployment Wiz ard - Object P aramet ers Window (1 of 2) Step 6 Ent er the nu mber of Sites requi red.
3-14 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 3 Getting Started Deploym ent Figur e 3-8 Deployment Wiz ard - Object P aramet ers Window (2 of 2) Step 8 Enter a Site name. Each Site must ha ve a uniqu e name. In this e xample the site is calle d Site-srp .
3-15 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 3 Getting Star ted Deployment The D eploymen t Wizard - V i ews window app ears. Figur e 3-9 Deployment Wiz ard—V iews Wind ow Step 10 Click Select , to select a physical v ie w .
3-16 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 3 Getting Started Deploym ent The Object Sele ctor W indow app ears. Figur e 3-1 0 Object Selec tor Step 11 Select the object wh ere you wish to place t he Site o bject. Step 12 Click Apply .
3-17 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 3 Getting Star ted Deployment Figur e 3-1 1 Deployment Wiz ard—V iews Window Step 13 Click For w a rd . Note Y o u are promp ted to rep eat Steps 8 to 13 if yo u are deployin g more than one Site.
3-18 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 3 Getting Started Deploym ent Figur e 3-12 Dep loyme nt Wizard —Summary Windo w Step 14 Click Finish (when the D eployme nt Summa ry inform ation is corre ct) to com plete deployme nt and cl ose the Deplo yment W izard - Summary win dow .
3-19 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 3 Getting Star ted Deployment Note This deployment procedu re can be ap plied to the deployme nt of any of the ge neric objects altho ugh a ll of t he st eps ma y not ap ply to t he p ar ticul ar gene ric ob jec t tha t yo u ar e depl oying.
3-20 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 3 Getting Started Deploym ent Figu re 3- 14 Exampl e of Auto Discovery Manually D eployin g a Cisc o 12000 /10720 Chassis Ti p It is reco mmende d that you pi ng the Cisco 12000/10 720 Rou ter yo u inte nd to d eploy t o ensure the d evice can b e cont acted .
3-21 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 3 Getting Star ted Deployment Figur e 3-15 Dep loyme nt Wizard —Object P aramet ers (1 of 3 ) Step 2 Ent er the nu mber of chassis obje cts you want to deploy . Cl ick Fo r w a r d .
3-22 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 3 Getting Started Deploym ent Figur e 3-16 Dep loyme nt Wizard —Object P aramet ers Windo w (3 of 3) Step 3 Enter the follo wing information : 12000 Chassis Name — T ype in a name ( inclu ding pr efi x and su ff ix) for the ch assis yo u are dep loyi ng.
3-23 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 3 Getting Star ted Deployment Figur e 3-1 7 Deplo yment Wizar d—V iews Step 5 Click on Select.
3-24 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 3 Getting Started Deploym ent Figur e 3-18 Obje ct Selector W indo w Step 6 Choose the sit e u nder w hich yo u want to d eploy the c hassi s. Cl ick Apply . The D eployme nt W izard-V iews w indo w is disp layed with the selecte d Site o bject.
3-25 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 3 Getting Star ted Deployment Figur e 3-2 0 Deplo yment Wizard Summary Step 8 The Dep loymen t Summary det ails ap pear in th e Depl oyment Summa ry Screen . If the Deployment Summary in formation is correc t, click Fini sh .
3-26 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 3 Getting Started Deploym ent Commissio ning an d Subchas sis Discov ery After you deploy a c hassis, the next step in creating a manage able system is to commissio n the c hassis (which begins th e process of subchassi s discovery).
3-27 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 3 Getting Star ted Deployment Because the chassis i s the highest -level object, all objec ts under th e chassis a re commissi oned as well when you co mmis sion the ch assis.
3-28 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 3 Getting Started Deploym ent Figur e 3-2 2 Chass is Configur ation W indow Step 2 Choose the Chassis you want to com mission fro m the l ist box a t left o f the wi ndow .
3-29 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 3 Getting Star ted Deployment The ch ass is and all obje cts co ntaine d with in ar e com missi oned . A stat us rep ort ap pear s in the Commis sion Status area displ aying wh ether the com mission actio n succeed ed or faile d.
3-30 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 3 Getting Started Deploym ent Decommissioning a Chassis Decomm issioni ng a chass is, deco mmissio ns all the obj ects within the chassi s, and ac ti ve ma nageme nt (such as polling) stops on the chassis and on all objects within the chassi s.
3-31 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 3 Getting Star ted Deployment User Named vs. Auto Named Module Deployment When you deploy a module, y ou ha v e two in itia.
3-32 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 3 Getting Started Deploym ent Figu re 3-24 D eploym ent W izard—T emplate s Step 2 Choos e one of th e T emplate C hoices from the li s t dis played (eit her au to-named or u ser -named deployment ).
3-33 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 3 Getting Star ted Deployment Figur e 3-2 5 Deplo yment Wizard —Object P aramet ers Step 4 Enter th e Numbe r of GRP o bject s you wis h to deploy . Enter in the sl ot numbe r wher e you want the GRP to be depl oyed.
3-34 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 3 Getting Started Deploym ent Figur e 3-26 Dep lo yment Wizar d—V iews Step 6 Click Select .
3-35 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 3 Getting Star ted Deployment Figur e 3-27 Obje ct Selector W indo w Step 7 Nav igate throug h the hierarchy a nd choose the chassis th at the GRP will be deplo yed within. Gr ayed out object s are not a v ailable fo r selection.
3-36 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 3 Getting Started Deploym ent Figur e 3-28 Dep lo yment Wizar d—V iews Step 9 Repeat Steps 6 to 8 to plac e the c hassis o bject in each of th e Physic al and Componen tManaged vie ws.
3-37 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 3 Getting Star ted Deployment Figur e 3-29 Deplo yment Wizard—Summ ary Step 11 Th e deployme nt summar y detail s appear in the Deployment Summ ary win dow . If t he deployment summary in formation is cor rect, click Fini sh .
3-38 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 3 Getting Started Deploym ent Manually Deploying Line Cards The Cisco 1200 0 Series Rou ter chassis supports six types of tec hnology spec ific line cards (A TM, POS, Ether net, SRP , DS -3 a nd Modu la r Et h erne t).
3-39 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 3 Getting Star ted Deployment pos-8oc3-mm POS > OC-3 8 Port > E4 MM 8 Port OC3 Multimode POS pos-8oc3-ir POS > OC-.
3-40 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 3 Getting Started Deploym ent pos-en- qoc48 -sm-lr-sc POS > Enha nced OC-48 4 > E4 LR-SC 4 Port ( Quad) Enhanced OC -.
3-41 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 3 Getting Star ted Deployment Ta b l e 3 - 4 displa ys a li st of the Ethe rnet line card s su ppo rted by Ci sco 120 00 Seri es Rou ters .
3-42 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 3 Getting Started Deploym ent Ta b l e 3 - 5 displays a lis t of the DS- 3 line card s su ppo rted by Cisc o 120 00 Ser ies Rou ters. Ta b l e 3 - 6 displays a lis t of the E3 li ne c ards supp orte d by Cis co 12 000 Se ries Rout ers.
3-43 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 3 Getting Star ted Deployment Line Cards Su pported by Cisc o 10720 Routers Ta b l e 3 - 8 displays a l ist of the SRP line ca rds sup por ted by Ci sco 1 072 0 R outers. Ta b l e 3 - 9 displa ys a li st of the Ethern et lin e card s su ppo rted by Cisc o 107 20 Rou ters.
3-44 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 3 Getting Started Deploym ent T o deplo y a line card of any t ype, pr ocee d as follo ws: Step 1 Right clic k on the chas .
3-45 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 3 Getting Star ted Deployment Figur e 3-3 1 Deplo yment Wizard —Object P aramet ers Step 4 Enter the n umb er o f l ine card ob jec ts yo u want to d ep loy . Step 5 Enter the sl ot num ber w here the ca rd will be depl oyed.
3-46 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 3 Getting Started Deploym ent Figur e 3-32 Dep lo yment Wizar d—V iews Step 7 Click Select to choose wher e y o u wish to pla ce th e ob jec t with in the vie w . The Obje ct Sel ecto r win do w appe ars.
3-47 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 3 Getting Star ted Deployment Figur e 3-33 Obje ct Selector W indo w Step 8 Choose the cha ssis you want to place th e A TM li ne card under . Objects wh ich are not av ailable for selectio n are greyed ou t.
3-48 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 3 Getting Started Deploym ent Figur e 3-34 Dep lo yment Wizar d—V iews Step 10 Repeat Step s 7 to 9 to pl ace th e object i n eac h of th e Physic al and Compone ntManaged vie ws.
3-49 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 3 Getting Star ted Deployment The D eploymen t Wizard — Summary wi ndo w appears. Figur e 3-35 Deplo yment Wizard—Summ ary Step 12 Th e deployme nt summar y detail s appear in the Deployment Summary w indow .
3-50 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 3 Getting Started Deploym ent Manually Deploying Supporting Module s The Ci sco 1 200 0 Seri es R out er ch assis supp ort .
3-51 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 3 Getting Star ted Deployment Figur e 3-36 Dep lo yment Wizar d—V iews Step 2 Click Select to choose wh ere yo u wish to plac e the ob ject with in the vi e w . Click on the + sign to e xpa nd the view if required .
3-52 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 3 Getting Started Deploym ent Figur e 3-37 Obje ct Selector W indo w Step 3 Navigate thr ough the hiera rchy an d cho ose whe re you w ish t o plac e the object within the view .
3-53 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 3 Getting Star ted Deployment Figur e 3-38 Dep lo yment Wizar d—V iews Step 5 Click For wa rd .
3-54 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 3 Getting Started Deploym ent Figur e 3-39 Deplo yment Wizard—Summ ary Step 6 The depl oyment summ ary deta ils appea r in the Deployme nt Summa ry window . If the informati on is corr ect, cl ick Finish .
3-55 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 3 Getting Star ted Deployment Deploying a Swit ch Fa bric Car d T o deplo y a switch fa bric card (SF C), pr ocee d as foll.
3-56 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 3 Getting Started Deploym ent Figur e 3-41 Obje ct Selector W indo w Step 3 Choose w here y ou w ish to pla ce the obje ct with in t he v i ew . Cl ick on t he + sig n to expa nd t he vi ew if requir ed.
3-57 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 3 Getting Star ted Deployment Figur e 3-42 Dep lo yment Wizar d—V iews Step 5 Repeat Steps 2 to 4 to plac e the ob ject i n each o f the Physical and Co mponentMan aged vie ws.
3-58 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 3 Getting Started Deploym ent Figur e 3-43 Deplo yment Wizard—Summ ary Step 7 The depl oyment summ ary deta ils appea r in the Deployme nt Summa ry window . If the informati on is corr ect, cl ick Finish .
3-59 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 3 Getting Star ted Deployment Performing Pre-dep loyment Say that y ou are expecti ng the fol lowing hardware: • Cisco 12.
3-60 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 3 Getting Started Deploym ent.
C HAPTER 4-1 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 4 Managing Chassis This c hapt er d escrib es the various cha ssis m anag eme nt ta sks that ca n be pe rfor med usi ng t he Cisco 12000/107 20 Router Manag er application .
4-2 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapt er 4 Managin g Chassi s Launchi ng t he Chassi s Ma nagem en t Window s Launching th e Chassis Mana gement Windows Ta b l e 4 - 1 displays the Cisc o 12000/ 10720 Ro ute r Ma nage r Cha ssis M ana geme nt w ind ows that can be launch ed fro m each obje ct type.
4-3 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 4 Managing Ch assis Manageme nt Inf ormation Note Th e Cisco 12000 /107 20 Router Mana ger Chassis Ma nageme nt windows cannot be open ed when mu ltiple objec ts are selected (the m enu opti ons to op en the wi ndo ws ar e gray ed ou t).
4-4 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapt er 4 Managin g Chassi s Managem e nt Inform a tion Figur e 4-1 Management I nfo r mation Wind ow—Confi gura tion T ab Step 2 Choose an IOS Host from t h e list box disp laye d at the le ft o f t he w indow .
4-5 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 4 Managing Ch assis Manageme nt Inf ormation Entering or Ch anging IOS CLI Username and Pa sswords In Cisco 12000/10 720 v3.1.1 Rou ter Manag er some dialogs use the IOS CLI to retr iev e or configure inform ation.
4-6 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapt er 4 Managin g Chassi s Managem e nt Inform a tion Management Information Window — Detailed Description The Mana gement In forma tion window display s two tabs: Configurat ion and IOS/C omma nd Line Security .
4-7 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 4 Managing Ch assis Chassis Configuration Chassis Configuration The Chassi s Configuratio n window allows you to view and configure parame ters, co mmis sion or decomm ission, and switch globa l performa nce loggi ng on or off for the selecte d chassis.
4-8 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapt er 4 Managin g Chassi s Chassis Confi guration Figur e 4-3 Chassis Configur ation Windo w—Configur ation T ab Step 2 Choose a chassis from the list displayed at the left of the windo w .
4-9 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 4 Managing Ch assis Chassis Configuration Starting Global P erformance Log ging Globa l pe rform a nce loggi n g, whe n set , col lect s p erfor ma nce info rm ati on on GRPs an d in te rface s o n a specified cha ssis.
4-10 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapt er 4 Managin g Chassi s Chassis Confi guration The Ac ti on Repo rt w indow (se e Figure 4 -4 ) info rm s you whet h er t he pe rfo rm an ce l ogg ing “ on ” action was successful or not.
4-11 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 4 Managing Ch assis Chassis Configuration Entering Additional Descriptions for a Selected Chassis Note En tering add itional descri ptions fo r a chassis is optio nal.
4-12 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapt er 4 Managin g Chassi s Chassis Confi guration Note Y o u can enter a ny informat ion you wish in to the Descri ption 1 an d Descripti on 2 data en try fields.
4-13 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 4 Managing Ch assis Chassis Configuration Note The Synchr oniz e a ction i s n ot a pp lica ble to C is co 12 000 /1072 0 R.
4-14 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapt er 4 Managin g Chassi s SNMP Manag ement Glob al Per forman ce Log gin g The Glo bal Perfo rman ce Log ging area allows you to start or stop glob al perfo rman ce loggi ng. Start — Cli ck St art to begin g loba l pe rf orm anc e loggi ng .
4-15 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 4 Managing Ch assis SNMP Manag ement Vie wing th e SN MP Ma na geme nt Wi ndo w T o vi e w the SN MP Manage ment win dow , pro ceed as fol lows: Step 1 Right clic k on the chas sis objec t and select the Conf iguration>SNMP Management option.
4-16 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapt er 4 Managin g Chassi s SNMP Manag ement Step 3 Choose t he SN MP versio n to be use d.
4-17 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 4 Managing Ch assis Chassis Invent ory Version Displays the SNMP v ersion. SNMP V ersion — Allows you to choose th e SNMP version . Note that Cisco 12000/ 10720 Route r Manager re lease 3.
4-18 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapt er 4 Managin g Chassi s Chas sis I nvent ory Figur e 4-9 Chassis Inv entory Windo w—General T ab Step 2 Choose a Chassis fr om the lis t b ox displa yed a t t he left of the w ind ow .
4-19 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 4 Managing Ch assis Chassis Invent ory Chassis Details The Chassis Details area displays the fo llo wing information : Serial N umber — Not applica ble to Cisco 1200 0/10720 Ro uter Manager .
4-20 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapt er 4 Managin g Chassi s Chassis Fa ult Manag emen t Chassis Fault Man agement The Cha ssis Faul t Ma nage ment wi ndow displays ge nera l cha ssis availability det ails, Power Supply inform ation, T emperature inform ation , and Fan inf ormati on.
4-21 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 4 Managing Ch assis Chassis Fa ult Managem ent Figur e 4-1 0 Chassis F ault Ma nagem ent Windo w—Gener al T ab Step 2 Choose a Chassis fro m the list b ox displaye d at the left of the window .
4-22 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapt er 4 Managin g Chassi s Chassis Fa ult Manag emen t Figur e 4-1 1 Chassis F ault Manag ement Window—P ower Supply T ab Step 4 Choose the T empe rature Supply tab . The tem peratu re details f or the se lected ch assis app ear .
4-23 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 4 Managing Ch assis Chassis Fa ult Managem ent Figur e 4-1 2 Chass is F ault Ma nagem ent Windo w—T emper at ure T ab Step 5 Choose the Fa n tab . The fan detail s for the selecte d chassi s appear in the tab .
4-24 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapt er 4 Managin g Chassi s Chassis Fa ult Manag emen t Figur e 4-13 Cha ssis F ault Manag ement Windo w—Fan T ab Changing Column W idth The Cha ssis Faul t M ana geme nt w ind ow displays fo ur tab s: G ener al, Power Supp ly , T e mp erat ure, a nd Fan.
4-25 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 4 Managing Ch assis Chassis Fa ult Managem ent Chassis F ault Ma nagement W indow — Detailed D escription The Cha ssis Faul t M ana geme nt w ind ow displays fo ur tab s: G ener al, Power Supp ly , T e mp erat ure, a nd Fan.
4-26 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapt er 4 Managin g Chassi s Chassis Fa ult Manag emen t Voltage The V oltage ar ea disp lays the f ollo wing: Descriptio n — T extual information on v oltage. Status V alue — Current st atus of the v oltage for the se lected c hassis .
4-27 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 4 Managing Ch assis Command Log Command Log The Comm and Log windo w maintains a reco rd of all the us er -init iated con fig uration change s on the select ed de vice (chas sis).
4-28 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapt er 4 Managin g Chassi s Command Log Step 3 Scroll th rough the list of ev ent co mmands, using the arro w bars, until t he rele vant e vent comma nd appe ars. Note Y ou can alter the width of the colum ns displayed in t he table.
4-29 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 4 Managing Ch assis System Log File — When the c onfig sourc e field or t he c onfig desti nation field is set to ne twor k tftp or ne twork rcp , the conf igurat ion file name at the storage f ile serv er appears.
4-30 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapt er 4 Managin g Chassi s System L og Figu re 4-15 Sys L og M essages W indow Step 2 Choose an IOS Host from the list box displaye d at the left of the window . The SysLo g Message inform ati on a ppear s f or the sel ecte d cha ssis.
4-31 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 4 Managing Ch assis Usin g RM E fo r Chas s is M ana ge men t Ta s ks SysLog Messa ges A rea The Sys Log Messages area displays the following information: Index — Arbitrary inte ger v alue to uniquely identi fy the listed messages.
4-32 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapt er 4 Managin g Chassi s APS Status Configuration Backup/Restore Using RME Y ou shou ld use Cisco IOS Configuration Arc hiving in RME for Configuration ba ckup a nd restore.
4-33 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 4 Managing Ch assis APS Status Figur e 4-16 APS Stat us Windo w Step 2 Choose a Chassis from the list displayed at the left of th e wind o w .
4-34 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapt er 4 Managin g Chassi s Init iati ng a T el net S erv ice APS Status W indow — Detailed Description The APS Statu s window displays a single APS Circ uits area.
4-35 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 4 Managing Ch assis Launchi ng the Web C onsole Launching th e Web Console Another wa y to retrieve information fr om a device is through a we b browser using the W eb Con sole application .
4-36 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapt er 4 Managin g Chassi s Configur ation E ditor Figur e 4-18 Con figuration Edit or Windo w Step 2 Choose a Chassis from the list displayed at the left of th e wind o w .
4-37 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 4 Managing Ch assis C onfiguration Editor Note If you re ceive an error messa ge af ter c licking Upload , you might need to make sure the tftpb oot ser ver is run ni ng on t he wo rkstat ion that Ci sco 1 200 0/107 20 Rou ter Manager i s running on .
4-38 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapt er 4 Managin g Chassi s RPR Configuration Operat i o ns Do ne Locall y Add — Click Add to mo v e the te xt string ( display ed in th e search criteria data e ntry box) into th e criteri a name list.
4-39 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 4 Managing Ch assis RPR Configuration Figur e 4-19 RPR Configur ation Windo w Step 2 Choose a Chassis from the list displayed at the left side o f the windo w .
4-40 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapt er 4 Managin g Chassi s RPR Status Switch Over Tab Acti ve R P — Dis pla ys t h e sl ot n umb er o f t h e act ive Route Pr oce ss or . Actions Switch Ov er — Choose Sw itc h Over to for ce a RP from s tandby to active.
4-41 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 4 Managing Ch assis RPR S t at u s Figur e 4-20 RPR Configur ation Windo w Step 2 Choose a Chassis from the list displayed at the left side o f the windo w .
4-42 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapt er 4 Managin g Chassi s IP Rout ing Status LC Status This area displa ys the s tatus of all the Lin e cards fo r the sele cted chas sis. It d isplay s a table th at lists the potential sl ot n umb ers a nd the cor respon di ng sup por ted redu nda ncy mode .
4-43 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 4 Managing Ch assis IP Routing Status Figur e 4-21 IP Routin g Status Windo w Step 2 Choose the chassis from the left side of the windo w .
4-44 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapt er 4 Managin g Chassi s TCP Status IP TOS — The Polic y specif ier applied t o the route. The IP TOS with 0 indicates def ault path if no specif ic polic y ap plies. Routing T ype — The ty pe of the rou te.
4-45 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 4 Managing Ch assis TCP S t atus Viewing the TCP Sta tus Window T o v i ew the TC P S tat u s w indow fo r a ch ass is , p roc e ed as f oll ows: Step 1 Right clic k on the chas sis objec t and select the Cisco 12000/107 20 Manager>Fault> TCP Status option.
4-46 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapt er 4 Managin g Chassi s TCP Status Figur e 4-23 TCP Stat us Window—TCP Conn ectionsT ab TCP Stat us Window — Detailed Description The TC P Status dialog displ ays two tabs: TCP Status an d TCP Conne ctions.
4-47 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 4 Managing Ch assis TCP S t atus Acti ve Op ens — The number of times TCP conne ct ions have made a direc t transi tion t o the SYN- SENT state fr om the CLOSED stat e.
4-48 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapt er 4 Managin g Chassi s UDP Stat us UDP Status UDP is a connec tionl ess, unack nowledged, an d unrel iable prot ocol th at is defined at the Transport layer of the OSI reference mod el.
4-49 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 4 Managing Ch assis UDP Status Figur e 4-24 UDP Sta tus Window Step 2 Choose the chassis from the left side of the windo w .
4-50 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapt er 4 Managin g Chassi s UDP Stat us UDP Port In form ation The table UDP T able Information, displays the UDP Listene r Information and it displays the follo wing fie ld s: Loca l P o rt — The local por t number fo r this UDP list ener .
C HAPTER 5-1 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 5 Managing Modules This chapte r describes the management tasks that can be performed on the modules in the Cisco 12000/107 20 Router being ma naged usi ng the Cisco 12000/ 10720 Rout er Manage r applica tion.
5-2 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapt er 5 Managin g Module s Launchi ng t he Modu le Managem e nt Wind ows *Note that basic modu le manag ement serv ices are provided fo r any non- standar d Cisco 120 00/107 20 Rout er Manager modu les.
5-3 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 5 Managing M odules Module Configuration Note Cisc o 12000/107 20 Route r Manager windows cannot be ope ned when multipl e objects ar e selected (the menu option s to open the Cisc o 12000/10 720 Router Manager wind ows are grayed ou t).
5-4 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapt er 5 Managin g Module s Module Co nfi gu ration Figur e 5-1 Configuration Window Step 2 Choose a Chassis and Module from the list boxes displa yed at the left of the windo w .
5-5 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 5 Managing M odules Module Configuration Step 4 Click Commission to commis sion the sele cted modu le. An Acti on Report windo w appear s conf irming that the commission ing action was complete d successfully .
5-6 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapt er 5 Managin g Module s Module Co nfi gu ration T o decomm ission a mo dule, pro ceed as fo llo ws: Step 1 Open the Con fig uration win do w . See “ V iewing th e Configurati on W indow ” sect ion on page 5-3 for furthe r details .
5-7 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 5 Managing M odules Module Fa ult Manag ement Module Configuration Window — Detailed Description The M odule C onfigurati on window di spla ys a singl e C onfigura tion ta b.
5-8 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapt er 5 Managin g Module s Module F aul t Mana gem e nt Figur e 5-4 Module F ault Manag ement Window Step 2 Choose a Chassis and Module from the li st boxes a t t he left of t he w ind ow .
5-9 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 5 Managing M odules M odule Perf ormance • Last Au thenti cation F ail ure Addr ess — Display s the last authorization failure IP address for the select ed mod ule. • Operat ional Sta tus — Disp lays the current ope rational st atus of the selected GRP module.
5-10 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapt er 5 Managin g Module s Module Pe rfo rmance Viewing the Module P erformance W indow Note Th e M odul e per forma nc e wi ndow c an be launch ed fr om t he chassi s level. Please note t hat this w indow cannot be launch ed from the module lev el.
5-11 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 5 Managing M odules M odule Perf ormance T o Start/ Stop perf orman ce logging for a selected module, pr oceed as fo llows: Step 1 Open the Mod ule Perfo rmanc e windo w . See “ V iewing the Modu le Perfor mance Window ” section on page 5-10 for fur the r det ai ls.
5-12 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapt er 5 Managin g Module s Module I nv entory Module Inventory The Modul e I nv entory se ctio n p rovide s the fo llowing inf o.
5-13 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 5 Managing M odules Module Inventory Step 2 Choose a Chassis and Module from the list box es at the left of the windo w . The in ventory info rmation for the se lected m odule ap pears.
5-14 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapt er 5 Managin g Module s Module I nv entory Slot & Por t s The Sl ot & Por ts a rea cont ai ns th e following fields: Slot Number — Slot position the module occup ies in the chassis.
C HAPTER 6-1 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 6 Managing Interfaces This c hapter describe s the mana gement t asks th at can b e pe rformed on t he inte rfaces o f the C isco 12000 Series an d the Cisco 1072 0 Router be ing manage d using the Ci sco 12000/10 720 Rout er Manag er appli cati on.
6-2 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapt er 6 Managin g Interf aces Cisco 12 00 0/10720 Rout er Mana ger Interf ace Naming Conventio ns The follo wing chapters describ.
C HAPTER 7-1 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 7 Interface Profiles This c hapt er d escri bes how to c rea te in terfa ce p rofiles usi ng t h e Ci sco 12000 / 10720 Rout er Man ager applica tion. Cisc o 12000/10 720 Route r Manager al lows you to creat e and appl y profiles to interfac es (see Figure 7-1 ).
7-2 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 7 Interface Profiles Int erf ace P rof ile Type s This chap ter cont ains the foll ow ing info rmation: • “ Interfa ce P.
7-3 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 7 Interface Prof iles Creating an ATM Interface Profile Note Cisc o 12000/107 20 Route r Manager windows cannot be ope ned when multipl e objects ar e selected (the menu option s to open the Cisc o 12000/10 720 Router Manager wind ows are grayed ou t).
7-4 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 7 Interface Profiles Creating an A TM Interface Profile Figur e 7 -2 A TM Int erf ace Config ura tion Pr ofile Windo w (Conf.
7-5 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 7 Interface Prof iles Creating an ATM Interface Profile Figur e 7 -3 Pr ompt Windo w Step 3 Enter a na m e for the new profile in the E nte r profile name data ent ry b ox. Step 4 Click Ok .
7-6 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 7 Interface Profiles Creating an A TM Interface Profile Editing an Existing ATM Interface Profile T o edit an existi ng A TM.
7-7 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 7 Interface Prof iles Creating an ATM Interface Profile ATM Interface Configuration Profile Window — Detailed Description The A TM Interface Conf iguration P rofile windo w displays two ta bs: Conf iguration (1) and Configuration (2) .
7-8 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 7 Interface Profiles Creating an A TM Interface Profile NSAP (Netw ork Service Access Point) Addr ess-Specify the NSAP address. Not applicable for Cisco 12000/10 720 Rout er M ana ger .
7-9 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 7 Interface Prof iles Creating an HSRP Profile Creating an HSRP Profile T o create a n HSRP prof ile, proceed as follo ws: Step 1 Choose the C isco 12000/ 10720 Manage r>Configuration>IP> HSRP Configuration Prof ile option from an Ethernet inte rface object.
7-10 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 7 Interface Profiles Creating a n HSRP P rofile Step 3 Enter a na m e for the new profile in the E nte r profile name data ent r y box. Note Each profile must h av e a uniqu e name.
7-11 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 7 Interface Prof iles Creating an HSRP Profile Deleting an Existing HSRP Interface P rofile T o delete an ex isting HSRP In.
7-12 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 7 Interface Profiles Creating a POS I nte rface Profile Standby Preempt — A llows you to set the stand by preempt. The st andby route r waits for th e set time a nd take s ov er as the acti ve router if the curr ent router fails or does not res pond to the pack ets sent.
7-13 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 7 Interface Prof iles Creating a POS Interface Profile Figur e 7 -8 POS Pr ofile Dialog — POS Con fig T ab See “ POS Profile Wi ndo w — Detailed Desc ription ” se cti on on pa ge 7-15 for furthe r inf orm ati on on the parameters displa yed in this window .
7-14 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 7 Interface Profiles Creating a POS I nte rface Profile Step 4 Click Ok . The POS Prof ile window reap pears with th e new profile name displayed in th e POS Profile list a t left o f the win do w .
7-15 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 7 Interface Prof iles Creating a POS Interface Profile Deleting an Existing POS Interface Profile T o delete an existing PO.
7-16 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 7 Interface Profiles Creating a POS I nte rface Profile Encapsul ation — Allo ws you to select HDLC, PPP or FRAME RELA Y encapsulation type. The default v alue is HDLC. Cyclic Redun dancy Check — A llows you to selec t a n option f or cyclic redu nda ncy che ck.
7-17 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 7 Interface Prof iles Creating a SRP Side Profile LAIS on I nter face Shutdown — A llows you to enabl e or disable the LAIS on inter face shutdown alarm messages.
7-18 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 7 Interface Profiles Creating a SRP Side Profile Step 2 Click Create Pr of ile. A Pro mpt wi ndow appears (see Figu re 7- 13 ) for you to enter a name fo r the prof ile. Step 3 Click on the Alarms tab, if required.
7-19 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 7 Interface Prof iles Creating a SRP Side Profile Step 5 Click OK . T he SRP Side Pr ofile window reappear s with the new profile name displaye d in the SRP Side Prof ile list at left of the windo w .
7-20 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 7 Interface Profiles Creating a SRP Side Profile Figur e 7 -14 Deletion Pr ompt Windo w Step 3 Click Ye s to delete the selected prof ile or cl ick No to close the window without deleti ng the profile.
7-21 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 7 Interface Prof iles Creating a SRP Side Profile SONET Ov erh ead Path Signal Identif ier — Allow y ou to set the path signal ident ifie r . The permissible v alues range from 0 to 255.
7-22 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 7 Interface Profiles Creating a SRP Side Profile Reporti ng Section Loss of Fram e Err ors — Allo ws you t o enable/d isable the loss of fra me errors a larm messages.
C HAPTER 8-1 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 8 Interface Configuration This ch apter des cribes h ow to conf igure or set u p the inter faces a ssociate d with ea ch line c ard. Y ou can configure or se t up any interface thr ough the Int erface Configuration w indows associa ted wit h each line card .
8-2 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 8 Interface Configuration Launchi ng t he Interface Co nfigurat ion Windows Note La yer 3 QoS co nfigurat ion, whi ch i nclu des CA R and W R ED, is app lic abl e to al l t ypes of int erfaces o n the 12000 Se ries R outer chassi s.
8-3 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 8 Interface Conf ig uration Generic Interface Configuration Note The Interface Conf igura tion windo ws cannot be opene d when multiple object s are selected (the menu op tions t o op en the Inte rface C onfiguration wind ows are gra yed out).
8-4 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 8 Interface Configuration Generic Int erf ac e Configura tion Viewing the Generic Interfac e Config uration Windo w T o v ie.
8-5 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 8 Interface Conf ig uration Generic Interface Configuration T o conf igure and commiss ion a selecte d interfa ce, follo w these steps: Step 1 Open the Gener ic Inter face Conf igur ation wi ndo w .
8-6 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 8 Interface Configuration ATM I nterface Config uration Adm inis trat ion S tatus — Allo ws you to enabl e or disab le the interfa ce. Link U p/D own Trap E nabl e — Allows you to choos e whe ther link up/ down traps should be genera ted for this interfac e.
8-7 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 8 Interface Conf ig uration ATM Interface Configuration The A TM Inte rface Conf igurati on win do w appe ars: Figur e 8-2 A.
8-8 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 8 Interface Configuration ATM I nterface Config uration Step 3 Choose Edit > A pply Pr of ile and th en c ho ose t he p ro file you w ish to ap ply f ro m the list displ aye d (if you are appl ying a prof ile).
8-9 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 8 Interface Conf ig uration Ethernet Interface Configuration Maxi mum VCCs — Maximu m numbe r o f VC Cs (P VCs a nd SV Cs) sup por ted at t his int erface. Maximum Acti ve VCI Bits — Not appl icable to Cisco 12000/1072 0 Router Ma nager .
8-10 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 8 Interface Configuration Ethernet In terface Conf i guration Viewing the Ethernet Interface Con figuratio n Wind ow T o v .
8-11 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 8 Interface Conf ig uration Ethernet Interface Configuration Configuring an Ethernet Interface T o conf igure an Ethe rnet I nterf ace, follo w these st eps: Step 1 Open the E therne t Interf ace Conf igurat ion windo w .
8-12 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 8 Interface Configuration Ethernet In terface Conf i guration Step 6 Conf igure th e f ields in the HSRP P arameter s tab, a s require d.
8-13 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 8 Interface Conf ig uration IP Configuration HSRP Param ete rs The HSRP Pa rame ter s a rea cont ai ns th e foll owing fields: Group Num ber — Group number on the interf ace f or which HSRP is bein g acti vated.
8-14 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 8 Interface Configuration IP Conf iguration Viewing the IP Configuratio n Windo w T o view the IP Configurat ion windo w , .
8-15 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 8 Interface Conf ig uration POS Interface Configuration Step 4 Click Sa ve to save your configuration chan ges.
8-16 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 8 Interface Configuration POS Interface Conf i guration Figur e 8-6 POS Interf ace Configur ation Windo w — POS Config T ab Step 2 Choose a Chassis , Module , and POS In terfa ce from the lists displayed at the left of the windo w .
8-17 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 8 Interface Conf ig uration POS Interface Configuration POS Interface C onfig uration W indow — Detailed Description The PO S In terface Configurat ion wi ndow conta ins one t ab, POS C onfig.
8-18 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 8 Interface Configuration APS Interface Conf iguration B2 BER Threshold Cros sing Alarm (TCA) — Set threshold limits fo r the sy stem to promp t appropriate B2 BER T CA t h reshold a larm m es sag es.
8-19 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 8 Interface Conf ig uration APS Interface Configuration Viewing the APS Configuration Window T o vi e w the A PS Configurat.
8-20 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 8 Interface Configuration APS Interface Conf iguration Adding a Working Interface T o add a working inter face, proceed as follo ws: Step 1 Choose a Chassis , Module , and POS In terfa ce from the list boxes at the lef t of the windo w .
8-21 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 8 Interface Conf ig uration APS Interface Configuration APS Configu ration Wind ow — Detailed Description The APS Configuration w indow displays a single APS tab . APS Tab The AP S t ab ( s ee Figure 8-7 on page 8-1 9 ) displays a sing le APS Interfa ce area .
8-22 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 8 Interface Configuration SRP Interface Con figur ation SRP Interface Configuration The SRP Inte rface Configurati on window allows you to configure a sele cted SRP Inte rface.
8-23 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 8 Interface Conf ig uration SRP Interface Configuration Configuring a SRP Interface T o conf igure a SRP Interf ace, pro ceed as fo llo ws: Step 1 Launch the SRP Interf ace Conf iguration win dow .
8-24 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 8 Interface Configuration SRP Interface Side Con figurat ion SRP Interface Side Con figuration The SRP Side Con figurati on window allo ws you to configure a selected SRP Side.
8-25 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 8 Interface Conf ig uration SRP Int erfa ce Sid e Confi g ura tio n Step 3 Click on the Alarms tab, if required.
8-26 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 8 Interface Configuration SRP Interface Side Con figurat ion SRP Interface Side Configuration Window — Detailed Descripti.
8-27 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 8 Interface Conf ig uration SRP Int erfa ce Sid e Confi g ura tio n Al arm s Ta b The Alarm s tab displa ys two areas: Repo.
8-28 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 8 Interface Configuration SRP Interface Side Con figurat ion.
C HAPTER 9-1 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 9 Interface Stat us This ch apter de scribe s ho w to vie w status inform ation fo r each of the in terfac es on the Cisco de vice being mana ged using the Cisco 12000/10 720 Router Manage r applicatio n.
9-2 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapte r 9 I nterfac e Statu s Launchi ng t he Interf ace St atus Wind ows Launching th e Interface Sta tus Windows Ta b l e 9 - 2 displays the Interface Status w indows that can be launche d from each obj ect type.
9-3 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 9 Interface Status Generi c Inter face Sta tus Generic Interface Status The Gene ric Inter face Stat us sect ion co ver s th.
9-4 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapte r 9 I nterfac e Statu s Generic Interf ace Status Generic Interfac e Status Win dow — Detailed Description The Gene ric Inter face Stat us tab ha s three areas : Interf ace Detai ls, Last Change Detail s, and T r ansmission De tails.
9-5 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 9 Interface Status ATM Interface Status ATM Interface Status The A TM Interf ace Status sec tion co v ers th e follo wing ar.
9-6 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapte r 9 I nterfac e Statu s ATM I nterface Status Figur e 9-2 A TM Int erf ace Stat us Windo w Step 2 Choose a Chassis , Module , and A TM Interface from the lists displ aye d at t he lef t of the wi ndow .
9-7 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 9 Interface Status ATM Interface Status ATM Receive Status The A TM Re ceive Status a rea is not a pp lica ble to Cisco 12 000 /1072 0 Route r Ma nage r .
9-8 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapte r 9 I nterfac e Statu s ATM Inter fac e Fa ul ts ATM Interface Fa ults The A TM Interface F aults section c ov ers the follo .
9-9 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 9 Interface Status DS3/E3 Interface Status Step 2 Choose a Chassis , Module , and AT M I n t e r f a c e from th e list s displa ye d at th e left of the win dow . The fault informati on is disp layed for the selected A TM interf ace.
9-10 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapte r 9 I nterfac e Statu s DS3/E3 Int erf ace Status The DS3/ E3 Interfac e Status window appears wit h the Status tab displa yed.
9-11 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 9 Interface Status DS3/E3 Interface Status DS3/E3 St atus The DS3/E 3 Status area d isplay s the follo wing fiel ds: Send Code — T ype of co de that is be ing sent acr oss the DS -3 interfac e by the device.
9-12 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapte r 9 I nterfac e Statu s SONET Inter fac e Sta tus SONET Interface St atus The SON ET Interf ace Status se ction co ve rs the.
9-13 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 9 Interface Status SON ET Inter face Sta tus Step 2 Choose a Chassis , Module , and SONET Interface from the list boxe s displayed a t the le ft of the windo w . The details for the selecte d interfa ce appear .
9-14 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapte r 9 I nterfac e Statu s SONET Inter fac e Sta tus Step 4 Choose t he L ine ta b, if requi r ed (s ee Figu re 9-7 ).
9-15 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 9 Interface Status SON ET Inter face Sta tus Step 5 Choose the Pat h tab, if re quir ed (s ee Figu re 9-8 ). Figur e 9-8 SONET Interf ace Status — Pat h T a b Note The V ir tua l Trib utar y ta b is no t appl ic able to Cisc o 120 00/10 720 Rout er Ma nage r .
9-16 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapte r 9 I nterfac e Statu s SONET Inter fac e Sta tus SONET St atu s Wi ndow — Detailed Descr iption The Sone t St at us Window displays five tabs: Med ium, Se ctio n, Lin e, Path , an d V i rtu al Tributary (not applica ble to Cisc o 1 2000/ 107 20 Rou t er M an ager ).
9-17 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 9 Interface Status SRP Interface Status Virtual Tributary The V irtual Trib utar y ta b is no t a ppli cabl e t o Cisco 120 00/ 10720 Ro uter M ana ge r .
9-18 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapte r 9 I nterfac e Statu s SRP Interface Stat us Step 2 Choose a Chassis , Module and SRP In terf ac e fro m the list boxes displaye d on the left side of t he windo w .
9-19 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 9 Interface Status SRP Sid e IPS St at u s SRP Side IP S Status The Side IPS Sta tus section co vers t he follo wing : • .
9-20 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapte r 9 I nterfac e Statu s SRP Topology Ma p IPS Status W indow — Detailed Description The IPS Status win do w displa ys two areas: IPS Status and Remote Node.
9-21 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 9 Interface Status SRP Topo log y Map Figur e 9-1 1 SRP T opolog y Map Step 2 Choose a Chassis, Module and SRP Interface from the list boxes displayed on the left side of the window .
9-22 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapte r 9 I nterfac e Statu s SRP Topology Ma p.
C HAPTER 10-1 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 10 Interface Performance This cha pter desc ribes how to view performanc e info rmation fo r each of the int erfaces on the Cisco 12000/107 20 Route rs yo u a re ma nagi ng, u si ng t he Ci sco 120 00/10 720 Ro uter Ma nager application .
10-2 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapt er 10 Int erface P erfor mance Launchi ng t he Interface Pe rforman ce Window s T able 10- 1 deta ils whic h te c hnolo gy-sp eci fic perfor manc e windows a pply to ea ch i nte rface typ e.
10-3 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 10 Interface Perform anc e Generic Inter face Perform ance Generi c Interfac e Perform ance The Ge neri c Inter face Perfor.
10-4 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapt er 10 Int erface P erfor mance Generic Int erf ac e Performa nce Step 2 Choose a Chassis , Module , and Interface from the l ist boxes displaye d at the left of the window . The interf ace per formance information for the selected interf ace appe ars in the tabs at right.
10-5 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 10 Interface Perform anc e Generic Inter face Perform ance Figu re 1 0 -3 I nter face P erformanc e Wi ndow — Perf orma nce (3) T ab The P ack ets/Octet s statistic s for t he selecte d interf ace ap pear .
10-6 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapt er 10 Int erface P erfor mance Generic Int erf ac e Performa nce T o start perf ormance log ging fo r a select ed interfa ce, pro ceed as fo llo ws: Step 1 Open the In terfa ce Performa nce win dow .
10-7 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 10 Interface Perform anc e Generic Inter face Perform ance Stopping Pe rformance Log ging for a Sele cted Interfa ce T o stop pe rform ance loggin g for a selec ted interf ace, proceed as follo ws: Step 1 Open the In terfa ce Performa nce win dow .
10-8 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapt er 10 Int erface P erfor mance Generic Int erf ac e Performa nce Generic Interfac e Performance W indow — Detailed Description The In terface Perf ormanc e window contai ns three tabs: Perfor mance (1) , Perfo rmance (2) and Perf orman ce (3).
10-9 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 10 Interface Perform anc e Generic Inter face Perform ance Performa nce Lo gging The perf ormance Logging are a displays Start an d Stop buttons. Start — Click Star t to begin performa nce logg ing for the selected interface .
10-10 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapt er 10 Int erface P erfor mance SONET In ter fac e Perform ance Performance (3) Tab The Pe rform ance (3 ) tab (see Figure 1 0-3 ) displays a single Pack ets/Octets Statistic s (High Capacity) area .
10-11 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 10 Interface Perform anc e SONE T Inte rfa ce Perfor ma nc e Figur e 1 0-8 SONET I nterf ace P erf or mance — Sec tion T ab Step 2 Choose a Chassis , Module , and SONET Interface from t he list box es at th e left of the w indo w .
10-12 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapt er 10 Int erface P erfor mance SONET In ter fac e Perform ance Figur e 1 0-9 SONET I nterf ace P erf or mance — Lin e T ab Step 4 Choose the Pat h tab, if requi red .
10-13 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 10 Interface Perform anc e SONE T Inte rfa ce Perfor ma nc e Figur e 1 0-1 0 SONET Int erf ace P erfor mance — Pa t h T a b Note The V ir tua l Trib utar y ta b is no t appl ic able to Cisc o 120 00/10 720 Rout er Ma nage r .
10-14 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapt er 10 Int erface P erfor mance SONET In ter fac e Perform ance SONET Performan ce Wind ow — Detailed Description The SONE .
10-15 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 10 Interface Perform anc e DS3/E3 Int erf ace Per for ma nce Path Tab The P ath tab (see Figure 10-10 on pag e 10-13 ) displays tw o areas: P ath and Far End P ath.
10-16 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapt er 10 Int erface P erfor mance DS3/E3 Int erf ace Perf orm a nce Figur e 1 0-1 1 DS3/E3 Int erf ace Perf orman ce Windo w — DS3 P erfor mance T ab Step 2 Choose a Chassis , Module , and DS3 Interf ace fr om the list box es displayed at t he left of the w indo w .
10-17 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 10 Interface Perform anc e DS3/E3 Int erf ace Per for ma nce Figur e 1 0-12 DS3/E3 Int erfac e P erfor mance Windo w — E.
10-18 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapt er 10 Int erface P erfor mance DS3/E3 Int erf ace Perf orm a nce DS3 St ati stics The DS3/E3 Statistics ar ea displays the foll owing in formation: C-bi t C oding V iolati ons — Numbe r of C-bit codi ng violat ions encount ered by the int erface.
10-19 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 10 Interface Perform anc e Ethernet Inter face Perf ormance Ethernet Interfa ce Performance The Ethe rnet In terface Perfo.
10-20 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapt er 10 Int erface P erfor mance Ethernet In terface Perf orm ance Step 2 Choose a Chassis , Module , and Eth ernet I nt er fa ce fro m the lis t boxes displayed at the left of the windo w .
10-21 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 10 Interface Perform anc e SRP Per formanc e SRP Pe rformance The SRP Perfor mance se ction covers the following areas: .
10-22 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapt er 10 Int erface P erfor mance SRP Performance Figur e 1 0-15 SRP P erfor mance windo w — Outer Ring tab Step 4 Click on the Inner Ring tab, if require d.
10-23 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 10 Interface Perform anc e SRP Per formanc e Figur e 1 0-16 SRP P erfor mance Windo w — Inner Ring T ab Step 5 Click on the Side tab, if required.
10-24 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapt er 10 Int erface P erfor mance SRP Performance Figur e 1 0-1 7 SRP P e rfor mance windo w — Side tab Note T he perfor manc e windo ws are not appli cable to t he OC- 12 line cards .
10-25 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 10 Interface Perform anc e SRP Per formanc e Interface Tab The Inter face tab displays three areas: Co unters for last x s.
10-26 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapt er 10 Int erface P erfor mance SRP Performance Outer Ring Tab The Oute r Ring tab d isplays thr ee areas: Cou nters for la s.
10-27 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 10 Interface Perform anc e SRP Per formanc e Inner Ring Tab The Inne r Ring tab displays t hree area s: Counters for last .
10-28 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapt er 10 Int erface P erfor mance SRP Side Performanc e Side Tab The Si de t ab d is play s thr ee a rea s: Co unte rs for l ast x se co nds, Si de A D ata Traf fic (Bytes) and Si de B Data Traf fic (B ytes ) .
10-29 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 10 Interface Perform anc e SRP S i de Per for manc e Viewing the SRP Side P erformance W indow T o view the SRP Side Perfo.
10-30 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapt er 10 Int erface P erfor mance SRP Side Performanc e Figur e 1 0-19 SRP Side P erfor mance windo w — Host ta b Step 4 Click on the Errors tab , if required .
10-31 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 10 Interface Perform anc e SRP S i de Per for manc e Note T he perfor mance dia logs ar e not appl icable to the OC-12 line car ds SRP Side Pe rformanc e Wind ow — Detailed Description The SRP Side Perfor mance window displays three tab s: Ring, Host and Errors.
10-32 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapt er 10 Int erface P erfor mance SRP Side Performanc e Lo w Priority Multicast — Displays the number of lo w priority multic ast octets recei ved from the physical layer .
10-33 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 10 Interface Perform anc e SRP S i de Per for manc e Octe ts Ou t Lo w Priorit y Unicast — Displays the nu mbe r of low prio rity un ica st oc te ts go ing to the h igher l ayer .
10-34 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapt er 10 Int erface P erfor mance SRP Side Performanc e.
C HAPTER 11-1 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 11 Layer 3 QoS This chap ter describes ho w to create an d config ure Layer 3 QoS (Quality of Service), Commit ted Access Rate (CAR) policie s, Cos Queue gr oups and W eighte d Random Ea rly Dete ction T o-Fabric (WR ED T oFab) po licies.
11-2 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 11 Layer 3 QoS Launchi ng t he Layer 3 Q oS Wi ndows Note Cisc o 12000/107 20 Route r Manager windows cannot be ope ned when multipl e objects ar e selected (the menu option s to open the Cisc o 12000/10 720 Router Manager wind ows are grayed out).
11-3 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapte r 11 La yer 3 Qo S CAR and WRED Ove rview CAR and WRED Overview Access Lis ts Access lists en hance the abilit ies of a CAR poli cy . For exam ple, acc ess lists allo w you to specify cer tain types of traf f ic, or cer tain loca tions wher e the traf fic is comi ng from.
11-4 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 11 Layer 3 QoS CAR and WR ED Ov erview Towards the Fabric (ToFab) T oFa b describ es the recei ve side tra ff ic queues fro m a line card to (to wards) th e Switch fabr ic.
11-5 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapte r 11 La yer 3 Qo S CAR and WRED Ove rview Implications of Engin e Ty pe Engine type refers t o differen t ha rdware arch itectu res. From a m anag ement perspec tiv e, the engin e type determines w hat f unc tio nality is a vailable to th e cli ent.
11-6 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 11 Layer 3 QoS The Workfl ow for CAR The Workflow for CAR T o be gin w orki ng wit h CAR o bjects , proc eed as follo ws: Step 1 Create and conf igure a CAR polic y . Step 2 Create and conf igure an access list (optio nal).
11-7 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapte r 11 La yer 3 Qo S CAR Policy Configuration • A vailab le e x ceed- actions are: – drop (drop pa cket) – set-p rec-tra.
11-8 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 11 Layer 3 QoS CAR Policy Configura tion Figur e 1 1 -1 CAR P olicy Configura tion Windo w Step 2 Choose Creat e CAR P olicy . A po pup w indow appe a rs aski ng for yo u to e nte r a nam e fo r th e CA R polic y .
11-9 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapte r 11 La yer 3 Qo S CAR Policy Configuration Step 4 In the Act ions ar ea, choos e the righ t facing a rrow to mov e the sel ected access list into the Re quired Access List. Step 5 Choose Save to sa ve the changes .
11-10 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 11 Layer 3 QoS Access List Conf igura tion Exceed Action The Ex cee d A c tio n ar ea co n tai ns t he fo llowin g fie lds : Continue — Evalu ate the next rate-limit command.
11-11 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapte r 11 La yer 3 Qo S Access List Con figuration Figur e 1 1 -2 A ccess List Configu ratio n — General T ab Step 2 Choose Creat e Acce ss List . A popup w indow ap pea rs a sking yo u t o e nter a nam e fo r t he acc ess l ist .
11-12 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 11 Layer 3 QoS Access List Conf igura tion Access List Configu ra tion W indow — Detailed D escription The Ac cess Li st Configuratio n window contai ns one button, Crea te .
11-13 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapte r 11 La yer 3 Qo S Access List Con figuration IP Standard Tab The IP Stand ard tab displays a si ngle IP Standa rd area: Fi.
11-14 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 11 Layer 3 QoS Access List Conf igura tion IP Addre ss — IP address of the ho st (or so urce of the pa cket ) for which the access act ion is applic able.
11-15 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapte r 11 La yer 3 Qo S Access List Con figuration MAC The MA C tab ap pears as follo ws: Figur e 1 1 -5 A ccess List Configu ratio n — MA C T ab The MA C tab contains one area: MA C.
11-16 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 11 Layer 3 QoS Access List Conf igura tion IP Extended Tab The IP Extended ta b displays a singl e IP Extended area. T he IP Extended area is fur ther split into three sub-ar eas: Dynam ic List , Source, and Destinatio n.
11-17 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapte r 11 La yer 3 Qo S Access List Con figuration Dynamic — Def in es the se lect ed access lis t to be dy n am ic. Dynami c access list s gra nt ac cess pe r us e r to a speci fic sour ce or destin ation ho st thro ugh a user auth enticatio n proc ess.
11-18 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 11 Layer 3 QoS CAR Policy Apply CAR Po licy Apply The CAR Pol icy Apply secti on covers the following area s: • Applying.
11-19 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapte r 11 La yer 3 Qo S CAR Pol i cy A pply Step 4 When you have mo ved the CAR policy choose Apply . Note If a CAR poli cy fails to be app lied to an i nterface the A pply Status a rea on t he CAR Policy Apply window (see Figure 11-7 ) is updat ed a cco rding ly .
11-20 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 11 Layer 3 QoS CAR Policy Apply Figur e 1 1 -8 Dep loyme nt Wizar d — Summary Step 3 Choose Finish , and the CAR poli cy is deleted . If deletion f ails, another interfac e might be curren tly using t he C AR pol icy , ther ef or e you c an not de lete th e o bj ect .
11-21 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapte r 11 La yer 3 Qo S CAR Po l icy S t at u s Left ar row b utto n (<<) — Allows you to mov e CAR polici es from the Requ ired Order list to the A va ilable Policies list.
11-22 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 11 Layer 3 QoS The Workflow fo r WRED/DRR Figur e 1 1 -9 CAR P olicy Status Win dow Step 2 Choos e the correc t Chassis , Module , a nd IP Interfac e from the list boxes at the left of the wind ow .
11-23 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapte r 11 La yer 3 Qo S CoS Queu e Group Con figurat ion CoS Queue Group Config uration The CoS Que ue Group Configura tion sect.
11-24 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 11 Layer 3 QoS CoS Queue Grou p Configura tion Step 2 Choose Creat e . Step 3 Enter t he C oS q ue ue gr oup nam e, t hen ch oose Ok . A w indow appe ars, confirmi ng if the CosQ gro up creat i on was succe ssful or not.
11-25 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapte r 11 La yer 3 Qo S CoS Queu e Group Con figurat ion Figur e 1 1 -1 1 D eplo yment Wizar d — Summary Step 3 Click Finish , and the CoS queu e group is delet e d.
11-26 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 11 Layer 3 QoS CoS Queue Grou p Configura tion IP Precedence The I P Preced ence ar ea cont ains a table with tw o head ings: I P Preced ence and Drop Label.
11-27 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapte r 11 La yer 3 Qo S CoS Queu e Group Con figurat ion DRR Tab The DR R tab ap pear s as foll ows: Figur e 1 1 -12 CoS Queu e Gr oup Configu ratio n Windo w — DRR T ab The DRR tab h as tw o area s: DRR Mappin g and DRR Queue .
11-28 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 11 Layer 3 QoS WRED Tx Config uration WRED Tx Configuration The WRED Tx Conf igurat ion secti on cov ers the f ollo wing a.
11-29 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapte r 11 La yer 3 Qo S WRED Tx Configu ration Figur e 1 1 -13 WRED Tx Confi gura tion Windo w Step 2 Choose the Cha ssis , Module and Interface to apply th e CoS queue gro up to from the list boxes display ed at th e left of the wind o w .
11-30 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 11 Layer 3 QoS WRED Tx Config uration Removi ng a Co S Qu eue Group fr om a n Interfa ce T o re move an applied CoS queu e.
11-31 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapte r 11 La yer 3 Qo S WRED Tx Configu ration WRED Tx Co nfiguration Win dow — Detailed Description The WRED Tx Configuration wind ow displays a single Tx Config tab.
11-32 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 11 Layer 3 QoS WRED ToFa b Configura tion WRED ToFab Configu ration The WRED T oFab section cov e rs the follo wing areas:.
11-33 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapte r 11 La yer 3 Qo S WRED ToFab C onfigu ration Figur e 1 1 -14 T oF ab Configuratio n Windo w — T oF ab P olicy Co nfiguration T ab Step 2 Click Cr eate . Step 3 Enter the W RED T oFab po licy n ame , and the n choos e Ok .
11-34 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 11 Layer 3 QoS WRED ToFa b Configura tion Step 3 Modify the p aram e ters in the T oFab Co nfigurat ion ta b, as requ i red. See WRED T oFab Policy Configuration Windo w — Detailed Descri ption for fu rthe r de tai ls.
11-35 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapte r 11 La yer 3 Qo S WRED ToFab C onfigu ration Step 4 Click Fin ish , and the T oFab polic y is deleted. Note If d ele tion fa ils, another module/ line card might b e curr ently using the T oFab polic y; the re for e, you ca nnot de lete the o bje ct.
11-36 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 11 Layer 3 QoS WRED Rx Configuratio n WRED Rx Configuration The WRED Rx Configuratio n section cov ers the follo wing area.
11-37 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapte r 11 La yer 3 Qo S WRED Rx Config ura tion Step 2 Choose the Chassis and Module to as sociate the T oFab polic y from th e list box displayed a t the left o f the windo w . More than one Chassis or Module can be select ed at a time.
11-38 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 11 Layer 3 QoS WRED Rx Configuratio n WRED Rx Co nfiguration Win dow — Detailed Description The WRE D Rx Co nfigurat ion wi ndow displa ys a si ngle Rx Co nfigurat ion T ab.
C HAPTER 12-1 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 12 Managing ATM Conn ectio ns This c hapt er d escrib es the A TM con necti ons suppor ted by the Cisc o 12000/10 720 Rout er Manager appli cation a nd guides you through the cr eati on and configura tion of thes e connec tions.
12-2 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 12 Managing AT M Connections ATM Conne ctions Sup por ted by Cisc o 120 00 /1 07 2 0 Router Man ager ATM Connections Sup po.
12-3 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 12 Managing AT M Connec tions ATM Connectio ns Suppor ted by Cisco 12000/ 10720 Router Manag er SVC Conne ctions An SVC is modele d in Cisc o 1200 0/10720 R outer M anager a s an object deployed be neath two interfac es (see Figur e 12- 2 ).
12-4 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 12 Managing AT M Connections Launchi ng t he ATM C onne ctions Wi nd ows Launching th e ATM Connect ions Windows T able 12-.
12-5 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 12 Managing AT M Connec tions ATM Connect ion Sync hroniz ation • Data has be en provisi oned ont o the device via Cisc o 12000 /10720 R outer Ma nager but a Write M em has not been pe rform ed.
12-6 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 12 Managing AT M Connections ATM Co nnection Synchro nization Normal Policy This set ting sp ecif i es that the C isco de vice is the ref erence poin t for PVC cr eations and dele tions .
12-7 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 12 Managing AT M Connec tions Creati ng ATM Conn ections Creating ATM Connectio ns T o create a PVC or SVC, proc eed as f ollo ws: 1.
12-8 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 12 Managing AT M Connections Upload ing Existin g AT M Connec tions and QoS Profiles Naming Conv ention fo r the Uploa ded .
12-9 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 12 Managing AT M Connec tions Uploading Existing ATM Connections and QoS Profiles • V iewing the A TM C onnec tio n Uplo .
12-10 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 12 Managing AT M Connections Upload ing Existin g AT M Connec tions and QoS Profiles Uploading Existing ATM Connections and ATM QoS Profiles Note On ly PVC c onn ect ions ca n be u ploa ded ( SV C u ploa d is not av ailabl e).
12-11 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 12 Managing AT M Connec tions Uploading Existing ATM Connections and QoS Profiles Figur e 12-6 A TM Connec tion Upload Win.
12-12 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 12 Managing AT M Connections Managin g ATM QoS Pro files Upload Status — Upload status me ssages f or the first selected chassis.
12-13 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 12 Managing AT M Connec tions Managing ATM QoS Profiles Figur e 12-7 A TM QoS Pr ofiles Configur ation Window — Profile T ab See “ A TM QoS Prof il es Conf igurat ion W indo w — Detail ed Descr iption ” section on p age 12-17 for furthe r details .
12-14 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 12 Managing AT M Connections Managin g ATM QoS Pro files Step 4 Click Ok .. The A TM Q oS Profiles Configura tion window reap pear s with the new profile name di splayed in the QoS Profil es list at left-hand-si de of the windo w .
12-15 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 12 Managing AT M Connec tions Managing ATM QoS Profiles T o edit an existing A TM QoS Profile, procee d as follows: Step 1 Right-click on an interface , then choose Cisco 12000/1072 0 Manager>C onf igurat ion>Interface> QoS> A TM QoS Profi le Configuration .
12-16 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 12 Managing AT M Connections Managin g ATM QoS Pro files Figur e 12-1 0 Deplo yment Wizar d — S u mma ry W i ndow Step 4 Click Fin ish to delete the selected prof ile. An Info rmation windo w appears to conf irm that the prof ile has been delet ed.
12-17 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 12 Managing AT M Connec tions Managing ATM QoS Profiles ATM QoS Profiles C onfiguration Window — Detailed Description The A TM QoS Profiles Configuration window displays two tabs: Profile and RxTx Parame ters.
12-18 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 12 Managing AT M Connections Deployin g ATM Con nection O bjects Deploying AT M Con nection Objec ts This se ction de scribe s how to deploy A TM co nnec tion o bjec ts ( tha t is, PV C and SVC obje cts) .
12-19 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 12 Managing AT M Connec tions Deploying ATM Connection Objects Figur e 12 -12 Deplo yment Wizar d — Te m p l a t e s Ste.
12-20 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 12 Managing AT M Connections Deployin g ATM Con nection O bjects Step 6 Enter the VPI and V CI values for the P VC objec t. Step 7 Enter ei ther 0 or 1t o disable or enable th e Auto Allocate Sou rce for t he PVC object.
12-21 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 12 Managing AT M Connec tions Deploying ATM Connection Objects Figur e 12 - 15 Ob jec t Select or Windo w Step 12 N avigate down the h ierar chy un til you find the inter face you wish to depl oy the PVC un der .
12-22 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 12 Managing AT M Connections Deployin g ATM Con nection O bjects Deploying an SV C Obje ct T o dep loy a SVC object on a m.
12-23 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 12 Managing AT M Connec tions Deploying ATM Connection Objects Figur e 12 -18 Deploy ment Wizar d — Object P aramet ers Step 3 Enter the n umb er o f SVC conne c tions you want to depl oy .
12-24 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 12 Managing AT M Connections Deployin g ATM Con nection O bjects Figur e 12-19 Deplo yment Wizar d — Object P aramet ers Step 6 Enter the prof ile name of the SVC object. Step 7 Enter th e destination NSAP addr ess for the S VC object.
12-25 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 12 Managing AT M Connec tions Deploying ATM Connection Objects Figur e 12 -20 Deploy ment Wiza rd — Vie w s Step 10 Cho ose Select to open the o bject se lector w indo w .
12-26 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 12 Managing AT M Connections Deployin g ATM Con nection O bjects Figur e 12 -21 Deplo yment Wizar d — Object Select or Step 11 N avigate down the h ier ar chy un til y ou find the in ter face w hic h will be th e l ocal en dpo in t.
12-27 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 12 Managing AT M Connec tions Deploying ATM Connection Objects Figur e 12 -22 Deploy ment Wiza rd — Obje ct P aramet ers.
12-28 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 12 Managing AT M Connections Applying an A TM QoS Profile to an ATM Connect io n Figur e 12-23 Deplo y ment Summary Step 14 Click Finish if the Deplo yment Summary inf ormation is corre ct.
12-29 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 12 Managing AT M Connec tions Applyin g an ATM QoS Pr ofil e to an ATM Conn ection Figur e 12 -24 A TM QoS Pr ofiles Manag.
12-30 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 12 Managing AT M Connections ATM PVC Configuratio n ATM PVC Configuration The PVC Config uration section co vers the follo.
12-31 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 12 Managing AT M Connec tions ATM PVC Configuration Step 3 Configure the fields in both ta bs, using th e drop-down lists and d ata entry boxes.
12-32 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 12 Managing AT M Connections ATM PVC Configuratio n Decommis sioning or Re -Commis si oning a PV C When you connect a PV C, it is automatica lly commissioned as well. Decommission ing does n ot disconnec t the PVC.
12-33 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 12 Managing AT M Connec tions ATM PVC Configuration Figu re 12-2 7 A T M V CL Co nfi g urati on — OA M P i ng t a b Step 3 An ac tio n rep or t sum ma riz ing the ping op er ati on is di spla yed.
12-34 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 12 Managing AT M Connections ATM PVC Configuratio n Figur e 12-29 O AM Ping T ab af ter P ing oper ation ATM VCL Co nfigur.
12-35 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 12 Managing AT M Connec tions ATM PVC Configuration OAM I nform atio n The OAM Informatio n area is not app licable to Cisco 12000 /10720 Rout er Manage r .
12-36 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 12 Managing AT M Connections ATM PVC Configuratio n Subscriber The Sub scribe r area contain s one f ield: Subscrib er I D — T ype i n your subscribe r ID.
12-37 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 12 Managing AT M Connec tions SVC Configuration Actio n Ping — In vokes the O AM p ing opera tion.
12-38 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 12 Managing AT M Connections SVC Configuration Step 2 Choose the Cha ssis , Module , Inte rface , a nd Connections (SVC) from the list boxes at the left of the windo w . Enter the rele v ant v a lues in the tab, using the drop-do wn lists and data entry box es.
12-39 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 12 Managing AT M Connec tions SVC Configuration SVC P a ra meter s The SVC P arameters area allo ws you to conf igure the fo llo wing f ields: NSAP Addres s (Networ k Service Access Poi nt) — A TM add re ss you ne ed to provide if you are configuring an SVC.
12-40 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 12 Managing AT M Connections PVC Status PVC St atus Step 1 Right-click on a specifie d line card, then choo se Cisco 12000/ 10720 Manage r>Fault>Interface> A TM> Connections Status .
12-41 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 12 Managing AT M Connec tions PV C S tatu s Figur e 12 -32 A TM V CL Status Wind ow — OAM T a b ATM VCL Sta tus Win dow — Detailed Description The A T M VCL Status wind ow displays two tabs: Status and OAM.
12-42 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 12 Managing AT M Connections PVC Status Chara cteristi cs The Char acteri stics area is no t applicab le to Cisco 1 2000/107 20 Router Manager . OAM D etai ls The OAM Details area is not appli cable to Cisco 12000/10 720 Rout er Mana ger .
C HAPTER 13-1 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 13 Managing VLANs This c hapt er d escri b es t he V LAN func ti onal ity su ppo rted by t he C is co 12000/1 072 0 R oute r Ma nage r applica ti on an d guide s y ou thro ugh the proc ess o f cr eat ing an d con figuring VL AN obj ects.
13-2 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapte r 13 Managing VLANs VLA N Sync hr oniz atio n VLAN Synchronization VLAN synch ronization is pro vided to synchronize the EM with the VLAN inf ormation p resent i n the network.
13-3 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 13 Managing VLA N s VLAN Sync hroniz ation Figur e 13-1 VLAN Sync hroniz e Windo w Step 2 Click Synchr onize to initiate the synchro nization process.
13-4 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapte r 13 Managing VLANs Deployin g VLAN obj ects Figur e 13-3 VLAN Sync hroniz e — Stat us Windo w Deploying VLAN obj ects Cisco 1 2000/ 107 20 Rou ter M anag er pr ovides depl oyment wi zard d ialog s to de ploy a Dom ain , VLAN and a VLAN s ub-interf ace.
13-5 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 13 Managing VLA N s Deployin g VLAN objects Figur e 13 -4 Dep loying a VLAN o bject The Depl oyme nt W izard - T emplates windo w appears (s ee Figu re 13-5 ) displa ying a list o f a v ailable VLAN ob ject dep loyment pr ofiles.
13-6 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapte r 13 Managing VLANs Deployin g VLAN obj ects Figu re 13-6 D eploym ent W i zard — Object P aramet ers Windo w Step 5 Enter the numbe r of Domains required. A single domain was enter ed in this example .
13-7 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 13 Managing VLA N s Deployin g VLAN objects Figu re 13-8 D eploym ent W i zard — Summary Step 9 Click Fin ish (when t he D epl oyment Summa ry inf orma tio n is displ aye d) to com pl ete de ployment and close th e Deployme nt Wi zard - Summar y window .
13-8 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapte r 13 Managing VLANs Deployin g VLAN obj ects The Depl oyme nt W izard - T emplates windo w appears (s ee Figu re 13-5 ) displayi ng a list of av ailable VLAN o bj ect dep loym ent pr ofiles.
13-9 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 13 Managing VLA N s Deployin g VLAN objects Figur e 13-1 1 Deplo yment Wizar d — Object P ar amet ers Windo w Step 6 Enter the numb er of VLAN ob jec ts required to be deplo yed.
13-10 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapte r 13 Managing VLANs Deployin g VLAN obj ects Figur e 13 -13 Deplo yment Wizar d — Object P ar amet ers Step 11 En ter the I P a ddres s of t he sub- int erfac e to b e de ployed un de r the VLA N o bj ect .
13-11 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 13 Managing VLA N s Deployin g VLAN objects Figur e 13 -14 Deplo yment Wizar d — Vi e w s Step 15 Cho ose Select .
13-12 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapte r 13 Managing VLANs Deployin g VLAN obj ects Figur e 13 - 15 Ob jec t Select or Windo w Step 16 N avigate d own the hier ar chy unt il you find the int erfac e you wish t o depl oy the VL AN obje ct und er .
13-13 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 13 Managing VLA N s Deployin g VLAN objects Figur e 13 -16 Deplo yment Wizar d — Vi e w s Step 18 Click Fo r w a r d . The Depl oyme nt - Wizard Sum mary wi n dow appears.
13-14 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapte r 13 Managing VLANs VLAN Conf ig uration Step 19 Click Finish (when th e Deploym ent Summa ry inform ation is displa yed) to com plete dep loymen t and close t he D ep loym en t Wizard - Summa ry wi ndo w .
13-15 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 13 Managing VLA N s VLAN Configuration Figur e 13-19 VLAN Configur a tion Windo w Step 2 Choose a Domain and VLAN from the list boxes displ ayed at the left of the windo w .
13-16 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapte r 13 Managing VLANs VLAN Conf ig uration Figur e 13-20 A ction Repor t Windo w Step 4 Click Close to close the Act ion Rep ort win dow .
13-17 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 13 Managing VLA N s VLAN Configuration Figur e 13-21 A ction Repor t Windo w Step 4 Choose Cl o se to clos e the Action Report wi ndow .
13-18 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapte r 13 Managing VLANs VLAN Conf ig uration Figur e 13-22 A ction Repor t Windo w Step 4 Choose Cl o se to clos e the Action Report wi ndow .
13-19 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 13 Managing VLA N s VLAN Pe r forma nc e Figur e 13-23 A ction Repor t Windo w Step 4 Choose Cl o se to clos e the Action Report wi ndow . VLAN Configuration Window — Detailed Description The VLA N Configuration window displays a single Configuration tab .
13-20 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapte r 13 Managing VLANs VLAN Perf orm a nce The VLA N Perform ance sec tion provide s the following info rmation: • V iewing .
13-21 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 13 Managing VLA N s Reparent ing VLANs and VLAN Su b-Inte rfaces VLAN Perfo rmance W indow — Detailed Description The VL AN Perfor mance w indo w (se e Figure 13-24 on page 13-2 0 ) displays a singl e VLAN Performan ce tab .
13-22 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapte r 13 Managing VLANs Delet in g VLAN Objec ts Figu re 13-25 VLA N — Repar ent Objects Wind ow Step 2 Select a p arent obje ct from the l ist of VLAN objects displa yed under the sp ecif ic domain in th e VLAN view .
13-23 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 13 Managing VLA N s Deleting VLAN Obje cts Figur e 13 -26 Deplo yment Wizar d — Summary Step 3 Click Fin ish , and the VLAN obje ct is dele ted.
13-24 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapte r 13 Managing VLANs Delet in g VLAN Objec ts.
C HAPTER 14-1 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 14 Routing This chapt er descri bes the Bo rder Gateway Protocol and the Open Shor test Path First Ro uting Prot ocol. Bord er G ate way Pr otoc ol is an e xterio r gat e wa y ro uting pro tocol that add ress es t he ta sk of pa th determin ation.
14-2 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 14 Routing BGP M anagem ent Note The routing windo ws cannot be opened when multip le objects are selecte d (the menu options to open the windows are gr ayed out) .
14-3 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 14 Routing BGP Configuration BGP Configuration The BGP Configurat ion window allows the user to en able, mo dify and disa ble a BGP process in the device.
14-4 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 14 Routing BGP Co nfiguration Figur e 14-1 BGP Co nfigur ation Windo w — BGP Details Step 2 Choose the chassis from the left side of the windo w .
14-5 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 14 Routing BGP Configuration BGP Information BGP Identif ier — It is t he Router Iden tif ier f or the BGP speaking router .
14-6 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 14 Routing BGP Co nfiguration Figur e 14-2 En able BGP Windo w Step 4 Choose the chassis from the left side of the windo w . Step 5 Enter a v alue for the BGP AS Numb er . Step 6 Choos e the Enable B GP but ton.
14-7 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 14 Routing BGP Configuration Modifying B GP on a C hass is The B GP Mod ify Window allows the user to modi fy th e BG P Configur ation s on t he device. T o modif y a BGP process, pr oceed as fo llows: Step 1 Open the BGP Configurati on window .
14-8 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 14 Routing BGP Co nfiguration Step 4 Choose the chassis from the left side of the windo w .
14-9 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 14 Routing BGP Configuration Figu re 14- 4 Dis a ble BGP — Alert Step 4 Click Y es to disable BGP on the c hassis.
14-10 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 14 Routing BGP Co nfiguration Step 3 Choose the chassis from the left side of the windo w . Network Tab — Detailed Description The Networ k tab displays a singl e area, BGP Ne twork Informa tion.
14-11 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 14 Routing BGP Configuration BGP Network C onfiguration The BG P Ne twork Co nfigurati on w indow all ows the use r t o add or r emove a net work e ntr y to be advertised through the BGP Network.
14-12 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 14 Routing BGP Co nfiguration Network Addre ss — The is u se d t o c onfigure t he I P a ddr ess of a n etwor k to b e ad vertise d thro ugh BGP .
14-13 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 14 Routing BGP Configuration Neighbor Tab — Detailed Description The Neighbor tab displays a single area , BGP Neighbor Informatio n. BGP Neighbor Information Neighbor I P A ddre ss — Specifies the IP a ddr ess of the n eighbor r outer .
14-14 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 14 Routing BGP Co nfiguration Step 3 Click on the Ad d/Re move Neighb or button. Th e BG P Ne ighb or Con figuration win dow appea rs. Figur e 14-8 BG P Neighbor Configura tion Windo w Step 4 Edit the fields displayed in the wi ndow , as required.
14-15 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 14 Routing BGP Configuration Action Add Neig hbor En try — Clic king on t he Add Ne ighbor E ntry ac tion button a dds the nei ghbor ent ry in the device.
14-16 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 14 Routing BGP Co nfiguration Redistribution Tab — Detailed Description The Redist ribution tab displays a si ngle area,.
14-17 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 14 Routing BGP Configuration Figur e 14-1 0 BG P Redistr ibute Co nfigur ation Win dow Step 4 Edit the fields displayed in the wi ndow , as required.
14-18 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 14 Routing BGP Stat us BGP Status The BG P Sta tus w ind ow displays the B GP co nfigurat ion s exis ting o n the device incl udi ng basic BG P information , path infor mation, peer information an d redistrib ution information.
14-19 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 14 Routing BGP Status Figur e 14-12 BGP Stat us — Networ k T ab Step 3 Choose the Nei ghbor tab , if required. The Neighbo r tab displays th e inform ation about BGP Peers and it contains one entry per BGP Peer, information about the connec tions with BGP Peers.
14-20 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 14 Routing BGP Stat us Figur e 14-13 BGP Stat us — Neighbor T ab Step 4 Choose the Redistrib u tion tab, if required . The Redistrib utio n tab displays the redist rib uted informa tion from othe r routing pro tocol s.
14-21 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 14 Routing BGP Status Figur e 14-14 BGP Stat us — Redistr ibution T ab BGP Status W indow — Detailed Description The BG P Sta tus w ind ow displays fo ur t abs : BGP-D et ails, Ne twork, N ei ghb or an d R ed istri bution.
14-22 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 14 Routing BGP Stat us BGP Aut o-S umma ry — It disp lays w hethe r Au to matic ne twork numbe r summa riz ation fo r BGP i s enab led or disable d. BGP Log Neig hbor-Changes — It displays wh ether logging of BGP neig hbor resets is e nabled or disabled .
14-23 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 14 Routing BGP Add ress-Family S ynchroniz ation State — Specifies the s tate of the n eighbor route r that c an be one of I dle, A ctive, Estab lished , Open s ent, Connec t or Op enconf irm.
14-24 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 14 Routing BGP A ddress- Famil y Synch ronizatio n T o synchronize the BGP address fam ilies, proceed as follo ws: Step 1 Right cl ick on a chas sis and c hoose Conf iguration>BGP>BGP Address-F a mily Synchronization .
14-25 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 14 Routing BGP Add ress-Family S ynchroniz ation Figur e 14 -16 Ac tion Repor t Step 3 The st atus of the s ynchr oni zati on pr oc ess i s d ispl ayed in t he Syn ch ron izatio n Sta tus ar ea i n the BG P Address- Family Syn chron izat ion wind ow .
14-26 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 14 Routing BGP Add ress Fam i ly Config urat ion BGP Add ress- Fa mily Sync hr oniza tion — Detailed Description The BGP Addre ss-Family Synchr onization window displays a single tab: Synchroniza tion.
14-27 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 14 Routing BGP Address Family Configuration Viewing the AF-General Tab on the B GP Addres s-Family Config uration Win dow The AF-Ge neral tab dis plays the BGP addr ess family parameter s.
14-28 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 14 Routing BGP Add ress Fam i ly Config urat ion AF-Gener al Tab — Detailed Description The AF-G ener al tab disp lays two areas: BGP Gene ral and BGP Ad dress Family Infor mation.
14-29 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 14 Routing BGP Address Family Configuration Figur e 14-1 9 Configur e Addr ess F amily Window Step 4 Choose the chassi s from the Cha ssis list for which you wa nt to configure the BGP ad dress family .
14-30 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 14 Routing BGP Add ress Fam i ly Config urat ion Note This attrib ute is configurable only for the ipv4 unicast and ipv4 vrf address families. Send Community — Specif ies the community attribu te sent in the route updates to a peer .
14-31 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 14 Routing BGP Address Family Configuration Figu re 14- 2 0 B GP Address Family — Modify Add r ess F amily P aramet e rs.
14-32 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 14 Routing BGP Add ress Fam i ly Config urat ion Defa ult Metr ic — This is used to set the v alue for the redistrib u ted routes for the address f amily . Note This attrib ute is not config urable only for the vpn v4 unicast address familie s.
14-33 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 14 Routing BGP Address Family Configuration Step 3 Choose the C hassis and the Address Family fro m the left side of the window .
14-34 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 14 Routing BGP Add ress Fam i ly Config urat ion Figu re 14- 2 2 B GP Address Family — Networ k Configurat ion Windo w S.
14-35 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 14 Routing BGP Address Family Configuration Actio n Add Network Entry — Clicking the “ Add Network Entry ” b utton, ad ds the ne tw o rk entry for the ad dre s s fam ily on the de vice.
14-36 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 14 Routing BGP Add ress Fam i ly Config urat ion AF-Neighbor Ta b — Detailed Description The AF -Neighbor tab displa ys a single are a: Neighbor Informa tion.
14-37 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 14 Routing BGP Address Family Configuration Figu re 14- 2 4 B GP Address Family — Neighbor Configur ation Windo w Step 4 Choose the chassis from the Chassis list a nd the ad dress f amily from the Address F amily L ist, for which you want t o configure the Ne ighb or .
14-38 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 14 Routing BGP Add ress Fam i ly Config urat ion Send Community — This is used to select the commu nity attrib ute sent in the r oute updates to a pe er . The default is not to send commu nity a ttribute in ro ute u pdates .
14-39 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 14 Routing BGP Address Family Configuration Figu re 14- 25 BG P Address -Family Co nfi g urat ion W in dow — AF-Redistr ibut e T ab Step 3 Choose the C hassis and the Address Family fro m the left side of the window .
14-40 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 14 Routing BGP Add ress Fam i ly Config urat ion BGP Address Family — Redistrib ute Con figuration The BGP Address Family - Redistribut e Configurat ion windo w allow s the user to add or remov e redistribute configurat ion s f or BG P add re ss fami lies.
14-41 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 14 Routing BGP Address-Family Status BGP Address Family-C onfigure Red istribute Pro tocol — Detailed Description The BGP Address F amily - Conf igure Redistribu te Protocol windo w displays a list Address Familie s and an area: A dd/Remove Redistribution Inf ormat ion.
14-42 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 14 Routing BGP Addre ss-F a mi ly Sta t us Figur e 14 -27 BGP A ddr ess-F a mily Status Wi ndow Step 2 Choose a C has sis a nd t he a ddr ess fam ily fr om t he l ist box di splaye d on the lef t side o f th e window .
14-43 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 14 Routing BGP Address-Family Status Figur e 14-28 BGP Stat us — AF-Networ k T ab Step 3 Choose t he AF-Ne ighbor tab, if re quire d. The A F-Neig hbor ta b displays t he neighb or in format ion (pee r) for a BGP addr ess fam ily .
14-44 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 14 Routing BGP Addre ss-F a mi ly Sta t us Figur e 14-29 BGP Stat us — AF-Neighbor T ab Step 4 Choose the AF- Redistr ibu te tab, if r equired.
14-45 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 14 Routing BGP Address-Family Status Figur e 14-30 BGP Stat us — AF-Redistr ibute T ab BGP Address -Family Status W indo.
14-46 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 14 Routing BGP Addre ss-F a mi ly Sta t us Synchroniz ation — D isplays w het her t he BG P sy nchro niza tion w ith IG P is e na bled /disab led fo r the address family .
14-47 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 14 Routing OSPF Manag ement AS/T ag — I ndicate s the Proce ss ID of the r ed istri buted prot ocol . A Positive Integer w ill indi cate the process id of the r edistribu ted proto col; a chara cter string w ill indicate the ISO r outing area tag.
14-48 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 14 Routing OSPF Configuration Figur e 14-31 OSP F Configur ation Windo w Step 2 Choose the chassis from the left side of the windo w . Config Tab — Detailed Description The Config tab displays two areas: Add OSPF , Remove OSPF and a listbox, OSPF Process.
14-49 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 14 Routing OSPF Configuration Adding an O SPF Proc ess This section explains the procedure to add an OSPF proces s to the device. T o add an OSPF process, procee d as follows: Step 1 Open the OSPF c onfiguration windo w .
14-50 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 14 Routing OSPF Configuration Remov i ng an OS PF Pr oces s This section explains the procedure to remov e an OSPF process from the d evice. T o remov e an OSPF process, proc eed as fol lows: Step 1 Open the OSPF c onfiguration windo w .
14-51 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 14 Routing OSPF Configuration Viewing the Network Ta b on the OSPF Config uration Windo w The Networ k tab all ows the use to vi ew the n etwor k en tri es co nfigur ed on t he device.
14-52 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 14 Routing OSPF Configuration Network Mask — The Network Ma sk for cor respon ding Proc ess ID of the s elected chas sis. Area I D — The Are a ID for corre spondi ng Process ID of the select ed chassi s.
14-53 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 14 Routing OSPF Configuration Figur e 14 -37 Ac tion Repor t Step 4 T o re move a networ k, enter th e values in the textboxes and cli ck on the Re move Network button. An action re port is displ ayed.
14-54 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 14 Routing OSPF Status Configur e Ne twork — Detailed Description The Configure Network window displays a singl e area: Co nfigure Network. Configure Network Process ID — The OSPF process ID of t he selected chassis.
14-55 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 14 Routing OSPF Status Figur e 14-39 OSP F Status Wi ndow Step 2 Choose the Pr ocess In forma tion t ab, if r equire d. T he Pro cess Inf orma tio n tab displ ays Pr ocess Inform ation tab displays two areas , Process Summary an d Netw ork Detai ls.
14-56 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 14 Routing OSPF Status Figu re 14- 4 0 O SPF Sta tus — Proces s Inf ormatio n T ab Step 3 Choose the Area tab, if required.
14-57 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 14 Routing OSPF Status Figu re 14- 4 1 O SPF Sta tus — Area T ab Step 4 Choose the Interf ace tab, if requ ired. The Interf ace tab displays the comple te information about the interf aces and t heir statistics.
14-58 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 14 Routing OSPF Status Figu re 14- 4 2 O SPF Sta tus — I nterface T ab Step 5 Choose the Neigh bor tab, if req uired. The Nei ghbor tab display s all the neighbor s in the local ity of the select ed rou ter .
14-59 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 14 Routing OSPF Status Figu re 14- 4 3 O SPF Sta tus — Neighbor T ab Step 6 Choos e the Lin k State ta b, if re quired. The Li nk State tab displ ays the Li nk State Ad ver tisements from the area s that the de vice is attached to.
14-60 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 14 Routing OSPF Status Figu re 14- 4 4 O SPF Sta tus — Li nk St ate T ab Step 7 Choose the Ho st ta b, if req uire d. Th e Host tab d isp lays host s th at a re dire ctly a ttac hed to the r outer , and their metri cs and types of service adv ertised for them.
14-61 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 14 Routing OSPF Status Figu re 14- 4 5 O SPF Sta tus — Host T ab OSPF Status — Detailed Description The OSPF Sta tus window displays se ven tabs: General Group, Proc ess information, Ar ea, Interf ace, Neighbor, Link Stat e a nd Host.
14-62 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 14 Routing OSPF Status Rece ived New LSA Cou nt — The number of link- state adv ertisements rece iv ed determined t o be ne w instant iations. This number doe s not include newer insta ntiations of self-origina ted link -state adver tis emen ts .
14-63 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 14 Routing OSPF Status Import AS Exter n — The area's suppo rt for importing A S ex ternal l ink-state a dve rtisements. SPF Runs — The numb er of tim es tha t the in tra-ar ea rout e table has be en calcu lated u sing th is area' s link-st ate database.
14-64 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 14 Routing OSPF Status T ransit Delay — The es timated number of seconds it tak es to transmit a link - state update pack et ov er this interf ace.
14-65 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 14 Routing OSPF Status V ir Int erf ace Ev ents — The number of state changes or error e ven ts on this virtual link. V ir Inter face Stat us — Displays the va lidity or in validit y of the entry .
14-66 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 14 Routing OSPF Status Link State The Link State tab displ ays a single area namely , Lsdb Lsdb LSBD LS ID — The Link Sta te ID is an L S T ype Spec ific f ield c ontaini ng either a Ro uter I D or a n IP Address.
C HAPTER 15-1 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 15 MPLS Management Thi s chap ter descr ibe s the Multi Protoc ol La bel S witch ing (MPL S) ma nage ment task s t hat c an b e perform ed using th e Cisco 12000/107 20 Router Man ager appli cation .
15-2 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 15 MPLS Management MPLS M anag ement Wo rkf low The signi ficant difference between M PLS an d traditio nal W AN technol ogies is t he way labels are assigned and the capabilit y to c arry a sta ck of la bels attache d to a p acket .
15-3 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 15 MPLS Manag em e nt La un chi ng th e M PLS M ana gem ent Wi nd ow s Launching th e MPLS Manageme nt Windows T able 15- 1 displ ays t he MPL S M ana ge ment w ind ows that can b e laun ch ed from various obj ect ty pes.
15-4 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 15 MPLS Management MPLS For w ard ing In for mat ion MPLS Forwarding Information The MPL S Forwarding Info rmat ion window .
15-5 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 15 MPLS Manag em e nt MPLS Forwarding In formation Figur e 15-1 MPLS F orwardin g Inf or mation Wi ndow — M PLS Fo rwar ding In for mation T ab Step 2 Choose a Chassis fr om the lis t b ox displa yed a t t he left of the w ind ow .
15-6 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 15 MPLS Management Fault Mana gement for M PLS LSR Interf ac es Fault Management fo r MPLS LSR Interfaces This section describes Fa ult Management f or MPLS LSR interfa ces.
15-7 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 15 MPLS Manag em e nt Fault Management for MPLS LSR Interfaces Figu re 15- 2 MPL S Inte rface Sta tu s Wi nd ow — Interf ace Setup T ab Step 2 Choose a Chassis , Module and the n Inte rface from the list box displa yed at th e left o f the win do w .
15-8 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 15 MPLS Management Fault Mana gement for M PLS LSR Interf ac es MPLS The MPLS area di splays the follo wing information: Min La bel In — This is th e minimu m va lue of a n MPLS la bel that t his LSR is wi lling to r ecei ve on this interf ace.
15-9 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 15 MPLS Manag em e nt Fault Management for MPLS LSR Interfaces Figu re 15-3 MPL S Inte rface Informatio n Wi ndow — I nterface Setu p T ab Step 2 Choose a Chassis from the list displayed at the lef t side of the win dow .
15-10 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 15 MPLS Management Fault Mana gement for M PLS LSR Interf ac es Last C hange — Displays the valu e of the sysUpT ime at the ti me the in terface entered i ts current operationa l st atus.
15-11 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 15 MPLS Manag em e nt Fault Management for MPLS LSR Interfaces A vailable Buf fer — This valu e reflects the total a mount of buf fer space a vailabl e on this interfa ce.
15-12 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 15 MPLS Management Fault Mana gement for M PLS LSR Interf ac es Select Interface The Select Int erface area di splays the .
15-13 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 15 MPLS Manag em e nt Fault Management for MPLS LSR Interfaces Figu re 15-6 MPL S Inte rface Informatio n Wi ndow — MP L.
15-14 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 15 MPLS Management Performanc e Manag ement for MPL S LSR Interf ace s Performance Manag ement for MPLS LSR Interfaces This se cti on desc ribe s pe rfo rmanc e man ag emen t fo r MPL S L SR int erfaces .
15-15 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 15 MPLS Manag em e nt Perfo rmance Ma nagement for MPLS LSR Inte rfaces Figu re 15-7 MPL S Inte rface P erformanc e Win do.
15-16 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 15 MPLS Management Performanc e Manag ement for MPL S LSR Interf ace s In Unicast P ackets — Displays the numb er of pac kets d elivered by this sub -layer to a high er su b-l aye r, which were not addre ssed to a multicast or broadcast ad dress at this sub-layer .
15-17 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 15 MPLS Manag em e nt Perfo rmance Ma nagement for MPLS LSR Inte rfaces Figu re 15-8 MPL S Inte rface P erformanc e Win do.
15-18 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 15 MPLS Management Fault Mana geme nt f or M PLS LDP Out Packet s — Displays the n umber of la beled pac kets that ha ve been transm itted on this interf ace.
15-19 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 15 MPLS Manag em e nt Fault Mana gement for MPLS LDP Figur e 15-9 MPLS L DP Entity Stat us Windo w — Entity T ab Step 2 Choose a Chassis from the list box display ed at the left o f the win dow .
15-20 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 15 MPLS Management Fault Mana geme nt f or M PLS LDP • hopCount AndPathV ect or — Loop D etection is supported by both Hop Coun t And Path V ect or .
15-21 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 15 MPLS Manag em e nt Fault Mana gement for MPLS LDP T arge t Peer Addr ess — The v alue of the intern etwor k layer ad dress use d for the Exte nded Dis cov ery .
15-22 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 15 MPLS Management Fault Mana geme nt f or M PLS LDP Session Rejected Ad Errors — A count o f the Ses sion R ejected/ Param eters Ad vert isement M ode Er ror Notif ication Messa ges sent or recei ved by this LDP Entity .
15-23 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 15 MPLS Manag em e nt Fault Mana gement for MPLS LDP Figur e 15-1 1 MPLS LDP Entity Sta tus W indow — G ener al Label Ran ge T ab Genera l La bel Range The G eneral Labe l Range a rea display s the Gene ral Labe l Ran ge tab le.
15-24 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 15 MPLS Management Fault Mana geme nt f or M PLS LDP ATM Parameter s Tab A T M parameters conf iguratio n is displayed in the A T M Parameters tab (see Figure 15-12 ) for LDP entities that use A TM as their underlying technolog y .
15-25 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 15 MPLS Manag em e nt Fault Mana gement for MPLS LDP DefaultC ontro l VCI — The default VCI v alue for a non-MPLS connec tion. The def ault v alue of this is 32 but other values may be co nfigured.
15-26 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 15 MPLS Management Fault Mana geme nt f or M PLS LDP Label Ra ng e Min VC I — The minimu m VCI num ber configure d for this range. Label Ra ng e Max V PI — T he m ax imu m V PI num be r co nfigur ed fo r th is ran ge.
15-27 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 15 MPLS Manag em e nt Fault Mana gement for MPLS LDP Figur e 15 -14 MPLS LDP He llo A djacencie s Windo w — Hello A djace nc i es T ab Step 2 Choose a Chassis fr om the lis t b ox displa yed a t t he left of the w ind ow .
15-28 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 15 MPLS Management Fault Mana geme nt f or M PLS LDP Adjacen cy T ype — This ad jacency is the result o f a “ lin k ” hello if the v alue of this ob ject is lin k. Otherwis e, it is a result of a “ targeted ” hello , tar geted.
15-29 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 15 MPLS Manag em e nt Fault Mana gement for MPLS LDP Choose an IOS Host from th e box disp laye d at the le ft o f t h e wi n dow .
15-30 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 15 MPLS Management Fault Mana geme nt f or M PLS LDP Figur e 15-16 MPLS LDP P eer Status Windo w — Se ssi o ns T ab LDP Sessions The LDP Sessio n area display s a table .
15-31 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 15 MPLS Manag em e nt Fault Mana gement for MPLS LDP Session Stati st ics Tab The Session Statist ics tab (see Figure 15-17 ) displays statistics for sessions between LDP entitie s and LDP peers.
15-32 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 15 MPLS Management Fault Mana geme nt f or M PLS LDP ATM Sessions Tab The A T M Ses sions t ab (see Figu re 15-1 8 ) displays info rmati on about the l abel range inter secti on between a n LDP e ntity a nd i t s LDP pe er whe re the un derlyi ng medium is A TM.
15-33 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 15 MPLS Manag em e nt Fault Mana gement for MPL S Traffi c Engine ering Fault Management for MPLS Traffic Engineering This secti on descri bes Fault Mana gement for M PLS tra f fic engineer ing (TE) .
15-34 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 15 MPLS Management Fault Mana geme nt f or M PLS Traff ic Engineeri ng Figu re 15- 19 M PL S T unn el In for mation W indow — Sele c t T un nel T ab Step 2 Choose an Chassis from the l ist di splayed a t the left of t he window .
15-35 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 15 MPLS Manag em e nt Fault Mana gement for MPL S Traffi c Engine ering Selec t Tunn el The Select T unnel area displays the follo wing inf ormation: T unnel I d — Di splays th e tunnel id entificat ion numbe r .
15-36 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 15 MPLS Management Fault Mana geme nt f or M PLS Traff ic Engineeri ng Figur e 15 -20 MPLS T unnel Inf or mation Window — Head T unne l Setup T ab Note T o vie w head tunnel setu p informat ion, sel ect the head tunnel in the Sele ct T unnel area.
15-37 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 15 MPLS Manag em e nt Fault Mana gement for MPL S Traffi c Engine ering Storage T ype — This v ariable indica tes th e storag e type for thi s object.
15-38 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 15 MPLS Management Fault Mana geme nt f or M PLS Traff ic Engineeri ng Include A ll Af f inity — A link satisf ies t he include- all cons traint if and only if the li nk contai ns all of the admin istrati ve groups sp ecif ied in the cons traint.
15-39 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 15 MPLS Manag em e nt Fault Mana gement for MPL S Traffi c Engine ering Selec t Tunn el The Select T unnel area displays the follo wing inf ormation: T unnel I d — Di splays th e tunnel id entificat ion numbe r .
15-40 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 15 MPLS Management Fault Mana geme nt f or M PLS Traff ic Engineeri ng Figur e 15 -22 MPLS T unnel Inf or mation Window .
15-41 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 15 MPLS Manag em e nt Fault Mana gement for MPL S Traffi c Engine ering Tunnel S t at u s Adm in Sta tus — D isplays the d esired op er ationa l st at us of t his tu nne l.
15-42 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 15 MPLS Management Fault Mana geme nt f or M PLS Traff ic Engineeri ng LSP Hops Ta b The LSP Hops tab (see Figu re 15-2 3 ) displ ays the act ual route hops and th e comp uted hops for the select ed chassi s.
15-43 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 15 MPLS Manag em e nt Fault Mana gement for MPL S Traffi c Engine ering AR Hop List Inde x — Displays the act ual hops tra versed by the tunnel. C Hop L ist I ndex — Displays the computed hops trav ersed b y the tunnel.
15-44 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 15 MPLS Management Fault Mana geme nt f or M PLS Traff ic Engineeri ng LSP Resour ce Ta b The LSP Resour ce tab (see Figure 15-24 ) displays the r esource info rmation spec ific to LSPs.
15-45 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 15 MPLS Manag em e nt Fault Mana gement for MPL S Traffi c Engine ering Resou rce Ta ble This tabl e all ows a ma na ger to sp ecify w hich r esource s are d esired f or an MP LS tunne l.
15-46 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 15 MPLS Management Fault Mana geme nt f or M PLS Traff ic Engineeri ng Inst ance — Displays the tunnel instance of the LSP . It is useful to identify multipl e instances of tunnels for the pur poses of ba ckup and pa rallel tunnels.
C HAPTER 16-1 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 16 MPLS VRF Management This c hapter d escrib es t he various M PL S VRF M ana geme nt t asks tha t c an be per forme d using the Cisco 12000/107 20 Router M anager applica tion.
16-2 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapt er 16 MPLS VRF Mana gement VRF Manage ment Workfl ow s VRF Management Work flows This chapter descr ibes the follow ing workf.
16-3 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 16 MPLS VRF Manage m ent Creating VRF Objects in the EM Note Th e Cisco 1 200 0/107 20 Rou ter Man ager MP LS VRF M ana geme nt w ind ows cannot be open ed whe n multipl e o bj ect s are sel e cte d (t he m en u opti ons to ope n t he wi ndows are gr ay ed out ).
16-4 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapt er 16 MPLS VRF Mana gement Cre a ti ng VRF O bje c t s in th e EM Figur e 16 -1 Deploying a VRF O bject The Dep loymen t Wiza.
16-5 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 16 MPLS VRF Manage m ent Creating VRF Objects in the EM Figur e 16-3 Deplo yment Wizar d - Object P ara met ers Windo w Step 4 Ente r a VRF name. Ea ch VRF must have a unique name .
16-6 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapt er 16 MPLS VRF Mana gement Cre a ti ng VRF O bje c t s in th e EM Figur e 16-5 Object Select or Windo w Step 7 Navigate down the hi erar chy un til you find th e V RF folde r (C ha ssis> Softwa re > VRF).
16-7 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 16 MPLS VRF Manage m ent Creating VRF Objects in the EM Figu re 16-6 D eploym ent W i zard — Vi ews Step 9 Choose For w a rd . Step 10 The D eploymen t W izard - Summary window appear s.
16-8 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapt er 16 MPLS VRF Mana gement Creating and Co nfigurin g the VRF Polic y on a Device Step 11 Cho ose Fin ish (whe n the Deployme nt Summary inform atio n is di splayed) to com plete deployme nt and clos e th e Depl oyme nt W izard - Summ ary w indo w .
16-9 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 16 MPLS VRF Manage m ent Creating and Configuring the VRF Policy on a Device T o conf igure and creat e a VRF polic y on a selecte d de vice, pr oceed as follo ws: Step 1 Right clic k on a chassis obj ect and ch oose Configuration > MPLS> VRF Conf iguration .
16-10 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapt er 16 MPLS VRF Mana gement Creating and Co nfigurin g the VRF Polic y on a Device Remov ing a V RF P ol icy fro m a S elec t.
16-11 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 16 MPLS VRF Manage m ent Creating and Configuring the VRF Policy on a Device Step 4 Choose Delete (located in the Routing T arget a rea) to d elete the routi ng tar get from t he selecte d chassis.
16-12 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapt er 16 MPLS VRF Mana gement Associatin g a VRF Policy wi th an I nterface Devi ce Act ion The De vice Action area d isplays the follo wing i nformation : Re m ove bu t t o n — Choo se Remove to remove (unloa d) the VRF poli cy from the cha ssis.
16-13 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 16 MPLS VRF Manage m ent Associating a VRF Policy with an Interface Associating VRF Policies T o associate a the VRF polic.
16-14 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapt er 16 MPLS VRF Mana gement Associatin g a VRF Policy wi th an I nterface Removi ng a V RF P ol icy from a S elec ted Inte rf.
16-15 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 16 MPLS VRF Manage m ent VRF Fault Ma nagement Apply Statu s The Appl y Status are a displays the fo llowing inform atio n: Status of Last Appl y — Di spl ays the re sul t of the l ast ( App ly /Rem ove) op era tio n.
16-16 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapt er 16 MPLS VRF Mana gement VRF Fault Man agement Figur e 16-1 1 VRF Statu s Windo w Step 2 Select a Chassis from t he list box displayed at the lef t of the windo w . The appropriate informatio n appears for the select ed chassis.
16-17 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 16 MPLS VRF Manage m ent VRF Fault Ma nagement General The Genera l area displa ys the fo llo wing informatio n: VRF Description — The descriptio n of this VRF . Oper Status — Denotes wheth er a VRF is operational or not.
16-18 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapt er 16 MPLS VRF Mana gement VRF Fault Man agement Figur e 16 -12 V RF Stat us Windo w — P erfor mance and Secu r ity T ab VRF Det ails The VRF Details area displa ys the follo wing information : VRF List — List of V RFs configure d in the d evice.
16-19 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 16 MPLS VRF Manage m ent VRF Fault Ma nagement Interface VRF Status The In terface VRF St atus w indow displa ys the i nterfac es on a cha ssis which ar e asso ciat ed wit h VRFs and th eir assoc iate d VRF inform ati on.
16-20 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapt er 16 MPLS VRF Mana gement VRF Fault Man agement Interface VRF Statu s Window — Detailed Description The In terface VRF St atus window provide s informa tion abo ut ev ery int erface that is capab le of supporting M PLS/B GP VP Ns.
16-21 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 16 MPLS VRF Manage m ent VRF Fault Ma nagement Figur e 16-14 VPN Status Window Step 2 Choose a Chassis from the list displayed at the left of th e wind o w .
16-22 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapt er 16 MPLS VRF Mana gement VRF Fault Man agement Routes Tab The R out es tab (s ee Figure 16-15 ) displays the route table information for VRFs in a single VRF Ro utes area .
16-23 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 16 MPLS VRF Manage m ent VRF Fault Ma nagement Route Age — The n umb er o f s econd s si n ce thi s ro ute was last upd at ed or othe rwi se de te rmin ed t o be corr ect.
16-24 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapt er 16 MPLS VRF Mana gement VRF Fault Man agement Figur e 16-16 VPN Status Window — Rout e T ar g ets T ab VRF Route Targets The VRF Route T ar gets area d isplays a table. This tabl e specifi es per -VRF route tar get associa tion.
16-25 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 16 MPLS VRF Manage m ent VRF Fault Ma nagement BGP Neighbor Tab The B GP N eighb or tab ( see Figur e 16-22 ) displays per -interface MPL S/EBGP neighbor infor mation in a single I nte rface MP LS/E BGP N eighbo r a r ea.
16-26 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapt er 16 MPLS VRF Mana gement VRF Fault Man agement VRF Obje ct Status The VRF Obje ct Status window displays in formati on specifically for the VRF obje ct from whi ch the window was launche d.
16-27 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 16 MPLS VRF Manage m ent VRF Fault Ma nagement Step 2 Choose a VRF from the list displayed at the lef t of t he windo w .
16-28 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapt er 16 MPLS VRF Mana gement VRF Fault Man agement Routes Tab The R o ut es tab ( s ee Figure 16-21 ) displays the route table information fo r VRFs in a single Routes area.
16-29 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 16 MPLS VRF Manage m ent VRF Fault Ma nagement Route Info — A referenc e to MIB def inition s spe cif ic t o the part icu lar rout ing protoc ol wh ich is respon sible for t his rou te, as determ ined b y the v alue specif ied in the route' s Route Proto v alue.
16-30 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapt er 16 MPLS VRF Mana gement VRF Fault Man agement Figur e 16 -20 V RF Object Stat us Windo w — Route T ar gets Route Target s The Rout e T argets area dis plays the follo wing inform ation: Rout e T arget — R oute t arg et di stri bu tion p olic y .
16-31 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 16 MPLS VRF Manage m ent VRF Fault Ma nagement Interface Association Tab The Inte rface Asso ci at ion t ab (se e Figur e 16-22 ) displays all of the interfac es that the selected VRF is associ ated to, in a sin gle Interf ace Ass ociation ar ea.
16-32 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapt er 16 MPLS VRF Mana gement VRF Fault Man agement Performance Tab The Perf orman ce tab (see Figure 16-22 ) displays V RF per forma nce sta tistic s in a sing le Pe rfor manc e area .
C HAPTER 17-1 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 17 MPLS Trap Management This ch apte r descr ibes M PLS tra ps that can b e con figured us ing th e Cisco 12000 /1072 0 Rout er Man ager applicatio n using the MPLS T rap Configurat ion windo w .
17-2 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapte r 17 MPLS Trap Mana gement MPLS Tr aps Supported by the C1200 0 /10720 Rou ter Manager LdpPvlMisma tch LDP Entity <LdpEnt.
17-3 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 17 MPLS Trap Ma nag emen t Ena bli ng/ Di s abl in g Tr ap s on th e Devi c e Enabling/Disab ling Trap s on the Device T o enable or dis able MPLS tra p generatio n on a selecte d chassis, proceed as follo ws: Step 1 Open the MPLS T rap C onf iguration w indo w .
17-4 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapte r 17 MPLS Trap Mana gement Enablin g/Disa bling Trap s on the Devic e Note The MPLS Trap Configuration win dow uses IOSDrep for configurati on and popul ation of the attributes .
17-5 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 17 MPLS Trap Ma nag emen t MPLS CLI Troubl eshootin g Services T raff ic En gineer ing (TE ) T raps — Allo ws you to choose w hether to Enable /Disable T raff ic Engineering based traps .
17-6 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapte r 17 MPLS Trap Mana gement MPLS CLI Tro ubl eshooti ng Service s Verify Routing Protocols T o open the V erify Routing Pr otocols w indow see T able 17-3 . The V eri fy Rou ting Protoc ols window (see Figure 17-2 ) displa ys the results of the show ip pr otocols comm and.
17-7 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 17 MPLS Trap Ma nag emen t MPLS CLI Troubl eshootin g Services Verify Routing Tables T o ope n the V e rify Rout ing T ables w indow see T able 1 7-3 . Th e V eri fy Rout ing T ab les win dow (see Figure 17-3 ) displa ys the results of the show ip route comm and.
17-8 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapte r 17 MPLS Trap Mana gement MPLS CLI Tro ubl eshooti ng Service s Verify CEF Switching T o ope n the V erif y CEF Switchi ng window see T able 17-3 . Th e V eri fy CEF Switchi ng window (see Figure 17-4 ) displa ys the results of the show ip cef co mmand.
17-9 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 17 MPLS Trap Ma nag emen t MPLS CLI Troubl eshootin g Services Verify CEF Switching Summa ry T o o pen the V erify C EF Switc hing Sum mary wi ndow see Ta b l e 1 7 - 3 .
17-10 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapte r 17 MPLS Trap Mana gement MPLS CLI Tro ubl eshooti ng Service s Verify MPLS Interfaces T o open th e V erify MPLS Int erf aces wind o w see Ta b l e 1 7 - 3 .
17-11 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 17 MPLS Trap Ma nag emen t MPLS CLI Troubl eshootin g Services Verify La bel Distribu tion T o o pe n th e V eri f y L a be l D is tr i butio n wi nd ow se e T able 17-3 .
17-12 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapte r 17 MPLS Trap Mana gement MPLS CLI Tro ubl eshooti ng Service s Verify La bel Bindin gs T o open the V eri fy L abe l Bin din gs wi nd ow see Ta b l e 1 7 - 3 .
17-13 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 17 MPLS Trap Ma nag emen t MPLS CLI Troubl eshootin g Services Verify Interface CEF Switching T o open the V erify Interfac e CEF Sw itch ing wi ndow see T ab le 17-3 .
17-14 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapte r 17 MPLS Trap Mana gement MPLS CLI Tro ubl eshooti ng Service s.
C HAPTER 18-1 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 18 Fault Management This ch apter descr ibes how to view approp riate fau lt in formati on on the Cisco 12000/10 720 Rou ter s you are mana ging. Th e Cisco 12000/ 10720 Route rs can be co nfigured to send SNM P traps whe n various condit ions ar e dete cted.
18-2 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapte r 18 Fault Management Cisco 12 00 0/10720 Rout er Trap Su pport propag ation. The i n terf ace a larm w oul d be p ropag ated up t he hier archy to s ite le vel. Thi s mean s tha t whate ver le vel you are wo rking at, you will see that an alar m has occurred.
18-3 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 18 Fault Managem e nt Cisco 12000/10720 R outer Tra p Support • Informa tiona l • Normal Chassis A larms T able 18- 2 pro vides informa tion on tr aps that r esult in ala rms raised against th e chassis o bject.
18-4 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapte r 18 Fault Management Cisco 12 00 0/10720 Rout er Trap Su pport Note T emperat ure tra ps includ e the af fect ed slot in the al arm de script ion. As can be seen fro m the table , Cisco EMF alarms may be cl eared b y other alarms .
18-5 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 18 Fault Managem e nt Cisco 12000/10720 R outer Tra p Support Interface Alarms T able 18- 3 pro vides inf ormation on traps that result in alarms rai sed again st interf ace obj ects.
18-6 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapte r 18 Fault Management Cisco 12 00 0/10720 Rout er Trap Su pport Syslog ala rms ha ve a Descriptio n in th e Even t Bro wser .
18-7 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 18 Fault Managem e nt Heartbeat Polling An examp le C onfigura tio n Ma nage me nt E vent Al ar m D escri ptio n i s: “ Config Cha nge, Co mmand So urc e: comm an dLin e, C onfig Source : r unn ing, Con fig Destin at ion : comm andSou rce ” .
18-8 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapte r 18 Fault Management Hear tbe at P oll ing Performa nce Logg ing Heartbeat p olling is unaf fected if an obje ct is in the performance loggin g state.
C HAPTER 19-1 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 19 Change Management This chap ter descr ibes ho w to manage the insertion an d remo va l of li ne cards (A TM, Etherne t, POS, DS-3, SRP , M odular Et hernet ) in C isco 120 00/10720 Router s being manage d by the C isco 120 00/10720 Rout er Mana ger ap plica tion.
19-2 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 19 Change Managem ent Ins erti ng a Lin e Ca rd Insert ing a Line Ca rd When a line c a rd is insert e d into a ch assis be.
19-3 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 19 Change Manage ment Mismat ched St ate T wo exam ple sc enario s durin g whic h a lin e card can b e mo ved to mi s match.
19-4 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 19 Change Managem ent Removing a L ine Car d Example 1 9-2 Scenar io 2 Scenar io 2 — If a line card have been pre-deploye d incorr ectly in the Cisco 120 00/10 720 Route r Manage r and co mmissi oned .
19-5 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 19 Change Manage ment Removing a Line Card This situatio n is rectif ied when th e remo ved line ca rd is re-ins erted into the ch assis.
19-6 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 19 Change Managem ent Removing a L ine Car d.
C HAPTER 20-1 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 20 Performance Manageme nt and Historical Data An importan t component of ef f icient netw ork manageme nt is the ability to colle ct and analyze perform an ce in for mat ion in a la rge net work o f many devices.
20-2 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 20 Performance Management and Histori cal Data Performanc e Infor m at ion Avai la ble Usin g Cisco 1200 0/ 10 720 Router M.
20-3 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 20 Performanc e Ma nagem en t and Hi st or ical Dat a Viewi ng th e Pe rform anc e Ma na ger W ind ow Note The Performance .
20-4 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 20 Performance Management and Histori cal Data Viewing th e Perf ormance Manage r Win dow • Print perf ormance data to a printe r .
20-5 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 20 Performanc e Ma nagem en t and Hi st or ical Dat a Viewi ng th e Pe rform anc e Ma na ger W ind ow Note Wh en you choos e Raw , the bar ch art vie w is sometimes not av ailable, an d the Summary Rule option is grayed out.
20-6 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 20 Performance Management and Histori cal Data Viewing th e Perf ormance Manage r Win dow Printing a Performance File Y o u can print p erforma nce statistics from t he Perf ormance Manager , eith er as a char t or a s a ta ble.
20-7 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 20 Performanc e Ma nagem en t and Hi st or ical Dat a Viewi ng th e Pe rform anc e Ma na ger W ind ow Note Cisco EMF contains a utility called hi story Admin. History Admin enables you to selecti vely e xport perform an ce d ata f or gr oups i n an aut omate d manne r .
20-8 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 20 Performance Management and Histori cal Data Viewing th e Perf ormance Manage r Win dow Time Period The Time Period ar ea co ntain s two sub-ar eas: Start an d End . Start The St art a rea dis pla ys two field s: Dat e and T ime.
20-9 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 20 Performanc e Ma nagem en t and Hi st or ical Dat a Viewi ng th e Pe rform anc e Ma na ger W ind ow • Logica lOR — displays e ither 1 or 0. Th is is t ypically used fo r status f lags.
20-10 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 20 Performance Management and Histori cal Data Viewing th e Perf ormance Manage r Win dow.
C HAPTER 21-1 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 21 Troubleshooting and FAQs The Troublesho oting and F A Qs section d etail s answer s to som e comm only asked quest ions or p roblem s.
21-2 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapt er 21 Tr oub l esho otin g an d FAQ s Adminis trati on What Dialogs Use the IOS C LI Instea d of SNMP? Q. What di alogs are re trie ving or conf iguring info rmation using the IOS CLI instead of SNMP? A.
21-3 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 21 Troublesho oting and F AQs Configuration Configuration Verifying SNMP, Log, and Trap Settings Q.
21-4 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapt er 21 Tr oub l esho otin g an d FAQ s Configur ation T o verif y that SNM P and T rap s are c onfigured to be sent to the Ci .
21-5 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapter 21 Troublesho oting and F AQs Configuration Y o u will see the follo wing entries r elated to the Syslog con figu ration: l.
21-6 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Chapt er 21 Tr oub l esho otin g an d FAQ s Configur ation Viewing AT M Physica l Port C onfigurations ? Q. How do I view the A TM p hysical por t configurati ons? It look s like A TM Configurati on GUIs are for configurat ion s on l y .
A- 1 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 APPEND IX A SONET/SDH Conversio n Chart The term Sync hrono us Optical N ET work (S ONET) is use d instead of Syn chronous D igital Hie rarchy (SDH) thro ughout th is Guide. H owe ver, these two terms are somewhat inte rchange able.
A- 2 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Appendix A SONET/SDH Conversio n Char t.
B-1 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 APPEND IX B GUI Synchronization Details GUIs that Synchro nize with the Device when Launched • MPLS Int erface Status • MPLS Int.
B-2 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Appendi x B G UI Synchroni zati on Detail s GUIs tha t do n ot Sy nc hronize w i th the Devic e when Lau nched GUIs that do not Sync.
C-1 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 APPEND IX C Investigating LSP Black Holes Using Cisc o 12000 Series Router Manager Network Diag ram Figur e C-1 Example N etwor k Diagr am Setup On a U10 running the Solaris 8 operating syste m, the follow ing was installed: • Cisco EM F 3.
C-2 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Appendix C Investigatin g LSP Black Holes Using Cisco 12000 Series Rout er Manag er Setup • P — PE2 :Gigab it Ethernet • PE2 — CE2 : POS Problem The prob lem is t hat the us er is unab le to ping fro m CE1 to CE 2 (19 2.
C-3 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 Append ix C Investig ating LSP Bla ck Holes U si ng Cisco 12000 Seri es Router M anager Setu p The ent ry on the P router shows untagged, so label-switche d packets for this destina tion will be se nt out without an y labe ls.
C-4 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Appendix C Investigatin g LSP Black Holes Using Cisco 12000 Series Rout er Manag er Setup This shows t hat the o ut-g oing l abel i s now a pop t ag, and he nce t he pa cket s are n o lo nger sen t ou t untagg ed.
C-5 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 Append ix C Investig ating LSP Bla ck Holes U si ng Cisco 12000 Seri es Router M anager Setu p interface Serial2/0/1 no ip address n.
C-6 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Appendix C Investigatin g LSP Black Holes Using Cisco 12000 Series Rout er Manag er Setup no mpls ldp logging neighbor-changes no mpls traffic-eng auto-bw timers frequency 0 ! ! ! interface Loopback0 ip address 10.
C-7 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 Append ix C Investig ating LSP Bla ck Holes U si ng Cisco 12000 Seri es Router M anager Setu p ! router ospf 1 log-adjac ency-ch anges network 0.0. 0.0 255.25 5.255. 255 area 0 ! router bgp 1 bgp log-neighbor-changes neighbor 10.
C-8 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Appendix C Investigatin g LSP Black Holes Using Cisco 12000 Series Rout er Manag er Setup ! ! ! ip subnet-zero mpls label protocol ldp mpls ldp logging neighbor-changes no mpls traffic-eng auto-bw timers frequency 0 ! ! interface Loopback0 ip address 10.
C-9 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 Append ix C Investig ating LSP Bla ck Holes U si ng Cisco 12000 Seri es Router M anager Setu p no ip directed-broadcast shutdown ! interface POS3/0 bandwidth 100000 ip address 192.168.
C-10 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Appendix C Investigatin g LSP Black Holes Using Cisco 12000 Series Rout er Manag er Setup ! pvc test6 254/6 ! pvc test4 254/10 ! ! .
C-11 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 Append ix C Investig ating LSP Bla ck Holes U si ng Cisco 12000 Seri es Router M anager Setu p PE2 ! version 12.
C-12 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Appendix C Investigatin g LSP Black Holes Using Cisco 12000 Series Rout er Manag er Setup ! router rip version 2 ! address-family ipv4 vrf aqua version 2 network no auto-summary exit-address-family ! router bgp 1 bgp log-neighbor-changes neighbor 10.
C-13 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 Append ix C Investig ating LSP Bla ck Holes U si ng Cisco 12000 Seri es Router M anager Setu p ! redundancy no keepalive-enable ena.
C-14 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1. 1 Router Mana ger User Guide OL-4455-01 Appendix C Investigatin g LSP Black Holes Using Cisco 12000 Series Rout er Manag er Setup.
IN-1 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 INDEX A about th is guide convent ion s a nd ter mino lo gy xxviii access lists 11-5 APS adding pr otect ed interf aces 8-20 adding.
Index IN-2 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1.1 Router Manager User Guide OL-4455-01 Cisco EM F and C12kM 3-3 Cisco EMF user session start 3-3 CLLI 4-12, 4-14 clock sche duler card s (CSCs) 2-5 deployme nt 3-50 c.
Inde x IN-3 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 connec tiv ity mana gem ent 18-7 operational statu s polling 18-7 HSRP IP interface deleting 7-11 HSRP IP interface profile .
Index IN-4 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1.1 Router Manager User Guide OL-4455-01 module comm iss ioni ng 5-4 configuratio n 5-3 decomm issioni ng 5-5 deployme nt 3-30 fau lt ma nage ment 5-7 perform ance 5-9 .
Inde x IN-5 Cisco 12000/10700 v3. 1.1 Router Manag er User Guide OL-4455-01 R Refresh bu tton - Pe rform an ce Mana ger 20-9 refresh sc ree n b utton 20-5 S saving performa nce data to a file 20-6 SON.
Index IN-6 Cisco 12000/10700 v3.1.1 Router Manager User Guide OL-4455-01.
デバイスCisco Systems 12000/10700 V3.1.1の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Cisco Systems 12000/10700 V3.1.1をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはCisco Systems 12000/10700 V3.1.1の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Cisco Systems 12000/10700 V3.1.1の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Cisco Systems 12000/10700 V3.1.1で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Cisco Systems 12000/10700 V3.1.1を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はCisco Systems 12000/10700 V3.1.1の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Cisco Systems 12000/10700 V3.1.1に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちCisco Systems 12000/10700 V3.1.1デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。