Cisco Systemsメーカー7912Gの使用説明書/サービス説明書
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Corporate Headquarters Cisco S yste ms, Inc . 170 W est Tasma n Drive San Jose , CA 95134 -1706 USA http://ww com Tel: 408 526-400 0 800 55 3-N ETS ( 6 387 ) Fax: 408 526- 4100 Cisco IP Phone Administration Guide f or Cisco CallM anager 3.
iii Cisco IP Pho ne Administra tion Guide for Cisco Ca llMa nager 3.3 , Cisco IP Phones 790 2G/7905G/7912G OL-6313-01 CONTEN TS Preface xi Overvi ew xi Audienc e xi Object ives xii Organi zati on xii .
Contents iv Cisco IP Phone Admi nistration Guid e for Cisco C allMana ger 3.3, Cisc o IP Phones 7902G/7905G/7 912G OL-6313-01 Config urin g Telep hony Fe ature s 1-10 Config urin g Network Featur es U.
v Cisco IP Pho ne Administra tion Guide for Cisco Ca llMa nager 3.3 , Cisco IP Phones 790 2G/7905G/7912G OL-6313-01 Conte nts Adding Ph ones to the Cis co Ca llMana ger Dat aba se 2-12 Usin g Aut o-Re.
Contents vi Cisco IP Phone Admi nistration Guid e for Cisco C allMana ger 3.3, Cisc o IP Phones 7902G/7905G/7 912G OL-6313-01 Config urin g IP S ett ings 4-15 Assigni ng an I P Addr ess 4-15 Assigni n.
vii Cisco IP Pho ne Administra tion Guide for Cisco Ca llMa nager 3.3 , Cisco IP Phones 790 2G/7905G/7912G OL-6313-01 Conte nts CHAPTER 6 Troubles hootin g the Cisco IP Phone 6-1 Obtai ni ng St at us,.
Contents viii Cisco IP Phone Admi nistration Guid e for Cisco C allMana ger 3.3, Cisc o IP Phones 7902G/7905G/7 912G OL-6313-01 Elimin atin g DNS or Othe r Conne ctiv ity Er ro rs 6-20 Resol ving Know.
ix Cisco IP Pho ne Administra tion Guide for Cisco Ca llMa nager 3.3 , Cisco IP Phones 790 2G/7905G/7912G OL-6313-01 Conte nts APPENDI X B Technical Specifi cat ions B-1 Physi cal an d Ope r atin g En.
Contents x Cisco IP Phone Admi nistration Guid e for Cisco C allMana ger 3.3, Cisc o IP Phones 7902G/7905G/7 912G OL-6313-01.
xi Cisco IP Pho ne Administra tion Guide for Cisco Ca llMa nager 3.3 , Cisco IP Phones 790 2G/7905G/7912G OL-6313-01 Preface Overview Cisco IP Ph one A dmini stration Guide for Cisc o C allManager 3 .
Preface Objectives xii Cisco IP Phone Admi nistration Guid e for Cisco C allMana ger 3.3, Cisc o IP Phones 7902G/7905G/7 912G OL-6313-01 Objectives This guid e provides the re quired step s to get the Ci sco IP Phone up and running on a V oice-over-IP (V oIP) networ k.
xiii Cisco IP Pho ne Administra tion Guide for Cisco Ca llMa nager 3.3 , Cisco IP Phones 790 2G/7905G/7912G OL-6313-01 Preface Rela te d Docu m e nt at i o n Related Documentation For more inf orm ati on ab out Cisco IP Ph one s, r ef er to the f oll o wing p ublic atio ns , which are a v ailab le at this locat ion: http://www .
Preface Obtaining Documentation xiv Cisco IP Phone Admi nistration Guid e for Cisco C allMana ger 3.3, Cisc o IP Phones 7902G/7905G/7 912G OL-6313-01 Obtaining Documentation World Wid e Web Y o u can acce ss the most curr ent Cisco do cume nt ation o n th e W orld Wide W eb at http://www .
xv Cisco IP Pho ne Administra tion Guide for Cisco Ca llMa nager 3.3 , Cisco IP Phones 790 2G/7905G/7912G OL-6313-01 Preface Obta ining T echni cal As sistan ce T o submit your comment s by mail, for y our con venie nce many doc uments c ontain a response card behi nd the fron t cover .
Preface Obtainin g Techn ical Assist ance xvi Cisco IP Phone Admi nistration Guid e for Cisco C allMana ger 3.3, Cisc o IP Phones 7902G/7905G/7 912G OL-6313-01 Y o u can access CCO in the following ways: • WWW: www .cisc • T elnet: cco.cisc o.
xvii Cisco IP Pho ne Administra tion Guide for Cisco Ca llMa nager 3.3 , Cisco IP Phones 790 2G/7905G/7912G OL-6313-01 Preface Obtai ning Additi ona l Publicati ons and Inform a tion Obtaining Ad diti.
Preface Document C onventi ons xviii Cisco IP Phone Admi nistration Guid e for Cisco C allMana ger 3.3, Cisc o IP Phones 7902G/7905G/7 912G OL-6313-01 • T rainin g—Cisc o offers world- class n etworking t raining. Curren t offering s in networ k training are liste d at this URL: http://www .
xix Cisco IP Pho ne Administra tion Guide for Cisco Ca llMa nager 3.3 , Cisco IP Phones 790 2G/7905G/7912G OL-6313-01 Preface Docume nt C onv enti ons Cautio n Means re a de r b e c a ref ul . In this situation, you might do something that could result in equi pment damage or loss of dat a.
Preface Document C onventi ons xx Cisco IP Phone Admi nistration Guid e for Cisco C allMana ger 3.3, Cisc o IP Phones 7902G/7905G/7 912G OL-6313-01 Attention IMPORTANTES IN FORM A TIONS DE S É CU RI TÉ Ce symbole d'avertissement indique un danger .
xxi Cisco IP Pho ne Administra tion Guide for Cisco Ca llMa nager 3.3 , Cisco IP Phones 790 2G/7905G/7912G OL-6313-01 Preface Docume nt C onv enti ons Adva rsel VIKTIGE S IKKERHE TSINSTRUKS JONER Dette advarselssymbolet betyr fare. Du er i en situasjon som kan føre til skade på person.
Preface Document C onventi ons xxi i Cisco IP Phone Admi nistration Guid e for Cisco C allMana ger 3.3, Cisc o IP Phones 7902G/7905G/7 912G OL-6313-01 Va r ni n g! VIKTIGA SÄ KERHETS ANVISN INGA R Denna varningssignal signalerar fara. Du befinner dig i en situation som kan leda till personskada.
xxii i Cisco IP Pho ne Administra tion Guide for Cisco Ca llMa nager 3.3 , Cisco IP Phones 790 2G/7905G/7912G OL-6313-01 Preface Docume nt C onv enti ons.
Preface Document C onventi ons xxiv Cisco IP Phone Admi nistration Guid e for Cisco C allMana ger 3.3, Cisc o IP Phones 7902G/7905G/7 912G OL-6313-01.
C HAPTER 1-1 Cisco IP Pho ne Administra tion Guide for Cisco Ca llMa nager 3.3 , Cisco IP Phones 790 2G/7905G/7912G OL-6313-01 1 An Overview of th e Cisco IP Phone The Cisco I P Phone prov ides func tionality si milar to t hat of a trad itional an alog phone, but it must be co nfigured and mana ged like other ne twork devices.
Chapter 1 An Overview of the C isco IP Pho ne Unders tan ding the Cisco IP Phone 7902G 1-2 Cisco IP Phone Admi nistration Guid e for Cisco C allMana ger 3.
1-3 Cisco IP Pho ne Administra tion Guide for Cisco Ca llMa nager 3.3 , Cisco IP Phones 790 2G/7905G/7912G OL-6313-01 Chapter 1 An Overview of the Cisco IP Pho ne Understan ding the Cisc o IP Phone 7902G 1 Cisc o IP Phone seri es typ e Indica tes the Cisco IP Phone Seri es to which your phone belongs.
Chapter 1 An Overview of the C isco IP Pho ne Unders tanding t he Ci sco IP Phone Models 7905G/ 7 912G 1-4 Cisco IP Phone Admi nistration Guid e for Cisco C allMana ger 3.
1-5 Cisco IP Pho ne Administra tion Guide for Cisco Ca llMa nager 3.3 , Cisco IP Phones 790 2G/7905G/7912G OL-6313-01 Chapter 1 An Overview of the Cisco IP Pho ne Understandin g the Cisco IP Phone Mod.
Chapter 1 An Overview of the C isco IP Pho ne Unders tanding t he Ci sco IP Phone Models 7905G/ 7 912G 1-6 Cisco IP Phone Admi nistration Guid e for Cisco C allMana ger 3.3, Cisc o IP Phones 7902G/7905G/7 912G OL-6313-01 4 Navigation butto n Enables yo u to scroll through te xt and select features displa yed on th e LCD scre en.
1-7 Cisco IP Pho ne Administra tion Guide for Cisco Ca llMa nager 3.3 , Cisco IP Phones 790 2G/7905G/7912G OL-6313-01 Chapter 1 An Overview of the Cisco IP Pho ne What Ne tworking Prot ocols Ar e Used.
Chapter 1 An Overview of the C isco IP Pho ne What Net wo rking Proto col s A re Used? 1-8 Cisco IP Phone Admi nistration Guid e for Cisco C allMana ger 3.
1-9 Cisco IP Pho ne Administra tion Guide for Cisco Ca llMa nager 3.3 , Cisco IP Phones 790 2G/7905G/7912G OL-6313-01 Chapter 1 An Overview of the Cisco IP Pho ne What Feat ures are Suppo rted on the .
Chapter 1 An Overview of the C isco IP Pho ne What Fea tur es are Support ed on the Cisco IP Phon e Models 7 90 2G / 7905G/7 91 2 G? 1-10 Cisco IP Phone Admi nistration Guid e for Cisco C allMana ger 3.
1-11 Cisco IP Pho ne Administra tion Guide for Cisco Ca llMa nager 3.3 , Cisco IP Phones 790 2G/7905G/7912G OL-6313-01 Chapter 1 An Overview of the Cisco IP Pho ne What Feat ures are Suppo rted on the.
Chapter 1 An Overview of the C isco IP Pho ne Unders tan di ng the Requir em en ts for Installin g and Configuri ng the Cisco IP Pho ne Models 7902 G/7905G/79 12 G 1-12 Cisco IP Phone Admi nistration Guid e for Cisco C allMana ger 3.
1-13 Cisco IP Pho ne Administra tion Guide for Cisco Ca llMa nager 3.3 , Cisco IP Phones 790 2G/7905G/7912G OL-6313-01 Chapter 1 An Overview of the Cisco IP Pho ne Understand ing the Req uirements for In stalling a nd Conf iguring the C isco IP Phone Mo dels 7902G/7905G/7 912G 2.
Chapter 1 An Overview of the C isco IP Pho ne Unders tan di ng the Requir em en ts for Installin g and Configuri ng the Cisco IP Pho ne Models 7902 G/7905G/79 12 G 1-14 Cisco IP Phone Admi nistration Guid e for Cisco C allMana ger 3.3, Cisc o IP Phones 7902G/7905G/7 912G OL-6313-01 5.
1-15 Cisco IP Pho ne Administra tion Guide for Cisco Ca llMa nager 3.3 , Cisco IP Phones 790 2G/7905G/7912G OL-6313-01 Chapter 1 An Overview of the Cisco IP Pho ne Understand ing the Req uirements for In stalling a nd Conf iguring the C isco IP Phone Mo dels 7902G/7905G/7 912G 11.
Chapter 1 An Overview of the C isco IP Pho ne Unders tan di ng the Requir em en ts for Installin g and Configuri ng the Cisco IP Pho ne Models 7902 G/7905G/79 12 G 1-16 Cisco IP Phone Admi nistration Guid e for Cisco C allMana ger 3.
C HAPTER 2-1 Cisco IP Pho ne Administra tion Guide for Cisco Ca llMa nager 3.3 , Cisco IP Phones 790 2G/7905G/7912G OL-6313-01 2 Preparing to Install the Cisco IP Phone on Your Network Cisco IP Ph one s enab l e you to com municat e using voice over a dat a network.
Chapter 2 Prepari ng to Install the Cisc o IP Phone on Y our Netwo rk Unders tan ding Inte rac tions with Ot her Cisco IP Telephony P rodu cts 2-2 Cisco IP Phone Admi nistration Guid e for Cisco C allMana ger 3.
2-3 Cisco IP Pho ne Administra tion Guide for Cisco Ca llMa nager 3.3 , Cisco IP Phones 790 2G/7905G/7912G OL-6313-01 Chapter 2 Preparing to Inst all the Cisco IP Phone on Your Ne twork Understanding .
Chapter 2 Prepari ng to Install the Cisc o IP Phone on Y our Netwo rk Unders tan di ng the Phone St art up Process 2-4 Cisco IP Phone Admi nistration Guid e for Cisco C allMana ger 3.
2-5 Cisco IP Pho ne Administra tion Guide for Cisco Ca llMa nager 3.3 , Cisco IP Phones 790 2G/7905G/7912G OL-6313-01 Chapter 2 Preparing to Inst all the Cisco IP Phone on Your Ne twork Understanding .
Chapter 2 Prepari ng to Install the Cisc o IP Phone on Y our Netwo rk Unders tan di ng the Phone St art up Process 2-6 Cisco IP Phone Admi nistration Guid e for Cisco C allMana ger 3.
2-7 Cisco IP Pho ne Administra tion Guide for Cisco Ca llMa nager 3.3 , Cisco IP Phones 790 2G/7905G/7912G OL-6313-01 Chapter 2 Preparing to Inst all the Cisco IP Phone on Your Ne twork Understanding the Phone Startup Process After t he pho ne ob ta ins one of the .
Chapter 2 Prepari ng to Install the Cisc o IP Phone on Y our Netwo rk Guidel in es for Configu ring Ports on the Cisco IP Phone models 79 02G/790 5G /7912 G 2-8 Cisco IP Phone Admi nistration Guid e for Cisco C allMana ger 3.
2-9 Cisco IP Pho ne Administra tion Guide for Cisco Ca llMa nager 3.3 , Cisco IP Phones 790 2G/7905G/7912G OL-6313-01 Chapter 2 Preparing to Inst all the Cisco IP Phone on Your Ne twork Guidelines for.
Chapter 2 Prepari ng to Install the Cisc o IP Phone on Y our Netwo rk Guidel in es for Configu ring Ports on the Cisco IP Phone models 79 02G/790 5G /7912 G 2-10 Cisco IP Phone Admi nistration Guid e for Cisco C allMana ger 3.
2-11 Cisco IP Pho ne Administra tion Guide for Cisco Ca llMa nager 3.3 , Cisco IP Phones 790 2G/7905G/7912G OL-6313-01 Chapter 2 Preparing to Inst all the Cisco IP Phone on Your Ne twork Guidelines fo.
Chapter 2 Prepari ng to Install the Cisc o IP Phone on Y our Netwo rk Adding Phone s to the Cisco CallManage r Databas e 2-12 Cisco IP Phone Admi nistration Guid e for Cisco C allMana ger 3.
2-13 Cisco IP Pho ne Administra tion Guide for Cisco Ca llMa nager 3.3 , Cisco IP Phones 790 2G/7905G/7912G OL-6313-01 Chapter 2 Preparing to Inst all the Cisco IP Phone on Your Ne twork Adding Ph ones to th e Cisco C allMana ger Dat abase Use auto- registra tion to q uickly get all ph ones into the Cisco CallManage r database .
Chapter 2 Prepari ng to Install the Cisc o IP Phone on Y our Netwo rk Adding Phone s to the Cisco CallManage r Databas e 2-14 Cisco IP Phone Admi nistration Guid e for Cisco C allMana ger 3.
2-15 Cisco IP Pho ne Administra tion Guide for Cisco Ca llMa nager 3.3 , Cisco IP Phones 790 2G/7905G/7912G OL-6313-01 Chapter 2 Preparing to Inst all the Cisco IP Phone on Your Ne twork Adding Ph one.
Chapter 2 Prepari ng to Install the Cisc o IP Phone on Y our Netwo rk Adding Phone s to the Cisco CallManage r Databas e 2-16 Cisco IP Phone Admi nistration Guid e for Cisco C allMana ger 3.3, Cisc o IP Phones 7902G/7905G/7 912G OL-6313-01 Step 3 Select Phone fr om the Device T y pe drop- down me nu a nd clic k Ne xt .
2-17 Cisco IP Pho ne Administra tion Guide for Cisco Ca llMa nager 3.3 , Cisco IP Phones 790 2G/7905G/7912G OL-6313-01 Chapter 2 Preparing to Inst all the Cisco IP Phone on Your Ne twork Adding Ph one.
Chapter 2 Prepari ng to Install the Cisc o IP Phone on Y our Netwo rk Adding Phone s to the Cisco CallManage r Databas e 2-18 Cisco IP Phone Admi nistration Guid e for Cisco C allMana ger 3.
C HAPTER 3-1 Cisco IP Pho ne Administra tion Guide for Cisco Ca llMa nager 3.3 , Cisco IP Phones 790 2G/7905G/7912G OL-6313-01 3 Installing the Cisco IP Phone These topi cs help you insta ll the Cisco.
Chapter 3 Installing the Cisco IP Phone Before You Be gin 3-2 Cisco IP Phone Admi nistration Guid e for Cisco C allMana ger 3.3, Cisc o IP Phones 7902G/7905G/7 912G OL-6313-01 Network Re qu iremen ts .
3-3 Cisco IP Pho ne Administra tion Guide for Cisco Ca llMa nager 3.3 , Cisco IP Phones 790 2G/7905G/7912G OL-6313-01 Chapter 3 Installing t he Ci sco IP Phone Before You Begin Safety Rev ie w the f ollo wing w arnings before insta lling the Cisco IP Phone.
Chapter 3 Installing the Cisco IP Phone Connecti ng t he Ci sco IP Phone t o the Network 3-4 Cisco IP Phone Admi nistration Guid e for Cisco C allMana ger 3.3, Cisc o IP Phones 7902G/7905G/7 912G OL-6313-01 The following warni n gs app l y whe n yo u u se an exter nal power sup pl y .
3-5 Cisco IP Pho ne Administra tion Guide for Cisco Ca llMa nager 3.3 , Cisco IP Phones 790 2G/7905G/7912G OL-6313-01 Chapter 3 Installing t he Ci sco IP Phone Connect ing the C isco I P Phone to th e.
Chapter 3 Installing the Cisco IP Phone Connecti ng t he Ci sco IP Phone t o the Network 3-6 Cisco IP Phone Admi nistration Guid e for Cisco C allMana ger 3.
3-7 Cisco IP Pho ne Administra tion Guide for Cisco Ca llMa nager 3.3 , Cisco IP Phones 790 2G/7905G/7912G OL-6313-01 Chapter 3 Installing t he Ci sco IP Phone Connect ing the C isco I P Phone to th e.
Chapter 3 Installing the Cisco IP Phone Mounti ng t he Phone to th e Wal l 3-8 Cisco IP Phone Admi nistration Guid e for Cisco C allMana ger 3.3, Cisc o IP Phones 7902G/7905G/7 912G OL-6313-01 Mountin.
3-9 Cisco IP Pho ne Administra tion Guide for Cisco Ca llMa nager 3.3 , Cisco IP Phones 790 2G/7905G/7912G OL-6313-01 Chapter 3 Installing t he Ci sco IP Phone Verifying the Phone Startup Process Step 3 Insert tw o scre ws into a wall stud, matc hing them to the tw o scre w holes on the back o f t h e pho ne .
Chapter 3 Installing the Cisco IP Phone Con fi gur in g Sta rtu p Ne t wor k Sett ings 3-10 Cisco IP Phone Admi nistration Guid e for Cisco C allMana ger 3.
C HAPTER 4-1 Cisco IP Pho ne Administra tion Guide for Cisco Ca llMa nager 3.3 , Cisco IP Phones 790 2G/7905G/7912G OL-6313-01 4 Configuring Network Settings on th e Cisco IP Phone Because th e Cisco .
Chapter 4 Configuring Network Settings on the Cisc o IP Phone Configurin g Met hods 4-2 Cisco IP Phone Admi nistration Guid e for Cisco C allMana ger 3.3, Cisc o IP Phones 7902G/7905G/7 912G OL-6313-01 This c hapt er d escri bes various me tho ds y ou can use t o configure m ost n etwork settings for the Cisco IP Phone.
4-3 Cisco IP Pho ne Administra tion Guide for Cisco Ca llMa nager 3.3 , Cisco IP Phones 790 2G/7905G/7912G OL-6313-01 Chapter 4 Configuring Netwo rk Set ti ng s on the Cisco IP Phone Configuring Methods T o unlock network s e tt ings on t he Ci sco IP Phone mod els 79 05G/ 79 12G, foll ow the se step s.
Chapter 4 Configuring Network Settings on the Cisc o IP Phone Verify ing Networ k Sett ings 4-4 Cisco IP Phone Admi nistration Guid e for Cisco C allMana ger 3.
4-5 Cisco IP Pho ne Administra tion Guide for Cisco Ca llMa nager 3.3 , Cisco IP Phones 790 2G/7905G/7912G OL-6313-01 Chapter 4 Configuring Netwo rk Set ti ng s on the Cisco IP Phone Verifying Network Setting s Using t he Phone’s Ne twork Configurat ion Screen (Cisco IP Phone Mo dels 7905G/ 7912G) Proc edure Step 1 Press the Menu button.
Chapter 4 Configuring Network Settings on the Cisc o IP Phone Verify ing Networ k Sett ings 4-6 Cisco IP Phone Admi nistration Guid e for Cisco C allMana ger 3.
4-7 Cisco IP Pho ne Administra tion Guide for Cisco Ca llMa nager 3.3 , Cisco IP Phones 790 2G/7905G/7912G OL-6313-01 Chapter 4 Configuring Netwo rk Set ti ng s on the Cisco IP Phone Verifying Network Setting s VLAN Ena bled Indicat es whethe r VL AN is en abled for the pho ne.
Chapter 4 Configuring Network Settings on the Cisc o IP Phone Verify ing Networ k Sett ings 4-8 Cisco IP Phone Admi nistration Guid e for Cisco C allMana ger 3.
4-9 Cisco IP Pho ne Administra tion Guide for Cisco Ca llMa nager 3.3 , Cisco IP Phones 790 2G/7905G/7912G OL-6313-01 Chapter 4 Configuring Netwo rk Set ti ng s on the Cisco IP Phone Modifying DHCP Se.
Chapter 4 Configuring Network Settings on the Cisc o IP Phone Modi fyin g DHC P Se tting s 4-10 Cisco IP Phone Admi nistration Guid e for Cisco C allMana ger 3.3, Cisc o IP Phones 7902G/7905G/7 912G OL-6313-01 Enabling DHC P Cisco IP Phone s ena ble DHCP by d efaul t, but you can rese t the pro to col i f i t becomes d isabled.
4-11 Cisco IP Pho ne Administra tion Guide for Cisco Ca llMa nager 3.3 , Cisco IP Phones 790 2G/7905G/7912G OL-6313-01 Chapter 4 Configuring Netwo rk Set ti ng s on the Cisco IP Phone Modifying DHCP Settings Step 4 From th e Networ k Configur ation m enu, pr ess **# .
Chapter 4 Configuring Network Settings on the Cisc o IP Phone Modi fyin g DHC P Se tting s 4-12 Cisco IP Phone Admi nistration Guid e for Cisco C allMana ger 3.
4-13 Cisco IP Pho ne Administra tion Guide for Cisco Ca llMa nager 3.3 , Cisco IP Phones 790 2G/7905G/7912G OL-6313-01 Chapter 4 Configuring Netwo rk Set ti ng s on the Cisco IP Phone Modifying DHCP Settings Step 5 Scroll to DHCP Enab led .
Chapter 4 Configuring Network Settings on the Cisc o IP Phone Modi fyin g DHC P Se tting s 4-14 Cisco IP Phone Admi nistration Guid e for Cisco C allMana ger 3.3, Cisc o IP Phones 7902G/7905G/7 912G OL-6313-01 Using t he Phone’s Ne twork Configurat ion Screen (Cisco IP Phone Mo dels 7905G/ 7912G) Proc edure Step 1 Press the Menu button.
4-15 Cisco IP Pho ne Administra tion Guide for Cisco Ca llMa nager 3.3 , Cisco IP Phones 790 2G/7905G/7912G OL-6313-01 Chapter 4 Configuring Netwo rk Set ti ng s on the Cisco IP Phone Configuring IP Settings Configuring IP Settings Use the se guid elines whe n manu ally co nfiguring the IP set tings: • Y o u ca n use 0.
Chapter 4 Configuring Network Settings on the Cisc o IP Phone Configur ing I P Sett ings 4-16 Cisco IP Phone Admi nistration Guid e for Cisco C allMana ger 3.
4-17 Cisco IP Pho ne Administra tion Guide for Cisco Ca llMa nager 3.3 , Cisco IP Phones 790 2G/7905G/7912G OL-6313-01 Chapter 4 Configuring Netwo rk Set ti ng s on the Cisco IP Phone Configuring IP Settings Step 5 Scroll to IP Address . Step 6 Press the Edit softkey .
Chapter 4 Configuring Network Settings on the Cisc o IP Phone Configur ing I P Sett ings 4-18 Cisco IP Phone Admi nistration Guid e for Cisco C allMana ger 3.3, Cisc o IP Phones 7902G/7905G/7 912G OL-6313-01 Step 3 T o set the rou te addr ess, e nter an addr ess in th e Static Route f ield and click Apply .
4-19 Cisco IP Pho ne Administra tion Guide for Cisco Ca llMa nager 3.3 , Cisco IP Phones 790 2G/7905G/7912G OL-6313-01 Chapter 4 Configuring Netwo rk Set ti ng s on the Cisco IP Phone Configuring IP Settings Assigning a Subn et Mask The subnet mask is used to partition th e IP address into a netwo rk and a host identif ier .
Chapter 4 Configuring Network Settings on the Cisc o IP Phone Configur ing I P Sett ings 4-20 Cisco IP Phone Admi nistration Guid e for Cisco C allMana ger 3.3, Cisc o IP Phones 7902G/7905G/7 912G OL-6313-01 Using t he Phone’s Ne twork Configurat ion Screen (Cisco IP Phone Mo dels 7905G/ 7912G) Proc edure Step 1 Press the Menu button.
4-21 Cisco IP Pho ne Administra tion Guide for Cisco Ca llMa nager 3.3 , Cisco IP Phones 790 2G/7905G/7912G OL-6313-01 Chapter 4 Configuring Netwo rk Set ti ng s on the Cisco IP Phone Configuring IP S.
Chapter 4 Configuring Network Settings on the Cisc o IP Phone Configur ing I P Sett ings 4-22 Cisco IP Phone Admi nistration Guid e for Cisco C allMana ger 3.3, Cisc o IP Phones 7902G/7905G/7 912G OL-6313-01 Step 4 From th e Networ k Configur ation m enu, pr ess **# .
4-23 Cisco IP Pho ne Administra tion Guide for Cisco Ca llMa nager 3.3 , Cisco IP Phones 790 2G/7905G/7912G OL-6313-01 Chapter 4 Configuring Netwo rk Set ti ng s on the Cisco IP Phone Configuring IP S.
Chapter 4 Configuring Network Settings on the Cisc o IP Phone Mod i fyin g VLA N Se tt ing s 4-24 Cisco IP Phone Admi nistration Guid e for Cisco C allMana ger 3.3, Cisc o IP Phones 7902G/7905G/7 912G OL-6313-01 Step 4 From th e Networ k Configur ation m enu, pr ess **# .
4-25 Cisco IP Pho ne Administra tion Guide for Cisco Ca llMa nager 3.3 , Cisco IP Phones 790 2G/7905G/7912G OL-6313-01 Chapter 4 Configuring Netwo rk Set ti ng s on the Cisco IP Phone Modifying VLAN S.
Chapter 4 Configuring Network Settings on the Cisc o IP Phone Mod i fyin g VLA N Se tt ing s 4-26 Cisco IP Phone Admi nistration Guid e for Cisco C allMana ger 3.3, Cisc o IP Phones 7902G/7905G/7 912G OL-6313-01 Step 3 From the Sett ings menu , use the N a vigat ion b utton to selec t Netw ork Conf iguration , and th en pr ess the Select softke y .
4-27 Cisco IP Pho ne Administra tion Guide for Cisco Ca llMa nager 3.3 , Cisco IP Phones 790 2G/7905G/7912G OL-6313-01 Chapter 4 Configuring Netwo rk Set ti ng s on the Cisco IP Phone Modifying VLAN Settings Step 2 In the pane on t he left unde r Change Configura tion, clic k Net work Par amete rs .
Chapter 4 Configuring Network Settings on the Cisc o IP Phone Configu rin g TFTP Options 4-28 Cisco IP Phone Admi nistration Guid e for Cisco C allMana ger 3.3, Cisc o IP Phones 7902G/7905G/7 912G OL-6313-01 Configuring TFT P Options If you do not use DHCP to di rect the Cisco IP Pho ne to a T FTP server , you m ust manua lly as sign one.
4-29 Cisco IP Pho ne Administra tion Guide for Cisco Ca llMa nager 3.3 , Cisco IP Phones 790 2G/7905G/7912G OL-6313-01 Chapter 4 Configuring Netwo rk Set ti ng s on the Cisco IP Phone Configuring TFTP Options Step 3 T o set th e TFT P server s: a. T o set TFTP Server1, in the TFTPServe r1 f ield enter an address and click App ly .
Chapter 4 Configuring Network Settings on the Cisc o IP Phone Configu rin g TFTP Options 4-30 Cisco IP Phone Admi nistration Guid e for Cisco C allMana ger 3.
4-31 Cisco IP Pho ne Administra tion Guide for Cisco Ca llMa nager 3.3 , Cisco IP Phones 790 2G/7905G/7912G OL-6313-01 Chapter 4 Configuring Netwo rk Set ti ng s on the Cisco IP Phone Configuring TFTP Options Assign ing a Backu p TFTP Se rver TFTP Serv er 2 disp lays th e IP ad dress of the back up TFTP se rv er .
Chapter 4 Configuring Network Settings on the Cisc o IP Phone Configurin g CDP 4-32 Cisco IP Phone Admi nistration Guid e for Cisco C allMana ger 3.3, Cisc o IP Phones 7902G/7905G/7 912G OL-6313-01 Configuring CDP Y o u can disable or enable Cisc o Discovery Protocol (CD P).
4-33 Cisco IP Pho ne Administra tion Guide for Cisco Ca llMa nager 3.3 , Cisco IP Phones 790 2G/7905G/7912G OL-6313-01 Chapter 4 Configuring Netwo rk Set ti ng s on the Cisco IP Phone Configuring CDP Step 3 From the Sett ings menu , use the N a vigat ion b utton to selec t Netw ork Conf iguration , and th en pr ess the Select softke y .
Chapter 4 Configuring Network Settings on the Cisc o IP Phone Configurin g CDP 4-34 Cisco IP Phone Admi nistration Guid e for Cisco C allMana ger 3.3, Cisc o IP Phones 7902G/7905G/7 912G OL-6313-01.
C HAPTER 5-1 Cisco IP Pho ne Administra tion Guide for Cisco Ca llMa nager 3.3 , Cisco IP Phones 790 2G/7905G/7912G OL-6313-01 5 Configuring Users, Fea tures, an d Services After you install Cisco IP .
Chapter 5 Configur ing Users, Featur es, and S ervices Configu r in g Telephony Fe atures Us ing Cisco CallMa nager A dm i nistration 5-2 Cisco IP Phone Admi nistration Guid e for Cisco C allMana ger 3.
5-3 Cisco IP Pho ne Administra tion Guide for Cisco Ca llMa nager 3.3 , Cisco IP Phones 790 2G/7905G/7912G OL-6313-01 Chapter 5 Configuring Us ers , Features, an d Services Confi gurin g Teleph ony Fe.
Chapter 5 Configur ing Users, Featur es, and S ervices Configu r in g Telephony Fe atures Us ing Cisco CallMa nager A dm i nistration 5-4 Cisco IP Phone Admi nistration Guid e for Cisco C allMana ger 3.
5-5 Cisco IP Pho ne Administra tion Guide for Cisco Ca llMa nager 3.3 , Cisco IP Phones 790 2G/7905G/7912G OL-6313-01 Chapter 5 Configuring Us ers , Features, an d Services Confi gurin g Teleph ony Fe.
Chapter 5 Configur ing Users, Featur es, and S ervices Configu r in g Telephony Fe atures Us ing Cisco CallMa nager A dm i nistration 5-6 Cisco IP Phone Admi nistration Guid e for Cisco C allMana ger 3.
5-7 Cisco IP Pho ne Administra tion Guide for Cisco Ca llMa nager 3.3 , Cisco IP Phones 790 2G/7905G/7912G OL-6313-01 Chapter 5 Configuring Us ers , Features, an d Services Add ing Users to Cis co Cal.
Chapter 5 Config uring Use rs, Featur es, an d Servi ces Sett ing Up Ser vi ce s 5-8 Cisco IP Phone Admi nistration Guid e for Cisco C allMana ger 3.3, Cisc o IP Phones 7902G/7905G/7 912G OL-6313-01 T o install and set up these featu res, refer to Installing and Co nfigurin g t he Cisco Cus tomer Di r ectory C onf igur atio n Pl ugi n .
5-9 Cisco IP Pho ne Administra tion Guide for Cisco Ca llMa nager 3.3 , Cisco IP Phones 790 2G/7905G/7912G OL-6313-01 Chapter 5 Configuring Us ers , Features, an d Services Providing Information to Us.
Chapter 5 Config uring Use rs, Featur es, an d Servi ces Providing I nfo rm at io n to Users Via a Web Si te 5-10 Cisco IP Phone Admi nistration Guid e for Cisco C allMana ger 3.
5-11 Cisco IP Pho ne Administra tion Guide for Cisco Ca llMa nager 3.3 , Cisco IP Phones 790 2G/7905G/7912G OL-6313-01 Chapter 5 Configuring Us ers , Features, an d Services Providing Information to U.
Chapter 5 Config uring Use rs, Featur es, an d Servi ces Providing I nfo rm at io n to Users Via a Web Si te 5-12 Cisco IP Phone Admi nistration Guid e for Cisco C allMana ger 3.3, Cisc o IP Phones 7902G/7905G/7 912G OL-6313-01 • Initial password for accessing the voice messaging system.
C HAPTER 6-1 Cisco IP Pho ne Administra tion Guide for Cisco Ca llMa nager 3.3 , Cisco IP Phones 790 2G/7905G/7912G OL-6313-01 6 Troubleshooting the Cisco IP Phone Cisco IP Phone s p rovide diag nostic inf orm atio n tha t c an assist you w ith troublesh oot ing prob lems i n your I P t el ephony ne twork .
Chapt er 6 Tro ub lesh o otin g t h e Cis c o IP Ph one Obtainin g Sta tus, Model, a nd Ver sion Informat ion 6-2 Cisco IP Phone Admi nistration Guid e for Cisco C allMana ger 3.
6-3 Cisco IP Pho ne Administra tion Guide for Cisco Ca llMa nager 3.3 , Cisco IP Phones 790 2G/7905G/7912G OL-6313-01 Chapter 6 Troubleshoo ti ng t he Cisco IP Pho ne Obtaining Status, Model, and Vers.
Chapt er 6 Tro ub lesh o otin g t h e Cis c o IP Ph one Obtainin g Sta tus, Model, a nd Ver sion Informat ion 6-4 Cisco IP Phone Admi nistration Guid e for Cisco C allMana ger 3.3, Cisc o IP Phones 7902G/7905G/7 912G OL-6313-01 • T ransmit er rors— number of t ransmit er rors at the phone.
6-5 Cisco IP Pho ne Administra tion Guide for Cisco Ca llMa nager 3.3 , Cisco IP Phones 790 2G/7905G/7912G OL-6313-01 Chapter 6 Troubleshoo ti ng t he Cisco IP Pho ne Obtaining Status, Model, and Version Inform ation Verifying Model and Serial Number Y o u can verify the mode l and serial num ber of Cisc o I P Ph ones.
Chapt er 6 Tro ub lesh o otin g t h e Cis c o IP Ph one Obtainin g Sta tus, Model, a nd Ver sion Informat ion 6-6 Cisco IP Phone Admi nistration Guid e for Cisco C allMana ger 3.
6-7 Cisco IP Pho ne Administra tion Guide for Cisco Ca llMa nager 3.3 , Cisco IP Phones 790 2G/7905G/7912G OL-6313-01 Chapter 6 Troubleshoo ti ng t he Cisco IP Pho ne Monitoring Cisco IP Phones Re mo tely Step 3 Select St atus , and th en press the Selec t softkey .
Chapt er 6 Tro ub lesh o otin g t h e Cis c o IP Ph one Resett in g th e Cisc o IP Phon e 6-8 Cisco IP Phone Admi nistration Guid e for Cisco C allMana ger 3.3, Cisc o IP Phones 7902G/7905G/7 912G OL-6313-01 Resetting the Cisco IP Phone If you reset th e phone, any cha nges made that ha ve not been saved are lost and set back to defau lt settings.
6-9 Cisco IP Pho ne Administra tion Guide for Cisco Ca llMa nager 3.3 , Cisco IP Phones 790 2G/7905G/7912G OL-6313-01 Chapter 6 Troubleshoo ti ng t he Cisco IP Pho ne Erasing the Local Configuration Cisco IP Phon e 7902G Proc edure Step 1 Lift the hand set, then press and hol d the Menu button f or ab out 3 s econd s.
Chapt er 6 Tro ub lesh o otin g t h e Cis c o IP Ph one Updating t he Firmwa re Ver sion 6-10 Cisco IP Phone Admi nistration Guid e for Cisco C allMana ger 3.3, Cisc o IP Phones 7902G/7905G/7 912G OL-6313-01 Updating the Firmware Version Y ou can update the f irmwar e vers ion using the Cisco C allMana ger Administra tion applicatio n.
6-11 Cisco IP Pho ne Administra tion Guide for Cisco Ca llMa nager 3.3 , Cisco IP Phones 790 2G/7905G/7912G OL-6313-01 Chapter 6 Troubleshoo ti ng t he Cisco IP Pho ne Checking the Light Indica tors on a Cisco IP Phone 7 902G Step 7 From the Cisco Ca llMana ger Grou p list, choose t he group you want to upda te.
Chapt er 6 Tro ub lesh o otin g t h e Cis c o IP Ph one Resolv ing Star tup Probl ems 6-12 Cisco IP Phone Admi nistration Guid e for Cisco C allMana ger 3.
6-13 Cisco IP Pho ne Administra tion Guide for Cisco Ca llMa nager 3.3 , Cisco IP Phones 790 2G/7905G/7912G OL-6313-01 Chapter 6 Troubleshoo ti ng t he Cisco IP Pho ne Resolving Startup Problems T o d.
Chapt er 6 Tro ub lesh o otin g t h e Cis c o IP Ph one Resolv ing Star tup Probl ems 6-14 Cisco IP Phone Admi nistration Guid e for Cisco C allMana ger 3.
6-15 Cisco IP Pho ne Administra tion Guide for Cisco Ca llMa nager 3.3 , Cisco IP Phones 790 2G/7905G/7912G OL-6313-01 Chapter 6 Troubleshoo ti ng t he Cisco IP Pho ne Resolving Startup Problems Verif.
Chapt er 6 Tro ub lesh o otin g t h e Cis c o IP Ph one Resolv ing Star tup Probl ems 6-16 Cisco IP Phone Admi nistration Guid e for Cisco C allMana ger 3.3, Cisc o IP Phones 7902G/7905G/7 912G OL-6313-01 If you a re using D HCP , check th e IP addr esses d istributed by your DHCP ser ver .
6-17 Cisco IP Pho ne Administra tion Guide for Cisco Ca llMa nager 3.3 , Cisco IP Phones 790 2G/7905G/7912G OL-6313-01 Chapter 6 Troubleshoo ti ng t he Cisco IP Pho ne Resolving Startup Problems Proc edure Step 1 From the Cisco CallManager Administration wind ow , choose A pplication > Cisco CallManag er Se rvicea bility .
Chapt er 6 Tro ub lesh o otin g t h e Cis c o IP Ph one Resolv ing Star tup Probl ems 6-18 Cisco IP Phone Admi nistration Guid e for Cisco C allMana ger 3.3, Cisc o IP Phones 7902G/7905G/7 912G OL-6313-01 Step 6 Rename this to match the nam e of the conf igurat ion file for the problemat ic phone.
6-19 Cisco IP Pho ne Administra tion Guide for Cisco Ca llMa nager 3.3 , Cisco IP Phones 790 2G/7905G/7912G OL-6313-01 Chapter 6 Troubleshoo ti ng t he Cisco IP Pho ne Resolving Startup Problems Verifying Physical Connection V erify that the Ethernet conn ection to which the Cisco IP Phone is connec ted is up-an d-run ning.
Chapt er 6 Tro ub lesh o otin g t h e Cis c o IP Ph one Resolv ing Star tup Probl ems 6-20 Cisco IP Phone Admi nistration Guid e for Cisco C allMana ger 3.
6-21 Cisco IP Pho ne Administra tion Guide for Cisco Ca llMa nager 3.3 , Cisco IP Phones 790 2G/7905G/7912G OL-6313-01 Chapter 6 Troubleshoo ti ng t he Cisco IP Pho ne Reso l ving Kn own I s sues Step 4 From Cisco CallManager , select Syst em > Server and veri fy that the serv er is being refe rred to by its IP address and not by its DNS nam e.
Chapt er 6 Tro ub lesh o otin g t h e Cis c o IP Ph one Resolv ing Know n Issues 6-22 Cisco IP Phone Admi nistration Guid e for Cisco C allMana ger 3.3, Cisc o IP Phones 7902G/7905G/7 912G OL-6313-01 .
6-23 Cisco IP Pho ne Administra tion Guide for Cisco Ca llMa nager 3.3 , Cisco IP Phones 790 2G/7905G/7912G OL-6313-01 Chapter 6 Troubleshoo ti ng t he Cisco IP Pho ne Where to Go for More Information Where to Go for More Information If you have additional q uestio ns abo ut tr oub lesho oting the Cisc o IP Ph one s, se veral Cisco .
Chapt er 6 Tro ub lesh o otin g t h e Cis c o IP Ph one Whe r e to G o fo r Mor e In fo r mat ion 6-24 Cisco IP Phone Admi nistration Guid e for Cisco C allMana ger 3.
A-1 Cisco IP Pho ne Administra tion Guide for Cisco Ca llMa nager 3.3 , Cisco IP Phones 790 2G/7905G/7912G OL-6313-01 APPEND IX A Additional Configuration Methods, Parameters, and Procedu res The Ci sco IP Pho ne mu st be c o r rectly configured befo re it wi ll opera t e prope rly .
Appendi x A Addition al Co nfi gu ration Met ho ds, Paramet ers , and Proce dure s TFTP C on fi g uri ng A-2 Cisco IP Ph one Administratio n Guide for Cis co CallManager 3.
A-3 Cisco IP Phone Admini stration Guid e for Cisco CallM anager 3. 3, Cisco IP Phone s 7902G/7905G/7912G OL-6313-01 Append ix A Additional Confi gura tion Met hods, Para m et ers, and Proc edu res TF.
Appendi x A Addition al Co nfi gu ration Met ho ds, Paramet ers , and Proce dure s TFTP C on fi g uri ng A-4 Cisco IP Ph one Administratio n Guide for Cis co CallManager 3.
A-5 Cisco IP Phone Admini stration Guid e for Cisco CallM anager 3. 3, Cisco IP Phone s 7902G/7905G/7912G OL-6313-01 Append ix A Additional Confi gura tion Met hods, Para m et ers, and Proc edu res TF.
Appendi x A Addition al Co nfi gu ration Met ho ds, Paramet ers , and Proce dure s Web Pag e Conf i guring A-6 Cisco IP Ph one Administratio n Guide for Cis co CallManager 3.
A-7 Cisco IP Phone Admini stration Guid e for Cisco CallM anager 3. 3, Cisco IP Phone s 7902G/7905G/7912G OL-6313-01 Append ix A Additional Confi gura tion Met hods, Para m et ers, and Proc edu res We.
Appendi x A Addition al Co nfi gu ration Met ho ds, Paramet ers , and Proce dure s Web Pag e Conf i guring A-8 Cisco IP Ph one Administratio n Guide for Cis co CallManager 3.
A-9 Cisco IP Phone Admini stration Guid e for Cisco CallM anager 3. 3, Cisco IP Phone s 7902G/7905G/7912G OL-6313-01 Append ix A Additional Confi gura tion Met hods, Para m et ers, and Proc edu res Web Page Config urin g • Host nam e—U niq ue ho st na me assi gned t o t he ph one .
Appendi x A Addition al Co nfi gu ration Met ho ds, Paramet ers , and Proce dure s Web Pag e Conf i guring A-10 Cisco IP Ph one Administratio n Guide for Cis co CallManager 3.
A-11 Cisco IP Phone Admini stration Guid e for Cisco CallM anager 3. 3, Cisco IP Phone s 7902G/7905G/7912G OL-6313-01 Append ix A Additional Confi gura tion Met hods, Para m et ers, and Proc edu res Configuration Parameters Device Logs The Device Logs are a of the Cisco IP Phone web pa ge displ ays the name of the phone’ s profile file.
Appendi x A Addition al Co nfi gu ration Met ho ds, Paramet ers , and Proce dure s Configurat ion Paramete rs A-12 Cisco IP Ph one Administratio n Guide for Cis co CallManager 3.
A-13 Cisco IP Phone Admini stration Guid e for Cisco CallM anager 3. 3, Cisco IP Phone s 7902G/7905G/7912G OL-6313-01 Append ix A Additional Confi gura tion Met hods, Para m et ers, and Proc edu res Configuration Parameters StaticNetMask Static subnet mask of the phone when DHCP is n ot use d.
Appendi x A Addition al Co nfi gu ration Met ho ds, Paramet ers , and Proce dure s Configurat ion Paramete rs A-14 Cisco IP Ph one Administratio n Guide for Cis co CallManager 3.3, Cisco IP Phones 7902G/7905G/79 12G OL-6313-01 OpFlags E nables or di sables various feat ures on t he p hon e.
A-15 Cisco IP Phone Admini stration Guid e for Cisco CallM anager 3. 3, Cisco IP Phone s 7902G/7905G/7912G OL-6313-01 Append ix A Additional Confi gura tion Met hods, Para m et ers, and Proc edu res Configuration Parameters OpFlags con’ t. • Bit 9 (m ask 0x 200 )—N ot u sed o n t he Cisco IP Pho ne 7905G.
Appendi x A Addition al Co nfi gu ration Met ho ds, Paramet ers , and Proce dure s Configurat ion Paramete rs A-16 Cisco IP Ph one Administratio n Guide for Cis co CallManager 3.
A-17 Cisco IP Phone Admini stration Guid e for Cisco CallM anager 3. 3, Cisco IP Phone s 7902G/7905G/7912G OL-6313-01 Append ix A Additional Confi gura tion Met hods, Para m et ers, and Proc edu res Configuration Parameters T able A -2 T one P ar amet ers Parameter Description Usage SigT imer T imeo ut valu es for signalin g even ts .
Appendi x A Addition al Co nfi gu ration Met ho ds, Paramet ers , and Proce dure s Configurat ion Paramete rs A-18 Cisco IP Ph one Administratio n Guide for Cis co CallManager 3.3, Cisco IP Phones 7902G/7905G/79 12G OL-6313-01 Dial T o ne Not used be cause Cisco CallManager pro vides a tone conf igurat ion file to the pho ne.
A-19 Cisco IP Phone Admini stration Guid e for Cisco CallM anager 3. 3, Cisco IP Phone s 7902G/7905G/7912G OL-6313-01 Append ix A Additional Confi gura tion Met hods, Para m et ers, and Proc edu res C.
Appendi x A Addition al Co nfi gu ration Met ho ds, Paramet ers , and Proce dure s Configurat ion Paramete rs A-20 Cisco IP Ph one Administratio n Guide for Cis co CallManager 3.
A-21 Cisco IP Phone Admini stration Guid e for Cisco CallM anager 3. 3, Cisco IP Phone s 7902G/7905G/7912G OL-6313-01 Append ix A Additional Confi gura tion Met hods, Para m et ers, and Proc edu res S.
Appendi x A Addition al Co nfi gu ration Met ho ds, Paramet ers , and Proce dure s Using the Interactiv e Voi ce Respons e (I VR) Sy st em on the C is co IP Phone 7902G A-22 Cisco IP Ph one Administratio n Guide for Cis co CallManager 3.
A-23 Cisco IP Phone Admini stration Guid e for Cisco CallM anager 3. 3, Cisco IP Phone s 7902G/7905G/7912G OL-6313-01 Append ix A Additional Confi gura tion Met hods, Para m et ers, and Proc edu res U.
Appendi x A Addition al Co nfi gu ration Met ho ds, Paramet ers , and Proce dure s Using the Interactiv e Voi ce Respons e (I VR) Sy st em on the C is co IP Phone 7902G A-24 Cisco IP Ph one Administratio n Guide for Cis co CallManager 3.
A-25 Cisco IP Phone Admini stration Guid e for Cisco CallM anager 3. 3, Cisco IP Phone s 7902G/7905G/7912G OL-6313-01 Append ix A Additional Confi gura tion Met hods, Para m et ers, and Proc edu res U.
Appendi x A Addition al Co nfi gu ration Met ho ds, Paramet ers , and Proce dure s Using the Interactiv e Voi ce Respons e (I VR) Sy st em on the C is co IP Phone 7902G A-26 Cisco IP Ph one Administratio n Guide for Cis co CallManager 3.
A-27 Cisco IP Phone Admini stration Guid e for Cisco CallM anager 3. 3, Cisco IP Phone s 7902G/7905G/7912G OL-6313-01 Append ix A Additional Confi gura tion Met hods, Para m et ers, and Proc edu res C.
Appendi x A Addition al Co nfi gu ration Met ho ds, Paramet ers , and Proce dure s Changing the Logo on the Ci sc o IP Phone LCD Screen A-28 Cisco IP Ph one Administratio n Guide for Cis co CallManager 3.
A-29 Cisco IP Phone Admini stration Guid e for Cisco CallM anager 3. 3, Cisco IP Phone s 7902G/7905G/7912G OL-6313-01 Append ix A Additional Confi gura tion Met hods, Para m et ers, and Proc edu res Changi ng the Lo go on the Cisco I P Phone LCD Scr een Step 3 Add the follo wing line to the Cisco I P Phone p rof ile f ile.
Appendi x A Addition al Co nfi gu ration Met ho ds, Paramet ers , and Proce dure s Collectin g In formatio n for Troubleshoot ing A-30 Cisco IP Ph one Administratio n Guide for Cis co CallManager 3.
A-31 Cisco IP Phone Admini stration Guid e for Cisco CallM anager 3. 3, Cisco IP Phone s 7902G/7905G/7912G OL-6313-01 Append ix A Additional Confi gura tion Met hods, Para m et ers, and Proc edu res C.
Appendi x A Addition al Co nfi gu ration Met ho ds, Paramet ers , and Proce dure s Collectin g In formatio n for Troubleshoot ing A-32 Cisco IP Ph one Administratio n Guide for Cis co CallManager 3.
B-1 Cisco IP Pho ne Administra tion Guide for Cisco Ca llMa nager 3.3 , Cisco IP Phones 790 2G/7905G/7912G OL-6313-01 APPEND IX B Technical Specifications The follo wing sec tions describe the technical specif ications for the Cisco IP Phone mode ls 7 902 G/7 905G/ 7912G .
Append ix B Technical Specific ati on s Cable Spec if ic ati on s B-2 Cisco IP Ph one Administratio n Guide for Cis co CallManager 3.3, Cisco IP Phones 7902G/7905G/79 12G OL-6313-01 Cable Specifications • RJ-11 jack for handset co nnectio n • RJ-45 jack for th e LAN 10/100B ASE-T connec tion (l abele d LAN) • 48-volt power connec tor .
B-3 Cisco IP Phone Admini stration Guid e for Cisco CallM anager 3. 3, Cisco IP Phone s 7902G/7905G/7912G OL-6313-01 Append ix B Technical Specific ati on s Net w o rk Port Pino uts Acces s Po rt Co nnecto r Ta b l e B - 3 de scribe s th e ac cess port con nec tor pin outs.
Append ix B Technical Specific ati on s Network Por t Pinouts B-4 Cisco IP Ph one Administratio n Guide for Cis co CallManager 3.3, Cisco IP Phones 7902G/7905G/79 12G OL-6313-01.
IN- 1 Cisco IP Pho ne Administra tion Guide for Cisco Ca llMa nager 3.3 , Cisco IP Phones 790 2G/7905G/7912G OL-6313-01 INDEX A AC adapter connec tin g to 3-5 providing po w er us ing 2-9 acces s port.
Index IN-2 Cisco IP Phone Admi nistration Guid e for Cisco C allMana ger 3.3, Cisc o IP Phones 7902G/7905G/7 912G OL-6313-01 Bulk Ad min istrat ion Tool , a ddin g p hon es with 2-17 BusyTo ne paramet.
IN- 3 Cisco IP Pho ne Administra tion Guide for Cisco Ca llMa nager 3.3 , Cisco IP Phones 790 2G/7905G/7912G OL-6313-01 Index confer ence, d escrip tion 5-4 config urati on file, cre ating 6-17 config.
Index IN-4 Cisco IP Phone Admi nistration Guid e for Cisco C allMana ger 3.3, Cisc o IP Phones 7902G/7905G/7 912G OL-6313-01 Domain na me A-9 domain na me ass ignin g 4-20 network set ting 4-5 Domain .
IN- 5 Cisco IP Pho ne Administra tion Guide for Cisco Ca llMa nager 3.3 , Cisco IP Phones 790 2G/7905G/7912G OL-6313-01 Index interf erence , cell phone 1-1 interne t pr otoc ol ( IP), de scri ption 1-8 IP, desc ripti on 1-8 IP addre ss A-9 ass ignin g 4-15 network set ting 4-5 troublesh ooting 6-15 L lddefaul t.
Index IN-6 Cisco IP Phone Admi nistration Guid e for Cisco C allMana ger 3.3, Cisc o IP Phones 7902G/7905G/7 912G OL-6313-01 network por t connec tin g to 3-4 purpose 2-8 network r equirements, f or i.
IN- 7 Cisco IP Pho ne Administra tion Guide for Cisco Ca llMa nager 3.3 , Cisco IP Phones 790 2G/7905G/7912G OL-6313-01 Index profile f ile about A-2 binary A-3 comm on A-3 convent ions A- 4 convert i.
Index IN-8 Cisco IP Phone Admi nistration Guid e for Cisco C allMana ger 3.3, Cisc o IP Phones 7902G/7905G/7 912G OL-6313-01 Softwa re v ers ion A-8 spee d dial , desc rip tion 5-6 SRST A-9 SRST, netw.
IN- 9 Cisco IP Pho ne Administra tion Guide for Cisco Ca llMa nager 3.3 , Cisco IP Phones 790 2G/7905G/7912G OL-6313-01 Index TFTP alternate, netwo rk setting 4-9 descript ion 1-8 enab l ing a lt er n.
Index IN-10 Cisco IP Phone Admi nistration Guid e for Cisco C allMana ger 3.3, Cisc o IP Phones 7902G/7905G/7 912G OL-6313-01 upgradi ng firmwa re A-21 user datagr am proto col (UDP ), descript ion 1-.
デバイスCisco Systems 7912Gの購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Cisco Systems 7912Gをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはCisco Systems 7912Gの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Cisco Systems 7912Gの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Cisco Systems 7912Gで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Cisco Systems 7912Gを既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はCisco Systems 7912Gの不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Cisco Systems 7912Gに関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちCisco Systems 7912Gデバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。