Cisco SystemsメーカーATA 186の使用説明書/サービス説明書
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Corporate He adquarters Cisco System s, Inc . 170 West Ta sman Drive San Jos e, CA 95134 -1706 USA Tel: 408 526-4000 800 553- NETS (638 7) Fax: 408 526-4100 Cisco A T A 1 86 and Cisco A T A 1 88 Analog T elephone A daptor A dministrator ’ s Guide f or MGCP (v er sion 3.
iii Cisco ATA 186 an d Cisco ATA 188 Anal og Telephon e Adaptor Administ rator’ s Guide for MGCP (v ersion 3.0) OL-4803-01 CONTENTS Object ives ix Audienc e ix Organi zation an d Use x Organi zation x Conv enti ons x Relat ed Do cume ntatio n xiv Obtain ing Docu mentati on xv Cisco.
Cont ent s iv Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide for MGCP (version 3. 0) OL-4803-01 Safety Reco mmendation s 2-2 What the Ci sco ATA Packag e Includ es.
Content s v Cisco ATA 186 an d Cisco ATA 188 Anal og Telephon e Adaptor Administ rator’ s Guide for MGCP (v ersion 3.0) OL-4803-01 Config urin g Refresh I nterval 4-2 Additi onal MGCP Servi ces 4-3 .
Cont ent s vi Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide for MGCP (version 3. 0) OL-4803-01 VLAN Setti ng 5-11 MGCP C onfigur ation Parameter s 5-12 CA0orCM0 5.
Content s vii Cisco ATA 186 an d Cisco ATA 188 Anal og Telephon e Adaptor Administ rator’ s Guide for MGCP (v ersion 3.0) OL-4803-01 AlertT one 5-39 RingCad ence 5-4 0 Diagnos tic Para meters 5-40 N.
Cont ent s viii Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide for MGCP (version 3. 0) OL-4803-01 Upgrade Pro cedure 7-4 Confi rming a Su cces sful S ignal ing Ima.
ix Cisco ATA 186 an d Cisco ATA 188 Anal og Telephon e Adaptor Administ rator’ s Guide for MGCP (v ersion 3.0) OL-4803-01 Preface This pre face inc ludes the foll ow ing secti ons: • Obje cti v es.
x Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide for MGCP (version 3. 0) OL-4803-01 Preface Organiza tion and Use Organization and Use Organization Ta b l e 1 provid es an overview of the organization of this guide.
xi Cisco ATA 186 an d Cisco ATA 188 Anal og Telephon e Adaptor Administ rator’ s Guide for MGCP (v ersion 3.0) OL-4803-01 Pre face Convent ions • Optiona l altern ative ke ywords a re group ed in bracket s and se parated by vertical b ars ( for example, [ x | y | z ]).
xii Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide for MGCP (version 3. 0) OL-4803-01 Preface Conv ent ions Va r o it u s TÄRKEITÄ TURV ALLISUUSOHJEIT A Tämä varoitusmerkki merkitsee vaaraa. T ilanne voi ai heuttaa ruumiillisia vammoja.
xiii Cisco ATA 186 an d Cisco ATA 188 Anal og Telephon e Adaptor Administ rator’ s Guide for MGCP (v ersion 3.0) OL-4803-01 Pre face Convent ions Av is o INSTR UÇÕES IM PORT ANTES DE SEGURA NÇA Este símbolo de aviso significa perigo. V ocê está em um a situação que poderá ser causadora de lesões corporais.
xiv Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide for MGCP (version 3. 0) OL-4803-01 Preface Related Documenta tion Related Documentation Use this guide in conjun.
xv Cisco ATA 186 an d Cisco ATA 188 Anal og Telephon e Adaptor Administ rator’ s Guide for MGCP (v ersion 3.0) OL-4803-01 Pre face Obtaining Documentation Applicable RFCs • RFC768 ( Use r Datagram.
xvi Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide for MGCP (version 3. 0) OL-4803-01 Preface Obtain ing Technical Assista nce Y ou can ord er Cisco documen tation in th ese ways: • Re gister ed Cisc o.
xvii Cisco ATA 186 an d Cisco ATA 188 Anal og Telephon e Adaptor Administ rator’ s Guide for MGCP (v ersion 3.0) OL-4803-01 Pre face Obtainin g Techni cal Assistan ce T o obtai n customized information and service , you can self-re gister on at this URL: http://www .
xviii Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide for MGCP (version 3. 0) OL-4803-01 Preface Obtainin g Additi onal Publicat ions and Info rmation Before ca lli.
C HAPTER 1-1 Cisco ATA 186 an d Cisco ATA 188 Analog Te lephone Ada ptor Administrato r’s Guide fo r MGCP (version 3.0) OL-4803-01 1 Cisco Analog Telephone Adaptor Overview This secti on describe s .
1-2 Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide for MGCP (version 3. 0) OL-4803-01 Chapter 1 Cisco Analog Telephone Adaptor Ove rview Overview of Media Gateway .
1-3 Cisco ATA 186 an d Cisco ATA 188 Analog Te lephone Ada ptor Administrato r’s Guide fo r MGCP (version 3.0) OL-4803-01 Chapter 1 Cisco Analog Telephone Ada ptor Overvi ew Hard ware Overv iew • Determi nes the a v aila bility of the tar get e ndpoint.
1-4 Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide for MGCP (version 3. 0) OL-4803-01 Chapter 1 Cisco Analog Telephone Adaptor Ove rview Hardwa re Overview The unit provides t he fol lowing conne ctors and ind icators : • 5V po we r connec tor .
1-5 Cisco ATA 186 an d Cisco ATA 188 Analog Te lephone Ada ptor Administrato r’s Guide fo r MGCP (version 3.0) OL-4803-01 Chapter 1 Cisco Analog Telephone Ada ptor Overvi ew Software Features Note If the func tion button blinks sl o wly , the Cisco A T A ca nnot find th e DHCP s erver .
1-6 Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide for MGCP (version 3. 0) OL-4803-01 Chapter 1 Cisco Analog Telephone Adaptor Ove rview Software F eatures • G.
1-7 Cisco ATA 186 an d Cisco ATA 188 Analog Te lephone Ada ptor Administrato r’s Guide fo r MGCP (version 3.0) OL-4803-01 Chapter 1 Cisco Analog Telephone Ada ptor Overvi ew Software Features • Co.
1-8 Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide for MGCP (version 3. 0) OL-4803-01 Chapter 1 Cisco Analog Telephone Adaptor Ove rview Software F eatures Supplem.
1-9 Cisco ATA 186 an d Cisco ATA 188 Analog Te lephone Ada ptor Administrato r’s Guide fo r MGCP (version 3.0) OL-4803-01 Chapter 1 Cisco Analog Telephone Ada ptor Overvi ew Installati on and C onfi.
1-10 Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide for MGCP (version 3. 0) OL-4803-01 Chapter 1 Cisco Analog Telephone Adaptor Ove rview Installa tion and Con fig.
C HAPTER 2-1 Cisco ATA 186 an d Cisco ATA 188 Analog Te lephone Ada ptor Administrato r’s Guide fo r MGCP (version 3.0) OL-4803-01 2 Installing the Cisco ATA This secti on provides instruc tions for instal ling the Cisco A T A 186 and Cisco A T A 188.
2-2 Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide for MGCP (version 3. 0) OL-4803-01 Chapter 2 Insta lling the Cisco ATA Netwo rk Requiremen ts Network Requi rements The Cisc o A T A acts as a n endpoint in an IP telephony network.
2-3 Cisco ATA 186 an d Cisco ATA 188 Analog Te lephone Ada ptor Administrato r’s Guide fo r MGCP (version 3.0) OL-4803-01 Chapter 2 Insta lling the Cisco ATA What Y ou Need • Re gulato ry Complian.
2-4 Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide for MGCP (version 3. 0) OL-4803-01 Chapter 2 Insta lling the Cisco ATA Installa tion Proced ure Figur e 2-1 Cis .
2-5 Cisco ATA 186 an d Cisco ATA 188 Analog Te lephone Ada ptor Administrato r’s Guide fo r MGCP (version 3.0) OL-4803-01 Chapter 2 Insta lling the Cisco ATA Install atio n Procedu re If you ar e co.
2-6 Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide for MGCP (version 3. 0) OL-4803-01 Chapter 2 Insta lling the Cisco ATA Power-D own Procedu re For more information abo ut LEDs and the function b utton, see the “Hardw are Ov ervie w” section on page 1-3 .
C HAPTER 3-1 Cisco ATA 186 an d Cisco ATA 188 Analog Te lephone Ada ptor Administrato r’s Guide fo r MGCP (version 3.0) OL-4803-01 3 Configuring the Cisco ATA for MGCP This sec tion desc ribes h o w to co nfigure the Cisc o A T A to op erate with the M GCP sign aling i mage an d ho w the Cisco A T A obtains the latest signaling image.
3-2 Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide for MGCP (version 3. 0) OL-4803-01 Chapt er 3 Config uring th e Cisco AT A for MGCP Defaul t Boot Load B ehavior.
3-3 Cisco ATA 186 an d Cisco ATA 188 Analog Te lephone Ada ptor Administrato r’s Guide fo r MGCP (version 3.0) OL-4803-01 Chapter 3 Conf iguring the Cisco AT A for MGCP Specif ying a Pr econfig ured VLAN ID or Disabl ing VLAN IP Enc apsulat ion 3. Also fro m the DHCP serv er , the Cisco A T A request s the IP address o f the TFTP serv er .
3-4 Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide for MGCP (version 3. 0) OL-4803-01 Chapt er 3 Config uring th e Cisco AT A for MGCP Specifyin g a Preconfig ured.
3-5 Cisco ATA 186 an d Cisco ATA 188 Analog Te lephone Ada ptor Administrato r’s Guide fo r MGCP (version 3.0) OL-4803-01 Chapter 3 Conf iguring the Cisco AT A for MGCP Steps Nee ded to C onfigur e the Cis co ATA In hexade cimal format , this v alue is 0x0 0000052 .
3-6 Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide for MGCP (version 3. 0) OL-4803-01 Chapt er 3 Config uring th e Cisco AT A for MGCP Steps Nee ded to Configur e the Cisco ATA T able 3-3 Basic St eps t o Config ur e the Cisco A T A in a TFTP En vir onment Action R efer ence 1.
3-7 Cisco ATA 186 an d Cisco ATA 188 Analog Te lephone Ada ptor Administrato r’s Guide fo r MGCP (version 3.0) OL-4803-01 Chapter 3 Conf iguring the Cisco AT A for MGCP Steps Nee ded to C onfigur e .
3-8 Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide for MGCP (version 3. 0) OL-4803-01 Chapt er 3 Config uring th e Cisco AT A for MGCP Configur ing the Cisco ATA U.
3-9 Cisco ATA 186 an d Cisco ATA 188 Analog Te lephone Ada ptor Administrato r’s Guide fo r MGCP (version 3.0) OL-4803-01 Chapter 3 Conf iguring the Cisco AT A for MGCP Configur ing the C isco ATA U.
3-10 Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide for MGCP (version 3. 0) OL-4803-01 Chapt er 3 Config uring th e Cisco AT A for MGCP Configur ing the Cisco ATA Using a TFTP Ser ver Step 4 Use the mgcp_ex ample.
3-11 Cisco ATA 186 an d Cisco ATA 188 Analog Te lephone Ada ptor Administrato r’s Guide fo r MGCP (version 3.0) OL-4803-01 Chapter 3 Conf iguring the Cisco AT A for MGCP Configur ing the C isco ATA Using a TFT P Server Exam ple cfgfmt - mgcp -tpt ag.
3-12 Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide for MGCP (version 3. 0) OL-4803-01 Chapt er 3 Config uring th e Cisco AT A for MGCP Configur ing the Cisco ATA Using a TFTP Ser ver The fo llo wing command an d output show an example of this comm and.
3-13 Cisco ATA 186 an d Cisco ATA 188 Analog Te lephone Ada ptor Administrato r’s Guide fo r MGCP (version 3.0) OL-4803-01 Chapter 3 Conf iguring the Cisco AT A for MGCP Configur ing the C isco ATA .
3-14 Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide for MGCP (version 3. 0) OL-4803-01 Chapt er 3 Config uring th e Cisco AT A for MGCP Configur ing the Cisco ATA .
3-15 Cisco ATA 186 an d Cisco ATA 188 Analog Te lephone Ada ptor Administrato r’s Guide fo r MGCP (version 3.0) OL-4803-01 Chapter 3 Conf iguring the Cisco AT A for MGCP Configur ing the C isco ATA Using a TFT P Server Synt ax examp les The c fgfmt.
3-16 Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide for MGCP (version 3. 0) OL-4803-01 Chapt er 3 Config uring th e Cisco AT A for MGCP Configur ing the Cisco ATA .
3-17 Cisco ATA 186 an d Cisco ATA 188 Analog Te lephone Ada ptor Administrato r’s Guide fo r MGCP (version 3.0) OL-4803-01 Chapter 3 Conf iguring the Cisco AT A for MGCP Configur ing the C isco ATA .
3-18 Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide for MGCP (version 3. 0) OL-4803-01 Chapt er 3 Config uring th e Cisco AT A for MGCP Configur ing the Cisco ATA .
3-19 Cisco ATA 186 an d Cisco ATA 188 Analog Te lephone Ada ptor Administrato r’s Guide fo r MGCP (version 3.0) OL-4803-01 Chapter 3 Conf iguring the Cisco AT A for MGCP Configur ing the C isco ATA Using a TFT P Server This com pletes the pa ramete r settings and DHCP opti ons you need to configure for this procedu re.
3-20 Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide for MGCP (version 3. 0) OL-4803-01 Chapt er 3 Config uring th e Cisco AT A for MGCP Voice Co nfiguration Menu W.
3-21 Cisco ATA 186 an d Cisco ATA 188 Analog Te lephone Ada ptor Administrato r’s Guide fo r MGCP (version 3.0) OL-4803-01 Chapter 3 Conf iguring the Cisco AT A for MGCP Voice C onfigu ration Me nu .
3-22 Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide for MGCP (version 3. 0) OL-4803-01 Chapt er 3 Config uring th e Cisco AT A for MGCP Voice Co nfiguration Menu Step 4 Foll o w the vo ice prompt s and enter the ap propriat e v alues, th en press the # key .
3-23 Cisco ATA 186 an d Cisco ATA 188 Analog Te lephone Ada ptor Administrato r’s Guide fo r MGCP (version 3.0) OL-4803-01 Chapter 3 Conf iguring the Cisco AT A for MGCP Cisco ATA Web Co nfigur atio.
3-24 Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide for MGCP (version 3. 0) OL-4803-01 Chapt er 3 Config uring th e Cisco AT A for MGCP Cisco ATA We b Configuratio.
3-25 Cisco ATA 186 an d Cisco ATA 188 Analog Te lephone Ada ptor Administrato r’s Guide fo r MGCP (version 3.0) OL-4803-01 Chapter 3 Conf iguring the Cisco AT A for MGCP Refreshing or Resetting the .
3-26 Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide for MGCP (version 3. 0) OL-4803-01 Chapt er 3 Config uring th e Cisco AT A for MGCP Obtainin g Cisco ATA Confi .
C HAPTER 4-1 Cisco ATA 186 an d Cisco ATA 188 Analog Te lephone Ada ptor Administrato r’s Guide fo r MGCP (version 3.0) OL-4803-01 4 Cisco ATA-Supported MGCP Services This sec tion pro vides info rm.
4-2 Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide for MGCP (version 3. 0) OL-4803-01 Chapt er 4 Cisco ATA-Su pporte d MGCP Serv ices Importan t Basic MGC P Servic.
4-3 Cisco ATA 186 an d Cisco ATA 188 Analog Te lephone Ada ptor Administrato r’s Guide fo r MGCP (version 3.0) OL-4803-01 Chapter 4 Cisco A TA-Supported MGCP Services Addit ional MGCP Services refreshi ng the Cisco A T A config uration f ile.
4-4 Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide for MGCP (version 3. 0) OL-4803-01 Chapt er 4 Cisco ATA-Su pporte d MGCP Serv ices Addition al MGCP Servi ces MG.
4-5 Cisco ATA 186 an d Cisco ATA 188 Analog Te lephone Ada ptor Administrato r’s Guide fo r MGCP (version 3.0) OL-4803-01 Chapter 4 Cisco A TA-Supported MGCP Services Complete Refer ence Ta ble of a.
4-6 Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide for MGCP (version 3. 0) OL-4803-01 Chapt er 4 Cisco ATA-Su pporte d MGCP Serv ices Com plete Refe renc e Tab le o f all Ci sco A TA M GCP Serv ices Fax pass-throug h AudioMode , page 5 -20 Connect Mode, page 5-24 G.
4-7 Cisco ATA 186 an d Cisco ATA 188 Analog Te lephone Ada ptor Administrato r’s Guide fo r MGCP (version 3.0) OL-4803-01 Chapter 4 Cisco A TA-Supported MGCP Services Suppor ted MGCP Connecti on Mod.
4-8 Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide for MGCP (version 3. 0) OL-4803-01 Chapt er 4 Cisco ATA-Su pporte d MGCP Serv ices Supported Signals an d Events Note By default, hu, hd, and hf are set as pe rsistent e vents.
4-9 Cisco ATA 186 an d Cisco ATA 188 Analog Te lephone Ada ptor Administrato r’s Guide fo r MGCP (version 3.0) OL-4803-01 Chapter 4 Cisco A TA-Supported MGCP Services Support ed Sign als and Events MGCP 0.1-1.0 L-Packag e Supported by the Ci sco ATA w ith MGCP MGCP 0.
4-10 Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide for MGCP (version 3. 0) OL-4803-01 Chapt er 4 Cisco ATA-Su pporte d MGCP Serv ices Command s Support ed with MGCP MGCP 0.
4-11 Cisco ATA 186 an d Cisco ATA 188 Analog Te lephone Ada ptor Administrato r’s Guide fo r MGCP (version 3.0) OL-4803-01 Chapter 4 Cisco A TA-Supported MGCP Services Commands Supported with M GCP .
4-12 Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide for MGCP (version 3. 0) OL-4803-01 Chapt er 4 Cisco ATA-Su pporte d MGCP Serv ices MGCP Embed ded Events Parame.
4-13 Cisco ATA 186 an d Cisco ATA 188 Analog Te lephone Ada ptor Administrato r’s Guide fo r MGCP (version 3.0) OL-4803-01 Chapter 4 Cisco A TA-Supported MGCP Services MGCP Embedde d Events The serv ice prov ider has the respon sibility of conf iguring the MGCP Call Agent.
4-14 Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide for MGCP (version 3. 0) OL-4803-01 Chapt er 4 Cisco ATA-Su pporte d MGCP Serv ices MGCP Embed ded Events.
C HAPTER 5-1 Cisco ATA 186 an d Cisco ATA 188 Analog Te lephone Ada ptor Administrato r’s Guide fo r MGCP (version 3.0) OL-4803-01 5 Parameters and Defaults This se ction provides informat ion on the para meters and d efaults t hat you can use to cr eate yo ur own Cisco A T A c onfiguration file.
5-2 Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide for MGCP (version 3. 0) OL-4803-01 Chapt er 5 Parameters a nd Default s Configur ation T ext File Templ ate – IP address (e .
5-3 Cisco ATA 186 an d Cisco ATA 188 Analog Te lephone Ada ptor Administrato r’s Guide fo r MGCP (version 3.0) OL-4803-01 Chapter 5 Parameters an d Defaults User Interface (UI) Security Parameter Co.
5-4 Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide for MGCP (version 3. 0) OL-4803-01 Chapt er 5 Parameters a nd Default s Parameters for Configurat ion Meth od an.
5-5 Cisco ATA 186 an d Cisco ATA 188 Analog Te lephone Ada ptor Administrato r’s Guide fo r MGCP (version 3.0) OL-4803-01 Chapter 5 Parameters an d Defaults Param eters fo r Configur ation Met hod and Encrypt ion TftpURL Description Use this par ameter to speci fy the IP addr ess or URL of the TFT P serv er .
5-6 Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide for MGCP (version 3. 0) OL-4803-01 Chapt er 5 Parameters a nd Default s Parameters for Configurat ion Meth od an.
5-7 Cisco ATA 186 an d Cisco ATA 188 Analog Te lephone Ada ptor Administrato r’s Guide fo r MGCP (version 3.0) OL-4803-01 Chapter 5 Parameters an d Defaults Param eters fo r Configur ation Met hod a.
5-8 Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide for MGCP (version 3. 0) OL-4803-01 Chapt er 5 Parameters a nd Default s Network Conf iguration Pa rameters Voice Configuration Menu Access Code Not applica ble for this parameter .
5-9 Cisco ATA 186 an d Cisco ATA 188 Analog Te lephone Ada ptor Administrato r’s Guide fo r MGCP (version 3.0) OL-4803-01 Chapter 5 Parameters an d Defaults Network Configuration Parameters Voice Co.
5-10 Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide for MGCP (version 3. 0) OL-4803-01 Chapt er 5 Parameters a nd Default s Network Conf iguration Pa rameters Voic.
5-11 Cisco ATA 186 an d Cisco ATA 188 Analog Te lephone Ada ptor Administrato r’s Guide fo r MGCP (version 3.0) OL-4803-01 Chapter 5 Parameters an d Defaults Network Configuration Parameters DNS2IP Description This para meter is fo r setting the secondary domain na me server (DNS) IP address, if the DHCP server does not provide on e.
5-12 Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide for MGCP (version 3. 0) OL-4803-01 Chapt er 5 Parameters a nd Default s MGCP Configurat ion Parameters MGCP Con.
5-13 Cisco ATA 186 an d Cisco ATA 188 Analog Te lephone Ada ptor Administrato r’s Guide fo r MGCP (version 3.0) OL-4803-01 Chapter 5 Parameters an d Defaults MGCP Configuration Parameters CA1orCM1 Description Specify the altern ate Call Agen t in this parameter .
5-14 Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide for MGCP (version 3. 0) OL-4803-01 Chapt er 5 Parameters a nd Default s MGCP Configurat ion Parameters CA1UID Description Specify the ID of t he seco ndary Call Ag ent in th is paramet er .
5-15 Cisco ATA 186 an d Cisco ATA 188 Analog Te lephone Ada ptor Administrato r’s Guide fo r MGCP (version 3.0) OL-4803-01 Chapter 5 Parameters an d Defaults MGCP Configuration Parameters PrfCodec Description This parame ter spec ifie s the defa ult pr eferred code c.
5-16 Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide for MGCP (version 3. 0) OL-4803-01 Chapt er 5 Parameters a nd Default s MGCP Configurat ion Parameters • Codec[2]=G .729 (only if Bit 21 of the ConnectMode parameter is set to 0) • Code c[3] =G.
5-17 Cisco ATA 186 an d Cisco ATA 188 Analog Te lephone Ada ptor Administrato r’s Guide fo r MGCP (version 3.0) OL-4803-01 Chapter 5 Parameters an d Defaults MGCP Configuration Parameters MediaPort Description Use this paramet er to specify the b ase por t where the Cisc o A T A transmi ts and r ecei v es R TP media.
5-18 Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide for MGCP (version 3. 0) OL-4803-01 Chapt er 5 Parameters a nd Default s MGCP Configurat ion Parameters Range 1 .
5-19 Cisco ATA 186 an d Cisco ATA 188 Analog Te lephone Ada ptor Administrato r’s Guide fo r MGCP (version 3.0) OL-4803-01 Chapter 5 Parameters an d Defaults Audio Configuration Parameters Range Maxi mum 31 char acters Default .
5-20 Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide for MGCP (version 3. 0) OL-4803-01 Chapt er 5 Parameters a nd Default s Audio Con figuration Parame ters Default Names • PCMU fo r G.71 1µ-law • PCMA for G. 711A-l aw • G723 fo r G.
5-21 Cisco ATA 186 an d Cisco ATA 188 Analog Te lephone Ada ptor Administrato r’s Guide fo r MGCP (version 3.0) OL-4803-01 Chapter 5 Parameters an d Defaults Operati onal Pa ramet ers NumTxFrames Description Use this paramete r to select the def ault R TP packet siz e in number of frames per packet.
5-22 Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide for MGCP (version 3. 0) OL-4803-01 Chapt er 5 Parameters a nd Default s Operation al Parameters • Bit 15—Use special char acter O . • Bit 16—Use special char acter P .
5-23 Cisco ATA 186 an d Cisco ATA 188 Analog Te lephone Ada ptor Administrato r’s Guide fo r MGCP (version 3.0) OL-4803-01 Chapter 5 Parameters an d Defaults Operati onal Pa ramet ers Exam ples The .
5-24 Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide for MGCP (version 3. 0) OL-4803-01 Chapt er 5 Parameters a nd Default s Operation al Parameters Range -9 to 2 d.
5-25 Cisco ATA 186 an d Cisco ATA 188 Analog Te lephone Ada ptor Administrato r’s Guide fo r MGCP (version 3.0) OL-4803-01 Chapter 5 Parameters an d Defaults Operati onal Pa ramet ers 13 0—U se G.711µ- law for fax pa ss-throu gh co dec. 1—U se G.
5-26 Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide for MGCP (version 3. 0) OL-4803-01 Chapt er 5 Parameters a nd Default s Operation al Parameters SigTimer Description This para meter con trols various timeout s. Ta b l e 5 - 3 contains b it def initions o f this param eter .
5-27 Cisco ATA 186 an d Cisco ATA 188 Analog Te lephone Ada ptor Administrato r’s Guide fo r MGCP (version 3.0) OL-4803-01 Chapter 5 Parameters an d Defaults Operati onal Pa ramet ers OpFlags Description Enabl es/d isables v arious operati onal features .
5-28 Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide for MGCP (version 3. 0) OL-4803-01 Chapt er 5 Parameters a nd Default s Operation al Parameters 10 Rese rv ed. 11 If Bi t 11=0 , the Cisco A T A r equests the device ho stname fr om the DHCP server .
5-29 Cisco ATA 186 an d Cisco ATA 188 Analog Te lephone Ada ptor Administrato r’s Guide fo r MGCP (version 3.0) OL-4803-01 Chapter 5 Parameters an d Defaults Tone Config urati on Param eters TOS Des.
5-30 Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide for MGCP (version 3. 0) OL-4803-01 Chapt er 5 Parameters a nd Default s Tone Confi guration P arameters • Rec.
5-31 Cisco ATA 186 an d Cisco ATA 188 Analog Te lephone Ada ptor Administrato r’s Guide fo r MGCP (version 3.0) OL-4803-01 Chapter 5 Parameters an d Defaults Tone Config urati on Param eters Note All tones ar e persistent (until the Cisco A T A changes sta te) e xcept for the cal l-waitin g tone and the confirm tone.
5-32 Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide for MGCP (version 3. 0) OL-4803-01 Chapt er 5 Parameters a nd Default s Tone Confi guration P arameters Specify each v alu e as a number o f sample s with a sampli ng rate of 8 kHz.
5-33 Cisco ATA 186 an d Cisco ATA 188 Analog Te lephone Ada ptor Administrato r’s Guide fo r MGCP (version 3.0) OL-4803-01 Chapter 5 Parameters an d Defaults Tone Config urati on Param eters • NumOfF r eqs is the number of fr equenc ies in the tone (1, 2, or 3).
5-34 Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide for MGCP (version 3. 0) OL-4803-01 Chapt er 5 Parameters a nd Default s Tone Confi guration P arameters • T ota lT one T im e is the to tal length of time th at the tone plays.
5-35 Cisco ATA 186 an d Cisco ATA 188 Analog Te lephone Ada ptor Administrato r’s Guide fo r MGCP (version 3.0) OL-4803-01 Chapter 5 Parameters an d Defaults Tone Config urati on Param eters Reor derTon e Param eter Exam ple 2 Assume that you want a reord er tone in whic h: • The onl y fre quency is 400 Hz .
5-36 Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide for MGCP (version 3. 0) OL-4803-01 Chapt er 5 Parameters a nd Default s Tone Confi guration P arameters Reco mm.
5-37 Cisco ATA 186 an d Cisco ATA 188 Analog Te lephone Ada ptor Administrato r’s Guide fo r MGCP (version 3.0) OL-4803-01 Chapter 5 Parameters an d Defaults Tone Config urati on Param eters • Tfr.
5-38 Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide for MGCP (version 3. 0) OL-4803-01 Chapt er 5 Parameters a nd Default s Tone Confi guration P arameters • T a.
5-39 Cisco ATA 186 an d Cisco ATA 188 Analog Te lephone Ada ptor Administrato r’s Guide fo r MGCP (version 3.0) OL-4803-01 Chapter 5 Parameters an d Defaults Tone Config urati on Param eters • Off.
5-40 Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide for MGCP (version 3. 0) OL-4803-01 Chapt er 5 Parameters a nd Default s Dia gnost ic P aram eter s RingCaden ce.
5-41 Cisco ATA 186 an d Cisco ATA 188 Analog Te lephone Ada ptor Administrato r’s Guide fo r MGCP (version 3.0) OL-4803-01 Chapter 5 Parameters an d Defaults Diagnost ic Pa rameters Exam ple If the progra m prserv .exe is run ning on a host with IP addres s 192 .
5-42 Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide for MGCP (version 3. 0) OL-4803-01 Chapt er 5 Parameters a nd Default s Dia gnost ic P aram eter s Valu e Type Extend ed I P address Default 0.
5-43 Cisco ATA 186 an d Cisco ATA 188 Analog Te lephone Ada ptor Administrato r’s Guide fo r MGCP (version 3.0) OL-4803-01 Chapter 5 Parameters an d Defaults CFGID—Version Parameter for Cisco ATA .
5-44 Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide for MGCP (version 3. 0) OL-4803-01 Chapt er 5 Parameters a nd Default s CFGID—Version Parameter f or Cisco AT.
C HAPTER 6-1 Cisco ATA 186 an d Cisco ATA 188 Analog Te lephone Ada ptor Administrato r’s Guide fo r MGCP (version 3.0) OL-4803-01 6 Configuring and Debug ging Fax Services The Cisco A T A provide s two modes of fax services t hat are capa ble of intern etworking w ith Cisco IOS ga te wa ys o v er I P netw or ks.
6-2 Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide for MGCP (version 3. 0) OL-4803-01 Chapt er 6 Config uring a nd Debuggi ng Fax Ser vices Using F ax Pass -through Mode Note Th e Cisco A T A can a lso accept stand ard-based protoc ol-level codec switch requests, but cannot send such re quests.
6-3 Cisco ATA 186 an d Cisco ATA 188 Analog Te lephone Ada ptor Administrato r’s Guide fo r MGCP (version 3.0) OL-4803-01 Chapter 6 Configuring an d Debuggi ng Fax Services Using Fax Pass- through Mo de ConnectMode Description The Connec tMode param eter is a 3 2-bit v alue.
6-4 Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide for MGCP (version 3. 0) OL-4803-01 Chapt er 6 Config uring a nd Debuggi ng Fax Ser vices Using F ax Pass -throug.
6-5 Cisco ATA 186 an d Cisco ATA 188 Analog Te lephone Ada ptor Administrato r’s Guide fo r MGCP (version 3.0) OL-4803-01 Chapter 6 Configuring an d Debuggi ng Fax Services Using Fax Pass- through M.
6-6 Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide for MGCP (version 3. 0) OL-4803-01 Chapt er 6 Config uring a nd Debuggi ng Fax Ser vices Usin g FAX Mode Using FAX Mode Use fax mode when the gate w ays in the network do not support fax pass-through mode or dial -pe er configurat ion.
6-7 Cisco ATA 186 an d Cisco ATA 188 Analog Te lephone Ada ptor Administrato r’s Guide fo r MGCP (version 3.0) OL-4803-01 Chapter 6 Configuring an d Debuggi ng Fax Services Debugging the Cisco ATA 1.
6-8 Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide for MGCP (version 3. 0) OL-4803-01 Chapt er 6 Config uring a nd Debuggi ng Fax Ser vices Debuggi ng the Cisco A .
6-9 Cisco ATA 186 an d Cisco ATA 188 Analog Te lephone Ada ptor Administrato r’s Guide fo r MGCP (version 3.0) OL-4803-01 Chapter 6 Configuring an d Debuggi ng Fax Services Debugging the Cisco ATA 1.
6-10 Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide for MGCP (version 3. 0) OL-4803-01 Chapt er 6 Config uring a nd Debuggi ng Fax Ser vices Debuggi ng the Cisco A.
6-11 Cisco ATA 186 an d Cisco ATA 188 Analog Te lephone Ada ptor Administrato r’s Guide fo r MGCP (version 3.0) OL-4803-01 Chapter 6 Configuring an d Debuggi ng Fax Services Debugging the Cisco ATA .
6-12 Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide for MGCP (version 3. 0) OL-4803-01 Chapt er 6 Config uring a nd Debuggi ng Fax Ser vices Debuggi ng the Cisco A TA 186/188 Fax Se rvices If the nu meric co des for the G.
6-13 Cisco ATA 186 an d Cisco ATA 188 Analog Te lephone Ada ptor Administrato r’s Guide fo r MGCP (version 3.0) OL-4803-01 Chapter 6 Configuring an d Debuggi ng Fax Services Debugging the Cisco ATA .
6-14 Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide for MGCP (version 3. 0) OL-4803-01 Chapt er 6 Config uring a nd Debuggi ng Fax Ser vices Debuggi ng the Cisco A TA 186/188 Fax Se rvices ------------ Summary -------------- Input file: faxpassthru.
6-15 Cisco ATA 186 an d Cisco ATA 188 Analog Te lephone Ada ptor Administrato r’s Guide fo r MGCP (version 3.0) OL-4803-01 Chapter 6 Configuring an d Debuggi ng Fax Services Debugging the Cisco ATA 186/188 Fa x Services This indicat es tha t rtpca tch detecte d two los t R TP packets in th e audio pa th <02>.
6-16 Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide for MGCP (version 3. 0) OL-4803-01 Chapt er 6 Config uring a nd Debuggi ng Fax Ser vices Debuggi ng the Cisco A.
6-17 Cisco ATA 186 an d Cisco ATA 188 Analog Te lephone Ada ptor Administrato r’s Guide fo r MGCP (version 3.0) OL-4803-01 Chapter 6 Configuring an d Debuggi ng Fax Services Debugging the Cisco ATA 186/188 Fa x Services Example 6 -3 Fax P ass-throug h Mode ---------- FAX Summary 1 ---------- [ 37]<3.
6-18 Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide for MGCP (version 3. 0) OL-4803-01 Chapt er 6 Config uring a nd Debuggi ng Fax Ser vices Debuggi ng the Cisco A TA 186/188 Fax Se rvices Example 6 -6 Cisco A T A Configur ation F a ilur e ---------- FAX Summary 1 ---------- [ 37]<2.
6-19 Cisco ATA 186 an d Cisco ATA 188 Analog Te lephone Ada ptor Administrato r’s Guide fo r MGCP (version 3.0) OL-4803-01 Chapter 6 Configuring an d Debuggi ng Fax Services Debugging the Cisco ATA 186/188 Fa x Services Possible Causes for Failure • Fax/modem pass-th rough opti on is not enabled on t he gatew ay .
6-20 Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide for MGCP (version 3. 0) OL-4803-01 Chapt er 6 Config uring a nd Debuggi ng Fax Ser vices Debuggi ng the Cisco A TA 186/188 Fax Se rvices rtpcatch Limitations • rtpca tch perfor ms optim ally wh en anal yzing ca pture files con taining on ly one V oIP session.
C HAPTER 7-1 Cisco ATA 186 an d Cisco ATA 188 Analog Te lephone Ada ptor Administrato r’s Guide fo r MGCP (version 3.0) OL-4803-01 7 Upgrading the Cisc o ATA Signaling Image This se ction de scribes.
7-2 Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide for MGCP (version 3. 0) OL-4803-01 Chapte r 7 Upgradi ng the Ci sco ATA Sign aling I mage Upgradi ng the Signali ng Image Man ually • tftp_se rver_ ip is the TFTP serve r that contains the latest signaling image f ile.
7-3 Cisco ATA 186 an d Cisco ATA 188 Analog Te lephone Ada ptor Administrato r’s Guide fo r MGCP (version 3.0) OL-4803-01 Chapter 7 Upg rading the Cisco ATA Signaling Image Upgradi ng the Sign alin .
7-4 Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide for MGCP (version 3. 0) OL-4803-01 Chapte r 7 Upgradi ng the Ci sco ATA Sign aling I mage Upgradi ng the Signali ng Image Man ually Definitions • -any —Allow upgrad e regardless of soft ware and build versions (re commend ed).
7-5 Cisco ATA 186 an d Cisco ATA 188 Analog Te lephone Ada ptor Administrato r’s Guide fo r MGCP (version 3.0) OL-4803-01 Chapter 7 Upg rading the Cisco ATA Signaling Image Conf irmi ng a Su cces sf.
7-6 Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide for MGCP (version 3. 0) OL-4803-01 Chapte r 7 Upgradi ng the Ci sco ATA Sign aling I mage Confirming a Su ccessf.
C HAPTER 8-1 Cisco ATA 186 an d Cisco ATA 188 Analog Te lephone Ada ptor Administrato r’s Guide fo r MGCP (version 3.0) OL-4803-01 8 Troubleshooting This se ction de scribes troubleshoot ing pr oced.
8-2 Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide for MGCP (version 3. 0) OL-4803-01 Chapter 8 Trouble shoot ing Symptoms and Actions • A busy tone indicate s that th e part y you c alled is not available. Try your call again lat er .
8-3 Cisco ATA 186 an d Cisco ATA 188 Analog Te lephone Ada ptor Administrato r’s Guide fo r MGCP (version 3.0) OL-4803-01 Chapter 8 Troubleshoot ing Installat ion and Up grade Is sues Sympto m The Cisco A T A contacts the TFTP serv er more often than specif ied in the CfgInter v al parame ter .
8-4 Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide for MGCP (version 3. 0) OL-4803-01 Chapter 8 Trouble shoot ing Debuggi ng Sympto m The red LE D is flashi ng slowly on the funct ion button. Possible Cause The Cisco A T A is trying to obtain the DHCP ad dress or the softw are image is bei ng upgrade d.
8-5 Cisco ATA 186 an d Cisco ATA 188 Analog Te lephone Ada ptor Administrato r’s Guide fo r MGCP (version 3.0) OL-4803-01 Chapter 8 Troubleshoot ing Debuggi ng where IP a ddr ess is the IP address of your PC, and port is 9001 .
8-6 Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide for MGCP (version 3. 0) OL-4803-01 Chapter 8 Trouble shoot ing Using System D iagnost ics Using System Diagn ostics The Cisco A T A uses functionality of the syslog protocol for system diagnostic s.
8-7 Cisco ATA 186 an d Cisco ATA 188 Analog Te lephone Ada ptor Administrato r’s Guide fo r MGCP (version 3.0) OL-4803-01 Chapter 8 Troubleshoot ing Usin g System Diagn ostic s The fo llowing example s show some of the different type s of me ssages tha t syslo g repor ts.
8-8 Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide for MGCP (version 3. 0) OL-4803-01 Chapter 8 Trouble shoot ing Using System D iagnost ics Exam ple—C isco ATA Config urati on Upda te Mess age <30>00:00:01 192.
8-9 Cisco ATA 186 an d Cisco ATA 188 Analog Te lephone Ada ptor Administrato r’s Guide fo r MGCP (version 3.0) OL-4803-01 Chapter 8 Troubleshoot ing Local To ne Playout Report ing Examp le—Fax Ev ent Mess ages <150>00:00:11 [10]:[1]MPT mode 0 <150>01:07:27 192.
8-10 Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide for MGCP (version 3. 0) OL-4803-01 Chapter 8 Trouble shoot ing Obtainin g Network S tatus Prior to Getti ng IP .
8-11 Cisco ATA 186 an d Cisco ATA 188 Analog Te lephone Ada ptor Administrato r’s Guide fo r MGCP (version 3.0) OL-4803-01 Chapter 8 Troubleshoot ing Obtaining Network Status After Getting IP Connec.
8-12 Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide for MGCP (version 3. 0) OL-4803-01 Chapter 8 Trouble shoot ing Obt ainin g Netw ork S tatus Afte r Gett ing IP C onne ctivi ty • NTP: D1,D 2,D3 • tftp: 0xX where: – D0 is the VLAN ID.
8-13 Cisco ATA 186 an d Cisco ATA 188 Analog Te lephone Ada ptor Administrato r’s Guide fo r MGCP (version 3.0) OL-4803-01 Chapter 8 Troubleshoot ing DHCP Stat us HTML Page DHCP Status HTML Page Y o.
8-14 Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide for MGCP (version 3. 0) OL-4803-01 Chapter 8 Trouble shoot ing Frequent ly Asked Q uestions Resetting Cisco ATA counters T o re set th e Cis co A T A counte rs , do the f ollowi ng: • Click the [Refresh ] link to refresh the current co unter va lues.
8-15 Cisco ATA 186 an d Cisco ATA 188 Analog Te lephone Ada ptor Administrato r’s Guide fo r MGCP (version 3.0) OL-4803-01 Chapter 8 Troubleshoot ing Conta cting TA C If you answ ered no t o any of the pre ceding que stions, you may have a loop impeda nce gre ater than 40 0 ohm.
8-16 Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide for MGCP (version 3. 0) OL-4803-01 Chapter 8 Trouble shoot ing Cont act ing TA C.
A- 1 Cisco ATA 186 an d Cisco ATA 188 Anal og Telephon e Adaptor Administ rator’s Gui de for MGCP (versi on 3.0) OL-4803-01 APPEND IX A Voice Configuration Menu Codes This sec tion con tains a quick -refer ence li st of th e voice co nfiguration me nu opti ons for t he Cisco A T A.
A- 2 Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide for MGCP (version 3. 0) OL-4803-01 Appendi x A Voice Confi gurat ion Menu C odes Ta b l e A - 2 lists con figu ration code s. For a dditional information a bout these p arameters, see “ Chapter 5, “P aramete rs and Def aults.
A-3 Cisco ATA 186 an d Cisco ATA 188 Anal og Telephon e Adaptor Administ rator’ s Guide for MGCP (v ersion 3.0) OL-4803-01 Append ix A Voice Configurati on Menu Code s Ta b l e A - 3 lists codes used i n the software upg rade process . For informat ion about th ese codes, see Chapter 7, “Upgr ading the Cisc o A T A Sign aling I mage.
A- 4 Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide for MGCP (version 3. 0) OL-4803-01 Appendi x A Voice Confi gurat ion Menu C odes.
B-1 Cisco ATA 186 an d Cisco ATA 188 Anal og Telephon e Adaptor Administ rator’s Gui de for MGCP (versi on 3.0) OL-4803-01 APPEND IX B Cisco ATA Specifications This section desc ribes Cisco A T A sp.
B-2 Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide for MGCP (version 3. 0) OL-4803-01 Appendi x B Cisco ATA Speci fica tions Electrical Specification s for Cisco A.
B-3 Cisco ATA 186 an d Cisco ATA 188 Anal og Telephon e Adaptor Administ rator’ s Guide for MGCP (v ersion 3.0) OL-4803-01 Append ix B Cisco ATA Specificat ions Ringin g Char acteri stics Ringing Ch.
B-4 Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide for MGCP (version 3. 0) OL-4803-01 Appendi x B Cisco ATA Speci fica tions Softw ar e Spe cific ation s Line -ech.
B-5 Cisco ATA 186 an d Cisco ATA 188 Anal og Telephon e Adaptor Administ rator’ s Guide for MGCP (v ersion 3.0) OL-4803-01 Append ix B Cisco ATA Specificat ions Sof tware Sp ecifi cations V oic e fe.
B-6 Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide for MGCP (version 3. 0) OL-4803-01 Appendi x B Cisco ATA Speci fica tions Softw ar e Spe cific ation s.
C-1 Cisco ATA 186 an d Cisco ATA 188 Anal og Telephon e Adaptor Administ rator’s Gui de for MGCP (versi on 3.0) OL-4803-01 APPEND IX C MGCP Call Flows This section sh o ws and describes a ca ll flow for a succe ssful call using the Cisco A T A and MGCP .
C-2 Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide for MGCP (version 3. 0) OL-4803-01 Appendix C MGCP Call F lows Figur e C-1 Cisco A T A -t o-Cis co A T A Through V ocalData Ca ll A gent ATA 1 VocalData Call Agent ATA 2 1.
C-3 Cisco ATA 186 an d Cisco ATA 188 Anal og Telephon e Adaptor Administ rator’ s Guide for MGCP (v ersion 3.0) OL-4803-01 Appendix C MGCP Call Flows T able C-1 Action Log Step A ction Log 1. Cisco A T A 1 g oes off-hook— Cisco A T A 1 to Call A gent NTFY 16 aaln/1@[192.
C-4 Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide for MGCP (version 3. 0) OL-4803-01 Appendix C MGCP Call F lows 15. Cis co A T A 1 dials “6”—Cisco A T A 1 to Cal l Agent NTFY 20 aaln/1@[] MGCP 1.
C-5 Cisco ATA 186 an d Cisco ATA 188 Anal og Telephon e Adaptor Administ rator’ s Guide for MGCP (v ersion 3.0) OL-4803-01 Appendix C MGCP Call Flows 27. Routing Upda te Protoco l (R TP) Media stre am is now enabled on Cisco A T A 2—Call Agent to Cisco A T A 2 mdcx 57724 aaln/1@[192.
C-6 Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide for MGCP (version 3. 0) OL-4803-01 Appendix C MGCP Call F lows 38. OK—Cisco A T A 1 to Ca ll Agent 200 57736 OK 39. A T A 2 Connecti on mode changes to rece i ve-only—Cal l Agent to Cis co A T A 2 mdcx 57737 aaln/1@[192.
D- 1 Cisco ATA 186 an d Cisco ATA 188 Anal og Telephon e Adaptor Administ rator’s Gui de for MGCP (versi on 3.0) OL-4803-01 APPEND IX D Recommended Cisco ATA Tone Para meter Values by Country This s.
D- 2 Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide for MGCP (version 3. 0) OL-4803-01 Appe ndix D Reco mmen ded C isco A TA To ne Par amete r Value s by Country .
D-3 Cisco ATA 186 an d Cisco ATA 188 Anal og Telephon e Adaptor Administ rator’ s Guide for MGCP (v ersion 3.0) OL-4803-01 Append ix D Recommended Cisc o ATA Tone Parameter Values by Country T able .
D- 4 Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide for MGCP (version 3. 0) OL-4803-01 Appe ndix D Reco mmen ded C isco A TA To ne Par amete r Value s by Country T.
D-5 Cisco ATA 186 an d Cisco ATA 188 Anal og Telephon e Adaptor Administ rator’ s Guide for MGCP (v ersion 3.0) OL-4803-01 Append ix D Recommended Cisc o ATA Tone Parameter Values by Country T able .
D- 6 Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide for MGCP (version 3. 0) OL-4803-01 Appe ndix D Reco mmen ded C isco A TA To ne Par amete r Value s by Country T.
D-7 Cisco ATA 186 an d Cisco ATA 188 Anal og Telephon e Adaptor Administ rator’ s Guide for MGCP (v ersion 3.0) OL-4803-01 Append ix D Recommended Cisc o ATA Tone Parameter Values by Country T able .
D- 8 Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide for MGCP (version 3. 0) OL-4803-01 Appe ndix D Reco mmen ded C isco A TA To ne Par amete r Value s by Country T.
D-9 Cisco ATA 186 an d Cisco ATA 188 Anal og Telephon e Adaptor Administ rator’ s Guide for MGCP (v ersion 3.0) OL-4803-01 Append ix D Recommended Cisc o ATA Tone Parameter Values by Country Ta b l .
D-10 Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide for MGCP (version 3. 0) OL-4803-01 Appe ndix D Reco mmen ded C isco A TA To ne Par amete r Value s by Country T.
D-11 Cisco ATA 186 an d Cisco ATA 188 Anal og Telephon e Adaptor Administ rator’ s Guide for MGCP (v ersion 3.0) OL-4803-01 Append ix D Recommended Cisc o ATA Tone Parameter Values by Country Ta b l.
D-12 Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide for MGCP (version 3. 0) OL-4803-01 Appe ndix D Reco mmen ded C isco A TA To ne Par amete r Value s by Country T.
D-13 Cisco ATA 186 an d Cisco ATA 188 Anal og Telephon e Adaptor Administ rator’ s Guide for MGCP (v ersion 3.0) OL-4803-01 Append ix D Recommended Cisc o ATA Tone Parameter Values by Country Ta b l.
D-14 Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide for MGCP (version 3. 0) OL-4803-01 Appe ndix D Reco mmen ded C isco A TA To ne Par amete r Value s by Country T.
D-15 Cisco ATA 186 an d Cisco ATA 188 Anal og Telephon e Adaptor Administ rator’ s Guide for MGCP (v ersion 3.0) OL-4803-01 Append ix D Recommended Cisc o ATA Tone Parameter Values by Country T able.
D-16 Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide for MGCP (version 3. 0) OL-4803-01 Appe ndix D Reco mmen ded C isco A TA To ne Par amete r Value s by Country.
GL-1 Cisco ATA 186 an d Cisco ATA 188 Anal og Telephon e Adaptor Administ rator’ s Guide for MGCP (v ersion 3.0) OL-4803-01 GLOSSAR Y Numerics 10Ba seT 10-M bps baseb and Ethe rnet s pecification using t wo pairs o f twisted -pair cabling (Categor ies 3, 4, or 5): one pair for transmitt ing data and th e other fo r receiving data.
Glos sary GL-2 Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide for MGCP (version 3. 0) OL-4803-01 compr ession Th e ru nning of a data se t throug h an a lgorithm that r educes t he space required to store or th e bandwi dth requir ed to transmit the data set.
Glossary GL-3 Cisco ATA 186 an d Cisco ATA 188 Anal og Telephon e Adaptor Administ rator’ s Guide for MGCP (v ersion 3.0) OL-4803-01 FXO Foreign Ex change Of fice. An FXO int erface conne cts to the pub lic switche d telephon e network (PSTN) centr al of f ice and is the interf ace of fered on a stan dard telephone.
Glos sary GL-4 Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide for MGCP (version 3. 0) OL-4803-01 IP Intern et Protocol . Network layer pr otocol in the T CP/IP stack o ffering a con nectionle ss intern etwork service.
Glossary GL-5 Cisco ATA 186 an d Cisco ATA 188 Anal og Telephon e Adaptor Administ rator’ s Guide for MGCP (v ersion 3.0) OL-4803-01 P POTS Plain old telepho ne service . Basic telephon e service sup plying stan dard single-li ne telephon es, telephone lines, and a ccess to the PST N.
Glos sary GL-6 Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide for MGCP (version 3. 0) OL-4803-01 SIP Session Initia tion Protocol. Protocol dev eloped b y the IETF MMUSIC W o rking Group as an alterna tiv e to H.32 3.
Glossary GL-7 Cisco ATA 186 an d Cisco ATA 188 Anal og Telephon e Adaptor Administ rator’ s Guide for MGCP (v ersion 3.0) OL-4803-01 voice pa cket gateway Gateway platfor ms that enable Intern et tele phony service provider s to offer res idential and b usiness-c lass services for Internet telephony .
Glos sary GL-8 Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Tel ephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide for MGCP (version 3. 0) OL-4803-01.
IN-1 Cisco ATA 186 an d Cisco ATA 188 Anal og Telephon e Adaptor Administ rator’ s Guide for MGCP (v ersion 3.0) OL-4803-01 INDEX Numerics 10/100BA SE-T dat a port 1-4 10/100BAS E-T hub 1-4 10BASE -T uplink Ethe rnet por t 1-4 802.1Q VLAN ID 3-4 802.
Index IN-2 Cisco ATA 186 an d Cisco ATA 188 Analo g Telephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide for MGCP (version 3.0) OL-4803-01 comm on paramet ers configuratio n 3-9 confere nce c onnecti on mode settin g 5-25 conf erences 1-2 configuratio n 5-27 802.
Inde x IN-3 Cisco ATA 186 an d Cisco ATA 188 Anal og Telephon e Adaptor Administ rator’ s Guide for MGCP (v ersion 3.0) OL-4803-01 RTP media p ort 5-17 RTP packet size 5-21 static ne twork router probing 5-27 text f ile template 5-2 TFTP filename setting 5-27 tones 5-29 VLAN Co S bit va lue (802.
Index IN-4 Cisco ATA 186 an d Cisco ATA 188 Analo g Telephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide for MGCP (version 3.0) OL-4803-01 debugging 6-7 services 1-7, 6-1 fax mode 6-1, 6-6 configuratio n 6-6, .
Inde x IN-5 Cisco ATA 186 an d Cisco ATA 188 Anal og Telephon e Adaptor Administ rator’ s Guide for MGCP (v ersion 3.0) OL-4803-01 related p arameters 4-5 signals and events 4-7 version 1-5 versions 1-5 mgcp_exa mple.txt file 3-10 mgcp _exampl e.txt sam ple confi guration fi le 3-9 mgcp _exampl e.
Index IN-6 Cisco ATA 186 an d Cisco ATA 188 Analo g Telephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide for MGCP (version 3.0) OL-4803-01 retransmission int erval configuration 5-17 RetxIntv 5-17 RetxLim 5-17.
Inde x IN-7 Cisco ATA 186 an d Cisco ATA 188 Anal og Telephon e Adaptor Administ rator’ s Guide for MGCP (v ersion 3.0) OL-4803-01 tone reorder 5-32 tone p aramete rs 5-30, 5-31 ton e para meter syn.
Index IN-8 Cisco ATA 186 an d Cisco ATA 188 Analo g Telephone Adap tor Administr ator’s Guide for MGCP (version 3.0) OL-4803-01.
デバイスCisco Systems ATA 186の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Cisco Systems ATA 186をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはCisco Systems ATA 186の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Cisco Systems ATA 186の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Cisco Systems ATA 186で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Cisco Systems ATA 186を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はCisco Systems ATA 186の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Cisco Systems ATA 186に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちCisco Systems ATA 186デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。