Cisco SystemsメーカーOL-21636-01の使用説明書/サービス説明書
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Americas Hea dquarters Cisc o Syst ems , Inc . 170 West Ta sman Driv e San Jos e, CA 95 134-1706 USA Tel: 408 526-4000 800 553- NETS (638 7) Fax: 408 527-0883 Cisco IP Solution Ce nter L2VPN and Carrier Ethernet User Guide, 6.
iii Cisco I P Solut ion Cent er L2VPN and Carri er Ether net User Guide, 6.0 OL-21636-01 CONTENTS About Th is Guide xi CHAPTER 1 Getting Started 1-1 Overvi ew 1-1 Instal ling I SC and Conf igurin g th.
Cont ent s iv Cisco IP So lutio n Cent er L2 VPN and Ca rrie r Ethe rnet User Guide , 6.0 OL-21636-01 Creati ng and Modif ying Ps eudowire Classe s for IOS XR Dev ices 2- 10 Creati ng a Pseu dowire Cl.
Content s v Cisco I P Solut ion Cent er L2VPN and Carri er Ether net User Guide, 6.0 OL-21636-01 Modi fyin g the Fl exUN I/EV C Serv ice Re que st 4-21 Using Te mplat es a nd Dat a File s w ith a Fle .
Cont ent s vi Cisco IP So lutio n Cent er L2 VPN and Ca rrie r Ethe rnet User Guide , 6.0 OL-21636-01 Defin ing a Fr ame R ela y Po licy with out a C E 7-31 Defini ng an ATM Poli cy with a CE 7-33 Def.
Content s vii Cisco I P Solut ion Cent er L2VPN and Carri er Ether net User Guide, 6.0 OL-21636-01 CHAPTER 11 Deployin g, Monito ring, and Audi ting Servi ce Request s 11-1 Deployi ng S ervice Reque s.
Cont ent s viii Cisco IP So lutio n Cent er L2 VPN and Ca rrie r Ethe rnet User Guide , 6.0 OL-21636-01 ERS ( EVPL) , EW S (EP L), ATM, or Fr ame R ela y (Add itio nal Temp late V aria bles for L2VPN .
Content s ix Cisco I P Solut ion Cent er L2VPN and Carri er Ether net User Guide, 6.0 OL-21636-01 FlexU NI/ EVC ( ATM- Eth erne t In terwo rkin g, Lo cal C ore C onn ect ivit y, Poin t-to -Po int Ci r.
Cont ent s x Cisco IP So lutio n Cent er L2 VPN and Ca rrie r Ethe rnet User Guide , 6.0 OL-21636-01 Plat form -Spe cifi c Usag e Not es C-6 VLAN Trans lati on on the 3750 C-6 VLAN Trans lati on on th.
xi Cisco I P Solut ion Cent er L2VPN and Carri er Ether net User Guide, 6.0 OL-21636-01 About This Guide This pre face co ntain s the follo wing section s: • Obje cti v e, page xi • Audien ce, pa .
xii Cisco IP So lutio n Cent er L2 VPN and Ca rrie r Ethe rnet User Guide , 6.0 OL-21636-01 About Thi s Guide • Chapter 3, “Cr eatin g a Fle xUN I/EVC Et hernet Polic y , ” provides in formation on cre ating a Flex UNI/EVC poli cy .
xiii Cisco I P Solut ion Cent er L2VPN and Carri er Ether net User Guide, 6.0 OL-21636-01 About This Guide Genera l docum ent atio n (in su ggeste d read ing ord er) • Cisco IP Solu tion Cent er Ge tting Started a nd D ocumen tation G uide, 6 .0. http://www .
xiv Cisco IP So lutio n Cent er L2 VPN and Ca rrie r Ethe rnet User Guide , 6.0 OL-21636-01 About Thi s Guide Note All doc umen tation m ight be up graded over time. All upgrade d docum entat ion will be av a ilab le at the same URLs specif ied in this document.
CH A P T E R 1-1 Cisco I P Solutio n Cente r L2VPN and Carrie r Ether net User Gu ide, 6. 0 OL-21636-01 1 Getting Started This cha pter provid es a road map to help you ge t started using the L2V PN co mpone nt in ISC 6.
1-2 Cisco IP So lutio n Cent er L2 VPN and Ca rrie r Ethe rnet User Guide , 6.0 OL-21636-01 Chapter 1 Getting Started Config uring t he Networ k to Su pport L ayer 2 S ervice s Configuring the Network.
1-3 Cisco I P Solutio n Cente r L2VPN and Carrie r Ether net User Gu ide, 6. 0 OL-21636-01 Chapter 1 Getting Started Setting Up Basic ISC Services Setting Up the N-PE L oopback Address W ithin ISC, yo u must s et the loopb ack add ress on th e N-PE device(s ).
1-4 Cisco IP So lutio n Cent er L2 VPN and Ca rrie r Ethe rnet User Guide , 6.0 OL-21636-01 Chapter 1 Getting Started Working with L 2VPN and VPLS Polic ies and Service Requ ests Working with L2VPN an.
1-5 Cisco I P Solutio n Cente r L2VPN and Carrie r Ether net User Gu ide, 6. 0 OL-21636-01 Chapter 1 Getting Started A Note on Te rminol ogy Convent ions Ta b l e 1 -1 Ether net Service T er minolog y.
1-6 Cisco IP So lutio n Cent er L2 VPN and Ca rrie r Ethe rnet User Guide , 6.0 OL-21636-01 Chapter 1 Getting Started A Note on Terminolog y Conve ntions.
CH A P T E R 2-1 Cisco I P Solutio n Cente r L2VPN and Carrie r Ether net User Gu ide, 6. 0 OL-21636-01 2 Setting Up the ISC Services T o cre ate L2VPN, VPLS, and Fle xUNI/EVC policies and servic e requests, you must fir st def ine the service-r elated el ements, su ch as ta rget de vices, VPNs, and network l inks.
2-2 Cisco IP So lutio n Cent er L2 VPN and Ca rrie r Ethe rnet User Guide , 6.0 OL-21636-01 Chapter 2 Setting Up the ISC Services Configur ing De vice Setting s to Supp ort ISC Configuring Devic e Set.
2-3 Cisco I P Solutio n Cente r L2VPN and Carrie r Ether net User Gu ide, 6. 0 OL-21636-01 Chapter 2 Settin g Up the ISC Services Definin g a Serv ice Pro vider an d Its Regi ons Setting Up Devices for IOS XR Support L2VPN in IS C 6.0 supports de vices runni ng Cisco’ s IOS XR software.
2-4 Cisco IP So lutio n Cent er L2 VPN and Ca rrie r Ethe rnet User Guide , 6.0 OL-21636-01 Chapter 2 Setting Up the ISC Services Defining Custome rs and Th eir Sites For detailed steps to def ine the pro vider administr ati v e domain, see the Cisco IP Solution Cent er Infrastru cture Refer ence, 6.
2-5 Cisco I P Solutio n Cente r L2VPN and Carrie r Ether net User Gu ide, 6. 0 OL-21636-01 Chapter 2 Settin g Up the ISC Services Creat ing VL AN Pools T o create a n Access Domain, perform the follo wing steps. Step 1 Choose Service In ventory > In ventory and Connection Manager .
2-6 Cisco IP So lutio n Cent er L2 VPN and Ca rrie r Ethe rnet User Guide , 6.0 OL-21636-01 Chapter 2 Setting Up the ISC Services Creating VLA N Pools • Hav e created an acce ss domain for th e VLAN pool . See Creating A ccess Domain s, page 2- 4 . • Kno w the name of the acce ss domain to which each VLAN poo l will be allocated.
2-7 Cisco I P Solutio n Cente r L2VPN and Carrie r Ether net User Gu ide, 6. 0 OL-21636-01 Chapter 2 Settin g Up the ISC Services Creat ing a VC ID Pool Creating a VC ID Pool VC ID pools are define d with a starti ng value a nd a si ze o f the VC ID p ool.
2-8 Cisco IP So lutio n Cent er L2 VPN and Ca rrie r Ethe rnet User Guide , 6.0 OL-21636-01 Chapter 2 Setting Up the ISC Services Creating Name d Physical Circuits Creating Named Physical Circuits Befo re creatin g an L2VPN or VPLS ser vice requ est, you mu st predef ine the physical lin ks betwee n CEs and PEs.
2-9 Cisco I P Solutio n Cente r L2VPN and Carrie r Ether net User Gu ide, 6. 0 OL-21636-01 Chapter 2 Settin g Up the ISC Services Creating Named Physical Circuits Note The new de vice or ring adde d is al ways placed af ter the de vice select ed, whil e a ne w de vice or ring inserted is p laced b efore the d e vice s elect ed.
2-10 Cisco IP So lutio n Cent er L2 VPN and Ca rrie r Ethe rnet User Guide , 6.0 OL-21636-01 Chapter 2 Setting Up the ISC Services Creating and M odifyin g Pseudow ire Classes f or IOS XR Device s Step 2 Click Cr eate . The Cr eate a Named Phys ical Cir cuit win do w app ears.
2-11 Cisco I P Solutio n Cente r L2VPN and Carrie r Ether net User Gu ide, 6. 0 OL-21636-01 Chapter 2 Settin g Up the ISC Services Creat ing and Modi fying P seudowir e Classe s for IOS X R Devices Note Th e pseudowire cla ss featur e is support ed for IOS XR 3.
2-12 Cisco IP So lutio n Cent er L2 VPN and Ca rrie r Ethe rnet User Guide , 6.0 OL-21636-01 Chapter 2 Setting Up the ISC Services Creating and M odifyin g Pseudow ire Classes f or IOS XR Device s Step 5 In the Description field, e nter a mean ingful descript ion of less t han 128 cha ract ers.
2-13 Cisco I P Solutio n Cente r L2VPN and Carrie r Ether net User Gu ide, 6. 0 OL-21636-01 Chapter 2 Settin g Up the ISC Services Creat ing and Modi fying P seudowir e Classe s for IOS X R Devices Step 2 Select the pseudo wire class object you wan t to modi fy , and cli ck Edit .
2-14 Cisco IP So lutio n Cent er L2 VPN and Ca rrie r Ethe rnet User Guide , 6.0 OL-21636-01 Chapter 2 Setting Up the ISC Services Defining L2VPN Group Nam es for IOS XR D evices Perform the follo wing steps. Step 1 In ISC , navigate to Administration > Con trol Center > Hosts .
CH A P T E R 3-1 Cisco I P Solutio n Cente r L2VPN and Carrie r Ether net User Gu ide, 6. 0 OL-21636-01 3 Creating a FlexUNI/EVC E thernet Policy This ch apt er cont ains a n overview of FlexUNI/ EVC s upport i n ISC, as we ll as th e bas ic ste ps to cr eate a Flex UNI/EVC Ethern et policy .
3-2 Cisco IP So lutio n Cent er L2 VPN and Ca rrie r Ethe rnet User Guide , 6.0 OL-21636-01 Chapter 3 Creat ing a Flex UNI/EVC Ethernet Polic y Overview of FlexU NI/EVC Supp ort in ISC Services lev eraging the Flex UNI/EVC infra structure ar e v aried in nature, and ther e is not alw ays a clea r delineatio n between dif fer ent servic es.
3-3 Cisco I P Solutio n Cente r L2VPN and Carrie r Ether net User Gu ide, 6. 0 OL-21636-01 Chapter 3 Creating a Flex UNI/EVC Ethe rnet Policy Overview of Fl exUNI/EV C Suppor t in ISC – VPLS – Loc.
3-4 Cisco IP So lutio n Cent er L2 VPN and Ca rrie r Ethe rnet User Guide , 6.0 OL-21636-01 Chapter 3 Creat ing a Flex UNI/EVC Ethernet Polic y Overview of FlexU NI/EVC Supp ort in ISC Example 2 As fa.
3-5 Cisco I P Solutio n Cente r L2VPN and Carrie r Ether net User Gu ide, 6. 0 OL-21636-01 Chapter 3 Creating a Flex UNI/EVC Ethe rnet Policy Overview of Fl exUNI/EV C Suppor t in ISC Device Roles with FlexUNI/EVC Presently , ISC h as U-PE, PE-AGG and N-PE devices .
3-6 Cisco IP So lutio n Cent er L2 VPN and Ca rrie r Ethe rnet User Guide , 6.0 OL-21636-01 Chapter 3 Creat ing a Flex UNI/EVC Ethernet Polic y Defi ning th e Flex UNI/ EVC Et her net Po licy • Ethernet U-PE and/or PE-AGGs. • N-PE with Fle x UNI-ca pable interf ace on the CE-f acing si de.
3-7 Cisco I P Solutio n Cente r L2VPN and Carrie r Ether net User Gu ide, 6. 0 OL-21636-01 Chapter 3 Creating a Flex UNI/EVC Ethe rnet Policy Defin ing the Fle xUNI /EVC Eth ern et P olic y Figur e 3-1 EV C Poli c y Editor - Service T ype Step 4 Ente r a Policy Name for the Fle xUNI/EV C polic y .
3-8 Cisco IP So lutio n Cent er L2 VPN and Ca rrie r Ethe rnet User Guide , 6.0 OL-21636-01 Chapter 3 Creat ing a Flex UNI/EVC Ethernet Polic y Settin g the Servic e Options Setting the Service Options This section descri bes ho w to set the service options for the FlexUNI/EV C Ethernet policy , as sho wn in Figure 3-2 .
3-9 Cisco I P Solutio n Cente r L2VPN and Carrie r Ether net User Gu ide, 6. 0 OL-21636-01 Chapter 3 Creating a Flex UNI/EVC Ethe rnet Policy Setting the Service Options • If the che ck b ox i s unch ecked , ze ro or more li nks c an u se t he Fl exUNI /EVC featur e.
3-10 Cisco IP So lutio n Cent er L2 VPN and Ca rrie r Ethe rnet User Guide , 6.0 OL-21636-01 Chapter 3 Creat ing a Flex UNI/EVC Ethernet Polic y Sett ing t he Flex UNI At tri but es Note Also, some attr ibu tes ar e supp orted only o n IOS or IOS XR platf orms.
3-11 Cisco I P Solutio n Cente r L2VPN and Carrie r Ether net User Gu ide, 6. 0 OL-21636-01 Chapter 3 Creating a Flex UNI/EVC Ethe rnet Policy Setting the FlexUNI Att ributes Figur e 3-3 EV C P olic y Edit or - Fle xUNI Attr ibute Windo w Flex UNI attrib utes are org ani zed und er the follo wing categ ories: .
3-12 Cisco IP So lutio n Cent er L2 VPN and Ca rrie r Ethe rnet User Guide , 6.0 OL-21636-01 Chapter 3 Creat ing a Flex UNI/EVC Ethernet Polic y Sett ing t he Flex UNI At tri but es If the check box is unc hecke d, the n you can ent er a v alue d uring ser vice requ est creation .
3-13 Cisco I P Solutio n Cente r L2VPN and Carrie r Ether net User Gu ide, 6. 0 OL-21636-01 Chapter 3 Creating a Flex UNI/EVC Ethe rnet Policy Setting the FlexUNI Att ributes manually-sp ecif ied VLAN.
3-14 Cisco IP So lutio n Cent er L2 VPN and Ca rrie r Ethe rnet User Guide , 6.0 OL-21636-01 Chapter 3 Creat ing a Flex UNI/EVC Ethernet Polic y Sett ing t he Flex UNI At tri but es Checking th e Both T ags attribute causes the Inn er VLAN Ranges attr ib ute (co vered in the nex t steps) to appear in the Fle xUNI Attrib u te windo w .
3-15 Cisco I P Solutio n Cente r L2VPN and Carrie r Ether net User Gu ide, 6. 0 OL-21636-01 Chapter 3 Creating a Flex UNI/EVC Ethe rnet Policy Setting the FlexUNI Att ributes • This attrib ute is av ailable re gard less of the number of tags used in the match criteria.
3-16 Cisco IP So lutio n Cent er L2 VPN and Ca rrie r Ethe rnet User Guide , 6.0 OL-21636-01 Chapter 3 Creat ing a Flex UNI/EVC Ethernet Polic y Settin g the Interfa ce Attrib utes The EVC Po licy Editor - Interf ace Attr ib ute windo w appears, as sho wn in Fi gure 3-3 .
3-17 Cisco I P Solutio n Cente r L2VPN and Carrie r Ether net User Gu ide, 6. 0 OL-21636-01 Chapter 3 Creating a Flex UNI/EVC Ethe rnet Policy Setting the Interface Attributes Figur e 3-4 EV C P olic y Edit or - Int erf ace Attr ibutes Windo w T o set the FlexUNI/EV C interfa ce attrib u tes, perform the follo wing steps.
3-18 Cisco IP So lutio n Cent er L2 VPN and Ca rrie r Ethe rnet User Guide , 6.0 OL-21636-01 Chapter 3 Creat ing a Flex UNI/EVC Ethernet Polic y Settin g the Interfa ce Attrib utes Step 4 Check the Keep Aliv e check box to con fig ure ke epali ves on the UNI po rt.
3-19 Cisco I P Solutio n Cente r L2VPN and Carrie r Ether net User Gu ide, 6. 0 OL-21636-01 Chapter 3 Creating a Flex UNI/EVC Ethe rnet Policy Setting the Interface Attributes Figur e 3-5 UNI Por t Se.
3-20 Cisco IP So lutio n Cent er L2 VPN and Ca rrie r Ethe rnet User Guide , 6.0 OL-21636-01 Chapter 3 Creat ing a Flex UNI/EVC Ethernet Polic y Settin g the Interfa ce Attrib utes c. cdp dr op thr eshold —Ent er the num ber o f packet s per secon d to be r eceived at w hich p oint the interface will start dr opping CDP packets.
3-21 Cisco I P Solutio n Cente r L2VPN and Carrie r Ether net User Gu ide, 6. 0 OL-21636-01 Chapter 3 Creating a Flex UNI/EVC Ethe rnet Policy Setting the Interface Attributes Step 14 Specify the type of VLAN T ransl ation for this policy by cl ickin g the appro priat e ra dio button.
3-22 Cisco IP So lutio n Cent er L2 VPN and Ca rrie r Ethe rnet User Guide , 6.0 OL-21636-01 Chapter 3 Creat ing a Flex UNI/EVC Ethernet Polic y Settin g the Interfa ce Attrib utes This att rib ute is un checked by de fault.
3-23 Cisco I P Solutio n Cente r L2VPN and Carrie r Ether net User Gu ide, 6. 0 OL-21636-01 Chapter 3 Creating a Flex UNI/EVC Ethe rnet Policy Enabling Template Association • The E-Lin e Name attrib.
3-24 Cisco IP So lutio n Cent er L2 VPN and Ca rrie r Ethe rnet User Guide , 6.0 OL-21636-01 Chapter 3 Creat ing a Flex UNI/EVC Ethernet Polic y Enablin g Templa te Asso ciation.
CH A P T E R 4-1 Cisco I P Solutio n Cente r L2VPN and Carrie r Ether net User Gu ide, 6. 0 OL-21636-01 4 Managing a FlexUNI/EVC Eth ernet Service Request This ch apter pro vides information on ho w to prov ision a FlexUNI/E VC Ethernet service request.
4-2 Cisco IP So lutio n Cent er L2 VPN and Ca rrie r Ethe rnet User Guide , 6.0 OL-21636-01 Chapte r 4 Managi ng a FlexUNI /EVC Et hernet Servi ce Request Creating a Fl exUNI/E VC Service Requ est • Add direc t connec t links (if a pplicabl e). • Add links with L2 access node s (if applica ble).
4-3 Cisco I P Solutio n Cente r L2VPN and Carrie r Ether net User Gu ide, 6. 0 OL-21636-01 Chapter 4 Managing a Fle xUNI/EVC Eth ernet Service Reques t Setting the Service Request Details This window enab les you to spe cify opti ons for the se rvice re quest, as well as configure dir ectly connec ted links an d links with L2 a ccess nodes.
4-4 Cisco IP So lutio n Cent er L2 VPN and Ca rrie r Ethe rnet User Guide , 6.0 OL-21636-01 Chapte r 4 Managi ng a FlexUNI /EVC Et hernet Servi ce Request Setting t he Se rvice R equest De tails Note Th e Job I D and SR ID f ields a re read -only .
4-5 Cisco I P Solutio n Cente r L2VPN and Carrie r Ether net User Gu ide, 6. 0 OL-21636-01 Chapter 4 Managing a Fle xUNI/EVC Eth ernet Service Reques t Setting the Service Request Details Step 8 Check the Conf igur e Bridge Domain check box to deter mine bridge domain cha racteristics.
4-6 Cisco IP So lutio n Cent er L2 VPN and Ca rrie r Ethe rnet User Guide , 6.0 OL-21636-01 Chapte r 4 Managi ng a FlexUNI /EVC Et hernet Servi ce Request Setting t he Se rvice R equest De tails Figur.
4-7 Cisco I P Solutio n Cente r L2VPN and Carrie r Ether net User Gu ide, 6. 0 OL-21636-01 Chapter 4 Managing a Fle xUNI/EVC Eth ernet Service Reques t Setting the Service Request Details If you d o not c heck t his check box, you w ill be prompted to pro vide th e VPN I D in the VPLS VPN ID fi eld, as co vered in the ne xt step.
4-8 Cisco IP So lutio n Cent er L2 VPN and Ca rrie r Ethe rnet User Guide , 6.0 OL-21636-01 Chapte r 4 Managi ng a FlexUNI /EVC Et hernet Servi ce Request Setting t he Se rvice R equest De tails Figur.
4-9 Cisco I P Solutio n Cente r L2VPN and Carrie r Ether net User Gu ide, 6. 0 OL-21636-01 Chapter 4 Managing a Fle xUNI/EVC Eth ernet Service Reques t Setting the Service Request Details • If Conf igure Br idge Domain is chec ked, a ll links will ha v e the same bridge domain ID allo cated from the VLA N pool on the N-PE.
4-10 Cisco IP So lutio n Cent er L2 VPN and Ca rrie r Ethe rnet User Guide , 6.0 OL-21636-01 Chapte r 4 Managi ng a FlexUNI /EVC Et hernet Servi ce Request Setting t he Se rvice R equest De tails See .
4-11 Cisco I P Solutio n Cente r L2VPN and Carrie r Ether net User Gu ide, 6. 0 OL-21636-01 Chapter 4 Managing a Fle xUNI/EVC Eth ernet Service Reques t Setting the Service Request Details Editing the Link Attributes The next steps doc umen t the use of the Edit link in the Link Attrib utes column.
4-12 Cisco IP So lutio n Cent er L2 VPN and Ca rrie r Ethe rnet User Guide , 6.0 OL-21636-01 Chapte r 4 Managi ng a FlexUNI /EVC Et hernet Servi ce Request Setting t he Se rvice R equest De tails • .
4-13 Cisco I P Solutio n Cente r L2VPN and Carrie r Ether net User Gu ide, 6. 0 OL-21636-01 Chapter 4 Managing a Fle xUNI/EVC Eth ernet Service Reques t Setting the Service Request Details Step 14 Che.
4-14 Cisco IP So lutio n Cent er L2 VPN and Ca rrie r Ethe rnet User Guide , 6.0 OL-21636-01 Chapte r 4 Managi ng a FlexUNI /EVC Et hernet Servi ce Request Setting t he Se rvice R equest De tails Step 19 If Push is the Rewrite T ype, two text boxes ap pear: a.
4-15 Cisco I P Solutio n Cente r L2VPN and Carrie r Ether net User Gu ide, 6. 0 OL-21636-01 Chapter 4 Managing a Fle xUNI/EVC Eth ernet Service Reques t Setting the Service Request Details Figure 4-5 .
4-16 Cisco IP So lutio n Cent er L2 VPN and Ca rrie r Ethe rnet User Guide , 6.0 OL-21636-01 Chapte r 4 Managi ng a FlexUNI /EVC Et hernet Servi ce Request Setting t he Se rvice R equest De tails Figu.
4-17 Cisco I P Solutio n Cente r L2VPN and Carrie r Ether net User Gu ide, 6. 0 OL-21636-01 Chapter 4 Managing a Fle xUNI/EVC Eth ernet Service Reques t Setting the Service Request Details Note For detailed coverage of sett ing up VLAN t ranslati on, see Append ix C, “Setting Up VLAN T r anslation.
4-18 Cisco IP So lutio n Cent er L2 VPN and Ca rrie r Ethe rnet User Guide , 6.0 OL-21636-01 Chapte r 4 Managi ng a FlexUNI /EVC Et hernet Servi ce Request Setting t he Se rvice R equest De tails Step 30 If you ch ecked the PW T u nnel Selection c heck box, enter t he TE tunnel ID in th e Interface T unnel text fie ld .
4-19 Cisco I P Solutio n Cente r L2VPN and Carrie r Ether net User Gu ide, 6. 0 OL-21636-01 Chapter 4 Managing a Fle xUNI/EVC Eth ernet Service Reques t Setting the Service Request Details If this check bo x is unche cked, you a re promp ted to specify a b ridge do main na me du ring serv ice reque st creat ion (s ee t he n ext step ).
4-20 Cisco IP So lutio n Cent er L2 VPN and Ca rrie r Ethe rnet User Guide , 6.0 OL-21636-01 Chapte r 4 Managi ng a FlexUNI /EVC Et hernet Servi ce Request Setting t he Se rvice R equest De tails Usag.
4-21 Cisco I P Solutio n Cente r L2VPN and Carrie r Ether net User Gu ide, 6. 0 OL-21636-01 Chapter 4 Managing a Fle xUNI/EVC Eth ernet Service Reques t Modif ying the Fl exUNI/E VC Servi ce Requ est • Choosing the UNI inte rface . • Setting the link as a Flex UNI link.
4-22 Cisco IP So lutio n Cent er L2 VPN and Ca rrie r Ethe rnet User Guide , 6.0 OL-21636-01 Chapte r 4 Managi ng a FlexUNI /EVC Et hernet Servi ce Request Usin g Tem pla tes an d Da ta F iles with a Fl exUN I/EVC Ethe rnet S ervi ce R eque st Step 4 Modif y any of the attrib utes, as de sired.
4-23 Cisco I P Solutio n Cente r L2VPN and Carrie r Ether net User Gu ide, 6. 0 OL-21636-01 Chapter 4 Managing a Fle xUNI/EVC Eth ernet Service Reques t Saving th e FlexUNI/ EVC S ervice Requ est Figu.
4-24 Cisco IP So lutio n Cent er L2 VPN and Ca rrie r Ethe rnet User Guide , 6.0 OL-21636-01 Chapte r 4 Managi ng a FlexUNI /EVC Et hernet Servi ce Request Saving the Fl exUN I/EVC Service Re quest St.
CH A P T E R 5-1 Cisco I P Solutio n Cente r L2VPN and Carrie r Ether net User Gu ide, 6. 0 OL-21636-01 5 Creating a FlexUNI/EVC ATM-Ethernet Interworking Policy This ch apter c ontai ns an overview o.
5-2 Cisco IP So lutio n Cent er L2 VPN and Ca rrie r Ethe rnet User Guide , 6.0 OL-21636-01 Chapter 5 Creating a FlexUNI/EVC ATM-Ethernet Interworking Policy Defining the F lexUNI/E VC AT M-Etherne t Inte rworking Policy • Supporte d platform s: – A TM inte rworking is su pporte d on th e Cisc o 7600 with E S-20 c ards.
5-3 Cisco I P Solutio n Cente r L2VPN and Carrie r Ether net User Gu ide, 6. 0 OL-21636-01 Chapter 5 Creating a Flex UNI/EVC ATM -Ethernet Interworkin g Policy Defining the Fl exUNI/EV C ATM-Ether net.
5-4 Cisco IP So lutio n Cent er L2 VPN and Ca rrie r Ethe rnet User Guide , 6.0 OL-21636-01 Chapter 5 Creating a FlexUNI/EVC ATM-Ethernet Interworking Policy Settin g the Servic e Options Setting the Service Options This section descri bes how to set the ser vice options for the Fle xUNI/EV C policy , as sho wn in Figure 5-2 .
5-5 Cisco I P Solutio n Cente r L2VPN and Carrie r Ether net User Gu ide, 6. 0 OL-21636-01 Chapter 5 Creating a Flex UNI/EVC ATM -Ethernet Interworkin g Policy Setting the Service Options • If the che ck b ox i s unch ecked , ze ro or more li nks c an u se t he Fl exUNI /EVC featur e.
5-6 Cisco IP So lutio n Cent er L2 VPN and Ca rrie r Ethe rnet User Guide , 6.0 OL-21636-01 Chapter 5 Creating a FlexUNI/EVC ATM-Ethernet Interworking Policy Settin g the ATM Interf ace Attri butes Note Also, some attr ibu tes ar e supp orted only o n IOS or IOS XR platf orms.
5-7 Cisco I P Solutio n Cente r L2VPN and Carrie r Ether net User Gu ide, 6. 0 OL-21636-01 Chapter 5 Creating a Flex UNI/EVC ATM -Ethernet Interworkin g Policy Setting the FlexUNI Att ributes Figur e 5-3 EV C P olic y Edit or - A TM Int erf ace At tr ibut es Windo w T o set the A TM interfa ce attrib u tes, perform the follo wing steps.
5-8 Cisco IP So lutio n Cent er L2 VPN and Ca rrie r Ethe rnet User Guide , 6.0 OL-21636-01 Chapter 5 Creating a FlexUNI/EVC ATM-Ethernet Interworking Policy Sett ing t he Flex UNI At tri but es Figur.
5-9 Cisco I P Solutio n Cente r L2VPN and Carrie r Ether net User Gu ide, 6. 0 OL-21636-01 Chapter 5 Creating a Flex UNI/EVC ATM -Ethernet Interworkin g Policy Setting the FlexUNI Att ributes Step 2 C.
5-10 Cisco IP So lutio n Cent er L2 VPN and Ca rrie r Ethe rnet User Guide , 6.0 OL-21636-01 Chapter 5 Creating a FlexUNI/EVC ATM-Ethernet Interworking Policy Sett ing t he Flex UNI At tri but es Step 6 Continue with t he steps conta ined i n the next sec tion, Setting the VLAN Matching Criter ia Attribu tes, page 5-10 .
5-11 Cisco I P Solutio n Cente r L2VPN and Carrie r Ether net User Gu ide, 6. 0 OL-21636-01 Chapter 5 Creating a Flex UNI/EVC ATM -Ethernet Interworkin g Policy Setting the FlexUNI Att ributes • For any service instan ce, only one type of rewrite opti on (pop, pu sh, or transla te) is al lowed per instan ce.
5-12 Cisco IP So lutio n Cent er L2 VPN and Ca rrie r Ethe rnet User Guide , 6.0 OL-21636-01 Chapter 5 Creating a FlexUNI/EVC ATM-Ethernet Interworking Policy Settin g the Interfa ce Attrib utes Step 6 Check the T ransl ate Inner ch eck box to allo w the operato r to specif y a tar get inner VLAN ID durin g servic e reques t crea tion.
5-13 Cisco I P Solutio n Cente r L2VPN and Carrie r Ether net User Gu ide, 6. 0 OL-21636-01 Chapter 5 Creating a Flex UNI/EVC ATM -Ethernet Interworkin g Policy Setting the Interface Attributes Note A.
5-14 Cisco IP So lutio n Cent er L2 VPN and Ca rrie r Ethe rnet User Guide , 6.0 OL-21636-01 Chapter 5 Creating a FlexUNI/EVC ATM-Ethernet Interworking Policy Settin g the Interfa ce Attrib utes This is the defau lt.
5-15 Cisco I P Solutio n Cente r L2VPN and Carrie r Ether net User Gu ide, 6. 0 OL-21636-01 Chapter 5 Creating a Flex UNI/EVC ATM -Ethernet Interworkin g Policy Setting the Interface Attributes d. In the Secure MA C Addre sses field, enter one or more Ethe rnet M AC addresses.
5-16 Cisco IP So lutio n Cent er L2 VPN and Ca rrie r Ethe rnet User Guide , 6.0 OL-21636-01 Chapter 5 Creating a FlexUNI/EVC ATM-Ethernet Interworking Policy Settin g the Interfa ce Attrib utes b. cdp shutdown threshold— Enter the num ber of pac kets per seco nd to be rece ived befo re the interf ace is shut down .
5-17 Cisco I P Solutio n Cente r L2VPN and Carrie r Ether net User Gu ide, 6. 0 OL-21636-01 Chapter 5 Creating a Flex UNI/EVC ATM -Ethernet Interworkin g Policy Setting the Interface Attributes Step 14 Specify the type of VLAN T ransl ation for this policy by cl ickin g the appro priat e ra dio button.
5-18 Cisco IP So lutio n Cent er L2 VPN and Ca rrie r Ethe rnet User Guide , 6.0 OL-21636-01 Chapter 5 Creating a FlexUNI/EVC ATM-Ethernet Interworking Policy Settin g the Interfa ce Attrib utes This att rib ute is un checked by de fault.
5-19 Cisco I P Solutio n Cente r L2VPN and Carrie r Ether net User Gu ide, 6. 0 OL-21636-01 Chapter 5 Creating a Flex UNI/EVC ATM -Ethernet Interworkin g Policy Enabling Template Association See th e sect ion Enabling T e mplate Asso ciation, pag e 5-19 fo r infor mation ab out th is feature .
5-20 Cisco IP So lutio n Cent er L2 VPN and Ca rrie r Ethe rnet User Guide , 6.0 OL-21636-01 Chapter 5 Creating a FlexUNI/EVC ATM-Ethernet Interworking Policy Enablin g Templa te Asso ciation.
CH A P T E R 6-1 Cisco I P Solutio n Cente r L2VPN and Carrie r Ether net User Gu ide, 6. 0 OL-21636-01 6 Managing a FlexUNI/EVC ATM-Ethernet Interworking Service Request This chapte r prov ides informatio n on ho w to provision a Fle xUNI/E VC A TM-Ethe rnet Interwo rking service reque st.
6-2 Cisco IP So lutio n Cent er L2 VPN and Ca rrie r Ethe rnet User Guide , 6.0 OL-21636-01 Chapte r 6 Managing a FlexUNI/ EVC ATM-Ethe rnet Int erworki ng S ervice Request Creating a FlexUNI /EVC ATM-E thernet I nterwork ing Service Request • Choose a VPN.
6-3 Cisco I P Solutio n Cente r L2VPN and Carrie r Ether net User Gu ide, 6. 0 OL-21636-01 Chapter 6 Managing a F lexUNI/E VC ATM-Ethe rnet Interwo rking Service Request Setting the Service Request De.
6-4 Cisco IP So lutio n Cent er L2 VPN and Ca rrie r Ethe rnet User Guide , 6.0 OL-21636-01 Chapte r 6 Managing a FlexUNI/ EVC ATM-Ethe rnet Int erworki ng S ervice Request Setting t he Se rvice R equ.
6-5 Cisco I P Solutio n Cente r L2VPN and Carrie r Ether net User Gu ide, 6. 0 OL-21636-01 Chapter 6 Managing a F lexUNI/E VC ATM-Ethe rnet Interwo rking Service Request Setting the Service Request Details If you d o not chec k this c heck box, y ou will be prompted to pro vide th e ID in th e VC ID f ield, as co ver ed in the next step.
6-6 Cisco IP So lutio n Cent er L2 VPN and Ca rrie r Ethe rnet User Guide , 6.0 OL-21636-01 Chapte r 6 Managing a FlexUNI/ EVC ATM-Ethe rnet Int erworki ng S ervice Request Setting t he Se rvice R equest De tails A dial ogue appe ars in which you can en ter a desc ription .
6-7 Cisco I P Solutio n Cente r L2VPN and Carrie r Ether net User Gu ide, 6. 0 OL-21636-01 Chapter 6 Managing a F lexUNI/E VC ATM-Ethe rnet Interwo rking Service Request Setting the Service Request Details Note The same VPN ca n be use d by servic e reque sts wi th LOCA L and PSEU DOWIRE core types.
6-8 Cisco IP So lutio n Cent er L2 VPN and Ca rrie r Ethe rnet User Guide , 6.0 OL-21636-01 Chapte r 6 Managing a FlexUNI/ EVC ATM-Ethe rnet Int erworki ng S ervice Request Setting t he Se rvice R equest De tails Step 10 T o set up links with L 2 access nodes, see the section Setting Li nks with L2 Acc ess Nodes, page 6-22 .
6-9 Cisco I P Solutio n Cente r L2VPN and Carrie r Ether net User Gu ide, 6. 0 OL-21636-01 Chapter 6 Managing a F lexUNI/E VC ATM-Ethe rnet Interwo rking Service Request Setting the Service Request Details Step 4 Click Select . The EVC Servi ce Re quest Edi tor win dow reap pear s displ ayin g the na me of t he sel ecte d PE in the NP E colu mn.
6-10 Cisco IP So lutio n Cent er L2 VPN and Ca rrie r Ethe rnet User Guide , 6.0 OL-21636-01 Chapte r 6 Managing a FlexUNI/ EVC ATM-Ethe rnet Int erworki ng S ervice Request Setting t he Se rvice R equest De tails Figur e 6-3 FlexUNI De tails Windo w All of the f ields in the Fle xUNI Detai ls screen are e nabled based on the polic y settings.
6-11 Cisco I P Solutio n Cente r L2VPN and Carrie r Ether net User Gu ide, 6. 0 OL-21636-01 Chapter 6 Managing a F lexUNI/E VC ATM-Ethe rnet Interwo rking Service Request Setting the Service Request D.
6-12 Cisco IP So lutio n Cent er L2 VPN and Ca rrie r Ethe rnet User Guide , 6.0 OL-21636-01 Chapte r 6 Managing a FlexUNI/ EVC ATM-Ethe rnet Int erworki ng S ervice Request Setting t he Se rvice R eq.
6-13 Cisco I P Solutio n Cente r L2VPN and Carrie r Ether net User Gu ide, 6. 0 OL-21636-01 Chapter 6 Managing a F lexUNI/E VC ATM-Ethe rnet Interwo rking Service Request Setting the Service Request Details – If you ch oose 1: 2 or 2 :2, ente r values in t he Outer VLAN ID and Inner VLAN ID te xt box es that appea r .
6-14 Cisco IP So lutio n Cent er L2 VPN and Ca rrie r Ethe rnet User Guide , 6.0 OL-21636-01 Chapte r 6 Managing a FlexUNI/ EVC ATM-Ethe rnet Int erworki ng S ervice Request Setting t he Se rvice R eq.
6-15 Cisco I P Solutio n Cente r L2VPN and Carrie r Ether net User Gu ide, 6. 0 OL-21636-01 Chapter 6 Managing a F lexUNI/E VC ATM-Ethe rnet Interwo rking Service Request Setting the Service Request Details The ch oices are: • DO T1QTR UNK —Configures the UNI as a t runk wit h 802 .
6-16 Cisco IP So lutio n Cent er L2 VPN and Ca rrie r Ethe rnet User Guide , 6.0 OL-21636-01 Chapte r 6 Managing a FlexUNI/ EVC ATM-Ethe rnet Int erworki ng S ervice Request Setting t he Se rvice R eq.
6-17 Cisco I P Solutio n Cente r L2VPN and Carrie r Ether net User Gu ide, 6. 0 OL-21636-01 Chapter 6 Managing a F lexUNI/E VC ATM-Ethe rnet Interwo rking Service Request Setting the Service Request Details • If Use PseudoWireClass is ch ecked, an additio nal attri bute, PseudoWire Class , appears in the GUI.
6-18 Cisco IP So lutio n Cent er L2 VPN and Ca rrie r Ethe rnet User Guide , 6.0 OL-21636-01 Chapte r 6 Managing a FlexUNI/ EVC ATM-Ethe rnet Int erworki ng S ervice Request Setting t he Se rvice R equest De tails Note The choic es in the dro p-down list are de rived from a con figurable DCPL prop erty .
6-19 Cisco I P Solutio n Cente r L2VPN and Carrie r Ether net User Gu ide, 6. 0 OL-21636-01 Chapter 6 Managing a F lexUNI/E VC ATM-Ethe rnet Interwo rking Service Request Setting the Service Request D.
6-20 Cisco IP So lutio n Cent er L2 VPN and Ca rrie r Ethe rnet User Guide , 6.0 OL-21636-01 Chapte r 6 Managing a FlexUNI/ EVC ATM-Ethe rnet Int erworki ng S ervice Request Setting t he Se rvice R equest De tails Step 8 T o spec ify the A TM virtu al channel ident ifier (VCI), a v alue in the AT M V C I fie l d.
6-21 Cisco I P Solutio n Cente r L2VPN and Carrie r Ether net User Gu ide, 6. 0 OL-21636-01 Chapter 6 Managing a F lexUNI/E VC ATM-Ethe rnet Interwo rking Service Request Setting the Service Request Details • The N -PE Pseudo -wire o n SVI attribute is not supp orted for I OS X R devices.
6-22 Cisco IP So lutio n Cent er L2 VPN and Ca rrie r Ethe rnet User Guide , 6.0 OL-21636-01 Chapte r 6 Managing a FlexUNI/ EVC ATM-Ethe rnet Int erworki ng S ervice Request Setting t he Se rvice R eq.
6-23 Cisco I P Solutio n Cente r L2VPN and Carrie r Ether net User Gu ide, 6. 0 OL-21636-01 Chapter 6 Managing a F lexUNI/E VC ATM-Ethe rnet Interwo rking Service Request Modif ying the Fl exUNI/E VC .
6-24 Cisco IP So lutio n Cent er L2 VPN and Ca rrie r Ethe rnet User Guide , 6.0 OL-21636-01 Chapte r 6 Managing a FlexUNI/ EVC ATM-Ethe rnet Int erworki ng S ervice Request Using Templates and Data F.
6-25 Cisco I P Solutio n Cente r L2VPN and Carrie r Ether net User Gu ide, 6. 0 OL-21636-01 Chapter 6 Managing a F lexUNI/E VC ATM-Ethe rnet Interwo rking Service Request Saving th e FlexUNI/ EVC S er.
6-26 Cisco IP So lutio n Cent er L2 VPN and Ca rrie r Ethe rnet User Guide , 6.0 OL-21636-01 Chapte r 6 Managing a FlexUNI/ EVC ATM-Ethe rnet Int erworki ng S ervice Request Saving the Fl exUN I/EVC S.
CH A P T E R 7-1 Cisco I P Solutio n Cente r L2VPN and Carrie r Ether net User Gu ide, 6. 0 OL-21636-01 7 Creating an L2VPN Polic y This ch apter co vers the b asic steps to create an L2V PN polic y .
7-2 Cisco IP So lutio n Cent er L2 VPN and Ca rrie r Ethe rnet User Guide , 6.0 OL-21636-01 Chapter 7 Creating an L2VPN Policy Defining an L2 VPN Po licy • Frame Relay ov er MPLS (FRo MPLS) • A TM o v er MPLS (A TMoMPLS) T o de fine an L2VPN policy in ISC, pe rform the follo wing step s.
7-3 Cisco I P Solutio n Cente r L2VPN and Carrie r Ether net User Gu ide, 6. 0 OL-21636-01 Chapter 7 Creat ing an L2VPN Pol icy Defining an Ethernet ERS (EVPL) Policy with a CE Step 8 Choose the Se rvice T yp e of the L2VPN policy .
7-4 Cisco IP So lutio n Cent er L2 VPN and Ca rrie r Ethe rnet User Guide , 6.0 OL-21636-01 Chapter 7 Creating an L2VPN Policy Defining an Ethernet ERS (EVPL) Poli cy with a CE Step 1 Click Next . The windo w in Figure 7-3 appear s. The Editable ch eck box giv es you the opt ion of mak ing a field ed itable .
7-5 Cisco I P Solutio n Cente r L2VPN and Carrie r Ether net User Gu ide, 6. 0 OL-21636-01 Chapter 7 Creat ing an L2VPN Pol icy Defining an Ethernet ERS (EVPL) Policy with a CE • Ethernet • FastEt.
7-6 Cisco IP So lutio n Cent er L2 VPN and Ca rrie r Ethe rnet User Guide , 6.0 OL-21636-01 Chapter 7 Creating an L2VPN Policy Defining an Ethernet ERS (EVPL) Poli cy with a CE Step 12 En ter a VLAN NAME (optio nal) to specif y a name to describe the VLAN.
7-7 Cisco I P Solutio n Cente r L2VPN and Carrie r Ether net User Gu ide, 6. 0 OL-21636-01 Chapter 7 Creat ing an L2VPN Pol icy Defining an Ethernet ERS (EVPL) Policy with a CE Step 21 Ente r one or mo re E thernet MA C addr esses in UNI MA C addre sses .
7-8 Cisco IP So lutio n Cent er L2 VPN and Ca rrie r Ethe rnet User Guide , 6.0 OL-21636-01 Chapter 7 Creating an L2VPN Policy Defining an Ethernet ERS (EVPL) Poli cy with a CE Figur e 7 -5 Enable Sto.
7-9 Cisco I P Solutio n Cente r L2VPN and Carrie r Ether net User Gu ide, 6. 0 OL-21636-01 Chapter 7 Creat ing an L2VPN Pol icy Defining an Ethernet ERS (EVPL) Policy without a CE Step 29 Click Finis h . Defining an Ethe rnet ERS (EVPL) Policy without a CE This se ction descri bes de fining an Ethern et ER S (EVP L) p olicy witho ut a C E pre sent.
7-10 Cisco IP So lutio n Cent er L2 VPN and Ca rrie r Ethe rnet User Guide , 6.0 OL-21636-01 Chapter 7 Creating an L2VPN Policy Defining an Ethernet ERS (EVPL) Poli cy without a CE Figur e 7 -7 Ether net ERS (EVPL) without CE P olicy At tr ibut es Step 2 Choose a N-PE /U-PE Interfac e T y pe from the drop-down list .
7-11 Cisco I P Solutio n Cente r L2VPN and Carrie r Ether net User Gu ide, 6. 0 OL-21636-01 Chapter 7 Creat ing an L2VPN Pol icy Defining an Ethernet ERS (EVPL) Policy without a CE Note Th e Standard UNI P ort attrib ute will be una vailabl e within servi ce requests based on this policy if th e UNI is on an N-PE d evice runnin g IOS XR .
7-12 Cisco IP So lutio n Cent er L2 VPN and Ca rrie r Ethe rnet User Guide , 6.0 OL-21636-01 Chapter 7 Creating an L2VPN Policy Defining an Ethernet ERS (EVPL) Poli cy without a CE Step 13 Choose an L2VPN Group Name fr om t he d rop-d o wn list .
7-13 Cisco I P Solutio n Cente r L2VPN and Carrie r Ether net User Gu ide, 6. 0 OL-21636-01 Chapter 7 Creat ing an L2VPN Pol icy Defining an Ethernet ERS (EVPL) Policy without a CE The ch oices are: • Access P ort • T runk wit h Nati ve V LAN Note Ent er a UNI Port T ype only i f the e ncapsulatio n type is DEF A UL T .
7-14 Cisco IP So lutio n Cent er L2 VPN and Ca rrie r Ethe rnet User Guide , 6.0 OL-21636-01 Chapter 7 Creating an L2VPN Policy Defining an Ethernet ERS (EVPL) Poli cy without a CE Step 25 Check the N-P E Pseudo-wire On SVI check box to co nf igure th e pseudo wire connect ion on the switche d virtua l inte rface of th e OSM ca rd.
7-15 Cisco I P Solutio n Cente r L2VPN and Carrie r Ether net User Gu ide, 6. 0 OL-21636-01 Chapter 7 Creat ing an L2VPN Pol icy Defining an Ethernet EWS (EPL) Policy with a CE Defining an Ethe rnet EWS (EPL) Policy with a CE This se ction describe s defining a n Ethe rnet EWS (E PL) p olicy with CE pre sent.
7-16 Cisco IP So lutio n Cent er L2 VPN and Ca rrie r Ethe rnet User Guide , 6.0 OL-21636-01 Chapter 7 Creating an L2VPN Policy Defining an Ethernet EWS (E PL) Policy w ith a CE Figur e 7 -1 1 Ether net EWS (EPL) with CE P olicy At tr ibutes Step 2 Check the Standard UNI P ort check box to en able port se curi ty .
7-17 Cisco I P Solutio n Cente r L2VPN and Carrie r Ether net User Gu ide, 6. 0 OL-21636-01 Chapter 7 Creat ing an L2VPN Pol icy Defining an Ethernet EWS (EPL) Policy with a CE Step 3 Choose an Inte rfac e T ype f rom th e dro p-down list .
7-18 Cisco IP So lutio n Cent er L2 VPN and Ca rrie r Ethe rnet User Guide , 6.0 OL-21636-01 Chapter 7 Creating an L2VPN Policy Defining an Ethernet EWS (E PL) Policy w ith a CE Step 10 Check the VLAN ID A u toPic k che ck box if you want ISC to cho ose a VLAN ID.
7-19 Cisco I P Solutio n Cente r L2VPN and Carrie r Ether net User Gu ide, 6. 0 OL-21636-01 Chapter 7 Creat ing an L2VPN Pol icy Defining an Ethernet EWS (EPL) Policy with a CE Step 20 Check the Use Existing A CL Name check b ox if y ou want a ssign you r own named a ccess li st to t he port.
7-20 Cisco IP So lutio n Cent er L2 VPN and Ca rrie r Ethe rnet User Guide , 6.0 OL-21636-01 Chapter 7 Creating an L2VPN Policy Defining an Ethernet EWS (E PL) Policy w ith a CE Figur e 7 -13 Enable S.
7-21 Cisco I P Solutio n Cente r L2VPN and Carrie r Ether net User Gu ide, 6. 0 OL-21636-01 Chapter 7 Creat ing an L2VPN Pol icy Defining an Ethernet EWS (EPL) Policy with a CE This c heck box is chec ked by defaul t. If the check box is not c hecked, the ps eudowire w ill be provision ed on the subinterf ace of the PFC card, if it is av ailabl e.
7-22 Cisco IP So lutio n Cent er L2 VPN and Ca rrie r Ethe rnet User Guide , 6.0 OL-21636-01 Chapter 7 Creating an L2VPN Policy Defining an Ethernet EW S (EPL) Policy w ithout a CE Defining an Ethe rnet EWS (EPL) Policy with out a CE This se ction descri bes how to define an Ether net EWS (EPL) policy wi thout a C E pre sent.
7-23 Cisco I P Solutio n Cente r L2VPN and Carrie r Ether net User Gu ide, 6. 0 OL-21636-01 Chapter 7 Creat ing an L2VPN Pol icy Defining an Ethernet EWS (EPL) Policy without a CE Figur e 7 -16 Ether net EWS (EPL) without CE P olicy At tribut es Step 2 Choose a N-PE /U-PE Interfac e T y pe from the drop-down list .
7-24 Cisco IP So lutio n Cent er L2 VPN and Ca rrie r Ethe rnet User Guide , 6.0 OL-21636-01 Chapter 7 Creating an L2VPN Policy Defining an Ethernet EW S (EPL) Policy w ithout a CE Step 3 Check the Standard UNI P ort check box to en able port se curi ty .
7-25 Cisco I P Solutio n Cente r L2VPN and Carrie r Ether net User Gu ide, 6. 0 OL-21636-01 Chapter 7 Creat ing an L2VPN Pol icy Defining an Ethernet EWS (EPL) Policy without a CE Step 10 Check the VLAN ID A u toPic k che ck box if you want ISC to cho ose a VLAN ID.
7-26 Cisco IP So lutio n Cent er L2 VPN and Ca rrie r Ethe rnet User Guide , 6.0 OL-21636-01 Chapter 7 Creating an L2VPN Policy Defining an Ethernet EW S (EPL) Policy w ithout a CE Step 20 En ter a Po rt-Bas ed A CL Name (if you ch ecked th e Use Existing A CL Name ch eck bo x, as m entione d in the pre vious step).
7-27 Cisco I P Solutio n Cente r L2VPN and Carrie r Ether net User Gu ide, 6. 0 OL-21636-01 Chapter 7 Creat ing an L2VPN Pol icy Defining an Ethernet EWS (EPL) Policy without a CE Figur e 7 -1 8 Enabl.
7-28 Cisco IP So lutio n Cent er L2 VPN and Ca rrie r Ethe rnet User Guide , 6.0 OL-21636-01 Chapter 7 Creating an L2VPN Policy Defining a Frame Relay Policy with a CE This c heck box is chec ked by defaul t. If the check box is not c hecked, the ps eudowire w ill be provision ed on the subinterf ace of the PFC card, if it is av ailabl e.
7-29 Cisco I P Solutio n Cente r L2VPN and Carrie r Ether net User Gu ide, 6. 0 OL-21636-01 Chapter 7 Creat ing an L2VPN Pol icy Defining a Frame Relay Policy with a CE Note Fra me Rela y poli cies ar e not supporte d for devices runni ng IO S XR. Figur e 7 -20 Frame Re lay P oli cy with a CE Perform the follo wing steps.
7-30 Cisco IP So lutio n Cent er L2 VPN and Ca rrie r Ethe rnet User Guide , 6.0 OL-21636-01 Chapter 7 Creating an L2VPN Policy Defining a Frame Relay Policy with a CE • Serial • MFR • POS • H.
7-31 Cisco I P Solutio n Cente r L2VPN and Carrie r Ether net User Gu ide, 6. 0 OL-21636-01 Chapter 7 Creat ing an L2VPN Pol icy Defining a Frame Relay Policy without a CE Defining a Frame Re lay Policy withou t a CE This se ction describe s how to de fine a Fram e Re lay poli cy withou t a CE presen t.
7-32 Cisco IP So lutio n Cent er L2 VPN and Ca rrie r Ethe rnet User Guide , 6.0 OL-21636-01 Chapter 7 Creating an L2VPN Policy Defining a Frame Relay Policy without a CE Step 2 Choose the N-PE/U-PE I nterf ace T ype fo r the CE from the drop-d own list.
7-33 Cisco I P Solutio n Cente r L2VPN and Carrie r Ether net User Gu ide, 6. 0 OL-21636-01 Chapter 7 Creat ing an L2VPN Pol icy Defining an ATM Policy with a CE Defining an ATM Pol icy with a CE This se ction descri bes how to define an A TM policy wi th CE p resen t.
7-34 Cisco IP So lutio n Cent er L2 VPN and Ca rrie r Ethe rnet User Guide , 6.0 OL-21636-01 Chapter 7 Creating an L2VPN Policy Defining an ATM Policy w ith a CE Step 2 Choose the Tr a n s p o r t M o d e from the drop-dow n list. The ch oices are: • VP —V irtual path mode.
7-35 Cisco I P Solutio n Cente r L2VPN and Carrie r Ether net User Gu ide, 6. 0 OL-21636-01 Chapter 7 Creat ing an L2VPN Pol icy Defining an ATM Policy with a CE This attr ibute is used for provision ing the L2 VPN group na me on IOS XR devices. Note The choic es in the dro p-down list are de rived from a con figurable DCPL prop erty .
7-36 Cisco IP So lutio n Cent er L2 VPN and Ca rrie r Ethe rnet User Guide , 6.0 OL-21636-01 Chapter 7 Creating an L2VPN Policy Defining an ATM Policy w ithout a CE Defining an ATM Po licy without a CE This sect ion descri bes how to define an A TM policy wit hout a CE present.
7-37 Cisco I P Solutio n Cente r L2VPN and Carrie r Ether net User Gu ide, 6. 0 OL-21636-01 Chapter 7 Creat ing an L2VPN Pol icy Defining an ATM Policy without a CE Step 2 Choose the Tr a n s p o r t M o d e from the drop-dow n list. The ch oices are: • VP —V irtual path mode.
7-38 Cisco IP So lutio n Cent er L2 VPN and Ca rrie r Ethe rnet User Guide , 6.0 OL-21636-01 Chapter 7 Creating an L2VPN Policy Defining an ATM Policy w ithout a CE Note The choic es in the drop-d own list are derived from a con figurable DCPL proper ty .
CH A P T E R 8-1 Cisco I P Solutio n Cente r L2VPN and Carrie r Ether net User Gu ide, 6. 0 OL-21636-01 8 Managing an L2VPN Service Requ est This chapte r cov ers the basic steps to pro vision an ERS (EVPL), EWS (E PL), A TM, or Frame Relay L2VPN serv ice.
8-2 Cisco IP So lutio n Cent er L2 VPN and Ca rrie r Ethe rnet User Guide , 6.0 OL-21636-01 Chapt er 8 Ma nag ing a n L2V PN Se rvic e Re ques t Creating a n L2VPN Se rvice Reque st The follo wing ste.
8-3 Cisco I P Solutio n Cente r L2VPN and Carrie r Ether net User Gu ide, 6. 0 OL-21636-01 Chapter 8 Managing an L2VPN Servi ce Request Creati ng an L2 VPN Servi ce Request Figur e 8-1 L2VPN Serv ice Reques t Edit or Perform the follo wing steps. Step 1 Choose a To p o l o g y f rom the dro p-down list.
8-4 Cisco IP So lutio n Cent er L2 VPN and Ca rrie r Ethe rnet User Guide , 6.0 OL-21636-01 Chapt er 8 Ma nag ing a n L2V PN Se rvic e Re ques t Creating a n L2VPN Se rvice Reque st Step 3 Click Select CE in the CE colu mn. The CPE fo r Attach ment Cir cuit wi ndow appears.
8-5 Cisco I P Solutio n Cente r L2VPN and Carrie r Ether net User Gu ide, 6. 0 OL-21636-01 Chapter 8 Managing an L2VPN Servi ce Request Creati ng an L2 VPN Servi ce Request Note ISC on ly displays the.
8-6 Cisco IP So lutio n Cent er L2 VPN and Ca rrie r Ethe rnet User Guide , 6.0 OL-21636-01 Chapt er 8 Ma nag ing a n L2V PN Se rvic e Re ques t Creating a n L2VPN Se rvice Reque st Figur e 8-6 NPCs Cr eated For ERS (E VPL) , A TM, and Fr ame Relay , the E nd-t o-End Wire Edit or wi ndow appear s.
8-7 Cisco I P Solutio n Cente r L2VPN and Carrie r Ether net User Gu ide, 6. 0 OL-21636-01 Chapter 8 Managing an L2VPN Servi ce Request Creati ng an L2 VPN Servi ce Request Figur e 8-8 End-t o-End W i.
8-8 Cisco IP So lutio n Cent er L2 VPN and Ca rrie r Ethe rnet User Guide , 6.0 OL-21636-01 Chapt er 8 Ma nag ing a n L2V PN Se rvic e Re ques t Creating a n L2VPN Se rvice Reque st Creating an E WS (.
8-9 Cisco I P Solutio n Cente r L2VPN and Carrie r Ether net User Gu ide, 6. 0 OL-21636-01 Chapter 8 Managing an L2VPN Servi ce Request Creati ng an L2 VPN Servi ce Request Figur e 8-1 0 End-T o-End Wir e Edit or • Y ou can en ter a descr iption for the ser vice requ est in the f irst Des cri pt ion fie ld.
8-10 Cisco IP So lutio n Cent er L2 VPN and Ca rrie r Ethe rnet User Guide , 6.0 OL-21636-01 Chapt er 8 Ma nag ing a n L2V PN Se rvic e Re ques t Creating a n L2VPN Se rvice Reque st Figur e 8-1 2 CPE fo r Atta chment Cir cuit This window displa ys the list of curr ently defined CEs.
8-11 Cisco I P Solutio n Cente r L2VPN and Carrie r Ether net User Gu ide, 6. 0 OL-21636-01 Chapter 8 Managing an L2VPN Servi ce Request Creati ng an L2 VPN Servi ce Request Step 13 Click AC 1 Link Attribu tes and edit the att ribut es if desired. For m ore infor mation, see the section Modifying the L2 VPN Servi ce Reque st, page 8-2 0 .
8-12 Cisco IP So lutio n Cent er L2 VPN and Ca rrie r Ethe rnet User Guide , 6.0 OL-21636-01 Chapt er 8 Ma nag ing a n L2V PN Se rvic e Re ques t Creating a n L2VPN Se rvice Reque st Figur e 8-15 L2VP N Ser vice R eque st Ed itor Step 2 Choose a To p o l o g y from the dr op-d o wn l ist .
8-13 Cisco I P Solutio n Cente r L2VPN and Carrie r Ether net User Gu ide, 6. 0 OL-21636-01 Chapter 8 Managing an L2VPN Servi ce Request Creati ng an L2 VPN Servi ce Request Figur e 8-1 7 Select PE D evice This window displays th e list of curr ently defined PEs.
8-14 Cisco IP So lutio n Cent er L2 VPN and Ca rrie r Ethe rnet User Guide , 6.0 OL-21636-01 Chapt er 8 Ma nag ing a n L2V PN Se rvic e Re ques t Creating a n L2VPN Se rvice Reque st Note ISC on ly di.
8-15 Cisco I P Solutio n Cente r L2VPN and Carrie r Ether net User Gu ide, 6. 0 OL-21636-01 Chapter 8 Managing an L2VPN Servi ce Request Creati ng an L2 VPN Servi ce Request Step 13 After you specif y all the PEs, ISC crea tes the li nks betwe en PEs based on the T opology t hat yo u chose.
8-16 Cisco IP So lutio n Cent er L2 VPN and Ca rrie r Ethe rnet User Guide , 6.0 OL-21636-01 Chapt er 8 Ma nag ing a n L2V PN Se rvic e Re ques t Creating a n L2VPN Se rvice Reque st Step 17 When you are finished edi ting the en d-to -end wires, click Save .
8-17 Cisco I P Solutio n Cente r L2VPN and Carrie r Ether net User Gu ide, 6. 0 OL-21636-01 Chapter 8 Managing an L2VPN Servi ce Request Creati ng an L2 VPN Servi ce Request Figur e 8-2 3 End-T o-End Wir e Editor Step 5 Click Add A C in the Attachment Circuit (A C1) column.
8-18 Cisco IP So lutio n Cent er L2 VPN and Ca rrie r Ethe rnet User Guide , 6.0 OL-21636-01 Chapt er 8 Ma nag ing a n L2V PN Se rvic e Re ques t Creating a n L2VPN Se rvice Reque st Figur e 8-2 5 PE f or At tac hment Cir cuit This window displays th e list of curr ently defined PEs.
8-19 Cisco I P Solutio n Cente r L2VPN and Carrie r Ether net User Gu ide, 6. 0 OL-21636-01 Chapter 8 Managing an L2VPN Servi ce Request Creati ng an L2 VPN Servi ce Request Step 10 If the PE role ty pe is N-PE, the columns Circ uit Selection and Circuit Details are d isabled.
8-20 Cisco IP So lutio n Cent er L2 VPN and Ca rrie r Ethe rnet User Guide , 6.0 OL-21636-01 Chapt er 8 Ma nag ing a n L2V PN Se rvic e Re ques t Modifyin g the L2VPN Se rvice Request Figur e 8-29 At tachment Cir cuit Select ed Step 15 Click AC 1 Link Attrib utes and edit the att rib utes, if desired.
8-21 Cisco I P Solutio n Cente r L2VPN and Carrie r Ether net User Gu ide, 6. 0 OL-21636-01 Chapter 8 Managing an L2VPN Servi ce Request Modifyi ng the L2VPN Servi ce Request Figur e 8-30 L2VP N Ser vice Acti vation Step 2 Chec k a check box for a ser vice re quest .
8-22 Cisco IP So lutio n Cent er L2 VPN and Ca rrie r Ethe rnet User Guide , 6.0 OL-21636-01 Chapt er 8 Ma nag ing a n L2V PN Se rvic e Re ques t Modifyin g the L2VPN Se rvice Request • If the p olic y was set up for you to def ine a VC ID manual ly , enter it into th e empty VC ID fiel d .
8-23 Cisco I P Solutio n Cente r L2VPN and Carrie r Ether net User Gu ide, 6. 0 OL-21636-01 Chapter 8 Managing an L2VPN Servi ce Request Modifyi ng the L2VPN Servi ce Request Figur e 8-32 Lin k A ttr ibute s Wi ndow Step 6 Edit any of the l ink att ributes, as de sired.
8-24 Cisco IP So lutio n Cent er L2 VPN and Ca rrie r Ethe rnet User Guide , 6.0 OL-21636-01 Chapt er 8 Ma nag ing a n L2V PN Se rvic e Re ques t Modifyin g the L2VPN Se rvice Request The T emplate Da ta File Chooser wind ow appears. (Se e Figure 8-34 .
8-25 Cisco I P Solutio n Cente r L2VPN and Carrie r Ether net User Gu ide, 6. 0 OL-21636-01 Chapter 8 Managing an L2VPN Servi ce Request Modifyi ng the L2VPN Servi ce Request Figur e 8-3 6 Link Attr i.
8-26 Cisco IP So lutio n Cent er L2 VPN and Ca rrie r Ethe rnet User Guide , 6.0 OL-21636-01 Chapt er 8 Ma nag ing a n L2V PN Se rvic e Re ques t Saving the L2 VPN Service Request Figur e 8-3 7 Service Reques t Edit or with Li nk At tribut es Change d.
CH A P T E R 9-1 Cisco I P Solutio n Cente r L2VPN and Carrie r Ether net User Gu ide, 6. 0 OL-21636-01 9 Creating a VPLS Polic y This chap ter cont ains the bas ic steps to cr eate a VPLS po licy .
9-2 Cisco IP So lutio n Cent er L2 VPN and Ca rrie r Ethe rnet User Guide , 6.0 OL-21636-01 Chapter 9 Cr eating a VPL S Policy Defining a VPLS Policy A pol icy is a t empla te of most of the parame ters ne eded t o define a VPL S servic e requ est.
9-3 Cisco I P Solutio n Cente r L2VPN and Carrie r Ether net User Gu ide, 6. 0 OL-21636-01 Chapter 9 Creat ing a VPLS Policy Defining an MPLS/ERMS (EVP-LAN) Policy with a CE Ther e ar e two core types.
9-4 Cisco IP So lutio n Cent er L2 VPN and Ca rrie r Ethe rnet User Guide , 6.0 OL-21636-01 Chapter 9 Cr eating a VPL S Policy Defining an MPLS/ ERMS (EVP-LAN) Policy with a CE Figur e 9-3 MPLS/ERMS (EVP -LAN) with a CE P olicy Attr ibute s Step 2 Choose an Inte rfac e T ype f rom th e dro p-down list .
9-5 Cisco I P Solutio n Cente r L2VPN and Carrie r Ether net User Gu ide, 6. 0 OL-21636-01 Chapter 9 Creat ing a VPLS Policy Defining an MPLS/ERMS (EVP-LAN) Policy with a CE This is espe ciall y usefu.
9-6 Cisco IP So lutio n Cent er L2 VPN and Ca rrie r Ethe rnet User Guide , 6.0 OL-21636-01 Chapter 9 Cr eating a VPL S Policy Defining an MPLS/ ERMS (EVP-LAN) Policy with a CE Step 17 Check t he Use Existing A CL Nam e check bo x if you want assign yo ur own named access list to the port .
9-7 Cisco I P Solutio n Cente r L2VPN and Carrie r Ether net User Gu ide, 6. 0 OL-21636-01 Chapter 9 Creat ing a VPLS Policy Defining an MPLS/ERMS (EVP-LAN) Policy without a CE Figur e 9-5 Enable St or m Contr ol Step 23 Click the Next bu tton, if you wan t to enable template support for the polic y .
9-8 Cisco IP So lutio n Cent er L2 VPN and Ca rrie r Ethe rnet User Guide , 6.0 OL-21636-01 Chapter 9 Cr eating a VPL S Policy Defining an MPL S/ERMS (EVP-LA N) Policy without a CE Step 1 Click Next . The windo w in Figure 9-7 appear s. The Editable ch eck box giv es you the opt ion of mak ing a field ed itable .
9-9 Cisco I P Solutio n Cente r L2VPN and Carrie r Ether net User Gu ide, 6. 0 OL-21636-01 Chapter 9 Creat ing a VPLS Policy Defining an MPLS/ERMS (EVP-LAN) Policy without a CE This is the defau lt.
9-10 Cisco IP So lutio n Cent er L2 VPN and Ca rrie r Ethe rnet User Guide , 6.0 OL-21636-01 Chapter 9 Cr eating a VPL S Policy Defining an MPL S/ERMS (EVP-LA N) Policy without a CE Step 17 Check t he Use Existing A CL Nam e check bo x if you want assign yo ur own named access list to the port .
9-11 Cisco I P Solutio n Cente r L2VPN and Carrie r Ether net User Gu ide, 6. 0 OL-21636-01 Chapter 9 Creat ing a VPLS Policy Defining an MPLS/EMS (EP-LAN) Policy with a CE Figur e 9-9 Enable St or m Contr ol Step 23 Click the Next bu tton, if you wan t to enable template support for the polic y .
9-12 Cisco IP So lutio n Cent er L2 VPN and Ca rrie r Ethe rnet User Guide , 6.0 OL-21636-01 Chapter 9 Cr eating a VPL S Policy Defin ing an MPLS/EMS (EP-LAN) Polic y with a CE Perform the follo wing steps. Step 1 Click Next . The windo w in Figure 9-11 appe ars.
9-13 Cisco I P Solutio n Cente r L2VPN and Carrie r Ether net User Gu ide, 6. 0 OL-21636-01 Chapter 9 Creat ing a VPLS Policy Defining an MPLS/EMS (EP-LAN) Policy with a CE The v a lue def ined here function s as a f ilter to restrict th e inte rface ty pes an o perator c an see during VPLS service re quest cr eati on.
9-14 Cisco IP So lutio n Cent er L2 VPN and Ca rrie r Ethe rnet User Guide , 6.0 OL-21636-01 Chapter 9 Cr eating a VPL S Policy Defin ing an MPLS/EMS (EP-LAN) Polic y with a CE The na me must be one to ken (no spac es allowed.) Th e limi t for th e VLA N name i s 32 cha ract ers.
9-15 Cisco I P Solutio n Cente r L2VPN and Carrie r Ether net User Gu ide, 6. 0 OL-21636-01 Chapter 9 Creat ing a VPLS Policy Defining an MPLS/EMS (EP-LAN) Policy with a CE Figur e 9-12 UNI Port Secur.
9-16 Cisco IP So lutio n Cent er L2 VPN and Ca rrie r Ethe rnet User Guide , 6.0 OL-21636-01 Chapter 9 Cr eating a VPL S Policy Defining an MPL S/EMS (EP-LA N) Policy with out a CE c. cdp dr op thr eshold —Ent er the num ber o f packet s per secon d to be r eceived at w hich p oint the interface will start dr opping CDP packets.
9-17 Cisco I P Solutio n Cente r L2VPN and Carrie r Ether net User Gu ide, 6. 0 OL-21636-01 Chapter 9 Creat ing a VPLS Policy Defining an MPLS/EMS (EP-LAN) Policy without a CE Figur e 9-15 MPL S/E MS (E P -LAN ) P oli cy wit hout a CE Perform the follo wing steps.
9-18 Cisco IP So lutio n Cent er L2 VPN and Ca rrie r Ethe rnet User Guide , 6.0 OL-21636-01 Chapter 9 Cr eating a VPL S Policy Defining an MPL S/EMS (EP-LA N) Policy with out a CE Figur e 9-1 6 MPLS/EMS (EP -LAN) wit hout a CE P olic y Attr ibutes Step 2 Choose an Inte rfac e T ype f rom th e dro p-down list .
9-19 Cisco I P Solutio n Cente r L2VPN and Carrie r Ether net User Gu ide, 6. 0 OL-21636-01 Chapter 9 Creat ing a VPLS Policy Defining an MPLS/EMS (EP-LAN) Policy without a CE Step 4 Ente r a n I nterf ace Format as the slot n umber /port nu mber for th e PE inter face (for exam ple, 1/0 indicates that the interf ace is located at slot 1, port 0).
9-20 Cisco IP So lutio n Cent er L2 VPN and Ca rrie r Ethe rnet User Guide , 6.0 OL-21636-01 Chapter 9 Cr eating a VPL S Policy Defining an MPL S/EMS (EP-LA N) Policy with out a CE The maximu m trans mis sion un it (M TU) si ze is co nf igu rabl e and opt ion al.
9-21 Cisco I P Solutio n Cente r L2VPN and Carrie r Ether net User Gu ide, 6. 0 OL-21636-01 Chapter 9 Creat ing a VPLS Policy Defining an MPLS/EMS (EP-LAN) Policy without a CE Figur e 9-1 7 UNI Por t .
9-22 Cisco IP So lutio n Cent er L2 VPN and Ca rrie r Ethe rnet User Guide , 6.0 OL-21636-01 Chapter 9 Cr eating a VPL S Policy Defining an Ethernet/ER MS (EVP-LAN) Pol icy with a CE c. cdp dr op thr eshold —Ent er the num ber o f packet s per secon d to be r eceived at w hich p oint the interface will start dr opping CDP packets.
9-23 Cisco I P Solutio n Cente r L2VPN and Carrie r Ether net User Gu ide, 6. 0 OL-21636-01 Chapter 9 Creat ing a VPLS Policy Defining an Ethernet/ERMS (EVP-LAN) Policy with a CE Figur e 9-2 0 Ether net/ERMS (EVP -LAN) P olic y with a CE Perform the follo wing steps.
9-24 Cisco IP So lutio n Cent er L2 VPN and Ca rrie r Ethe rnet User Guide , 6.0 OL-21636-01 Chapter 9 Cr eating a VPL S Policy Defining an Ethernet/ER MS (EVP-LAN) Pol icy with a CE Figur e 9-2 1 Ether net E RMS (EVP -LAN) wit h a CE P olicy At tr ibut es Step 2 Choose an Inte rfac e T ype f rom th e dro p-down list .
9-25 Cisco I P Solutio n Cente r L2VPN and Carrie r Ether net User Gu ide, 6. 0 OL-21636-01 Chapter 9 Creat ing a VPLS Policy Defining an Ethernet/ERMS (EVP-LAN) Policy with a CE Step 4 Choose a C E Encapsulation type .
9-26 Cisco IP So lutio n Cent er L2 VPN and Ca rrie r Ethe rnet User Guide , 6.0 OL-21636-01 Chapter 9 Cr eating a VPL S Policy Defining an Ethernet/ER MS (EVP-LAN) Pol icy with a CE Step 17 Check t he Use Existing A CL Nam e check bo x if you want assign yo ur own named access list to the port .
9-27 Cisco I P Solutio n Cente r L2VPN and Carrie r Ether net User Gu ide, 6. 0 OL-21636-01 Chapter 9 Creat ing a VPLS Policy Defining an Ethernet/ERMS (EVP-LAN) Policy without a CE Figur e 9-2 3 Enable Sto r m Contr ol Step 23 Click the Next bu tton, if you wan t to enable template support for the polic y .
9-28 Cisco IP So lutio n Cent er L2 VPN and Ca rrie r Ethe rnet User Guide , 6.0 OL-21636-01 Chapter 9 Cr eating a VPL S Policy Defining an Ethernet/ER MS (EVP-LAN) Pol icy without a CE Perform the follo wing steps. Step 1 Click Next . The w indow in Figure 9-25 appears .
9-29 Cisco I P Solutio n Cente r L2VPN and Carrie r Ether net User Gu ide, 6. 0 OL-21636-01 Chapter 9 Creat ing a VPLS Policy Defining an Ethernet/ERMS (EVP-LAN) Policy without a CE The v a lue def ined here function s as a f ilter to restrict th e inte rface ty pes an o perator c an see during VPLS service re quest cr eati on.
9-30 Cisco IP So lutio n Cent er L2 VPN and Ca rrie r Ethe rnet User Guide , 6.0 OL-21636-01 Chapter 9 Cr eating a VPL S Policy Defining an Ethernet/ER MS (EVP-LAN) Pol icy without a CE Step 16 En ter a VLAN NAME (optio nal) to specif y a name to describe the VLAN.
9-31 Cisco I P Solutio n Cente r L2VPN and Carrie r Ether net User Gu ide, 6. 0 OL-21636-01 Chapter 9 Creat ing a VPLS Policy Defining an Ethernet/ERMS (EVP-LAN) Policy without a CE Enter a th reshol d v alue for eac h type of traf f ic.
9-32 Cisco IP So lutio n Cent er L2 VPN and Ca rrie r Ethe rnet User Guide , 6.0 OL-21636-01 Chapter 9 Cr eating a VPL S Policy Defining an Ethernet /EMS (EP-LAN ) Policy with a CE Defining an Ethe rn.
9-33 Cisco I P Solutio n Cente r L2VPN and Carrie r Ether net User Gu ide, 6. 0 OL-21636-01 Chapter 9 Creat ing a VPLS Policy Defining an Ethernet/EMS (EP-LAN) Policy with a CE Figur e 9-29 Et hernet/E MS ( EP-LAN) w it h a CE Policy Att r ibutes Step 2 Choose an Inte rfac e T ype f rom th e dro p-down list .
9-34 Cisco IP So lutio n Cent er L2 VPN and Ca rrie r Ethe rnet User Guide , 6.0 OL-21636-01 Chapter 9 Cr eating a VPL S Policy Defining an Ethernet /EMS (EP-LAN ) Policy with a CE Step 4 Choose a C E Encapsulation type .
9-35 Cisco I P Solutio n Cente r L2VPN and Carrie r Ether net User Gu ide, 6. 0 OL-21636-01 Chapter 9 Creat ing a VPLS Policy Defining an Ethernet/EMS (EP-LAN) Policy with a CE The maxi mum tra nsmiss ion unit (MT U) size is configurabl e and opti onal.
9-36 Cisco IP So lutio n Cent er L2 VPN and Ca rrie r Ethe rnet User Guide , 6.0 OL-21636-01 Chapter 9 Cr eating a VPL S Policy Defining an Ethernet /EMS (EP-LAN ) Policy with a CE Figur e 9-30 UNI Po.
9-37 Cisco I P Solutio n Cente r L2VPN and Carrie r Ether net User Gu ide, 6. 0 OL-21636-01 Chapter 9 Creat ing a VPLS Policy Defining an Ethernet/EMS (EP-LAN) Policy without a CE c. cdp dr op thr eshold —Ent er the num ber of packet s per secon d to be re ceived at w hich p oint t he interface will start dr opping CDP packets.
9-38 Cisco IP So lutio n Cent er L2 VPN and Ca rrie r Ethe rnet User Guide , 6.0 OL-21636-01 Chapter 9 Cr eating a VPL S Policy Defining an Ethernet/EM S (EP-LAN ) Policy witho ut a CE Figur e 9-3 3 Ether net/EMS (EP -LAN) P olicy wi thout a CE Perform the follo wing steps.
9-39 Cisco I P Solutio n Cente r L2VPN and Carrie r Ether net User Gu ide, 6. 0 OL-21636-01 Chapter 9 Creat ing a VPLS Policy Defining an Ethernet/EMS (EP-LAN) Policy without a CE Figur e 9-3 4 Ether net/EMS (EP -LAN) witho ut CE P olicy Attr ibutes Step 2 Choose an Inte rfac e T ype f rom th e dro p-down list .
9-40 Cisco IP So lutio n Cent er L2 VPN and Ca rrie r Ethe rnet User Guide , 6.0 OL-21636-01 Chapter 9 Cr eating a VPL S Policy Defining an Ethernet/EM S (EP-LAN ) Policy witho ut a CE This is espe ci.
9-41 Cisco I P Solutio n Cente r L2VPN and Carrie r Ether net User Gu ide, 6. 0 OL-21636-01 Chapter 9 Creat ing a VPLS Policy Defining an Ethernet/EMS (EP-LAN) Policy without a CE • For the 37 50 an d 3550 plat forms, the MTU range is 1 500-15 46. • For the 7600 eth ernet por t, the M TU size is always 921 6.
9-42 Cisco IP So lutio n Cent er L2 VPN and Ca rrie r Ethe rnet User Guide , 6.0 OL-21636-01 Chapter 9 Cr eating a VPL S Policy Defining an Ethernet/EM S (EP-LAN ) Policy witho ut a CE Enter a th reshol d v alue for each type of traf fic.
9-43 Cisco I P Solutio n Cente r L2VPN and Carrie r Ether net User Gu ide, 6. 0 OL-21636-01 Chapter 9 Creat ing a VPLS Policy Defining an Ethernet/EMS (EP-LAN) Policy without a CE i. stp dr op threshold —E nter the number of pack ets per second to be recei ved at which point th e interface will start dropping STP packets.
9-44 Cisco IP So lutio n Cent er L2 VPN and Ca rrie r Ethe rnet User Guide , 6.0 OL-21636-01 Chapter 9 Cr eating a VPL S Policy Defining an Ethernet/EM S (EP-LAN ) Policy witho ut a CE.
CH A P T E R 10-1 Cisco I P Solutio n Cente r L2VPN and Carrie r Ether net User Gu ide, 6. 0 OL-21636-01 10 Managing a VPLS Service Requ est This chapte r contains the basic steps to provision a VPLS service .
10-2 Cisco IP So lutio n Cent er L2 VPN and Ca rrie r Ethe rnet User Guide , 6.0 OL-21636-01 Chapt er 10 Managi ng a VPL S Servi ce Request Creating a VPLS Service Req uest Creating a VPL S Servic e Request T o create a VPLS ser vic e request, pe rform the following step s.
10-3 Cisco I P Solutio n Cente r L2VPN and Carrie r Ether net User Gu ide, 6. 0 OL-21636-01 Chapter 1 0 Managing a VPLS Serv ice Request Creating a VPLS Service Request with a CE Step 2 Click Select VPN to choose a VPN for use with this CE. The Select VPN w indo w appea rs with the VPNs def ined in the system.
10-4 Cisco IP So lutio n Cent er L2 VPN and Ca rrie r Ethe rnet User Guide , 6.0 OL-21636-01 Chapt er 10 Managi ng a VPL S Servi ce Request Creating a VPLS Ser vice Req uest wi th a CE Step 6 Y ou can en ter a descri ption for the servi ce requ est in the first Descri ption fiel d .
10-5 Cisco I P Solutio n Cente r L2VPN and Carrie r Ether net User Gu ide, 6. 0 OL-21636-01 Chapter 1 0 Managing a VPLS Serv ice Request Creating a VPLS Service Request with a CE Note Whe n you p rovi.
10-6 Cisco IP So lutio n Cent er L2 VPN and Ca rrie r Ethe rnet User Guide , 6.0 OL-21636-01 Chapt er 10 Managi ng a VPL S Servi ce Request Creating a VPLS Servi ce Request with out a CE Step 17 Continue to spec ify additio nal CEs, as in pre vious ste ps, if desi red.
10-7 Cisco I P Solutio n Cente r L2VPN and Carrie r Ether net User Gu ide, 6. 0 OL-21636-01 Chapter 1 0 Managing a VPLS Serv ice Request Creating a VPLS Service Request without a CE Figur e 1 0-8 Select a VPN Note The VC ID is mapped from the VPN ID. By default, ISC will “auto pick” this v alue.
10-8 Cisco IP So lutio n Cent er L2 VPN and Ca rrie r Ethe rnet User Guide , 6.0 OL-21636-01 Chapt er 10 Managi ng a VPL S Servi ce Request Creating a VPLS Servi ce Request with out a CE Figur e 1 0-1 0 Select PE Device This window displays th e list of curr ently defined PEs.
10-9 Cisco I P Solutio n Cente r L2VPN and Carrie r Ether net User Gu ide, 6. 0 OL-21636-01 Chapter 1 0 Managing a VPLS Serv ice Request Creating a VPLS Service Request without a CE Note Whe n you p r.
10-10 Cisco IP So lutio n Cent er L2 VPN and Ca rrie r Ethe rnet User Guide , 6.0 OL-21636-01 Chapt er 10 Managi ng a VPL S Servi ce Request Modifyin g the VPLS Servi ce Request Note For inform ation on th e Bridge Domain ID at trib ute, whic h sho ws up in some VPLS service r equest scenarios, see Modifying th e VPLS Service Reque st, page 10-10 .
10-11 Cisco I P Solutio n Cente r L2VPN and Carrie r Ether net User Gu ide, 6. 0 OL-21636-01 Chapter 1 0 Managing a VPLS Serv ice Request Modifyi ng the VPLS S ervice Requ est Figur e 1 0-14 VPLS Link.
10-12 Cisco IP So lutio n Cent er L2 VPN and Ca rrie r Ethe rnet User Guide , 6.0 OL-21636-01 Chapt er 10 Managi ng a VPL S Servi ce Request Modifyin g the VPLS Servi ce Request Note T o add a template to a link, you must hav e already cr eated the templ ate.
10-13 Cisco I P Solutio n Cente r L2VPN and Carrie r Ether net User Gu ide, 6. 0 OL-21636-01 Chapter 1 0 Managing a VPLS Serv ice Request Using the Bridge Domain ID Attribute Using the Bridge Domain I.
10-14 Cisco IP So lutio n Cent er L2 VPN and Ca rrie r Ethe rnet User Guide , 6.0 OL-21636-01 Chapt er 10 Managi ng a VPL S Servi ce Request Saving the VPL S Service Request Saving the VPLS Service Request T o sav e a VPLS servic e request , perform the foll owing steps.
CH A P T E R 11-1 Cisco I P Solutio n Cente r L2VPN and Carrie r Ether net User Gu ide, 6. 0 OL-21636-01 11 Deploying, Monitoring, and Auditing Service Requests This cha pter descri bes how to deploy , monito r and aud it L2VPN, VPLS or FlexUNI/EV C service requests, and how to a ccess ta sk logs.
11-2 Cisco IP So lutio n Cent er L2 VPN and Ca rrie r Ethe rnet User Guide , 6.0 OL-21636-01 Chapter 11 Deploying, Monitoring, and Auditing Service Requests Deployin g Service Req uests Figur e 1 1 -1 C han ge DC PL Parame ter Step 5 Choose on e of the f ollowing: • prune to ha ve ISC create th e minimum VLAN list .
11-3 Cisco I P Solutio n Cente r L2VPN and Carrie r Ether net User Gu ide, 6. 0 OL-21636-01 Chapter 1 1 Deploying, Mon itoring, an d Audi ting Service Re quests Deployin g Servi ce Request s Figur e 1 1 -2 Sch edule Service A ctiv ation Step 4 Choos e a schedul e for the acti vation of the service.
11-4 Cisco IP So lutio n Cent er L2 VPN and Ca rrie r Ethe rnet User Guide , 6.0 OL-21636-01 Chapter 11 Deploying, Monitoring, and Auditing Service Requests Deployin g Service Req uests • V ie w service request deta ils—From the Service Requests Details windo w , you can vie w the link endpoints and the config lets for this service request.
11-5 Cisco I P Solutio n Cente r L2VPN and Carrie r Ether net User Gu ide, 6. 0 OL-21636-01 Chapter 1 1 Deploying, Mon itoring, an d Audi ting Service Re quests Deployin g Servi ce Request s Ta b l e .
11-6 Cisco IP So lutio n Cent er L2 VPN and Ca rrie r Ethe rnet User Guide , 6.0 OL-21636-01 Chapter 11 Deploying, Monitoring, and Auditing Service Requests Deployin g Service Req uests Ta b l e 11-2 , “ User Opera tions on ISC Servic e Request s , ” descri bes user op erati ons and the ir impa ct on ISC servic e request s.
11-7 Cisco I P Solutio n Cente r L2VPN and Carrie r Ether net User Gu ide, 6. 0 OL-21636-01 Chapter 1 1 Deploying, Mon itoring, an d Audi ting Service Re quests Deployin g Servi ce Request s Viewing S.
11-8 Cisco IP So lutio n Cent er L2 VPN and Ca rrie r Ethe rnet User Guide , 6.0 OL-21636-01 Chapter 11 Deploying, Monitoring, and Auditing Service Requests Deployin g Service Req uests Links The serv ice re quest li nk deta ils includ e the link end points, PE secure d inte rface, VLA N ID, and whe ther a CE is presen t.
11-9 Cisco I P Solutio n Cente r L2VPN and Carrie r Ether net User Gu ide, 6. 0 OL-21636-01 Chapter 1 1 Deploying, Mon itoring, an d Audi ting Service Re quests Deployin g Servi ce Request s History T o vie w history information about the service request, perform the follo wing steps.
11-10 Cisco IP So lutio n Cent er L2 VPN and Ca rrie r Ethe rnet User Guide , 6.0 OL-21636-01 Chapter 11 Deploying, Monitoring, and Auditing Service Requests Monito ring Service Requ ests Step 3 Click V iew Config le t. The C onf iglet for De vice win do w ap pears.
11-11 Cisco I P Solutio n Cente r L2VPN and Carrie r Ether net User Gu ide, 6. 0 OL-21636-01 Chapter 1 1 Deploying, Mon itoring, an d Audi ting Service Re quests Monito ring Se rvice R equests Figur e 1 1 -1 0 T asks Windo w Step 2 Click Fin d to refre sh the window .
11-12 Cisco IP So lutio n Cent er L2 VPN and Ca rrie r Ethe rnet User Guide , 6.0 OL-21636-01 Chapter 11 Deploying, Monitoring, and Auditing Service Requests Auditing Serv ice Reque sts Figur e 1 1 -12 T ask Lo gs Step 5 Choose the log le vel from the drop-do wn list and c lick Filter .
11-13 Cisco I P Solutio n Cente r L2VPN and Carrie r Ether net User Gu ide, 6. 0 OL-21636-01 Chapter 1 1 Deploying, Mon itoring, an d Audi ting Service Re quests Auditing Service Requests Step 1 Choose Service In ventory > Inv entory and Connection Manager > Service Requests .
11-14 Cisco IP So lutio n Cent er L2 VPN and Ca rrie r Ethe rnet User Guide , 6.0 OL-21636-01 Chapter 11 Deploying, Monitoring, and Auditing Service Requests Auditing Serv ice Reque sts.
CH A P T E R 12-1 Cisco I P Solutio n Cente r L2VPN and Carrie r Ether net User Gu ide, 6. 0 OL-21636-01 12 Using Autodiscovery for L2 Services All disco v ery step s are in tegrate d in a discov ery workflo w , controlled from the ISC GUI. T his is access ed in ISC through Service In ventory > Discov ery .
12-2 Cisco IP So lutio n Cent er L2 VPN and Ca rrie r Ethe rnet User Guide , 6.0 OL-21636-01 Chapter 12 Using Autodiscovery for L2 Services.
CH A P T E R 13-1 Cisco I P Solutio n Cente r L2VPN and Carrie r Ether net User Gu ide, 6. 0 OL-21636-01 13 Generating L2 an d VPLS Reports This cha pter provid es informa tion on ge nerati ng L2 and VP LS reports .
13-2 Cisco IP So lutio n Cent er L2 VPN and Ca rrie r Ethe rnet User Guide , 6.0 OL-21636-01 Cha pter 13 Ge ner atin g L2 a nd VPLS Repor ts L2 and VPLS Reports Figur e 13 -1 Reports Windo w Step 2 Click the L2 folder to display the av ailable L2 and VPLS rep orts.
13-3 Cisco I P Solutio n Cente r L2VPN and Carrie r Ether net User Gu ide, 6. 0 OL-21636-01 Chapter 1 3 Generating L2 and VPLS Reports L2 and VPL S Reports L2 End-to-En d Wire Report An L2 end-to-en d wire is a point-to-p oint con nection c ontain ing tw o attach ment c ircuits.
13-4 Cisco IP So lutio n Cent er L2 VPN and Ca rrie r Ethe rnet User Guide , 6.0 OL-21636-01 Cha pter 13 Ge ner atin g L2 a nd VPLS Repor ts L2 and VPLS Reports – INV ALID – LOST – PENDING – REQUE STE D – WA I T _ D E P L O Y • AC 1 - I D —First attachment circuit ( A C 1) iden tif ication n umber .
13-5 Cisco I P Solutio n Cente r L2VPN and Carrie r Ether net User Gu ide, 6. 0 OL-21636-01 Chapter 1 3 Generating L2 and VPLS Reports L2 and VPL S Reports • A C1- CDP Drop Threshold —Cisco Discovery Protocol drop thresho ld (in pac kets/seco nd) for t he fi rst att achmen t ci rcui t (A C1).
13-6 Cisco IP So lutio n Cent er L2 VPN and Ca rrie r Ethe rnet User Guide , 6.0 OL-21636-01 Cha pter 13 Ge ner atin g L2 a nd VPLS Repor ts L2 and VPLS Reports • A C2-UNI P ortSec urity —Status of UNI port securi ty for the second attachment circu it (A C2 ).
13-7 Cisco I P Solutio n Cente r L2VPN and Carrie r Ether net User Gu ide, 6. 0 OL-21636-01 Chapter 1 3 Generating L2 and VPLS Reports L2 and VPL S Reports L2 VPN Report The L2 VPN Report provi des a way to track a VLAN ID and/or VC ID back to the VPN and cu stomer without having to ite rate thro ugh every lin k and every VPN servi ce.
13-8 Cisco IP So lutio n Cent er L2 VPN and Ca rrie r Ethe rnet User Guide , 6.0 OL-21636-01 Cha pter 13 Ge ner atin g L2 a nd VPLS Repor ts L2 and VPLS Reports VPLS Attach ment C ircuit R eport The V PLS At tach ment c ircuit report displ ays de tails of att achmen t cir cuits for a given custome r VPN.
13-9 Cisco I P Solutio n Cente r L2VPN and Carrie r Ether net User Gu ide, 6. 0 OL-21636-01 Chapter 1 3 Generating L2 and VPLS Reports L2 and VPL S Reports – VPLS_EWS_N O_CE • VLAN ID —VLAN ide ntification number . • AccessDomain —Acce ss domai n name .
13-10 Cisco IP So lutio n Cent er L2 VPN and Ca rrie r Ethe rnet User Guide , 6.0 OL-21636-01 Cha pter 13 Ge ner atin g L2 a nd VPLS Repor ts L2 and VPLS Reports VPLS PE Se rvice Re port The VPL S PE .
13-11 Cisco I P Solutio n Cente r L2VPN and Carrie r Ether net User Gu ide, 6. 0 OL-21636-01 Chapter 1 3 Generating L2 and VPLS Reports Crea ting Cu stom L2 and VPLS Repor ts VPLS VPN Re port The VPL .
13-12 Cisco IP So lutio n Cent er L2 VPN and Ca rrie r Ethe rnet User Guide , 6.0 OL-21636-01 Cha pter 13 Ge ner atin g L2 a nd VPLS Repor ts Creating Cust om L2 and VPLS Reports.
A- 1 Cisco I P Soluti on Cent er L2VPN and Carri er Ether net User Gu ide, 6.0 OL-21636-01 APPENDIX A Sample Conf iglets This appe ndix provide s sampl e configlets for L2VPN an d Metro Et hernet servic e provisioning in ISC.
A- 2 Cisco IP So lutio n Cent er L2 VPN and Ca rrie r Ethe rnet User Guide , 6.0 OL-21636-01 Appendix A Sample Con figlets Overv iew • FlexUNI/EVC (Pseu dowire Core C onnec tivity , UNI, a nd Pse ud.
A-3 Cisco I P Solut ion Cent er L2VPN and Carri er Ether net User Guide, 6.0 OL-21636-01 Appendix A Samp le Config lets Over view • Service • Feature • De vices conf iguration (n etwor k role, h.
A- 4 Cisco IP So lutio n Cent er L2 VPN and Ca rrie r Ethe rnet User Guide , 6.0 OL-21636-01 Appendix A Sample Con figlets ERS (EVPL) (Point-to- Point) ERS (EVPL) (Point-t o-Point) Conf igurat ion • Service: L 2VPN/Metro Ethernet. • Feature: ERS (EVP L) (point-t o-po int).
A-5 Cisco I P Solut ion Cent er L2VPN and Carri er Ether net User Guide, 6.0 OL-21636-01 Appendix A Samp le Config lets ERS (EVPL) (Point-to-Point, UNI Port Security) ERS (EVPL) (Point-t o-Poin t, UNI Port Security) Conf igurat ion • Service: L 2VPN/Metro Ethernet.
A- 6 Cisco IP So lutio n Cent er L2 VPN and Ca rrie r Ethe rnet User Guide , 6.0 OL-21636-01 Appendix A Sample Con figlets ERS (EVPL) (Point-to- Point, UNI Port Security) • V arious U NI port se curity comm ands a re provisione d. • A user-defined P A CL en try is adde d to the defaul t P ACL.
A-7 Cisco I P Solut ion Cent er L2VPN and Carri er Ether net User Guide, 6.0 OL-21636-01 Appendix A Samp le Config lets ERS (EVP L) (1: 1 VLAN Transl ation ) ERS (EVPL) (1:1 VLAN Translation) Conf igurat ion • Service: L 2VPN/Metro Ethernet. • Feature: ERS (EVPL) wit h 1:1 VLAN translation.
A- 8 Cisco IP So lutio n Cent er L2 VPN and Ca rrie r Ethe rnet User Guide , 6.0 OL-21636-01 Appendix A Sample Con figlets ERS (EVPL) (2:1 VLAN Translation) ERS (EVPL) (2:1 VLAN Translation) Conf igurat ion • Service: L 2VPN/Metro Ethernet. • Feature: E RS (EVPL) with VLA N 2:1 t ranslation.
A-9 Cisco I P Solut ion Cent er L2VPN and Carri er Ether net User Guide, 6.0 OL-21636-01 Appendix A Samp le Config lets ERS (Pseud owire Class, E- Line, L2VPN Gro up Name, IOS XR Devi ce) ERS (Pseudowire Class, E-Line, L2 VPN Group Name, IOS XR Device) Conf igurat ion • Service: L 2VPN/Metro Ethernet.
A-10 Cisco IP So lutio n Cent er L2 VPN and Ca rrie r Ethe rnet User Guide , 6.0 OL-21636-01 Appendix A Sample Con figlets ERS (EVPL) (NBI Enhan cements for L2VPN, IOS Device) ERS (EVPL) (NBI Enhance ments for L2VPN, IOS De vice) Conf igurat ion • Service: L 2VPN/Metro Ethernet.
A-11 Cisco I P Solut ion Cent er L2VPN and Carri er Ether net User Guide, 6.0 OL-21636-01 Appendix A Samp le Config lets ERS (EVPL) or EWS (EPL) (IOS XR Device) ERS (EVPL) or EWS (EPL) (IOS XR Device) Conf igurat ion • Service: L 2VPN/Metro Ethernet.
A-12 Cisco IP So lutio n Cent er L2 VPN and Ca rrie r Ethe rnet User Guide , 6.0 OL-21636-01 Appendix A Sample Con figlets ERS (EVPL) or EWS (EPL) (IOS XR Device) Configlets Comments • In IOS X R, de vice conf iguration is specif ied in XML form at.
A-13 Cisco I P Solut ion Cent er L2VPN and Carri er Ether net User Guide, 6.0 OL-21636-01 Appendix A Samp le Config lets ERS (EVPL) or EWS (EPL) (IOS XR Device) • W ith respect to the XML schema s, dif fer ent ver sions of I OS XR gener ate dif fer ent XML conf iglets.
A-14 Cisco IP So lutio n Cent er L2 VPN and Ca rrie r Ethe rnet User Guide , 6.0 OL-21636-01 Appendix A Sample Con figlets ERS (EVPL) and EWS (EPL ) (Local Connect on E-Line) ERS (EVPL) and EWS (E PL) (Local Conne ct on E-Line) Conf igurat ion • Service: L 2VPN/Metro Ethernet.
A-15 Cisco I P Solut ion Cent er L2VPN and Carri er Ether net User Guide, 6.0 OL-21636-01 Appendix A Samp le Config lets ERS (EVPL), EWS (EPL), ATM, or Frame Relay (Additional Templa te Variables for .
A-16 Cisco IP So lutio n Cent er L2 VPN and Ca rrie r Ethe rnet User Guide , 6.0 OL-21636-01 Appendix A Sample Con figlets EWS (EPL ) (Point- to-Point) EWS (EPL) (Point-to-Point) Conf igurat ion • Service: L 2VPN/Metro Ethernet. • Feature: EWS (EPL) (poi nt-to-po int).
A-17 Cisco I P Solut ion Cent er L2VPN and Carri er Ether net User Guide, 6.0 OL-21636-01 Appendix A Samp le Config lets EWS (EPL) (Point-to-Point, UNI Port Security, BPDU Tunneling) EWS (EPL) (Point-to-Point, UNI Port Securi ty, BPDU Tunneling) Conf igurat ion • Service: L 2VPN/Metro Ethernet.
A-18 Cisco IP So lutio n Cent er L2 VPN and Ca rrie r Ethe rnet User Guide , 6.0 OL-21636-01 Appendix A Sample Con figlets EWS (EPL) (P oint-to-Poi nt, UNI Port Security, BP DU Tun neling) Configlets Comments • The N-PE is a 7600 with an OSM or SIP-6 00 module .
A-19 Cisco I P Solut ion Cent er L2VPN and Carri er Ether net User Guide, 6.0 OL-21636-01 Appendix A Samp le Config lets EWS (EPL) (Hybrid) EWS (EPL) (Hybrid) Conf igurat ion • Service: L 2VPN/Metro Ethernet. • Feature: EWS (EPL) hybri d. One side is EWS (E PL) UNI; the ot her side is ERS (EVPL ) NNI.
A-20 Cisco IP So lutio n Cent er L2 VPN and Ca rrie r Ethe rnet User Guide , 6.0 OL-21636-01 Appendix A Sample Con figlets EWS (EPL) (Hybrid) Configlets (EWS) Comments • This is the EWS (EPL) side (UNI). • N-PE is 7 600 w ith an OSM or a SI P-600 m odul e.
A-21 Cisco I P Solut ion Cent er L2VPN and Carri er Ether net User Guide, 6.0 OL-21636-01 Appendix A Samp le Config lets EWS (EPL) (Hybrid) Configlets (ERS) Comments • This is the ERS (EVP L) si de ( NNI). • The N-PE i s a 7600 with an OSM or a SIP- 600 modul e.
A-22 Cisco IP So lutio n Cent er L2 VPN and Ca rrie r Ethe rnet User Guide , 6.0 OL-21636-01 Appendix A Sample Con figlets EWS (EPL) (P seudow ire Class, E-L ine, L2VPN Group Nam e, IOS XR Devi ce) EWS (EPL) (Pseudowire Cl ass, E-Line, L2VPN Group Name, IOS XR Device) Conf igurat ion • Service: L 2VPN/Metro Ethernet.
A-23 Cisco I P Solut ion Cent er L2VPN and Carri er Ether net User Guide, 6.0 OL-21636-01 Appendix A Samp le Config lets EWS (EPL) (NBI Enha ncements for L2VPN , IOS Devi ce) EWS (EPL) (NBI Enhanc ements for L2VPN, IOS Device) Conf igurat ion • Service: L 2VPN/Metro Ethernet.
A-24 Cisco IP So lutio n Cent er L2 VPN and Ca rrie r Ethe rnet User Guide , 6.0 OL-21636-01 Appendix A Sample Con figlets ATM ov er M PLS ( VC M ode) ATM over MPLS (VC Mode) Conf igurat ion • Service: L 2VPN. • Featur e: A TM over MPLS (A TMoMPL S, a type of A T oM) in VC mode.
A-25 Cisco I P Solut ion Cent er L2VPN and Carri er Ether net User Guide, 6.0 OL-21636-01 Appendix A Samp le Config lets ATM over MPLS (V P Mode) ATM over MPLS (VP Mode) Conf igurat ion • Service: L 2VPN. • Featur e: A TM over MPLS (A TMoMPL S, a type of A T oM) in VP mode.
A-26 Cisco IP So lutio n Cent er L2 VPN and Ca rrie r Ethe rnet User Guide , 6.0 OL-21636-01 Appendix A Sample Con figlets ATM (Port Mode, Pse udowire Class, E- Line, L2VPN Group Na me, IOS XR Devi ce) ATM (Port Mode, Pseudowire Class, E-Line, L2VPN Group Name, IOS XR Device) Conf igurat ion • Service: L 2VPN/Metro Ethernet.
A-27 Cisco I P Solut ion Cent er L2VPN and Carri er Ether net User Guide, 6.0 OL-21636-01 Appendix A Samp le Config lets Frame Relay ove r MPLS Frame Relay over MPLS Conf igurat ion • Service: L 2VPN. • Feature: Frame Rela y ov er MPLS (FRo MPLS, a type of A T oM).
A-28 Cisco IP So lutio n Cent er L2 VPN and Ca rrie r Ethe rnet User Guide , 6.0 OL-21636-01 Appendix A Sample Con figlets Fram e Re lay (D LC I Mode ) Frame Relay (DLCI Mode) Conf igurat ion • Ser vice: L2V PN over a L2T Pv3 co re. • Feature: FR in DLCI mode.
A-29 Cisco I P Solut ion Cent er L2VPN and Carri er Ether net User Guide, 6.0 OL-21636-01 Appendix A Samp le Config lets VPLS (Multipoint, ERMS/EVP-LAN) VPLS (Multipoint, ERMS/EVP-LAN) Conf igurat ion • Service: L 2VPN/Metro Ethernet. • Feat ure: VPLS (m ulti poi nt) ERMS (EVP-L AN) .
A-30 Cisco IP So lutio n Cent er L2 VPN and Ca rrie r Ethe rnet User Guide , 6.0 OL-21636-01 Appendix A Sample Con figlets VPLS (Multi point, EMS/E P-LAN), B PDU Tun neling) VPLS (Multipoint, EMS/EP-LAN), BPDU Tunneling) Conf igurat ion • Service: L 2VPN/Metro Ethernet.
A-31 Cisco I P Solut ion Cent er L2VPN and Carri er Ether net User Guide, 6.0 OL-21636-01 Appendix A Samp le Config lets FlexUNI/EVC (Pseudowire Core Connectivity, UNI Port Security) FlexUNI/EVC (Pseudowi re Core Connectivity, UNI Po rt Security) Conf igurat ion • Service: Fle xUNI (EV C)/Metro Ethernet.
A-32 Cisco IP So lutio n Cent er L2 VPN and Ca rrie r Ethe rnet User Guide , 6.0 OL-21636-01 Appendix A Sample Con figlets FlexUNI/EVC ( Pseudo wire Core Con nectivi ty, UNI, wit hout Port Secu rity, .
A-33 Cisco I P Solut ion Cent er L2VPN and Carri er Ether net User Guide, 6.0 OL-21636-01 Appendix A Samp le Config lets FlexUNI/EVC (Pseudowire Core Connectivity, UNI, and Pseudowire Tunneling) FlexUNI/EVC (Pseudowi re Core Connecti vity, UNI, and Pseudowire Tu nneling) Conf igurat ion • Ser vice: FlexUNI(E VC)/ Metr o Ethern et.
A-34 Cisco IP So lutio n Cent er L2 VPN and Ca rrie r Ethe rnet User Guide , 6.0 OL-21636-01 Appendix A Sample Con figlets FlexUNI/EVC (VPLS Core Con nectivity, UNI Port Secu rity) FlexUNI/EVC (VPLS Core Connec tivity, UNI Port Security) Conf igurat ion • Ser vice: FlexUNI(E VC)/ Metr o Ethern et.
A-35 Cisco I P Solut ion Cent er L2VPN and Carri er Ether net User Guide, 6.0 OL-21636-01 Appendix A Samp le Config lets FlexUNI/EVC (VPLS Core Connectivity, no UNI Port Security) FlexUNI/EVC (VPLS Core Connec tivity, no UNI Port Securit y) Conf igurat ion • Ser vice: FlexUNI(E VC)/ Metr o Ethern et.
A-36 Cisco IP So lutio n Cent er L2 VPN and Ca rrie r Ethe rnet User Guide , 6.0 OL-21636-01 Appendix A Sample Con figlets FlexUNI/EVC ( Local Conn ect Core Conne ctivity, UN I Port Security) FlexUNI/EVC (Local Conne ct Core Connectivity , UNI Port Security) Conf igurat ion • Ser vice: FlexUNI(E VC)/ Metr o Ethern et.
A-37 Cisco I P Solut ion Cent er L2VPN and Carri er Ether net User Guide, 6.0 OL-21636-01 Appendix A Samp le Config lets FlexUNI/EVC (Local Connect Core Connectivity, UNI Port Security) • The re write operation tr anslates t wo tags to a single ta g.
A-38 Cisco IP So lutio n Cent er L2 VPN and Ca rrie r Ethe rnet User Guide , 6.0 OL-21636-01 Appendix A Sample Con figlets FlexUNI/EVC ( Local Conn ect Core Conne ctivity, UN I, no Port Securi ty, Bri.
A-39 Cisco I P Solut ion Cent er L2VPN and Carri er Ether net User Guide, 6.0 OL-21636-01 Appendix A Samp le Config lets FlexUNI/EVC (Pseudowire Core Connectivity, Bridge Doma in, Pseudowire on SVI) FlexUNI/EVC (Pseudowi re Core Connecti vity, Bridg e Domain , Pseudowire on SVI) Conf igurat ion • Flex UNI(EVC )/Met ro E thern et.
A-40 Cisco IP So lutio n Cent er L2 VPN and Ca rrie r Ethe rnet User Guide , 6.0 OL-21636-01 Appendix A Sample Con figlets FlexUNI/EVC ( Pseudo wire Core Con nectivity , no Bridge Dom ain, no Pseu dowire on SVI) FlexUNI/EVC (Pseudowire Core Con nectivity, no Bridge Domain , no Pseudowire on SVI) Conf igurat ion • Flex UNI(EVC )/Met ro E thern et.
A-41 Cisco I P Solut ion Cent er L2VPN and Carri er Ether net User Guide, 6.0 OL-21636-01 Appendix A Samp le Config lets FlexUN I/EVC (Au toPick Se rvice I nstanc e Name) FlexUNI/EVC (AutoPick Service Instance Name) Conf igurat ion • Flex UNI(EVC )/Met ro E thern et.
A-42 Cisco IP So lutio n Cent er L2 VPN and Ca rrie r Ethe rnet User Guide , 6.0 OL-21636-01 Appendix A Sample Con figlets FlexUNI/EVC ( No AutoPi ck Service I nstance N ame, No Serv ice Instanc e Name) FlexUNI/EVC (No AutoPick Service Instance Name, No Service Instance Name ) Conf igurat ion • Flex UNI(EVC )/Met ro E thern et.
A-43 Cisco I P Solut ion Cent er L2VPN and Carri er Ether net User Guide, 6.0 OL-21636-01 Appendix A Samp le Config lets FlexUNI/EVC (User-Provided Service Instance Name, Pseudowire Core Connectivity) FlexUNI/EVC (User-Provided Service Instance Name, Pseudowire Core Connecti vity) Conf igurat ion • Flex UNI(EVC )/Met ro E thern et.
A-44 Cisco IP So lutio n Cent er L2 VPN and Ca rrie r Ethe rnet User Guide , 6.0 OL-21636-01 Appendix A Sample Con figlets FlexUNI/EVC ( User-Prov ided Service I nstance N ame, Loca l Core Connect ivity) FlexUNI/EVC (User-Provided Service Instance Name, Loca l Core Connectivity) Conf igurat ion • Flex UNI(EVC )/Met ro E thern et.
A-45 Cisco I P Solut ion Cent er L2VPN and Carri er Ether net User Guide, 6.0 OL-21636-01 Appendix A Samp le Config lets FlexUNI/EVC (User-Provided Service Instance Name, VPLS Core Connectivity) FlexUNI/EVC (User-Provided Service Insta nce Name, VPLS Core Connectivity) Conf igurat ion • Flex UNI(EVC )/Met ro E thern et.
A-46 Cisco IP So lutio n Cent er L2 VPN and Ca rrie r Ethe rnet User Guide , 6.0 OL-21636-01 Appendix A Sample Con figlets FlexUNI/EVC ( ATM-Eth ernet Interw orking, Pseudowire Core Connectiv ity, Poi.
A-47 Cisco I P Solut ion Cent er L2VPN and Carri er Ether net User Guide, 6.0 OL-21636-01 Appendix A Samp le Config lets FlexUNI/ EVC (ATM -Ether net I nterwor king, Pseudowi re Core C onnect ivity, M.
A-48 Cisco IP So lutio n Cent er L2 VPN and Ca rrie r Ethe rnet User Guide , 6.0 OL-21636-01 Appendix A Sample Con figlets FlexUNI/EVC ( ATM-Etherne t Interwork ing, Local Core Con nectivity , Point-t.
A-49 Cisco I P Solut ion Cent er L2VPN and Carri er Ether net User Guide, 6.0 OL-21636-01 Appendix A Samp le Config lets FlexUNI/EVC (ATM-Ethernet Interworking, Local Core Connectivity, Multipoint Cir.
A-50 Cisco IP So lutio n Cent er L2 VPN and Ca rrie r Ethe rnet User Guide , 6.0 OL-21636-01 Appendix A Sample Con figlets FlexUNI/EVC ( ATM-Eth ernet Interw orking, Loc al Core Connect ivity, Multipo.
A-51 Cisco I P Solut ion Cent er L2VPN and Carri er Ether net User Guide, 6.0 OL-21636-01 Appendix A Samp le Config lets FlexUNI/EVC (ATM-Ethernet Interworking, Local Core Connectivity, Point-to-Point.
A-52 Cisco IP So lutio n Cent er L2 VPN and Ca rrie r Ethe rnet User Guide , 6.0 OL-21636-01 Appendix A Sample Con figlets FlexUNI/EVC ( ATM-Eth ernet Interw orking, Pseudowire Core Connect ivity, End.
A-53 Cisco I P Solut ion Cent er L2VPN and Carri er Ether net User Guide, 6.0 OL-21636-01 Appendix A Samp le Config lets FlexUNI/ EVC (ATM -Ether net I nterwor king, Pseudowi re Core C onnect ivity, M.
A-54 Cisco IP So lutio n Cent er L2 VPN and Ca rrie r Ethe rnet User Guide , 6.0 OL-21636-01 Appendix A Sample Con figlets FlexUNI/EVC ( ATM-Etherne t Interwork ing, Local Core Con nectivity , Point-t.
A-55 Cisco I P Solut ion Cent er L2VPN and Carri er Ether net User Guide, 6.0 OL-21636-01 Appendix A Samp le Config lets FlexUNI/EVC (ATM-Ethernet Interworking, Pseudowire Core Connectivity, End-to-En.
A-56 Cisco IP So lutio n Cent er L2 VPN and Ca rrie r Ethe rnet User Guide , 6.0 OL-21636-01 Appendix A Sample Con figlets FlexUNI/EVC ( ATM-Eth ernet Inte rworking , Pseudowi re Core Connect ivity, E.
A-57 Cisco I P Solut ion Cent er L2VPN and Carri er Ether net User Guide, 6.0 OL-21636-01 Appendix A Samp le Config lets FlexUNI/EVC (ATM-Ethernet Interworking, Pseudowire Core Connectivity, End-to-En.
A-58 Cisco IP So lutio n Cent er L2 VPN and Ca rrie r Ethe rnet User Guide , 6.0 OL-21636-01 Appendix A Sample Con figlets FlexUNI/ EVC (ATM-E thernet Inte rworking , Pseudowi re Core Conn ectivity, E.
B-1 Cisco I P Soluti on Cent er L2VPN and Carri er Ether net User Gu ide, 6.0 OL-21636-01 APPENDIX B Working with Templates and Data Files This append ix describe s how to use templates and dat a files with ISC policies an d service re quests.
B-2 Cisco IP So lutio n Cent er L2 VPN and Ca rrie r Ethe rnet User Guide , 6.0 OL-21636-01 Appendix B W orking with Templates and Data Files Overv iew Template Attributes The ISC template mech anism .
B-3 Cisco I P Solut ion Cent er L2VPN and Carri er Ether net User Guide, 6.0 OL-21636-01 Append ix B Working w ith Templa tes and Da ta Files Over view Template Support for IOS and IOS XR The t empla te mech anism is supporte d for both IOS and IOS XR devices.
B-4 Cisco IP So lutio n Cent er L2 VPN and Ca rrie r Ethe rnet User Guide , 6.0 OL-21636-01 Appendix B W orking with Templates and Data Files Using Templa tes with ISC Policie s • Create a super temp late and attach su btemplates to it.
B-5 Cisco I P Solut ion Cent er L2VPN and Carri er Ether net User Guide, 6.0 OL-21636-01 Append ix B Working w ith Templa tes and Da ta Files Using Templates with ISC Policies request creati on, templ.
B-6 Cisco IP So lutio n Cent er L2 VPN and Ca rrie r Ethe rnet User Guide , 6.0 OL-21636-01 Appendix B W orking with Templates and Data Files Using Templa tes with ISC Policie s Figur e B-2 T emplat e.
B-7 Cisco I P Solut ion Cent er L2VPN and Carri er Ether net User Guide, 6.0 OL-21636-01 Append ix B Working w ith Templa tes and Da ta Files Using Templates with ISC Policies Step 5 Click the Add b utton to select a tem plate/data f ile to associate with the polic y .
B-8 Cisco IP So lutio n Cent er L2 VPN and Ca rrie r Ethe rnet User Guide , 6.0 OL-21636-01 Appendix B W orking with Templates and Data Files Using Templa tes with ISC Policie s Figur e B-5 T emplate .
B-9 Cisco I P Solut ion Cent er L2VPN and Carri er Ether net User Guide, 6.0 OL-21636-01 Append ix B Working w ith Templa tes and Da ta Files Using Templates with ISC Policies The T em plate A ssocia tion wi ndow appears with the tem plate( s)/data file(s) list ed as a ctive link(s).
B-10 Cisco IP So lutio n Cent er L2 VPN and Ca rrie r Ethe rnet User Guide , 6.0 OL-21636-01 Appendix B W orking with Templates and Data Files Using Templa tes with Ser vice Reques ts • This fea tures is not ap plicabl e for device roles ot her than U-PE and PE-A GG.
B-11 Cisco I P Solut ion Cent er L2VPN and Carri er Ether net User Guide, 6.0 OL-21636-01 Append ix B Working w ith Templa tes and Da ta Files Using Te mplates wit h Servi ce Request s Associating Tem.
B-12 Cisco IP So lutio n Cent er L2 VPN and Ca rrie r Ethe rnet User Guide , 6.0 OL-21636-01 Appendix B W orking with Templates and Data Files Using Templa tes with Ser vice Reques ts Additi onal u sage notes for subtem plate s: • ISC does not pe rform che cks for the depth of subtem plates .
B-13 Cisco I P Solut ion Cent er L2VPN and Carri er Ether net User Guide, 6.0 OL-21636-01 Append ix B Working w ith Templa tes and Da ta Files Using Te mplates wit h Servi ce Request s The se rvice re.
B-14 Cisco IP So lutio n Cent er L2 VPN and Ca rrie r Ethe rnet User Guide , 6.0 OL-21636-01 Appendix B W orking with Templates and Data Files Using Templa tes with Ser vice Reques ts • If you c han.
B-15 Cisco I P Solut ion Cent er L2VPN and Carri er Ether net User Guide, 6.0 OL-21636-01 Append ix B Working w ith Templa tes and Da ta Files Using Te mplates wit h Servi ce Request s Note Th ere is no cho ice of optio ns to selectively deter mine t emplat es for U-PE a nd PE-AGG devices during the ser vice request w orkflo w .
B-16 Cisco IP So lutio n Cent er L2 VPN and Ca rrie r Ethe rnet User Guide , 6.0 OL-21636-01 Appendix B W orking with Templates and Data Files Using Templa tes with Ser vice Reques ts Figur e B-8 Samp.
B-17 Cisco I P Solut ion Cent er L2VPN and Carri er Ether net User Guide, 6.0 OL-21636-01 Append ix B Working w ith Templa tes and Da ta Files Using Te mplates wit h Servi ce Request s The templat e is li sted in the right side of the GUI, a long w ith an y data file s that ar e associa ted with it.
B-18 Cisco IP So lutio n Cent er L2 VPN and Ca rrie r Ethe rnet User Guide , 6.0 OL-21636-01 Appendix B W orking with Templates and Data Files Using Templa tes with Ser vice Reques ts When the data f ile is save d, the T emplate Dataf ile Chooser windo w appears with t he ne wly creat ed data fi le listed.
B-19 Cisco I P Solut ion Cent er L2VPN and Carri er Ether net User Guide, 6.0 OL-21636-01 Append ix B Working w ith Templa tes and Da ta Files Using Te mplates wit h Servi ce Request s Figur e B-1 1 S.
B-20 Cisco IP So lutio n Cent er L2 VPN and Ca rrie r Ethe rnet User Guide , 6.0 OL-21636-01 Appendix B W orking with Templates and Data Files Using Templa tes with Ser vice Reques ts Figur e B-12 Ser.
C-1 Cisco I P Soluti on Cent er L2VPN and Carri er Ether net User Gu ide, 6.0 OL-21636-01 APPENDIX C Setting Up VLAN Translation This append ix describ es how to set up VLAN translat ion for L2VP N ERS (EVPL) se rvices .
C-2 Cisco IP So lutio n Cent er L2 VPN and Ca rrie r Ethe rnet User Guide , 6.0 OL-21636-01 Appendix C S etting Up VLAN Translation Setting Up VLAN Tra nslation • Modify ing a Servi ce Request , pag.
C-3 Cisco I P Solut ion Cent er L2VPN and Carri er Ether net User Guide, 6.0 OL-21636-01 Append ix C Setting Up VLAN Translation Settin g Up V LA N Tran sla tion Creating a Se rvice Reque st When you .
C-4 Cisco IP So lutio n Cent er L2 VPN and Ca rrie r Ethe rnet User Guide , 6.0 OL-21636-01 Appendix C S etting Up VLAN Translation Setting Up VLAN Tra nslation In the empty fi eld, yo u must enter which CE VLA N is to be translate d from. The VLAN number must be a n umber from 1 to 4096.
C-5 Cisco I P Solut ion Cent er L2VPN and Carri er Ether net User Guide, 6.0 OL-21636-01 Append ix C Setting Up VLAN Translation Settin g Up V LA N Tran sla tion • “B”—The PE VLA N that is the outer VLAN of the Q-in-Q por t. Y ou speci fy this in the “Outer VLAN” field.
C-6 Cisco IP So lutio n Cent er L2 VPN and Ca rrie r Ethe rnet User Guide , 6.0 OL-21636-01 Appendix C S etting Up VLAN Translation Platform-Spec ific Us age Notes • The CE VLAN be comes a v ailabl e to be tra nslated again . • The “tra nslated to” PE VLAN is release d.
D- 1 Cisco I P Soluti on Cent er L2VPN and Carri er Ether net User Gu ide, 6.0 OL-21636-01 APPENDIX D Terminating an Access Ring on Two N-PEs This a ppendix descr ibes h ow to ter minate an access r ing on two N-PE s for redun danc y in case an acc ess link goes down.
D- 2 Cisco IP So lutio n Cent er L2 VPN and Ca rrie r Ethe rnet User Guide , 6.0 OL-21636-01 Appendi x D Terminatin g an Access Ri ng on Two N- PEs Overv iew Figur e D-1 N-PE Redun danc y , Star ting .
D-3 Cisco I P Solut ion Cent er L2VPN and Carri er Ether net User Guide, 6.0 OL-21636-01 Append ix D Terminati ng an Ac cess Ring o n Two N-PEs Setting Up an NPC Access Ring with Two N-PEs • For the Cisco ASR 9000 pl atform , IOS XR versi on 3 .7.3 an d 3.
D- 4 Cisco IP So lutio n Cent er L2 VPN and Ca rrie r Ethe rnet User Guide , 6.0 OL-21636-01 Appendi x D Terminatin g an Access Ri ng on Two N- PEs Using N-PE Red undanc y in FlexU NI/EVC Servi ce Req.
D-5 Cisco I P Solut ion Cent er L2VPN and Carri er Ether net User Guide, 6.0 OL-21636-01 Append ix D Terminati ng an Ac cess Ring o n Two N-PEs Additional Network Configurations and Sample Configlets .
D- 6 Cisco IP So lutio n Cent er L2 VPN and Ca rrie r Ethe rnet User Guide , 6.0 OL-21636-01 Appendi x D Terminatin g an Access Ri ng on Two N- PEs Addition al Network Con figurati ons and Sampl e Con.
D-7 Cisco I P Solut ion Cent er L2VPN and Carri er Ether net User Guide, 6.0 OL-21636-01 Append ix D Terminati ng an Ac cess Ring o n Two N-PEs Additional Network Configurations and Sample Configlets .
D- 8 Cisco IP So lutio n Cent er L2 VPN and Ca rrie r Ethe rnet User Guide , 6.0 OL-21636-01 Appendi x D Terminatin g an Access Ri ng on Two N- PEs Addition al Network Con figurati ons and Sampl e Con.
D-9 Cisco I P Solut ion Cent er L2VPN and Carri er Ether net User Guide, 6.0 OL-21636-01 Append ix D Terminati ng an Ac cess Ring o n Two N-PEs Additional Network Configurations and Sample Configlets Sample conf iglets for the devi ces are prov ided belo w .
D-10 Cisco IP So lutio n Cent er L2 VPN and Ca rrie r Ethe rnet User Guide , 6.0 OL-21636-01 Appendi x D Terminatin g an Access Ri ng on Two N- PEs Addition al Network Con figurati ons and Sampl e Configlets Figur e D-8 VPLS Connec tivity , Dual-Hom ed N-PEs o n Both Sides of the Netw or k Sample conf iglets for the devi ces are prov ided belo w .
D-11 Cisco I P Solut ion Cent er L2VPN and Carri er Ether net User Guide, 6.0 OL-21636-01 Append ix D Terminati ng an Ac cess Ring o n Two N-PEs Additional Network Configurations and Sample Configlets.
D-12 Cisco IP So lutio n Cent er L2 VPN and Ca rrie r Ethe rnet User Guide , 6.0 OL-21636-01 Appendi x D Terminatin g an Access Ri ng on Two N- PEs Addition al Network Con figurati ons and Sampl e Con.
E-1 Cisco I P Soluti on Cent er L2VPN and Carri er Ether net User Gu ide, 6.0 OL-21636-01 APPENDIX E ISC Layer 2 VPN Concepts This a ppend ix provide s an overview of ISC Layer 2 VPN conce pts.
E-2 Cisco IP So lutio n Cent er L2 VPN and Ca rrie r Ethe rnet User Guide , 6.0 OL-21636-01 Appendix E ISC Layer 2 VPN Conc epts Layer 2 T erminology Conven tions In addi tion to E-L ine and E-L AN se.
E-3 Cisco I P Solut ion Cent er L2VPN and Carri er Ether net User Guide, 6.0 OL-21636-01 Append ix E ISC Layer 2 VPN Conce pts Layer 2 Term inology C onventi ons Mapping M EF Te rminologies to Networ .
E-4 Cisco IP So lutio n Cent er L2 VPN and Ca rrie r Ethe rnet User Guide , 6.0 OL-21636-01 Appendix E ISC Layer 2 VPN Conc epts Layer 2 T erminology Conven tions ISC Terminology and S upported Netw ork Types This se ction di scusses the ISC termino logy for Layer 2 servi ces a nd suppor ted ne twork typ es.
E-5 Cisco I P Solut ion Cent er L2VPN and Carri er Ether net User Guide, 6.0 OL-21636-01 Append ix E ISC Layer 2 VPN Conce pts L2VPN Service Provisioning L2VPN Service Provisioning This secti on provides an d ov ervi e w of ISC provisioning for L2VPN servic es that provide Layer 2 point-t o-point c onnect ivity ove r an MPLS c ore.
E-6 Cisco IP So lutio n Cent er L2 VPN and Ca rrie r Ethe rnet User Guide , 6.0 OL-21636-01 Appendix E ISC Layer 2 VPN Conc epts L2VPN Servic e Provisioning • Single PE scen ario—Th e custome r is directly connected to an Ethernet p ort on the N-PE in Figure E-2 .
E-7 Cisco I P Solut ion Cent er L2VPN and Carri er Ether net User Guide, 6.0 OL-21636-01 Append ix E ISC Layer 2 VPN Conce pts L2VPN Service Provisioning For the N-PE that is se rving Sit e A, a VLAN .
E-8 Cisco IP So lutio n Cent er L2 VPN and Ca rrie r Ethe rnet User Guide , 6.0 OL-21636-01 Appendix E ISC Layer 2 VPN Conc epts L2VPN Servic e Provisioning This VLAN- VC ID mapping lets the ser vice prov ider reuse VLAN IDs in Access Domains. (Se e Figure E-6 .
E-9 Cisco I P Solut ion Cent er L2VPN and Carri er Ether net User Guide, 6.0 OL-21636-01 Append ix E ISC Layer 2 VPN Conce pts L2VPN Service Provisioning Figur e E-7 Configur ing AAL5 and Cell Rela y .
E-10 Cisco IP So lutio n Cent er L2 VPN and Ca rrie r Ethe rnet User Guide , 6.0 OL-21636-01 Appendix E ISC Layer 2 VPN Conc epts VPLS Service Prov isioning Figur e E-8 Fra me Rela y ov er MPLS VPLS Service Provisioning VPLS serv ices are multi point.
E-11 Cisco I P Solut ion Cent er L2VPN and Carri er Ether net User Guide, 6.0 OL-21636-01 Append ix E ISC Layer 2 VPN Conce pts VPLS Service Provisioning VPLS ca n be co nnected to this VFI . The PE router estab lishes em ulated V Cs to all the ot her PE router s in tha t VPLS instan ce and attac hes these emul ated VC s to the VFI.
E-12 Cisco IP So lutio n Cent er L2 VPN and Ca rrie r Ethe rnet User Guide , 6.0 OL-21636-01 Appendix E ISC Layer 2 VPN Conc epts VPLS Service Prov isioning Figur e E-9 MPLS- Bas ed V PL S T opolo gy The PE routers must create a full-mesh of emulated virtual circuits (VCs) to simulat e the emulated LAN seen b y the CE de v ices.
E-13 Cisco I P Solut ion Cent er L2VPN and Carri er Ether net User Guide, 6.0 OL-21636-01 Append ix E ISC Layer 2 VPN Conce pts VPLS Service Provisioning VPLS for a n Ethe rnet-Based (L2) Prov ider Core W ith an Eth ernet-bas ed p rovid er cor e, custo mer tr af f ic for ward ing is t ri vial i n the c ore.
E-14 Cisco IP So lutio n Cent er L2 VPN and Ca rrie r Ethe rnet User Guide , 6.0 OL-21636-01 Appendix E ISC Layer 2 VPN Conc epts VPLS Service Prov isioning Figur e E-1 1 VPLS EWS T opology The Ethe rnet Re lay Servic e (ERS or EVP-L AN) offers the any-to-a ny connectivity chara cteristi cs of EWS and the service multi ple xing.
IN-1 Cisco I P Solut ion Cent er L2VPN and Carri er Ether net User Guide, 6.0 OL-21636-01 INDEX Numerics 1 to 1 VLAN tra nslation C-3 2 to 1 VLAN tra nslation C-4 3750 VLAN translatio n on C-6 7600 VL.
Index IN-2 Cisco I P So lutio n Cen ter L 2VP N and Carr ier E thern et U ser G uide , 6.0 OL-21636-01 definin g MPLS/EMS (EP-LAN ) policies with CE 9-11 defining MPLS/ERMS (E VP-LAN) policies with CE.
Inde x IN-3 Cisco I P Solut ion Cent er L2VPN and Carri er Ether net User Guide, 6.0 OL-21636-01 config uring basic ISC services 1-2 device sett ings to supp ort ISC 2-2 switch es, in V TP tra nsparen.
Index IN-4 Cisco I P So lutio n Cen ter L 2VP N and Carr ier E thern et U ser G uide , 6.0 OL-21636-01 deployin g service requests 11-1, 11-2 deployin g servi ce reque sts 11-1 devices configurin g de.
Inde x IN-5 Cisco I P Solut ion Cent er L2VPN and Carri er Ether net User Guide, 6.0 OL-21636-01 setting direct con nect links in 6- 8 setting links with L2 acc ess nodes 6-22 setting service r equest.
Index IN-6 Cisco I P So lutio n Cen ter L 2VP N and Carr ier E thern et U ser G uide , 6.0 OL-21636-01 defining an Ethe rnet ER S (EVPL) po licy wi th CE 7-3 defining an Ethern et ERS (EV PL) pol icy .
Inde x IN-7 Cisco I P Solut ion Cent er L2VPN and Carri er Ether net User Guide, 6.0 OL-21636-01 using N-PE redun dancy in FlexUNI /EVC service requests D- 3 O objective iii-xi or ganiz ati on iii- xi.
Index IN-8 Cisco I P So lutio n Cen ter L 2VP N and Carr ier E thern et U ser G uide , 6.0 OL-21636-01 S saving Flex UNI /EVC AT M-Et her net se rvice re ques ts 6-24 FlexU NI/ EVC serv ice re quests .
Inde x IN-9 Cisco I P Solut ion Cent er L2VPN and Carri er Ether net User Guide, 6.0 OL-21636-01 direct connect links in Flex UNI/EVC service requests 4-10 ISC resourc es 1-3 ISC Servi ces 2-1 links t.
Index IN- 10 Cisco I P So lutio n Cen ter L 2VP N and Carr ier E thern et U ser G uide , 6.0 OL-21636-01 V VC ID pool s, crea ting 2-7 verify ing, serv ice r equests 11-3 viewing configlets in serv ic.
デバイスCisco Systems OL-21636-01の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Cisco Systems OL-21636-01をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはCisco Systems OL-21636-01の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Cisco Systems OL-21636-01の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Cisco Systems OL-21636-01で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Cisco Systems OL-21636-01を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はCisco Systems OL-21636-01の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Cisco Systems OL-21636-01に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちCisco Systems OL-21636-01デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。