ClevelandメーカーThe MINI OES-6.08の使用説明書/サービス説明書
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Part No. OES6 .08-OPM Rev. A, 9/07 Oper ator’s M anual Use and Car e In struction s The MINI Model Nu mber: OES-6.08 1333 East 179 th Street Cleveland, Ohio 44110 Phone: (216) 481- 4900 Fax: (216) 481 - 3782 www.
ALL SERVICE MUST BE PERFORMED BY A QU ALIFIED CLEVEL A ND RANGE AUTHORIZED TECHNICI AN. This Operation Manual is a part of your new MINI. You must keep and maintain it for the entire life span of your MINI and pass it on to the next owner of the MINI .
Cleveland STATE MENT OF P OLICIES L I M I T E D W A R R A N T Y CLEVELAND RANGE prod ucts are warran ted to the original purc haser to be free from defects in materials an d workmanship under normal use and service for the s tandard warranty period of one year from date of installati on or 18 months from dat e of shipment, which ever comes first.
Free Sta rt-Up Program Get the mo st from your MIN I with Cle veland Ra nge’s “Fre e Start-Up.” Performance Check-Out: Con tact your Cleveland Range ma intenance and repair center for your P erformance Check-Ou t before starting your n ew MINI Convotherm by Cleveland Combi/Oven -Steamer.
OPERATOR’S MANUAL The MINI Table of Co ntents Page CH APTER 1 INTRO DUCTIO N __________ ________ ______ ________ ________ _______ 1 A. OPERAT IONAL SAF ETY ___ _________ ______ __________ ________ _______ _______ 1 B. CLEANING AND MAIN TENANC E _______ ________ __________ ________ ____ _______ 2 C.
E. DELETIN G A RECIPE _________ _____ _________ ________ ________ ______ ________ _ 29 F. CHANGING A ST EP OF A RECIPE _______ __________ ______ ________ ________ ____ 29 G. INSERT ING A STEP IN TO A R ECIPE __ _________ ________ _____ _________ ________ 30 H.
1 CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION For saf e use of MINIs, e ach oper ator mus t read, unde rstand, and f ollow the instructions, a nd hee d and obey the warnings of the Ins tallation Man ual and Oper ators Ma nual, and t he label s on the MIN I, access ories, and supp orting prod ucts.
2 B. CLEANING AND M AINTENANCE 1. CLEANING AND DAI LY MAINT ENANCE – W ait for the MINI to cool bef ore cleani ng and perf orming daily maint enance. 2. CLEANING AND DAI LY MAINT ENANCE – Do NOT use hoses , power cl eaners o r press ure washers, or harsh or a brasive cl eaning a gents inside O R outsi de the c ooking com partm ent.
3 M I N I D R A I N L I N E C O L D W A TE R S U P P L Y L IN E S M A IN E X T E R N A L P O W E R S W IT C H CHAPTER 2 GENERAL OPER A TI ON A. MAIN EXTERN AL POWER SWITCH NOT E: To help protect electrical a nd electr onic components: T urn OFF the Contro l Power Ser vice Disconnect Switch BEFO RE turn ing on the Main Exter nal Power Sw itch.
4 C. STA RT -UP AND SHUTDOWN INSTRUCTIONS In the event of a powe r failure: 1. Turn OFF the Main Exte rnal Power Switc h. 2. Turn OFF Control Pow er Service Disconnect Sw itch. 3. If the power failure is prolonged: turn OFF the wa ter supply. 4. When power is re stored: restart a MINI w ith the Startup Procedure.
5 E. INSPECTING THE COOKING COMP ARTMENT Inspect the c ooking com partm ent befor e starting a coo king operat ion with a MINI for proper ass em bly and cleanliness as follo ws: 1. Inspect the Dr ain The drain in t he bottom of the cooking com partm ent has a rem ovable co ver.
6 • Repe at the pre heat proces s as need ed to m aintain co nstant oven t em perature and high f ood quality. b. To u se pre-heating in a recipe: Pre- heatin g is also a program m able function. Se e “Pre-He ating” in Chapter 5, “ Advance d Functions” for, det ails.
7 CHAPTER 3 PRODUCT VIEWS A N D OPER AT I ON A. EXTERIOR VIE WS 1. Control Pan el 2. Oven L ight 3. Door w ith Double G lass Panel 4. Door Handle 5. Door Drip T r ay 6.
8 START STOP STEAM COMBI RETHERM HOT AIR TEMP PROBE TIME COOKBOOK EDIT ON OFF 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Figure 4-1 Control Pan el B. QUICK ST A RT GUIDE CONTROL P A NE L BASIC OPER ATION Operate Cont rols w ith H ANDS Only! ALWAYS PRE-HE AT! 1. Switch on with k ey (1).
9 C. CONTROL P A NE L DET AIL VIEW Item numb ers correspon d to numbers on t he cont rol panels in F igure 4-1 Operate contro ls w ith hands o nly! 1. ON/OFF W hen the MINI is turne d ON: • Self- diagnosis is p erform ed. • Oven light turns o n. • Steam generator fills and h eats (OEB and OGB m odels).
10 C A U TION So m e food s drip juices . Use a soli d catch pan under pe rforated pan s whe n cookin g foo d that drip s jui ces. Dr ipping juices c an cau se burn s and c log the d r ain . Hot Air, Steam , and Con densate will cause burns and scalds.
11 A . Steam Mode . • PRE-HE A T co untertop m odels for 10-15 m inutes and floor m odels for 30 minutes at 1 0-20% HIGHER than the cook ing tem perature bef ore cook ing. • SET COOK ING TEM PER ATURE 10-20% LOW ER T HAN TR ADITION AL COOKI NG M ETHODS.
12 B. Combi Mode • PRE-HE A T co untertop m odels for 10-15 m inutes and floor m odels for 30 minutes at 1 0-20% HIGHER than the cook ing tem perature bef ore cook ing before c ooking. • Pre-heat f loor models with the pre-h eat brid ge or the tr olley in plac e.
13 C. Hot Air Mode • PRE-HE A T co untertop m odels for 10-15 m inutes and floor m odels for 30 minutes at 1 0-20% HIGHER than the cook ing tem perature bef ore cook ing. • Pre-heat f loor models with the pre-h eat brid ge or the tr olley in plac e.
14 D. Retherm Mode This m ode allows you to retherm alize prepar ed dishes on plates or platters in a shor t time. NOT E: This Manual uses the term “retherm alize” for b oth the reh eating c ooking c ontainers a nd for “regenerate,” meanin g rehe ating plates or platters .
15 Using Rethermalization Mode Turn the MINI on with th e ON/O FF k ey. 1. Press the R etherm ke y . a. The display sho ws the last nom inal values se lected or the default va lues f or retherm alizing. b. To start imm ediately, press the Start/Sto p ke y.
16 CAUTION Core Temperature Sensor is SHAR P . Use caution to avoid stabbing y our self or others. NOTICE The Core T emperatur e Sens or is a precis ion instrum ent. • Us e the Core T em perature Sensor onl y to m easure core tem perature. • Hand le it with car e.
17 Measuring the Core Temperature (CONTINU E D) 7. Read the ac tual oven tem perature and the nominal cor e tem perature b y pressing the rel evant ke y either once or twice as n eeded. 8. W hen the set core tem perature has been reac hed, the Signal T one sounds a nd th e recipe en ds.
18 F. Delta-T Cooking Delta – T cook ing requires use of the Core Temperature Sens or • T he higher the D elta-T tem perature , the greater the lo ss in weight and the dark er the bro wning. • W hen using Delt a-T c ooking: use of the Core Tem perature Sensor is requ ired, bec ause the oven temper ature increases with the c ore tem perature.
19 G. Cook & Hold NEVER Add cold fo od to the M INI for re therma lization w hil e hot food is bein g held ! IMPO RTANT: • Cook and ho ld require s use of t he Core T emperatu re Sensor • For more in formation o n th e Cook Phase and ente ring recip e names S ee Cha pter 7 “Using M ulti-Step Recip es.
20 The principle of Cook & Hol d This exam ple shows C ook & Ho ld used with the Core Tem perature Sens or. NEVER Add cold fo od to the M INI for re therma lization w hil e hot food is bein g held ! H.
21 CHAPTER 5 ADVANCED FUN C TIONS With Extra Fu nctions , your Con voth erm by Clev eland enables you to ma ximize p roductiv ity in the food preparat ion proce sses and cooking process es. Introductio n to Advanced Fun ctions • Ad vanced Funct ions can b e activated with the Sm art Ke y.
22 B. Tra y Ti mer • T he MINI oven m ust be O N and oper ating in a c ooking m ode bef ore the Tra y Timer can be set. • T he Tra y Timer func tion provides u p to twent y (20) tim ers for m ixed oven loads to k eep track of the optim um finish f or each dif ferent dish.
23 C. Pre-Hea t • T he Pre-Heat func tion hea ts the o ven to the desired tem peratur e before load ing food, and helps ensure cons istenc y and qualit y. 1. Press the Sm art Ke y. 2. Various optio ns appear in the displ ay. 3. Use the Se lector Dial to select Pre- Heat .
24 10. Press the ke ys to be lock ed one after the other. 11. Lock selection ca n be chan ged to unlock ed b y pressing the des ired k ey again BE FORE press ing the Start/Sto p ke y. 12. T he display sho ws “lock ” or “unlock ." 13. Press the Start/Sto p ke y.
25 I. O vernight Cooking 1. Press the Sm art Ke y. 2. Use the Se lector Dial to select O vernight Co oking 3. Press the Sm art Ke y. 4. Confirm “Yes” if need ed. 5. Press the Sm art Ke y. 6. Three icons appear Med ium , W ell Done , an d Boil . 7.
26 CHAPTER 6 USING MULTI-STEP REC I PES • Us e Recipes to sim plif y the preparatio n of dish es. • Sa ve and store R ecipes in the Cook book • Us e Recipes to adjust popu lar or com plex dish es until t he results ar e perf ect.
27 To ST ART Recording: Use the Edit key, NOT the Sma rt Key to n avigate th is function . 1. Pr ess the Ed it ke y. Various opt ions appear s in the disp la y. a. Use the Selector D ial to sel ect “recor ding”. b. Confirm b y pr ess ing the Edit k ey.
28 CHAPTER 7 USING THE COOKBOOK • Com bine up to 20 steps to m ake a recipe, save th e rec ipe under its o wn nam e in the C ookbook , and call it up and s tart it as needed. • Use recipes in the Cook book for regularl y prepared di shes or ones prepar ed by sem i-sk illed staff.
29 C. Integrating P re-Heating into a Re cipe 1. Press the Ed it ke y. Various opt ions appe ar in the d isplay. 2. Use the Se lector Dial to select “ new recipe” . 3. Confirm by pressing t he Edit k ey. 4. The cook ing m ode keys flash and the displa y shows 0 1/01.
30 G. Inserting a Step into a Recipe • If a recipe alrea dy has 20 s teps, n o mor e steps can be added. • T he new step is i nserted B EFORE the s electe d step. 1. Press the C ookbook key. The s aved rec ipes appear in the displa y. 2. Select the des ired rec ipe with th e Selector D ial.
31 7. Press the Sm art Ke y. Various opt ions appe ar in the d isplay. 8. Select “delet e step” . 9. Confirm by pressing t he Sm art Ke y. 10. Confir m “ yes” by pressing t he Smar t Key. 11. T he selected step is deleted. 12. All subse quent steps are re -num bered accordin gly.
32 L. Adding an “ ACTION” Prompt to a Reci pe • T he Action prom pt rem inds the Operator t o take the needed manual act ion such a s stirring, turning, or bas ting, bet ween steps in a cook ing progr am . • Add the Action prom pt to the program step th at follows the needed m anua l steps.
33 CHAPTER 8 USING PRESS & GO • Rec ipes saved i n the Cook book and cl eaning proc edur es can be as signed to Pre ss & G o ke y s . • Start a Recipe or cleaning process with just one touch of a Press & Go ke y. A. To Assign a Re cipe or Semi- Aut om atic Clea ning Process to a Press & Go Key 1.
34 CAUTION Clean the ov en chamb er at least on ce per d ay or m ore frequen tly as need ed Failure to clean the Co mbi pro perly and regularl y can caus e equipm ent dam age.
35 CAUTION Do NOT use hangin g pan r acks th at are bent or otherwi se dama ged in any way. P ans and accessor ies p lac ed in d amag ed rack s can t ip and spi ll, ca using b urns , injur ies an d/or eq uipment damage 3. Man ual Cleaning of the Ov en Chamber a.
36 2) Clean the g ask et with mild, s cent free dish d etergent and a soft c loth. 3) Do not use harsh or a brasive age nts, scour ing pads o r scr apers because th ey wil l damage the gask et. 4) Air dr y the gask et. e. Rem ove and clean the dr ain cov er.
37 b) If the oven tem peratur e is still a bove 158° F then wait 15 m ore m inutes and chec k the o ven cham ber temperature. R epeat t his step as ne eded u ntil the oven cham ber tem perature is at or below 158° F and the n go to Step 4. 4. Press the Sm art Ke y.
38 CHAPTER 10 MINI SETUP NOT ES: The various setup opt ions are desc ribed in d etail belo w. You can exi t the m enu at any tim e by pressi ng the Sta rt/Stop k ey. To use the Setup Menu: 1. Press the Sm art Ke y. 2. Various optio ns appear in the displ ay.
39 D. Date To set the Dat e from the Setup Men u: • If the power is of f f or more than three da y s , the da te must be re- entere d 1. Select “Dat e” with the Sele ctor Dial. 2. Confirm by pressing t he Sm art Ke y. 3. The displa y shows th e date f ormats available.
40 Factor y Default Settings Cooking M ode Oven Tem perature Core Tem perature Cooking T ime 212° F 158° F 25 min 302° F 158° F 70 min 338° F 158° F 30 min 275° F 158° F 5 min Table 10-1 G. Tempe rature Display To select tem perature d ispla y in ° C or ° F for tem perature in t he Setup Menu: 1.
41 CHAPTER 11 TROUBLESHOOTING A. Error Diagnosis System • Con votherm by Cleveland MINI O ven-Steam ers are e quipped with a n error d iagnosis system . 1. If an error oc curs, the s ystem displays a n error cod e and a desc ription of the error . 2.
42 B. Error Messages and Reme dies Error Message on display Possible cause Remedy Water valve closed Open water valv e Solenoid valve dirt filter conta m inated Remove and clean filter E01 Not enough .
43 Operating I rregularities not having Error Me ssages (Continued) Error Possible cause Remedy Water inside the oven Drain blocked Descale Drain connection blocked or c overed Remove object Steam or water running out o f base of appliance (condenser).
44 CHAPTER 12 EMERGENCY OPERA T ION • T o continue to use your Convotherm b y Cleveland MI NI Oven-St eamer in the cas e of an error which cannot be sol ved imm ediately, an “Em ergenc y Operation” f unction is availabl e. • T his allows you to use at l east som e of the appliance f unctions desp ite a m alfunction.
45 B. Emergenc y Operation Methods X: Operation poss ible –: Operation not possible Error Message on display OE S Steam Combi Hot Air Retherm Cook & Hold Delta- T E01 Not enough water X -- -- up to 356° F -- X X E02 Connection area temp.
デバイスCleveland The MINI OES-6.08の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Cleveland The MINI OES-6.08をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはCleveland The MINI OES-6.08の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Cleveland The MINI OES-6.08の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Cleveland The MINI OES-6.08で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Cleveland The MINI OES-6.08を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はCleveland The MINI OES-6.08の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Cleveland The MINI OES-6.08に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちCleveland The MINI OES-6.08デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。