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User's Guide Mega-Post PCI-Diagnosti c Card User's Guide 1.
User's Guide INTRODUCTION The Mega- Post PCI- Diagnostic Car d is a powerf ul diag nostic tool f or techn icians an d administra tors to troubleshoo t various pro blems of IBM co mpatible PC s. It is easy to install, y et extremely powerf ul to use.
User's Guide Power On Self-Test (POST) C odes Most AT an d 386 com puters (an d a few XT computers) o utput stat us codes duri ng POST. T he Diagnostic Car d display s these co des during a nd after POST. Refer to Append ix A fo r a comprehe nsive listing of POST codes provide d by BI OS manuf acturers.
User's Guide POST Codes When the mac hine is t urned on, t he hexadecim al display should show the vario us POST co des as the system e xecutes (u nless it ha s a rare BI OS that does not display POST co des). If the machi ne does not boot, sy stem POST ha s detected a fatal f ault and stoppe d.
Appendix A Error Code- 00 (00)Going to give control to IN T 19H boo t loader. Error Code- 01 (01)Processor r egister test about to start, and NMI to be disabled ,286 reg. te st about to start. (01)Processor test 1;Pro cessor sta tus(1FL AGS) verification; Tests the foll owing processor status flag s carry, zero, sign, overf low.
AMI AST Award Error Code - 06 controller i nput buff er to be free. Cal culat ing ROM BI OS checks um.. Video disabled a nd sys- tem timer te st begin V ideo disable d and sy stem timer co unting OK. (06)Support chipset in itialize. (06)Test me mory ref resh toggle; RAM must be periodical ly refreshed in-order to keep the memory fro m decaying.
Appendix A Phoenix&Del l (0A)Initial ize CPU r egisters. (B eep)=1-1-3- 3. Perf orm BIOS chec ksum test . 1st 64K RAM c hip or data li ne failure m ulti - bit. AMI Award Error Code - 0B CMOS statu s register i nitialize done. Key board controller co mman d byte is wri tten.
AST Award Compaq Appendix A blocking/unblo cking com mand. CMO S initia- lization do ne(if any ). CMOS stat us register abou t to Init f or Date and T ime. CMO S statu s register abo ut to Ini t for Date and Time. R efresh on a nd about to start 64K b ase memory test.
Appendix A Chips & Tech (15)VERW /VERR f ailure. Phoenix&Del l (15)[Bee p]=2 - 2 - 2 1st 64K RA M chip or data line fail ure - bit 5. AMI Award Compaq Error Code - 16 (16)CH-2 t imer test over .
Appendix A (1E)Select me mory type. (1E)Global e quipment by te set for proper d isplay ty pe. (1E)If E ISA NV M checksum is go od, execu te EISA initializat ion(EISA BI OS ON LY). Size system memo ry. (1E)Test key board con troller. ACER AMI Award Compaq Phoenix&Del l (1E)[Bee p]=2-4- 3 1st 64K RAM chip or data line f ailure- bi t E.
Award Compaq setting video mode to be done next. (27)initialize parallel pr inter. Appendix A (27)Enable slo ts 7; Initial ize slot 7.Setup cac he control or shadow RA M. Phoenix&Del l (27)[Bee p]=3-2- 4 keyboard con troller test in-progress or failure.
Award Compaq Dell Phoenix AMI AST Award Compaq Appendix A (30)Get ba se memory & extende d memory size. Size b ase And e xtended memory from 256K to 640K a nd extended me mory above 1MB. (30)Clear 1st 128K by tes of RAM . (30)[beep]= none screen believed ru nning w /video ROM.
AMI Compaq Phoenix AMI Award Compaq Appendix A (39)New cur sor positio n read and saved. Going go display the Hit<DE L>messag e. Memory abov e 1MB ini tialized. (39)Check f or parallel ports. (39)Reinitiali ze the cac he.(Beep) =1-4-3-1 Error Code - 3A (3A)Check me mory , first 64K,one long beep.
AMI Award Compaq Phoenix ACER AMI Award Compaq Phoenix ACER AMI Award Compaq Phoenix AMI Award Compaq Phoenix ACER AMI Phoenix AMI Phoenix AMI Phoenix AMI Appendix A (44)Interru pts enabled( if post sw itch is on). Going to in itialize data to check memory w rap around at 0:0.
AST Award Compaq Appendix A memory size f or reloca tion /shadow. DMA page regi ster test com plete. (50)Protecte d mode. (50)Write all the CMOS v alues c urrently in the BIOS stack areas back into the CMOS. Write CMOS; Write all CMO S v alues back to RA M an d clear screen .
AMI Compaq Appendix A (59)Hit<ESC > message cleared. <Wait..> mes sage dis played. A bout to start D MA and interr upt controll er test. Mas ter 8259 mask regis ter OK, about to start slave. (59)Check e xistence of adapter. Chips & Tech (59)Exiti ng protected mode.
Appendix A Chips & Tech (63)Protec ted mode interrupt. ACER (64)Start test real time clock . AMI AST Compaq Error Code - 64 (64)BIOS ROM data area check halfway. BI OS ROM d ata area ch eck to be complete. (64)Copy BIOS to shadow RAM. (64)Start te st of real me mory.
Appendix A Chips & Tech (71)Key -lock . AMI Compaq Error Code - 72 (72)Keyboard interface test over, mo use i nterface test started. (72)High or der addre ss test.
AMI Compaq Phoenix AMI Compaq Phoenix ACER AMI Compaq Phoenix AMI Phoenix AMI Compaq Phoenix AMI Compaq Phoenix ACER AMI Compaq Phoenix AMI Compaq Phoenix AMI Compaq Phoenix AMI Compaq Phoenix ACER AMI Compaq Phoenix AMI Compaq AMI Phoenix AMI Phoenix ACER AMI Appendix A (82)Keyboard controller interface test over.
Appendix A Compaq (90)Start of CMOS test . Chips & Tech (90)Set- up RAM. Phoenix AMI Compaq (90)Initialize hard-disk controller.(B eep)=3-2- 1-1 Error Code - 91 (91)Floppy setup com plete. Hard d isk setup to be done next. (91)CMOS seems to be O K.
AMI Phoenix AMI Phoenix AMI Compaq Phoenix AMI Compaq AMI Compaq Phoenix AMI Compaq AMI Compaq Phoenix AMI Compaq AMI Compaq AMI AMI Compaq Phoenix AMI Compaq AMI Compaq Phoenix Phoenix Phoenix Compaq AMI Award Compaq Phoenix AMI Award Compaq Compaq Phoenix Compaq Compaq Phoenix Appendix A (9E)Initializat ion after Co Processor test is com plete.
Appendix A Compaq Phoenix Compaq Phoenix Compaq Compaq Phoenix Compaq Phoenix Compaq Phoenix Compaq Phoenix Compaq Phoenix Compaq Phoenix Award Compaq Phoenix Award Award Phoenix Award (B5)Drive erro r(error co ndition). (B5)terminate Quiet-Bo ot(optional) Error Code - B6 (B6)Drive fa iled(failed to respo nd).
AMI Award AMI AMI AMI Compaq Phoenix AMI Compaq AMI Compaq Phoenix AMI Compaq AMI Compaq Phoenix AMI Phoenix AMI Compaq Phoenix Compaq Phoenix Compaq Phoenix Compaq Phoenix Phoenix Appendix A (CB)CMOS status regi ster Init do ne. Any initialization before k eyboard BAT to be done next.
デバイスCompaq Mega-Postの購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Compaq Mega-Postをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはCompaq Mega-Postの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Compaq Mega-Postの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Compaq Mega-Postで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Compaq Mega-Postを既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はCompaq Mega-Postの不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Compaq Mega-Postに関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちCompaq Mega-Postデバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。