Connect TechメーカーBlue Heat/PCI PCI Serial Communicationsの使用説明書/サービス説明書
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Blue Heat/PCI PCI Serial Communications User Manual Connect Tech Inc 42 Arrow Road Guelph, Ontario N1K 1S6 Tel: 519-836-1291 Toll: 800-426-8979 (North America onl y) Fax: 519-836-4878 E m a i l : s a l e s @ c o n n e c t t e c h . c o m support@conne cttec h.
Blue Heat/PC I User’s Manual, Connect T ech Inc. Revis ion 0.11 2 Limited Lifetime Warrant y Connect Tech Inc. prov ides a Lifetime Warranty for all Conn ect Tech Inc. products. Sh ould this product, in Connect Tech Inc.'s opi nion, f ai l to be i n good work ing order du ring the warranty period, Conn ect Tech Inc.
Blue Heat/PC I User’s Manual, Connect T ech Inc. 3 Revis ion 0.11 Table of Contents Limite d Lifetim e Warranty ...................................................................................................... ........................ 2 Copyrig ht Notice .
Blue Heat/PC I User’s Manual, Connect T ech Inc. Revis ion 0.11 4 Power Re quirem ents ................................................................................................ 45 Comm unica tions .............................................
Blue Heat/PC I User’s Manual, Connect T ech Inc. 5 Revis ion 0.11 Customer Support Overview If you experience difficulties after reading the manual and/or using the product, contact the Connect Tech reseller f rom which you purchased the produ ct. In mos t cases the reseller can he lp you with product installatio n and difficu lties.
Blue Heat/PC I User’s Manual, Connect T ech Inc. Revis ion 0.11 6 Certification Blue Heat/PCI Blue Heat /PCI R S-422/485 Blue Hea t/PCI RJ-1 1 Blue Heat /PCI Opto; Opto RS -422/485 Blue H eat/PC I CL Univers al Blu e Heat/PCI RS-422/48 5 Connect Tech Inc.
Blue Heat/PC I User’s Manual, Connect T ech Inc. 7 Revis ion 0.11 Introduction The Blue Heat/ PCI fam ily of adapters inclu des the Blu e Heat/PCI RS- 232, RS- 422/485, R J-11, Opto, 20mA CL and Un i vers al Blue Heat/ PCI RS-422/ 485.
Blue Heat/PC I User’s Manual, Connect T ech Inc. Revis ion 0.11 8 ● Six RJ-11 conn ectors provi de +12 VDC or +5 VDC outpu t (fact ory inst alled) on pin 6 with a current l imit of 300 mA tota l for +12 VDC an d 1A tota l for +5 VDC.
Blue Heat/PC I User’s Manual, Connect T ech Inc. 9 Revis ion 0.11 Figures 1 through 7 show t he loc ations o f vario us hard ware c ompone nts fo und on t he Blue Heat/PCI, R S-422/485, Opto, Opt o RS- 422/485, RJ- 11, 20mA CL an d Univers al Blue He at/PCI RS-422/485 m odels.
Blue Heat/PC I User’s Manual, Connect T ech Inc. Revis ion 0.11 10 Figur e 2: Bl ue Heat/PCI RS-422/48 5 adapter s DB-9 Port 2 Surge Suppression PCI Brid g e 16C864 Quad UART (2 Ports Used) CPLD Blu.
Blue Heat/PC I User’s Manual, Connect T ech Inc. 11 Revis ion 0.11 Figur e 3: Univers al Blue Heat /PCI RS-422/485 adapter s Universal Blu e Heat/PCI RS-422/485 (8 port & 4+4 models) DB-78 Conne.
Blue Heat/PC I User’s Manual, Connect T ech Inc. Revis ion 0.11 12 Figur e 5: Blu e Heat/PCI RJ-11 adapter RJ-11 Connector s Port 6 Port 5 Port 4 Port 3 Port 2 Port 1 PCI Bridge 16C654 Quad UARTs CP.
Blue Heat/PC I User’s Manual, Connect T ech Inc. 13 Revis ion 0.11 Figur e 7: Blu e Heat/PCI adapter PCI Bridge 16C654 Quad UARTs CPLD Blue Heat/PCI CL ad apter Current Source Volt age Select J1, J2.
Blue Heat/PC I User’s Manual, Connect T ech Inc. Revis ion 0.11 14 Hardware Installati on Hardware installation involves conf iguration of the follo w ing Blue Heat/PCI pr oducts: The Blue Heat /PCI.
Blue Heat/PC I User’s Manual, Connect T ech Inc. 15 Revis ion 0.11 If this occurs, the driver will signal that a given resource has not been assigned, wh ich requires the user to ass ign system resources manually. Rem ove the assignments for ISA devices with the BIOS setu p and th en reboot the com p uter.
Blue Heat/PC I User’s Manual, Connect T ech Inc. Revis ion 0.11 16 Software Installatio n Introduction Blue Heat /PCI boards are st andard m ulti-port serial adapt ers that utilize 16C 654, 16C864 or 16C2850 UA RTS. In many cases, users h ave software that w ill interface directly to the Blu e Heat/PCI board s.
Blue Heat/PC I User’s Manual, Connect T ech Inc. 17 Revis ion 0.11 Appendix A: Specifications Operating Environment Storage temperature: -65 ° C - 150 ° C Operating temperature: 0 ° C to .
Blue Heat/PC I User’s Manual, Connect T ech Inc. Revis ion 0.11 18 Power Require m ents (co ntinued) Universal Bl ue Heat/PCI R S-422/485 ( 8 port m odel) +3 VDC ± 5% @ 100mA (typi cal) +5 VDC ± 5% @ 460mA (typi cal) PCI Bus Interf ace One 32 bit, 5V PC I slot One 32 bit 3.
Blue Heat/PC I User’s Manual, Connect T ech Inc. 19 Revis ion 0.11 Control Sig nals (continued) Blue Heat/PCI C L Models: • 20mA TxD; RxD Surge Suppression Blue Heat Models: • 500 wat ts, 8 x 20 µ S (EN61000- 4-2/3/4 compatible) on every signal of every por t.
Blue Heat/PC I User’s Manual, Connect T ech Inc. Revis ion 0.11 20 Dimensions (c ontinued) Blue Heat/PC I Opto; Opto R S- 422/485 (2 & 4 port m odels) Leng th: 19.50 cm Width: 1.50 cm Height : 9.50 cm Weigh t: 0.12 kg Blue Hea t/PCI 20m A CL Leng th: 18.
Blue Heat/PC I User’s Manual, Connect T ech Inc. 21 Revis ion 0.11 Appendix B: Conne ctors/Pinouts Appendix B outlines the pi nouts for the following: ● Blue Heat/PCI; RS-422/ 485; O pto; Opto R S.
Blue Heat/PC I User’s Manual, Connect T ech Inc. Revis ion 0.11 22 Table 1: DB-9 pi nouts for Blue Heat/PC I RS-232, 422/ 485 m odels, Univer sal Blue H eat/PC I RS-422/485 Pin No.
Blue Heat/PC I User’s Manual, Connect T ech Inc. 23 Revis ion 0.11 Table 3: RJ-4 5 pinouts for the Blue Heat/PCI Opto Pin No. RS-232 Signal Direction RS-422/4 85 Signal Direction 1 N/C n o connect RTS (-) output 2 N/C input RxD (+) input 3 RTS out put RTS (+) output 4 SG sig nal g nd SR signa l ref .
Blue Heat/PC I User’s Manual, Connect T ech Inc. Revis ion 0.11 24 Table 5 : Blue He at/PCI RJ-1 1 pinout s DB-9 Pin No. RS-232 Sign al Direct ion RJ-11 Pin No.
Blue Heat/PC I User’s Manual, Connect T ech Inc. 25 Revis ion 0.11 Table 7: DB-37 pinouts for Bl ue Heat/PC I RS-232 a nd RS-4 22/485 model s Pin No.
Blue Heat/PC I User’s Manual, Connect T ech Inc. Revis ion 0.11 26 Table 8: DB-78 pinout s for Bl ue Heat/PC I RS-232, R S-422/ 485, Univers al Blue Heat/ PCI RS-42 2/485 Pin No.
Blue Heat/PC I User’s Manual, Connect T ech Inc. 27 Revis ion 0.11 Table 8 (cont.): DB-78 pinout s – Blue Heat/P CI; RS-422/485; 20mA C L; Univer sal Blue He at/PCI RS-422/485 Pin No.
Blue Heat/PC I User’s Manual, Connect T ech Inc. Revis ion 0.11 28 Connector Box Pinouts You may order the Blu e Heat/PCI (8 port m odel), Blue Heat/PCI R S-422/ 485 (8 port, 4+4 an d 6+2 model s) and Bl ue Heat/ PCI CL with an external I/O Box or t he RJ- 45 Connect or Plug option.
Blue Heat/PC I User’s Manual, Connect T ech Inc. 29 Revis ion 0.11 Figur e 9: Blu e Heat/PCI , RS-422/485, 20mA C L and Uni versal B lue Heat/PC I RS-422/ 485 I/O B ox Ext ern al I/ O Bo x (p/n : IO.
Blue Heat/PC I User’s Manual, Connect T ech Inc. Revis ion 0.11 30 Figur e 10: RJ-45 Conn ector Plu g 1 2 3 4 8 7 5 6 Table 10: RJ-45 pinout s, RJ-45 con nector pl ug Pin No.
Blue Heat/PC I User’s Manual, Connect T ech Inc. 31 Revis ion 0.11 Appendix C: RS-422/485 Line Interfac e For inform ation on how to configure your RS- 422/485 interface, f ind your specific Blu e H.
Blue Heat/PC I User’s Manual, Connect T ech Inc. Revis ion 0.11 32 Blue Heat/PCI R S-422/485 (6+2 model) The Blue Heat /PCI RS- 422/485 (6+2 model) off ers fu ll RS-422/485 support in h ardware l ike the other Blu e Heat/PC I RS-422/485 m odels. The modes in clude full dupl ex, half duplex, an d multi- drop slave.
Blue Heat/PC I User’s Manual, Connect T ech Inc. 33 Revis ion 0.11 Figur e 11: Parti al sch ematic: B lue Heat /PCI RS-422/485; U niversal Blue Heat/PCI RS -422-485 TxD TxD + RxD - TxD - RxD + Blue Heat/PCI RS-422/485 Universal Blue Heat/PCI RS-422/485 RS-422/485 Line Bias/Termination RxD RTS RTS + CTS - RTS - CTS + CTS 16C86 4 UART 150 Ω 1.
Blue Heat/PC I User’s Manual, Connect T ech Inc. Revis ion 0.11 34 Example 1 Example 2 The following example shows the settings on J1 to tri-state the line drivers upon power up of the Blue Heat/PC I RS-422/485 adapt er (6+ 2 model).
Blue Heat/PC I User’s Manual, Connect T ech Inc. 35 Revis ion 0.11 Blue Heat/PCI Opto a nd Opto RS-422/4 85 The Blue Heat/ PCI Opto sh ips wi th all ports jumper sel ectable for RS-232 or R S-422/ 485. The Blue Heat /PCI Opto R S-422/ 485 shi ps with al l ports R S-422/485 on ly .
Blue Heat/PC I User’s Manual, Connect T ech Inc. Revis ion 0.11 36 Half Duplex Mode In this mode the TxD line driver is enabled onl y when data is transmitted and RxD is disab led when data is being transmitted.
Blue Heat/PC I User’s Manual, Connect T ech Inc. 37 Revis ion 0.11 Line/Bias Termination You can use jum per blocks JA, JB, JC and JD to term inate and bias TxD ±, RxD ±, R TS ±, and CTS ± on th e indi vidual RS- 422/485 ports th rough jumper select able 150 Ω fixed resisto rs.
Blue Heat/PC I User’s Manual, Connect T ech Inc. Revis ion 0.11 38 RS-422/485 C able Wiring You can w ire Blue H eat/PCI RS-422/485, O pto RS-422/48 5 and Uni versal Blu e Heat/PCI RS-422/485 a dapters i n vari ous w ays to communicat e with RS-422/485 peripherals.
Blue Heat/PC I User’s Manual, Connect T ech Inc. 39 Revis ion 0.11 Figure 14 bel ow describes a 2 w ire cabling scheme between a port on the Blu e Heat/PCI RS-422/485, O pto, Opto RS- 422/485 or Univ ersal Bl ue Heat/PCI R S- 422/485 adapter to a port on th e RS-422/485 peripheral .
Blue Heat/PC I User’s Manual, Connect T ech Inc. Revis ion 0.11 40 Appendix D: 20mA Current Loop Line I nterface Blue Heat/PCI 20m A CL The Blue Heat/PCI CL off ers a 20mA Current L oop active or passiv e electrical interface. For each port there is an optically isolated receive r, an optically isolated transmitter and a 20mA current source.
Blue Heat/PC I User’s Manual, Connect T ech Inc. 41 Revis ion 0.11 Current Sour ce/Voltage Selection When using the curren t source in a loop with low resistance, the transist or will run hot.
Blue Heat/PC I User’s Manual, Connect T ech Inc. Revis ion 0.11 42 Current Loop Cable Wiring You can wire Blu e Heat/PCI CL adapters in various ways to commun icate with 20mA Current Loop periph erals. A few exam p les of Current L oop cabling s chemes f ollow.
Blue Heat/PC I User’s Manual, Connect T ech Inc. 43 Revis ion 0.11.
Blue Heat/PC I User’s Manual, Connect T ech Inc. Revis ion 0.11 44 Appendix E: Blue Heat/PCI PTM model Blue Heat/PCI PTM Adapter The Blue Heat /PCI Pass Through Mux (PTM) adapt er off ers tw o a syn chronous RS-232 seri al ports w ith Mo nitor Pass T hrough a nd Intercept P ass Thro ugh capab ilities.
Blue Heat/PC I User’s Manual, Connect T ech Inc. 45 Revis ion 0.11 Speci fications for the Blue Heat/PCI PT M Power Require ments B lue Heat/PCI PTM +5 VDC ± 5% @ 360mA (typical ) ±12 VDC ±10.
Blue Heat/PC I User’s Manual, Connect T ech Inc. Revis ion 0.11 46 Connectors/Pinouts Table 11 shows the pin outs for the Blue Heat-2/PCI PTM connectors . Figure 18 an d Figure 19 dep ict the c ircuit c onnect ions on the Bl ue Heat /PT M for M onitor P ass T hrough a nd Inter cep t Pass T hrough M odes.
Blue Heat/PC I User’s Manual, Connect T ech Inc. 47 Revis ion 0.11 Figure 18: Blue H eat/PCI PTM Mo nitor Pass Through Mo de Connections 16C2850 dual UART Male DB -9 Connector Port 1 Female DB- 9 Co.
デバイスConnect Tech Blue Heat/PCI PCI Serial Communicationsの購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Connect Tech Blue Heat/PCI PCI Serial Communicationsをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはConnect Tech Blue Heat/PCI PCI Serial Communicationsの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Connect Tech Blue Heat/PCI PCI Serial Communicationsの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Connect Tech Blue Heat/PCI PCI Serial Communicationsで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Connect Tech Blue Heat/PCI PCI Serial Communicationsを既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はConnect Tech Blue Heat/PCI PCI Serial Communicationsの不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Connect Tech Blue Heat/PCI PCI Serial Communicationsに関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちConnect Tech Blue Heat/PCI PCI Serial Communicationsデバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。