Country Home ProductsメーカーEM 4.1の使用説明書/サービス説明書
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NEUT ON Cordless Electric Mower Safety & Operating Instructions Model: EM 4.1 COUNTR Y HOME PRODUCTS ® , INC. www NEUT ON Cordless Electric Mower Safety & Operating Instructions Model: EM 4.1 COUNTR Y HOME PRODUCTS ® , INC.
And cong r atula tions on y our pur chase of the NEUTO N C or dless Electric Mow er EM 4.1 — the S m a r t M ow er for Small Lawns! T he NEUTON Mow e r E M 4.1 is designed with sta te-of-the-ar t batter y t e c hnolo g y to mak e mo wing y ou r la w n a s easy and enjoyable as possib l e .
NEUTON EM 4.1 Cordless Electric Mower Safety & Operating Instructions iii T able of Contents Chapter 1: Introducing the NEUTON Mower EM 4.1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 About this Manual . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
iv NEUTON EM 4.1 Cordless Electric Mower Safety & Operating Instructions Chapter 7: Maintaining and Storing Y our NEUTON Mower . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .30 Cleaning Y our Mower . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
NEUTON EM 4.1 Cordless Electric Mower Safety & Operating Instructions 1 Chapter 1: Intr oducing the NEUT ON Mo wer EM 4.1 Cong r a tula tions on pur c hasing y our ne w NEUTON Mo w er E M 4 .
2 NEUTON EM 4.1 Cordless Electric Mower Safety & Operating Instructions Con ventions used in this manual Important: This information is important for the proper use of your machine. Failure to follow this instruction could result in injury to you or damage to your mower .
NEUTON EM 4.1 Cordless Electric Mower Safety & Operating Instructions 3 Chapter 2: Impor tant Saf ety Consider ations W e w ant y o u t o enjo y y ea r s o f sa f e and pr oducti ve use fr om y our NEUTON Cor dless Electric M o w er.
4 NEUTON EM 4.1 Cordless Electric Mower Safety & Operating Instructions Pr otecting Y our self and T hose Ar ound Y ou T r agic accidents can occur if the oper a tor is not aler t to the pr esence of chi ld r en . Childr e n a r e often at t r acted to the mo w er and the mo wing acti vity.
NEUTON EM 4.1 Cordless Electric Mower Safety & Operating Instructions 5 ■ T h or oughl y inspect the ar e a w her e the mo w er is to be used, and r em o ve al l st ones , stic k s, w i re , pet supplies or la wn t o y s, and an y o ther f or eign objects tha t could be thr ow n b y the mo w er b lade .
6 NEUTON EM 4.1 Cordless Electric Mower Safety & Operating Instructions ■ After striking a f or eign object, o r if the mo w er vibr at es a bnor mall y , stop the motor and r e m o ve the saf ety k ey . Inspect the mo w er f or an y dama g e and r e pair the dama ge bef or e r estar ting and oper a ting the la wn m o w e r.
NEUTON EM 4.1 Cordless Electric Mower Safety & Operating Instructions 7 Maintaining and Storing Y our Mow er ■ Maintain the la w n m ow er with car e — ke e p cutting edg es shar p and c l ea n f o r the best and saf est perf or mance .
8 NEUTON EM 4.1 Cordless Electric Mower Safety & Operating Instructions Chapter 3: Setting Up Y our NEUT ON Mo wer T his c h a pter outlines a f e w simple ste ps needed to set up y our ne w mo w e r .
NEUTON EM 4.1 Cordless Electric Mower Safety & Operating Instructions 9 Pac kage Contents 1. NEUTON Mower 4. Lower handlebars with connector knobs 2. Upper handlebar assembly 3. Quick-connect knobs 5. Rear discharge plate 6. Battery 8. Safety key 7.
10 NEUTON EM 4.1 Cordless Electric Mower Safety & Operating Instructions Assembling Y our NEUT ON Mo wer To allo w y ou to quic k l y b e gin using y our NEUTON mo w e r, i t i s s h i pped to y ou pa r tiall y assemb led. T he assemb l y pr oces s is eas y and does not r equir e an y sp ecial tools , kn o wl e d g e , o r s t r ength.
NEUTON EM 4.1 Cordless Electric Mower Safety & Operating Instructions 11 Step 3: Attach the Upper Handlebar Assembly T he b lack connecting knobs (used to connect the upper and lo w er handle bar sections to gether) ar e a ttac hed to the lo w er handle b ar se ct ion s .
12 NEUTON EM 4.1 Cordless Electric Mower Safety & Operating Instructions Step 5: Attach the Cable to the Handlebar Assembly 1. R un the ca bl e th r ough the ca ble guide ta b (Figur e 6) on the right lo w e r handle bar section.
NEUTON EM 4.1 Cordless Electric Mower Safety & Operating Instructions 13 Step 6: Char ge the Batter y Before Y our Fir st Use Y ou MUST ch arg e t h e b a tter y for 12 hour s bef or e y ou use the mo w er f or the fir st time . I f y o u do not c har ge it bef or e using it, the ba tter y ’ s ch a r ging ca pacity ma y decr ease .
14 NEUTON EM 4.1 Cordless Electric Mower Safety & Operating Instructions Figure 10. Y our NEUTON Mower! Start button Indicator light Control levers Mower/Auxiliary switch Key slot Battery cover Cu.
NEUTON EM 4.1 Cordless Electric Mower Safety & Operating Instructions 15 Contr ols and F ea tur es Make ce r tain tha t y ou a r e f amiliar with the contr ols, p a r t s, and oper a tion of y our NEUTON Mow e r bef or e using it. K ey Slot T he key slot is f or both the e xter nal ba tter y c h a r g er and the saf ety k ey .
16 NEUTON EM 4.1 Cordless Electric Mower Safety & Operating Instructions Note: Although y ou may notice t ha t a shor t period of r est ma y r estor e t he ind ic a tor light, y o u must still full y c ha r g e t h e b a tter y b e fo r e c on t in uing to mo w .
NEUTON EM 4.1 Cordless Electric Mower Safety & Operating Instructions 17 Chapter 4: Oper ating Y our NEUT ON Mo wer T his c h a pter e xplains ho w to star t, stop, and adjust the cutting height of y our mo w e r .
18 NEUTON EM 4.1 Cordless Electric Mower Safety & Operating Instructions Star ting the Mower 1. P r ess and hold do wn the star t b u tt o n (Figur e 16 ). 2. Squee z e and hold the contr ol le ve r s (Figur e 17 ). 3. R elease the star t b utt on (Figur e 18 ).
NEUTON EM 4.1 Cordless Electric Mower Safety & Operating Instructions 19 Stopping the Motor and Blade Simpl y r eleasing the contr ol le ve r s stops the motor and b lade . Important: The blade will continue to rotate for a few seconds after the motor is shut off.
20 NEUTON EM 4.1 Cordless Electric Mower Safety & Operating Instructions Mo wing and Lawn Car e Tips ■ F or best r esults, m ow a t a stead y pace . I f yo u t r y to w alk too quic k l y , especiall y in tall g r ass, the quality of the cut ma y not be unif or m.
NEUTON EM 4.1 Cordless Electric Mower Safety & Operating Instructions 21 Chapter 5: Char ging and Caring for the Ba tter y Important: Before charging the battery , read all instructions and cautionary markings in this manual and on your mower .
22 NEUTON EM 4.1 Cordless Electric Mower Safety & Operating Instructions Inser ting the Ba tter y 1. C o r r ectl y orient the ba tter y . F ace the indica t o r light and the ar r ow on the stic k er to w a r ds the metal bar. T he indenta tions on the bottom of th e b atter y m ust line up with the metal ta bs in the bottom of the housing .
NEUTON EM 4.1 Cordless Electric Mower Safety & Operating Instructions 23 Char ging the Batter y Yo u m ust c har ge y our ba tter y b e f ore using y our mo w e r f or the fir st time. Important: While the battery in your mower has been charged at the factory , you must recharge it fully (at least 12 hours) before first using your mower .
24 NEUTON EM 4.1 Cordless Electric Mower Safety & Operating Instructions Char ging with the Batter y R emo ved from the Mow er 1 . R e m ove t h e b atter y fro m the mo w e r. 2 . Connect the c ha r ger p lug to t he c ha r ge r r e c e ptac le on the ba tter y (Figur e 2 3) .
NEUTON EM 4.1 Cordless Electric Mower Safety & Operating Instructions 25 R echarging to a Full Char ge for Off-Season Stor a ge A l w a y s ch a rge t h e b atter y full y bef or e putting it a w a y during the of f-season.
26 NEUTON EM 4.1 Cordless Electric Mower Safety & Operating Instructions Getting the Most Out of Y our Batter y H ow y o u ch a rg e a n d u s e your NEUTON Mow e r can ha v e a g r e a t i m pact on the perf or mance o f y our ba tter y .
NEUTON EM 4.1 Cordless Electric Mower Safety & Operating Instructions 27 Chapter 6: Optional Attachments You can pur c hase se v er al o p tional a ttac hments f or y our NEUTON Mo w e r. T o o r der a n y o f these optional a ttac hm ents , please call Countr y Home Pr oducts toll fr e e at 1-(866)-NEUT ON1 (638-8661).
28 NEUTON EM 4.1 Cordless Electric Mower Safety & Operating Instructions T he NEUT ON T rimmer T he NEUT ON™ T r i m m e r (Figur e 27) is a unique a ttac hment tha t , used with y our NEUTON Mo.
NEUTON EM 4.1 Cordless Electric Mower Safety & Operating Instructions 29 R emo ving the Rear Bagger 1 Un lo c k the or a n g e ta b on the r ear ba g ger handle . 2. R aise the disc har ge g ua r d , gr ab the r ear ba g g er b y its handle and r e move it b y lifting it up w hile pulling out.
30 NEUTON EM 4.1 Cordless Electric Mower Safety & Operating Instructions Chapter 7: Maintaining and Storing Y our NEUT ON Mo wer T his c h a pter e xplains ho w to c lean y our mo w e r ; c hang e, shar pen, a nd b al a nc e b l ad e s; and stor e y our m ow er f or the long-ter m .
NEUTON EM 4.1 Cordless Electric Mower Safety & Operating Instructions 31 3. Place the 36 mm wr e nc h o ver the steel he x a d a pter holding the b lade (the lar ge metal piece tha t holds the b lade in position). 4 . Place the ¾ inc h sock et w r e n c h over the b lade nut.
32 NEUTON EM 4.1 Cordless Electric Mower Safety & Operating Instructions Shar pening the Blade in a V ise 1. R e m o ve the saf ety k ey and the ba tter y . I f y o u a r e ch a rgi n g t h e batter y , fi rst disconnect the cha r ge r f r om the electrical (w all) outlet.
NEUTON EM 4.1 Cordless Electric Mower Safety & Operating Instructions 33 Storing y our NEUT ON Mow er W hether y ou stor e the mo w er f o r a shor t or long period of time , a l w ay s r emember .
34 NEUTON EM 4.1 Cordless Electric Mower Safety & Operating Instructions ❑ Check to make sure the safety key is properly inserted and the indicator light is on. Check to see if the white button on the safety key has popped up; if it has, then depress the button to reset it.
NEUTON EM 4.1 Cordless Electric Mower Safety & Operating Instructions 35 Mower runs, but cutting performance is unsatis- factory , or there is a loss of power ❑ W as the battery fully charged at the start? ❑ The blade may be dull. Remove the safety key and the battery , turn the mower over , and check the condition of the blade.
Addendum A: Par ts List and Sc hematic Drawing T h e m ow er p ar ts list is or g aniz ed into six g r oups . T h e item n umber f or ea c h p ar t c or r esponds to the sc hema tic dr a wing .
Deck & Motor Assembly (C) Item # Description Qty . Part Number C1 Deck 1 175951 C2 Motor 1 175961 C3 Motor mounting plate 1 175971 C4 Motor screws and washers 4 175981 C5 Blade adapter 1 175991 C6.
W heel Assemblies (D) Item # Description Qty . Part Number D1 Front wheels (left and right set) 1 176291 D2 Steel axle bearings 2 176301 D3 Front axle 1 17631 1 D4 Flat axle washers 4 176321 D5 Axle n.
NEUTON EM 4.1 Cordless Electric Mower Safety & Operating Instructions 39 Batter y Set (F) Item # Description Qty . Part Number E1 Battery secure metal strip 1 176491 F1 Battery charger 1 176591 F2.
40 NEUTON EM 4.1 Cordless Electric Mower Safety & Operating Instructions Schema tic Dr awing.
NEUTON EM 4.1 Cordless Electric Mower Safety & Operating Instructions 41 Notes.
42 NEUTON EM 4.1 Cordless Electric Mower Safety & Operating Instructions Notes.
LIMITED ONE YEAR WARRANTY T erms and Conditions T he NEUTON™ EM 4.1 Cor dless Electric Mo w e r i s w a r r an ted for one (1) y ear a g ainst def ects in m a terials or w or kmanship w hen put to per sonal r esidential household use .
COUNTR Y HOME PR ODUCTS , I n c . MEIGS RO AD, P .O. BO X 25, VERGENNES, VERMONT 05491 1-(866)-NEUTON1 (638-8661) www 2002 CHP , Inc.
デバイスCountry Home Products EM 4.1の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Country Home Products EM 4.1をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはCountry Home Products EM 4.1の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Country Home Products EM 4.1の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Country Home Products EM 4.1で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Country Home Products EM 4.1を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はCountry Home Products EM 4.1の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Country Home Products EM 4.1に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちCountry Home Products EM 4.1デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。