Agilent Technologiesメーカー8935 series e6380aの使用説明書/サービス説明書
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Agilent T echnologies 89 35 Series E638 0A CDMA Cellular/PCS Base Station T est Set Refere nce G uide Firmware V ersion: B.03.10 a nd above Agilent Part Number E6380- 90019 Revision F Printed in UK Ja.
2 Notice Informatio n contained in this document is subject to change wit hout notice . All Rights Reser ved. Reprod uct ion, adapt ation, or translation withou t prior wri tten permis sion is p rohibited, except as al lowed under the cop y r ig ht la w s.
Con tents 3 1. General Information Manufacturer's Declaratio n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Lifting and Handling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4 Con tents To remove a limit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66 Setting A Measurement Reference . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Con tents 5 Using IB_UTIL Program s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122 COPY_P L . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
6 Con tents Gen Spe cial . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 160 Input Atte n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Con tents 7 DC Level M easureme nt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 180 Distn (Dis tortion) Me asurement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
8 Con tents Level (d iv) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 202 Level (m ask) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Con tents 9 7. Configuration - Screens and Control Fields Configuring the Instrument . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 5 Setting t he Date and Time . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
10 Con tents Ref Sele ct . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 243 Remote Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Con tents 11 Hi Tone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 265 Input Leve l . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
12 Con tents EVEN SECO ND S YNC IN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 86 EXT REF IN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
13 1 General Information This chapt er contains generic information about th e product, safe ty, warranty , sales and servi ce offices, p ower cables, and other info rm ation .
14 Chapter 1 C:SpkR efRefGui deRev EPreface. fm Genera l Informa tion Manufac tur er's Decl ara tion Manuf actur er's D ecl aration This statement is provid ed to comply with the r equirements of the German Sound Emission Directive, from 18 Januar y 1991.
Chapter 1 15 Genera l Informa tion Manufact urer's Decla ration Safety Conside ratio ns GENERAL Thi s produ ct and re late d d ocume nt ation m ust be re view ed f or familiariza tion with safety markings and instructions before ope ration.
16 Chapter 1 C:SpkR efRefGui deRev EPreface. fm Genera l Informa tion Manufac tur er's Decl ara tion Safety Considerations for this Instrument W ARNING Whenever it is li kely that th e pr otect ion has be en impa ire d, the instrument must be made inoperative and be secur ed against any unintended oper ation.
Chapter 1 17 Genera l Informa tion Manufact urer's Decla ration W ARNING This product is a Safety Class I instrument (pr ovided with a protective ear thing ground incorporated in the power cord). The mains plug shall only be in serted in a socket outlet provided with a protecti ve earth contact.
18 Chapter 1 C:SpkR efRefGui deRev EPreface. fm Genera l Informa tion Manufac tur er's Decl ara tion W ARNING Always use the three-prong ac power co rd supplied with this product. Failur e to ensure adequate e arth groundi ng by not using this cor d may cause personal injur y and/or product damage.
Chapter 1 19 Genera l Informa tion Product Markings Product Ma rkin gs The CE mark shows that the product complie s with all relevant European legal Directiv es (if accomp anied by a year , it signif ies when the design was proven). The CS A m ark is a re gistere d trad emark of the Canadian Standards Association.
20 Chapter 1 C:SpkR efRefGui deRev EPreface. fm Genera l Informa tion Certification Certification Agilent T echnologies cert ifies tha t this p roduct met its p ublished specifi cations at the t im e of shipme nt from the f actory .
Chapter 1 21 Genera l Informa tion Certification DECLARATION OF CONFORMITY According to ISO/IEC Guide 22 and CEN /CENELEC EN45014 Manufacturer’s Name: Agilent Technologies UK Limited Electro nic Pro.
22 Chapter 1 C:SpkR efRefGui deRev EPreface. fm Genera l Informa tion Agilent T echnologies Warranty Statement for Comm ercial Products Agilent T echn olog ies W arranty Statemen t for Commercial Pro ducts E6380A CDMA/Cellul ar PCS Base Station T est Set Duration o f W arranty: 1 Y ear 1.
Chapter 1 23 Genera l Informa tion Agilent T echnologies W arranty Statement for Commercial Products 7. TO THE EXTEN T AL LOWED BY LO CAL L A W , THE ABOVE W ARRANTIES ARE EXCLU SIVE AND NO OTHER W AR.
24 Chapter 1 C:SpkR efRefGui deRev EPreface. fm Genera l Informa tion Assistance Assist ance Product maint enance agreements and other cust omer assistanc e agreements are available for Agi lent T echnologies products . For any assistance, contact your nearest Agilent T echnologies Sales and Ser vice Office.
Chapter 1 25 Genera l Informa tion Power C ab l e s Power Cables Po w e r Cables T able 1-2 Power Cabl es Plug T ype Plug Descript ions male/female Agilent Part # (cabl e & plug) Cable Descript io.
26 Chapter 1 C:SpkR efRefGui deRev EPreface. fm Genera l Informa tion Power C ab l e s Rep. South Africa, Romania, Russia, Rwanda Saudi Arabia (220 V), Sen egal, Slo vak Republic, Slo venia, S omalia, Spai n, Span ish Africa, Sri Lank a, St.
Chapter 1 27 Genera l Informa tion Power C ab l e s T able 1-4 Power Cabl es Plug T ype Plug Desc ript ions male/female Agil ent P art # (cabl e & pl ug) Cable Descr iptions Straight/Straight Stra.
28 Chapter 1 C:SpkR efRefGui deRev EPreface. fm Genera l Informa tion Power C ab l e s Nicaragua Other Pacific Islands Panama, Phil ip pin es, Puert o Rico Saudi Arab ia (1 15V ,127V), Suriname T aiwa.
Chapter 1 29 Genera l Informa tion Power C ab l e s Used in the f ollo wing loc ations Denm ark Greenla nd T able 1-8 Power Cabl es Plug T ype Plug Descriptions male /fe mal e Agilent Part # (cabl e &.
30 Chapter 1 C:SpkR efRefGui deRev EPreface. fm Genera l Informa tion Power C ab l e s Enderbury Isla nd, Equat orial Guinea Falkland Is lands, French Pa cif ic Islands Gambia, Gha na, Gibra ltar , Gu.
Chapter 1 31 Genera l Informa tion Power C ab l e s We s t e r n S a m o a T able 1- 1 1 Power Cabl es Plug T ype Plug Descriptions male/female Agilent Part # (cable & p lug) Cable Descriptio ns S.
32 Chapter 1 C:SpkR efRefGui deRev EPreface. fm Genera l Informa tion Power C ab l e s ATTENTION Stat ic Se n sit i ve Devices This instrument was co nst ructed in an ESD (elect ro- static discharge) protec ted environment.
Chapter 1 33 Genera l Informa tion Product Description Product Description The Agilent T echnologies 8935 Se ries E6380A CDMA Cellu lar/PCS Base Station T est Set offers full signal generation an d analysis capabil ity and suppor t for cellula r frequency bands and inte rnational PCS frequency bands.
34 Chapter 1 C:SpkR efRefGui deRev EPreface. fm Genera l Informa tion Product Descri ption In addition to its CDMA measurements and c apabilities, the T est Set also provide s the following analog mea.
Chapter 1 35 Genera l Informa tion Documentatio n Docu mentat ion Conventions Used in This M anual The following conventions are used throughout thi s manual to help clar ify in struc tion s and re d uce unne c essar y te xt: • “T est Set” refers to the Agi lent 8935 CDMA Cellular/PCS Base Stat ion T est Set.
36 Chapter 1 C:SpkR efRefGui deRev EPreface. fm Genera l Informa tion Documentatio n • Chapter 6, “ Analog Measurements - Screens and Cont rol Fields,” on page 177 explai ns the meas urements that ca n be made from these screens and the fields that control the measurem ent’ s parameters .
Chapter 1 37 Genera l Informa tion T rademark Ac knowledg ments T rademark Ac kn owled gments Hewlett-Packard and HP are registered t rademarks of Hewlett-Packard Company . Microsoft ‚ W indows , and MS-DOS ‚ are re g i st ered trademarks of Mic ro sof t Co rp ora t io n.
Chapter 2 39 2 Getting Started.
Getting Star ted Chapter 2 40 • “Before Connecting a Radio” on page 41 • “Chan gi ng the Measurement Scr een” on page 42 • “Chan ging th e Control Fields” on page 44 • “Instrumen.
Getting Star ted Before Connecting a Radio Chapter 2 41 Before Connecting a Radio NOTE The RF IN/OUT po rt should be used for all transmitt er tests when the ra dio is connected direct ly to t he T est Set. (All UU T tran s m it te r pow e r mea su re m ent s are m ad e thr o ugh this por t).
Getting Star ted Changing the T est Set ’ s D isplay Chapter 2 42 Changing the T est Set’ s Display Changing the Measur ement Screen The measur ement screen i s changed using the tit lebar at the t o p of the screen a nd the cursor -control knob, u sing the GENERA TOR/ANAL YZER ke ys, or by using the UTILS keys.
Getting Star ted Changing the T est Set’ s Display Chapter 2 43 T o change the measurement screen Step 1 . Sel ect the ti tlebar a t the top of t he screen ( placement of the titl ebar may vary sl ightly on some sc r ee n s) . Step 2 . Select the measureme nt screen fr om the list of choices.
Getting Star ted Changing the T est Set ’ s D isplay Chapter 2 44 Changing the Control Fiel ds There are se veral typ e s of con t rol fiel ds in t h e T est Set.
Getting Star ted Changing the T est Set’ s Display Chapter 2 45 Underlined Entr y Field Underli ned entry fie lds provid e a choice of two setting s (toggl e). Figure 2-3 Underlined Entry Field T o Change an underlined entry Step 1 . Posi tion th e cursor at the fi eld.
Getting Star ted Changing the T est Set ’ s D isplay Chapter 2 46 One-of-Ma ny Field One-o f-m an y fie ld s display a list of choices when s elect e d. Figure 2-4 One-of-Many Field T o make a one-of-many choi ce Step 1 . Posi tion th e cursor at the fi eld.
Getting Star ted Changing the T est Set’ s Display Chapter 2 47 Numeric-Entry Fields V alues for numeric entry fields can be enter ed and changed using various met hods, depending on your tes ting needs. Figure 2-5 Numeric-Entry Field T o change a value Step 1 .
Getting Star ted Changing the T est Set ’ s D isplay Chapter 2 48 Decimal V alues Decimal valu es are u sed for mos t num eric entry fields. T h e acceptabl e entries f or decimal valu es are 0 through 9 ,. , +/- , a nd EEX . The +/- key is u sed for ent ering negative numbers.
Getting Star ted How do I V erif y that t he Test Set is Opera ting Properly ? Chapter 2 49 Ho w d o I V e ri f y t h at t h e T e st S e t i s O p e ra t i ng Pr o p er l y ? If your T est Set powe r.
Getting Star ted How do I V erify t hat the Test Set is Opera ting Properly? Chapter 2 50 Figure 2-6 CDMA Spect rum.
51 3 Opera ting Overvi ew.
52 Chapter 3 C:Sp kRef RefGu ideRevE Opov erv .fm Operating Ov erv ie w • “Displaying CDMA Measurements ” on page 53 • “Displaying Analo g Measurements” on page 56 • “Usin g C h a nnel.
Chapter 3 53 Ope ratin g Overvi ew Dis pla ying C DMA Me asur emen ts Displaying CDMA M easurements Channel Power , A djacent Channel Pow er (ACP), Rho, Error V ector Magnitude (EVM), A verage Power Y ou can select channel power , ACP , rho, EVM, or average power on the CDMA ANA LYZER or CDMA GENE R ATOR sc reen as shown in Figure 3-1 .
54 Chapter 3 C:Sp kRef RefGu ideRevE Opov erv .fm Operating Ov erv ie w Displaying CDMA Me asurements Magnitude Err or , Phase Error When you select EVM , the Magnitude Error an d Phase Error measurements are disp layed.
Chapter 3 55 Ope ratin g Overvi ew Dis pla ying C DMA Me asur emen ts Figur e 3- 3 S el ec ti n g Code Doma in M eas u r em e n ts I/Q Diagram Displays t he I/Q convergence for the curre nt measurement. See “IQ Constellati on Diagram, IS- 2000 only” on page 149 for a dditi ona l information.
56 Chapter 3 C:Sp kRef RefGu ideRevE Opov erv .fm Operating Ov erv ie w Displaying Analog Measurements Displaying Ana log M easurements RF Measurements Frequen cy Error , Freque ncy RF Frequency Error an d RF Freque ncy are displaye d on the RF ANAL YZER, RF GENER A TOR, and AF ANAL YZER screens.
Chapter 3 57 Ope ratin g Overvi ew Displaying Analog Measurements Displaying AF Measureme nts FM Deviation, AM Depth, A C Level The AF Anl In setting d etermines t he AF analyzer’s input and the measurement d isplayed in the top- right corner of the measurement area (s ee Figure 3-6 ).
58 Chapter 3 C:Sp kRef RefGu ideRevE Opov erv .fm Operating Ov erv ie w Displaying Analog Measurements Figure 3 -7 Displaying SINAD, Distortion, SNR, DC Level, or AF Frequency The Distortion and SINAD measurements use the variable f r equency notch filter (audio anal yzer screen frequenc y range 300 Hz – 10 kHz).
Chapter 3 59 Ope ratin g Overvi ew Displayi ng Mea surem en t Results on a Meter Scal e Displaying Me asurement Res u lts on a Meter Scale Figure 3 -8 Displaying the Mete r Scale Measurement re sults can be disp layed on a meter scale. The digital numeric value i s still displayed (but smaller) under the meter sc ale.
60 Chapter 3 C:Sp kRef RefGu ideRevE Opov erv .fm Operating Ov erv ie w Using Channel Numbers to Set Analyz er and Generator F requencies Usin g Channel Numbers to Set Analyzer and Generator Frequenci.
Chapter 3 61 Ope ratin g Overvi ew Calibra ting the C hannel Powe r Measu rement – CDMA Analy zer Calibrating the Channel Power Measurem ent – CDMA Analyzer T o calibrate a c hannel power measurement usi ng the inte rnal CDMA generator: Step 4. Remove power from the RF IN/OUT (or ANT IN) port.
62 Chapter 3 C:Sp kRef RefGu ideRevE Opov erv .fm Operating Ov erv ie w Calibrating the Chann el Power Measu rement – Code Domain Calibrating the Channel Power Measurem ent – Code Dom ain T o calibrate a c hannel power measurement usi ng the internal CDMA generator: Step 8.
Chapter 3 63 Ope ratin g Overvi ew Calibrating the Adjacent Channel Power ( ACP) Measurement Calibrating the Adjacent C hannel Power (ACP) Me asu re ment T o calibrate an A CP measurement using the internal CDMA generator : Step 12. Remove power from the RF IN/OUT (or ANT IN) port.
64 Chapter 3 C:Sp kRef RefGu ideRevE Opov erv .fm Operating Ov erv ie w Changing the Incremen t or Decrement Setting Changing the Increment or Decrement Setting Specifying An Increment V alue for the Arrow Keys or Knob The Incr Set key is used to assign a s pecific incre ment value.
Chapter 3 65 Ope ratin g Overvi ew Using Measurement Limit Indicators Using Meas urement Limit In dic ators The Lo Limit and Hi Limit func tio ns are used to define a measurement “window .” Y ou can set a high limit, a low limit, or both. When limits ar e assig ned, Lo , Hi or both are indic ated on the scr een.
66 Chapter 3 C:Sp kRef RefGu ideRevE Opov erv .fm Operating Ov erv ie w Using Measurement Limit Indicators T o rem ove a limit Step 1. Position t he cursor in front of t he unit-of-measu re for the assigned limit.
Chapter 3 67 Ope ratin g Overvi ew Setting A M easurement Re ferenc e Setting A Measurement Re ference The reference s et (Ref Set) function establi shes a measurement refe renc e poi n t.
68 Chapter 3 C:Sp kRef RefGu ideRevE Opov erv .fm Operating Ov erv ie w A ver aging M easurement s A v eraging Measurements The Avg (average) functio n allows you to display the average value of a number of meas urements. Y ou enter the number of measurement samples u s ed to calculate and display the measurement average.
Chapter 3 69 Ope ratin g Overvi ew Setting an RF Generato r/Analyzer Offse t Setting an RF Generato r/Analyz er Offs et Y ou can set a fixed fr equency offset bet ween the RF generator and the RF analyzer . This feature is convenient for te st ing radios with a fixed transmit/r eceive frequ ency offset.
70 Chapter 3 C:Sp kRef RefGu ideRevE Opov erv .fm Operating Ov erv ie w Saving and Recalling Instrument Se tups Saving and Rec alling I nstrume nt Setups The save and recall f unctions al low you to store differ ent instrument setups and retrieve them later , elim inating the ta sk of re-configurin g the T est Set.
Chapter 3 71 Ope ratin g Overvi ew Saving and Recalling Ins trument Setups T o rem ove (clear) an ind ividual save register Step 1. Specify where the regist er is stored using the Save/R ecall field on the I/O CONFIG URE scr een . Step 2. Press Recall .
72 Chapter 3 C:Sp kRef RefGu ideRevE Opov erv .fm Operating Ov erv ie w Saving and Recalling Instrument Se tups BASE Settings The BASE register conta ins any field settings t he user has saved that are dif f erent from the ins trument prese t state. I t establishe s a refe renc e poi n t fo r all fu tu r e s a v es .
Chapter 3 73 Ope ratin g Overvi ew Using USE R Keys Using USER Keys Y ou can use user keys to move quickly between fields on the same screen, and to access fields that are not normally available on the screen you ar e using. Local use r keys are used to move between settings on th e scr een that is displayed .
74 Chapter 3 C:Sp kRef RefGu ideRevE Opov erv .fm Operating Ov erv ie w Using USE R Keys Assigning and Releasing U SER Keys When defi ning user keys, the Assign function is used to c reate key defi nitions; th e Release function removes the defi nitions.
Chapter 3 75 Ope ratin g Overvi ew Replacing Batteries Replacing Bat teries T est Set backs up it s RAM using two battery types. One type is a set of two AA batteries mounted inside the rear panel of the T est Set. Y ou must perio d ically change these batt eries.
77 4 Overvi ew o f the T e st Set’ s Built-In T ools.
78 Chapter 4 C:SpkR efRef GuideRevE T Over view of th e Test Set ’s Bu ilt -In Too ls • “Using the RF Tools Program” on page 79 • “Using the Code D omain Analyzer” on page 108 �.
Chapter 4 79 Overview of the Test Set’s Built-In To ol s Using the RF T ools Program Usin g the RF T ools Program The RF T ools program resid es in the T est Set’ s ROM.
80 Chapter 4 C:SpkR efRef GuideRevE T Over view of th e Test Set ’s Bu ilt -In Too ls Using the RF T ools Program Loading and Running RF Tools 1. Press the MENU key to display the SOF TW ARE MEN U screen (sh own bel ow) . Figure 4- 1 SOF TW ARE MENU Scr ee n 2.
Chapter 4 81 Overview of the Test Set’s Built-In To ol s Using the RF T ools Program T est R esults/BTS Utility Setup Use this se tup to configur e a metho d for meas urement d ata collection. Measurement results may be collect ed using a printer , a laptop, or a PC card .
82 Chapter 4 C:SpkR efRef GuideRevE T Over view of th e Test Set ’s Bu ilt -In Too ls Using the RF T ools Program T o use a laptop and the BTS Laptop Utility for data collection: This function of RF T ools is used with the BTS Laptop Utility program.
Chapter 4 83 Overview of the Test Set’s Built-In To ol s Using the RF T ools Program T o use a laptop interface other than the BTS Laptop Utility 1. If Use BT S Laptop Utilit y is set to Yes , change it to No by selecting the fi eld. 2. Position th e cursor at Send Te st Results to and select it .
84 Chapter 4 C:SpkR efRef GuideRevE T Over view of th e Test Set ’s Bu ilt -In Too ls Using the RF T ools Program Figur e 4- 4 Sel ectin g the S wep t Ga i n Meas u reme nt T es t 2. Position the cursor at Star t Freque ncy in MH z and select it.
Chapter 4 85 Overview of the Test Set’s Built-In To ol s Using the RF T ools Program 6. Position th e cursor at DUPLEX OUT Lev el in dB m and select it. Enter the powe r level, − 54 to +10 d B m, at which the test shoul d be conducted . If you are testing a p ower s ensitive device, enter a l ow level value t o avoid damage to that device.
86 Chapter 4 C:SpkR efRef GuideRevE T Over view of t h e Test Set ’ s Built -In Tools Using the RF T ools Program 10. The trace of t he device gain over the fre quency range swept is displayed. If t he gain exceeds 40 dB, it will not ap pear on t he trace.
Chapter 4 87 Overview of the Te st Set ’ s Built-In To ol s Using the RF T ools Program Specifications • Frequency Range: 0.4-1000 MHz, 1.7-2.0 GHz • Swept Signal Level: -54 dBm to +10 dBm Discr.
88 Chapter 4 C:SpkR efRef GuideRevE T Over view of t h e Test Set ’ s Built -In Tools Using the RF T ools Program 3. Position th e cursor at DUPLEX OUT Lev el in dB m and enter the power level at which the te st should be conducted . 4. Press k1 ( Beg in Tst ) to begin the test .
Chapter 4 89 Overview of the Te st Set ’ s Built-In To ol s Using the RF T ools Program Swept Insertion Loss Meas u rem en t D escrip tion This test measures the loss o f a cable or device by sweeping it over the specifi ed frequenc y range. This test uses t he Spectr um Analyzer to make measurements.
90 Chapter 4 C:SpkR efRef GuideRevE T Over view of t h e Test Set ’ s Built -In Tools Using the RF T ools Program 4. Position th e cursor at Max expected l oss i n d B and enter the greatest l oss expected t hrough your device. The insertion loss will be displayed from 0 dB to the value entered in this field.
Chapter 4 91 Overview of the Te st Set ’ s Built-In To ol s Using the RF T ools Program 9. The trace of the cable loss over the frequency range swept is displayed . The average loss is also displ ayed on the screen. T o save the plot to a PC car d, press k4 ( Save Plot ) and use the knob to enter a filename.
92 Chapter 4 C:SpkR efRef GuideRevE T Over view of t h e Test Set ’ s Built -In Tools Using the RF T ools Program Swept Return Loss Meas u rem en t D escrip tion Swept return los s is a measu re of reflection ch aracteris tics.
Chapter 4 93 Overview of the Te st Set ’ s Built-In To ol s Using the RF T ools Program Figur e 4- 12 Selec ti n g th e Sw ep t Ret u rn L o s s M easu re me nt 2. Position the cursor at Star t freque ncy in MH z and select it. Ent er a value for the st art of the frequency swee p from 0.
94 Chapter 4 C:SpkR efRef GuideRevE T Over view of t h e Test Set ’ s Built -In Tools Using the RF T ools Program CAUTION Damage may result if the power input t o the T est Set’ s ANT IN port exceeds 60 mW (which is equivalent to 1 8 dBm).
Chapter 4 95 Overview of the Te st Set ’ s Built-In To ol s Using the RF T ools Program 9. The plot screen appears. The t race showing return l oss over the frequency band s elected is displ ayed on the scre en. Measured values for best and worst cas e return loss and VSWR are printed at the top of the s creen.
96 Chapter 4 C:SpkR efRef GuideRevE T Over view of t h e Test Set ’ s Built -In Tools Using the RF T ools Program Figure 4 -15 Example of an Swept Return Loss r esults sc reen Estimating Ant.
Chapter 4 97 Overview of the Te st Set ’ s Built-In To ol s Using the RF T ools Program Cable Fault Meas u rem en t D escrip tion A frequency-s wept signal is tra nsmitted from t he DUPLEX OUT port of the T est Set through a resist i ve power divider to the cable-unde r-test.
98 Chapter 4 C:SpkR efRef GuideRevE T Over view of t h e Test Set ’ s Built -In Tools Using the RF T ools Program Making the Me asurement 1. Select Cable Fault from t he Select T est (Main) Menu. The Cable Fault Informatio n menu will appear .
Chapter 4 99 Overview of the Te st Set ’ s Built-In To ol s Using the RF T ools Program NOTE The greatest accuracy is obtained when you enter a cable length slightly greate r than the cabl e length begin tested. If you are not sure of the cable lengt h, enter a value 1.
100 Chapter 4 C:SpkR efRef GuideRevE T Over view of t h e Test Set ’ s Built -In Tools Using the RF T ools Program Figure 4- 17 Cable Fau lt Setu ps 8. A setup s creen appear s with a diagram of the necessary connections (see Figure 4-17 ). It is very important that the power divider is a 2-way resisti v e device.
Chapter 4 101 Overview of the Te st Set ’ s Built-In To ol s Using the RF T ools Program Figure 4-18 Example of a Cable Fault Plot Screen 1 1.The cable fault r esult scr een appears with the test re sults (see Figure 4-19 for an example). If the BTS Laptop Utility is in use, this data is collected by the laptop .
102 Chapter 4 C:SpkR efRef GuideRevE T Over view of t h e Test Set ’ s Built -In Tools Using the RF T ools Program T ypical cable f ault return loss measur ements Return loss is a ratio of input powe r to reflect ed powe r.
Chapter 4 103 Overview of the Te st Set ’ s Built-In To ol s Using the RF T ools Program Figure 4-2 0 Replot Data Files Select Main Menu.
104 Chapter 4 C:SpkR efRef GuideRevE T Over view of t h e Test Set ’ s Built -In Tools Using the RF T ools Program T rans fer Store d Da ta This utility may be used to easily transfer data c ollection files (test results ) from an SRAM PC card over the se rial, parallel, or GPIB port .
Chapter 4 105 Overview of the Te st Set ’ s Built-In To ol s Using the RF T ools Program SA (Spectrum Analyzer) Self Ca libration ON/OFF This menu item allo w s you t o check the calib ration status of the T est Set’ s spectrum analyzer , and change the status i f you desire.
106 Chapter 4 C:SpkR efRef GuideRevE T Over view of t h e Test Set ’ s Built -In Tools Using the RF T ools Program Each RF TOOLS t est in cludes two parts : calibration and m easurement.
Chapter 4 107 Overview of the Te st Set ’ s Built-In To ol s Using the RF T ools Program Figure 4-2 3 Catalog Memory Card Screen Select Main Menu.
108 Chapter 4 C:SpkR efRef GuideRevE T Over view of t h e Test Set ’ s Built -In Tools Using the Code Domain Analyzer Using the Code Dom ain Ana lyzer The code domain analyzer has two displa.
Chapter 4 109 Overview of the Te st Set ’ s Built-In To ol s Using the Code Domain Analyzer Figur e 4- 24 Code Dom ain An al yzer M e nus – I S- 95.
11 0 Cha pter 4 C:SpkR efRef GuideRevE T Over view of t h e Test Set ’ s Built -In Tools Using the Code Domain Analyzer Figure 4-25 Code Domain Ana lyzer Menus – IS-2000.
Chapter 4 111 Overview of the Te st Set ’ s Built-In To ol s Using the Spec trum Analy zer Using the Spectru m Analyzer Automatic Calibration During operation, the spectrum analyzer pauses for approximatel y 2 seconds every 5 minutes to recalibrat e itself.
11 2 Cha pter 4 C:SpkR efRef GuideRevE T Over view of t h e Test Set ’ s Built -In Tools Using the Sp ec trum Analy zer Selecting the Spectrum Analyzer ’ s Controls Menus Several levels of menus are used to access the various controls associat ed with the spectrum analyzer (see Figure 4-26 on page 1 12 ).
Chapter 4 11 3 Overview of the Te st Set ’ s Built-In To ol s Using the Spec trum Analy zer Using the Spectrum Anal yzer ’s Delta Markers Delta markers are displayed when the Norm/Delta field on the spectr um analyzers Marker m enu is set to Delta .
11 4 Cha pter 4 C:SpkR efRef GuideRevE T Over view of t h e Test Set ’ s Built -In Tools Using the Sp ec trum Analy zer Refere nce Marker (Ref Mr kr) Level a nd Frequency In the delta mar ker mode, a second (referen ce) marker is place d at the current locat ion of the marker .
Chapter 4 11 5 Overview of the Te st Set ’ s Built-In To ol s Using the Spec trum Analy zer Using the Spectrum Anal yzer Mask The spectrum analyzer mask consist s of t wo adjustable limit lines. The y s h ow th e u p p er a n d low e r l i m i t s of s pe ctr a l oc cu p an cy .
11 6 Cha pter 4 C:SpkR efRef GuideRevE T Over view of t h e Test Set ’ s Built -In Tools Using the Sp ec trum Analy zer Defining the Fixed Mask’ s Limits 1. Set the Edit Mask field to the l im it you want t o edit ( Upper or Lower ). Y o u m i ght w a n t to se t the Mas k Beep fie ld to Off whil e you are defining t he mask.
Chapter 4 11 7 Overview of the Te st Set ’ s Built-In To ol s Using the Spec trum Analy zer Defining the Relative Mask’ s Limits 1. Set the Edit Mask field to the l im it you want t o edit ( Upper or Lower ). Y o u m i ght w a n t to se t the Mas k Beep fie ld to Off whil e you are defining t he mask.
11 8 Cha pter 4 C:SpkR efRef GuideRevE T Over view of t h e Test Set ’ s Built -In Tools Using the V oltmeter and Audio Frequency Counter Using the V o ltmeter an d Audio Frequency Counter The voltmeter can be used to measure ac and dc voltages.
Chapter 4 11 9 Overview of the Te st Set ’ s Built-In To ol s Using the Oscilloscope (Scope) Using the Os cillo scope (Sc ope) The built-in 50 kHz oscillo s cope provides • multi ple tr igge ring .
120 Chapter 4 C:SpkR efRef GuideRevE T Over view of t h e Test Set ’ s Built -In Tools Using the Os cilloscope (Scope) Selecting the Oscilloscop e’ s Input Step 1. Press Shift , then RF Anl ( AF Anl ) to se le c t the A F ANALYZER screen. Step 2.
Chapter 4 121 Overview of the Te st Set ’ s Built-In To ol s Using the Oscilloscope (Scope) Selecting the Oscilloscop e’ s Filter s Step 1. Press Shift , then RF A nl ( AF Anl ) to select the AF ANA LYZER screen. Step 2. Sele c t th e Scope To f ield.
122 Chapter 4 C:SpkR efRef GuideRevE T Over view of t h e Test Set ’ s Built -In Tools Using IB_UTIL Programs Using IB_ UTI L Programs See “Se curing a T est Procedure” on p age 123 f or information about the SECURE_IT program. See “Clearin g RAM” on pa ge 124 for information about th e RAM_MANAGE R program.
Chapter 4 123 Overview of the Te st Set ’ s Built-In To ol s Securing a T est Procedure Securing a Test Procedur e The password option for securing a test procedure is ac cessed by loading and running the SECURE_ IT ROM program. This pr ogram is accessed by ru nning the IB_U TIL pro gram.
124 Chapter 4 C:SpkR efRef GuideRevE T Over view of t h e Test Set ’ s Built -In Tools Clearing RAM Clearing RAM RAM can be cl eared using the RAM_MANAGER program in the T est Set’ s ROM. This program cl ears all RAM, including any SAVE/RECALL registers saved to Internal RAM.
Chapter 4 125 Overview of the Te st Set ’ s Built-In To ol s Using t he LIST OPTS (list options) Program Using the LISTO PTS (list options) Program Y ou can list the opt ions tha t are ins tal led in your T est Set (if any) using the LISTOPTS progra m.
126 Chapter 4 C:SpkR efRef GuideRevE T Over view of t h e Test Set ’ s Built -In Tools Using the DEMO Program Using the DEMO Program Y ou can use the DEMO program to learn about the capabilities of the T est Set. This program d emonstrates so me of the most us eful featur es of the T est Set.
Chapter 4 127 Overview of the Te st Set ’ s Built-In To ol s Using the ST_PL T (stor e or plot) Program Using the ST _PL T (store or plot) Program This program allo ws you t o sto re a spectrum analyzer , or oscilloscope trace. The sto rage m edium can be either a memory ca rd or internal RAM.
129 5 CDMA Measurements - Screens and Contro l Fiel ds.
130 Chapter 5 C:SpkRefR efGuideR evECdm ascrnE2. fm CDMA Meas ur em ents - S cree ns and Con tro l Fi el ds • “A verag e P ow er M e asu r eme nts ” on page 1 3 1 • “Adjacen t Channel Power .
Chapter 5 131 CDMA Mea sure men ts - Screens an d Control F ields CDMA Mea surements CDMA Meas ureme nts A verage Power Measurements Av g P w r Avg Pwr displays the avera g e power level of all signals at t he RF IN/OUT por t.
132 Chapter 5 C:SpkRefR efGuideR evECdm ascrnE2. fm CDMA Meas ur em ents - S cree ns and Con tro l Fi el ds CDMA Mea surements Adjacent Channel Power Measure ments ACP Adjacent cha nnel power can be measured at f requency offse ts of 0 to 3 M Hz, and filt er bandwidths of 10 kHz t o 1.
Chapter 5 133 CDMA Mea sure men ts - Screens an d Control F ields CDMA Mea surements ADC FS ADC FS is displayed when cha nnel power is measure d . ADC FS indicates how close the measured power level is to the maximum allowed input le vel at t he RF I N/OUT por t for a p arti cular Gain setti ng (on the CDMA ANAL YZER screen).
134 Chapter 5 C:SpkRefR efGuideR evECdm ascrnE2. fm CDMA Meas ur em ents - S cree ns and Con tro l Fi el ds CDMA Mea surements Figur e 5- 1 Rh o Screens on which this me asurement is displa yed • CD.
Chapter 5 135 CDMA Mea sure men ts - Screens an d Control F ields CDMA Mea surements Tim e O f f s et Ti m e offset is displayed when th e Rho m easurement is sele cted. Time offset is the time differ ence between the bas e station’ s e ven seco nd and the start o f the s hort se quence .
136 Chapter 5 C:SpkRefR efGuideR evECdm ascrnE2. fm CDMA Meas ur em ents - S cree ns and Con tro l Fi el ds CDMA Mea surements Figur e 5-2 T ime Offs e t Carrier F e ed thro ug h Carrier f eedthrough is displayed when the Rho measurement is selected .
Chapter 5 137 CDMA Mea sure men ts - Screens an d Control F ields CDMA Mea surements Figur e 5- 3 Ca rr i er Fe ed thr oug h Screens on which this measurement i s displayed • CDMA ANA LYZER • CDMA.
138 Chapter 5 C:SpkRefR efGuideR evECdm ascrnE2. fm CDMA Meas ur em ents - S cree ns and Con tro l Fi el ds CDMA Mea surements Error V ector Magnitude (EVM) Measurements EVM EVM is a measurement of the acc uracy of the phase and amplitud e of the QPSK (Quadrature Phase Shift Keying) or Offse t QPSK (OQPSK) modulation .
Chapter 5 139 CDMA Mea sure men ts - Screens an d Control F ields CDMA Mea surements Code Domain Measureme nts – IS-95 If you have selected I S-95 only in the INSTRUMENT C ONFIGURE screen, the Code Domain screen will appe ar as described in t his section, with th e W alsh Code ordering f ollowing the Hadamar d paradigm, wi th 64 channels, tot al.
140 Chapter 5 C:SpkRefR efGuideR evECdm ascrnE2. fm CDMA Meas ur em ents - S cree ns and Con tro l Fi el ds CDMA Mea surements • Relative cod e domain power disp lays the power in each of t he 64 W alsh channels, relat ive to the pilot’ s power . (Pilot power is approximately two-thirds of the total p ower .
Chapter 5 141 CDMA Mea sure men ts - Screens an d Control F ields CDMA Mea surements Fast Power Fast power is a faster method of measuring code domain power .
142 Chapter 5 C:SpkRefR efGuideR evECdm ascrnE2. fm CDMA Meas ur em ents - S cree ns and Con tro l Fi el ds CDMA Mea surements Figure 5 -8 Code Domain Ti ming and P hase Screens on which this me asure.
Chapter 5 143 CDMA Mea sure men ts - Screens an d Control F ields CDMA Mea surements • Improve d Convolutional Encoding for 14.4 Kbps V oice Channels – Improve d sp ectral effici ency and higher spreading rates allo w voice channels using the 14.4 Kbps vocoder now have robust convolut ional encoding.
144 Chapter 5 C:SpkRefR efGuideR evECdm ascrnE2. fm CDMA Meas ur em ents - S cree ns and Con tro l Fi el ds CDMA Mea surements Figure 5-1 0 IS-95 re presentation utilized Walsh ord er 6 alone in assig ning channel numbers.
Chapter 5 145 CDMA Mea sure men ts - Screens an d Control F ields CDMA Mea surements The order selected depends on the data type. A Walsh order of 1 (one), will result in a channel size of 128. T his size e xcl ude s al l o the r c ha nnel numbers from the transmission.
146 Chapter 5 C:SpkRefR efGuideR evECdm ascrnE2. fm CDMA Meas ur em ents - S cree ns and Con tro l Fi el ds CDMA Mea surements Figure 5- 12 Code Domai n P ower , IS-2 000, H a da m a rd Ord e r ing Tim e o f fs e t ( Tm O fs ) and f requency error ( Fr eq Err ) are always displayed when any code d omain measurement is made.
Chapter 5 147 CDMA Mea sure men ts - Screens an d Control F ields CDMA Mea surements Screens on which this measurement i s displayed • CODE DOM (Code Domain Analyzer , IS-2000) Fast Power Fast power is a faster method o f m easuring code domain power .
148 Chapter 5 C:SpkRefR efGuideR evECdm ascrnE2. fm CDMA Meas ur em ents - S cree ns and Con tro l Fi el ds CDMA Mea surements Code Domain Complex Powe r The Complex Power measu rements provi des two .
Chapter 5 149 CDMA Mea sure men ts - Screens an d Control F ields CDMA Mea surements IQ Constellation Diagram, IS-2000 o nly If y o u ha ve th e IS -2000 opt ion i nst alle d, you w ill be able to select the I/Q PLOT screen from t he set of available measurements.
150 Chapter 5 C:SpkRefR efGuideR evECdm ascrnE2. fm CDMA Meas ur em ents - S cree ns and Con tro l Fi el ds Control Fiel ds fo r CDMA Measur ements Control Fields fo r CDMA Meas urements # of Frames See “Data Source” on page 157 .
Chapter 5 151 CDMA Mea sure men ts - Screens an d Control F ields Contr ol F ields for CDMA Measu re ment s ACP Offset This fiel d designates the frequency offset from the center frequenc y at which the ACP measur ement is made in the adjacent chann els.
152 Chapter 5 C:SpkRefR efGuideR evECdm ascrnE2. fm CDMA Meas ur em ents - S cree ns and Con tro l Fi el ds Control Fiel ds fo r CDMA Measur ements Analyzer (CDMA analyzer ) The Analyzer fie ld con trol s thre e fun ctio ns: • Arm Meas arms the CDM A analyzer .
Chapter 5 153 CDMA Mea sure men ts - Screens an d Control F ields Contr ol F ields for CDMA Measu re ment s Anl Special Analyzer special modes change how IQ modulated signal s are analyzed . • Normal sets the CDMA generator and CDMA analyzer to create and analyze signals with stand ard r otation.
154 Chapter 5 C:SpkRefR efGuideR evECdm ascrnE2. fm CDMA Meas ur em ents - S cree ns and Con tro l Fi el ds Control Fiel ds fo r CDMA Measur ements Chan Size This field app ears only in IS-2000 Code Domain measurement s. The size reflec ts its location in the W alsh set, with 1 indicating that there is only one cha nnel included.
Chapter 5 155 CDMA Mea sure men ts - Screens an d Control F ields Contr ol F ields for CDMA Measu re ment s Controls Code domain analyzer settings are arranged into several menus that are acces sed using t he Cont rols field.
156 Chapter 5 C:SpkRefR efGuideR evECdm ascrnE2. fm CDMA Meas ur em ents - S cree ns and Con tro l Fi el ds Control Fiel ds fo r CDMA Measur ements Data Rate This field allows receiver testing at data r ates of 9.
Chapter 5 157 CDMA Mea sure men ts - Screens an d Control F ields Contr ol F ields for CDMA Measu re ment s Data Source This f ield sel ects where the baseband qua drature spreader get s its data. This field is removed when the Gen Mod e field is set to Noise .
158 Chapter 5 C:SpkRefR efGuideR evECdm ascrnE2. fm CDMA Meas ur em ents - S cree ns and Con tro l Fi el ds Control Fiel ds fo r CDMA Measur ements Even Sec In This field controls the inter nal connection o f the EVEN SECOND SYNC IN connector to the CDMA analyzer or generator .
Chapter 5 159 CDMA Mea sure men ts - Screens an d Control F ields Contr ol F ields for CDMA Measu re ment s Gain This fi eld s ets t he IF gain of the CDMA analyzer for rho, EVM, and channel power meas urements.
160 Chapter 5 C:SpkRefR efGuideR evECdm ascrnE2. fm CDMA Meas ur em ents - S cree ns and Con tro l Fi el ds Control Fiel ds fo r CDMA Measur ements Gen Mode This fiel d selects the type of mod ulation informat ion sent to the CDMA generato r ’ s IQ m odulator .
Chapter 5 161 CDMA Mea sure men ts - Screens an d Control F ields Contr ol F ields for CDMA Measu re ment s Input Atten This fiel d controls the RF attenuators o f the T est Set.
162 Chapter 5 C:SpkRefR efGuideR evECdm ascrnE2. fm CDMA Meas ur em ents - S cree ns and Con tro l Fi el ds Control Fiel ds fo r CDMA Measur ements I Power Level This IS-2000 Cod e Domain display field shows the power of the currently sele cted I (in the top bar graph) W alsh code.
Chapter 5 163 CDMA Mea sure men ts - Screens an d Control F ields Contr ol F ields for CDMA Measu re ment s Meas Order This fiel d is displayed in the Code Domain Analyzer , IS-2000. The Measurement Order is the way in which the W alsh channels are s hown on the scr een.
164 Chapter 5 C:SpkRefR efGuideR evECdm ascrnE2. fm CDMA Meas ur em ents - S cree ns and Con tro l Fi el ds Control Fiel ds fo r CDMA Measur ements Ofs T rnsfer IS-95 on ly . This field t ransfers the time offset value from the time off set measurement ( displayed in TmOfs ) to the T ime Off set field automatically .
Chapter 5 165 CDMA Mea sure men ts - Screens an d Control F ields Contr ol F ields for CDMA Measu re ment s Phse This f ield dis plays the res ults of the code domain ph ase measurement. This fiel d is displayed on the CODE DO M screen when the Measurement fi eld is se t to Phase .
166 Chapter 5 C:SpkRefR efGuideR evECdm ascrnE2. fm CDMA Meas ur em ents - S cree ns and Con tro l Fi el ds Control Fiel ds fo r CDMA Measur ements PN Offset or PN Ofs This measurement display field (PN Offset) is displayed on the CDMA ANAL YZER and CDMA GENE RA TOR screens when Rho measurements are selected .
Chapter 5 167 CDMA Mea sure men ts - Screens an d Control F ields Contr ol F ields for CDMA Measu re ment s Pwr Intvl This fiel d determines the length of the data block when measuring average p ower . The data block is a time record over wh ich correl ate d measurements are computed.
168 Chapter 5 C:SpkRefR efGuideR evECdm ascrnE2. fm CDMA Meas ur em ents - S cree ns and Con tro l Fi el ds Control Fiel ds fo r CDMA Measur ements Pwr Zero Selecting t his field c alibrates (zeroes) the average power meter . This operation should be perfo rmed imm ediately be fore making an average power measurement.
Chapter 5 169 CDMA Mea sure men ts - Screens an d Control F ields Contr ol F ields for CDMA Measu re ment s field o n the CODE DOMAIN ANALYZER screen. • Ampl Mid qualifies a trigger each tim e the input to the CDMA analyzer ri ses above − 12 ADC FS.
170 Chapter 5 C:SpkRefR efGuideR evECdm ascrnE2. fm CDMA Meas ur em ents - S cree ns and Con tro l Fi el ds Control Fiel ds fo r CDMA Measur ements RF Channel The RF Channe l field is displayed when t he RF Displ ay field o n the INSTRUMENT CONFIGURE screen is set to Chan .
Chapter 5 171 CDMA Mea sure men ts - Screens an d Control F ields Contr ol F ields for CDMA Measu re ment s Sprd Fact (Spread Factor) Thi s se lecta ble IS-2000 Code Domain field shows the spread fa ctor (W alsh set) of the cur rently selected channel.
172 Chapter 5 C:SpkRefR efGuideR evECdm ascrnE2. fm CDMA Meas ur em ents - S cree ns and Con tro l Fi el ds Control Fiel ds fo r CDMA Measur ements Ti m e For IS-95 Code Domain measurements only . This field dis pl ays the results of the cod e domain timing measurement.
Chapter 5 173 CDMA Mea sure men ts - Screens an d Control F ields Contr ol F ields for CDMA Measu re ment s T ime Offset This fiel d allows you to manually enter a time offset. To obtain a value to enter in this field you must make at leas t one of the fol lowing measurements.
174 Chapter 5 C:SpkRefR efGuideR evECdm ascrnE2. fm CDMA Meas ur em ents - S cree ns and Con tro l Fi el ds Control Fiel ds fo r CDMA Measur ements T rig Event This field det ermines when the trigger event to the analyzer occurs.
Chapter 5 175 CDMA Mea sure men ts - Screens an d Control F ields Contr ol F ields for CDMA Measu re ment s Wa l s h C h a n This field se lects the W alsh channel to which to move the mark er (IS-95 only mode ). The marker can be mov ed by ei ther entering the Walsh channel number using the keypad, or by using the curso r-c ontrol knob.
177 6 Analog Measur ements - Screens and Cont r ol Fields.
178 Chapter 6 C:SpkRefRe fGuideRevE Anlgscrn. fm Analog Meas ur em ents - S creens and Contro l Fi el ds • “AC Control” on page 179 • “AM Depth Measurement” o n page 179 • “AF Freq Mea.
Chapter 6 179 Analog Mea su remen ts - Screens and Contr ol Fiel ds Analog Mea suremen t s Analog Meas urements AC Control The type of measur ement shown is d ependent on th e AF Anl In settings . A C Level is displayed when the AF Anl In field i s se t to S SB Demod , Audio In , Ext Mo d , or Audio O ut .
180 Chapter 6 C:SpkRefRe fGuideRevE Anlgscrn. fm Analog Meas ur em ents - S creens and Contro l Fi el ds Analog Meas urements AF Freq Measurement The AF frequency measur ement is the aud io frequency of t he signal present at the input s elected in the AF Anl In fi eld (o n th e AF ANA L YZER s cr ee n ).
Chapter 6 181 Analog Mea su remen ts - Screens and Contr ol Fiel ds Analog Mea suremen t s Distn (Distortion) Measure ment This measure men t field displays t he percent of distor tion for an audio signal to ne. See “SINAD, Distortion, SNR, AF Freque ncy , DC Level,” on page 57 for more inf ormation.
182 Chapter 6 C:SpkRefRe fGuideRevE Anlgscrn. fm Analog Meas ur em ents - S creens and Contro l Fi el ds Analog Meas urements Frequency Measurement This measurement fiel d displays the center frequency the signal being measured. Operating Considerati ons This measure ment cannot be used fo r measuring CDMA signals; use the CDMA analyzer.
Chapter 6 183 Analog Mea su remen ts - Screens and Contr ol Fiel ds Analog Mea suremen t s TX Power Measurement T ransm itter power meas ures RF power at the RF IN/ OUT port. Operating Considerati ons Only the RF IN/OUT port can be us ed for measur ing TX power .
184 Chapter 6 C:SpkRefRe fGuideRevE Anlgscrn. fm Analog Meas ur em ents - S creens and Contro l Fi el ds Analog Meas urements SINAD Measurement SINAD is the meas ure of th e ratio of the signal+noise+distor tion to the noise+di stortion pro duced at the o utput of a receive r that is the result of a modul ated signal input.
Chapter 6 185 Analog Mea su remen ts - Screens and Contr ol Fiel ds Control Fields for Analog Measurements Control F ields for Analog Measurem en ts #Pts This f ield set s the number of point s to define or edit on the spec trum analyzer ’ s mask. Y ou can define up to 15 points on the mask.
186 Chapter 6 C:SpkRefRe fGuideRevE Anlgscrn. fm Analog Meas ur em ents - S creens and Contro l Fi el ds Control Fields for Analog Measurements AF Cnt Gate Audi o fr eque nc y c ou n ter g at e spe ci fie s how long the A F counter samples the signal before d isplaying the frequency .
Chapter 6 187 Analog Mea su remen ts - Screens and Contr ol Fiel ds Control Fields for Analog Measurements AFGen1 T o This fiel d has two subfields : • The upper f ield s ets the des tination port f.
188 Chapter 6 C:SpkRefRe fGuideRevE Anlgscrn. fm Analog Meas ur em ents - S creens and Contro l Fi el ds Control Fields for Analog Measurements AFGen2 T o This field has two sub fiel ds: • The upper.
Chapter 6 189 Analog Mea su remen ts - Screens and Contr ol Fiel ds Control Fields for Analog Measurements Amplitude This fiel d adjusts the a mplitude of the RF generato r.
190 Chapter 6 C:SpkRefRe fGuideRevE Anlgscrn. fm Analog Meas ur em ents - S creens and Contro l Fi el ds Control Fields for Analog Measurements Audio In Lo This field set s the AUDIO IN LO connector ’ s state. • Gnd causes the center pin of the connector to be connected directly to chas sis groun d.
Chapter 6 191 Analog Mea su remen ts - Screens and Contr ol Fiel ds Control Fields for Analog Measurements Auto Zero This fiel d is displayed for average power measurements. Auto is us e d to auto ma tic a ll y ze ro the T X po w e r mea sur e men t periodically d uring operation.
192 Chapter 6 C:SpkRefRe fGuideRevE Anlgscrn. fm Analog Meas ur em ents - S creens and Contro l Fi el ds Control Fields for Analog Measurements Controls The spectrum analyzer and os cilloscop e settings are arranged in several menus that are acces sed using the Controls field.
Chapter 6 193 Analog Mea su remen ts - Screens and Contr ol Fiel ds Control Fields for Analog Measurements Detector This setting selec ts the type of detector used when measuring an d displaying AF signal levels. Detector T ypes • RMS displays the root mean square (rms) value of signals.
194 Chapter 6 C:SpkRefRe fGuideRevE Anlgscrn. fm Analog Meas ur em ents - S creens and Contro l Fi el ds Control Fields for Analog Measurements Edit Mask This field sel ects w hich limits t o set or edit on the spectrum analyzer ’ s mask: Upper or Lower .
Chapter 6 195 Analog Mea su remen ts - Screens and Contr ol Fiel ds Control Fields for Analog Measurements Ext Load R External loa d resistance i s used to calculate and disp lay AF powe r. Power i s ca l c ul a t ed using t h e vo l t ag e mea su r e d at th e A UDIO IN connections and the resistanc e value you ent er into this field.
196 Chapter 6 C:SpkRefRe fGuideRevE Anlgscrn. fm Analog Meas ur em ents - S creens and Contro l Fi el ds Control Fields for Analog Measurements Filter 2 This fiel d selects an audio frequenc y filter whic h can be used to condition the aud io signal before it is analyzed by t he audio freque ncy analyzer .
Chapter 6 197 Analog Mea su remen ts - Screens and Contr ol Fiel ds Control Fields for Analog Measurements Freq (Delta Mrkr) Marker frequency ( Delta Mrk r Freq ) displ ays the differenc e between the freq uency at delta marker and the frequency at th e reference marker on the spectrum analyzer .
198 Chapter 6 C:SpkRefRe fGuideRevE Anlgscrn. fm Analog Meas ur em ents - S creens and Contro l Fi el ds Control Fields for Analog Measurements Freq (normal marker) Marker frequency ( Marker Fr eq ) d.
Chapter 6 199 Analog Mea su remen ts - Screens and Contr ol Fiel ds Control Fields for Analog Measurements Gain Cntl AF analyzer gain control specifie s whether the AF analyzer’s gain setti ngs ar e con tro lle d auto mat ical ly by AF auto rang ing ( A uto ), or b y manual control ( Hold ).
200 Chapter 6 C:SpkRefRe fGuideRevE Anlgscrn. fm Analog Meas ur em ents - S creens and Contro l Fi el ds Control Fields for Analog Measurements Input Atten Input a ttenuation sets t he am ount of input attenuatio n for the RF IN/OUT a nd ANT IN co nnectors.
Chapter 6 201 Analog Mea su remen ts - Screens and Contr ol Fiel ds Control Fields for Analog Measurements Input Port This fiel d selects the RF IN/OUT or ANT I N port f or making RF meas u r eme n ts. The R F IN/O U T p o rt m ust b e us ed fo r makin g TX power measur ements.
202 Chapter 6 C:SpkRefRe fGuideRevE Anlgscrn. fm Analog Meas ur em ents - S creens and Contro l Fi el ds Control Fields for Analog Measurements Level (div) This control is divided into two subfield s: The upper sub fiel d ( 0.00 ) sets the interna l trigger level as a function of vertical d ivisions.
Chapter 6 203 Analog Mea su remen ts - Screens and Contr ol Fiel ds Control Fields for Analog Measurements Lvl (marker) This measure men t field displays t he signal level of the signal at the current mar ker positio n on the oscilloscope.
204 Chapter 6 C:SpkRefRe fGuideRevE Anlgscrn. fm Analog Meas ur em ents - S creens and Contro l Fi el ds Control Fields for Analog Measurements Lvl (Ref Mrkr) Marker level ( Ref M rkr Lvl ) displays t he level at the reference marker ’ s present position on the spec trum analyzer .
Chapter 6 205 Analog Mea su remen ts - Screens and Contr ol Fiel ds Control Fields for Analog Measurements Marker T o These two fields positio n the spectrum analyzer ’s marker as fol lows: • Peak moves the mark er to the highest pe ak and enters the location in the Position field.
206 Chapter 6 C:SpkRefRe fGuideRevE Anlgscrn. fm Analog Meas ur em ents - S creens and Contro l Fi el ds Control Fields for Analog Measurements Mod In T o This modulati on input field defines how an e x ternal mod ulation source is used wit h the RF generator.
Chapter 6 207 Analog Mea su remen ts - Screens and Contr ol Fiel ds Control Fields for Analog Measurements Normalize This area perfo rms three display ope rations: • Save B sa ves the curr ently d isp layed tra ce fo r the A-B operation. • A Only provides a continuou sly updated dis play (the “normal” mode of oper ation).
208 Chapter 6 C:SpkRefRe fGuideRevE Anlgscrn. fm Analog Meas ur em ents - S creens and Contro l Fi el ds Control Fields for Analog Measurements Notch Freq This fiel d sets the center frequency for the variable frequency notch filter .
Chapter 6 209 Analog Mea su remen ts - Screens and Contr ol Fiel ds Control Fields for Analog Measurements Output Port This fiel d selects the RF generator ’ s output port. High er RF generator levels are availa ble at the DUPLEX OUT port than at the RF IN/OUT port.
210 Chapter 6 C:SpkRefRe fGuideRevE Anlgscrn. fm Analog Meas ur em ents - S creens and Contro l Fi el ds Control Fields for Analog Measurements Port/Sweep This control perfo rms two functions: • The upper f ield s pecifies the output port of the track ing generat o r.
Chapter 6 21 1 Analog Mea su remen ts - Screens and Contr ol Fiel ds Control Fields for Analog Measurements Pos/Neg See “Level (div)” on page 202 Ref Level Reference l evel sets the amplitude reference level f o r the top line o f the display . All signals displayed are referenced to this line.
212 Chapter 6 C:SpkRefRe fGuideRevE Anlgscrn. fm Analog Meas ur em ents - S creens and Contro l Fi el ds Control Fields for Analog Measurements Reset Reset re triggers the measurement when Single triggering is select ed. See “Cont/Sin gle” on page 192 .
Chapter 6 213 Analog Mea su remen ts - Screens and Contr ol Fiel ds Control Fields for Analog Measurements RF Gen Freq This fiel d sets the RF generator ’ s frequency . This field is disp layed on th e screens lis ted bel ow when the RF Display field on the I NSTRUMENT CONFIGURE scr een is set to Fre q .
214 Chapter 6 C:SpkRefRe fGuideRevE Anlgscrn. fm Analog Meas ur em ents - S creens and Contro l Fi el ds Control Fields for Analog Measurements Scope T o This fiel d selects the signal s ource for t he oscilloscope. Th is allows you to bypass certain sections of the AF analyzer’s circuitry when viewing and measuring a signal.
Chapter 6 215 Analog Mea su remen ts - Screens and Contr ol Fiel ds Control Fields for Analog Measurements Sensitivity (spectrum an alyzer) This area perfo rms two functions: • The lower f ield s elects t he vertical resolut ion of the display . Y ou can choose f rom 1 dB, 2 dB, or 10 dB per graticule.
216 Chapter 6 C:SpkRefRe fGuideRevE Anlgscrn. fm Analog Meas ur em ents - S creens and Contro l Fi el ds Control Fields for Analog Measurements Span Sets t he span of fre quenci es to be displayed on the screen. Operating Considerati ons When the t racking generator is used, the span als o defines t he frequency sw eep range.
Chapter 6 217 Analog Mea su remen ts - Screens and Contr ol Fiel ds Control Fields for Analog Measurements Squelch This setting determines the squelch operat ion when demodulating FM, AM, or SSB signals. Three settings are available: • Pot uses the front-p anel SQUELCH knob for squel ch level adjustme nt.
218 Chapter 6 C:SpkRefRe fGuideRevE Anlgscrn. fm Analog Meas ur em ents - S creens and Contro l Fi el ds Control Fields for Analog Measurements Ti m e This measure ment displays the time elapsed from the trigger poin t to the c urrent marker pos ition.
Chapter 6 219 Analog Mea su remen ts - Screens and Contr ol Fiel ds Control Fields for Analog Measurements T rig -Delay The trigger delay is used to specify the ti me relatio nship between the trigger and displayed signal. • Positive values delay the measurement trigge r by a specific p eriod.
220 Chapter 6 C:SpkRefRe fGuideRevE Anlgscrn. fm Analog Meas ur em ents - S creens and Contro l Fi el ds Control Fields for Analog Measurements T une Freq This field is disp layed when the RF Displa y field on t he INSTRUMENT CONFIGURE screen is set to Freq .
Chapter 6 221 Analog Mea su remen ts - Screens and Contr ol Fiel ds Control Fields for Analog Measurements TX Pwr Zero The transmitter power zero functio n establishes a 0.
222 Chapter 6 C:SpkRefRe fGuideRevE Anlgscrn. fm Analog Meas ur em ents - S creens and Contro l Fi el ds Control Fields for Analog Measurements V ert O ffset V ertical offs et moves the displayed signal a bove o r below the oscillos cope’ s fixed centerline .
223 7 Configuration - Screens and Control Fields.
224 Chapter 7 C:SpkR efRefG uideRevEC nfgsc Config uration - Screens and Contr ol Fields • “Con f igu ri n g the In strum ent ” on p age 225 — “Setting t he Date and T ime” on page 2.
Chapter 7 225 Configur ati on - Screens an d Control F iel ds Configuring the Instrument Configuring the Ins trum ent Setting the Date and Time The T est Se t has a built-in cloc k that k eeps t rack of the date and tim e. It is powered by an internal battery to ke ep it operating when the instrument is off.
226 Chapter 7 C:SpkR efRefG uideRevEC nfgsc Config uration - Screens and Contr ol Fields Configuring for Pr inting A Screen Configuring for Printin g A Screen Printing a Screen NOTE Throughout this man ual, the terms “GPIB” and “HP-IB” are used interchangeably .
Chapter 7 227 Configur ati on - Screens an d Control F iel ds Control Fields on t he Configuration Screens Control F ields on the Configu ration Screens Abort Print Sele c t this fie ld to int err u p t the p ri nt i n g job i n pr o gre ss. Abort Print is not dir ectly program mable over the GPIB.
228 Chapter 7 C:SpkR efRefG uideRevEC nfgsc Config uration - Screens and Contr ol Fields Control Fields on th e Configuration Screens Base Freq (User Defined) The base frequency field sets t he RF generator reference for channel 0 (zero) whe n t he RF Chan St d field is se t to USER-DEF , a nd the RF Display field is set to Cha n .
Chapter 7 229 Configur ati on - Screens an d Control F iel ds Control Fields on t he Configuration Screens Scre en(s ) Wher e Fiel d is Pr esent INSTRUM ENT CONFIGU R E Call • Originate places a call using the dialing sequence entere d in the Number t o Call field.
230 Chapter 7 C:SpkR efRefG uideRevEC nfgsc Config uration - Screens and Contr ol Fields Control Fields on th e Configuration Screens “Code Domain Measurements – IS-2000” on page 142 Scre .
Chapter 7 231 Configur ati on - Screens an d Control F iel ds Control Fields on t he Configuration Screens Command Escape Char acter This fiel d allows you enter a one-character , non-p rintable escape character to define your own escap e command seque nce.
232 Chapter 7 C:SpkR efRefG uideRevEC nfgsc Config uration - Screens and Contr ol Fields Control Fields on th e Configuration Screens Date This fie ld spec ifies t he current date f or the i nternal clock. The date can be read by a controller using GPIB and printed on test results.
Chapter 7 233 Configur ati on - Screens an d Control F iel ds Control Fields on t he Configuration Screens Ext Ref In This fiel d selects the ref erence frequenc y of the signal at the EXT REF IN connecto r . Y ou can select 1, 2, 5, or 10 MHz; 1x, 2x, 4x, 8x, or 16x chip .
234 Chapter 7 C:SpkR efRefG uideRevEC nfgsc Config uration - Screens and Contr ol Fields Control Fields on th e Configuration Screens Flow Control The flow control fiel d is used when sending o r rece iving serial data. • None disables the Xon/Xoff function.
Chapter 7 235 Configur ati on - Screens an d Control F iel ds Control Fields on t he Configuration Screens (Gen)-(Anl) This fiel d is used with the RF Offset field to specify the amount of frequency offset b etween the RF generat or and RF analyzer . This field i s alway s dis pla yed w hen the RF Displ ay fiel d is s et to Freq .
236 Chapter 7 C:SpkR efRefG uideRevEC nfgsc Config uration - Screens and Contr ol Fields Control Fields on th e Configuration Screens GPIB Adrs This field is us ed to display and c hange the GPIB address of the T est Set.
Chapter 7 237 Configur ati on - Screens an d Control F iel ds Control Fields on t he Configuration Screens Incoming Call Security This fiel d controls the usage of a password secu rity challenge. • Off - no password chal lenge on connectio n • On - issue s a p ass word cha llen ge o n conn ecti on.
238 Chapter 7 C:SpkR efRefG uideRevEC nfgsc Config uration - Screens and Contr ol Fields Control Fields on th e Configuration Screens Model This field is us ed to specify the type of printer used.
Chapter 7 239 Configur ati on - Screens an d Control F iel ds Control Fields on t he Configuration Screens Modem Initialization/Confi guration This fiel d is used to enter configuration strings for the modem. It is a three-line field. Each string has a maximum of 40 characters .
240 Chapter 7 C:SpkR efRefG uideRevEC nfgsc Config uration - Screens and Contr ol Fields Control Fields on th e Configuration Screens Notch Coupl This field sel ects if the Notch Fr eq setting of the AF ANAL YZER screen is coupled t o the AF Gen1 Freq setting.
Chapter 7 241 Configur ati on - Screens an d Control F iel ds Control Fields on t he Configuration Screens Password This fi eld is use d to ent er the pas s word needed to veri fy a ccess f or incoming calls when the Incoming Call Sec urity field is s et to On .
242 Chapter 7 C:SpkR efRefG uideRevEC nfgsc Config uration - Screens and Contr ol Fields Control Fields on th e Configuration Screens Range Hold These fields enable/dis able severa l autoranging. Auto All enables these routines, providing automatic adjustment when making AF or RF measurements.
Chapter 7 243 Configur ati on - Screens an d Control F iel ds Control Fields on t he Configuration Screens Ref Select This f ield sel ects the timebase refere nce signal t o use for ge nerating and analyzing signals. • Auto automatically select s an external referenc e if a signal of suffici ent level is detected at the EXT REF IN.
244 Chapter 7 C:SpkR efRefG uideRevEC nfgsc Config uration - Screens and Contr ol Fields Control Fields on th e Configuration Screens Retries This fiel d sets the number of c alls th at will be tried befo re an origination attempt i s t erminated.
Chapter 7 245 Configur ati on - Screens an d Control F iel ds Control Fields on t he Configuration Screens RF Display This fiel d selects the format for entering the RF generator ’ s and RF analyzer.
246 Chapter 7 C:SpkR efRefG uideRevEC nfgsc Config uration - Screens and Contr ol Fields Control Fields on th e Configuration Screens RF In/Out This field is used to indicate losses o r gains betwee n the RF IN/OUT port and the devic e-under -test.
Chapter 7 247 Configur ati on - Screens an d Control F iel ds Control Fields on t he Configuration Screens RF Offset This fiel d is displayed when the RF Displa y field is set to Freq . This fiel d enables/disables t he RF generator − RF analyzer frequency offset specifi ed in the (Gen)- (Anl) field below it.
248 Chapter 7 C:SpkR efRefG uideRevEC nfgsc Config uration - Screens and Contr ol Fields Control Fields on th e Configuration Screens Serial Baud This field sel ects the baud rate for serial communi cations when using the seri al por ts. Selecting thi s fie ld displays a li st of baud rate ch oice s.
Chapter 7 249 Configur ati on - Screens an d Control F iel ds Control Fields on t he Configuration Screens Serial Port This f ield sel ects the serial port. The S E RIAL 9 p ort must be used for serial p rinting. SERIAL 1 1 is r eserved for use with s pecial software that enables remote opera tion through a PC.
250 Chapter 7 C:SpkR efRefG uideRevEC nfgsc Config uration - Screens and Contr ol Fields Control Fields on th e Configuration Screens Ti m e This fie ld se ts t he ti me- of-da y for th e i nstru me nt’ s 2 4 ho ur clock .
251 8 Signaling Encoder and Decoder - Screens and Control Fields.
252 Chapter 8 C:SpkRe fRefGuideRe vEEnc-dec. fm Sign aling En coder a nd Decoder - Screens and Control F ields Signaling Encoder and Decode r Screens Sign aling En coder and De coder Scree ns The Decoder ’ s Signal Source The decoder always gets its sig nal i mmed iately a fter the de-e mphasis network of the AF analyzer .
Chapter 8 253 Signal in g Encode r and Decoder - Screens an d Control F ields AMPS-T ACS, NAMPS-NT ACS Encoder and Decoder AMPS-T ACS, NAMPS-NT ACS Encoder and Decoder The following signaling f o rmats are available for this decoder . • AMPS = Advanced Mobile Pho ne Service.
254 Chapter 8 C:SpkRe fRefGuideRe vEEnc-dec. fm Sign aling En coder a nd Decoder - Screens and Control F ields AMPS-T ACS, NAMPS-NT ACS Encoder and Decoder AMPS-T ACS, NAMPS-NT ACS Decoder The AMPS-T .
Chapter 8 255 Signal in g Encode r and Decoder - Screens an d Control F ields AMPS-T ACS, NAMPS-NT ACS Encoder and Decoder Figure 8 -1 Decodi ng the Reverse Control Channel (RECC) Da ta Figure 8 -2 Decoding the AMPS- T ACS Revers e V oice Channel (R VC) Data amps-de2.
256 Chapter 8 C:SpkRe fRefGuideRe vEEnc-dec. fm Sign aling En coder a nd Decoder - Screens and Control F ields AMPS-T ACS, NAMPS-NT ACS Encoder and Decoder NAMPS-NT ACS Reverse V oice Channel Measu re ments Three types of R VC infor mation can be decoded; selected using the Measure field.
Chapter 8 257 Signal in g Encode r and Decoder - Screens an d Control F ields AMPS-T ACS, NAMPS-NT ACS Encoder and Decoder Figure 8-4 Decoding NAMPS-NT A CS Re verse V o ice Ch annel (R VC) Data nmps-de2.
258 Chapter 8 C:SpkRe fRefGuideRe vEEnc-dec. fm Sign aling En coder a nd Decoder - Screens and Control F ields DTMF Sequence Encoder and Decoder DTMF S equence Enc oder and Decoder The DTMF sequence enc oder create s dual-tone multi-frequen cy tone sequences of variable frequency , amplitude, and dura tion.
Chapter 8 259 Signal in g Encode r and Decoder - Screens an d Control F ields Function Generato r Encoder and Decoder Funct i on G ene rator Encoder an d Decode r The function generato r provides single -t one audio frequency signals of various waveforms, amplitudes, and fre quenci es.
260 Chapter 8 C:SpkRe fRefGuideRe vEEnc-dec. fm Sign aling En coder a nd Decoder - Screens and Control F ields Control Fields for the Signaling Encode r and Decoder Control F ields for the Signalin g .
Chapter 8 261 Signal in g Encode r and Decoder - Screens an d Control F ields Control Fields for the Signaling Encoder and Decoder Busy/Idle This fi eld sel ects the busy/id le status informat ion to be included in the signaling sequence. • Idle sets the bus y/idle bit s of the f orward cont rol channel information to indi cate an idle state.
262 Chapter 8 C:SpkRe fRefGuideRe vEEnc-dec. fm Sign aling En coder a nd Decoder - Screens and Control F ields Control Fields for the Signaling Encode r and Decoder Data Level This setting determines the signal le vel change that oc curs when a logical high (1) or low (0) is output.
Chapter 8 263 Signal in g Encode r and Decoder - Screens an d Control F ields Control Fields for the Signaling Encoder and Decoder DSA T The signaling encoder ’ s DSA T: field is displayed only wh en t he Mode fiel d is se t to NAMP -NTAC and the Channe l field is se t to Voice .
264 Chapter 8 C:SpkRe fRefGuideRe vEEnc-dec. fm Sign aling En coder a nd Decoder - Screens and Control F ields Control Fields for the Signaling Encode r and Decoder Filler (FOCC) Figur e 8- 5 Each Filler field contains 7 he xadecimal charact ers representing the 2 type bits and 26 informati on bits of the cont rol fille r/message word.
Chapter 8 265 Signal in g Encode r and Decoder - Screens an d Control F ields Control Fields for the Signaling Encoder and Decoder Frequency This measure ment displays t he decoded sig nal’ s frequency .
266 Chapter 8 C:SpkRe fRefGuideRe vEEnc-dec. fm Sign aling En coder a nd Decoder - Screens and Control F ields Control Fields for the Signaling Encode r and Decoder Input Level This field sp ecifies t he expected data sig nal lev el (aft er de- emphasis i f used).
Chapter 8 267 Signal in g Encode r and Decoder - Screens an d Control F ields Control Fields for the Signaling Encoder and Decoder Examples of Input Level Settin g s Example 8-1 E xample 1 Peak deviation 3 kHz, De-emphas is off. Set the input level to 3 kHz.
268 Chapter 8 C:SpkRe fRefGuideRe vEEnc-dec. fm Sign aling En coder a nd Decoder - Screens and Control F ields Control Fields for the Signaling Encode r and Decoder Message (FOCC) Figure 8-6 AMPS-T ACS/NAMPS-NT ACS FOCC Message and Filler Data Format Messa ge st ream s A and B spec ify va rious forwa rd con trol chann el paramete rs.
Chapter 8 269 Signal in g Encode r and Decoder - Screens an d Control F ields Control Fields for the Signaling Encoder and Decoder Message (FVC) (AMPS-T ACS) Figure 8-7 AMPS-T ACS FVC Message Data Output Format This des cripti on applies to the AMPS-TACS mode.
270 Chapter 8 C:SpkRe fRefGuideRe vEEnc-dec. fm Sign aling En coder a nd Decoder - Screens and Control F ields Control Fields for the Signaling Encode r and Decoder Message (FVC) (NAMPS-T ACS) Figure 8-8 NAMPS-NT ACS FVC Message Data output Format This descri ption a pplies t o the NAMP-NT AC m ode.
Chapter 8 271 Signal in g Encode r and Decoder - Screens an d Control F ields Control Fields for the Signaling Encoder and Decoder Mode This fiel d is used to choose which of the T est Set’ s Decoder screens to displ ay .
272 Chapter 8 C:SpkRe fRefGuideRe vEEnc-dec. fm Sign aling En coder a nd Decoder - Screens and Control F ields Control Fields for the Signaling Encode r and Decoder On Time For the encod er , this field se ts the length of time each DTMF tone is on during the se quence.
Chapter 8 273 Signal in g Encode r and Decoder - Screens an d Control F ields Control Fields for the Signaling Encoder and Decoder Pre-Emp This fiel d determines whether the encoder ’ s signal passes thro ug h or bypasses t he 750 ms pre-emphas is network.
274 Chapter 8 C:SpkRe fRefGuideRe vEEnc-dec. fm Sign aling En coder a nd Decoder - Screens and Control F ields Control Fields for the Signaling Encode r and Decoder Send Selecting t his field c auses the FVC or FOCC mes sage to be output.
Chapter 8 275 Signal in g Encode r and Decoder - Screens an d Control F ields Control Fields for the Signaling Encoder and Decoder Send Mode This f ield sel ects the mode used when Send is selected to output th e message. • Single outputs the entire message onc e.
276 Chapter 8 C:SpkRe fRefGuideRe vEEnc-dec. fm Sign aling En coder a nd Decoder - Screens and Control F ields Control Fields for the Signaling Encode r and Decoder Standard This field specif ies the standard for the signal being tested.
Chapter 8 277 Signal in g Encode r and Decoder - Screens an d Control F ields Control Fields for the Signaling Encoder and Decoder Stop DSA T (FVC) This fiel d is available only in NAMP-NT AC mode. Selecting t his field s tops the d igital superv isory audio tone.
278 Chapter 8 C:SpkRe fRefGuideRe vEEnc-dec. fm Sign aling En coder a nd Decoder - Screens and Control F ields Control Fields for the Signaling Encode r and Decoder T rig ger Pattern (bin) This field allows you to enter a specific bit pattern to fil ter displayed information.
Chapter 8 279 Signal in g Encode r and Decoder - Screens an d Control F ields Control Fields for the Signaling Encoder and Decoder Tw i s t T w ist is the ratio of ampl itud es (in dB) between the high frequen cy and low frequenc y tone in each DTMF pair .
280 Chapter 8 C:SpkRe fRefGuideRe vEEnc-dec. fm Sign aling En coder a nd Decoder - Screens and Control F ields Control Fields for the Signaling Encode r and Decoder Example 8-6 Example 4: 3 kHz deviation, T wist 2.5 dB, Pre- emphasis on. If sending a 1 (697 Hz low t one and 1209 Hz high tone), the high tone’ s deviation is 1.
Chapter 9 281 9 Connectors Alphabet ical Listing of “Connectors” on page 28 2 ..
Connectors Connectors Chapter 9 282 Connectors 10 MHz REF OUT This connector furnishes a 10 MHz reference for external instruments. Operating Conside rations W avefor m = sin ewa ve Output freque ncy = 10 MHz Output l eve l >0.5 V rms Output imp edance appr oximate ly 50 Ω .
Connecto rs Connectors Chapter 9 283 ANT IN The ant enna input i s used f or analyzing low-pow er RF signals ( ≤ 60 mW), and is t ypically used for off-the-air me asurements. This port can be selected in the RF ANAL Y ZER, SPEC ANL, CDMA AN ALYZER, or CODE DOM screens.
Connectors Connectors Chapter 9 284 AUDIO IN T wo connecto rs are used to in p ut aud io sig n al s to the AF analy ze r: • HI is the main audio sign al input connect ion.
Connecto rs Connectors Chapter 9 285 AUDIO OUT This po rt is used t o output sig nal s from au d i o f r eq uency ge n e rat o r s 1 and 2. Operating Conside rations The output level is se t by the AF gener ators and is n ot af fected by the front-pane l VOLUME control.
Connectors Connectors Chapter 9 286 D ATA I N This con nect or pr o v id es a da ta i n put to th e CD M A gene rat or . Operating Conside rations Input level = TTL Inpu t imp eda nc e = 5 0 k Ω Data Rat e = 1. 2288 M cps DUPLEX OUT This connector is an output for the RF generator , CDMA generator and tracki ng generator .
Connecto rs Connectors Chapter 9 287 EXT REF IN This connector allows you t o input an external reference. The reference frequency is selec te d usi ng t h e Ext Ref In field o n the INSTRU MENT CONFIGURE screen. Operating Conside rations Input f requency = 1, 2, 5, 10, o r 15 MHz; 1x, 2x, 4x , 8x, or 16x chip Input le vel >0.
Connectors Connectors Chapter 9 288 EXT SCOPE TRIG IN This con nect or pr o v id es an exte rn al os cillo scope’s trigger input. Operating Conside rations Input thresh o ld ap p r o xi m ate ly 2. 5 V Maximum Input le vel ap prox imat el y 20 V peak Inpu t imp eda nc e is : • 100 k Ω for sign als ≤ 5 .
Connecto rs Connectors Chapter 9 289 P ARALLEL 15 This po rt is u s ed w it h prin te rs requiri ng a paral lel interface w hen prin ti ng screen images or test res ults. Set the Printer Port: field (on the PRINTER CONFIGURE screen or TESTS (Printer Se tup) screen) to Parallel to print to this port .
Connectors Connectors Chapter 9 290 RF IN/OUT This T ype-N connectio n is use d to outp ut sig nals fro m the RF generator an d to in put RF signa ls. CAUTION Overpower Damage — Refer t o the T est Set’ s connector panel for maximum inpu t power level.
Connecto rs Connectors Chapter 9 291 SERIAL 9, 10, and 1 1 The serial ports ar e used to input and output serial data for entering programs , printing tests res ults and screen ima ges, and s ending te st result s to a connected co ntroller o r terminal.
Connectors Connectors Chapter 9 292 field o n the CDMA ANA LYZE R and CODE DOM screen s. If the trigge r is to occur on the TRIGG ER QUALIFIER IN signal, select Delay in the Trig Ev ent field and sele ct a delay of 0 .0 µ s. If the TRIGGER QUALIFIER IN signal is a qualifie r , select a trigge r source in the Trig Event fiel d.
293 10 Accessories, Manuals, Support.
294 Chapter 10 C:SpkRef RefGuide RevEAcce ssor . fm Accesso ries, Ma nuals, S upport Modifications Modific ation s The following information can be fo und in the Agilent T echnologies 8935 Assembly Le.
Chapter 10 295 Accesso ries, M anuals, S upport Agilent T echnologie s Accesso rie s Agilent T echnologi es Access orie s External Monitor The CRT V ideo Output drives a multisync monitor at 19.
296 Chapter 10 C:SpkRef RefGuide RevEAcce ssor . fm Accesso ries, Ma nuals, S upport Agilent T echnologie s Accessorie s Agilent T echnologies T est Softwar e The Radio T est Software pe rfo rms automated tests on radio s used in various radio comm unication system s.
Chapter 10 297 Accesso ries, M anuals, S upport Support for Y our Instrument Support f or Y ou r Inst rument Getting Help If you have pr oblems using this T est Set, and cannot find t he solution in t.
298 Chapter 10 C:SpkRef RefGuide RevEAcce ssor . fm Accesso ries, Ma nuals, S upport Support for Your Instrumen t T able 10-5 Agilent Re gional Sales and Service Offices United States of America: Agilen t T ec hnologies T est and Measurement Call Center P .
299 1 1 Er ror Mes sages.
300 Chap ter 1 1 C:SpkR efRefGui deRevEE rrormsg. fm Error Me ssag es General Information About Err or Messages General Information Abou t Error Messages Informatio n concerning error messa g es displ.
Chapter 1 1 301 Error Mess a ges General Information About Err or Messages Negative Numbered Erro r Messages Negative num bers prec eding the er ror messages text corre spond to the error cond itions outlined in the Standard Commands for Programmable Instrument s (SCPI).
302 Chap ter 1 1 C:SpkR efRefGui deRevEE rrormsg. fm Error Me ssag es General Information About Err or Messages GPIB Error Messages NOTE For the purpose s of this documentation, the terms “GPIB” and “HP-IB” may be consi dered one and the same.
Chapter 1 1 303 Error Mess a ges General Information About Err or Messages The Message Display During instrumen t operation, various messages may appear on the T est Set’ s disp lay . Prompt-type mess ages generally appear on the f irst line of the T est Set ’s display .
304 Chap ter 1 1 C:SpkR efRefGui deRevEE rrormsg. fm Error Me ssag es General Information About Err or Messages T ext O nly Error Messages Operati on errors generally occur when you try to do something the T est Set was not designe d to d o.
Chapter 1 1 305 Error Mess a ges General Information About Err or Messages • Input value out of range. A number was enter ed that was too large o r small f or the selec ted field, fo r example, trying t o set AFG1 Freq to 125 kHz. • Invalid keystro k e.
306 Chap ter 1 1 C:SpkR efRefGui deRevEE rrormsg. fm Error Me ssag es General Information About Err or Messages • Change Ref Level, Input Port or Attenuator (if using Hold ). The RF signal level is either too great or too small for the curr ent input port, attenuator s etting, or both.
Index Index 307 - - - - mean ing of, s quelch , 217 meaning o f, TX power meas uremen t , 56 meaning o f, TX power mea suremen ts , 183 Symbols # of Fr ames field , 157 #Pts f iel d Spectrum Analyz er screen , 185 % delta key , 44 % key , 44 +/- key , 48 Numeric s 1.
308 Ind ex Index AF Anl In , 57 oscill oscope inpu t , 120 AM Depth AF Analyzer screen , 179 AM depth measur ements , 57 setting , 187 , 188 AM Depth field RF Analyzer screen , 179 RF G ener ato r scr.
Index Index 309 A vg 1-100 field Spectrum Analyz er screen , 206 Av g k e y , 68 Av g P w r f i e l d CDMA Analyz er screen , 131 CDM A Generat or screen , 131 AW G N g e n e r a t o r , 160 B bandwi .
310 Ind ex Index Channel fi eld Sign alin g Decode r screen , AMPS-T ACS mode , 261 Sign alin g Decode r screen , NAMP-NT AC mode , 261 channe l number s for an al yzer/gener ator frequenc ies , 60 ch.
Index Index 31 1 notc h fr eq uen cy , 240 cursor c ontrol kno b increm ent sett ing of , 64 CW RF Path fiel d CDM A Generat or screen , 155 D dashes mean ing of, s quelch , 217 meaning o f, TX power .
312 Ind ex Index See Also Sig naling En coder screen, Sign aling Dec oder scree n EQ In/Out field , 159 Error Message key , 43 error me ssages , 300 IBASIC echo , 236 operat ion , 304 error vecto r magni tude.
Index Index 313 Sign alin g Decode r screen , Fun c Gen mode , 26 5 frequency offset , 69 receive r/transm itter , 235 RF generator /analyzer , 235 tracking gener ator , 208 frequency tunin g , 60 , 1.
314 Ind ex Index Incr (divide - by)10 key , 64 Incr S et key , 64 Incr x 10 key , 64 increm ent changin g settin g , 64 info rmati on bit s , 26 4 , 269 Input oscill oscope fil t ers , 12 1 inpu t ana.
Index Index 315 triggering , 278 Level ( div) field Oscillo scope scre en , 202 Level (mask) field Spectrum Analyz er screen , 202 limit s indicators , 65 pass/fail , 65 removi ng , 65 setting , 65 Li.
316 Ind ex Index swep t gain , 83 time offset , 135 transmitter power , 56 , 183 transmitter powe r , peak , 220 transmitter powe r , sample , 220 volt age , 179 memo ry conside rations , 72 total RAM.
Index Index 317 frequency , RF generator/ analyze r , 235 frequen cy , tracking gener ator , 208 RF generator /analyzer , 247 RF level , 246 setting, freque ncy , 69 vertica l, os cillo scope , 203 , .
318 Ind ex Index ppm key , 44 Pre-Emp field Sign alin g Encode r screen , DTMF mode , 273 pre-emphasis bypassin g , 273 preset state changin g , 72 default , 72 print screen s , 226 Print Title field .
Index Index 319 Sensit ivity f ield , 214 SINAD field , 184 SNR field , 18 4 Squelch fi eld , 21 7 Tu n e F r e q f i e l d , 220 TX Power field , 183 TX Pwr Meas fi eld , 220 TX Pwr Zero field , 22 1.
320 Ind ex Index for osci lloscope , 210 scie ntifi c nota tion enter ing numbers , 48 scope hor iz ont al sw eep , 218 level , mark ers , 203 mark ers , 203 vertic al offset , 222 Scope ke y , 43 SCOPE MONITOR OUTPUT connector , 290 Scope T o field AF Analyzer screen , 214 scope .
Index Index 321 Mode f ield , 27 1 Polarity field , 272 SA T Freq field , 273 SA T Leve l (FVC) fi eld , 273 Send DSA T field , 274 Send fiel d , 274 Send Fil ler fiel d , 274 Send Mode field , 275 St.
322 Ind ex Index Norm alize fi eld , 207 Offset Freq (T racking Gen) field , 208 Output Port fie ld , 209 Pk Hold field , 206 Port/Sweep (T ra cking Ge n) , 210 Ref Level field , 21 1 RF Gen Freq fiel.
Index Index 323 zero refere nce , 221 tria ng le wave , 280 Tr i g E v e n t f i e l d CDMA Analyz er screen , 174 Code Domain Analyzer screen , 174 T rig L e vel field Sign alin g Decode r screen , A.
324 Ind ex Index data source , 157 zeroing dc bias , 196 power meter , 221.
デバイスAgilent Technologies 8935 series e6380aの購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Agilent Technologies 8935 series e6380aをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはAgilent Technologies 8935 series e6380aの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Agilent Technologies 8935 series e6380aの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Agilent Technologies 8935 series e6380aで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Agilent Technologies 8935 series e6380aを既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はAgilent Technologies 8935 series e6380aの不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Agilent Technologies 8935 series e6380aに関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちAgilent Technologies 8935 series e6380aデバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。