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QUEST emp o 34 and QUEST emp o 36 User Manual ©3 M 20 1 3. A ll Ri ght s Res er ved 3M P ersonal Safety Division 3M ™ QUEST emp° ™ Heat Stress Monitors Market Leader F rom the Robus t C onst .
i T able of Content s Table of Cont ents Introductio n ........................................................................................................................ 1 QUESTempº Model s ......................................................
Run ................................................................................................................................... 11 Display ed Items ...............................................................................................
Customer s erv ice .............................................................................................................. 32 Contacting 3M I nstrumenta tion ......................................................................................
1 In troduction Up and Running overv i ew Introduct ion The QUEST empº 34/36 models ar e porta ble heat str ess m onitors that are designed to be rugged, ea sy - to use instrum ents to quickly and accurat ely as sess the po tential for individual heat str ess based on env ironment al condit ions.
2 Gettin g Started Up and Running overv i ew Getti ng Started Up and Runni ng ov erview 2. Place th e QU ESTemp º 34 & 36 in the work area in a safe location approxim ately 3 .5 f eet of f the gro und. 3. Power On the QUES Temp º 34 & 36 and check t he battery .
Getting Started Keypad Operat i on 3 Keypad Oper at i on The unit o perates using a key pad w ith 4 keys. T he I/O Ente r key responds when the key is r elease d while a ll other keys res pond w hen the ke y is press ed. I/O Enter key The unit t urns on w ith a si ngle key press.
Placement for Monitoring/ Testing Turning On/Off and Basic Operation 4 T urni ng On/O f f and Basic O perati on To quickly get you started with the Q UEST emp º 34 & 36 model , the f ollow ing sectio n explains h ow to tur n on th e instrume nt, ru n, and stop y our se ssion.
Sensors Natural Wet Bulb Thermometer 5 Sensors Natural Wet Bulb Thermometer The natural wet bul b thermometer gives an indication of the effects of humidity on an individual. Relati ve humidity and wind speed are taken into account by measuring the amount of evaporati ve cooling t aking place at a thermometer c overed with a moi stened wick.
Tri - sensor Cal culatio n and R emote Cab le Tri - sensor W eighted Average 6 Tri - sensor C al culation and Remote Cable The top s ensor bar (sensor 1) may be r emoved from the instr ument an d used through a r emote c able.
Tri - sensor Cal culatio n and R emote Cab le Wet Bulb Globe Temperature 7 Measur e ments The QUESTem p ° 34 & 36 data log ging a rea he at stres s mon itor dir ectly s en s es t h e four para me.
Tri - sensor Cal culatio n and R emote Cab le Heat Index/Humidex 8 H eat Index/H umidex The H eat Ind ex is d et er mi n ed u si ng t he d ry b ulb t e m per at ur e a nd re la tiv e hu m id it y .
Operat ing QUES Tempº 34 & 36 View 9 Operati ng QUEST emp º 34 & 36 Use the U p Arrow and D o wn A rrow k e ys to move the marker in t he dis play in front of the desire d mode. Pressi ng the I/O Ent er k e y will sel ect the mode . V iew Displays the measu red data but doe s not log i t.
Operating QUESTempº 34 & 36 Print 10 • Flow : On, Of f . • Index : n one, ACGI H, Navy, E PRI and se lec t either: WBGT i ( indoor), WBGT o ( outdoor ) for Index s ettin g. Index Setting s Explanation TLV and action limit These index settin gs only ap ply to the ACGIH I ndex.
Display ed Items Run 11 Run The run mo de begins a ses sion in me mory and log s the d ata. 1. Begin a s ession by pressing t he R un/Stop key from the view mode ( or measur eme nt view ). An aster isk in th e lower right corner ind icates th e run mode.
Display ed Items Run 12 Screen 2: GLOBE Figure 1 - 10: G lobe scre en Screen 3: WB GTi ( Indoors ) WBGTo (O utdoors ) Figure 1 - 11 : WBG Ti & WBGTo screen Screen 4: RH (Relat ive Hum idity) H.I. or HU ( Heat Index or H umidex ) Figure 1 - 12 : RH and H.
Data Logging St a y Time 13 S tay Time The screen(s) di spl ay ing stay time data a pp ear differ ent f or each of t he poss ible indices (av ailabl e with Q UES T emp º 36 model only).
Prin ting Serial 14 P rinting The recorded data can be sent to a computer thr o ugh the ser i al RS - 232 port or to a parallel print er. Ser ial tran smi ssion requir es 3M cable #54 - 7 15.
Printi ng 15 Figur e 1 -20 : Sample printout (p age 2 ) Session: 3 Page 2 Sensor: 1 Degrees Fahrenhei t Stay Times: ACGIH, Acclimated, WBGTi, clo correction = 1.0 C TIME WBGTi WBGTo WET DRY GLOBE RH HI FLOW L M H VH ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- --- --- ----- --- --- --- --- 11:08 68.
Air F low f unction alit y 16 A ir F low functionalit y (Availabl e using 3M ’s Air Probe on QUES Tempº 3 6 mod el .) Air flow is mea sured i n meters per second ov er a ra nge of 0 t o 20m/s in 0.1m/s inc remen ts. T he sensor sh ould be p laced or held perpe ndic ular in th e air str eam.
Operational Ch eck Operating sequence 17 O perating sequence 1. Turn F low O n in the s etup menu of the QU EST emp ° 36. 2. Plug the Air P robe int o the por t labeled Flow on the si de of t he QUES Temp ° 3 6. 3. Turn on the Air Probe ON and mak e sure th e green lamp i s lit.
Power options 9- Volt Alkaline B att ery Replacement 18 P ower opt i ons There are 3 op tio ns for pow er in g t he Q U ES T e m p º 3 6 : a 9 - v olt al kal in e batte ry , a NiM H (Nick e l M eta l H y dri de ) r ech arge able 6 - cel l ba t t ery pac k, and an A C a dapt er.
Power options NiMH Battery Pack 19 NiMH Battery Pack WARNING: Recharg e batt eries only i n a non - hazardou s env iron ment. The NiM H rechargeabl e batter y pack is charged in the i ns tru ment us ing 3M ’s AC 120V AC to 9V DC ad apter (p art #015 - 91 0 ) or 220V AC t o 9V DC adapter (par t #015 - 680) .
Appendix A: Specifications 20 Appendix A: S peci ficati ons Measurements Globe temp erature , dry bulb t empera ture , w et bulb t emperat ure, % re lativ e humi dity , WBGTin, WBGTout, WBGT weig hted avera ge (if 3 sensor s ets), and H eat In dex / Humidex .
Appendix A: Speci fications 21 Remote Sensor Bars 2 x 15pin D -s ub jacks ar e loca ted on the side of the unit for p lugging in 1 or 2 additional sensor b ars by using rem ote cab les up to 20 0 feet (61m). The top sensor bar can a lso be remo te with a cable.
Product markings and special condition s 22 P roduct mar kings and special condi tions KEMA 04AT EX1072 X <Ex> II 2 G E Ex ia IIC T3 Complian ce with Es sential H ealth and S afety Require ments.
Appendix B: Heat Exposure Tables 23 Appendix B: Heat Exposure Tabl es ACG IH Screening Cr iteri a for Heat S tress Ex posure. WBGT values in ° C. NOTE: accordi ng to the ACGIH ’s guide lines, the temper ature v alues r epresent a work and re st proces s which is explained in the stan d ar ds.
Appendix B: Heat Exposure Tables 24 ACGIH Clothing C orrect ions The follow ing clothin g corr ections are in de grees Cel sius. W hen a clot hing corr ection i s entered in to the s etup port ion of the Q UEST emp ° 36 , the val ue is ad ded to th e W BG T only for looking up the stay times.
Appendix B: Heat Exposure Tables 25 WBGT(F) I II III IV V VI 92.0 4:50 4:10 3:30 2:55 2:15 1:30 93.0 4:25 3:50 3:15 2:40 2:00 1:25 94.0 4:05 3:35 3:00 2:25 1:50 1:15 95.0 3:45 3:15 2:45 2:15 1:45 1:10 96.0 3:25 3:00 2:30 2:05 1:35 1:05 97.0 3:10 2:45 2:20 1:55 1:25 1:00 98.
Appendix B: Heat Exposure Tables 26 E lectri cal power research instit ute ( EPRI) The reco mmended w orking ho urs are s hown base d on a max imum of four ho urs.
Appendix C: Acces sories A ir Probe Accessori es 27 A ppendix C : Acce ssories Sens or arr ay wit h 2 in ch glo be 56- 795 Sens or arr ay wit h 6 in ch glo be 56 - 780 6 Foot s hiel ded re mo te se ns.
Appendix D: Detec tion Mana gement Sof tware DM S DMS Qui ck ove rvie w 28 Appendix D: Detection Ma nagement S oftware DM S The QU ESTem p ° 34/36 has the flex ibilit y to comm unicate, downlo ad data, create rep orts, and s ave cus tomized setu ps using th e 3M TM D etection Managem ent Software DMS.
Appendix D: Detec tion Mana gement S oftware DM S Downloading y our sessions in DM S 29 3. Power on t he QUEST empº 3 6 b y pressing an d holding th e I/O Enter k e y. 4. Open DM S and c lick on button. 5. Selec t Heat Stress and then selec t the Model Type b y clickin g on QT ⁰ 34 or QT ⁰ 36.
Appendix D: Detec tion Mana gement S oftware DM S Viewing/Analy z ing and Quick Reporting in DMS 30 Viewing/ Analyzing and Quick R eporting in DMS In the Data F inder pa ge, your heat str ess data is stor ed by in strument family an d then by model.
Append ix D: Detec tion Mana gement S oftware DM S Reporting and Printing 31 Report ing and Printing If y ou are in the Data f inder page, yo u have the option to selec t button and this will give you a report ins tantaneo usly usi ng a s tandard tem plate of graph s and char ts (also ca lled panels .
32 Appendix D Customer s er vice Contacti ng 3M Inst rumentation Should your 3M equip ment ne ed to be re turned f or repa ir or f or rec alibrati on, plea se contact the servic e depart ment at th e follow ing num ber or ac cess the on line for m via t he website.
Personal Safety Division 3M Detection Solutions 1060 Corporate Center Drive Oconomowoc, WI 53066 ISO 9001 Registered Company ISO 17025 Accredited Calibration Lab Customer Service: 262-567-9157 T oll Free: 800-245-0779 www .3m.com/detection 3M is a t radem ark of 3 M C ompany used u nder lice nse in C anada .
デバイス3M 34の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
3M 34をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこには3M 34の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。3M 34の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。3M 34で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
3M 34を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又は3M 34の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、3M 34に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわち3M 34デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。