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VoIP Singlew ire-enabled Ceiling Spea ker Opera tions G uide Part Num be r 011102 * , RAL 9002, Gray White, Sta ndard 01110 3 , R AL 9003 , Sign al Wh it e, Optio nal *R epla ces the 0 110 65 n umb er. Do cu me n t P a r t # 93032 0C for Fir mware V ersion 1.
CyberD ata Corporat ion 930 320 C Oper ation s Gui de V o IP Sing lewire-enabled C eiling Spea k er Operations Guide 930320C Part # 011102*, RAL 9002, G r ay Wh ite, Standard 011103, RA L 9003, Signal Wh ite, Optional *Replaces the 0110 65 number . COPYRIGHT NOTICE: © 20 10, CyberData Corpor ation , ALL R I GHTS R ESER VED.
CyberD ata Corporat ion 930 320 C Oper ation s Gui de Revision History Revision Date Released Description of Ch anges A 12/18/ 2009 This is the first re lease of the manua l .
CyberD ata Corporat ion 930 320 C Oper ation s Gui de Impor tant Safety I nstru ctions 1. Read thes e instru ctions. 2. Keep thes e instruc tions. 3. Heed all war nings. 4. Fo llow a ll inst ructio ns. 5. Do not use this a pparatus near water . 6. Cle an onl y wit h dr y cl oth .
CyberD ata Corporat ion 930 320 C Oper ation s Gui de Pictor i al Al ert Icons Hazard Lev els Danger: Indi cates an imminent ly hazardous situation which, i f not avoided, wil l r esult in death or serious i nj ury . This is limited to the most ex treme situatio ns.
CyberD ata Corporat ion 930 320 C Oper ation s Gui de Abbreviations an d T er ms Abbreviation or T er m Defini tion A-la w A standar d companding al gorit hm, used in Euro pean digi t al comm unicatio ns system s to opt imiz e, i.e . , modify , the d ynamic range of an analo g sign al f or digitizi ng.
i Oper ati ons Gu ide 9 3032 0C Cy ber Da ta Co rpo ra ti on Chapter 1 Product Overview 1 1.1 How to Identify This Pr od uct ................ .................. .................. ................. .................. ....... ........... ..... 2 1.2 Installat ion .
1 Oper ati ons Gu ide 9 3032 0C Cy ber Da ta Co rpo ra ti on 1 Product Overview The Cyber Data Singlewi re- enabled Speaker i s a Power - over -E the r net (Po E 802.3af ) and V oic e-over - IP ( V oIP ) pub lic addr ess lo udspeaker that ea sily co nnect s into existi ng lo cal ar e a network s wi th a s ingl e CA T5 cab l e co nn e ction.
Prod u c t Overv iew Ho w to Iden tify Th is P rodu ct Oper ati ons Gu ide 9 3032 0C Cy ber Da ta Co rpo ra ti on 2 1. 1 How to Ident ify Thi s P rod uct T o iden ti fy the V oIP Si ngle wi re -en abl ed C eil ing Sp eak er , lo ok f or a m od el nu m be r la bel sim ila r to the one sho wn in Figur e 1-1 .
Prod u c t Overv iew Inst allation Oper ati ons Gu ide 9 3032 0C Cy ber Da ta Co rpo ra ti on 3 1. 2 Ins ta llat ion Figur e 1-2 illust rates a ty pi cal c onfigur ati o ns f o r the Singl ewire- enab led Spe aker. Figure 1-2. T ypical Installation See the f ollowing secti ons for ot her installati on options: ● Secti on 2.
Prod u c t Overv iew Support ed P rotocol s Oper ati ons Gu ide 9 3032 0C Cy ber Da ta Co rpo ra ti on 4 1.4 S upported Protocols The Singlew i re- enabled Spea ker su pports: •M u l t i c a s t •D H C P C l i e n t Dynamically assigns IP addr esses in add iti o n to the optio n to use stat ic addr essing.
Prod u c t Overv iew Di mensi ons Oper ati ons Gu ide 9 3032 0C Cy ber Da ta Co rpo ra ti on 5 1. 6 Dime ns ions Figur e 1-3 sho ws the dimensions for the Singlewir e-enabled Speaker.
6 Oper ati ons Gu ide 9 3032 0C Cy ber Da ta Co rpo ra ti on 2 Installing the Singlew ire-enabled Speaker 2. 1 Par ts List Ta b l e 2- 1 ill ustrat es the p arts for e ach speak er and includ es kits for t he d r op c eiling a nd dry wall mount in g.
I nsta lling the S inglewire -enabl ed Speaker Devic e Con f igu rat ion Oper ati ons Gu ide 9 3032 0C Cy ber Da ta Co rpo ra ti on 7 2. 2 Devi ce Con figu r a ti on Set up a nd confi gure eac h speaker be fore you mount it. Cyber Data de live rs each sp eaker wi th th e fo llowing facto ry def ault va lues : 2.
I nsta lling the S inglewire -enabl ed Speaker Devic e Con f igu rat ion Oper ati ons Gu ide 9 3032 0C Cy ber Da ta Co rpo ra ti on 8 2.2. 1.2 Singlew ire-en abled Speak er (wi th PoE Injec tor) to a 802.
I nsta lling the S inglewire -enabl ed Speaker Devic e Con f igu rat ion Oper ati ons Gu ide 9 3032 0C Cy ber Da ta Co rpo ra ti on 9 Running the Singlewire-enable d Speaker with Auxiliary Power In Figure 2- 6 , the power f or the Si nglewir e-enabl ed Speaker can either come fr om an 802 .
I nsta lling the S inglewire -enabl ed Speaker Devic e Con f igu rat ion Oper ati ons Gu ide 9 3032 0C Cy ber Da ta Co rpo ra ti on 10 2.2.2 Ins talla tion O ptions Figur e 2-7 through Figur e 2-8 il lust rate s vari ous insta llation op tion s for the Singlewi re-enabl ed Spe a ke r.
I nsta lling the S inglewire -enabl ed Speaker Devic e Con f igu rat ion Oper ati ons Gu ide 9 3032 0C Cy ber Da ta Co rpo ra ti on 11 2.2. 2.2 Si ngl ewir e-en ab le d Speake r with Line Out In Figur.
I nsta lling the S inglewire -enabl ed Speaker Devic e Con f igu rat ion Oper ati ons Gu ide 9 3032 0C Cy ber Da ta Co rpo ra ti on 12 2.2.3 Confirm that the Speak er is Operati onal and Lin ked to the Network Afte r connecti ng the s peaker to the 802.
I nsta lling the S inglewire -enabl ed Speaker Devic e Con f igu rat ion Oper ati ons Gu ide 9 3032 0C Cy ber Da ta Co rpo ra ti on 13 2.2.4 C onfir m the IP Addr ess, T est the Audio, and Check the V olu m e 2.
I nsta lling the S inglewire -enabl ed Speaker Devic e Con f igu rat ion Oper ati ons Gu ide 9 3032 0C Cy ber Da ta Co rpo ra ti on 14 2.2.5 Ad just the V olum e T o adjust the speaker volume, turn the Vo l u m e contr o l dial ( Figure 2-1 1 ) on the sp eaker face.
I nsta lling the S inglewire -enabl ed Speaker Devic e Con f igu rat ion Oper ati ons Gu ide 9 3032 0C Cy ber Da ta Co rpo ra ti on 15 2.2.6 How to Set the Factory Defau lt Settings 2.
I nsta lling the S inglewire -enabl ed Speaker Config ure the S peaker Para m e t e rs Oper ati ons Gu ide 9 3032 0C Cy ber Da ta Co rpo ra ti on 16 2. 3 Conf igur e th e Speak er Pa rameter s T o c onfigur e the speaker online, use a standard web bro wser .
I nsta lling the S inglewire -enabl ed Speaker Config ure the S peaker Para m e t e rs Oper ati ons Gu ide 9 3032 0C Cy ber Da ta Co rpo ra ti on 17 2 .3.1 Log in to th e Co nfigu rati on Ho me P age 1. Open your br owser to the Singlewire-ena bled Speaker IP a ddress.
I nsta lling the S inglewire -enabl ed Speaker Config ure the S peaker Para m e t e rs Oper ati ons Gu ide 9 3032 0C Cy ber Da ta Co rpo ra ti on 18 3. O n t he Home Pag e , re v iew the setu p details a nd navigation b uttons described i n Ta b l e 2-4 .
I nsta lling the S inglewire -enabl ed Speaker Config ure the S peaker Para m e t e rs Oper ati ons Gu ide 9 3032 0C Cy ber Da ta Co rpo ra ti on 19 2.4 Upg rad e the Fi r mwar e an d R ebo ot the Sing lew ir e- enabl e d S peake r T o upl oad th e S ing le wire -en ab led Sp ea ke r fi rmw are from yo ur P C: 1.
I nsta lling the S inglewire -enabl ed Speaker Config ure the S peaker Para m e t e rs Oper ati ons Gu ide 9 3032 0C Cy ber Da ta Co rpo ra ti on 20 6. C lic k t he Upda te F irmwa re button to open the Upgra d e Firmware page. See Figur e 2 -14 . Figure 2-14.
I nsta lling the S inglewire -enabl ed Speaker Config ure the S peaker Para m e t e rs Oper ati ons Gu ide 9 3032 0C Cy ber Da ta Co rpo ra ti on 21 Ta b l e 2- 5 shows the web page items on the Upgr ade Firmware page. T able 2-5. F irmware Upgrade Parameters W eb P age It em Description Fi rmw ar e V ers ion Shows the cur r en t firmware v ersion.
I nsta lling the S inglewire -enabl ed Speaker Config ure the S peaker Para m e t e rs Oper ati ons Gu ide 9 3032 0C Cy ber Da ta Co rpo ra ti on 22 2.4.1 R eboot the Singlewire- en a bled Spea ker T o re b oo t a S in g le w ire -e n ab le d Sp e a ke r, l og in t o th e we b pa ge a s i ns t ru c te d i n Sect ion 2.
I nsta lling the S inglewire -enabl ed Speaker Ident ifyin g a nd Testin g a Ceili ng Spe aker when Usi ng Info rmaCast 4.0 or Late r Oper ati ons Gu ide 9 3032 0C Cy ber Da ta Co rpo ra ti on 23 2.5 Identif ying and T esting a Ceiling Speaker when Usin g Infor maCast 4.
I nsta lling the S inglewire -enabl ed Speaker Ident ifyin g a nd Testin g a Ceili ng Spe aker when Usi ng Info rmaCast 4.0 or Late r Oper ati ons Gu ide 9 3032 0C Cy ber Da ta Co rpo ra ti on 24 2. O n t he IP Speaker Confi gurati on pa ge, InformaCast will indicate t hat it has detected new speaker s.
I nsta lling the S inglewire -enabl ed Speaker Ident ifyin g a nd Testin g a Ceili ng Spe aker when Usi ng Info rmaCast 4.0 or Late r Oper ati ons Gu ide 9 3032 0C Cy ber Da ta Co rpo ra ti on 25 3. Th e IP Speaker C onfiguration page will show four newly detected spea kers.
I nsta lling the S inglewire -enabl ed Speaker Ident ifyin g a nd Testin g a Ceili ng Spe aker when Usi ng Info rmaCast 4.0 or Late r Oper ati ons Gu ide 9 3032 0C Cy ber Da ta Co rpo ra ti on 26 4. O n t he Te s t IP Sp eaker pa ge, Enter a number into the T e st duration field.
I nsta lling the S inglewire -enabl ed Speaker Ident ifyin g a nd Testin g a Ceili ng Spe aker when Usi ng Info rmaCast 4.0 or Late r Oper ati ons Gu ide 9 3032 0C Cy ber Da ta Co rpo ra ti on 27 8. O n t he IP Speak er C on fi gurati on p a ge, Click Ad d to add a s peaker to the InformaCas t server .
I nsta lling the S inglewire -enabl ed Speaker Ident ifyin g a nd Testin g a Ceili ng Spe aker when Usi ng Info rmaCast 4.0 or Late r Oper ati ons Gu ide 9 3032 0C Cy ber Da ta Co rpo ra ti on 28 9. O n t he Add IP Speak er page, Fil l out ap propri ate fields and c lick Add .
29 Oper ati ons Gu ide 9 3032 0C Cy ber Da ta Co rpo ra ti on Appendix A: Mounting the Speaker A. 1 Mo un t th e Spe aker Befor e you m o unt the speaker , make sure that yo u have r eceived all the parts for each speaker . R efer to Ta b l e A- 1 and Ta b l e A- 2 .
Mo unt the Spea ker Oper ati ons Gu ide 9 3032 0C Cy ber Da ta Co rpo ra ti on 30 T o mount the s peaker: 1. Use the TEMPLA T E to cut the speaker hole a nd pr epare ho les for the scr ews ( Figure A-1 ). This template is located on the back page of the Installation Quick Refer ence Gu id e tha t is deliver ed with eac h sp ea ker .
Mo unt the Spea ker Oper ati ons Gu ide 9 3032 0C Cy ber Da ta Co rpo ra ti on 31 2. Plug the Ethernet c abl e into the Speaker As sembly . Secti o n 2.2 .3, "C onfir m that th e Speaker is Op era tio na l an d Li nk ed to t he N etw or k" explains how the Link and St atus LEDs work.
32 Oper ati ons Gu ide 9 3032 0C Cy ber Da ta Co rpo ra ti on Appendix B: Setting up a TFTP Server B.1 S et u p a TFTP Se rver Upgradin g the firmwar e re q u ires a TFT P server on whic h you access t he W eb interfac e where yo u can up load the fi rmware fi les.
33 Oper ati ons Gu ide 9 3032 0C Cy ber Da ta Co rpo ra ti on Appendix C: Troubleshooting/Technic al Support C.1 F req uent ly Ask ed Que stions ( F AQ) T o se e a list of fr equently asked questi o ns , go to the follo wing URL: htt p://www .cyberda ta.
Cont act Inf ormat ion Oper ati ons Gu ide 9 3032 0C Cy ber Da ta Co rpo ra ti on 34 C.3 Con tact Infor mation Contact CyberDat a Co r porati o n 2555 G ard en Roa d Monter ey , CA 93940 USA www .
Warra nty Oper ati ons Gu ide 9 3032 0C Cy ber Da ta Co rpo ra ti on 35 C.4.1 W arranty & RMA Returns within the U nited Sta tes If s erv ic e is req uire d, yo u mu st co nt act Cy be rDa ta T e chn ica l Sup po rt pri or to re tu rni ng any pr oduct s to CyberDa ta.
Opera tion s Guid e 9 30320 C CyberD ata Corporatio n 36 Ind ex Symbols #8 fender was her s 29, 31 #8 nylo n thumb nuts 29 , 31 #8 sheet metal screws 29 , 31 Numerics 8- 32 x 1 1 / 4" m o unt in .
Opera tion s Guid e 9 30320 C CyberD ata Corporatio n 37 L lin k LED 31 Linux, setting up a TFT P serv er on 32 log in a d dr ess 17 M mounti ng a s peaker 29 N network link ac tivity, verifyi ng 12 O.
Opera tion s Guid e 9 30320 C CyberD ata Corporatio n 38 de fau lt fo r web con fi gura t ion a cc ess 17 resto rin g the d efaul t 7, 1 6 util it ies 33 V ver ify in g network link and activit y 12 p.
デバイスCyberData 11103の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
CyberData 11103をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはCyberData 11103の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。CyberData 11103の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。CyberData 11103で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
CyberData 11103を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はCyberData 11103の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、CyberData 11103に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちCyberData 11103デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。