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i D-Link DAP-3520 User Manual D-Link reser v es the right to revise this pub lication and to mak e changes in the content hereof without ob ligation to notify any person or organization of such re visions or changes.
ii D-Link DAP-3520 User Manual T able of Contents Preface ........................................................................... i Manual Re visions ..................................................... i T rademarks .............................
iii D-Link DAP-3520 User Manual Login Settings .............................................. 55 Console Settings .......................................... 56 SNMP Settings ............................................. 57 Ping Control Setting .......
1 D-Link DAP-3520 User Manual Product Over view Note: Using a pow er supply with a different v oltage rating than the one included with the access point will cause damage and void the w arranty f or this product.
2 D-Link DAP-3520 User Manual Network Requirements • An Ether net-based Cab le or DSL modem • IEEE 802.11n-draft or 802.11g wireless clients • IEEE 802.
3 D-Link DAP-3520 User Manual Introduction The D AP-3520 802.11a/n or b/g/n s witchab le AP increases productivity by allowing you to work f aster and more efficiently .
4 D-Link DAP-3520 User Manual Features • F aster Wireless Netw orking - The D AP-3520 provides up to 300Mbps* wireless connection with other 802.11n wireless clients. This capability allows users to par ticipate in real-time activities online, such as video streaming, onlin e gaming , and real-time audio .
5 D-Link DAP-3520 User Manual Five Operational Modes Operation Mode (Only suppor ts 1 mode at a time) Function Access Point (AP) Create a wireless LAN WDS with AP Wirelessly connect multiple networks while still functioning as a wireless AP WDS Wirelessly connect multiple networks.
6 D-Link DAP-3520 User Manual Connecting PoE (Power over Ethernet) Connect one end of an Ether net cab le (included with y our package) to the LAN por t on the D AP-3520 and the other end of the Ethernet cab le to either y our computer or to your P oE s witch.
7 D-Link DAP-3520 User Manual LED Color Status Description Power Green Solid Green The device is ready . Light Off The device is powering off. Red Blinking Red The device is booting up. LAN Green Solid Green The link is up. Blinking Green Data is being transmitted.
8 D-Link DAP-3520 User Manual T o configure the D AP-3520, use a computer which is connected to the D AP-3520 with an Ether net cable (see the Network La y out diagram). First, disab le the option of accessing the Inter net using a pro xy server function.
9 D-Link DAP-3520 User Manual Star t your w eb browser (Internet Explorer , Mozilla Firefo x). T ype the IP address of the D AP-3520 in the address field ( ) and press Enter . Mak e sure that the IP addresses of the D AP-3520 and y our computer are in the same subnet.
10 D-Link DAP-3520 User Manual After successfully logging into the D AP-3520, the follo wing screen will appear : When making changes on most of the configuration screens in this section, use the Apply b utton at the bottom of each screen to sa ve your configur ation changes.
11 D-Link DAP-3520 User Manual W i r e l e s s S e tt i n g s Wireless Band: Select ei ther 2.4GHz or 5.0GHz from the drop-down menu. Mode: Select Access P oint from the drop-down menu. The other f our choices are WDS with AP , WDS , Wireless Client , and WISP Client Router .
12 D-Link DAP-3520 User Manual Channel Width: Allows y ou to select the channel width you would like to operate in. Select 20 MHz if you are not using any 802.11n wireless clients or select A uto 20/40 MHz to use both 802.11n and non-802.11n wireless de vices on y our network.
13 D-Link DAP-3520 User Manual WDS with AP mode Wireless Band: Select either 2.4 GHz or 5 GHz from the drop-down men u. Mode: WDS with AP mode is selected from the drop-down men u. Network Name (SSID): Ser vice Set Identifier (SSID) is the name designated for a sp ec ific w ire le ss l oca l ar ea ne two r k (W LAN ).
14 D-Link DAP-3520 User Manual Channel Width: Allows y ou to select the channel width you would like to operate in. Select 20 MHz if you are not using any 802.11n wireless clients or select A uto 20/40 MHz to use both 802.11n and non-802.11n wireless de vices on y our network.
15 D-Link DAP-3520 User Manual WDS mode In WDS mode, the D AP-3520 wirelessly connects multiple networks, without functioning as a wireless AP . Wireless Band: Select either 2.4GHz or 5GHz from the drop-down men u. Mode: WDS mode is selected from the drop-down menu.
16 D-Link DAP-3520 User Manual Channel Width: Allows y ou to select the channel width you would like to operate in. Select 20 MHz if you are not using any 802.11n wireless clients or select A uto 20/40 MHz to use both 802.11n and non-802.11n wireless de vices on y our network.
17 D-Link DAP-3520 User Manual Wireless Client Mode Wireless Band: Select either 2.4GHz or 5GHz from the drop-down men u. Mode: Wi re les s Cl ie nt m ode i s se le ct ed f rom t he d ro p-d own menu. Network Name (SSID): Ser vice Set Identifier (SSID) is the name designated f or a specific wireless local area network (WLAN).
18 D-Link DAP-3520 User Manual Site Survey: Site Sur ve y will displa y av ailable wireless networks. Click on the Scan b utton to search for a vailab le wireless networks, then click on the name of the wireless network that you w ant to connect to . Clone MAC Address: Click Enable to allow you to clone a MA C address to the access point.
19 D-Link DAP-3520 User Manual Site Survey: Site Sur ve y will displa y av ailable wireless networks. Click on the Scan b utton to search for a vailab le wireless networks, then click on the name of a wireless network that you w ant to connect to . Clone MAC Address: Click Enable to allow you to clone a MA C address to the access point.
20 D-Link DAP-3520 User Manual WEP Encr yption * He xadecimal (HEX) digits consist of the numbers 0-9 and the letters A-F . ** ASCII (American Standard Code for Inf or mation Interchange) is a code that represents English letters using numbers r anging from 0-127.
21 D-Link DAP-3520 User Manual WP A-Personal Authentication WP A Mode: When WP A-P ersonal is selected f or A uthentication type, you must also select a WP A mode from the drop-down menu: A UT O (WP A or WP A2) , WP A2 Only , or WP A Only . WP A and WP A2 use diff erent algorithms.
22 D-Link DAP-3520 User Manual WP A-Enterprise Authentication WP A Mode: Wh en WP A- En te rpr is e is se lec te d, y ou mu st als o sele ct a W P A mod e from the drop-do wn menu: A UT O (WP A or WP A2) , WP A2 Only , or WP A Only . WP A and WP A2 use different algor ithms.
23 D-Link DAP-3520 User Manual LAN LAN is shor t for Local Area Network. This is considered your inter nal network. These are the IP settings of the LAN interface f or the D AP-3520. These settings ma y be ref erred to as pr iv ate settings. Y ou ma y change the LAN IP address if needed.
24 D-Link DAP-3520 User Manual Advanced Settings *Maximum wireless signal rate deriv ed from IEEE Standard 802.11 specifications . Actual data throughput ma y vary .
25 D-Link DAP-3520 User Manual T ransmit Power: This setting determines the power lev el of the wireless transmis sion. T rans mitting pow er can be adjusted to eliminate ov er lap ping of wi reless area co verage between two access points where interf erence is a major concer n.
26 D-Link DAP-3520 User Manual Multi-SSID The de vice suppor ts up to f our multiple Ser vice Set Identifiers. Y ou can set the Primar y SSID in the Basic > Wireless section. The SSID’ s f actor y def ault setting is dlink . The SSID can be easily changed to connect to an e xisting wireless network or to estab lish a new wireless network.
27 D-Link DAP-3520 User Manual Priority: Select the desired prior ity from the drop-down men u. WMM (Wi-Fi Multimedia): Select Enable or Disable . Encryption: When y ou select Open System or Shared Ke y , toggle between Enable and Disable .
28 D-Link DAP-3520 User Manual PassPhrase: When you select WP A-P ersonal , please enter a P assPhrase in the corresponding field. Confirm PassPhrase: When you select WP A-P ersonal , please re-enter the P assPhrase entered in the pre vious item in the corresponding field.
29 D-Link DAP-3520 User Manual VLAN The D AP-3520 suppor ts VLANs . VLANs can be created with a Name and VID . Mgmt (TCP stac k), LAN, Primar y/Multiple SSID , and WDS connection can be assigned to VLANs as the y are ph ysical por ts. An y pack et which enters the D AP-3520 without a VLAN tag will hav e a VLAN tag inser ted with a PVID .
30 D-Link DAP-3520 User Manual Port List The P or t List tab displa ys the current por ts. If y ou want to configure the guest and inter nal networks on a Vir tual LAN (VLAN), the s witch and DHCP ser ver y ou are using must also suppor t VLANs.
31 D-Link DAP-3520 User Manual Add/Edit VLAN The Add/Edit VLAN tab is used to configure VLANs. Once you hav e made the desired changes, click the Appl y b utton to let your changes take eff ect. VLAN Status: Use the radio b utton to toggle to Enable .
32 D-Link DAP-3520 User Manual PVID Setting The PVID Setting tab is used to enable/disab le the P or t VLAN Identifier A uto Assign Status as w ell as to configure v ar ious types of PVID settings. Click the Apply b utton to let your changes tak e eff ect.
33 D-Link DAP-3520 User Manual Intrusion AP List: The choices include All , V alid , Neighbor , Rogue , and New . Detect: Click this b utton to initiate a scan of the network. The Wireless Intr usion Protection window is used to set APs as All , V alid , Neighborhood , Rogue , and New .
34 D-Link DAP-3520 User Manual Schedule The Wireless Schedule Settings window is used to add and modify scheduling r ules on the de vice. Clic k the Apply button to let your changes take eff ect. Wireless Schedule: Select Enable or Disable from the drop-do wn menu.
35 D-Link DAP-3520 User Manual QoS QoS (Quality of Service): Enable this option if you want to allow QoS to pr ioritize your traffic Priority Classifiers. HTTP: Allows the access point to recognize HTTP transf ers f or man y common audio and video streams and pr ioritize them abov e other traffic.
36 D-Link DAP-3520 User Manual Protocol: Use the drop-down men u to choose the appropriate protocol used by the messages: Any , TCP , UDP , Both , IMCP , or Other . Host 1 IP Range: The rule applies to a flow of messages f or which one computer’ s IP address f alls within the range set here .
37 D-Link DAP-3520 User Manual Dynamic Pool Settings Function Enable/Disable: Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) assigns dynamic IP addresses to de vices on the network. This protocol simplifies networ k management and allows new wireless de vices to receive IP addresses automatically without the need to manually assign new IP addresses .
38 D-Link DAP-3520 User Manual Gateway: Enter the IP address of the gatew ay on the netw or k. WINS: Specify the Windows Inter net Naming Ser vice (WINS) ser ver address f or the wireless netw or k. WINS is a system that deter mines the IP address of a network computer that has a dynamically assigned IP address.
39 D-Link DAP-3520 User Manual Static Pool Setting Function Enable/Disable: Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) assigns I P a d dr e ss e s t o w i re l es s dev i ce s o n t h e n e tw o r k.
40 D-Link DAP-3520 User Manual WINS: Specify the Windows Inter net Naming Ser vice (WINS) ser ver address f or the wireless netw or k. WINS INS is a system that deter mines the IP address of a network computer with a dynamically assigned IP address, if applicab le.
41 D-Link DAP-3520 User Manual Current IP Mapping List This window displa ys information about the current assigned DHCP dynamic and static IP address pools. This inf or mation is av ailable when you enab le DHCP ser ver on the AP and assign dynamic and static IP address pools .
42 D-Link DAP-3520 User Manual Filters Wireless Band: Displays the current wireless band rate. Access Control List: Select Disable to disable the filters function. Sel ect Ac cept to ac cept on ly t hose de vice s w ith MAC addresses in the Access Control List.
43 D-Link DAP-3520 User Manual WLAN Partition Wireless Band: Displa ys the current wireless band rate . Link Integrity: Select Enable or Disable . Ethernet to WLAN Access: The def ault is Enable . When disabled, all data from the Ether net to associated wireless de vices will be bloc ked.
44 D-Link DAP-3520 User Manual Status Device Information: Th is r ead -on ly w ind ow d isp lay s th e c on fig ura ti on se tt ing s of th e D AP -3 52 0, in cl u di ng t h e f ir m wa re v er s io n a n d t he device's MAC address.
45 D-Link DAP-3520 User Manual Client Information Client Information: T h i s w i n d o w d i s p l a y s t h e w i r e l e s s c l i e n t i n f o r m a ti o n f o r clients currently connected to the DAP-3520. T h e f o l l o w i n g i n f o r m a t i o n i s a v a i l a b l e f o r e a c h c l i e n t communicating with the DAP-3520.
46 D-Link DAP-3520 User Manual WDS Information WDS Information: T h i s w i n d o w d i s p l a y s t h e W i r e l e s s D i s t r i b u t i o n System information for clients currently connected to the DAP-3520. T h e f o l l o w i n g i n f o r m a t i o n i s a v a i l a b l e f o r e a c h client communicating with the DAP-3520.
47 D-Link DAP-3520 User Manual Stats Ethernet T raffic Statistics: This page displays transmitted and received count statistics f or pack ets and bytes .
48 D-Link DAP-3520 User Manual WLAN WLAN T raffic Statistics: This page displa ys wireless network statistics f or data throughput, transmitted and received frames , and frame errors .
49 D-Link DAP-3520 User Manual View Log: The AP’ s embedded memory displa ys system and network messages including a time stamp and message type. The log information includes b ut is not limited to the follo wing items: cold star t AP , upgrading fir mw are, client associate and disassociate with AP , and web lo gin.
50 D-Link DAP-3520 User Manual Log Settings Log Server/IP Address: Enter the IP address of the ser v er y ou would like to send the D AP-3520 log to . Log T ype: Check the bo x for the type of activity you want to log. There are three types: System Activity , Wireless Activity , and Notice.
51 D-Link DAP-3520 User Manual User Name: Enter an appropriate user name for y our e-mail account. Password: Enter an appropriate passw ord f or your e-mail account. Confirm Password: Retype the pass word f or your e-mail account. Schedule: Use the drop-down men u to select the n umber of hours bef ore mail will be sent to the ser v er .
52 D-Link DAP-3520 User Manual Administrator Settings Check one or more of the six main categories t o d i s p l a y t h e v a r i o u s h i d d e n a d m i n i s t r a t o r parameters and settings display ed on the ne xt fiv e pages.
53 D-Link DAP-3520 User Manual Limit Administrator Limit Administrator VLAN ID: Check the box pro vided and then enter the specific VLAN ID that the administrator will be allo wed to log in from. Limit Administrator IP: Check to enab le the Limit Administrator IP address.
54 D-Link DAP-3520 User Manual System Name Settings: Each o f the s ix main categor ies dis play va rious hidden administrator parameters and settings. System Name: The name of the device. The default name is D-Link DAP-3520 . Location: The physical location of the device, e.
55 D-Link DAP-3520 User Manual Login Settings Each of the six main categories display various hidden administrator parameters and settings. User Name: Enter a user name. The default is admin . Old Password: When changing your password, enter the old password here.
56 D-Link DAP-3520 User Manual Console Settings E a c h o f t h e s i x m a i n c a t e g o r i e s d i s p l a y v a r i o u s h i d d e n administrator parameters and settings. Status: Status is enabled by default. Uncheck the box to disable the console.
57 D-Link DAP-3520 User Manual SNMP Settings E a c h o f t h e s i x m a i n c a t e g o r i e s d i s p l a y v a r i o u s h i d d e n administrator parameters and settings. Status: Check the box to enable the SNMP functions. This is enabled by default.
58 D-Link DAP-3520 User Manual Ping Control Setting E ac h o f t h e s i x m a in c a t eg o r ie s d i sp l a y v a r io u s h i dd e n administrator parameters and settings.
59 D-Link DAP-3520 User Manual Firmware and SSL Certification Upload Upload Firmware From Local Hard Drive: Th e cu rre nt fi r m w ar e v er si on is d isp la y ed a bo v e th e fil e lo cat ion fi e l d.
60 D-Link DAP-3520 User Manual Configuration File Upload File: C l i ck t h e B ro w s e b u t t on t o l o c a t e a p r ev i o u s l y s a ve d configuration file on y our local computer . After selecting the file, click Upload to apply the configuration settings to the D AP-3520.
61 D-Link DAP-3520 User Manual T ime and Date Current Time: Displa ys the current time and date settings. Time Zone: Us e t he d ro p- do wn m e nu t o s el e ct yo u r c or re c t T im e Zone. Enable Daylight Saving: Check the bo x to Enable Da ylight Saving Time .
62 D-Link DAP-3520 User Manual System Restart the Device: Click Restart to restar t the D AP-3520. Restore to Factory Default Settings: Click Restore to restore the D AP-3520 bac k to f actor y def ault settings.
63 D-Link DAP-3520 User Manual Help Help: S c r o l l d o w n t h e H e l p p a g e fo r t o p i c s a n d e xplanations..
64 D-Link DAP-3520 User Manual T roubleshooting This chapter pro vides solutions to probl ems that can occur during the installation and oper ation of the D AP-3520 Wireless Access P oint. W e will co ver v ar ious aspects of the network setup , especially the network adapters .
65 D-Link DAP-3520 User Manual 2. The wireless client cannot access the Internet within Infrastructure mode. Make sure the wireless client is associated and joined with the correct access point. T o chec k this connection, r ight-clic k on the Local Area Connection icon in the taskbar and select View A vailab le Wireless Networks.
66 D-Link DAP-3520 User Manual 3. What v ariables may cause m y wireless products to lose reception? D-Link products let you access your networ k from vir tually anywhere you want, how e v er , the positioning of the products within your environment will aff ect its wireless range .
67 D-Link DAP-3520 User Manual T echnical Specifications *Maximum wireless signal rate deriv ed from IEEE Standard 802.11 specifications . Actual data throughput ma y vary .
68 D-Link DAP-3520 User Manual Radio and Modulation T ype F or 802.11a/g/n: • BPSK, QPSK, 16QAM, and 64QAM with OFDM F or 802.11b: • DQPSK, DBPSK, DSSS, and CCK Embedded Directional Antenna P eak Gain • 8dBi Gain @2.4GHz • 10dBi Gain @5GHz Maximum T ransmit Output P ower • 17 dBm@ 2.
69 D-Link DAP-3520 User Manual W arranty Subject to the ter ms and conditions set f or th herein, D-Link Systems, Inc. (“D-Link”) provides this Limited W arranty: • Only to the person or entity .
70 D-Link DAP-3520 User Manual D-Link fur ther warrants that, during the Software W arranty P er iod, the magnetic media on which D-Link delivers the Software will be free of ph ysical defects .
71 D-Link DAP-3520 User Manual • The customer is responsible f or all in-bound shipping charges to D-Link. No Cash on Deliver y (“COD”) is allowed. Products sent COD wil l eith er be rejected by D-Link or become the proper ty of D-Link. Products shall be fully insured by the customer and shipped to D-Link Systems, Inc.
73 D-Link DAP-3520 User Manual FCC Statement: This equipment has been tested and f ound to comply with the limits for a Class B digital de vice, pursuant to par t 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reaso nab le protection against har mful interference in a residential installatio n.
74 D-Link DAP-3520 User Manual Industry Canada Notice: This de vice complies with RSS-210 of the Industr y Canada Rules. Operation is subject to the f ollowing tw o conditions: (1) This de vice ma y n.
75 D-Link DAP-3520 User Manual T echnical Support Y ou can find software updates and user documentation on the D-Link website . U .S. and Canadian customers can contact D-Link technical suppor t through our website, or b y phone.
76 D-Link DAP-3520 User Manual V ersion 1.0 March 6, 2009 Product registration is entirely voluntary and failure to complete or retur n this f or m will not diminish your warr anty rights.
デバイスD-Link DAP-3520の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
D-Link DAP-3520をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはD-Link DAP-3520の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。D-Link DAP-3520の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。D-Link DAP-3520で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
D-Link DAP-3520を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はD-Link DAP-3520の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、D-Link DAP-3520に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちD-Link DAP-3520デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。