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DES-1228P 24-Port 10/100M bps PoE Web Smart Switch with 4 -Port 1 0/100/ 1000Base-T and 2-Port Combo SF P User Manual V1.20.
i i TABLE OF CONTENTS About This Guide. ........... ..................................................................... 1 Purpose ................. ........................................................... ................ 1 Terms/Usage ..........
i i i i Ins ta lling th e SmartConso le Utili ty ......................... ....................... 22 SmartC onsole Utility Feat ures ...................................... ................. 2 3 Menu Toolba r............... ...........................
i i i i i i Security > Broadcast St orm Cont rol ................ .......................... 54 Security > 802.1X Setti ng ................... ...................... ................. 54 Security > Mac Address Table > St atic Mac .........
1 1 ABOUT THIS GUIDE Thank you and congr atulations on your purchase of the DES-1228P 24-Por t 10/100M bps Fast Ethernet + 4 10/100/10 00Base-T Po rts and 2 Co mb o SFP PoE W eb-Smart Sw itch. This device in tegrates 1000Mbp s Gigabit Eth ernet, 100Mbps F ast Ethernet and 10M bps Ethernet network cap abilities in a hi ghly flexible pa ckage.
2 2 INTRODUCTION This chapter will d escribe the featur es of the DES-1228P and pro vide some ba ckgroun d informa tion a bout Et herne t/Fast Et hernet /Gigabit Ethernet switchi ng techno logy. Gigabit Ethernet Technology Giga bit Ethe rnet is an exte nsion of IEEE 8 02.
3 3 In additi on, the phe nome nal ban dwidth de livere d by Giga bit Ethe rnet is the m ost c ost-effe ctive metho d to tak e adva ntage of to day a nd tomorrow’s rapid ly improving switc hing and rou ting internetwo rking technologies.
4 4 Switching Technology Another approach to push beyond the limits of Ethernet technology is the develo pment of switchi ng technol ogy. A switch b ridges Ether net packets a t the M AC addr ess level of th e E thernet protoco l tra nsmitting among connected Ethernet or Fast Ethernet LAN segm ents.
5 5 PoE is alr eady widely adop ted in the market, saving up to 50% of overa ll install ation c osts b y elim inating t he nee d to i nst all se parate electrical wiring and power ou tlets.
6 6 ♦ Easy c onfi gurati on vi a Web B rowser ♦ Easy settin g via SmartConso le Utility ♦ Firmware ba c kup and u pload via We b GUI ♦ System reboot via Web GU I ♦ Provides parall el LED display for port status such as link/act, speed, etc.
7 7 1. IEEE 802.3u compliance 2. Supports Full-Duplex operations at 10/100Mbps, and 1000Mbps only on SFP ports Combo p orts i n the front panel - 2 Combo 1000Base-T /SFP ports -1000Base- T ports complian t to the following s tandards: 1. IEEE 802. 3 compliance 2.
8 8 4. DEM-331R (TX-1310/ RX-1550nm), up to 40km, Single-Mode - Comp liant to following standa rds: 1. IEEE 802.3z compliance 2. IEEE 802.3u compliance 1000Mbps Co pper port s in the fron t panel 2 1 000Base-T ports 1000Base-T por ts comp liant to following standards: 1.
9 9 6. Provide the po wer following the classi f i cat i on belo w Class Usage Minimum power levels at output of PSE 0 Default 15.4W 1 Optional 4.0W 2 Optional 7.
1 1 0 0 Humidity Operation: 10%~90% RH Stora ge: 5%~ 9 0% R H Power consumption 222 watts Heat Dissipation 750.2 bt u/hr MTBF 149,676 (hours) Emissio n (EM I) and Safety Certifi c ations EMI-EMC Compl.
1 1 1 1 UNPACKING AND INST ALLATION This chapter provides unp acking an d installation info rmation fo r the Web-Smar t Switch . Unpacking Car efully unpack the conten ts of the Web-Smar t Switch from.
1 1 2 2 Install th e Switch in a s ite free from strong el ectromagnet ic field generators (such as motors ), vibra tion, dust, and direct exposure to sunlight . Leave at least 10cm (about 4 inches) of space to the front and rear of the Switch for ven tilation.
1 1 3 3 Figure 2 – Att ach the mountin g bracke ts to the S witch Use the screws provided with the equ ipment rack or chassi s to moun t the Switch in the rack.
1 1 4 4 AC Po wer The Swi tch ut ilizes an AC po wer sup ply 100~24 0V AC, 5 0~60Hz. The power switch is located at the re ar of the unit adjace nt to the AC power connector and the sy stem fan.
1 1 5 5 IDENTIFYING EXTER NAL COMPONENTS This ch apter descri bes the front pane l, rea r pa nel, an d LED i ndicat ors of the Swi tch. Front Panel The figu re belo w shows the fr ont p anel o f the Switch.
1 1 6 6 10/10 0/10 00 BA SE-T / Mini GBIC C ombo Por ts (Op tion Port 25~26) The Switch is also equipped with two c ombo 1 0/100/1 000 Ba se-T / Mini GBIC por ts, supporting op tional 100BASE- FX or 1000BASE- SX/L X Mini GBIC modules fo r fiber uplin ks.
1 1 7 7 Rear Panel Figur e 5 – Rear panel of the Swi tch AC Power Connector: Plug in the female connector of the provided power cord into this connector , and the male into a power outlet. Suppo rted input voltages range fro m 100-240V AC, and 5 0-60Hz.
1 1 8 8 default . Note: Be sure that to record all cust om settings of th e Switch befor e pres sing the reset button. Resett ing the Swi tch bac k to fact ory default settin gs will erase all cus tom configu rations. Power and System LEDs Power LEDs On When the Power LED ligh t is on, the Switch is receiving power.
1 1 9 9 100Mbp s On When th e 100Mbps LED ligh t is on, the resp ective port is connected to a 100Mbps Fast Eth ernet network. Off W h en th e respective por t is connected to a 10Mbps Ethernet or no link. PoE Gree n Light When the Green light is o n, the respective port is prov idi n g 4 8V of powe r.
2 2 0 0 Link/ Act On When the r espective combo port is co nnected to a networ k, the Link/ Act LED li ght i s on. Blinking When the LED is blink ing, the resp ective co mbo p ort is transmi ttin g or receivi ng da ta on a ne twor k.
2 2 1 1 Blinki ng When t he Li nk/Act LED is blin king, the por t is transmit ting or rece iving data on the Ethernet network . Off No link. 1000Mbp s On When th e 1000Mbps LED ligh t is on, the resp ective port is connected to a 1000Mbps Gigabit Ethernet network.
2 2 2 2 CONFIGURATION Throug h a we b brows er, t he fea tures and fu nction s of t he DES -1228P Switch ca n be con f ig ure d f or opt im um us e . Supported web browsers The embedde d Web-base d Utility currently suppo rts the following web browsers : • Micros oft Inter net Expl orer ver.
2 2 3 3 Smar tConsole Utility Fe atures The SmartC onsol e Utilit y is divide d into four parts, a Me nu Toolbar of f uncti ons at the t op, Discovery List , Mon it or List , and Device Setting . Figure 7 – S m art Console Utilit y Menu Tool b a r The Menu Toolbar i n th e SmartConsole U tility h as four main tab s, File, View, Option, and Help.
2 2 4 4 • Monit or Lo ad : To manually load a M onitor List setting f ile. • Exit: To exit the Smar tConsole Utility . Vie w in cl ud es : View log and Clear Log functio ns, wh ich p rovide trap setting list oper ation s. • View Log: To show the event of th e SmartConsole Utili ty and the device.
2 2 5 5 Help includ es: information About the SmartC onso le Utility, su ch as the softwa re versi o n. Disco v er y List This is th e list wher e all Web-Smart d evices on the netwo rk are discove red. By pressing the Disc over y button, all the Web-Smart devices are listed in th e disc overy list.
2 2 6 6 DHCP : Uses a client/serv er model to ob tain lease o f an IP address from a DHC P server as part of the network boot process. Location: Shows where the appointed device location. Trap IP: Shows the IP where the Trap informa tion will be sent .
2 2 7 7 Group In terval: Show s the Group Interval of the device. View Tr ap: The view t rap functio n receives trap events from the Web-Smar t Switch .
2 2 8 8 Dele te Item : De letes the dev ice fr om the Monitor List. Device Setting Functio n buttons of the Dev ice Setti ng section pro vide several options.
2 2 9 9 Firmware Upgrade: To update the device firmw are, enter the firmware pat h and passwo rd (if neces sary), and click “Sta rt”.). Figure 12 – Firm ware Up grade Web Access: Double c lick t he devi ce in t he Moni tor Lis t or sel ect a device i n t he Monitor Li st and p ress the “Web Access” button t o open the Web-based Utility .
3 3 0 0 Web-based Utility The DES-122 8P Web-Smart Switch has a web browser GUI interface for co nfiguri ng the Switc h throug h a web brow ser. T o see the list of web b rowse rs the We b-ba sed Ut ility s uppor ts, see Sup porte d web browsers on page 22.
3 3 1 1 Figure 15 – Log in screen Once you have s uccessfully logg ed in, the device statu s page will app ear . I n th e top r igh t corn er th e user name (defau lt ‘admin’) is displa yed wi th the IP address of the Switch. B elow this is a Logout op tion for use when the sessio n is comp lete.
3 3 2 2 Tool Men u The Tool Menu offe rs global functi on cont rols su ch as Res et, Confi guring B ackup and Re stora tion, Fi rmware Backu p and Uploa d, and System Reboot. Figure 17 – To ol Men u Rese t: Provi des a sa fe reset option f o r th e Switch.
3 3 3 3 Firmware Backup and Upload: Allows fo r th e firmwar e to b e saved, or for an ex isting firmware file to be uplo aded to the Switch. Figur e 20 – To ol Me nu > Firmware Backup and Upl oad System Reboot : Provides a s afe way to re boot the system.
3 3 4 4 Figure 22 –S etup Menu System > Sys tem Setting The System S etting incl udes IP Informatio n and System information. There are two ways for th e switch to attain IP: Static and DH CP ( D ynamic H os t C onfiguration P roto co l) . When using s tat ic mode , the IP Address , Subn et Ma sk an d Gateway can be ma nuall y confi gured.
3 3 5 5 Interval se nd IG MP v1 rep ort pac ket by switch, it is fo r SmartCon sole U tility to disc overy our sw itch when we in IGMP protoc ol, zero means dis able G r oup Interval, and 120~1225 means send IGMP v1 repor t according the value which unit is seconds.
3 3 6 6 Figure 24 – Syste m > Tra p Setti ng System Event: Monit ors the system’ s trapping i nformation . Devic e B o otup: Traps system boo t-up informa tion. Illega l Logi n: Traps events of incorrect password logins, recording the IP of the originating PC.
3 3 7 7 System > Por t Setting In the Port Setting page, the status of all por ts can be monitored and adjusted fo r optimum co n figuration . By selecting a rang e of ports (“ From Port ” and “ To Por t” ), th e Speed can be se t for all such por ts, by clicki ng Apply .
3 3 8 8 Link Status: Reporting Down indicates the port is disconnected. Priority: Displays each port’s 802 .1p QoS priority level for received data pac ket handli ng. Def ault setti ng for all port s is Middle . You can change the priori ty s ettings in Qos > 802 .
3 3 9 9 string. SN MP packets from a statio n that are not authenticated are ignored (dro pped). Figure 26 – Syste m > SN MP Sett ing Enabled / Disabled: Defa ult sett ing is Disable d . Click Enable, th en Apply, to set Community Settin gs. The defa ult c ommunity s trings for t he Swit ch used f or SNMP v.
4 4 0 0 events such as a port status change . The Swit ch can gene rate tra ps and send th em to the trap rec ipie n t ( i.e. n etwor k adm inis tra tor) .
4 4 1 1 help t o simpli fy netw ork m anage ment by allowin g use rs to move device s to a new VL AN wi thout ha vin g to cha nge any ph ysica l connection s.
4 4 2 2 Figure 29 – Configurati o n > 802.1Q VLAN > Add VID Figure 30 – C onfigur ation > 802. 1Q VL AN > Ex ample V IDs Figure 31 – Confi gurati on > 802.
4 4 3 3 Config uratio n > Trun king The Tr unki ng funct ion e n abl es the casc adin g of two o r m ore p orts for a combin ed larger bandwid t h. Up to six Tr unk groups may be created, each suppor ting up to 8 ports.
4 4 4 4 decisions by examining the conten ts of each frame’s Layer 2 MAC header. IGMP s noopi ng ca n help re duce c lutte red t raffi c on t he LAN. Wi th IGMP snooping en abled globally, th e Web-Smart Switch will forward multicast tra ffic only to co nnections that have group members attached.
4 4 5 5 Max Response Time (10-25 sec): The Max Response Time specifies the maximum allowed time b efo re sendin g a respondin g report. Adju sting this setting eff ects the "leave laten cy", or th e time between the moment th e last host le aves a gr oup an d when the ro uting pr otocol is notified that there are no more me mbers.
4 4 6 6 'Router PortPur geInter val' time, t he lear nt route r port entry wil l be purged. Default is 12 5 seconds. Leave Timer (0-25 se c): This is the interval af ter which a Leav e messag e is fo rwa rded on a po r t.
4 4 7 7 To view the Mult icast Entry Table for a gi ven VL AN, pres s the Vi ew butto n. Figure 35 – Confi gurati on > IG MP Mul ticast En try T able Configuration > 802.
4 4 8 8 By de faul t, Sp anni ng Tree is Disabled . If Enabl ed , the Switch will listen for BPDU packets and its accompanying Hello pack et. B PDU packets are sent even if a BPDU pa ck et was not received. Therefore, each link between bridg es is sens itive to the statu s of the link.
4 4 9 9 Root Bridge: Displays the MAC address of the R oot Br idge. Root p ort: Dis p lays the ro ot port. Root P ath C ost: Shows t h e root path c ost. Path Cost: This def ines a metric that ind icates th e relative co st of forwarding packets to specified po rt list.
5 5 0 0 Select ion o pti o ns for the S o ur ce Ports are as follows: TX (transmi t) mode: Duplicates the data transmitted from the source port and forwards it to the Target Port. RX (rec eive) mod e: Dupli cates the data that gets sent t o the source and forwar ds it to the Ta rget Port.
5 5 1 1 When you click on the PoE Settin g, the PoE Status will appear on th e screen . It will dis play the P oE status i ncludi ng, Port Enable, Po wer Limit, Powe r (W), Vol tage (V), Curr ent (mA) , Classific ation, Port Status.
5 5 2 2 Power over Ethernet (PoE ) > PoE System Setting Select "P oE System S etting " to configure th e global Po E Settings. Figure 40 – PoE > PoE Syste m Setting This page will displa y the PoE stat us i nclud ing Syste m Budget Power, Support Total Power, Re mai nder Po we r, an d The rat io of syst em power s uppl y.
5 5 3 3 Figure 4 1 – QoS > 802. 1p Defaul t Priority Security > Safeguard Eng ine D-Li nk’s Safe guard Engi ne is a robust and i nnovative technology that automatically th rottles the im pact of packet flooding into the switch's CPU.
5 5 4 4 Securi ty > Broa dcast Storm Control The Broad cast Storm Control feature provides the ability to con trol the receive rate of bro adcasted packets. If En abled (default is Disa bled ), thresh old se ttings of 8,000 ~ 4, 096, 000 bytes per se co nd can be assi gned.
5 5 5 5 available to the user , or the user is denied access to the network. Th e RAD IUS se r ver s mak e th e ne twor k a lo t e as ier to man ag e for th e administrat or by gathe ring a nd st oring t he use r lists . Fig ure 4 4 – Se curi ty > 802.
5 5 6 6 ReA uthEn abl ed: This En ables or Disables the periodic ReAut hentica tion co ntrol. When t he 802. 1X func tion is Enabled , the ReAu thEnab led fun ction is by de fault also Enabled . QuietPeriod: Sets th e number of s econds tha t the switch r emains in the quiet state follo wing a failed authenticatio n exchange with the clie nt.
5 5 7 7 Figure 45 – Secur ity > St atic Mac Address To in itiate the r emoval of auto-lea rnin g for any of th e uplink por ts, press On to enable this feature, and se lect the p ort(s) fo r auto learni ng to be disa bled . The Stat ic Ma c Addres s Sett ing tab le displays the s tatic M ac addresses connected, as we ll as t he VID .
5 5 8 8 Fig ure 4 6 – Sec urity > Dynam ic Fo rw arding T able Monitoring > Statistics The Statistics screen displays the st atu s of each port packet co unt.
5 5 9 9 Refresh: To renew th e details co llected and display ed. Clear Co unter: To reset the details displayed. TxOK: Number of p ackets tr an sm itted successfully. RxOK : Number o f packets received su ccessfully. Tx Er ro r: Numb er of transmitted pack ets resu lting in er ror.
Warranties /Registration LIMITED WARRANTY D-Link provides this limited warranty for its product only to t he person or entity who originally purchased the product from DL ink or its authorized reseller or distributor. D-Link would fulfill the warranty obligation according to the local warranty policy in which you purchased our products.
PROPERLY COMPLETE AND TIMELY RETURN THE REGISTRATION CARD MAY AFFECT THE WARRANTY FOR THIS PRODUCT. Submitting A Claim. Any claim under this limited warranty must be submitted in writing before the end of the Warranty Period to an Authorized D-Link Service O ffice.
GOVERNING LAW : This Limited Warranty shall be governed by the l aws of the state of California. Some states do not allow exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, or limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts, so the f oregoing limitations and exclusions may not apply.
Registration Card (All Countries and Regions excludin g USA) Print, type or use block lett ers. Your name: Mr./Ms______________________ _______________________________________ _________ Organization: ________________________ ________________Dept.
Subject to the terms and conditions set forth herein, D-Link System s, Inc. (“D-Link”) provides this Limited Warranty: • Only to the person or entity th at originally purchased the product from .
Product Registrat ion: Register onlin e your D-Link pr oduct at http ://support.dlink.com/register/ Product registration is entirely voluntary and failure to complete or return this form will not diminish your warranty rights.
T ech Support T echnical Support Y ou can nd software updates and user documentation on the D-Link website. T ech Support for customers within Australia: D-Link T echnical Support over the T elephone: 1300-766-868 Monday to Friday 8:00am to 8:00pm EST Saturday 9:00am to 1:00pm EST D-Link T echnical Support over the Internet: http://www .
T echnical Support Y ou can nd software updates and user documentation on the D-Link website. T e c h S u p p o r t f o r c u st o m e r s w i t hi n S o u t h E as t e r n A s i a a n d K or e a :.
T echnical Support Y ou can nd software updates and user documentation on the D-Link website. T ech Support for customers within India D-Link T echnical Support over the T elephone: +91-22-26526741 +91-22-26526696 –ext 161 to 167 Monday to Friday 9:30am to 7:00pm D-Link T echnical Support over the Internet: http://ww .
T echnical Support Y ou can nd software updates and user documentation on the D-Link website. D-Link provides free technical support for customers for the duration of the warranty period on this product. Customers can contact D-Link technical support through our web site or by phone.
T echnical Support Y ou can nd software updates and user documentation on the D-Link website. T e ch S up p o rt fo r cu s t om e rs w it h i n t he U .A . E & No r t h A f r ic a : D-Link T echnical Support over the Telephone: (971) 4-391-6480 (U.
T echnical Support Y ou can nd software updates and user documentation on the D-Link website. T e c h S u p p o r t f o r c u st o m e r s w i t hi n S o u t h A fr i c a a nd S u b S ah a r a R e .
T echnical Support Y ou can nd software updates and user documentation on the D-Link website. T ech Support for Latin America customers: D-Link T echnical Support over the followings T elephones: A.
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Asistencia Técnica D-Link Latin América pone a disposición de sus clientes, especicaciones, documentación y software mas reciente a través de nuestro Sitio Web www .
Suporte Técnico V ocê pode encontrar atualizações de software e documentação de usuário no site da D-Link Brasil www .dlinkbrasil.com.br . A D-Link fornece suporte técnico gratuito para clientes no Brasil durante o período de vigência da garantia deste produto.
D-Link 友訊科技 台灣分公司 技術支援資訊 如果您還有任何本使用手冊無法協助您解決的產品相關問題,台灣地區用 戶可以透過我們的網站、電子郵件或.
T echnical Support Y ou can nd software updates and user documentation on the D-Link website. D-Link provides free technical support for customers within the United States and within Canada for the duration of the service period, and warranty conrmation service, during the warranty period on this product.
T echnical Support Y ou can nd software updates and user documentation on the D-Link websites. If you require product support, we encourage you to browse our F AQ section on the Web Site before contacting the Support line. W e have many F AQ’s which we hope will provide you a speedy resolution for your problem.
T echnische Unterstützung A k t u al is ie r t e V er si on e n v o n So ft wa r e u n d Be nu tz e r h a n d b uc h n d e n S i e a u f de r W eb si t e v o n D- Li nk .
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Asistencia Técnica Puede encontrar las últimas versiones de software así como documentación técnica en el sitio web de D-Link . D-Link ofrece asistencia técnica gratuita para clientes residentes en España durante el periodo de garantía del producto.
Supporto tecnico Gli ultimi aggiornamenti e la documentazione sono disponibili sul sito D-Link. Supporto tecnico per i clienti residenti in Italia D-Link Mediterraneo S.r .L. V ia N. Bonnet 6/B 20154 Milano Supporto T ecnico dal lunedì al venerdì dalle ore 9.
T echnical Support Y ou can nd software updates and user documentation on the D-Link website. D-Link provides free technical support for customers within Benelux for the duration of the warranty period on this product. Benelux customers can contact D-Link technical support through our website, or by phone.
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T eknisk Support Du nder software opdateringer og bruger- dokumentation på D-Link’s hjemmeside. D-Link tilbyder gratis teknisk support til kunder i Danmark i hele produktets garantiperiode. Danske kunder kan kontakte D-Link’s tekniske support via vores hjemmeside eller telefonisk.
T eknistä tukea asiakkaille Suomessa: D-Link tarjoaa teknistä tukea asiakkailleen. T uotteen takuun voimassaoloajan. T ekninen tuki palvelee seuraavasti: Arkisin klo. 9 - 21 numerosta 0800-1 14 677 Internetin kautta Ajurit ja lisätietoja tuotteista.
T eknisk Support På vår hemsida kan du hitta mer information om mjukvaru uppdateringar och annan användarinformation. D-Link tillhandahåller teknisk support till kunder i Sverige under hela garantitiden för denna produkt. T eknisk Support för kunder i Sverige: D-Link T eknisk Support via telefon: 0770-33 00 35 V ardagar 08.
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International Offices U.S.A 17595 Mt. He rrmann Street Fountain Va lley, CA. 9270 8 TEL: 1-800-326-1688 URL: www.dlink .com Canada 2180 Winst on Park Drive Oakville, O ntario, L6 H 5W1 Canada TEL: 1-905-829 5033 FAX: 1-905-8295 223 URL: www.
デバイスD-Link DES-1228Pの購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
D-Link DES-1228Pをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはD-Link DES-1228Pの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。D-Link DES-1228Pの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。D-Link DES-1228Pで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
D-Link DES-1228Pを既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はD-Link DES-1228Pの不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、D-Link DES-1228Pに関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちD-Link DES-1228Pデバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。