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xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Swit ch CL I Refer ence Guide.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Swit ch CL I Refer ence Guide Information i n th is d o cument is subje c t to change without no tic e . © 201 1 D- Li nk Corporat ion. A ll righ ts res erved. Repr oduc tion i n a ny ma nner what soe ver witho ut t he writte n pe r missi o n o f D - Link C orporation is s trictly forbidden.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Swit ch CL I Refer ence Guide Table of Contents I NTRODUCTION .....................................................................................................................................
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de MAC NOTIFICATION COM MAND S ...................................................................................................................... 243 ACCES S AUTH ENTIC ATI O N CONTROL COMM ANDS .
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de ERPS COMMANDS .................................................................................................................................................. 476 NETWORK LOAD BALAN CING (NLB) COMM ANDS .
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 1 1 I NTRODUCTION The Switch can be m anaged through the Switch’s serial port, Telnet, or th e Web - ba sed mana geme nt age nt. The Co mmand Li ne Interface (CLI) can be used to conf igure and manage the Switch via the serial port or Telnet in terf ace s.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 2 The IP address for the Switch must be set before it can be managed with the Web - based m a n ager. The Switch IP address can be automaticall y set using BOOT P or DHCP p rotocols, in whi ch case the actual address assigned to the Switch must be known.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 3 2 U SING THE C ONSOLE CLI The Switch supports a console management interf ace that allo ws the user to connect to the Switch’s management a gent via a seria l port and a terminal or a computer running a terminal emulation program.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 4 .. ? cable_diag ports clear clear address_binding dhcp_snoop binding_entry ports clear arptable clear counters c.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 5 DES-3200-28:4#config account Command: config account Next possible completions: <username> DES-3200-28:4#config account Command: config account Next possible completions: <username> DES-3200-28:4# Figure 2 - 4.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 6 DES-3200-28:4#show Command: show Next possible completions: 802.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 7 3 C O M M AN D S Y N T AX The fol lowing symbols are used to describe how command entries are made and values and arguments are specified in this manual. Not e: All command s are case - sensitiv e.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 8 { braces} Purpose Encloses an optional va lue or set of option al argum ents. Syntax reset {[conf ig | system ]} {f orce_agree} Descripti on In the f irst part of the abov e s yntax exam ple, users have the option to specif y config or s ystem .
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 9 CTRL+c Stops t he displa y of rem aining pag es when m ultiple pa ges are t o be displa yed. ESC Stops t he disp lay of rem aining pag es whe n multiple pages ar e to be displa yed.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 10 4 B A SIC S WITC H C OMMA NDS The Ba sic Switc h commands in the Co mmand Line Interface (CLI) are listed (alon.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 11 enable passw ord encryption Purpose Used to enabl e password encr yption on a us er accou nt.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 12 create account Purpose Used to create us er acc ounts. Syntax create accou nt [adm in | user] <us ernam e 15.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 13 config a c c ount Purpose Used to conf igure user ac counts. Syntax config account <usernam e> {encr ypt .
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 14 show a ccount Purpose Used to displa y user ac counts . Syntax show account Descripti on This comm and is used to di spla y all user acc ounts cre ated on the Switch.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 15 show se ssion Purpose Used to displa y a list of current ly logged - i n users. Syntax show session Descripti on This comm and is used to di spla y a list of all t he users that are logged - in at th e time the c omm and is issued.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 16 show switch Purpose Used to displa y genera l inform ation about the Switc h. Syntax sho w s witc h Descripti on This comm and is used to di spla y information a bout the Switch.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 17 show serial_port Purpose Used to displa y the curr ent serial port sett ings. Syntax show serial_ port Descripti on This comm and is used to di spla y the current ser ial port settings .
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 18 config s e ri al_port Purpose Used to conf igure the ser ial por t.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 19 enable cl i paging Purpose Used to pause the scr olling of the console s creen when a comm and displa ys more than one pa ge.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 20 enable telnet Purpose Used to enabl e comm unication with and m anagem ent of the Switch using the Telnet pr otoco l.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 21 telnet Purpose Used to Telnet a nother d evice on the networ k. Syntax telnet <ipad dr> {tcp _port <v alue 0 - 6553 5>} Descripti on This comm and is used to c onnect to a nother d evice’s managem ent through T elnet.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 22 disable web Purpose Used to disable the HT TP - based m anagem ent sof tware on t he Swit ch . Syntax disable web Descripti on This comm and disables the Web - bas ed managem ent sof tware on the Switch.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 23 DES-3200-28:4#save log Command: save log Saving all log information to NV-RAM.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 24 reset Purpose Used to reset th e Switch to the f actory def ault setti ngs. Syntax reset {[conf ig | system ]} { f orce_agree} Descripti on This comm and is used to r estore the S witch’s configur ation to the default se ttings as signed f rom the f actor y .
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 25 To r e store all of the Swi tch’s parameters to their default values and have the Sw itch save and reboot: DE.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 26 show c onfig Purpose Used to collec t and dis play all system configur ations in a single CLI comm and. Syntax show config [cur rent_co nfig | config_i n_nvram ] Descripti on This comm and is used to di spla y all system configur ations.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 27 config t e rm i nal_line Purpose Used to conf igure the num ber of r ows which can be d ispla yed on a screen.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 28 enable jumbo_fr ame Purpose Used to enabl e jum bo frame. Syntax enabl e jum bo_fram e Descripti on This comm and is used to c onfigure t he jum bo fram e setting as enable.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 29 show j umbo_fr ame Purpose Used to displa y the curr ent conf iguration of jum bo frame. Syntax show jum bo_fram e Descripti on This comm and is used to di spla y the current co nfigurat ion of the jumbo f rame s etting.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 30 5 M ODIFY B AN N E R AN D P ROMP T C O M M AN D S The Modify Bann er and Prompt commands in the Command Line In.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 31 config gr eeting _mes s a ge Purpose Used to conf igure the lo gin bann er (greet ing m essage). Syntax config greetin g _mes sage {def ault} Descripti on Users can use th is comm and to m odif y t he log in bann er (greeti ng mes sage).
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 32 show greeting_m essage Purpose Used to view t he curren tly conf igured greet ing m essage configured on the S witc h. Syntax show greeting_m ess age Descripti on Th is comm and is used to vie w the current ly conf igured gr eeting mess age on the S witch.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 33 6 S WITCH P ORT C O M M AN D S The Switch Port commands in the Command Line Interface (CL I) are listed (along .
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 34 config por ts Purpose Used to conf igure the S witch’s Et hernet p ort settings .
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 35 show port s Purpose Used to displa y the current configurat ion of a range of por ts. Syntax show ports { <portlist >} {[desc ription | err _disabled]} Descripti on This comm and is used to di spla y the current co nfigurat ions of a ra nge of ports.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 36 Exa mple usa ge : To displ ay th e config uratio n o f all p o rts on a standalo ne switch, with descrip tion: .
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 37 7 P ORT S ECURI TY C O M M AN D S The Por t Sec urit y comma nds in the Co m mand Line Interface (CLI) are list.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 38 config por t_sec urit y por t s Purpose Used to conf igure port s ecurit y settings.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 39 delete port_security _entr y Purpose Used to delete a port sec urit y entry by M AC address , port num ber and VLAN ID .
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 40 clear port_security _ entr y Purpose Used to clear MAC addr ess entri es learned from a specified por t for the port s ecurit y function.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 41 show port _ s e c uri ty Purpose Used to displa y the curr ent port s ecurit y configurat ion. Syntax show port_sec urit y {ports <auth _portlist >} Descripti on This comm and is used to di spla y port securit y inform ation of the Switch’s p orts.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 42 enable por t_securi t y trap_log Purpose Used to enabl e the trap log f or port sec urity.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 43 8 N ETWORK M ANA G EMENT (SNMP ) C O MM ANDS The Switch supports the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) versions 1, 2c, and 3. Users can specify which version of the SN M P use rs want to use t o moni to r and co n tr o l the S wi tc h.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 44 Command Para meters show snm p host { <ipaddr>} create trus ted_hos t [<ipaddr > | netw ork<net .
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 45 create snmp user Purpose Used to create a new SN MP user a nd adds t he user to an SN MP group that is a lso created b y this com mand.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 46 DES-3200- 28:4#create snmp user dlink default encrypted by_password auth md5 knickerbockers priv none Command: create snmp user dlink default encrypted by_password auth md5 knickerbockers priv none Success.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 47 show s nmp user Purpose Used to displa y inform ation abo ut each S NMP userna me in the SNMP gro up usernam e tab le.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 48 create snmp vie w Purpose Used to assign views to com munity strin gs to lim it whic h MIB objec ts and SNMP m anager c an ac cess.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 49 delete snmp v iew Purpose Used to remove an SNM P view entr y previo usly creat ed on th e Swit ch .
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 50 Exa mple usa ge : To displ ay SNM P view conf i guration: DES-3200-28:4#show snmp view Command: show snmp view Vacm View Table Settings View Name Subtree View Type -------------------- ----------------------- ---------- restricted 1.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 51 Exa mple usa ge : To create the SNMP community s tring “dlink”: DES-3200-28:4#create snmp community dlink view ReadView read_write Command: create snmp community dlink view ReadView read_write Success.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 52 Exa mple usa ge : To d ispla y the cur ren tly e nt ere d SN M P co mmunit y stri ngs: DES-3200-28:4#show snmp .
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 53 show s nmp engi neID Purpose Used to displa y the ide ntific ation of the SNMP engine o n the Switc h. Syntax show snm p engineID Descripti on This comm and is used to di spla y the identific ation of the SNMP engine on the Switc h.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 54 crea t e snm p group Purpose Used to create a new SN MP gro up, or a ta ble that m aps SNM P users t o SNMP vie ws .
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 55 Exa mple usa ge : To create an SNMP group named “sg 1 :” DES-3200-28: 4#create snmp group sg1 v3 noauth_nopriv read_view v1 write_view v1 notify_view v1 Command: create snmp group sg1 v3 noauth_nopriv read_view v1 write_view v1 notify_view v1 Success.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 56 Exa mple usa ge : To d ispla y the cur ren tly co nfi gured SNMP gro up s on t he S wit ch: DES-3200-28:4#show .
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 57 create snmp host Purpose Used to create a recipie nt of SNMP traps ge nerated by the S witch’s SNMP agent .
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 58 delete snmp host SNMP agent . Syntax delete snm p [host <ipad dr>] Descripti on This comm and is used to d elete a rec ipient of SNMP tr aps ge nerated by the S witch’s SN MP age nt.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 59 create trusted_host Descripti on Th is command is used to c reate a trus ted host. The S witch allo ws users to s pecif y up to ten IP ad dress es that are al lowed to m anage t he Switc h via in - ban d SNM P or Telnet - based m anagement s oftware.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 60 Exa mple usa ge : To delete a trusted h ost with an IP address 10 .48.74.121: DES-3200-28:4#delete trusted_host ipaddr Command: delete trusted_host ipaddr 10.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 61 Example Usage: To display the lis t o f trust host s: DES-3200-28:4#show trusted_host Command: show trusted_host Management Stations IP Address/Netmask ----------------------- 10.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 62 disabl e snmp Purpose Used to disable SNMP t rap suppor t on the Switch. Syntax disable snm p [authent icate_traps | link change_traps | tr aps] Descripti on This comm and is used to di sable SN MP trap sup port o n the Sw itch.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 63 config s nm p li nkchange_tr a ps por ts Purpose Used to conf igure the se nding of link change traps and per port control for sendin g of chan ge traps.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 64 config snmp sy stem_contact Purpose Used to enter the nam e of a contac t person who is r esponsible for the Switch.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 65 con fig snmp system_name Purpose Used to conf igure the nam e for the Switch. Syntax config snm p system _name {<sw_nam e>} Descripti on This comm and is used to c onfigure t he nam e of the Switc h.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 66 disabl e rmon Purpose U sed to disable RMON on t he Switch. Syntax disable rm on Descripti on This comm and is used, in c onjuncti on with the enabl e rm on comm and above, to e nable and disable rem ote monitoring ( RMON) on the Sw itch.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 67 9 S WITCH U TILI TY C O M M AN D S The Switch Utilit y commands in the Command Line Interface (CLI) ar e listed.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 68 dow nloa d Purpose Used to downlo ad and ins tall ne w firm ware or a S witch configurat ion file f rom a TFTP ser ver.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 69 DES-3200-28:4#disable authen_policy Command: disable authen_policy Success.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 70 config f ir mware Purpose Used to conf igure the fir mware sec tion im age as a bo ot up s ection, or to dele t.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 71 show f irmware informat ion Purpose Used to displa y the fir mware sec tion inf ormation. Syntax show firm ware inform ation Descripti on This co mmand is used t o displa y the firm ware sec tion inf ormation.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 72 show c onfig Purpose Used to displa y the curr ent or save d version of the co nf iguration sett ings of the switch .
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 73 Exa mple usa ge : To vi e w the c urr e nt con figur ati o n sett i ngs: DES-3200-28:4#show config current_conf.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 74 upload Purpose Used to uploa d the curr ent switc h settings or the s witch hist ory log to a TF TP.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 75 en able aut oc onf i g Purpose Used to activat e the au to conf iguration f unction f or the S witch. T his will lo ad a previous ly saved c onfigur ation f ile for c urrent use.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 76 DES-3200-28 Fast Ethernet Switch Command Line Interface Firmware: Build 1.28.005 Copyright(C) 2010 D-Link Corporation. All rights reserved. DES-3200-28:4# DES-3200-28:4# DES-3200-28:4#download cfg_fromTFTP 10.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 77 disabl e autoconfig Purpose Use this to deac tivate a uto conf iguration f rom DHCP. Syntax disable autoconf ig Descripti on This comm and is used to in struct the Switch not to acc ept auto configurat ion instr uction fr om the DHCP serv er.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 78 ping Purpose Used to test th e connec tivity b etween n etwork dev ices.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 79 ping6 Purpose Used to diagn ose the I Pv6 net work . Syntax ping6 <ipv6ad dr> {tim es <valu e 1 - 255>| size <v alue 1 - 6000> | timeout < value 1 - 10 >} Descripti on This comm and is used to di agnose the IPv6 net work .
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 80 trac eroute Purpose Used to trace th e routed path be tween the S witch an d a dest ination endstatio n.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 81 config termi nal line Purpose Used to conf igure the num ber of r ows which can be d ispla yed at a screen.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 82 10 N ETWORK M ONITORING C O M M AN D S The Network Monitoring commands in the Command Line Interface (CLI) are .
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 83 show pa c ket ports Purpose Used to displa y stats a bout pac kets s ent and rec eived b y the Switc h.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 84 show e rror por ts Purpose Used to displa y the error statistic s for a range of ports.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 85 show uti l iz ation Purpose Used to displa y real - tim e utili zation stat istics.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 86 To display the curr e n t Flash me mory utilizatio n: DES-3200-28:4#show utilization flash Command: show utiliz.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 87 clear counters Purpose Used to clear t he Switc h’s statis tics coun ters. Syntax clear counters {ports <portlis t>} Descripti on This comm and is used to c lear the c ounters used b y the Switch t o com pile st atist ics.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 88 show l og Purpose Used to displa y the s witch histor y log. Syntax show log {index <value _list X - Y>} Descripti on This comma nd is used to dis play the c ontents of the Switc h’s history log.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 89 disabl e syslog Descripti on This comm and is used to di sable the s ystem log to be s ent to a rem ote host. Paramete rs None. Restricti ons Onl y Administ rat or - le vel user s can issue t his com mand.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 90 crea t e s y slog hos t Purpose Used to create a new s yslog hos t.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 91 crea t e s y slog hos t 0 ker nel mes sages 1 user - le vel m essages 2 m ail system 3 system daem ons 4 secur .
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 92 DES-3200- 28:4#create syslog host 1 ipaddress severity all facility local0 Command: create syslog host 1 ipaddress severity all facility local0 Success.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 93 Paramete rs Num eric al Fac ilit y Code 0 ker nel mes sages 1 user - le vel m essages 2 m ail system 3 system d.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 94 DES-3200-28:4#config syslog host 1 severity all facility local0 Command: config syslog host all severity all facility local0 Success.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 95 show s yslog host Purpose Used to displa y the s yslog hosts currentl y configur ed on the S witch. Syntax show syslog h ost {<ind ex 1 - 4>} Descripti on This comm and is used to di spla y the syslog hos ts that are curr ently configured on the S witc h.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 96 config l og_save_t imi ng Purpose Used to conf igure the m ethod of saving lo gs to the Switc h’s Flash m em or y.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 97 delete ipif Purpose Used to delete an interf ace. Syntax delete ipif [System] [ip v6addr ess <ipv6net work addr>] Descripti on This comm and is used to d elete an i nterfac e.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 98 disabl e ipif_ipv6_ li nk_local _ a ut o Purpose Us ed to disable the auto c onfigurat ion of a link loc al addres s when no IPv6 ad dress is configur ed.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 99 11 M ULTIPLE S PA NNING T REE P ROTOCOL (MSTP) C OMM ANDS This Sw itch supports three versi ons of the Span ning Tree Protoc ol; 802. 1D STP, 802.1w Rapid STP an d 802.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 100 The Mul tiple S panning T ree Prot ocol com mands in t he C ommand Line Interface (CLI) are listed (along with.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 101 enable stp Purpose Used to globa lly enable STP on the Switch. Syntax enable stp Descripti on This comm and is used to gl oball y enable the Spanning Tr ee Protocol on the Switc h.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 102 config s t p ver sion Purpose Use d to globall y set the ver sion of ST P on th e Switch. Syntax config stp ver sion [m stp | rstp | stp] Descripti on This comm and is used to c hoose the version of the sp anning tr ee to be im plem ented on the Swit ch .
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 103 config s t p Purpose Used to set up STP, RST P, and MST P on the S witch.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 104 config s t p por ts Purpose Used to set up STP on the port l evel.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 105 Exa mple usa ge : To conf igure STP wit h path cost aut o, hell otime 2 s econds, migration e nable , and s ta.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 106 config stp ins tance_id Purpose Used to add or d elete a n STP inst ance ID.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 1 07 delete stp instance_id Purpose Used to delete a STP ins tance ID f rom the Switch. Syntax delete stp inst ance_id <value 1 - 8> Descripti on This comm and is used to d elete a pr eviousl y configur ed ST P instance I D from the Switch.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 108 config s t p mst _ c onfig_ i d Purpose Used to update the MSTP conf igurat ion id ent if ic ation.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 109 config s t p mst _ por ts Purpose Used to update the port c onfigurati on for a MST P inst ance.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 110 show stp Purpose Used to displa y the S witch’s current ST P configura tion. Syntax show stp Descripti on This comm and is used to di spla y the Switch ’s current STP conf iguration .
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 111 Status 2 : ST P enabled for RSTP DES-3200-28:4#show stp Command: show stp STP Bridge Global Settings ---------.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 112 show s tp port s Purpose Used to displa y the S witch’s current ST P ports conf igur ation.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 113 show stp instance Purpose Used to displa y the S witch’s STP instance configura tion Syntax show stp instanc.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 114 show stp mst_config_id Purpose Used to displa y the MST P conf iguration identif ication. Syntax show stp m st_conf ig_id Descripti on This comm and is used to di spla y the Switch’s current MSTP conf iguration identifi cation.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 115 12 F OR WA RDING D AT A B AS E C O MMA NDS The Layer 2 Forwarding Database commands in the Command Line Interf.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 116 create fdb Purpose Used to create a static entry in th e unicas t MAC addr e ss for warding table (dat abase).
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 117 config m ul ticast_fdb Purpose Used to conf igure the Switch’s m ulticast M AC addres s f orwarding database.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 118 DES - 3200 - 28:4#c onfi g fdb agin g_time 300 Comman d: conf i g fdb ag ing_tim e 300 Success. DES - 3200 - 28:4# delete fdb Purpose Used to delete an entr y to the S witch’s f orwardin g databas e.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 119 clear fdb Purpose Used to clear t he Switc h’s forwar ding data base of all dyn am ica ll y learned MAC addr esses.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 120 Exa mple usa ge : To display the multicast MAC ad d r ess table: DES-3200-28:4#show multicast_fdb vlan default.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 121 Exa mple usa ge : To display unica st M AC addr e ss tab le : DES-3200-28:4#show fdb Command: show fdb Unicast.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 122 show m ulticas t port_fi ltering_m ode Purpose Used to sho w the multic ast pack et filter ing m ode for ports .
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 123 13 P AC K E T S TOR M C ONTR OL C OM MA NDS On a computer network, packet s such as Multicast packets and Broadcast packets continu ally flood the net work a s nor mal procedure.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 124 config t r affic control Purpose Used to conf igure broa dcast/m ulticast/unicas t pack et stor m control. T he soft ware m echanism is provided to m onit or the traf fic rate in addition t o the h ardware stor m control m echanism previous l y provided.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 125 To configure tra f fic control and enable broadca st st orm c ontrol for ports 1 to 12: DES-3200- 28:4#config .
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 126 config t r affic control _trap Purpose Used to conf igure traf fic control tr ap.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 127 14 Q O S C OM M AN D S The Sw itch su pports 802. 1p priorit y qu e uing . The Swi tch has four pr iority queues. These pr iority queues are num bered from 3 (Class 3 ) — t he hi ghest prio rit y queue — to 0 (Class 0) — the lowest pr iority queue.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 128 config ba ndw idth_cont r ol Purpose Used to conf igure band width contr ol on a port b y - port basis.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 129 show ba ndw i dth_control Purpose Used to displa y the band width con trol tab le.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 130 config s c he dul ing Purpose Used to conf igure the tr affic s che duling mec hanism for each COS queue. Syntax config schedu ling <clas s_id 0 - 3> wei ght < va lue 1 - 55> Descripti on The S witch conta ins four h ardware priorit y queues.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 131 show s cheduli ng Purpose Used to displa y the cur rently c onfigured tr affic scheduli ng on the S witch. Syntax show scheduli ng Descripti on This comm and is used to di spla y the current tr aff ic scheduling mechanism s in us e on the S witch.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 132 DES-3200-28:4#config scheduling_mechanism strict Command: config scheduling_mechanism strict Success. DES-3200-28:4# show s cheduli ng_mechanism Purpose Used to displa y the curr ent traf fic schedul ing m echanisms in use on the Switch.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 133 config 8 0 2. 1p us er _ pri orit y Purpose Used to map the 802.1p us er prior ity of an incom ing pack et to one of the four har dware queues a vailable on the S witch.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 134 show 802.1p user_priorit y Purpose Used to displa y the curr ent m apping betwe en an incom ing pack et’s 802. 1p prior ity value and one of the S witch’s fou r hard ware priorit y queues.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 135 config 8 0 2. 1p de f aul t _ pr iorit y Purpose Used to conf igure the 802 .
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 136 show 802.1p default_priority Purpose Used to displa y the curr ently conf igured 802.1p pr iority va lue that will be as signed to an inco ming, untag ged pack et bef ore being forwarde d to its d estination.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 137 config c os mapping Purpose Used to conf igure the CoS to por t mappi ng method to be use d on the switc h. Syntax config cos m apping por ts [<portl ist> | all] [ none | { ethernet [ 802.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 138 show c os mappi ng Purpose Used to sho w CoS mappi ng. Syntax show cos m apping {port <po rt list> } Descripti on This comm and is used to di spla y information re garding CoS mapping e nabled por ts and their m apping m ethod.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 139 config c os t os value Purpose Used to map the ToS val ue in the I P header of incom ing pac kets to one of the four hardware q ueues av ai lab le on the Swit c h.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 140 config ds c p_ m a pping Purpose Used to map the DSCP value in th e IP head er of inc om ing packet to one of the four hardware queues a vailable o n the S witch.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 141 show ds c p_ mapping Purpose Used to sho w DSCP val ue m ap to traff ic class . Syn tax show dscp_m apping { dscp_va lue <valu e 0 - 63>} Descripti on This comm and displays th e inform ation for DSCP m apping to traff ic class.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 142 15 P ORT M IRROR ING C O MM A NDS The Port Mirroring com mands in the C ommand Line Interface (CLI) are li ste.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 143 DES-3200-28:4#config mirror port 1 add source ports 2-7 both Command: config mirror port 1 add source ports 2-7 both Success.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 144 DES-3200-28:4#disable mirror Command: disable mirror Success. DES-3200-28:4# sh ow mi rr or Pur pose Used to s how the c urrent p ort m irroring conf iguratio n on the S witch.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 145 16 VLAN C OMMA NDS The VLAN co mmand s in t he Co m mand Line Interface (CLI) are lis ted (along with the appr.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 146 DES-3200-28:4#create vlan v1 tag 2 Command: create vlan v1 tag 2 Success. DES-3200-28:4# delete vlan Purpose Used to delete a previous ly conf igured VL AN on the Switch.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 147 Exa mple usa ge : To add 4 t hroug h 8 as t agged ports to the V LAN v1: DES-3200-28:4#config vlan v1 add tagged 4-8 Command: config vlan v1 add tagged 4-8 Success.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 148 Exa mple usa ge : To delete a V LAN ID on t he Switch: DES-3200-28:4#delete vlan vlanid 5 Command: delete vlan vlanid 5 Success DES-3200-28:4# config vl a n vl ani d Purpose Used to add ad ditional ports to a pr evious ly conf igured VL AN.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 149 enable pvi d a ut o_ass i gn Purpose Used to enabl e auto - assig nm ent of PVID. Syntax enable pvid auto_ass i gn Descripti on This comm and is used to e nable auto - as signm ent of P VID.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 150 Exa mple usa ge : To d ispla y the P VID a uto - a ssi gnme nt state : DES-3200-28:4#show pvid auto_assign Command: show pvid auto_assign PVID Auto-assignment: Enabled DES-3200-28:4# config gvr p Purpose Used to conf igure GVR P on the S witch.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 151 enable gvr p Purpose Used to enabl e GVRP o n the Switc h. Syntax enable gvrp Descripti on This comm and, along with disable gvrp belo w, is use d to enab le and disable G VRP on the Switc h, witho ut changi ng the G VRP conf iguration on the Sw itch.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 152 show vlan displa yed. Restricti ons None. Exa mple usa ge : To display the S witch’ s cur r ent VL AN setti .
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 153 Exa mple usa ge: To display GVRP port status: DES-3200-28:4#show gvrp 1-10 Command: show gvrp 1-10 Global GVRP.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 154 17 L INK A GGREGA TION C OMM ANDS The Link Aggregat ion co mmands in t he Command Line Interface (CL I) are li.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 155 delet e link_aggr egation group_i d Purpose Used to delete a previous ly conf igured l ink aggreg ation grou p.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 156 config li nk_aggr egati on algori t hm Syntax config link _aggregati on alg orithm [m ac_sour ce | mac _destin.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 157 Exa mple usa ge : To di spl ay Link A g gre gat io n co nfi g ura ti on: DES-3200-28:4#show link_aggregation C.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 158 sh ow la cp_ports Syntax show lacp_p orts {<por tlist>} Descripti on This comm and is used to di spla y the LACP m ode setti ngs as the y are currentl y configur ed.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 159 18 B A SIC IP C O M M AN D S The Basic IP int erface commands in t he Command Line Interface (CL I ) are liste.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 160 config i pif Purpose Used to conf igure the S ystem IP interface.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 161 Exa mple usa ge : To configure an interface’sIPv4 netw or k address: DES-3200-28F:4# config ipif System ipaddress Command: config ipif System ipaddress 10.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 162 Exa mple usa ge : To display IP inter face settings: DES-3200-28F:4# show ipif Command: show ipif IP Interface Settings Interface Name IP Address Subnet Mask VLAN Name Admin.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 163 enable a ut oc onf i g Purpose Used to acti vate the au to conf iguration f unction f or the S witch. T his will load a previous ly save d conf iguration f ile for cur rent use.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 164 Exa mple usa ge : To e nable auto c onfi g urat i o n o n the S wi tch: DES-3200-28:4#disable autoconfig Command: disable autoconfig Success.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 165 19 IGMP S NOOPI NG C OM M A NDS The IGMP Snooping commands in the Command Line Interface (CLI) are listed (alo.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 166 config i gmp_snoopi ng state [enable | disab le] − All ows users to enable or disa ble IGMP snoopin g for the specif ied VLAN. Restricti ons Onl y Administ rat or - le vel user s can issue t his com mand.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 167 config i gmp_snoopi ng que r ier Querier (s ends IG MP quer y pack ets).
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 168 config r outer_por ts_ f or bidden Description This c ommand is used to allo w designat ion of a r ange of ports as being not c onnecte d to mul ticast - ena bled rou ters.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 169 disabl e igmp_snooping Purpose Used to disable IGMP s nooping on the Switc h. Syntax disable igm p_snoopin g {forwar d_mc router_onl y} Descripti on Th is comm and is used to disable IGMP snoo ping on th e Switch.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 170 Exa mple usa ge : To sho w IGMP sno op i ng: DES-3200-28:4#show igmp_snooping Command: show igmp_snooping IGMP.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 171 Exa mple usa ge : To d ispla y the ro ut er ports. DES-3200-28:4#show router_ports Command: show router_ports .
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 172 config i gmp_snoopi ng da t a _ dr iven_lear ning Purpose Used to conf igur e the dat a dr iven learn in g of an IG MP snooping group.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 173 Exa mple usa ge : To c onfigur e IG M P sno opi ng da ta dr iven le a rni ng ’s ma ximu m lea r ned e ntr y .
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 174 Exa mple usa ge : To displ ay IG MP snooping fast leav e hosts: DES-3200-28:4# show igmp_snooping host Command: show igmp_snooping host VLAN ID Group Port No IGMP Host -------- ----------------- --------- ------------ 1 225.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 175 Exa mple usa ge : To e n able IGMP Access Control for all ports: DES-3200-28:4# config igmp access_authentication ports all state enable Command: config igmp access_authentication ports all state enable Success.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 176 20 DHCP R ELA Y C O M M AN D S The DHCP Relay commands in the Command Line Interface (CLI) are listed (along w.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 177 config dhc p_ r ela y add ipif Purpose Used to add an IP desti nation a ddress to t he switc h's DHCP/ BOOT P rela y table.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 178 config dhc p_ r ela y option_8 2 stat e Purpose Used to conf igure the st ate of DHCP rela y agent inf ormation o ption 8 2 of the Switch.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 179 To configure DHCP relay option 82 check: DES-3200-28:4#config dhcp_relay option_82 check enable Command: config dhcp_relay option_82 check enable Success.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 180 config dhc p_ r ela y option_8 2 re m ot e id Purpose Use d to configure the proc essing of th e DHCP 8 2 remote ID optio n for the DHCP r ela y function.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 181 Exa mple usa ge : To sho w the D HCP rel a y conf igurat ion: DES-3200-28:4#show dhcp_relay Command: show dhcp.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 182 disabl e dhcp_rel ay Paramete rs None. Restricti ons Onl y Administ rat or - le vel user s can issue t his com mand. Exa mple usa ge : To disable DHCP relay: DES-3200-28:4#disable dhcp_relay Command: disable dhcp_relay Success.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 183 21 802.1X C OMMA NDS The Switc h imple ment s IEE E 802 .1X P ort - based and Host - bas ed Access Control.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 184 Command Para meters show 802.1x user Each co mmand is l isted , in detail, in the following sectio ns: enable 802.1x Purpose Used to enabl e the 802.1X ser ver on the S witch.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 185 show 802.1x Paramete rs auth_s tate – D isplays th e curr ent authentic ation stat e of the 802.1X s erver. auth_conf iguratio n – Displ ays the c urrent authent ication c onfigurat ion of the 802.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 186 DES-3200-28:4#show 802.1x auth_configuration ports 1 Command: show 802.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 187 To displ ay th e 802.1X aut hen tication stat e for port - bas ed 802.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 188 Exa mple usa ge : To display the 802.1X authen ticati on sta te for hos t - base d 802.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 189 config 8 0 2. 1x capa bi lit y ports Syntax config 802.1x c apabil ity ports [<portlist > | all] [au thentic ator | no ne] Descripti on This comm and has two cap abilities t hat can be set for each port, authent icator and none.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 190 config 802.1x auth_parameter po r ts Purpose Used to conf igure the 802 .1X Authenticat ion param eters on a range of ports. T he defau lt param eter will retur n all por ts in t he specif ied range to their def ault 80 2.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 191 Exa mple usa ge : To conf igure 802.1X aut hen tication param eters for ports 1 to 20: DES-3200-28:4#config 802.1x auth_parameter ports 1–20 direction both Command: config 802.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 192 Exa mple usa ge : To initialize t he aut henticatio n state machi ne o f all ports: DES-3200-28:4# config 802.1x init port_based ports all Command: config 802.1x init port_based ports all Success.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 193 config r adius add Purpose Used to conf igure the se ttings the Switc h will use t o co mmunicate with a RA DIUS server.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 194 config r adius delete Purpose Used to delete a previous ly entere d RADIU S server conf iguration. Syntax config radius delete <server_ind ex 1 - 3> Descripti on This comm and is used to d elete a pr eviousl y entered RADIU S server configurat ion.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 195 Exa mple usa ge : To c onfigur e the RADI US se tti ng s: DES-3200-28:4#config radius 1 key dlink default Command: config radius 1 key dlink default Success.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 196 Exa mple usa ge : To display R ADIUS settings o n the S witch: DES-3200-28:4#show radius Command: show radius .
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 197 config 8 0 2. 1x guest _ vl a n por ts Descripti on This comm and is used to c onfigure por ts to be enable d or disab led for th e 802.1X gues t VLAN. Paramete rs <por tlis t> − Spec ify a p ort or r ange of por ts to be conf igured f or the 802 .
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 198 Exa mple usa ge : To conf igure the c onfigurat ions for a previou sly creat ed 802.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 199 show acct_client Purpose Used to displa y the curr ent RADIU S account ing clie nt. Syntax sho w acct_cl ient Descripti on This comm and is used to di spla y the current R ADIUS ac counting client cur rently co nfigured o n the S witch.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 200 show a uth_client Purpose Used to displa y the curr ent RADIU S authent ication c lient. Syntax show auth_cl ient Descripti on This comm and is used to di spla y the current R ADIUS authent ication cl ient current ly conf igured on the Switc h.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 201 show a uth_diagnos tics Purpose Used to displa y the curr ent authent ication d iagnost ics.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 202 show auth_session_statistics Purpose Used to displa y the curr ent authent ication s ession s tatis tics.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 203 Exa mple usa ge : To display the curr e n t authentic a tio n statistics for p ort 1: DES-3200-28:4#show auth_.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 204 show 802.1x user Syntax sho w 802.1x us er Descripti on This comm and is used to di spla y the 802.1X Port - base d or Host - b ased Network Access control loc al users cur rentl y configure d on the Switch.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 205 22 A CCESS C ONTROL L IST (ACL) C OMMANDS The Switch implements Access Control L ists that enable the Swi tch to deny network acces s to specific devices or device groups based on IP settings a nd M AC add r ess.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 206 Command Para meters create cpu access _profile prof ile_id <value 1 - 3> [eth ernet { vlan | sourc e_mac <macm ask> | des tination _mac <macmask > | 802.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 207 users can assign an access_id that identifies the rule within the list of r u les. The access_id is an index nu m ber o nly and do es not effect prio r ity with in the profil e _ id.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 208 create access_profile Protoc ol (I GMP) field . t ype – Spec ifies tha t the Sw itch will ex amine e ach fram e’s IG MP Type fiel d. tcp − Specif ies that th e Swit ch will exam ine each f ram es Transport Control Pr otocol (T CP) field.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 209 To create an access lis t rule: DES-3200- 28:4#create access_profile ip vlan source_ip_mask destination_ip_mask dscp icmp profile_id 101 Command: create access_profile ip vlan source_ip_mask 20.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 210 config access_profile 0xffff > {mask <hex 0x0 - 0xf fff>} | off set10 <hex 0x0 - 0xff ff> {mask.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 211 config access_profile t ype – Spec ifies tha t the Sw itch will ex amine e ach fram e’s IG MP T y pe fiel d. tcp − Specif ies that th e Swit ch will exam ine the T ransm ission Contr ol Protoc ol (T CP) field within eac h pack et.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 212 config access_profile value set in the pack et, which is us ed to deter mine th e CoS que ue to which pac kets are forwarde d to.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 213 DES-3200-28:4#show access_profile Command: show access_profile Access Profile Table ==========================.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 214 create cpu access _profile source_ip _mask <netm ask> − Specifies an IP ad dress m ask f or the sourc e IP addres s. destinati on_ip_m ask <netm ask > − Specifies an IP addres s mask for the dest ination IP address .
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 215 To create a CPU access profile: DES-3200- 28:4# create cpu access_profile profile_id 1 ip vlan source_ip_mask destination_ip_mask dscp icmp type code Command: create cpu access_profile profile_id 1 ip vlan source_ip_mask 20.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 216 config c pu a c c e ss_pr ofile 1- 5>] Descripti on This comm and is used to c onfigure a C PU acces s prof.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 217 config c pu a c c e ss_pr ofile src_por t <value 0 - 655 35> − Spec ifies that t he acces s prof ile will ap ply onl y to pack ets that have this UDP sourc e port i n their head er.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 218 delete cpu access_p rofile is assign ed to the ac cess p rofile when it is created wit h the cr eate cpu access _profile com mand. Restricti ons Onl y Administ rat o r - level us ers can is sue this c omm and.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 219 DES-3200-28:4#show cpu_access_profile Command: show cpu_access_profile CPU Interface Filtering state: Enabled .
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 220 disable cp u_interf ace_filt ering Syntax disable cpu_i nterface_f ilteri ng Descripti on This comm and is used, in c onjuncti on with the enabl e cpu_interf ace_f iltering com m and above, to en able and disable CPU interf ace filt ering on th e Switch.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 221 23 T IME R AN G E C O M M AN D S The Tim e Range commands are used in conjunction with the Access Profile comm.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 222 config t im e _ ra nge delete – Us e this p aram eter to delete a previo usly conf igured tim e range from the s ystem. Restricti ons O n l y A dm inistr ator - leve l users can issue t his com mand.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 223 24 S AF E G U AR D E NGINE C OMM ANDS Perio dically, malicious hosts on the network will attac k the Switch b y utilizing packet flo oding (ARP Storm) or o ther methods .
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 224 config s a f e gua r d_engine to all t raff ic f lows. Restricti ons Onl y Administ rat or - le vel user s can issue t his com mand.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 225 25 T R AF F I C S EGMENT ATION C O MMA NDS Traffic segme ntation allows u sers to further sub - di vide VLANs i nto smaller groups o f ports that will help to reduce traffic on t he VLAN.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 226 show traffic_segmentation Syntax show traff ic_segm entation {<port list>} Descripti on This comm and is used to di spla y the current tr aff ic segm entation configurat ion on the Switch .
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 227 26 T IME A ND SNTP C OMM A NDS The Sim ple Network Time Protocol (SN T P) (an adaptati on of th e Network Time Protocol (NTP)) comm ands in the Comm and Line Interface (CLI) are list ed (along with the appropriate parameters) in t he following table.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 228 DES-3200- 28:4#config sntp primary secondary poll- interval 30 Command: config sntp primary secondary poll-interval 30 Success.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 229 disabl e sntp Purpose To disable SNT P server support. Syntax disable sntp Descripti on This comm and is used to di sable SNT P support . SNT P service m ust be separ ately conf igured (s ee config sn tp).
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 230 Exa mple usa ge : To ma n uall y set s yste m time a nd d ate settings: DES-3200-28:4#config time 30jun2003 16:30:30 Command: config time 30jun2003 16:30:30 Success.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 231 config ds t disable − D isable the D ST s easonal tim e adjustm ent for the Switch. repeatin g − Using rep eating m ode will en able D ST seasonal time adjustm ent.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 232 DES-3200- 28:4#config dst repeating s_week 2 s_day tue s_mth 4 s_time 15:00 e_week 2 e_day wed e_mth 10 e_time 15:30 offset 30 Command: config dst repeating s_week 2 s_day tue s_mth 4 s_tim e 15:00 e_week 2 e_day wed e_mth 10 e_time 15:30 offset 30 Success.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 233 27 ARP C OMMANDS The ARP commands in the Command Line In terface (CLI) are listed (along w it h the appropriate pa rameters) i n the following table.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 234 To conf igure a stat ic ARP en try for t he IP addres s 10.48.74 .12 and MAC address 00: 50:BA:00: 07:36: DES-3200-28:4#config arpentry 00-50-BA-00-07-36 Command: config arpentry 10.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 2 35 DES-3200-28:4#config arp_aging time 30 Command: config arp_aging time 30 Success.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 236 clea r arp table Descripti on This comm and is used to r emove d ynamic ARP t able entr ies from the Switch ’s ARP t able. Sta tic ARP t able entries are no t affec ted.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 237 28 R OUTIN G T AB L E C O M M AN D S The Routing Table commands in the Co mmand Line Interf ace (CLI) are listed (along with the appropriate parameters) in the following table.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 238 delet e iprout e table. Syntax delete iproute [ defaul t] Descripti on This comm and is used to d elete an ex isting default e ntr y from the S witch’s IP r outin g tab le.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 239 create ipv6 neighb or_cache ipif Paramete rs <ipif _name> − T he interf ace’s nam e. <ipv6addr > − The addr ess of the neighbor. <mac addr> − The MAC address of the neig hbor.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 240 show i pv6 nei ghbor_cac he ipif static − The s tatic nei ghbor cache entr y.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 241 delete ipv6route Purpose Used to delete an IPv6 ro ute. Syntax delete ipv6ro ute [[def ault] [<ipif _nam e 12> <ipv6 addr>| a ll] Descripti on This comm and is used to d elete an IP v6 static r oute.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 242 DES-3200-28:4#show ipv6route Command: show ipv6route IPv6 Prefix: ::/0 Protocol: Static Metric: 1 Next Hop : 3FFC::1 IPIF : System Total Entries: 1 DES-3200-28:4# config i pv6 nd ns ipif Purpose Used to conf igure neigh bor s olicitation r elated ar guments .
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 243 29 MAC N OTIFICATION C OMM ANDS The MAC Notification commands in the Command Line Interface (CLI) are listed, in the following table, along with thei r appropriate parameters.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 244 DES-3200-28:4#disable mac_notification Command: disable mac_notification Success. DES-3200-28:4# config m ac_notif ication Purpose Used to conf igure MAC ad dress notification .
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 245 show mac_notification Purpose Used to displa y the S witch’s MAC address table no tification g lobal se ttings. Syntax show mac _notification Descripti on This comm and is used to di spla y the Switch’s MAC ad dress tabl e notificat ion globa l settings .
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 246 DES-3200-28:4#show mac_notification ports Command: show mac_notification ports Port # MAC Address Table Notifi.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 247 30 A CCESS A UTHENTICATION C ONTROL C O M M AN D S The TACACS / XTACACS / TACACS+ / RADIUS co mmands allows secure access to the Switch using the TACACS / XTACACS / TACACS+ / RADIUS proto co ls.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 248 Command Para meters enable authen _po lic y disable auth en _po lic y show authe n_polic y create au then_log .
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 249 enable a ut he n_pol ic y Purpose Used to enabl e system access authentica tion pol icy.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 250 show a uthen_polic y Purpose Used to displa y the s ystem acc ess authen tication policy s tatus on the Switch. Syntax show authen_p olic y Descripti on This comm and will show th e current status of the ac cess authent ication pol icy on the Switch.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 251 config a ut he n_ l ogin methods for us er login. Syntax config authen _login [ default | method_list_ nam e &.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 252 config a ut he n_ l ogin radius − Addin g this param eter will requir e the us er to be a uthentica ted using the RADIUS protocol from a remote RADIU S ser ver.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 253 show a uthen_login Purpose Used to displa y a pre viously conf igured user defin ed m ethod list of authent ication m ethods for users log ging on to the Swi tch.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 254 create authen_enable method _list_name to gain administr ator pri vile ges on the Switc h, whic h is define d b y the Admin ist rator. A m aximum of eight en able m ethod lists c an be implem ented on the Switch .
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 255 config a ut he n_ e na bl e TACAC S + serv er hosts of the T ACACS+ ser ver grou p list.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 256 DES-3200- 28:4#config authen_enable default method xtacacs tacacs+ local_enable Command: config authen_enable default method xtacacs tacacs+ local_enable Success.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 257 show authen_enable Comm ent – Defines the typ e of Method. User - defined Group ref ers to server gro ups defin ed by th e user.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 258 config a ut he n a ppl icati on enable − Us e this param ete r to configur e an app licatio n for upgr ading a norm al user lev el to adm inistrator privileg es, usin g a previous ly configured m ethod li st.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 259 create authen serv er _host 1- 255> | retr ansm it < 1 - 255>} Descripti on This comm and is used to c reate an authentic ation ser ver host f or the TACACS/XTACACS/T ACACS+/RADIUS securit y protocols on the Switch.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 260 config a ut he n s erver_ hos t Syntax config authen server_hos t <ipad dr> protoc ol [tacacs | x tacacs.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 261 DES-3200- 28:4#config a uthen server_host protocol tacacs+ port 4321 timeout 12 retransmit 4 Command: config authen server_host protocol tacacs+ por t 4321 timeout 12 retransmit 4 Success.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 262 show authen server_host Port – T he virtua l port num ber on t he server host. T he default value is 49. Tim eout − The tim e in seco nds the S witch will wait for t he server host to repl y to an auth enticati on reques t.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 263 config a ut he n s erver_ gr oup Purpose Used to conf igure a user - defined authentic ation ser ver group.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 264 DES-3200- 28:4# config authen server_group group_1 add server_host protocol tacacs+ Command: config authen server_group group_1 add server_host 10 .1.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 265 DES-3200-28:4#show authen server_group Command: show authen server_group Group Name IP Address Protocol ------.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 266 To set the maxi mum number o f aut hen tication attempt s at 5: DES-3200-28:4#config authen parameter attempt 5 Command: config authen parameter attempt 5 Success.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 267 enable admin Restricti ons None. Exa mple usa ge : To enable admi nistra tor p rivil eges o n t he S witc h: D.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 268 31 SSH C O M M AN D S The steps required to use th e Secure Shell (SSH) protocol for secure comm unication bet.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 269 DES-3200-28:4#enable ssh Command: enable ssh Success. DES-3200-28:4# disabl e s sh Purpose Used to disable SSH. Syntax disable ssh Descripti on This comm and is used to di sable SSH on the S witch.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 270 DES-3200-28:4#config ssh authmode password enable Command: config ssh authmode password enable Success. DES-3200-28:4# show s sh authm ode Purpose Used to displa y the SSH authent ication m ode settin g.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 271 config ssh server Restricti ons O nl y Adm inistrat or - leve l users can issue t his comm and.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 272 config s s h us er hostname <domain_name 32> − Enter an a lphanu meri c strin g of up to 32 characters identifying the remote SSH user.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 273 config s s h al gor ithm Purpose Used to conf igur e the S SH alg orithm .
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 274 show s sh algor ithm Paramete rs None. Restricti ons None. Usage Example: To display SSH al gorithms cu rrentl.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 275 32 SSL C OMM AN D S Secure Sockets Layer or SSL is a security feature that will pro vide a secure communication path between a host and client thr ough the us e o f authe ntica tio n, di gita l si gnatur es a nd e ncr yptio n.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 276 enable ssl Purpose To enable the S SL func tion on the Switch.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 277 disable ssl Purpose To disable th e SSL funct ion on t he S witc h.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 278 config s s l c a che time out t ime out Purpose Used to conf igure the S SL cac he timeout.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 279 To vi e w the S SL sta tus o n the Switc h: DES-3200-28:4#show ssl Command: show ssl SSL Status Disabled RSA_W.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 280 Exa mple usa ge : To download a c e r tificate file and ke y file to the Switc h: DES-3200- 28:4#download ssl certificate certfilename c:/cert.der keyfilename c:/pkey.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 281 33 D-L INK S INGLE IP M A N A GEMENT C OMM ANDS Simpl y put, D - Link Single IP Management is a concept that will s tack switches together over Ethernet instead of using stacking p orts or m odules.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 282 When a CS becomes a MS, it autom atically becomes a member of the first SNMP community (includes read/w r ite and read only) to which the CS b e long s. The Upgrade to v1.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 283 enable sim Purpose Used to enabl e Single IP Manag ement ( SIM) on the S witch. Syntax enable sim Descripti on This comm and is used to e nable SIM globall y on the Switch.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 284 show sim Purpose Used to view t he curren t inform ation regar ding th e SIM gr oup on the Switch.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 285 Exa mple usa ge : To sho w the S I M i nfo rma tion in de t ail: DES-3200-28:4#show sim Command: show sim SIM Version : VER-1.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 286 To sho w ot he r gro ups i nfor mati o n in su mmar y: DES-3200-28:4#show sim group Command: show sim group SI.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 287 reconf ig Purpose Used to connect to a m ember sw itch, throug h the com mander switch, using Tel net.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 288 Exa mple usa ge : To add a m ember: DES-3200-28:4#config sim_group add 1 Command: config sim_group add 1 Please wait for ACK !!! SIM Config Success !!! Success.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 289 DES - 3200 - 28:4# c onfi g sim hold_t im e 120 Comman d: conf i g sim hold_tim e 120 Success. DES - 3200 - 28:4# To transfer the Swit ch to be a CaS (can didate): DES-3200-28:4# config sim candidate Command: config sim candidate Success.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 290 dow nloa d si m Purpose Used to downlo ad firm ware or c onfigurat ion file to a n indicat ed device.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 291 To down load con figuratio n fil es: DES-3200- 28:4#download sim_ms configuration_from_tftp c:/des3200.txt all Command: download sim_ms firmware_from_tftp 10.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 292 Exa mple usa ge : To upload configuration fil es to a TFTP server: DES-3200- 28:4#upload sim_ms configuration_to_tftp D:configuration.txt members 1 Command: upload sim_ms configuration 10.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 293 34 SMTP C OMMA NDS SMTP or Simple Mail T rans fer P roto col is a functio n o f the S witch that will send s witch e vents to mail r ecipie nts ba sed on e - mai l addresses entered using the commands below.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 294 The SMTP comm ands in the Command Line In terface (CLI) are listed (al ong with t he appropriate parameters) i.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 295 DES-3200-28:4#disable smtp Command: disable smtp Success. DES-3200-28:4# config s mtp Purpose Used to conf igure neces sary i nformat ion in set ting up t he Switch as an SMT P client.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 296 show smtp Purpose Used to view co nfigured param eters for the SMTP f unction on t he Swit ch .
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 297 To send a test mail m essage to all configured mail recipients: DES-3200-28:4# smtp send_testmsg Command: smtp send_testmsg Subject: This is a SMTP test. Content: Hello everybody!! Sending mail, please wait… Success.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 298 35 C AB L E D I AGNOSTICS C OM MA NDS The Cable Diagnostics commands in the Command Line Interface (CLI) are listed (along with the appropriate param et ers) in the following table.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 299 DES-3200-28:4#cable_diag ports 25-28 Command: cable_diag ports 25-28 Perform Cable Diagnostics .
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 300 36 DHCP L OC AL R ELA Y C OMMA NDS The DHCP Local Relay commands in the Command Lin e Interface (CLI) are listed (along with the appropriate parameters) in the following table.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 301 To enable the DHCP local relay fun ction: DES-3200-28:4#enable dhcp_local_relay Command: enable dhcp_local_relay Success. DES-3200-28:4# disable dhcp_local_relay Purpose Used to disable the DHC P local re lay func tion on th e Switch.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 302 37 G RATUITOUS ARP C OMMANDS The Gratuitous ARP commands in the Command Lin e Interface (CLI) are listed (along with the appropriate parameters) in the following table.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 303 config gratuitous_arp send du plicate_ip_detected Purpose Used to enabl e or disab le the sen ding of grat uit.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 304 DES-3200-28:4# config gratuitous_arp learning enable Command: config gratuitous_arp learning enable Success.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 305 disabl e gratuitous_ a r p Purpose Used to disable the grat uitous ARP trap and log. Syntax disable gratu itous_arp { ipif <ipif_nam e 12>} {tr ap | log} (1) Descripti o n The c ommand is us ed to di sable the gratuito us ARP tr ap and log states.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 306 38 VLAN T RUNKING C OMMA NDS The VLAN Trunking comm ands in the Command Line In terface (CLI) are listed (al ong with the appropriate pa rameters) in th e following table.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 307 config vl a n_ t r unk Purpose Used to conf igure a p ort as a V LAN trunk port. Syntax config vlan_tr unk ports [<por tlist>|all] | state [e nable|d isable] Descripti on This comm and is used to c onfigure a p ort as a VLAN tr unk port.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 308 To c onfigur e a VL AN T runk p or t i f Por t 6 is LA - 1 member port, por t 7 is L A - 1 master port. DES-3200-28:4# config vlan_trunk ports 6-7 state enable Command: config vlan_trunk ports 6-7 state enable Success.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 309 show vl a n_ tr unk Purpos e Used to displa y VLAN trunk conf iguration. Syntax show vlan_tru nk Descripti on This comm and is used to di spla y VLAN trunk inform ation.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 310 39 Q- IN -Q C OMMA N DS The Q - in - Q commands in the Command Line Interface (CLI) are listed (along with the.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 311 enable qi nq Purpose This comm and is used to enable t he Q - in - Q m ode.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 312 sh ow qinq Paramete rs None. Restricti ons None. Exa mple usa ge : To sho w glo b al Q - in - Q sta tus: DES-3.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 313 config qi nq ports disabled . Pa ramete rs <por tlis t> - A range of ports t o configur e. role - Port r ole in Q - in - Q m ode, it ca n be UNI port or N NI port.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 314 DES-3200-28:4#create vlan_translation add cvid 1-10 svid 100 Command: create vlan_translation add cvid 1-10 svid 100 Success. DES-3200-28:4# delete vlan_translation cvid Pu rpose Used to de lete VLAN transl ation rules .
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 315 Exa mple usa ge : To show VLAN tr a n slation ru le s for C - VID 10 t o C - VID 40: DES-3200-28:4#show vlan_t.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 316 show bpdu_ t unne l Purpose Used to sho w the BPDU T unnelin g global state, tun nel des tination MAC address, an d port s tate.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 317 disabl e bpdu_tunnel Restricti ons Onl y Administ rat or - le vel user s can issue t his com mand. Exa mple usa ge : To d isab l e BPD U tunne ling: DES-3200-28:4#disable bpdu_tunnel Command: disable bpdu_tunnel Success.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 318 40 A SYMMETRIC VLAN C OMMA ND S The Asymmetric VLAN commands in the Comm and Line Interface (CLI) are list ed .
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 319 DES-3200-28:4#disable asymmetric_vlan Command: disable asymmetric_vlan Success. DES-3200-28:4# show asymmetric_vlan Purpose Used to view t he as y mm e tric VLAN s tate on the S witch.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 320 41 MLD S NOOPI NG C OMMA NDS The MLD Snooping comm ands in the Command L ine Interface (CLI) are lis ted (along w it h the appropriate param ete r s) i n the following table.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 321 DES-3200-28:4#config mld_snooping vlan default state enable Command: config mld_snooping vlan default state enable Success. DES-3200-28:4# config m l d_snooping que r ier Purpose Used to conf igure the timers and the attr ibutes of the MLD snoop ing querier.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 322 To configure the MLD sn oopi ng querier quer y interval to 125 seconds and state enable: DES-3200- 28:4#config.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 323 DES-3200-28:4#config mld_snooping mrouter_ports_forbidden default add 1-10 Command: config mld_snooping mrouter_ports_forbidden default add 1-10 Success. DES-3200-28:4# enable ml d_s noopi ng Purpose Used to enabl e MLD sno oping on t he Switc h.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 324 show m ld_snooping configurat ion on the Switch . Paramete rs <vlan_n am e 32> − The nam e of the VLAN f or wh ich you want to vie w the MLD sno oping c onfigur ation.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 325 show m ld_snooping group Purpose Used to displa y the curr ent MLD sno oping gr oup conf iguration o n the Swit ch .
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 326 show m ld_snooping mrouter _ports configured. forbidde n − Displa ys forbidden r outer p orts tha t have been statica lly configured. If no param eters are specif ied, the s ystem will displ ay all c urrentl y configured r outer ports on t he Switch.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 327 42 IGMP S NOO PI NG M ULTIC AST VLA N C O M M AN D S The IGMP Snooping Mu lticast VLAN commands in th e Comman.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 328 To create an IGMP snooping multi cast VLAN with the VLAN name “mv1” and a VLAN ID of 2: DES-3200-28:4# create igmp_snooping multicast_vlan mv1 2 Command: create igmp_snooping multicast_vlan mv1 2 Success.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 329 To configure an IGMP sn oop multicast VLAN: DES-3200- 28:4# config igmp_snooping multicast_vlan v1 add member_ port 1,3 state enable Command: config igmp_snooping multicast_vlan v1 add member_port 1,3 state enable Success.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 330 show i gmp_snoopi ng multi cast_vl an_group Purpose Used to displa y the m ulticast groups conf igured for the specified multic ast VLAN.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 331 enable igmp_snoopi ng mul ticast_ vlan Purpose Used to enabl e the m ulticast VL AN funct ion. Syntax enable igm p_snooping m ulticas t_vlan Descripti on This comm and is used to c ontrol the multicas t VLAN f unction.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 332 DES-3200-28:4# show igmp_snooping multicast_vlan Command: show igmp_snooping multicast_vlan Multicast VLAN Glo.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 333 43 L IMITED IP M ULTIC AST A DDRESS C O M M AN D S The Limited IP Mult icast Address commands allows the administrator to perm it or d eny acce ss to a port or range of ports by specifying a range of multicast addresses.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 334 config m c a s t _fil t er _ pr ofile Purpose Used to add or d elete a range of multicas t address es to the pr ofile.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 335 DES-3200-28:4# delete mcast_filter_profile profile_id 3 Command: delete mcast_filter_profile profile_id 3 Success. DES-3200-28:4# d elete mcast_filter_profile Purpose Used to delete a multicas t addres s profil e.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 336 DES-3200-28:4#show mcast_filter_profile Command: show mcast_filter_profile Mcast Filter Profile: Profile ID Name Multicast Addresses ---------- -------------------------------- ------------------------------- 1 m1 234.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 337 show limited_multicast_addr Syntax show lim ited_multicas t_addr ports {<por tlist>} Descripti on This comm and is used to di spla y the multicas t filter pr ofiles bou nd to ports.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 338 DES-3200-28:4#config max_mcast_group ports 1,3 max_group 100 Command: config max_mcast_group ports 1,3 max_group 100 Success. DES-3200-28:4# show max_mcast_group Purpose Used to displa y the m aximum number of multicast gr oups tha t a port can join.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 339 44 LLDP C OMMANDS The LLDP commands in the Command Line Int erface (CLI) are listed (along with the appropriat.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 340 enable lldp Purpose Used to enable LLDP operatio ns on the Switc h. Syntax enable lldp Descripti on This comm and is used for global contr ol of the LLDP func tion.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 341 config lldp messa ge_tx_interval Purpose Used to chang e the pac ket trans mis sion interva l.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 342 config ll dp tx_dela y Purpose Used to chang e the m inimum time ( delay - interva l) of any LLD P port. It will dela y advertis ing succe ssive LLD P advert isem ents due to a change in LLDP MI B content.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 343 config ll dp notificat i on_interval Purpose Used to conf igure the tim er of the notific ation int erval u sed to se nd notificat ions to conf igured SNMP tra p receiver( s).
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 344 config ll dp ports admin_ st a t us Purpose Used to conf igure per - por t transm it and rec eive modes .
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 345 DES-3200-28:4# config lldp ports 1-2 mgt_addr ipv4 192.168.254.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 346 config ll dp ports dot1_ t l v_pvid from outbound LLD P adver tisem ents. Syntax config lldp por ts [<port list>|all] dot1_tl v_pvid [ena ble | disab le] Descripti on This TLV optiona l data t ype determ ines whether the I EEE 802 .
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 347 DES-3200-28:4# config lldp ports all dot1_tlv_pvid enable Command: config lldp ports all dot1_tlv_pvid enable Success.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 348 config ll dp ports dot1_ t l v_protocol _ ide nt i ty the corres ponding Local S ystem 's Protocol Iden tit y instance will be transm itted on the port.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 349 config ll dp ports dot3_ t l vs Restricti ons Onl y Administ rat or - le vel user s can issue t his com ma nd.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 350 DES-3200-28:4# show lldp Command: show lldp LLDP system information Chassis Id Subtype : MAC Address Chassis I.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 351 DES-3200-28:4# show lldp ports 1 Command: show lldp ports 1 Port ID : 1 --------------------------------------.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 352 DES-3200-28:4# show lldp local_ports 1 mode detailed Command: show lldp local_ports 1 mode detailed Port ID : .
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 353 DES-3200-28:4# show lldp local_ports 1 mode brief Command: show lldp local_ports 1 mode brief Port ID : 1 ----.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 354 DES-3200-28:4# show lldp remote_ports 1-2 brief Command: show lldp remote_ports 1-2 brief Port ID: 1 ---------.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 355 To display re mote tab le e ntries in no r mal mode: DES-3200-28:4# show lldp remote_ports ports 1 normal Comm.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 356 To display re mote tab le e ntries in deta ile d mode:.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 357 DES-3200-28:4# show lldp remote_ports 1 mode detailed Command: show lldp remote_ports 1 mode detailed Port ID .
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 358 (None.) DES-3200-28:4# show ll dp sta tistics Purpose Used to displa y the s ystem LLDP statistic s inform ation. Syntax show lldp statisti cs Descripti on Th is c omm and is used to displa y an overv iew of nei ghbor det ection activit y on the Sw itch.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 359 DES-3200-28:4# show lldp statistics ports 1 Command: show lldp statistics ports 1 Port ID: 1 -----------------.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 360 45 D O S P REVENTION C O M M AN D S The DoS Prevention commands in the Command Line Interface (CLI) are listed.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 361 config dos _ pr evention dos _t ype Purpose This comm and is used to discar d the L3 contr ol pac kets sent to CPU from specific ports.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 362 enable dos _ pr evention tr ap_log drop. Paramete rs None. Restricti ons Onl y Administ rat o r - level us ers can is sue this c omm and.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 3 63 show dos _ pre ven t i on Purpose Used to displa y DoS pr eventio n inform ation.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 364 To displ ay D oS prevent ion inform ation for La nd Atta ck: DES-3200-28:4# show dos_prevention land_attack Co.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 365 Exa mple usa ge To clear all counters of the prevention of each DoS attack: DES-3200-28:4# clear dos_prevention counters Command: clear dos_prevention counters Success.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 366 46 IP - MAC -P ORT B INDING C O M M AN D S The IP ne twork la yer use s a f our - byte addr ess. The Etherne t link layer uses a six - b y te MAC address . Binding th ese two address types together a llows the trans m i ss ion o f data between the la y ers.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 367 create address_bind ing ip_mac ipaddress Syntax create addres s_binding ip_m ac ipaddres s <ipad dr> mac _address <mac addr> {ports [ <portlist > | all]} Descripti on This comm and is used to c reate an I P - MAC - port bindin g entr y.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 368 Exa mple usa ge : To c onfigur e ad dre s s b indi n g o n t he Swi tch: DES-3200- 28:4#config address_binding ip_mac ipaddress mac_address 00- 00-00-00-00-05 Command: config address_binding ip_mac ipaddress 10.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 369 DES-3200-28:4#config address_binding ip_mac ports 2 state enable Command: config address_binding ip_mac ports 2 state enable Success. DES-3200-28:4# show a ddress_ binding Purpose Used to displa y IP - MAC - po rt bindin g entries.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 370 DES-3200-28:4#show address_binding ip_mac all Command: show address_binding ip_mac all IP Address MAC Address Mode ACL Status Ports --------------- ----------------- --------------- --------- ---------- 10.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 371 delet e a ddre s s_ bindi ng Purpose Used to delete IP - MAC - port bi nding entr ies.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 372 enable a ddr ess_binding tr ap_log Purpose Used to enabl e the trap log f or the IP - MAC - port b inding f unction.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 373 show a ddress_ binding dhcp_s noop Purpose To show address bindin g entries c reated b y DHCP pa cket.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 374 To displ ay a ddress bi nding DHCP snoopi ng maxim um entry: DES-3200-28:4#show address_binding dhcp_snoop max.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 375 Exa mple usa ge To enabl e address bindin g DHCP snoopin g: DES-3200-28:4#enable address_binding dhcp_snoop Command: enable address_binding dhcp_snoop Success.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 376 config a ddr ess_binding dhcp_ s noo p max_e nt r y the spec ified ports .
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 377 enable a ddr ess_binding ar p_inspe c ti on Purpose Used to enabl e ARP insp ection.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 378 47 L OOPB ACK D ETECTI ON C O M M AN D S The Loopback Detection commands in the Command Line Interface (CL I) .
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 379 config l oopdetect Purpose Used to conf igure the lo opback detection f unction on the S witch.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 380 config loopdete ct ports Purpose Used to conf igure the lo opback detection f unction f or the port on the Switch.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 381 enable loopdetect Purpose Used to globa lly enable the loop - det ect f unction on the Switch. Syntax enable loopdetect Descripti on This comm and is used to al low the loo p detecti on funct ion to be g loball y enabled on the S witch.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 382 show l oopdetect Purpose Used to displa y the S witch’s current loopb ack detection c onfiguratio n. Syntax show loopdetec t Descripti on This comm and is used to di spla y the Switch’s current loopbac k detection configur ation.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 383 show l oopdetect ports Purpose Used to displa y the loo pback detection conf igurati on per port on th e Switch.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 384 config loopdete ct tra p Purpose Used to conf igure loopb ack detect ion traps . Syntax config loopdet ect trap [ none | loop_detect ed | loop _cleared | both ] Descripti on This comm and is used to s pecif y the trap m odes f or loop detecti on.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 385 48 P ROTOC OL VLAN C O M M AN D S The Protocol VLAN commands in the Command Line Interface (CLI) are lis ted (.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 386 crea t e dot1 v_pr ot oc ol _group Purpose Used to create a protoc ol group f or the pr otocol VLAN f unction.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 387 Exa mple usa ge : To add a pr otocol IPv6 t o prot ocol grou p 1: DES-3200- 28:4#config dot1v_protocol_group g.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 388 show dot 1 v_pr otocol_ gr oup Purpose Used to displa y the pro tocols def ined in a protoco l group.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 389 config por t dot1v ports Purpose Used to assign the VLAN f or untagg ed pack ets that in gress f rom the portlist bas ed on th e protoc ol group co nfigure d.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 390 show port dot 1 v P urpose Used to display the VLAN to be ass ociate d with unt ag ged pack ets ingressed from a port based on the protoc ol gro up.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 391 49 MAC - BASED VLAN C OMMA N DS The MAC - based VLAN commands in the Command Line Interface (CLI) are listed (.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 392 create mac_based_vlan Purpose Used to create a static MAC - based VLAN entr y. Syntax create mac _based_vl an mac_addr ess <m acaddr> vla n <vlan_nam e 32> Descripti on This comm and is used to c reate a stat ic MAC - based V LAN entr y.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 393 show mac_based_vlan Purpose Used to displa y a static m ac - based vlan en try. Syntax show mac _based_vlan { mac <macaddr > | vlan <vl an_nam e 32>} Descripti on This comm and is used to di spla y a static MAC - B ased VL AN entr y.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 394 50 F LOW M ETER C O M M AN D S The Flow Meter commands in the C ommand Line Interface (CLI) are listed (along .
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 395 config f l ow_meter prof il e _i d Purpose Used to conf igure pack et flo w - based m etering bas ed on an ac cess pr ofile and rule.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 396 show flow_meter Purpose Used to displa y the flo w - based m etering c onfigurat ion. Syntax show flow_m eter {prof ile_id <val ue 1 - 512> {ac cess_i d <acces s_id>}} Descripti on This comm and displays th e flow m eter c onfiguration.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 397 51 MAC - BASED A CCESS C ONTROL C O M M AN D S The MAC - based Access Control comm ands in the Command Lin e I.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 398 enable mac_based _access_control Purpose Used to enabl e MAC - base d access control. Syntax enable mac_b ased_ac cess_contro l Desc ription This c ommand enab les MA C - based ac cess c ontrol on t he Switch.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 399 config mac_based_access_contro l pass w ord Purpose Used to conf igure the pas sword of the MAC - based ac cess control.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 400 config mac_based_access_contro l aut h_failover Purpose Used to conf igure MAC - based acc ess contr ol authent ication failover.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 401 config mac_based_access_contro l ports Purpose Used to conf igure the par am eters of the M AC - base d acces s control.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 402 create mac_based_access_control guest_vl anid <vla nid 1 - 409 4>] Descripti on This comm and is used to a ssign th e guest V LAN. Paramete rs guest_ vlan – Spec ifies t he nam e of the guest VLAN.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 403 clear mac_based_access_control au th_mac port) . T he port (or the user) will retur n to un - au thentic ated state. All the timer s assoc iated with the port (or th e user) will be res et.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 404 config mac_based_access_contro l_local mac vlanid - S pecify the t arget V LAN by VID . W hen the host is authori zed, it is assigne d to this VLAN if th e target VLAN ex ists.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 405 show mac_based_access_control Descripti on This comm and is used to di spla y the MAC - base d acce ss control s etting. Paramete rs ports - Di splay the MA C - ba sed acces s control port state.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 406 show mac_based_access_control_local vlanid – D ispla y MAC - bas ed acc ess contr ol local d atabases by the VLAN ID .
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 407 To display MA C - based access control local databases by V LAN: DES-3200-28:4#show mac_based_access_control_l.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 408 config mac_based_access_control max_users Descripti on Th is command is used to s pecify the m axim um user lim it per counter . Paramete rs no_ lim it – Specif y to not lim it the s ystem m aximum us er num ber.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 409 config mac_based_access_contro l authorization attributes Purpose Used to enabl e or disab le local or RADIU S authori zation to accept an author ized conf iguration.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 410 enable a ut hori zation att ri butes Purpose The enable auth orizat ion com mand globa lly enables the author ization f or attr ibutes f unction. Syntax enable author ization attr ibutes Descripti on Used to enable au thori zation attri butes.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 411 sho w a uthoriza tion Purpose Used to displa y author ization for attributes s tatus. Syntax show author ization Descripti on Used th is to vie w authori zation for att ributes status.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 412 config mac_based_access_contro l log state Purpose Used to enabl e or disab le gener ating of MAC - based acc ess contr ol logs.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 413 52 ARP S POOFING P REVENTION C O M M AN D S The ARP Spoofing Prevention commands in the Command Line Interface.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 414 config a r p_spoofing_pr evention Purpose Used to conf igure the pr evention of ARP sp oofing att ack s.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 415 show a rp_spoofi ng_preve ntion Purpose Used to displa y ARP sp oofing pre vention entries . Syntax show arp_spoof ing_pre vention Descripti on This comm and is used to di spla y ARP spoofing preven tion entries .
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 416 53 T ECHNIC A L S UPPORT C O M M AN D S The Technical Su pport commands in the Command Lin e Interface (CLI) a.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 417 DES-3200-28:4#show tech_support Command: show tech_support DES-3200-28 Fast Ethernet Switch Technical Informat.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 418 upload te c h_s uppor t_toTFTP Purpose Used to uploa d inform ation f or assistanc e from technical sup port.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 419 54 C O M M AN D H IS TORY C OMMANDS The Command History commands in the Co mm and Line Interface (CLI) are lis.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 420 DES-3200-28:4#? .. ? cable_diag ports clear clear address_binding dhcp_snoop binding_entry ports clear arptabl.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 421 dir Purpose Used to displa y all comm ands in t he Com mand Line Interf ace (CLI). Sy nta x dir Descripti on This comm and is used to di spla y all of the com mands available through th e Comm and Line Interface ( CLI).
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 422 config c om m a nd_hi st or y Purpose Used to conf igure the com m and histor y. Syntax config comm and_histor y <valu e 1 - 40> Descripti on This comm and is used to c onfigure t he comm and histor y.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 423 55 C ONNECTIVITY F AULT M A N AGEMENT C OM M AN D S Con necti vity Fa ult Ma nage ment (CFM) or E therne t Con necti vity Fa ult Ma nage me nt is an end - to - end Ethernet layer OA M proto col.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 424 higher levels regardless of which direction the frames come in. If the port on which the outward MEP is configured is blocked b y Spanni ng - Tree Pro tocol, the M EP can still transmit and receive CFM m essages through the bridge port.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 425 The Connectivity Fault Management (CFM) commands in the Command Line Interface (CLI) are list ed (along with the appropriate parameters) in the following table.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 426 create cfm md Purpose Used to create a m aintenance dom ain for CF M. Syntax create cfm md <string 2 2> level < int 0 - 7> Desc ription Use this com m and to create a CF M m aintenance d omain and set the l evel for th at dom ain.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 427 DES-3200-28F:4# config cfm md op_domain mip explicit Command: config cfm md op_domain mip explicit Success. DES-3200-28F:4# create cfm ma Purpose Used to create a m aintenance ass ociation.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 428 config c f m ma Purpose This comm and is used to configure t he param eters of a pre viousl y created CFM m aintenance associati on.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 429 Exa mple usa ge To configure parameters for MA “op1”: DES-3200-28F:4# config cfm ma op1 md op_domain vlan 1 ccm_interval 1sec Command: config cfm ma op1 md op_domain vlan 1 ccm_interval 1sec Success.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 430 DES-3200- 28F:4# create cfm mep mep1 mepid 1 md op_domain ma op1 di rection inward port 2 Command: create cfm mep mep1 mepid 1 md op_domain ma op1 direction inward port 2 Success.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 431 config c f m me p Purpose This comm and is used to configure t he param eters of a pre viousl y created CFM MEP.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 432 To configure parameters for MEP “m ep1”: DES-3200-28F:4# config cfm mep mep1 state enable ccm enable Command: config cfm mep mep1 state enable ccm enable Success.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 433 delete cfm ma Purpose This comm and is used to delete a previous ly create d m aintenance as sociation.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 434 enable cfm Purpose This comm and is used to enable t he CFM g loball y. Syntax enable cfm Descripti on This comm and is used to e nable the C FM glob ally. Paramete rs None.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 435 config c f m por t s Purpose This comm and is used to enable or disable the CFM f unction o n a per - port basis. Syntax config cfm ports <portl ist> state [ enabl e | disabl e] Descripti on By defaul t, the CFM funct ion is disab led on all ports .
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 436 Exa mple usa ge To vie w CFM set t i ngs for por t s 3 - 6: DES-3200-28F:4# show cfm ports 3-6 Command: show c.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 437 To view CFM settings for MD “op_dom ain” MA “ op1”: DES-3200-28F:4# show cfm md op_domain ma op1 Comma.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 438 To vi e w CFM settings for MEP “mep1”: DES-3200-28F:4# show cfm mepname mep1 Command: show cfm mepname mep.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 439 show cfm fault Descripti on This comm and displays all the fault c onditions detecte d by the M EPs contai ned in the spec ified MA or MD. This dis play prov ides the o verview of the fau lt status by MEPs.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 440 Exa mple usa ge : To di splay CFM configu ration for port 1: DES-3200-28F:4# show cfm port1 Command: show cfm .
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 441 Example usage To initiate a loopback test f r o m MEP “mep1”: DES-3200-28F:4# cfm loopback 00-01-02-03-04-05 mep mep1 Command: cfm loopback 00-01-02-03-04-05 mep mep1 Request timed out.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 442 show cfm linktrace Purpose This comm and is used to show the link trac e respo nses.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 443 To view link trace resu lts for trace of MEP “mep1” transaction “tras _id 26”: DES-3200-28F:4# show cf.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 444 delete cfm linktrace Purpose This comm and is used to delete r eceived link trac e responses .
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 445 show cfm mip ccm Purpose This comm and is used to displa y the MIP CC M databa se entri es. Syntax show cfm mipccm Descripti on All entries in the MIP CCM data base will be sho wn.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 446 Exa mple usa ge : To enable all MPs to reply to L TM: DES-3200-28F:4# config cfm mp_ltr_all enable Command: config cfm mp_ltr_all enable Success.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 447 DES-3200-28F:4# show cfm remote_mep mepname mep1 remote_mepid 2 Command: show cfm remote_mep mepname mep1 remo.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 448 --------------------------- Port VidDrop OpcoDrop ----- ---------- ---------- all 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 3 0 0 4 0 0 .
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 449 Exa mple usa ge : To d isp lay the CFM packet CCM counters: DES-3200-28:4# show cfm pkt_cnt ccm Command: show .
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 450 56 E THERNET OAM C O M M AN D S Ethernet OAM (Op eratio ns, Administra tion, and M aintena nc e) is a data li .
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 451 config e t he r net_oam port s (m ode) Purpose Used to conf igure Ether net O AM mode f or ports.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 452 config e t he r net_oam port s (state) Purpose Used to enabl e or disab le Ethernet OAM per port.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 453 DES-3200- 28F:4# config ethernet_oam ports 1 link_monitor error_symbol threshold 2 wind ow 1000 notify_state e.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 454 config e t he r net_oam port s (li nk monitor error f r ame seconds) { threshold <num ber> | windo w <.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 455 config e t he r net_oam port s (link mo nitor e rror fra me perio d) Purpose Used to conf igure Ether net O AM link m onitoring er ror fram e period f or ports.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 456 config e t he r net_oam port s (critical link ev ent) Purpose Used to conf igure Ether net O AM critical link event for por ts.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 457 config e t he r net_oam port s (remote l oopback) Purpose Used to start or stop Et hernet OAM rem ote loopback mode for the rem ote peer of t he port.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 458 config e t he r net_oam port s (re c ei v ed re m ot e l oopba ck) Purpose Used to conf igure the m ethod to process the recei ved Ether net OAM r emote l oopback comm and.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 459 show e thernet _oam port s (status) • SendLoc alAn dRemot eOk : T he local de vice agre es the OAM peer ent ity. • PeeringLo callyRej ected : The local O AM ent ity rejec ts the rem ote peer O AM entit y.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 460 Exa mple usa ge To show OAM control an d status inform ation on port 1 - 2: DES-3200-28F:4# show ethernet_oam .
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 461 show e thernet _oam port s (confi guration) Purpose Used to displa y Ethern et OAM co nfigurat ion per por t. Syntax show etherne t_oam ports {<portlis t>} conf iguration Descri ption Use this to view Ethernet O AM co nfigurat ions for port s.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 462 Exa mple usa ge : To sho w Ethe rnet OAM c onfi gurat io n o n po r t 1 - 2: DES-3200-28F:4# show ethernet_oam.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 463 show e thernet _oam port s (statistics) Purpose Used to displa y Ethern et OAM stat istics f or ports. Syntax show etherne t_oam ports {<portlis t>} stat istics Descripti on Use this c omm and to displ ay Ethernet O AM por ts statis tics infor mation.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 464 show e thernet _oam port s (event log) Purpose Used to display Ethernet O AM event log Syntax show etherne t_oam { <portlist>} e vent_ log { index <value_ list>} Descripti on Use this c omm and to view ports Et hernet OAM event l og inform ation.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 465 clear et her ne t _ oam por ts (statistics) Paramete rs <por tlis t> - S pecifies a range of ports to cl ear OAM s tatistics . Use all to specif y all ports .
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 466 57 BPDU A T T AC K P ROTEC TION C O M M AN D S The BPDU Attack Protection commands in the Co mman d Line I nterf ace (CLI) are listed (along wi th the appropr iate param eters) in the followi ng table .
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 467 config bpdu_ pr otecti on ports Purpose Used to conf igure the B PDU Att ack Protection st ate and m ode of a port.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 468 Exa mple usa ge : To se t the B PDU a ttack protecti on port s tate to e nable a nd drop m ode: DES-3200-28F:4# config bpdu_protection ports 1 state enable mode drop Commands: config bpdu_protection ports 1 state enable mode drop Success.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 469 config bpdu_ pr otecti on trap/log Purpose Used to conf igure trap a nd log se ttings f or BPDU at tack protection e vents.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 470 enable bpdu_ pr otecti on Purpose Used to globa lly enable BPDU at tack protection on the S witch. Syntax enable bpdu_prot ecti on Descripti on Use this t o enab le BPDU at tack protection.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 471 disabl e bpdu_protect i on Purpose Used to disable BPDU attack pr otection on the Switc h. Syntax disable bpd u_protec tion Descripti on Use this t o disab le BPDU a ttack protection on the ent ire Switch.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 472 DES-3200-28F:4# show bpdu_protection ports 1-12 Commands: show bpdu_protection ports 1-12 Port State Mode Stat.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 473 58 P ER -Q UEUE B A NDWIDTH C ONTROL C O M M AN D S The Per - Queue Bandwidth Control commands in the Command .
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 474 config per_que ue bandwi dth_contr ol Purpose Used to conf igure band width contr ol appl ied to a s pecific hardware pr iorit y queue on a per por t basis.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 475 show per_queue ba ndwidt h_control Purpose Used to displa y the conf igur ation settings for per - queue ba ndwidth control.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 476 59 ERPS C OMMA NDS The Ether net Ri ng Pro tect ion Switchi ng ( ERPS ) de fined i n IT U - T G.8032 i s int ended t o provide a protection sw itching an d recovery process, and t o preven t loops f orming for Eth er net in a ring t opology .
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 477 enable er ps Purpose Used to enabl e the glob al ERPS f unction o n the S witch. Syntax enable erps Descripti on This comm and is used to e nable the g lobal ER PS func tion on the Switch.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 478 create erps VLA N Purpose Used to define an existi ng VLAN as an R - A PS VLAN on the S witch.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 479 config e r ps ring_mel Purpose Used to conf igure the ME L (m aintenance e ntity grou p level) v alue.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 480 config e r ps ring_port Purpose Used to conf igure the por ts of the ERPS r ing for a s pecif ic R - APS VL AN.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 481 config e r ps rpl Purpose Used to define the RPL p ort or the RPL owner status for a spec ific R - APS VL AN.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 482 config e r ps protected VL AN Purpose Us ed to configure the prote cted VLAN for a s pecific R - APS VLA N.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 483 config e r ps timer Purpose Used to conf igure ERPS tim ers for an R - APS VLAN .
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 484 config e r ps log Syntax config erps l og [enabl e | disabl e] Descripti on This comm and is used to e nable or disable lo gging of ERPS eve nts. Paramete rs enable | disab le – Us e to def ine the stat us of ERP S loggi ng.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 485 Exa mple usa g e: To display curr e nt ERP S informatio n : DES-3200-28F:4# show erps Command: show erps ERPS .
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 486 60 N ETWORK L O AD B A L A NCING (NLB) C OM M AN D S The Network Load Balancing (NLB) co m mands are used to c.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 487 create nlb unicast_fdb Purpose Used to create a n entr y for the N LB unic ast FDB. Syn tax create nlb u nicast_f db <mac addr> Descripti on For NLB, the Switc h uses a FDB that is separat e from and ind ependent of the Layer 2 unicast F DB.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 488 delete nlb unicast _fdb Purpose Used to remove a prev iously create d MAC addr ess e ntr y from the NLB un icast FD B. Syntax delete nlb un icast_fdb Descripti on The delet e nlb un icast_f db comm and is used t o rem ove an entr y from the N LB FDB.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 489 create nlb multicast_fdb Purpose Used to create a n entr y for the N LB multicas t FDB.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 490 delete nlb mu lticast_fdb Purpo se Used to rem ove a pr eviousl y created M AC addres s ent ry from the NLB m ulticast F DB.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 4 91 Exa mple usa ge : To con figure a NLB multicast MAC f orwarding database entry: DES-3200-28F:4# config nlb multicast_fdb default 03-bf-01-01-01-01 add 1-5 Command: config nlb multicast_fdb default 03-bf-01-01-01-01 add 1-5 Success.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 492 61 PPP O E C IRCUIT ID I NSERTI ON C OM M A NDS PPPoE Circ uit ID Inserti on is used to produ ce th e unique subscri ber mappi ng capabi lity tha t is possibl e on ATM netw orks between ATM - DSL local l oop and the PPPoE server.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 493 config pppoe c ir cuit_i d_ins e r tion state Purpose Used to enabl e or disab le the PP PoE circuit identif ier inser tion.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 494 config pppoe c ir cuit_i d_ins e r tion ports Purpose Used to enabl e and disab le PPPo E circui t identif ier insertion on a per port basis and specif y how to enc ode the circuit ID option.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 495 DES-3200-28F:4# show pppoe circuit_id_insertion Command: show pppoe circuit_id_insertion Status: Disabled DES-3200-28F:4# show pppoe ci r cuit_i d_ins e rt i on ports Purpose Used to displa y the PP PoE ID i nsertion c onfigur ation o n a per port basis.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 496 62 DHCP S ER VER S CREENING S E TTINGS Due to this function allo w you not o nly to restrict all DHCP Server p.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 497 config f il ter dhcp_ser ver Purpose DHCP server p ack ets except thos e that hav e been IP/ client M AC bound will be f iltered.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 498 show f ilter dhcp_server Purpose Used to displa y current DHCP ser ver/cli ent filter l ist create d on the swit ch. Syntax show filter dhc p_server Descripti on This comm and is used to di spla y DHCP server /client fi lter list c reated on the switch.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 499 config f il ter dhcp_ser ver trap / log Purpose Used to enabl e or disab le the trap and log f unctions f or DHCP s erver sc reening.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 500 A PPENDIX A - P A SSWORD R ECOVERY P ROCEDURE This docum ent descri bes th e procedure f or reset ting passwords on D - Link Switc hes. Authenticating any us er who tries to access netw o rks is necessary and im portant.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 501 In the “Password Recovery Mod e” o nly the following commands can be used.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 502 A PPENDIX B – S YST EM L OG E NTRIES The f ollowing table l ists all possible en tries and th eir cor responding m eanings that will appear in the Syste m Log of this S witch.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 503 Configura tion upl oad b y console w as unsucc essful Configura tion upl oad b y conso le was unsuc cessful! (.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 504 SNMP SNMP re quest rec eived with inval id comm unity strin g SNMP req uest recei ved fro m <ipAddres s>.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 505 Success ful logi n through Telnet a uthentic ated b y AAA local m ethod Success ful login throu gh Telnet f ro.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 506 Login fai led thr ough W eb (SSL) due to A AA server timeout or imprope r configurat ion Login fai led through.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 507 Succe ssful E nable Adm in through S SH authent icated by AAA loc al_enabl e method Success ful Enabl e Adm in.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 508 server Enable Adm in failed through T elnet authent icated by AAA server Enable A dmin f ailed through T elnet.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 509 Password c hange ac tivit y User <user nam e> Passwor d was chang ed b y (Userna me: <usernam e>, .
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 510 Port with VI D Loop detection restarte d afte r inter val t im e Port <portNum > VID <vl anID> LBD reco vered.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 511 Rem ote MEP's MAC reports an error s tatus CFM rem ote MAC error . MD L evel:<m dlevel>, VLA N:<vl anid>, Local( Port < portNum>, Direction: <mepdir ection>) W arning Rem ote MEP detect s CFM defects CFM rem ote detects a def ect.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 512 A PPENDIX C – T R AP L O G E NTRIES T rap Name/OID Variable Bin d Format MIB Name coldStart .1.5.1 None V2 RF C1907 (SNM Pv2 - MIB) warm Start 1.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 513 dot3Oam EventLog EventTotal dot3Oam NonThr esholdEve nt 1.3.6.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 514 . .6.0.12 swSingl eIPMSMac Addr swSingl eIPMSLink Down . .6.0.13 swSingl eIPMSID s wSingleIP MSMacA ddr ifIndex V2 SING LE - IP - MIB swSingl eIPMSLink Up 1.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 515 . 13.1.4. L2 mgmt .mi b des3200 - 28 - L2 mg mt. mib des3200 - 28f - L2 mg mt. mib swL2Port LoopOcc urred . 13.1.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 516 A PPENDIX D - RADIUS A TTRIBUTES A SSI GNMENT The RADIU S Attr ibutes As s ignm ent on the D ES - 3200 is used in the f ollo wing m odules: 802.1X (Port - b ased and Hos t - based), a nd MAC - bas ed Ac cess Contr ol.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 517 To ass ign 802.1p default priorit y by RADIUS Server , th e proper par ameter s should be conf igured on th e RADIUS Server. T he tables b elow s how the p aram eters for 802.
xStack® DES - 3200 Ser ies L ayer 2 Ethe rnet Manage d Switch C LI Refe rence Gui de 518 The param eters of the Vendor - Specif ic Attribut e are: RADIUS Tunnel A ttribute Descrip tion Value Usage Vendor - ID Defines th e vendor . 171 (DL INK) Requ ired Vendor - T yp e Def ines the attr ibute.
デバイスD-Link DES-3200の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
D-Link DES-3200をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはD-Link DES-3200の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。D-Link DES-3200の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。D-Link DES-3200で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
D-Link DES-3200を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はD-Link DES-3200の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、D-Link DES-3200に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちD-Link DES-3200デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。