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CLI Ref erenc e Gui de Product Model: xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es L ayer 3 Managed Gigabi t Ethernet Switch Release 2.8.
TABLE O F CONTENTS INTRODUCT ION .................................................................................................................................................................... 1 USING THE CONSOLE CL I ............................
INTERNET GROUP M ANAG EM ENT PROTO COL ( IGMP ) COMMANDS ....................................................................... 329 IP DIRECTED BRO ADCAST COMM ANDS .....................................................................................
STACKING COMM ANDS .................................................................................................................................................. 643 S T AT I C M AC - B ASED VLAN COMM ANDS .........................................
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 1 1 INTRODUCT ION The S witch can be m anage d through t he Switc h’s seri al port, T elnet, or t he W eb - based m anagem ent agent.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 2 The S witch is als o assigne d a unique MAC ad dress b y the fac tory. This MAC ad dress c annot be ch anged, and can be found on t he init ial boot con sole scr een – sho wn belo w.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 3 2 USING T HE CO NSOLE CL I The S witch supports a con sole m anagement i nterfac e that allo ws the user t o connec t to the Switch’s m anag ement agent via a seri al port and a term inal or a c omputer running a term inal emulati on progra m .
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 4 DGS - 3627:admin# ? Command: ? .. ? cable_diag ports cd clear clear address_binding dhcp_snoop binding_entry po.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 5 In the ab ove exam ple, the comm and config ac count was entered without the r equire d param eter <use rname> , the C LI returned t he Next possible compl etions: <userna me> prom pt.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 6 3 COMMAND S YNTAX The f ollowing s ymbols are used to describ e how com mand entr ies are m ade and values and argum ents are specified in this m anual.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 7 {b races} S ynt ax rese t {[config | syste m]} Descripti on In th e above s yntax exam ple, us ers have the opt ion to s pecif y c onfig or s ystem .
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 8 4 BASIC SWI TCH COMMAND S The basic switch com m ands in the Com mand Li ne Inte rface ( CLI) are list ed (with t he appropr iate param eters ) in the following tab le.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 9 create account Purpose U sed to crea te user account s. S ynt ax create ac count [ad min | op erator | use r] &.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 10 config a c c ount Purpose U sed to co nfigure us er accounts .
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 11 delete account Purpose U sed to de lete an ex isting us er account. S ynt ax delete acco unt <usern ame> {<string> } Descripti on T he delete acco unt com mand del etes a user accou nt that has been cr eated us ing the create account com mand.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 12 show switch Purpose U sed to disp lay gener al inf orm ation about the Switch. S ynt ax show switch Descripti on T his comm and displa ys inform ation about t he S witch.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 13 DGS - 3627:admin# show serial_port Command: show serial_port Baud Rate : 115200 Data Bits : 8 Parity Bits : None Stop Bits : 1 Auto - Logout : 10 mins DGS - 3627:admin# c onfig se ri al_port Purpose U sed to co nfigure the s eria l port.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 14 DGS - 3627:admin# enable clipaging Command: enable clipaging Success.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 15 disable telnet Purpose U sed to disa ble the Telnet protoc ol on the Switch. S ynt ax disable te lnet Descripti on T his comm and is used to disable the Telnet protoco l on the S witch.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 16 enable w eb Purpose U sed to ena ble the HT T P - based managem ent sof tware on the Switch. S ynt ax enable w eb {<tcp_po rt_number 1- 65535>} Descripti on T his comm and is used to enable t he W eb - based m anagem ent software on the Switch.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 17 save Purpose U sed to sa ve changes in the S witch’s co nfigurat ion to non - v ol ati le RA M.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 18 reset Purpose U sed to rese t the Sw itch to the factor y default s ettings .
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 19 logout Purpose U sed to lo g out a us er from t he Switc h’s conso le. S ynt ax logout Descripti on T his comm and terminates the cur rent user ’s sess ion on the Switch’s c onsol e.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 20 Exam ple usage: To conf igure the com mand pr ompt: DGS - 3627:admin# config command_prompt Tiberius Command: config command_prompt Tiberius Success.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 21 DGS - 3627:admin# config greeting_message Command: config greeting_message Greeting Messages Editor =============================================================================== DGS - 3627 Gigabit Ethernet Switch Command Line Interface Firmware: Build 2.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 22 5 BASIC IP CO MMANDS The Basic IP com mands in the Comm and Line I nterface ( CLI) are listed (a long wit h the appr opriate param eters) in the following tab le.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 23 create ipif address l ocated in the sam e interf ace, the s ystem will check this setting to determ ine whet her to repl y. Default: D isabled. Restr ictio ns Onl y Administr ator an d Operator - level user s can issue this comm and.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 24 config i pif enable - En abled the I P dir ected - broa dcast state of th e interf ace. disab le - Dis abled the IP direc ted - broadc ast state of the in terfac e.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 25 DGS - 3627:admin# disable ipif Intface_1 Command: disable ipif Intface_1 Success DGS - 3627:admin# enable ipif_ipv6_link_local_auto Purpose Ena ble th e auto conf igurat ion of l ink local address when no IPv6 addres s is conf igured.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 26 show i pif Purpose T his comm and is us ed to dis play the int erface’s informatio n. S ynt ax show ipif {< ipif_name 12>} Descripti on T o show an inter face’s i nform ation.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 27 delete ipif S ynt ax delete ipif [ <ipif_nam e 12 > {ipv6add ress <ipv 6netwo rkaddr>} | a ll] Descripti on Dele te an interf ace or a ll the in terfac es.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 28 6 BPDU TUNNE L ING COMM A NDS The BPDU T unnel ing comm ands in the Comm and Line Int erfac e (CLI) are l isted (al ong with the appr opr iat e param eters ) in the fol lowing tab le.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 29 show bpdu_ t unne l Purpose U sed to sh ow BPDU T unnelin g global st ate, tun nel des tination M AC addres s and ports s tate .
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 30 disabl e bpdu_tunnel Restr ictio ns Onl y Administr ator an d Operator - level user s can issue this comm and. Exam ple usage: To disabl e the BPDU Tunneli ng functi on: DGS - 3627:admin# disable bpdu_tunnel Comm and: disable bpdu_tunnel Success.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 31 7 802.1X CO M M ANDS The S witch im plements t he server - side of the I EEE 80 2.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 32 Command Para meters enable 802.1x disable 802. 1x create 80 2.1x user < usernam e 15 > delete 802. 1x user < usern ame 15 > show 802.1x user config 80 2.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 33 Each com mand is l isted, in detail, in the follo wing sec tions. enable 802.1x Purpose U sed to ena ble the 80 2.1X f unction. S ynt ax enable 802.1x Descripti on T he enable 802.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 34 To cr eate an 802. 1x user “t est”: DGS - 3627:admin# create 802.1x user test Command: create 802.1x user test Enter a case - sensitive new password: Enter the new password again for confirmation: Success.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 35 DGS - 3627:admi n# show 802.1x user Command: show 802.1x user Username Password ---------- ---------- user1 abcds Total Entries : 1 DGS - 3627:admin# config 8 0 2.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 36 DGS - 3627:admin# config 802.1x fwd_pdu system enable Command: config 802.1x fwd_pdu system enable Success. DGS - 3627:admin# config 8 0 2. 1 x fw d_pdu ports Purpose U sed to co nfigure if the por t will flo od EAPOL PDU wh en 802.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 37 DGS - 3627:admin# config 802.1x authorization attributes radius disable Command: config 802.1x authorization attributes radius disable Success. DGS - 3627:admin# show 802.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 38 To displa y the 802. 1X port level conf igur ations: DGS - 3627:admin# show 802.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 39 config 802.1x max_users Param eters max_us ers - S pecifies th e m aximum number of us ers. The range is 1 to 40 00. B y default, there is n o lim it on the m aximum users.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 40 config 802.1x auth_parameter enable_r eauth - You can enab le or dis able the re - auth enticatio n mec hanism f or a specif ic port. max_users - Specif ies per port m aximum number of users.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 41 config 802.1x init Restr ictio ns Onl y Administrat or and O perator - level users can is sue this c omm and. Exam ple usage: To initial ize the a uthentic ation stat e mac hine of som e or all: DGS - 3627:admin# config 802.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 42 To cr eate a VLAN nam ed “gues tVLAN” as 802.1X gues t VLAN: DGS - 3627:admin# create 802.1x guest_vlan guestVLAN Command: create 802.1x guest_vlan guestVLAN Success.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 43 DGS - 3627:admin# config 802.1x guest_vlan ports 1 - 8 state enable Command: config 802.1x guest_vlan ports 1 - 8 state enable Warning! GVRP of the ports were disabled! Success.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 44 config r adius add Restr ictio ns Onl y Administr ator an d Operator - level user s can issue this comm and. Exam ple usage: To add a n ew RADIU S ser ver: DGS - 3627:admin# config radius add 1 10.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 45 config r adius is 1813. timeout - T he tim e in secon d for wait ing server r epl y. Default va lue is 5 sec onds. retransmit - The c ount for re - tr ansm itting.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 46 DGS - 3627:admin# show radius Command: show radius Time Out : 5 seconds Retransmit : 2 Server 1 IP Address : f.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 47 DGS - 3627:admin# show auth_statistics ports 1 Command: show auth_statistics ports 1 Port number : 1 EapolFram.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 48 DGS - 3627:admin# show auth_diagnostics ports 1 Command: show auth_diagnostics ports 1 Port number : 1 EntersC.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 49 DGS - 3627:admin# show auth_session_statistics ports 1 Command: show auth_session_statistics ports 1 Port numb.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 50 show acct_client Purpose U sed to disp lay inf ormation of RADIU S account ing clie nt. S ynt ax show acct_client Descripti on T he show acc t_client com m and displa ys inform ation of R ADIUS acc ountin g client.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 51 DGS - 3627:admin# config accounting service shell state enable Command: config accounting service shell state enable Success. DGS - 3627:admin# show accounting service Purpose U sed to sh ow the stat us of R ADIUS acc ounting ser vices .
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 52 8 ACCESS AUT HENTICATI O N CONT ROL COMM ANDS The T ACACS / XT ACACS / TACACS + / RADI US com mands allow users to secur e acces s to the S witch us ing the TACAC S / XT ACACS / T ACACS+ / R ADIU S protocol s.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 53 Please n ote that us er grant ed acces s to the Switch will be gra nted nor mal user privileg es on the Switch.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 54 Command Para meters enable pass word encr yption disable password e ncr yption create acc ount [admin | operat.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 55 Command Para meters config adm in local_ enable Each com mand is l isted, in detail, in the follo wing sec tions. enable passw ord encr y ption Purpose T his comm and is us ed to enab le pass word enc ryption.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 56 DGS - 3627:admin# disable password encryption Command: disable password encryption DGS - 3627:admin# create account Purpose T his comm and is us ed to cr eate user ac counts .
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 57 Exam ple usage: To conf igure the us er pass word of t he “alpha” account : DGS - 3627:admi n# config acco.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 58 DGS - 3627:admin# delete account System Command: delete account System Success. DGS - 3627:admin# enable a ut he n_pol ic y Purpose T his comm and is us ed to enab le the s ystem acces s authenticatio n polic y.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 59 show a uthen_polic y Purpose T his comm and is us ed to dis play if the system access authenticati on polic y is ena bled or disabled . S ynt ax show authen_pol icy Descripti on Displ ays if the system acces s authenticat ion polic y is e nabled or disabled.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 60 config a ut he n_ l ogin hosts in the tacacs + group are m issing, the aut henticat ion requ est will be s ent to the fir st server host in the tacacs gr oup.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 61 DGS - 3627:admin# delete authen_login method_list_name login_list_1 Command: delete authen_login method_list_name login_list_1 Success.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 62 DGS - 3627:admin# create authen_enable method_list_name enable_list_1 Comman d: create authen_enable method_list_name enable_list_1 Success.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 63 delete authen_enable me thod_list_name Descripti on Dele tes a user - defined m ethod list of authentica tion metho ds for promot ing a use r' s priv ilege to Adm in level.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 64 config a ut he n a ppl icati on Purpose T his comm and is us ed to conf igure lo gin or enab le method lists f or all or t he spec ified applicat ions.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 65 create authen serv er_group Purpose T his comm and is us ed to cr eate a user - defined authent ication ser ver group. S ynt ax create auth en serv er_gro up <string 15> Descripti on Creates a user - defined a uthent ication ser ver gro up.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 66 DGS - 3627:admin# config authen server_group mix_1 add server_host protocol tacacs+ Command: config authen server_group mix_1 add server_host protocol tacacs+ Success.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 67 DGS - 3627:admin# show authen server_group Command: show authen server_group Server Group : mix_1 Group Name IP Address Protocol --------------- --------------- -------- mix_1 10.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 68 DGS - 3627:admin# create authen server_host protocol tacacs+ port 15555 timeout 10 Command: create authen server_host protocol tacacs+ port 15555 timeout 10 Success.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 69 delete authen serv er_host protocol x tacacs - Specif y that the s erver host ’s authe ntication protoc ol is XT ACACS. protocol tac acs+ - Specif y that the s erver host ’s authe ntication protoc ol is T ACACS+.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 70 Exam ple usage: To conf igure the am ount of time the S witch wil l wait for a user to authent icate thr ough .
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 71 DGS - 3627:admin# show authen parameter Command: show authen parameter Response timeout : 60 seconds User atte.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 72 DGS - 3627:admin# config admin local_enable Command: config admin local_enable Enter the old password: Enter the case - sensitive new password:****** Enter the new password again for confirmation:****** Success.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 73 9 ACCESS CON TROL LIS T (ACL) COMMANDS The S witch im plements Ac cess C ontrol Lists that ena ble the S witch to de ny net wor k acc ess to specif ic devic es or device groups b ased on I P setting s and MAC address .
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 74 The Acc ess Contr ol List ( ACL) com m ands in the Com mand Line I nterfac e (CLI) a re listed (a long with the appr opriat e param eters) in the f ollowin g table.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 75 create access_profile Purpose U sed to crea te acces s list rules . S ynt ax create ac cess_pro file [et hernet {vlan | sour ce_ma c <macmask 000000 000000 - fffff fffffff> | destin ation_m ac <macm ask 00000 0000 000 - fffffff fffff> | 802.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 76 create access_profile Restr ictio ns Onl y Administr ator an d Operator - level user s can issue this comm and.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 77 config access_profile S ynt ax config acc ess_profi le pro file_id <v alue 1 - 14> [add acce ss_id [ aut.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 78 config access_profile dst_port - Specif ies the ran ge of tcp d estinati on port m ask protocod _id - Spec ifi.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 79 DGS - 3627: admin# config access_profile profile_id 5 add access_id auto_assign packet_content offset_chunk_1 .
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 80 config f l ow_meter prof il e_id Purpose T o conf igure pack et flow - bas ed meter ing based on an ac cess prof ile and ru le.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 81 config f l ow_meter prof il e_id The unit is Kby tes . The m ax set value is 16*10 24. conform - Specif y the actio n when p ack et is in “green color”. permit - P erm it the packet.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 82 DGS - 3627:admin# show flow_meter Command: show flow_meter Flow Meter Information ----------------------------.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 83 show t ime_ra nge Param eters None. Restr ictio ns None. Exam ple usage: To displa y current time r ange sett .
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 84 10 ACL FLO W METERING CO MMANDS Before conf iguring the AC L Flow Met er, here is a list of acr onyms and t erms users will n eed to k now. trT CM – Two Ra te Three C olor Mar ker.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 85 Command Para meters config f low_meter profile_id <value 1 - 14> ac cess_id <value 1 - 1 28>[ [ tr.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 86 config f l ow_meter prof il e_id Purpose U sed to co nfigure the flow m etering function f or ACL.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 87 config f l ow_meter prof il e_id field rewr itten usi ng this p aram eter and enteri ng the D SCP valu e to rep lace. • drop – Enter this param eter to dr op pack ets that are in the yellow flow.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 88 DGS - 3627:admin# show flow_meter profile_id 1 access_id 1 Command: show flow_meter profile_id 1 access_id 1 P.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 89 11 ADDRESS RE SOLUT ION PROTO CO L (ARP) COMMAN DS The Addres s Reso lution Pr otocol ( ARP) com mands in the Com mand Line I nterfac e (CLI) are listed (a long wit h the appropriat e param eters ) in the follo wing tab le.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 90 Exam ple usage: To delete an entr y of IP ad dress 10.48 .74.12 1 from the ARP tabl e: DGS - 36 27:admin# delete arpentry Command: create arpentry 10.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 91 clear arpta ble Purpose U sed to c lear all th e dynam ic ARP e ntries fr om the AR P table. S ynt ax clear arpt able Descripti on T his comm and is used to clear al l the d ynamic entries fr om ARP tab le.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 92 DGS - 3627:admin# show arpentry Command: show arpentry ARP Aging Time : 20 Interface IP Address MAC Address Type ------------ - --------------- ----------------- --------------- System 10.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 93 12 ARP SPOOFING PREVENT ION COMMANDS The ARP Sp oof ing Pre ven ti on com m ands in the Com mand Lin e Interf ace (CLI) are liste d (along with the a ppropriate param eters) in the f ollowin g table.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 94 show a rp_spoofi ng_preventi on Purpose T his comm and is us ed to sho w the ARP spoofin g preventi on entr y. S ynt ax show arp_s p o o fi ng_preventio n Descripti on T his comm and is us ed to sho w the ARP spoofin g preventi on entr y.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 95 13 BORDER GAT E W AY PROTOCOL (BGP) DEBUG C OM MANDS BGP is a UN ICAST Routin g protoco l. It can be used o n any La yer 3 Ether net swit ch support ing the IP routing function.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 96 debug err or_log The “er ror_log” her e refers to the sof tware err or log sto red in NV RAM. For m ore in form ation on this c omm and, please ref er to the UIS - Debu g topic Param eters dump - Disp la y s debug m essages oc curring in the deb ug log.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 97 debug buffer buff er to the TFT P server. The “buf fer” here ref ers to the m odule deb ug m essages s tored in the RAM.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 98 debug bgp show fl a g Purpose T his comm and is us ed to dis play the cur rent BGP debugg ing flags’ s etting S ynt ax debug bgp show flag Descripti on T his comm and is used to displa y the current BGP deb ugging fla gs’ sett ing Param eters None.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 99 DGS - 3627:admin# debug bgp all flag enable Command: debug bgp all flag enable Success.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 100 debug bgp packe t Direction of pack et: in out enable - En able the BGP debug fun c tion disab le - Dis able the BGP debu g functio n Restr ictio ns Onl y Administr ator leve l users can issue t his com mand.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 101 After c onfiguring BGP to e nable th e error d ebug flag, it m ay print foll owing inf orm ation when an er ror happe ns: BGP: -, NHop Validate: Invalid NHop address 250.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 102 debug bgp show peer Purpose T his comm and is us ed to dis play inform ation of a ll the peer s in the BGP prot ocol data base.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 103 DGS - 3627:admin# debug bgp show peer Command: debug bgp show peer BGP neighbor: 10.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 104 debug bgp show peer group Param eters None. Restr ictio ns Onl y Administr ator leve l users can issue t his com mand.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 105 DGS - 3627:admin# debug bgp show network Command: debug bgp show network Network Route Map ------------- ----------- 192.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 106 DGS - 3627:admin# debug bgp show damp Command: debug bgp show damp Route Map : NULL Reach Half Life Time is :.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 107 DGS - 3627:admin# debug bgp show interface_info Command: debug bgp show interface_info Interface Information: Name Index Network Flags Status ---- ----- ------------- ----- ------ System 0001 30.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 108 DGS - 3627:adm in# debug bgp show redist_ list Command: debug bgp show redist_list Last redistribution count .
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 109 debug bgp show comm uni ty_list Param eters None. Restr ictio ns Onl y Administr ator leve l users can issue t his com mand.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 110 Exam ple usage: Configure the acc ess list d ebug flags ’ state t o be ena bled: DGS - 3627:admin# debug bgp access_list enable Command: debug bgp access_list enable Success.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 111 14 BORDER GAT E W AY PROTO COL (BGP) COMMANDS The Border Gate way Protoc ol (BGP) com m ands in the Comm and Line Interf ace ( CLI) are lis ted (a long with t he appr opriat e param eters ) in the follo wing tab le.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 112 config bg p neighbo r gen era l [<ipaddr > | peer_ group < peer_grou p_nam e 16>] { ebg p_multiho.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 113 show bgp c onfeder ation config bg p trap [peer _ es tab lish ed | peer_ idl e | all ] [enabl e | disa ble] s.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 114 DGS - 3627:admin# disable bgp Command: disable bgp Success. DGS - 3627:admin# create bgp Purpose T his comm and is us ed to cr eate a BGP pr ocess. It ’s AS num ber m ust be s et.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 115 config bgp r outer_i d Descripti on T he address of a loopbac k interf ace is pr eferred to a n IP ad dress o.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 116 config bgp e nf or ce_ first_as Purpose T his comm and is us ed to enf orce the ne ighbor ’s AS as the first AS in the A S list.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 117 DGS - 3627:admin# create bgp aggregate_address summary_ only Command: create bgp aggregate_address 10.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 118 crea t e bgp netw ork Purpose T his comm and is us ed to spec ify the n etwork advertis ed by the Border G ateway Prot ocol (BGP).
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 119 delet e bgp ne tw ork Param eters <netw ork_addr ess> - R epresents the loc al netw ork that BG P wil l advertis e. all - Del etes al l BGP net works . Restr ictio ns Onl y Administr ator an d Operator - level user s can issue this comm and.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 120 config bgp t i mer The def ault value is 180 se conds. If the ho ldtim e is set to zero, then th e holdt ime wil l never ex pire. If the t wo routers th at build a BGP c onnection h ave a diff erent hold tim e, then th e smaller ho ld tim e will be us ed.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 121 config bgp be s t pa t h If the routes have t he sam e weight, use the rou te with the high est loc al pref erence. If the routes have t he sam e local pref erence, prefer t he route t hat was or iginate d by BGP o n this router .
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 122 config bgp da m pe ni ng Purpose T his c omm and is used to configure BGP proc ess’s da m pening configur a.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 123 DGS - 3427:5#config bgp dampening state disable Command: config bgp dampening state disable Success. DGS - 3627:admin# show bgp da m peni ng Purpose T his comm and is us ed to sho w the BGP dampenin g configur ations .
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 124 conf ig bgp pe e r _group from the peer group. The fo llowing is a list of them : capabil ity_orf_pr efix_lis.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 125 DGS - 3627:admin# config bgp peer_group local delete 10.2.2.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 126 Exam ple usage: To cr eate a neighbor peer whos e addres s is 10.1 0.10. 2: DGS - 3627:admin# create bgp neighbor remote_as 10 Command: create bgp neighbor 10.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 127 DGS - 3627:admin# config bgp neighbor description EBGP - neighbor Command: config bgp neighbor 10.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 128 DGS - 3627:admin# config bgp neighbor session activity disable Co mmand: config bgp neighbor session 10.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 129 config bgp ne i ghbor gener al Param eters <ipad dr> - Spec ifies the IP addres s of the neighbor to be conf igured. <peer_gro up_name> - Spe cifies the p eer gro up to be configur ed.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 130 config bgp ne i ghbor timer mess ages to its peer . The valid value is f rom 0 to 65535. If this va lue is set to zero, the u pdate or withdra wn mess age will be se nt imm ediatel y.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 131 config bgp ne i ghbor route_ r efle ctor_cli ent neighbor comm and. W hen the router is in reflect ion m ode, the ro uter will ex change inform ation with c lient neighbor s in the ref lection way and with th e rem aining neighb ors in the ordinar y wa y.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 132 DGS - 3627:admin# config bgp neighbor map peer_group Campus unsuppress_map add Profile1 Command: config bgp neighbor map peer_group Campus unsuppress_map add Profile1 Success.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 133 show bgp pe er _ group S ynt ax show bgp p eer_group { <peer_g roup_nam e 16>} Descripti on T o displa y the BGP peer gr oup’s inform ation. Param eters <peer _group_ name> - T he nam e of the BGP peer grou p.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 134 DGS - 3627:admin# create bgp neighbor peer_group local1 Command:4#create bgp neighbor peer_group local1 Success. DGS - 3627:admin# create bgp neighbor remote_as 10 Command:4#create bgp neighbor 10.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 135 config bgp r oute_ref le c t or c l uster_id Descripti on T he route ref lector and its clients together form a cluster. W hen a sin gle route r eflec tor is deplo yed in a clust er, the c luster is identif ied b y the router ID of the r oute ref lector.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 136 config bgp c onf e de r ation ide nt if i er S ynt ax config bgp c onfederati on identifier <as_n u m b e r 0- 6 5535> Descripti on A conf ed eratio n, whic h is repres ent ed b y an AS, is a group of the sub AS.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 137 clear bgp Purpose T his comm and is us ed to res et the Border Gate way Pr otocol (BG P) connec tions using hard or sof t reconfigur ations.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 138 clear bgp dam pe ning Descripti on T his comm and clears t he route dampenin g inform ation stor ed in the r outing t able. If no param eters are s pecified, t he dam pening inf orm ation for the entire rout ing tabl e will be cleared.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 139 config bgp as_pat h access_list <regexp_s tr 80> - R egular express ion that def ines the as_path f ilter. permit - P erm its advertisem ent based on m atching c o nditions .
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 140 show bgp as_path access_ list Descripti on T his comm and displa ys the Auto nomous Sy stem path’s acce ss list . If a spe cific access l ist is not spec ified, al l AS path acces s lists wil l be displa yed.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 141 config bgp c om muni t y_list Multiple ru les can be defin ed for a comm unity list. Each rule is either in the permit f orm or in the den y form . Each rule in the sta ndard c omm unity list conta ins one comm unity.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 142 DGS - 3627:admin# create bgp community_list standard list1 Command: create bgp community_list standard list1 Success.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 143 DGS - 3627:admin# create bgp community_list standard list1 Command: create bgp community_list standard list1 Success.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 144 show bgp route no_adver tise - Do n ot adve rtise to any peer ( well - k nown comm unit y ) no_expor t - Do not export to nex t AS ( well - k nown comm unity) exact_matc h - If s pecified, comm unities need to matc h exactl y.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 145 DGS - 3627:admin# show bgp route Command: show bgp route BGP local router ID is 10.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 146 DGS - 3627:admin# show bgp route filter_list filter_list_one Command: show bgp route filter_list filter_list_one BGP local router ID is 172.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 147 DGS - 3627:admin# show bgp route network Command: show bgp route network BGP routing table entry for Paths:(1 available, best #1, table: Default_IP_Routing_Table, not advertised to any peer.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 148 DGS - 3627:admin# show bgp neighbor s Command: show bgp neighbor s 10.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 149 DGS - 3627:admin# show bgp neighbors received_routes Command: show bgp neighbors received_routes BGP local router ID is 172.16.232.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 150 DGS - 3627:admin# show bgp dampened_routes Command: show bgp dampened_routes BGP local router ID is 172.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 151 DGS - 3627:admin# show bgp Command: show bgp BGP Global State : Enabled Version : 4 BGP Router Identifier : 172.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 152 DGS - 3627:admin# show bgp reflection Command: show bgp reflection Client to Client Reflection State : Disabled Cluster ID : Router Reflector Client: 10.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 153 Exam ple usage: To disabl e the BG P peer idl e trap sta te: DGS - 3627:admin# config bgp trap peer_idle disable Command: config bgp trap peer_idle disable Success.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 154 config bgp a ggr egate_ ne x t _ hop_c he c k Purpose T his comm and is us ed to conf igure the BGP ag gregated rout es’ nex t hop chec k.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 155 config bgp ne i ghbor maxi m um _ pref ix The def ault is 12 000. <value 1 - 100> - An integer spec ifying at w hat percen tage th e m aximum prefix lim it on the router star ts to gen erate a warning m ess age.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 156 15 BPDU ATTAC K PROTECT IO N CO MMANDS In a net work, c ustomer s do not want all the p orts of the device to recei ve STP pa ckets , because som e ports that rece ive STP BPDU pack ets will wa ste s y stem r esources .
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 157 config bpdu_ pr otecti on ports shutdown - Shut do wn the port when t he port e nters u nder_attack state. R estr ictio ns Onl y Administrat or and O perator - level users can is sue this c omm and.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 158 config bpdu_ pr otecti on attack_c leared - Events will be logged or tra p ped when the BPD U attack s is c leared. both - The e vents of attack _detected and attack _clear ed sha ll be trapp ed or lo gged.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 159 DGS - 3627:admin# disable bpdu_protection Commands: disable bpdu_protection Success. DGS - 3627:admin# show bpdu_ pr otection Purpose U sed to sh ow bpdu_pr otect ion status .
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 160 16 CABLE DIAG NO STICS COMMAND L I ST The Cabl e Diagnos tics c om mands in the Com mand Lin e Interf ace (CLI) ar e listed ( along with the appr opriate param eters) in the f ollowin g table.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 161 DGS - 3627:admin# cable_diag ports 1 -2 Command: cable_diag ports 1 -2 Perform Cable Diagnostics .
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 162 17 COMMAND HI STORY L IST The switch histor y comm ands in the C omm and Line Int erfac e (CLI) are l isted (alo ng with the appr opriate par am eters) in the follo win g table.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 163 DGS - 3627:admin# ? .. ? cd clear clear address_binding dhcp_snoop binding_entry ports clear arptable clear attack_log clear counters clear dhcp_binding clear fdb clear log clear mac_based_access_control auth_mac clear port_security_entry port config 802.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 164 DGS - 3627:admin# config command_history 20 Command: config command_history 20 Success. DGS - 3627:admin# show c ommand_hi stor y Purpose U sed to disp lay the c omm and histor y.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 165 18 COMMAND LO GGING COMM ANDS The comm and logg ing func tion is use d to log th e comm ands that have succ essfull y been co nfigured t o the s witch via th e comm and line interf ace.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 166 disabl e comma nd logging Param eters None. Restr ictio ns Onl y Administr ator an d Operator - level user s can issue this comm and.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 167 19 COMPOUND AUT HENTICA T ION COM M ANDS The Com pound Authe nticat ion UI s pecificat ion descr ibes the C omm on featur e for acces s control f unctiona lities and specif ications.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 168 Exam ple usage: To cr eate an auth entication guest VL AN: DGS - 3627:admin# create authentication guest_vlan vlan guestVLAN Command: create authentication guest_vlan vlan guestVLAN Success.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 169 DGS - 3627:admin# config authentication guest_vlan vlan gv add ports all Command: config authentication guest_vlan vlan gv add ports all Success. DGS - 3627:admin# config a ut he nt i cation por t s Purpose U sed to co nfigure sec urity port(s) .
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 170 DGS - 3627:admin# config authentication ports all auth_mode host_based vlanid 1 - 3 state enable Command: config authentication ports all auth_mode host_based vlanid 1 - 3 state enable Success.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 171 DGS - 3627:admin# show authentication ports Command: show authentication ports Port Methods Auth Mode Authentication VLAN(s) --------- ---------------- ---------------- --------------------- 1 None Host based 1,3,5,9,11,88,16 18,56 2 Any Port based 3 802.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 172 Exam ple usage: This ex ample sets au thori zation g lobal state disable d: DGS - 3627:admin# disable authorization attributes Command: disable authorization attributes Success.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 173 Set authent ication s erver a uth fail o ver stat e: DGS - 3627:admin# config authentication server failover local Command: config authentication server failover local Success.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 174 20 CONFIG URATION CO M M AN DS Configura tion func tion is used to cons erve se veral conf iguratio n files in switch.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 175 Exam ple usage: To downl oad the co nfigurat ion file “d esxxx x.cfg” from TFT P server at I P address 10.54.71. 1: DGS - 3627:admin# download cfg_fromTFTP 10.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 176 upload cf g_ t oTFT P <drive_i d> - Spec ify the dri ve ID here . src _file - T he pathnam e spec ifies an absolute pathnam e on the de vice file system .
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 177 show c onfig For exam ple, if the f ollowin g express ion is s pecif ied, Include “ stp” exc lude “port” The res ult of the abo ve exa m ple is all lines t hat incl ude the “stp” string b ut excl ude the “p ort” string.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 178 save config Purpose U sed to sa ve the cur rent co nfiguration t o a f ile. S ynt ax save confi g {<drive_id >} <pathname 64> Descripti on Used t o save the current conf iguration to a file.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 17 9 21 COUNTER CO M M ANDS The Counter comm ands in the Comm and Line I nterface ( CLI) are listed ( along with the ap propri ate param eters) in the following tab le.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 180 DGS - 3627:admin# show packet ports 2:7 Command: show packet ports 2:7 Port number : 2:7 Frame Size/Type Fram.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 181 show uti liz ation Purpose U se to sho w real - tim e port ut ilization statistic s. S ynt ax show utilization p o r ts {<portl i st >} Descripti on T he show util ization com mand displa y s real - tim e port utilization statist ics.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 182 clear counter If no param eter is s pecifie d, s y st em will co unter al l of the p orts. Restr ictio ns Onl y Administr ator an d Operator - level user s can issue this comm and.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 183 22 DEBUG COMM ANDS Software D ebug is us ed to define t he comm on behav ior of each m odule’s debug funct ion and coll ect and s ave basic OS inform ation when ex ceptio ns happ en.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 184 Exam ple usage: To dum p the error log: DGS - 3627:admin# debug error_log dump Command: debug error_log dump .
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 185 debug buffer Purpose U se this com mand to s how the debug buf fer’s state, or dump, c lear, or upl oad the debug buff er to a TFT P server.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 186 debug output Descripti on Set sp ecified m odule’s d ebug m ess age output to de bug buf fer or loc al consol e. Param eters <mo dule_ list > - The m odule l ist.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 187 debug confi g e rr or_r e boot disab le - Do n ot need r eboot s witch whe n fatal er ror happe ns, s ystem will ha ng - up f or debug and enter t he debug s hell mode f or debug.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 188 debug confi g s t a te Purpose U se the com mand to s et the s tate of the debug. S ynt ax debug confi g state [ena b le | disable] Descripti on Use t he comm and to set the stat e of the d ebug.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 189 23 DHCP LOCAL RE L AY COMMANDS The DHCP Local Relay com mands in th e Comm and Line Int erfac e (CLI) are listed (al ong with t he appro priate param eters) in the f ollowin g table.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 190 Exam ple usage: To enabl e the DHC P loca l relay funct ion: D GS - 3627:admin# enable dhcp_local_relay Command: enable dhcp_local_relay Success.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 191 24 DHCP RELAY COMMANDS The DHC P Rela y comm ands in the C omm and Line Inter face ( CLI) are lis ted (alon g with th e appropr iate para meter s) in the follo wing tab le.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 192 DGS - 3627:admin# config dhcp_relay hops 4 time 2 Command: config dhcp_relay hops 4 time 2 Success. DGS - 3627:admin# config dhc p_ r ela y add Purpose U sed to add an IP des tinati on addres s to the s witch’s DHCP re lay table.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 193 DGS - 3627:admin# config dhcp_relay delete ipif System 10.43.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 194 enable dhc p_ r elay Purpose U sed to ena ble the DH CP r elay functi on on th e switch. S ynt ax enable dhcp _rela y Descripti on T he enable dhc p_rela y comm and enables t he DHCP rela y function on t he s witch.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 195 DGS - 3627:admin# show dhcp_relay ipif System Command: show dhcp_relay ipif System DHCP/BOOTP Relay Status : .
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 196 config dhc p_ r ela y option_6 0 a dd The s ystem will rel ay the p ack et to all the m atching s ervers. Param eters st ring - T he specif ied string . relay - Spec ify a rel ay serv er IP addres s.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 197 config dhc p_ r ela y option_6 0 del e t e Purpose T his c ommand is used to d elete the D HCP R elay optio n 60 entr y.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 198 DGS - 3627:admin# show dhcp_relay option_60 Command: show dhcp_relay option_60 Default processing Mode: drop De fault Servers: 10.90.90.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 199 config dhc p_ r ela y option_6 1 a dd Descripti on T his comm and adds a ru le to deter mine the r ela y server bas ed on opt ion 61. The m atch rule can bas e on either MAC ad dres s or a user - s pecified str ing.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 200 config dhc p_ r ela y option_6 1 del e t e Descripti on T his comm and is used to delete a n optio n 61 rule. Param eters mac_ad dress - The entr y with the s pecif ied MAC ad dress will be delet ed.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 201 25 DHCP SERVE R SCREENING COMMANDS The DHC P Server Sc reening C omm ands in the C omm and Line Inter face (CLI ) are liste d (alon g with the appropr iate param eters) in the f ollowin g table.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 202 config f il ter dhcp_ser ver state – To E nable/disa ble t he filter D HCP serv er state. portlist – T he port l ist of f ilter DHCP s erver. Restr ictio ns Onl y Administr ator an d Operator level us ers can is sue this c omm an d.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 203 DGS - 3627:admin# show filter dhcp_server Command: show filter dhcp_server Filter DHCP Server Trap_Log State:.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 204 DGS - 3627:admin# config filter dhcp_server illegal_server_log_suppress_duration 30min C ommand: config filter dhcp_server illegal_server_log_suppress_duration 30min Success.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 205 26 DHCP SERVE R COMMANDS For this re lease, th e Switch now has the capa bilit y to act as a DH CP serv er to de vices within its locall y attached n etwork .
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 206 Command Para meters create dhcp pool <pool_nam e 12> delete dhc p pool [<pool_nam e 12 > | all] c.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 207 crea t e dhcp pool Purpose U sed to crea te a DHC P po ol. S ynt ax create dhcp pool <p ool_nam e 12> Descripti on T his comm and will cr eate a DC HP pool f or the DHC P s erver.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 208 crea t e dhcp poo l manual_ binding Purpose U sed to crea te a DHC P po ol manual bi nding entr y.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 209 DGS - 3627:admin# delete dhcp pool manual_binding Floor2 10.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 210 DGS - 3627:admin# show dhcp_binding Command:show dhcp_binding Pool Name IP Address Hardware Address Type Status Life Time (secs) ----------- ----------- -------------------- --------- --------- ---------------- engineering 192.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 211 DGS - 3627:admin# config dhcp ping_packets 2 Command: config dhcp ping_packets 2 Success. DGS - 3627:admin# config dhc p pi ng_tim e out Purpose U sed to se t the tim e the Sw itch will wait bef ore timing o ut a ping p ack et.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 212 config dhc p pool default_ r outer Purpose U sed to co nfigure the defa ult router f or the D HCP clie nt.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 213 config dhc p pool domain_nam e Purpose U sed to co nfigure the domain name f or the DHC P pool of th e Switch.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 214 config dhc p pool netbios_na m e_ s er ver Purpose U sed to conf igur e the IP ad dres s ( es) for the Net BI.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 215 config dhc p pool network_ a ddr Purpose U sed to co nfigure the networ k addres s and corr esponding s ubnet m ask f or the DHCP p ool.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 216 enable dhcp_server Purpose U sed to ena ble the DH CP func tion on th e switch.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 217 Exam ple usage: To displa y the DH CP serve r settings: DGS - 3627:admin# show dhcp_server Command:show dhcp_.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 218 delete dhcp exclu ded_address Purpose U sed to de lete IP ad dresses that have b een conf igured as excluded f rom the DHCP Server pool of addr esses .
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 219 show dhc p pool Purpose U sed to sh ow the DH CP pool inform ation. S ynt ax show dhcp pool {< pool_name 12>} Descripti on T his comm and is used to displa y the DHC P pool inf orm ation.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 220 27 DHCPV6 CLI ENT COMMAN DS The DHC Pv6 Client c ommands in the C omm and Line Inter face (C LI) are list ed (al ong with the appr opriate param eters ) in the follo wing tab le.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 221 Exam ple usage: To conf igure the D HCPv6 c lient state of the S ystem interf ace to enabled: DGS - 3627:admi.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 222 debug dhcpv6_ cl ient output Descripti on Set m essage out put to b uffer or c onsole. Param eters buffer - Let the debug m essage outp ut to buf fer. console - Let the deb ug m essage out put to conso le.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 223 28 DHCPV6 REL AY CO MMANDS The DHC Pv6 Rela y commands in the Com m and Line Inter face (C LI) are list ed (al ong with t he appropr iate pa ram eters) in the follo wing tab le.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 224 config dhc pv6_r ela y Descripti on T his comm and can add or delete an IPv6 d estinati on addres s to for ward (re lay) DHC Pv6 pack ets. Param eters add - Add an IPv6 des tinat ion to the DHC Pv6 rela y table.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 225 show dhcpv6_relay Param eters ipif_n ame - T he nam e of the IP int erfac e that will be dis played in the c urrent D HC Pv6 rela y configurat ion. If no IP int erfac e is specif ied, all co nfigured DHCPv 6 rela y interfac es will be displ ayed.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 226 enable dhcpv6_relay S ynt ax enable dhcpv 6_rel ay Descripti on T his comm and is used to enable t he DHCP v6 rela y global s tate on t he Switc h. Param eters None.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 227 DGS - 3627:admin# debug dhcpv6_relay state enable Command: debug dhcpv6_relay state enable Success. DGS - 3627:admin# debug dhcpv6_ r ela y output Purpose T his comm and is us ed to set th e debug mes sage to output to a buf fer or a c onsol e.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 228 DGS - 3627:admin# debug dhcpv6_relay packet sending state enable Command: debug dhcpv6_relay packet sending state enable Success.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 229 29 DHCPV6 SERVER COMMAN DS The DHC Pv6 Server comm ands in th e Comm and Line Interfac e (CLI) are listed (a long with the ap propriate param eters ) in the fol lowing tab le.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 230 Exam ple usage: To cr eate a DHCP v6 pool p ool1: DGS - 3627:admin# create dhcpv6 pool pool1 Command : create dhcpv6 pool pool1 success DGS - 3627:admin# de let e dhc pv6 pool Purpose T his comm and is us ed to delet e one or all DHC Pv6 po ols.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 231 DGS - 3627:admin# show dhcpv6 pool pool1 Command: show dhcpv6 pool pool1 Pool Name : pool1 Begin Network Address : 2000::1/64 End Network Address : 2000::200/64 Domain Name : domain.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 232 DGS - 3627: admin# config dhcpv6 pool ipv6networkaddr pool1 begin 2000::1/64 end 2000::32/64 Command: config .
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 233 To conf igure the D NS serv er address for a DHC Pv6 pool: DGS - 3627:admin# config dhcpv6 pool dns_server pool1 2000::200 2000::201 Command: config dhcpv6 pool dns_server pool1 2000::200 2000::201 Success.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 234 config dhc pv6 po ol manual_ bi nding add <ipv6addr > - Enter the IPv6 a ddress to be stat ically b ound to a d evice.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 235 DGS - 3627:admin# show dhcpv6 manual_binding Command: show dhcpv6 manual_binding Pool Name: pool1 Entry 1 IPv.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 2 36 clear dhcpv6 bi nding Purpose T his comm and is us ed to cl ear the DHC Pv6 d ynam ic binding inf orm ation.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 237 Exam ple usage: To conf igure the D HCPv6 s erver glo bal state to disab le: DGS - 3627:admin# disable dhcpv6_server Command: disable dhcpv6_server Success.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 238 config dhc pv6 po ol excluded_ a ddr ess all - Del ete all exc luded ad dress ranges of a s pecif ied pool. Restri ct ions O nly Adm inistrator an d Oper ator - leve l users can issue this comm and.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 239 DGS - 3627:admin# show dhcpv6 exclud ed_address Command: show dhcpv6 excluded_address Pool name: Pool1 Range .
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 240 debug dh cpv6_server state Param eters state - S ee bel o w: enable - En able the D HCPv6 s erver d ebug func.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 241 30 D- LINK SING LE IP MANAGEM E NT COMMANDS Simpl y put, D - Link Single IP M anagem ent is a co ncept that will st ack switches togeth er over Ethernet i nstead of using stack ing ports or m odules.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 242 6. The CaS c an be co nfigured through t he CS to becom e a MS.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 243 Command Para meters enable s im di sab le sim show si m {[candi dates {<c andidate _id 1 - 100>} | mem .
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 244 DGS - 3627:admin# disable sim Command: disable sim Success. DGS - 3627:admin# show sim Purpose U sed to v iew the curr ent inf orm ation regardin g the SIM group on t he S witch.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 245 DGS - 3627:admin# show sim Command: show sim SIM Version : VER - 1.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 246 DGS - 3627:admin# show sim gro up Command: show sim group SIM Group Name : default ID MAC Address Platform / .
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 247 DGS - 3627:admin# reconfig member_id 2 Command: reconfig member_id 2 DGS - 3627:admin# Login: config s im_group Purpose U sed to add candid ates an d delete m em bers from the SIM group .
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 248 config s im • group_na me <gro upn ame 64> – Us ed to update the nam e of the gr oup. Enter an alp han umer ic string of up to 64 ch aracters to renam e the SIM group.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 249 DGS - 3627:admin# config sim commander Command: config sim commander Success. DGS - 3627:admin# To update the nam e of a group: DGS - 3627:admin# config sim commander group_name Demetrius Command: config sim commander group_name Demetrius Success.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 250 DGS - 3627:admin# download sim_ms firmware_from_tftp c:/dgs3627.had all Command: download sim_ms firmware_from_tftp c:/dgs3627.had all This device is updating firmware.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 251 Exam ple usage: To uploa d configur ation fil es to a T FT P server: DGS - 3627:admin# upload sim_ms configuration D: configuration.txt 1 Command: upload sim_ms configuration 10.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 252 31 D- LINK UNIDI RE CT IONAL LINK DE T ECTION ( DUL D ) COMMANDS The unid irectiona l link dete ction ref erred in t his docum ent prov ides a m echanism that can be used t o detect u nidirecti onal link f or Ethernet s witches .
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 253 show dul d Purpose U sed to sh ow unidirec tional link det ection inf ormation S ynt ax show duld ports { <.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 254 32 DOMAIN NAM E SERVER (D NS)RELAY C OMMANDS The Dom ain Nam e Server ( DNS) rela y comm ands in th e Comm and Line Int erfac e (CLI) are l isted (al ong with t he appropriat e param eters ) in the follo wing tab le.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 255 DGS - 3627:admin# config dnsr add static dns1 Command: config dnsr add static dns1 Success. DGS - 3627:admin# Exam ple usage: To delete an entr y dom ain name dns 1, IP addres s 10.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 256 To enabl e static tab le look up for DNS rela y. DGS - 3627:a dmin# enable dnsr static Command: enable dnsr static Success. DGS - 3627:admin# disabl e dnsr Purpose U sed to disa ble DN S relay on the Sw itch.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 257 show dnsr Purpose U sed to disp lay the c urrent D NS rela y status. S ynt ax show dnsr {s tatic} Descripti on T his comm and is used to displa y the current DNS re lay status .
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 258 33 DOMAIN NAME SYSTEM (DNS) RESOLVER COMMAN DS The DNS Res olver pr ovide s a solutio n to trans late the dom ain name to I P addres s for the applicati on on t he switch itself.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 259 DGS - 3627:admin# config name_server add primary Command: config name_server add primary Success. DGS - 3627:admin# To delete DNS Reso lver na me s erver 10.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 260 DGS - 3627:admin# show name_server Command: show name_server Name Server Timeout: 3 seconds Static Name Server Table: Server IP Address Priority ---------------------- -------------- 20.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 261 To delete the static host n am e entry “www.ex ample.c om”: DGS - 3627:admin# delete host_name www.example.com Command: delete host_name www.example.com Success.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 262 Exam ple usage: To conf igure the D NS Reso lver state t o enab led: DGS - 3627:admin# enable dns_resolver Command: enable dns_resolver Success.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 263 34 DVMRP COMM ANDS The DVMR P comm ands in the Com mand Line I nterfac e (CLI) are listed (a long wit h the ap propriate param eters) in the following tab le.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 264 config dvmr p Restr ictio ns Onl y Administr ator an d Operator - level user s can issue this comm and.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 265 DGS - 3627:admin# disable dvmrp Command: disable dvmrp Success. DGS - 3627:admin# sh ow dvmrp r outing_tabl e Purpose U sed to disp lay the c urrent D VMRP rout ing tabl e.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 266 DGS - 3627:admin# show dvmrp neighbor Command: show dvmrp neighbor DVMRP Neighbor Address Table Interface Neighbor Address Generation ID Expire Time --------------- ----------------- -------------- --------- System 10.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 267 show dvmr p Restr ictio ns None. Exam ple usage: To show D VMRP co nfigura tions: DGS - 3627:admin# show dvmr.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 268 35 ETHERNET RI NG PROTE CTI O N SWITCHING ( E RP S ) COMMANDS ITU - T G.8032 Etherne t Rin g protection switch ing (ER PS) is used t o prov ide a re liable m echanis m of m alfunction rec over y in an Ether net ring t opolo gy network .
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 269 enable er ps The def ault state is disable d. Param eters None. Restr ictio ns Onl y Administr ator an d Operator - level user s can issue this comm and. Exam ple usage: To enabl e ERPS: DGS - 3627:admin# enable erps Command: enable erps Success.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 270 DGS - 3627:admin# create erps raps_vlan 4094 Command: create erps raps_vlan 4094 Success. DGS - 3627:admin# delete erps raps_v lan Purpose U sed to de lete an R - APS VLAN on a sw itch.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 271 config e r ps raps_vlan r i ng_port Purpose U sed to co nfigure the ports of the ER PS ring f or a spe cific R - APS VLAN .
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 272 Exam ple usage: To conf igure the R PL port or the RPL o wner f or a spec ific R - APS VLAN : DGS - 3627:admin# config erps raps_vlan 4094 rpl port west owner enable Command: config erps raps_vlan 4094 rpl port west owner enable Success.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 273 config e r ps r aps _vla n ti mer an interm ittent def ect. T his tim er is used dur ing the pr otectio n switch ing proces s when a link failure rec overs. It is onl y used b y the RPL o wner.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 274 show e rps failure is detected on the port and traff ic is block ed by ERPS. The RPL o wner adm inistrat ive state could b e config ured to "Enabled" or "Disab led".
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 275 DGS - 3627:admin# show erps Command: show erps ERPS Information Global Status : Enabled Log Status : Disabled.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 276 config e r ps trap Restr ictio ns Onl y Administr ator an d Operator - level user s can issue this comm and. Exam ple usage: To conf igure the tr ap state of the ER PS: DGS - 3627:admin# config erps trap enable Command: config erps trap enable Success.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 277 config e r ps raps_vlan sub_ r ing Descripti on T his comm and is used to configure a sub - ri ng connec ted to an other r ing. This comm and is applied o n the inter connect ion node.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 278 36 FILT ER DATABASE (FDB) C OMMANDS This s ection desc ribes the Filter D atabase f unction ality a nd specif icatio ns based on IEEE 8 02.1d 2 001 stand ard and IEEE 802.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 279 DGS - 3627:admin# create fdb default 00 - 00 - 00 - 00 - 01 - 02 port 2:5 Command: create fdb default 00 - 00 - 00 - 00 - 01 - 02 port 2:5 Success.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 280 DGS - 3627:admin# config multicast_fdb default 01 - 00 - 00 - 00 - 00 - 01 add 1:1 - 1:5 Command: config multicast_fdb default 01 - 00 - 00 - 00 - 00 - 01 add 1:1 - 1:5 Success.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 281 DGS - 3627:admin# config multicast filtering_mode 200 forward_all_groups Command: config multicast filtering_mode 200 forward_all_groups Success. DGS - 3627:admin# delete fdb Purpose U sed to de lete an entr y from the s witch’s for warding d atabase.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 282 show multicast_fdb Purpose U sed to disp lay the c ontents of the sw itch’s m ulticast for warding d atabase.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 283 DGS - 3627:admin# show fdb Command: show fdb Unicast MAC Address Aging Time = 300 VID VLAN Name MAC Address P.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 284 show m ulticas t filter ing_mode Param eters vlani d - Specif ies a lis t of VLANs to be co nfi gure d.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 285 37 FLASH FILE SYSTEM (F FS) COMMANDS The Flas h File S ystem (FFS) com mands in the Comm and Line In terfac e (CLI) are listed ( along with the appr opriate param eters) in the f ollowin g table.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 286 cd Purpose T his comm and is us ed to chang e the cur rent direc tor y. S ynt ax cd {<pathn ame 64 >} Descripti on T his comm and is used to change th e current direct ory.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 287 DGS - 3627:admin#dir C: Command: dir C: ---------------------------------------------------------------- Current Unit ID: 1 Current Directory: C: File Name Size(byte) Update Time ------------------------ -------------- ---------------- 612.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 288 Total Files 5 Total Size 10094939 bytes Free Space 4063232 bytes '*' means boot up section DGS - 3627:admin# r ename Purpose T his comm and is us ed to renam e a file.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 289 Exam ple usage: To eras e a file: DGS - 3627:admin#dir C: Command: dir C: ---------------------------------.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 290 Exam ple usage: To cop y a file: DGS - 3627:admin#copy C: config C: test.cfg Command: copy C: config C: test.cfg Please wait, do not power off! Process ....
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 291 38 GRATUIT OUS ARP COMM A NDS The Gr atuitous AR P comm ands in th e Comm and Line Interface ( CLI) ar e listed ( along with the ap propri ate par ameter s) in the follo wing tab le.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 292 config gratuitous_arp send du plicate_ip_detected Descripti on T he comm and is used t o enable/d isable se nding of gratuitous ARP r equest pac ket while duplicat e IP is detec ted.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 293 config gr atuitous_ a r p periodi c al _ s end Descripti on T he comm and is used t o configure t he inter val for per iodica l sendin g of grat uitous ARP request pack et.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 294 Exam ple usage: To disabl e system interfac e’s gratuito us ARP log and tr ap: DGS - 3627:admin# disable gratuitous_arp ipif System trap log Command: disable gratuitous_arp ipif System trap log Success.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 295 39 IEEE 802. 1Q VLAN CO M MANDS Along wit h norm al VLAN co nfigurations , this Switch no w incorp orate Dou ble VLA Ns.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 296 create vlan Purpose U sed to crea te a VLAN on t he Switch. S ynt ax create v lan <vlan_n ame 3 2> {tag <vlanid 2 - 40 94> | typ e 1q_vlan | advertis emen t} Descripti on T his comm and allows the c reatio n of a VL AN on th e Switch.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 297 config vl a n Purpose U sed to add additio nal port s to a prev iousl y configure d VLAN.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 298 Exam ple usage: To set the ingress check ing status, th e sendin g and re ceiving GVR P inf ormation : DGS - .
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 299 To disabl e the Gen eric VLA N Registr ation Pr o tocol ( GVR P): DGS - 3627:admin# disable gvrp Command: disable gvrp Success. DGS - 3627:admin# show vlan Purpose U sed to disp lay the c urrent VL AN config uration on the S witch.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 300 show gvr p Purpose U sed to disp lay the G VRP s tatus for a port list on the Switch. S ynt ax show gvrp {< portlist>} Descripti on T his comm and displa ys the GVR P status f or a por t list on the Switc h.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 301 Exam ple usage: To enabl e the Doub le VLA N feature o n the S witch, th us disab ling norm al VLANs and G VRP.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 302 To cr eate a Double VLAN o n the Switc h DGS - 3627:admin# create double_vlan RG spvid 2 tpid 0x9100 Command: create double_vlan RG spvid 2 tpid 0x9100 Success.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 303 DGS - 3627:admin# config double_vlan Drazen delete 1:4 - 1:8 Command: config double_vlan Drazen delete 1:4 - 1:8 Success. DGS - 3627:admin# show doubl e_vlan Purpose U sed to disp lay the Do uble VLAN sett ings on t he Switc h.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 304 DGS - 3627:admin# enable pvid auto_assign Command: enable pvid auto_assign Success. DGS - 3627:admin# disabl e pvid auto_ass i gn Purpose U sed to disa ble aut o assig nment of PVID.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 305 40 IEEE 80 2.1QINQ C OMMA NDS QinQ, als o known as VLAN stack ing, is a po werful, yet sim ple and cos t - eff ective solut ion that a llows S ervice Providers to off er IP - based Serv ices, inc luding Me tro - Ethernet in sc alable im plem entations.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 306 DGS - 3627:admin#enable qinq Command: enable qinq Success. DGS - 3627:admin# disab le qinq Purpose U sed to disa ble the QinQ.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 307 config qi nq ports Purpose U sed to co nfigure Q inQ ports param eters.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 308 DGS - 3627:admin# show qinq ports 1:1 - 1:4 Command: show qinq ports 1:1 - 1:4 Port Role Missdrop TPID Use In.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 309 DGS - 3627:admin# show vlan_translation Commands: show vlan_translation Port CVID SVID Action Priority ------.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 310 41 IGMP AND M LD SNO OPIN G CO MMAND S The Internet Group Managem ent Protoc ol (IGMP) is a Layer 4 pr otocol use d to m anage the m em bership of Inter net Protocol m ulticas t groups.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 311 The IGMP a nd MLD Snooping c omm ands in the C omm and Line Interf ace (CLI) are liste d (alon g with the appropr iate param eters) in the f ollowin g table.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 312 config i gmp_snoopi ng S ynt ax config igmp _ snooping [vlan_ name <vlan_name 32> | all ] {host_timeout.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 313 config i gmp_snoopi ng que r ier The def ault settin g is 10 se conds. robustness _variab le - Prov ides f ine - tuning to allow f or expected pack et loss on a subnet.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 314 config r outer_por ts Param eters vla n - Specif y the nam e of the VLAN on which th e router port resi des. add | delete - Specif y to add or delete th e router ports.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 315 enable igmp_snoopi ng identificat ion of the multic ast routin g protoc ol pack et and IGM P contr ol pack et.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 316 DGS - 3627:admin# disable igmp_snooping Comm and: disable igmp_snooping Success. DGS - 3627:admin# crea t e i gm p_ snoopi ng stat ic _gr oup Purpose U sed to co nfigure an IG MP s nooping m ulticast s tatic g roup.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 317 Exam ple usage: To delete an IGMP snoopin g static group for VLAN 1, group 239 .1.1.1: DGS - 3627:admin# delete igmp_snooping static_group vlan vlan1 Command: delete igmp_snooping static_group vlan vlan1 239.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 318 To displa y all the IGMP sno oping stat ic gro ups: DGS - 3627:admin# show igmp_snooping static_group Command.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 319 DGS - 3627:admin# show igmp_snooping group Command: show igmp_snooping group Source/Group : VLAN Name/VID :default/1 Port Memer : 1 - 2 Mode : INCLUDE Source/Group : 10.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 320 DGS - 3627:admin# show igmp_snooping forwarding Command: show igmp_snooping forwarding VLAN Name : default Source IP : Mul ticast Group: Port Member : 2,7 VLAN Name : default Source IP : 10.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 321 DGS - 3627:admin# show router_ports Command: show router_ports VLAN Name : default Static Router Port : 1 - 1.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 322 config m l d_snooping que r ier guarantees MLD sn ooping. S ynt ax config mld _ snooping querie r [vlan_name .
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 323 config m l d_snooping m r outer_por ts S ynt ax config mld _ snooping mrouter _ports vlan <vlan _ name 32&.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 324 enable ml d_s noopi ng forward_m crouter _only com mand wil l enable t he MLD s nooping f unction a nd th e forward multic ast router o nly func tion.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 325 disabl e mld_snooping Restr ictio ns Onl y Administr ator an d Operator - level user s can issue this comm and. Exam ple usage: To disabl e MLD snoo ping o n the s witch: DGS - 3627:admin# disable mld_snooping Command: disable mld_snooping Success.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 326 DGS - 3627:admin# show mld_snooping Command: show mld_snooping MLD Snooping Global State : Disabled Multicast.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 327 DGS - 3627:admin# show mld_snooping group Command: show mld_snooping group Source/Group : 2001::1/FE1E::1 VLA.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 328 DGS - 3627:admin# show mld_snooping forwarding Command: show mld_snooping forwarding VLAN Name : default Sour.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 329 42 INTERNET GROUP MANAG EMENT PROTOCOL (IGMP ) COMMANDS IGMP or Int ernet Gr oup Ma nagement Protoco l is a p.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 330 The Internet Group Managem ent Protoc ol (IGMP) com mands in th e Comm and Line Int erface ( CLI) are listed (alon g with the appro priate par am eters) in the f ollowing table.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 331 DGS - 3627:admin# config igmp all version 2 Command: config igmp all version 2 Success. DGS - 3627:admin# show i gmp Purpose T his comm and is us ed to dis play the IG MP conf igurations .
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 332 DGS - 3627:admin# show igmp group Command: show igmp group Interface Multicast Group Last Reporter IP Querier IP Expire ------------ --------------- --------------- ----------------- --------- System 224.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 333 Exam ple usage: To show igmp c heck_s ubscriber_sour ce_net work state on int erface “ n20”: DGS - 3627:a.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 334 43 IP DIRECT ED BROADCAST COMMANDS The IP Direc ted Br oadcast comm ands in th e Comm and Line Int erface ( CLI) are l isted ( along wit h the appr opriate param eters) in the f ol lo wing ta ble.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 335 DGS - 3627:admin# show ipif System Command: show ipif System IP Interface : System VLAN Name : default Interface Admin State : Enabled DHCPv6 Client State : Disabled IPv4 Address : 10.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 336 44 IP MULT ICASTING COM M ANDS The IP m ulticastin g comm ands in the Comm and Line I nterfac e (CLI) are listed (a long with the ap propriate param eters) in the follo wing tab le.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 337 show i pmc interface t able f or. protocol − A llows the user t o specif y whether or not to use one of the av ailable pr otocols to displa y the IP m ulticast interf ace table.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 338 45 IP ROUT E FI LT E R CO MM ANDS The IP Ro ute Filter comm ands in the Comm and Line I nterfac e (CLI) are listed (a long with the ap propriate param eters ) in the follo wing tab le.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 339 Exam ple usage: The f ollowing exam ple cr eates one IP prefix list nam ed 1: DGS - 3627:admin# create ip prefix_list 1 Command: create ip prefix_list 1 Success.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 340 delete ip prefix_list Purpose U sed to de lete the IP prefix list S ynt ax delete ip p refix_list [list_ name <list _name 16> | all ] Descripti on T he comm and is used t o delete a n IP pref ix list.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 341 create ip standard access_ list S ynt ax create ip st andard a ccess_l ist <list_n ame 16 > Descripti on T his comm and is used to create an acces s list.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 342 DGS - 3627:admin# delete ip standard access_list list_name List1 Command: delete ip standard access_list list_name List1 Success. DGS - 3627:admin# show ip standard access_list Purpose T his comm and is us ed to sho w the inf orm ation of acces s list.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 343 DGS - 3627:admin# clear ip prefix_list counter first_list 192.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 344 DGS - 3627:admin# delete route_map map_name map1 Command: delete route_map map_name map1 Success. DGS - 3627:admin# show route_map Purpose T his comm and is us ed o sho w a route m ap configur ation.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 345 To configure a route m ap n amed “m ap1” and a dd one s equence ID of 20 to the ro ute map: DGS - 3627:admin# config route_map map1 add sequence 20 Command:4# config route_map map1 add sequence 20 Success.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 346 config route_ map sequence match ip n ext_hop - Specif y to matc h the next hop of the route ac cording to the a ccess li st. match ip next_h op prefix _ lis t - Specif y to m atch the n ext hop of the rout e accord ing to the pref ix list .
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 347 config route_map sequence set Param eters <map_n ame 16 > - The rou te m ap nam e. <value 1 - 65535 > - Specif ies the s equence number for the ru le.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 348 config route_map sequence set or incom plete. dampening - The dam penin g timer and p aram eter. Restr ictio ns Onl y Administr ator an d Operator - level user s can issue this comm and.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 349 46 IP - MAC - PORT BI NDI NG (I MP B) COMMAN DS The IP ne twork layer uses a four - byte addres s.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 350 The IP - MAC - Po rt Binding ( I MP B) c omm ands in the C omm and Line Inter face ( CLI) are lis ted (along with th e appropri ate param eters) in the f ollowin g table.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 351 config a ddr ess_binding i p_mac ports cannot be enable d. W hen the binding c heck state is enabl ed for IP pack ets and ARP pack ets receive d b y this port, the s witch will check whether the IP ad dress and MAC addr ess m atches the bin ding entry.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 352 DGS - 3627:admin# config address_binding ip_mac ports 1 state enable Command: config address_binding ip_mac ports 1 state enable Success. DGS - 3627:admin# create address_bind ing ip_mac Purpose U sed to crea te an I MPB en try.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 353 delete address_binding Param eters ip_mac - Specif y the user created IM PB databas e. blocked - Specif y the addre ss databas e that th e syste m has automatic ally learne d and blocked.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 354 config a ddr ess_binding i p_mac Param eters ipaddr - Specif y the IP a ddress of the entr y being u pdated. ipv6addr - Specif y the IPv6 address of the entr y being updated.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 355 DGS - 3627:admin # show address_binding Command: show address_binding Trap/Log : Enabled DHCP Snoop(IPv4) : D.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 356 DGS - 3627:admin# show address_binding blocked Command: show address_binding blocked VID VLAN Name MAC Addres.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 357 enable a ddr ess_binding dhc p_ snoo p Restr ictio ns Onl y Administr ator an d Oper ator - level user s can issue this comm and.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 358 DGS - 3627:admin# disable address_binding dhcp_snoop ipv6 Command: disable address_binding dhcp_snoop ipv6 Success.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 359 DGS - 3627:admin# show address_binding dhcp_snoop Command: show address_binding dhcp_snoop DHCP Snoop(IPv4) :.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 360 config a ddr ess_binding dhcp_ s noo p max_e nt r y can be le arned. all - in dicates al l ports on t he S witch. limit - See b elow : <value 1 - 50> - S pecif y the m aximum num ber.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 361 DGS - 3627:admin# disable address_binding trap_log Command: disable address_binding trap_log Success. DGS - 3627:admin# config a ddr ess_binding r ecover_ l earning por ts Purpose U sed to reco ver IM PB check ing.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 362 disabl e address _ bindi ng nd_ s noop Descripti on T his comm and allows the user to disabl e ND Snoop ing on switch. Param eters None. Restr ictio ns Onl y Administr ator an d Operator - level user s can issue this comm and.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 363 DGS - 3627:admin# show address_binding nd_snoop binding_entry Command: show address_binding nd_snoop binding_.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 364 no debug addres s _ bi nding Purpose Stop the IM PB debug s tarti ng when the I MPB m odule receives an ARP/I P packet or a DHCP pack et.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 365 47 IPV6 NEIG HBOR DISCOV E R CO MMANDS The IPv6 N eighbor D iscove r comm ands in the C omm and Line Inter face (C LI) are listed ( along with the appro priate param eters) in the f ollowin g table.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 366 delete ipv6 neighbor_cache Purpose D eletes an IPv6 ne ighbor fr om the inter face ne ighbor address cache.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 367 DGS - 3627:admin# show ipv6 neighbor_cache ipif System all Command: show ipv6 neighbor_cache ipif System all .
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 368 config i pv6 nd ra Descripti on Conf igures the r outer a dvertis ement r elated par ameter s. Param eters ipif_n ame - T he nam e of the inter face. state - Router advert isement s tate.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 369 config i pv6 nd ra prefix _ opti on the value c an be s et to 0xf fffffff . on_link_ flag - W hen set to 1 the ad dresses implied b y the s pecified pr efix are avai lable on the link where the RA m essage is rec eive d.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 370 DGS - 3627:admin# show ipv6 nd ipif System Command: show ipv6 nd ipif System Interface Name : System Hop Limi.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 371 48 IPV6 ROUT E CO MMANDS The IPv6 R oute com mands in the Com m and Line Inter face (C LI) are listed ( along with the appropria te param eters ) in the following tab le.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 372 DGS - 3627:admin# create ipv6route 3004::/64 Intface_1 3000::4 Command: create ipv6route 3004::/64 Intface_1 3000::4 Success.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 373 show i pv6route ripng - Dis pla y the RIPng r oute entries . ospfv3 - Dis pla y the OSPF v3 route entr ies. Restr ictio ns Onl y Administr ator an d Operator - leve l users c an issue this com mand.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 374 49 IPV6 TUNNEL COMMANDS Industr y is in the e arl y stages of lar ge scale I Pv6 pro duction de plo y ment , and f irst - gener ation pr oducts ne ed to m ake tradeoff s betwee n availabl e IPv6 s ervices.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 375 delet e ip_tunne l Purpose U sed to de lete a n IPv6 tun nel inter f ac e. S ynt ax delete ip_tunnel < tunne l_name 12> Descripti on T he delete ip_t unnel com mand is used to d elete a s pecif ic IPv6 tunne l on the s witch.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 376 DGS - 3627:admin# config ip_tunnel manual tn2 source destination Command: config ip_tunnel manual tn2 source destination Success.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 377 config i p_tunnel isat a p Purpose U sed to co nfigure an I Pv6 ISAT AP tun nel.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 378 DGS - 3627:admin# show ip_tunnel tn2 Command: show ip_tunnel tn2 Tunnel Interface : tn2 Interface Admin State : Enabled Tunnel Mode : Manual IPv6 Address : 2000::1/64 Tunnel Source : 1.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 379 DGS - 3627:admin# disable ip_tunnel tn2 Command: disable ip_tunnel tn2 Success.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 380 50 JAPANESE WEB- BASED ACCESS CO NTROL (JW AC) COMMANDS The Japanese W eb - based Acce s s Control ( JW AC) commands in the Comm and Lin e Interf ace (CLI) ar e listed ( along with the appro priate par am eters) in the f ollowing table.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 381 Command Para meters show jwac show jwac update_s erver show jwac auth_stat e ports {<por tlis t>} show .
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 382 DGS - 3627:admin# disable jwac Command: disable jwac Success.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 383 enable jwac f orcible _logout Purpose U sed to ena ble JW AC for cibly logout f unction.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 384 To enabl e JW AC UDP filter ing funct ion: DGS - 3627:admin# enable jwac udp_filtering Command: enable jwac udp_filtering Success. DGS - 3627:admin# disabl e jwac udp_fi l tering Purpose U sed to disa ble JW AC U DP filtering f unction.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 385 disable jwac quarantine_server_mo nitor S ynt ax disabl e jwac quarantine_ser ver_monitor Descripti on Disab le JW AC Quarant ine Serv er functio n enab led prev iousl y.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 386 Exam ple usage: To conf igure the r edirect de stination and dela y tim e: DGS - 3627:admin# config jwac redirect destination jwac_login_page delay_time 5 Co mmand: config jwac redirect_ destination jwac_login_page delay_time 5 Success.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 387 To conf igure Quaran tine S erver URL: DGS - 3627:admin# config jwac quarantine_server_url Command: config jwac quarantine_server_url http://10.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 388 Exam ple usage: To conf igure the upd ate ser ver which t he un - aut hentica ted host ne ed to acc ess: DGS - 3627:admin# config jwac update_server add ipaddress 10.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 389 config jw ac ports all - A ll the Sw itch ports ’ JW AC state is to be c onf igured.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 390 DGS - 3627:admin# config jwac radius_protocol ms_chap v2 Command: config jwac radius_protocol ms_chapv2 Success. DGS - 3627:admin# create jwac user Purpose U sed to crea te JW AC user into local D B.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 391 DGS - 3627:admin# c onfig jwac user juser_tom vlan 3 Command: create jwac user juser_tom vlan 3 Enter a case - sensitive new password:*** Enter the new password again for confirmation:*** Success.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 392 clear jwac auth_state Purpose U sed to c lear the JW AC authent ication entr y.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 393 show jwac Purpose U sed to disp lay the c onfigu ration of JW AC. S ynt ax show jwac Descripti on T he show jwac comm and allows you to s how all th e conf iguration of JW AC.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 394 DGS - 3627:admin# show jwac update_server Command: show jwac update_server Index IP TCP/UDP Port State ----- ------------------ ------- ----- -------- 1 10.0.0.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 395 DGS - 3627:admin# show jwac auth_state ports 1 - 2 Command: show jwac auth_state ports 1 - 2 Pri - Priority. State - A:Authenticated, B:Blocked, - :Authenticating Time - Aging Time/Idle Time for authenticated entries.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 396 config jw ac authenti c a t i on_page element Param eters japanes e - Cha nge to Jap anese p age. en glis h - Chan geto Eng lish page . default - R eset the page el em ent to default.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 397 DGS - 3627:admin# show jwac authenticate_page Command: show jwac authenticate_page Current Page :English Version English Page Element ------------------------------------------------------------ Page Title : Alpha Networks Inc.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 398 51 JUMBO FRAM E COMMAND S Certain s witches c an suppo rt jum bo fram es (fram es larger than th e Ether net fram e size of 1536 b ytes).
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 399 To disabl e the jum bo f rame function on the Switch: DGS - 3627:admin# disable jumbo_frame Command: disable jumbo_frame Success. DGS - 3627:admin# show j umbo_fr ame Purpose U sed to sh ow the stat us of the j um bo fram e function o n the Switc h.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 400 52 LIMI TED IP MULT ICAST ADDRES S CO MMANDS The Lim ited IP Mu lticast co mmand all ows the adm inist rator to permit or deny acce ss to a por t or rang e of port s by specif ying a range of m ulticast addres ses.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 401 DGS - 3627:admin# config limited multicast address 1 - 3 from to access permit state enable Command: config limited multicast address 1 - 3 from 224.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 402 show lim it e d m ultic a s t a ddr ess Purpose U sed to sh ow per - port limited I P m ulticast addres s ran ge.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 403 create multicast_range Purpose U sed to crea te a rang e of multicas t IP address es that will be s pecifie d under a given nam e.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 404 show m ulticas t_range Purpose U sed to disp lay a r ange of m ulticast IP address es that are specif ied under a giv en nam e.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 405 config li mited_m ulti cast_addr por ts Purpose U sed to add or dele te ports to a previo usl y created m ulticast addr ess range and th en to give that range access to or den ial fr om the Switc h.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 406 show limited_multicast_addr Purpo se Used to displa y the lim ited m ulticast addr ess rang e on a per port b asis.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 407 53 LINK AGG REGATIO N COM MANDS The link aggregati on comm ands in th e Comm and Line Interface ( CLI) are listed (a long with the ap propriate param eters) in the fol lowing tab le.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 408 DGS - 3627:admin# create link_aggregation group_id 1 Command: create link_aggregation group_id 1 Success. DGS - 3627:admin# delet e link_a ggregation group_i d Purpose U sed to de lete a pr eviousl y created li nk aggregat ion gr oup.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 409 Exam ple usage: To def ine a load - shar ing gr oup of por ts, group - id 1,m aster port 5 with gro up member.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 410 Exam ple usage: To displa y Link Aggr egatio n configurat ion: DGS - 3627:admin# show link_aggregation Comman.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 411 show l acp_por t Purpose U sed to disp lay curr ent LAC P port m ode settings . S ynt ax show lacp_por t {<portlis t>} Descripti on T his comm and will disp lay the L ACP m ode settings as the y are curre ntly conf igured.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 412 54 LINK LAY E R DI SCOVERY PRO T OCOL (LL DP) COMM ANDS The Link Layer Disc over y Protocol (L LDP) c omm ands in the Com m and Line Inter face (C LI) are l isted (alo ng with the appropriat e param eters ) in the follo wing tab le.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 413 Command Para meters enable lldp disable lldp config l ldp m essage_tx _i nter val <sec 5 - 327 68> conf.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 414 enable lldp Purpose U sed to ena ble LLDP operatio n on the S witch.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 415 config lldp messa ge_tx_interval Purpose U sed to ch ange the p ack et transm ission inter val.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 416 config ll dp tx_dela y Purpose U sed to ch ange the m inim um tim e (delay - inter val) LLD P ports w ill dela y in advert i sing succes sive LLDP advertis em ents due to a ch ange in L LDP MIB content.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 417 config ll dp notificat i on _inter val Purpose U sed to co nfigure the tim er of the n otificat ion interv al for sendi ng notif ication to conf igured SNMP tr ap recei ver(s).
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 418 c onfig ll dp por ts admin_st at us Purpose U sed to co nfigure per - port tr ansm it and receive m odes .
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 419 DGS -3 627:admin# config lldp ports 1:1 - 1:2 mgt_addr ipv4 enable Command: config lldp ports 1:1 - 1:2 mgt_addr ipv4 enable Success.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 420 config ll dp dot1_tlv_p vid Purpose U sed to co nfigure an indivi dual port or group of ports t o exclude o ne or m ore of IEE E 802.1 organi zation port VLAN ID T LV data t ypes from outbound LLD P advertis ements .
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 421 config ll dp dot1_tlv_ vlan_name Purpose U sed to co nfigure an indivi dual port or group of ports t o exclude o ne or m ore of IEE E 802.1 organi zation VL AN nam e TLV d ata t ypes from outbound L LDP ad vertisem ents.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 422 To conf igure exc lude the pr otocol id entit y TLV from the outboun d LLDP advertis em ents for all por ts: .
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 423 config ll dp forward_m e s s age Purpose U sed to co nfigure the f orwa rding of LLD PDU pac kets when LLDP is disable d .
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 424 show ll dp mgt_ addr Purpose U sed to disp lay the L LDP managem ent addres s inform ation. S ynt ax show lldp mgt_a d d r {[ipv4 <i paddr> | ipv6 <ipv6addr> ]} Descripti on D isp lays the LLD P manage ment addr ess infor mation .
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 425 DGS - 3627:admin# show lldp ports 1 Command: show lldp ports 1 Port ID : 1:1 --------------------------------.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 426 DGS - 3627:admin# show lldp local_ports 1 Command: show lldp local_ports 1 Port ID : 1:1 --------------------.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 427 show ll dp sta tistics Purpose U sed to disp lay the s yst em LLDP statist ics inf orm ation. S ynt ax show lldp stati stics Descripti on T he global LLD P statis tics dis plays an o vervie w of nei ghbor det ection act ivity on the s witch.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 428 55 LOOP BACK I NTERFACE C OMMANDS The Loop back Interface c ommands in the Com mand Lin e Interf ace (CLI) ar e list ed (along with the a ppropri ate param eters) in the f ol lo wing ta ble.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 429 To set the auto - recov er tim e to 0, wh ich disab les the a uto - recover y mechanis m, the i nterva l to 2.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 430 DGS - 3627:admin# enable loopdetect Command: enable loopdetect Success. DGS - 3627:admin# disabl e loopdete ct Purpose T his comm and is us ed to dis able the LB D functio n globall y on the Switch.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 431 show l oopdetect ports Purpose T his comm and is us ed to dis play the L BD per - por t configurat ion. S ynt ax show loopdetec t p o r ts {<portli st>} Descripti on T his comm and is used to displa y the LBD p er - port c onfiguratio n.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 432 56 LOOP BACK I NTERFACE C OMMANDS A loopbac k interf ace is a logical IP interf ace which is alwa ys active, unt il you d isable or delet e it. It is indepen dent of the state of an y phys ical inter faces.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 433 config loopback ipif Descripti on Conf igure the param eters for the loopbac k interf ace. For IP v4, onl y the s y st em interf ace can be specif ied for the wa y to get the IP a d dress .
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 434 delete loopback ipif Descripti on Dele te the spec ified loo pback interface.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 43 5 57 MAC NOTI F ICATION COM MANDS The MAC n otificat ion com mands in the Comm and Line Int erfac e (CLI) are l isted, in the fol lowing tab le, along with th e ir appropriat e param eters .
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 436 Exam ple usage: To disabl e MAC not ification without ch angin g basic c onfigur ation: DGS - 3627:admin# disable mac_notification Command: disable mac_notification Success.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 437 DGS - 3627:admin# config mac_notification ports 7 enable Command: config mac_notification ports 7 enable Success.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 438 DGS - 3627:admin# show mac_notification ports Command: show mac_notification ports Port # MAC Address Table N.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 439 58 MAC - BASED ACCE S S CO NTROL COMMANDS MAC - bas ed Acces s Contro l (MAC) is a method to auth enticate a nd author izes a p ort/ hos t network acces s right base d on the MAC address on which the user is located rather th an user’s ident ification ( e.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 440 Command Para meters enable m ac_based _access _control disable m ac_b ased_ acces s_control config m ac_bas e.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 441 DGS - 3627:admin# enable mac_based_access_control Command: enable mac_based_access_control Success. DGS - 3627:admin# disable mac_based_access_control Purpose U sed to disa ble MAC - based Access Cont rol.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 442 config mac_based_access_control method Descripti on Specif y the aut henticat ion m ethod used via the l ocal d atabase or via th e RADIU S server. Param eters local - Specif y to authen ticate v ia the loca l databas e.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 443 config mac_based_access_contro l ports VLAN(s) member ports, an d added to M AC - bas ed Acces s Contro l guest V LAN mem ber ports. B efore the authentic ation proc ess st arts, the us er is ab le to f orward traf fic under t he guest VL AN.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 444 DGS - 3627:admin# config mac_based_access_control ports 1 - 8 max_user s no_limit Command: config mac_based_access_control ports 1 - 8 max_users no_limit Success.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 445 Exam ple usage: To delete the MAC - bas ed Ac cess C ontrol gues t VLAN c alled def ault: DGS - 3627:admin# delete mac_based_access_control guest_vlan default Command: delete mac_based_access_control guest_vlan default Success.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 446 create mac_ba sed_access_control_lo cal Param eters mac - Specif y the MAC add ress that can pas s local a uthent ication. vlan - Specif y the target VLAN b y using the VLAN name.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 447 delete mac_based_access_control_local Param eters mac - Delete loca l data base entr y by spec ific MAC addres s. vlan - De lete loc al databas e entr ies b y specific tar get VLAN n am e.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 448 DGS - 3627:admin# config mac_based_access_control authorization attributes local disable Command: config mac_based_access_control authorization attributes local disable Success.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 449 Exam ple usage: To show t he MAC - bas ed Ac cess C ontrol local databas e: DGS - 3627:admin# show mac_based_.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 450 Exam ple usage: Suppose t hat port 1 is in h ost based m ode: MAC 00 - 00 - 00 - 00 - 00 - 01 is auth enticat.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 451 config mac_based_access_control max_users This is specified b y the co nfig c onfig m ac_based_acc ess _control por ts m ax_users com mand.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 452 59 MESSAGE- DIGEST ALGORITHM 5 ( M D5) CO MMANDS The Mess age - Digest a lgorit hm 5 ( MD5) conf iguration c omm ands in the Com m and Line Inter face (C LI) are list ed (alon g with the appropria te param eters) in t he follo wing table .
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 453 Usage exam ple To conf igure an MD5 Ke y password: DGS - 3627:admin# config md5 key 1 taboo Command: config md5 key 1 taboo Success. DGS - 3627:admin# delete md5 ke y Purpose U sed to de lete an entr y in t he MD5 k ey table.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 454 DGS - 3627:admin# show md5 Command: show md5 MD5 Key Table Configurations Key - ID Key ------ ---------- 1 dl.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 455 60 MIRROR CO M M ANDS The prim ar y purpos e of th e m irror function is to cop y fram es transm itted and r eceived on a p ort and red irect t he copies to another p ort.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 456 config m irr or port portlist - The port t hat will b e mir rored. All pac kets entering an d leaving th e sourc e port ca n be duplic ated in th e mir ror port.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 457 DGS - 3627:admin# disable mirror Command: disable mirror Success. DGS - 3627:admin# sh ow mi rr or Purpose U sed to sh ow the curr ent por ts m irroring conf iguration on the s witch.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 458 DGS - 3627:admin# create mirror group_id 3 Command: create mirror group_id 3 Success. DGS - 3627:admin# delet e m i rror g rou p _id Purpose U sed to de lete a m irror group o n the s witch.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 459 Exam ple usage: Configure mir ror group 2 with state enable a nd add so urce ports 1:4 - 1:9: DGS - 3627:admi.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 460 61 MSTP DEBUG ENHANCEMENT COMMANDS The MST P Debug Enhancem ent c ommands in the Com mand Line Int erf ace (CLI) are l isted ( along with the appr opri ate param eters) in the f ollowin g table.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 461 debug output Purpose U se the deb ug output c om mand to s pecif y if the MST P debug m ess age output shou ld be to the buf fer or c onsole.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 462 debug stp show inform at ion Purpose U sed to sh ow the ST P debug i nform ation. S ynt ax debug stp s how information Descripti on T his comm and used to displa y STP detail ed infor mation, s uch as t he hardware tables, t he STP state m achine, etc.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 463 DGS - 3627:admin# debug stp show information Command: debug stp show information Spanning Tree debug informat.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 464 debug stp show flag Purpose U sed to sh ow the per - port STP debug le ve l. S ynt ax debug stp s how flag {ports < portlist>} Descripti on This com mand used to displa y the STP d ebug lev el on s pecified por ts.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 465 DGS - 3627:admin#debug stp show counter ports 9 Command: debug stp show counter ports 9 STP Counters --------.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 466 debug stp st a t e Param eters state - S ee bel o w: enable - En able the STP d ebug state. disab le - Dis able the STP debug state. Restr ictio ns Onl y Administr ator an d Operator - level user s can issue this com m and.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 467 62 IGMP S NOOPING M ULTICAST (ISM) VLAN C OMM ANDS The IGMP S nooping Multic ast (ISM) VLAN com m ands in the C omm and Line Inter face ( CLI) are lis ted (along with the appropriat e param eters ) in the f ol lo wing tab le.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 468 Exam ple usage: To cr eate an IGMP s noopin g multicas t VLAN with the VLAN nam e m v1 and the V ID 2: DGS - 3627:admin# create igmp_snoop multicast_vlan mv1 2 Command: create igmp_snoop multicast_vlan mv1 2 Success.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 469 DGS - 3627:admin# config igmp_snooping multicast_vlan v1 member_port 2:1,2:3 state enable Command: config igmp_snooping multicast_vlan v1 member_port 2:1,2:3 state enable Success.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 470 DGS - 3627:admin# show igmp_snooping multicast_vlan_group Command: show igmp_snooping multicast_vlan_group Multicast VLAN : mv1 No. Name From To ---- ------------------------------------ --------------- --------------- 1 accounting 224.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 471 DGS - 3627:admin# show igmp_snooping multicast_vlan Command: show igmp_snooping multicast_vlan VLAN Name : test VID : 100 Member(Untagged) Ports : 1 Tagged Member Ports : Source Ports : 3 Source(Untagged) Ports : Status : Disabled Replace Source IP : 0.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 472 63 MULTI P L E SPANNING TR EE PROTOCOL (MSTP) C OMMANDS This Switc h supports three versions of the Spa nning T ree Protoc ol; 802.1 D STP, 802.1D 2004 R STP, 80 2.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 473 Command Para meters show st p show stp instance <value 0 - 15> show stp p orts { <port list >} sh.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 474 DGS - 3627:admin# show stp Command: show stp STP Bridge Global Settings ----------------------------- STP Sta.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 475 show s tp port s Purpose U sed to sh ow the por t infor mation incl udes par ameter s setting an d operat ional va lue. S ynt ax show stp ports { <portlist> } Descripti on T his comm and displa ys each por t's param eters settings.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 476 DGS - 3627:admin# show stp mst_config_id Command: show stp mst_config_id Current MST Configuration Identifica.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 477 DGS - 3627:admin# delete stp instance_id 2 Command: delete stp instance_id 2 Success. DGS - 3627:admin# config stp ins tance_id Purpose T o map or remove the VLA N range of the spec ified M ST instance f or the existed MST Instances .
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 478 Exam ple usage: To change t he nam e and r evision le vel of th e MST configurati on Identif ication: DGS - 3.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 479 con fig s t p ver sion Purpose U sed to ena ble STP g loball y. S ynt ax config stp ver sion [mstp | rs tp | stp] Descripti on If version is c onfigure d as stp or rstp, all current ly runn ing MST Is should be disabl ed.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 480 DGS - 3627:admin# config stp priority 61440 instance_id 0 Co mmand: config stp priority 61440 instance_id 0 Success. DGS - 3627:admin# config s t p Purpose U sed to co nfigure the bridg e managem ent param eters for CIST (instanc e_id = 0).
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 481 conf ig s t p por ts per - Port param eter in MSTP. migrate - O peration of m anagement in order t o specif y the port to send MST P BPDU for a delay tim e. edge - T o decide if this port is conn ected to a LAN or a Bridged LA N.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 482 Exam ple usage: To conf ig stp ms t_ports: DGS - 3627:admin# config stp mst_ports 1 instance_id 0 internal_cost auto Command: config stp mst_ports 1 instance_id 0 internal_cost auto Success.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 483 64 NETWO RK LO AD BAL ANCING ( NL B) COMMANDS The NLB indicates t he Net work Load Balanc ing: it is a MAC forwardin g contro l for suppor ting Micr osoft’s N etwor k Load Balan cing t echn ique.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 484 delet e n lb mu ltica st_fdb S ynt ax delete nlb multicast_ fd b [<vla n_name 32> | vlanid <vlan i d>] <macaddr> Descripti on T he delete nlb m ulticast _fdb c omm and is used to delete the NLB m ulticast FDB entr y.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 485 To displa y the NLB f orward ing table: DGS - 3627:admin# show nlb fdb Command: show nlb fdb MAC Address VLAN.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 486 65 OPEN SHORTEST PATH FIRST (OSPFV3) COMMAN DS The Open S hortest Path Fir st (OSPFv 3) com mands in the Comm and Line Inter face ( CLI) are lis ted (a long wit h the appropriat e param eters ) in the fol lowing tab le.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 487 config os pf v3 r outer_ i d Param eters router _id - User ma y enter a 32 - b it num ber in the f orm of an IPv4 ad dress that unique ly identifies t he rout er in the OSPFv3 d omain.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 488 DGS - 3627 :admin# disable ospfv3 Command: disable ospfv3 Success. DGS - 3627:admin# show os pf v3 Purpose U sed to disp lay the O SPFv 3 configurat ions or OSPFv 3 interfac es inform ation.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 489 create ospfv3 area enable - Im port inter - area p refix LSA into this stub area . disab le - Do n ot impor t inter - area prefix LSA into this stub ar ea. metric - Specifies t he defau lt cost of OSPFv3 stub ar ea.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 490 config os pf v3 ar ea that unique ly ident ifies th e OSPF v3 area in t he OSPF v3 dom ain. type - T he OSPFv3 area mode of operat ion. T here are two types : normal - Def ine the O SPFv3 ar ea created as a nor mal ar ea.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 491 DGS - 3627:admin# show ospfv3 area Command: show ospfv3 area OSPFv3 Area Settings Area ID Type Stub Import Summary LSA Stub Default Cost --------------- ------ ----------------------- ----------------- 0.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 4 92 delete ospfv3 aggregation S ynt ax delete ospfv3 aggregation <are a_id> <ipv6network addr> Descripti on T his comm and is used to delete a n OSPFv 3 area ag gregat ion.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 493 show os pf v3 aggre ga t i on Param eters <area _id> - If it is set, only the a ggregat ions that belon g to this are a will b e displa yed. If it is not set, all aggreg ations w ill be dis played.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 494 s how ospfv3 lsdb Restr ictio ns None. Exam ple usage: To displa y OSPF v3 LSDB: DGS - 3627:admin# show ospfv3 lsdb Command: show ospfv3 lsdb Router LSA (Area 0.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 495 DGS - 3627:admin# show ospfv3 neighbor Command: show ospfv3 neighbor Router ID of Interface Neighbor Neighbor Neighbor Name Priority State --------------- ------------ -------- ------------- 10.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 496 DGS - 3627:admin# show ospfv3 virtual_neighbor Command: show ospfv3 virtual_neighbor Transit Router ID Of Virtual Neighbor Area ID Virtual Neighbor State --------------- ---------------- ---------------- 1.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 497 Exam ple usage: To conf igure OSPF v3 interf ace: DGS - 3627:admin# config ospfv3 ipif System area priority 100 hello_interval 20 dead_interval 60 instance 1 metric 20 state enable passive disable Command: config ospfv3 ipif System area 0.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 498 config os pf v3 virtu al_lin k <neighbor_ id> - A 32 - bit num ber in the f orm of an IPv4 addres s that u niquel y identif ies the OSPFv3 virtual ne ighbor in the OSPF v3 dom ain.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 499 show os pf v3 vir tual_li nk S ynt ax show ospfv3 virtu a l_link {< area_id> <neighbor _id>} Descripti on T his comm and is used to displa y OSPFv3 v irtual li nk conf iguration.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 500 66 OSPF CO MMANDS The OSPF c omm ands in the C omm and Line Inter face ( CLI) are lis ted (along with t he appropr iate param eters ) in the following tab le.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 501 Each com mand is l isted, in detail, in the follo wing sec tions.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 502 Usage exam ple To disabl e OSPF on the Sw itch: DGS - 3627:admin# disable ospf Command: disable ospf Success. DGS - 3627:admin# show os pf Purpose U sed to disp lay the c urrent O SPF state o n the S witch.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 503 DGS - 3627:admin# show ospf Command: show ospf OSPF Router ID : 10.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 504 To cr eate an OSPF ar ea: DGS - 3627:admin# create ospf area type normal Command: create ospf area type normal Success. DGS - 3627:admin# To cr eate an OSPF N S SA area: DGS - 3627:admin# create ospf area 11.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 505 confi g os pf ar e a • nssa – Choosing this para meter will define the O SPF area config ured here as an NSSA (No t So Stub by Area ) area.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 506 create ospf host_ route Purpose U sed to co nfigure O SPF hos t route sett ings.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 507 conf ig os pf hos t _ rout e Restr ictio ns O nly Adm inistrator and Op erator - leve l users c an issue this com mand. Usage exam ple To conf igure an O SPF host route: DGS - 3627:admin# config ospf host_route 10.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 508 crea t e ospf a ggr egation • adver tise [en able | dis able] − Allo ws for the advertisem ent tri gger to b e enable d or disabled .
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 509 config os pf a ggr egation Param eters <area _id> − A 3 2 - bit num ber in the f orm of an IP addr ess (x xx.xxx .xxx.xxx) that uniquel y identifi es the OSPF ar ea in t he OSP F domain.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 510 DGS - 3627:admin# show ospf aggregation Command: show ospf aggregation OSPF Area Aggregation Settings Area ID Aggregated LSDB Advertise Network Address Type --------------- ------------------ -------- --------- 10.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 511 show os pf nei ghbor Purpose U sed to disp lay the c urrent O SPF neighb or rout er table. S ynt ax show ospf neighbor {<ipaddr> } Descripti on T hi s comm and will disp lay the cur rent O SPF neigh bor router table.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 512 config os pf i pif Purpose U sed to co nfigure the O SPF inter face s ettings.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 513 show os pf i pif Descripti on This com mand will disp la y the current O SPF inter face s ettings f or the specif ied int erfac e name.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 514 DGS - 3627:admin# show ospf all Command: show ospf all Interface Name: System IP Address: (Link Up) Network Medium Type: BROADCAST Metric: 1 Area ID: 0.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 515 config os pf vi r tual_li nk Purpose U sed to co nfigure the O SPF virt ual inter fac e settings.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 516 DGS - 3627:admin# delete ospf virtual_link Command: delete ospf virtual_link Success. DGS - 3627:admin# show os pf vir tual_li nk Purpose U sed to disp lay the c urrent O SPF virtual interf ace conf iguration.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 517 67 O SPF DEBUG E NHANCE M E NT COMM ANDS The OSPF D ebug En hance ment comm ands in the Co mmand Lin e Interf ace (CLI) are listed ( along w ith the a ppropriate param eters) in the f ollowin g table.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 518 Exam ple usage: To show t he curren t OSPF debug f lag setting: DGS - 3627:admin# debug ospf show flag Comman.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 519 debug ospf interface_state_change change. Param eters dr_bdr _selecti on - Use d to inc lude or exc lude deb ug inform ation f or DR/BDR se lection . state - The s tate of the OSPF i nterface s tate chang e debug .
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 520 debug ospf pac k et sending - Set pack et sendi ng debug f lag. state - The s tate of the desi gnated debu g flag. Restr ictio ns Onl y Administr ator leve l users can issue t his com mand.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 521 To enabl e all OSPF SPF d ebug flags: DGS - 3627:admin# debug ospf spf all state enable Comm and: debug ospf spf all state enable Success.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 522 debug ospf vir tual_l i nk Purpose U sed to ena ble or d isable d ebug infor mation f lags abo ut virtua l link .
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 523 DGS - 3627:admin# debug ospf timer state enable Command: debug ospf timer state enable Success. DGS - 3627:admin# debug ospf show counter Purpose U sed to disp lay OS PF stati stic counter s.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 524 debug ospf cl ear counter Purpose U sed to rese t OSPF s tatisti c counters . S ynt ax debug ospf c lear counter {pac ket | neighbor | spf} Descripti on T his comm and is used to reset OS PF stat istic coun ters.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 525 debug ospf show redis tr i bution Purpose U sed to disp lay the c urrent inter nal OSPF redis tribute li st. T his comm and can be u sed if the external r oute adver tising is not corr ect.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 526 DGS - 3627:admin# debug ospf show summary_list Command: debug ospf show summary_list OSPF Summary List: Area Circuit: Neighbor: IP: 1.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 527 DGS - 3627:admin# debug ospf show detail rt_link Command: debug ospf show detail rt_link OSPF Phase2 RT Link: =========== AREA Router LSA: Link - State ID: 1.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 528 DGS - 3627:admin# debug ospf show detail net_link Command: debug ospf show detail net_link OSPF Phase2 NET Link: =========== AREA Network LSA: Link - State ID: 10.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 529 DGS - 3627:admin# debug ospf show detail su mmary_link Command: debug ospf show detail summary_link OSPF Phase2 Summary Link: =========== AREA Summary LSA: Link - State ID: 20.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 530 DGS - 3627:admin# debug ospf show detail external_link Command: debug ospf show detail external_link OSPF Phase2 External Link: =========== AREA AS - External LSA: Link - State ID: 192.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 531 DGS - 3627:admin# debug ospf show detail type7_link Command: debug ospf show detail type7_link OSPF Phase2 NSSA - External Link: =========== AREA NSSA - External LSA: Link - State ID: 0.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 532 debug ospf l og s tat e Purpose U sed to ena ble or d isable the d ebug OS PF log. S ynt ax debug ospf l og state [enable | disable] Descripti on T his comm and is used to enable or disa ble the de bug OSPF log.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 533 DGS - 3627:admin# debug ospf state enable Command: debug ospf state enable Success.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 534 68 PASSWO RD E NCRY P T ION COMM ANDS The Pass word Enc ryption c omm ands in the Com m and Line Inter face (CLI ) are list ed (alon g with the a ppr opriate param eters) in the f ollowin g table.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 535 disabl e passw ord encr yption reverted to the plai ntext. Param eters None.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 536 config a c c ount Purpose U sed to co nfigure us er accounts .
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 537 DGS - 3627:admin# show ac count Command: show account Current Accounts: Username Access Level --------------- ------------ System User dlink Admin Total Entries : 2 DGS - 3627:admin# delete account Purpose U sed to de lete an exis ting ac c ount.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 538 69 PING CO M M ANDS The Ping c omm ands in the C omm and Line Interf ace (CLI) ar e liste d (along with the a ppropriate param eters) in t he following tab le.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 539 DGS - 3627:admin# ping times 4 Command: ping times 4 Reply from, time<10ms Reply from, time<10ms Reply from 10.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 540 ping6 si ze - Sp ecif y the size of th e test pac ket. timeout - Specif y th e tim e - out period while waiting f or a res ponse from the rem ote dev ice. A value of 1 to 10 sec onds ca n be sp ecified.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 541 DGS - 3627:admin# enable broadcast_ping_reply Command: enable broadcast_ping_reply Success. DGS - 3627:admin# disabl e broadcast_pi ng_re pl y Purpose U sed to disa ble the broadcas t ping rep ly state.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 542 70 POLI CY RO UTE COMMAND S Policy Bas ed rout ing is a m ethod used b y the Switch t o give s pecified devices a clea ner path t o the Inter net.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 543 DGS - 3627:admin# create policy_route name manager Command: create policy_route name manager Success. DGS - 3627:admin# config pol ic y _route Purpose U sed to co nfigure the param eters to set the pol icy rou te on the Switch.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 544 Exam ple usage: To delete the polic y route n ame “m anager”: DGS - 3627:admin# delete policy_route name manager Command: delete policy_route name manager Success.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 545 71 PORT SE CURI TY COMMAN DS The prim ar y purpos e of por t securit y function is to res trict the ac cess to a switch p ort to a number of authori zed users.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 546 Exam ple usage: To conf ig port sec urity sett ing: DGS - 3627:admin# config port_security ports 1:6 admin_st.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 547 DGS - 3627:admin# clear port_security_entry port 1:6 Command: clear port_security_entry port 1:6 Success. DGS - 3627:admin# show port _ s e c uri ty Purpose T his comm and is to us ed to dis pla y port secur ity config uratio n.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 548 72 PROTO COL INDEPENDE NT MULTICAST (PIM) COMM ANDS PIM or Prot ocol Ind epende nt Multicas t is a m ethod of.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 549 Multicast s ources d o not a lways joi n the inte nded rec eiver gr oup.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 550 Command P arameters enable pim disable pim config pim [[ipif <ipif_nam e 12> | all] {hello <sec 1 - .
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 551 DGS - 3627:admin# enable pim Command: enable pim Success. DGS - 3627:admin# disabl e pim Purpose U sed to disa ble PIM f unction on the S witch. S ynt ax disable pim Descripti on T his comm and will disa ble PIM f or the S witch.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 552 config pi m Purpose U sed to co nfigure the param eters for the PIM prot ocol.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 553 cr eat e pi m crp Purpose T o enable th e Switch to be come a cand idate t o be the Rend ezvous Point (R P).
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 554 config pi m crp Purpose T o conf igure the Can didate R P settings that will determ ine the R P.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 555 DGS - 3627:admin# create pim static_rp group rp 11.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 556 DGS - 3627:admin# show pim static_rp Command: show pim static_rp PIM Static RP Table Group RP Address ------------------ -------------------- 11.1.1.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 557 DGS - 3627:admin# show pim rpset Command: show pim rpset PIM RP - Set Table Bootstrap Router: Group Address RP Address Holdtime Expired Time Type ---------------- --------------- ------------ -------------- ----------- 224.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 558 config pi m cbsr Purpose U sed to co nfigure the s ettin gs f or the Candi date Boots trap Rou ter and t he priori ty of the selec ted IP int erface t o becom e the Boot Strap Ro uter (BSR ) for the PIM - SM network domain.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 559 DGS - 3627:admin# config pim cbsr bootstrap_period 60 Command: config pim cbsr bootstrap_period 60 Success.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 560 DGS - 3627:admin# show pim Command: show pim PIM Global State : Enabled Last Hop SPT Switchover : Never Regis.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 561 show pim i pmrout e Purpose Us e d to disp lay the PIM I P Mult icast Route T able o n the Sw itch. S ynt ax show pim ipmroute Descripti on T his comm and will disp lay the P IM IP Mul ticast R oute T able on the Switch.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 562 Exam ple usage: To cr eate an RP to which t he Switch will send R egist er pack ets to and c reate che cks ums to be incl uded wit h the data in Register ed pack ets: DGS - 3627:admin# create pim register_checksum_include_data rp_address 11.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 563 DGS - 3627:admin# show pim register_checksum_include_data_rp_list Command: show pim register_checksum_include_data_rp_list PIM Register Checksum Include Data RP Address ------------------------------------------- 11.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 564 73 PROTO CO L VLAN GROUP CO MMANDS For bridg es that im plem ent Port - and - Prot ocol - bas ed VLAN c lass .
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 565 DGS - 3627:admin# create dot1v_protocol_group group_id 1 Command: create dot1v_protocol_group group_id 1 Success. DGS - 3627:admin# config dot 1 v_pr otocol_ gr oup Purpose U sed to co nfigure the param eters for a protocol VLAN gr oup.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 566 delet e dot 1 v_pr otocol_gr oup Purpose U sed to de lete a pr otocol VLAN group. S ynt ax delete dot1v_protocol_ group group_id <id> Descripti on T his comm and will delet e a protoc ol VLA N group.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 567 config por t dot1v Purpose U sed to bi nd a VLAN with a pr otocol tem plate on one o r mor e ports.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 568 DGS - 3627:admin# show port dot1v ports 1:6 - 1:8 Command: show port dot1v ports 1:6 - 1:8 Port: 1:6 Protocol.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 569 74 QUALITY OF SERVICE (QOS) COMMANDS The S witch supports 802.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 570 Command Para meters config ba ndwidth_c ontrol [ <portl ist>| all] { rx_rate [n o_lim it | <value 64.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 571 config ba ndw idth_cont r ol minim um granulari ty) * m inim al granularit y Restr ictio ns Onl y Adm inistrat or an d Operator - level user s can is sue this c omm and.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 572 DGS - 3627:admin# show bandwidth_control 1:1 - 1:10 Command: show bandwidth_control 1:1 - 1:10 Bandwidth Cont.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 573 config s c he dul ing_mechani sm Descripti on T here are two sets of comm ands that the pr oject can be choos e to im plement. If the proj ect onl y supports the sc heduling mec hanism to be set global ly, the por tlist param eter will not b e supp orted.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 574 DGS - 3627:admin#show scheduling 1:1 Command: show scheduling 1:1 QOS Output Scheduling On Port: 1:1 Class ID MAX.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 575 config 8 0 2. 1p us er _ pri orit y class_ id - The num ber of the switch ’s hardwar e priorit y queue. T he s witch has 7 h ardware priorit y queues a vailable.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 576 config 8 0 2. 1p de f aul t _ pr iorit y will be us ed to deter mine t he hard ware prior ity que ues that t he pack et will be forwarded t o.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 577 DGS - 3627:admin# show 802.1p default_priority 1:1 - 1:10 Command: show 802.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 578 DGS - 3627:admin# disable hol_prevention Command: disable hol_prevention Success. DGS - 3627:admin# show hol_ pr evention Purpose U se to sho w the HOL preventi on state.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 579 config per_ queue bandwi dth_cont rol If the spec ified rat e does not have multipl e of m inimum granularit y, the rate will be adjus ted: Actual rate = (inp utted rate / m inimum gr anularity) * m inim al granularit y.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 580 DGS - 3627:admin# show per_queue bandwidth_control 1:10 Command: show per_queue bandwidth_control 1:10 Queue .
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 581 DGS - 3627:admin# disable cpu_rx_rate_control Command: enable cpu_rx_rate_control Success. DGS - 3627:admin# show cpu_rx_rate_control Purpose U sed to sh ow current settin gs of CPU r eceiving rate co ntrol.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 582 75 REMOTE COPY PROTOCOL (RCP) COMMANDS RCP is a UN IX Rem ote Sh ell servic e which allo ws files to be copi ed betwe en a server a nd clie nt.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 583 config rcp server usernam e - The rem ote user name f or logging into the globa l RCP Ser ver. B y default, th e global s erver’s r emote us er nam e is unspecif ied.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 584 show rcp server S ynt ax show rcp server Descripti on T his comm and displa ys the glo bal RCP s erver inf orm ation. Param eters None. Restr ictio ns Onl y Administr ator leve l users can issue t his com mand.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 585 DGS - 3627:admin# download firmware_fromRCP username rcp_user src_file /home/DGS - 3627.had Command: download firmware_fromRCP username rcp_user 172.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 586 To downl oad firm ware from RCP us ing glob al conf igured serv er: DGS - 3627:admin# download firmware_fromRCP src_file /home/DGS - 3627.had dest_file RUN26B18.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 587 DGS - 3627:admin# download firmware_fromRCP src_file DGS - 3627.had Command: download firmware_fromRCP src_file DGS - 3627.had Using RCP Server IP: Using RCP Server Username : rcp_user Connecting to server.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 588 DGS - 3627:admin# upload firmware_toRCP rcp: rcp_user@ - 3627 - uploaded.had Command: upload firmware_toRCP rcp: rcp_user@ DGS - 3627 - uploaded.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 589 DGS - 3627:admin# download cfg_fromRCP username rcp_user src_file /home/DGS - 3627.cfg Command: download cfg_fromRCP username rcp_user 172.18.212.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 590 upload cf g_ t oRCP Note: No SPACE S are a llowed in t he whole <string>. filter _str ing - A f ilter str ing is enc losed b y the “s y m bol. T heref ore, the filter st ring it self c annot contain th e “charac ter.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 591 To uploa d the log f rom the device to an RCP s erver: DGS - 3627:admin# upload log_toRCP username rcp_user dest_file /home/DGS - XXXX.log Command: upload log_toRCP username rcp_user 172.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 592 DGS - 3627:admin# upload attack_log_toRCP username rcp_user dest_file /home/DGS - XXXX.alog unit 2 Command: upload attack_log_toRCP username rcp_user 172.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 593 76 REMOTE SWITCHED PORT ANALYZER (R SPAN) COM M ANDS The Rem ote Switch ed Port Analyzer (R SPAN) c omm ands in the Com m and Line Inter face (C LI) are liste d (al ong with t he appropriat e param eters ) in the follo wing tab le.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 594 DGS - 3627:admin# enable rspan Command: enable rspan Success. DGS - 3627:admin# disable rspan Purpose U sed to disa ble the RSPA N globall y. S ynt ax disab le rspan Descripti on T his comm and controls the RSPAN f unction.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 595 DGS - 3627:admin# create rspan vlan vlan_id 3 Command: create rspan vlan vlan_id 3 Success. DGS - 3627:admin# delete rspan vlan Purpose U sed to de lete an RS PAN VLAN .
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 596 config r span vlan source tx - Only m onitor egres s pack ets. both - Mon itor bot h ingress and egress pack ets. mirror_gro up_id - T he m irror group identif y that spec ify which m irror session us ed for RSPAN source f unction.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 597 config r span vlan redire c t The redir ect funct ion will on ly work when RSP AN is en abled. Multiple RSPAN V LANs ca n be conf igured with the re direct sett ing at the s ame ti m e.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 598 Displa y all settings : DGS - 3627:admin# show rspan Command: show rspan RSPAN: Enabled RSPAN VLAN ID: 1 ----.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 599 77 RIPNG CO M M ANDS The RIPng comm ands in th e Comm and Line Int erfac e (CLI) are l isted (al ong with t he appropr iate par ameters ) in the following tab le.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 600 disabl e ripng Restr ictio ns Onl y Administr ator an d Operator - level user s can issue this comm and. Exam ple usage: To disabl e RIPng globall y: DGS - 3627:admin# disable ripng Command : disable ripng Success.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 601 config ri png garbage_c ollectio n - The v alue (in s econds) of the gar bage - co llect ion tim er . method - See below: no_hori zon - Config ured to not use an y hori zon.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 602 debug ri png s t a t e Restr ictio ns Onl y Administr ator an d Operator - level user s can issue this comm and. Exam ple usage: To enabl e RIPng de bug glo bally: DGS - 3627:admin# debug ripng state enable Command: debug ripng state enable Success.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 603 debug ri png f l ag disab le - Dis able the designate d flags.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 604 78 ROUTING INFORMATI O N PROTOCOL (RIP) COMMA NDS The Routi ng Inform ation Pr otocol ( RIP) com mands in the Comm and Line I nterf ace (CLI) ar e listed ( along with the appropriat e param eters ) in the follo wing tab le.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 605 DGS - 3627:admin# config rip ipif System rx_mode v1_only Command: config rip ipif System rx_mode v1_only Success. DGS - 3627:admin# enable rip Purpose U sed to ena ble RIP.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 606 show ri p Purpose U sed to disp lay the RI P conf iguration and statis tics f or the Switc h.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 607 79 SAFEGUARD ENGINE CO M MANDS Periodica lly, m alicious h osts on the ne twork will attac k the S witch b y utilizing p acket f looding (AR P Storm ) or other methods .
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 608 config s a f e gua r d_engine Purpose T o conf ig ARP storm cont rol for system .
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 609 To displa y the saf eguard e ngine stat us: DGS - 3627:admin# show safeguard_engine Command: show safeguard_e.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 610 80 SECURE SHELL (SSH) C OMMANDS The st eps required t o use t he Secure Shell (SS H) prot ocol for s ecure co.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 611 config s s h al gor ithm Param eters 3DE S - Specif y ssh ser ver encr yption a lgor ithm . blowf ish - Spec if y ssh server encr yption algor ithm. AES(128,19 2,256) - Specif y ssh server encr yption alg orithm.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 612 DGS - 3627:admin# show ssh algorithm Command: show ssh algorithm Encryption Algorithm 3DES : Enabled AES128 :.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 613 Exam ple usage: To show user authent icatio n m ethod: DGS - 3627:admin# show ssh authmode C ommand: show ssh.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 614 DGS - 3627:admin# show ssh user authmode Command: show ssh user authmode Current Accounts Username Authenticaiton ------------- ------------- test publickey Total Entries : 1 DGS - 3627:admin# config ssh server Purpose U sed to conf igur e the S SH ser ver.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 615 DGS - 3627:admin# enable ssh Command: enable ssh Success. DGS - 3627:admin# disable ssh Purpose U sed to disa ble the SSH se rver servic e. S ynt ax disable ssh Descripti on T he disable ss h comm and disab les ssh s erver ser vices.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 616 81 SECURE SOCKETS LAYER (SSL) COMMANDS Secure Soc kets Layer or S SL is a sec urity feat ure that will pro vide a sec ure com m unication path between a host and client thro ugh the use of au thenticat ion, digit al signatur es and encr yption.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 617 enable ssl Purpose T o enable th e SSL f unction on t he S witch.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 618 disable ssl Purpose T o disable t he SSL f unction on the S witch.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 619 Exam ple usage: To set the SSL cach etimeo ut for 7200 seconds : DGS - 3627:admin# config ssl cachetimeout 7200 Command: config ssl cachetimeout 7200 Success. DGS - 3627:admin# show ssl cachetimeout Purpose U sed to sh ow the SS L cache t imeout.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 620 DGS - 3627:admin# show ssl Command: show ssl SSL status Disabled RSA_WITH_RC4_128_MD5 Enabled RSA_WITH_3DES_E.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 621 82 SFLO W CO MMANDS sFlow is a feature t hat allo ws users to m onitor net work tr affic running thr ough th e sw itch to ident if y network pr oblems through p ack et sampling a nd pack et counter inform ation of the Switch.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 622 create sflo w flow_sampler S ynt ax create sflo w flo w_samp ler ports [ <portlist > | all] an alyzer_s.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 623 delete sflow flow_sampler Purpose U sed to de lete the s Flow fl ow_sam pler. S ynt ax delete sflow flow _sam pler ports [<por tl ist> | all] Descripti on Used t o delete the sFlo w flo w_sampler.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 624 config sflow counter _poller Param eters interv al - The m axim um num ber of seconds between s uccess ive sam ples of the c ounters . If set it 0, t he count er - sam ple is disa bled.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 625 create sflo w anal yzer_server maxdatagr amsize - The m aximum number of data bytes that can be pack ed in a si ngle sample d atagram . If not sp ecified, t he def ault value is 1400 .
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 626 delete sflo w _analy z er_ser ver Param eters None. Restr ictio ns Onl y Administr ator an d Operator - level user s can issue this comm and.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 627 DGS - 3627:adm in# disable sflow Command: disable sflow Success. DGS - 3627:admin# show sflow Purpose Sho w the s Flow infor mation. S ynt ax show sflow Descripti on T his comm and is used to show the s Flow i nform ation.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 628 DGS - 3627:admin# show sflow flow_sampler Command: show sflow flow_sampler Port Analyzer Configured Configure.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 629 DGS - 3627:admin# show sflow analyzer_server Command: show sflow analyzer_server sFlow Analyzer_server Information ------------------------------ Server ID : 1 Owner : 1 Timeout : Infinite Current Countdown Time : Infinite Collector Address : 10.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 630 83 SIMPLE NETWORK MANAGEMENT PROTOCOL (SNMP ) COMMANDS The Sim ple Networ k Mana gement Pr otocol (S NMP) c omm ands in the Com m and Line Inter face (C LI) are list ed (alon g with the appropr iate p aram eters) in the fol lowing ta ble.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 631 crea t e snm p communi ty view An access list of IP addres ses of the SNMP m anagers that are p erm itted to use th e comm unity string t o gain ac cess to the agent.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 632 DGS - 3627:admin# show snmp community Command: show snmp community SNMP Community Table Community Name View N.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 633 delete snmp user Purpose T his comm and is us ed to rem ove a user f rom an SNMP gro up and delete the as s ociate d group in SNMP group .
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 634 crea t e snm p group SNMP vie ws. S ynt ax crea te snmp group <groupname 3 2> [v1 | v2c | v3 [noauth_no.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 635 show s nmp groups Purpose T his comm and is us ed to dis play the nam es of groups on t he s witch and th e secur ity model , level, th e status of the dif ferent vi ews.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 636 DGS - 3627:admin# show snmp groups Command: show snmp groups Vacm Access Table Settings Group Name : public R.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 637 Securiy Level : NoAuthNoPriv Group Name : WriteGroup ReadView Name : CommunityView WriteView Name : Community.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 638 delete snmp v iew all - A ll view recor d. oid - Objec t - Ident ified tree, MIB tr ee. Restr ictio ns Onl y Administr ator an d Operator - level user s can issue this comm and.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 639 create snmp host Descripti on Th e create snm p host c omm and creates a recipien t of an SNM P operat ion. Note: This is SNM Pv3 com m and, if it is used ; All SN MPv1/v2 c omm ands are not necess ary.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 640 delete snmp host Param eters host - The IP addr ess of the recip ient for which the tr aps are tar g eted. v6host - S pecifies th e IPv6 host addr ess. Restr ictio ns Onl y Administr ator an d Operator - level user s can issue this comm and.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 641 show s nmp v6host Note: This is SNM Pv3 com m and, if it is used ; All SN MPv1/v2 c omm ands are not necess ary. Param eters v6hos t - Specif ies the I Pv6 hos t address .
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 642 DGS - 3627:admin# config snmp engineID 1023457890 Command: config snmp engineID 1023457890 Success. DGS - 3627:admin# show s nmp engi neID Purpose T his comm and is us ed to dis play the ident ificat ion of the SNMP eng ine o n the s witch.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 643 84 STACKING CO MMANDS Stack ing protocol is a spec ial com munication m echanism between de vices. It is respons ible f or allowing m ult iple devic es to com bine together , work ing in the s ame c onfiguratio n.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 644 show s tacking_m ode Purpose U sed to disp lay the c urrent s tack ing mode. S ynt ax show stacki ng_mode Descripti on T he show stac king_m ode com mand displa ys the c urrent s tack ing mode.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 645 config box _ i d Param eters cur rent_box_id - Specif ies the s witch be ing conf igured. The param eter r ange is 1 - 12. For exam ple, for the DG S34xx series the ID is 12; for th e DGS36x x series t he ID is 8 .
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 646 DGS - 3627:admin# show stack_information Command: show stack_information Topology :Duplex_Chain My Box ID :3 .
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 647 config stacking fo rce_master_role current s tack ing topolog y. If the stat e is ena bled, the m aster ’s priorit y will becom e zero af ter the stack ing has s tabilized.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 648 85 STA TIC MAC - BASE D V L AN COMMANDS The Stat ic MAC - Base d VL AN comm ands in th e Comm and Line I nterface ( CLI) ar e listed (a long with t he appr opriate param eters) in the f ollowin g table.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 649 delete mac_based_vlan Purpose U sed to de lete the s tatic M AC - based V LAN entr y. S ynt ax delete mac_b ased_v lan [mac_ addres s <macadd r> | all] Descripti on Use t his comm and to d elete a d atabase e ntry.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 650 86 STATI C M UL TICAST ROUT E CO MMANDS The st atic multic ast route c omm ands in the C omm and Line Inter face ( CLI) are lis ted (alon g with t he appro priate param eters) in the f ollowin g table.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 651 delet e ipmroute Descripti on Dele tes an IP m ulticast s tatic route conf igurat ion e n tr y. Param eters network _addres s – The e ntr y corresponds to the spec if ied network to be del eted.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 652 87 SUBNET VL AN CO MMANDS The Subn et VLAN c omm ands in the Com m and Line Inter face (CLI ) are listed ( alon g with the a ppropr iate para meter s) in the follo wing tab le.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 653 This ex ample sho ws how to c reate an I Pv6 sub net VLAN e ntry: DGS - 3627:admin# create subnet_vlan ipv6network FE80::/64 vlan v2 priority 2 Command: create subnet_vlan ipv6network FE80::/64 vlan v2 priority 2 Success .
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 654 show subnet_vlan VLA N ent rie s will be dis p lay ed. ipv6networ k - To s pecif y an IPv6 net work addres s. If n etwork address is not spec ifed, al l subnet VLAN entr ies will be displa yed.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 655 config vl a n_ pr ecedence por ts will proces s at f irst. If MAC - based VL AN class ificatio n fails, the s ubnet VLAN c lassificatio n will be ex ecuted.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 656 88 SUPER VLAN COMMANDS The Super VLAN com m ands in the Com mand Li ne Inter face ( CLI) are list ed (along with the appropri ate param eters ) in the follo wing tab le.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 657 DGS - 3627:admin# create super_vlan vlanid 10 Command: create super_vlan vlanid 10 Success. DGS - 3627:admin# config s upe r vlan Purpose T his comm and is us ed to conf igure a sup er VLAN.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 658 DGS - 3627:admin# delete super_vlan vlanid 10 Command: delete super_vlan vlanid 10 Success. DGS - 3627:admin# config s ub vl a n Purpose T his comm and is us ed to conf igure the I P range of the s ub VLAN.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 659 show super vlan vlanid <vlan id 1 - 4094 > - Sp ecif y the super VL AN ID. If not spec ified the super VLAN, sh ow all s uper VLAN s. Restr ictio ns None.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 660 89 SWIT CH P O RT COMMANDS The switch port com mands in the Com m and Line Interf ace (CLI) ar e listed ( with th e appropr iate par ameter s) in the following tab le.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 661 config por ts Purpose U sed to co nfigure the Switch’s Ethern et port sett ings.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 662 DGS - 3627:admin# config ports 1:1 - 1:3 speed 10_full learning enable state enable flow_control enable Command: config ports 1:1 - 1:3 speed 10_full learning enable state enable flow_control enable Success.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 663 DGS - 3627:admin# show ports Command: show ports Port Port Settings Connection Address State Speed/Duplex/Flo.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 664 To displa y the Err or Disab led ports : DGS - 3627:admin# show ports err_disabled Command : show ports err_d.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 665.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 666 90 SYSLO G OR TRAP SOURC E- I NTERFACE CO MMANDS The s yslog or trap s ource - i nterfac e function is used f or selectin g a fixe d interf ace as the so urce int erface t o send s yslog or trap m essage.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 667 show s yslog source _ipi f Purpose Sho w s yslog source I P inte rfac e. S ynt ax show sys log source_ipif Descripti on T his comm and is us ed to dis play the s yslog sourc e IP i nterfac e.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 668 DGS - 3627:admin# config trap source_ipif none Command: config trap source_ipif none Success DGS - 3627:admin# show t rap sour c e_ip if Purpose Sho w trap so urce IP interf ace.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 669 91 SYSTEM LOG CO MMANDS The S ystem Log com m ands in the Com mand Li ne Inter face ( CLI) are list ed (along with the appropri ate param eters ) in the following tab le.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 670 Exam ple usage: To clear the switc h’s histor y log: DGS - 3627:admin# clear log Co mmand: clear log Success. DGS - 3627:admin# show l og Purpose U sed to disp lay the s witch’ s histor y log.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 671 enable syslog Descripti on T his comm and enables th e sendi ng of syslog m essages . Param eters None. Restr ictio ns Onl y Administr ator an d Operator - level user s can issue this comm and.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 672 DGS - 3627:admin# show syslog Command: show syslog Syslog Global State: Enabled DGS - 3627:admin# co nfig s yslog hos t Purpose U sed to co nfigure the s yslo g host conf igurations .
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 673 co nfig s yslog hos t network s to a host. The opt ion enabl es or dis ables the host to rec eive s uch m essages. Restr ictio ns Onl y Adm inistr ator an d Operator - level user s can is sue this c omm and.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 674 crea t e s y slog hos t local6 us er - defined f acilit y local7 us er - defined f acilit y udp_port - T he UD P port num ber. state - The s yslog prot ocol i s used f or the trans mis sion of event no tificati on mes sages acr oss network s to a host.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 675 Exam ple usage: To displa y syslog host conf igurations : DGS - 3627:admin# show syslog host Command: show sy.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 676 DGS - 3627:admin# show log_save_timing Command: show log_save_timing Saving log method: on_demand DGS - 3627:admin# show attack_log Purpose D isplays t he attack log m essages.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 677 DGS - 3627:admin# clear attack_log Command: clear attack_log Success. DGS - 3627:admin# upload at t a c k _log_ t oTFTP Purpose U sed to up load the att ack log on a uni t.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 678 upload at t a c k _log_ t oRCP Note: Do not use an y blank spaces in the <stri ng>. unitid - The a ttack log m essages on the s pecified u nit will b e uploade d to the RCP ser ver.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 679 DGS - 3627:admin# config system_severity trap information Command: config system_severity trap information Success. DGS - 3627:admin# show system_severity Purpose T his comm and is us ed to dis play the sev erit y level cont rols for the system .
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 680 92 TECHNICAL S UP P O RT CO MMANDS The T echnical Supp ort com mands in the Com mand Lin e Interf ace (CLI) ar e listed ( along with the appr opriate param eters) in the f ollowin g table.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 681 DGS - 3627:admin# show tech_support Command: show tech_support #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # DGS - 3627 Gigabit Ethernet Switch # Technical Support Information # # Firmware: Build 2.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 682 DGS - 3627:a dmin# upload tech_support_to_TFTP tech_report.txt Command: upload tech_support_to_TFTP tech_report.txt Connecting to server....
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 683 93 TELNET CLIENT COMMAN DS The T elnet Client c omm ands in the C omm and Line Inter face (C LI) are listed ( alon g with th e appropr iate para meter s) in the follo wing tab le.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 684 94 TFTP CL IENT COMMANDS The T FTP Client com mands in the Comm and Li ne Inter face (C LI) are listed ( along with the appropri ate param eters) in the follo wing tab le.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 685 dow nloa d fi rmw are_from TFTP Case 3: In c ase that the m aster unit an d the s lave unit both suppor t or no t suppor t file sy stem , the file wil l be dow nloaded to the sp ecified f ile on the s lave un it.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 686 DGS - 3627:admin# download cfg_fromTFTP src_file cfg01.txt Command: download cfg_fromTFTP src_file cfg01.txt Connecting to server.........
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 687 upload cf g_ t oTFT P relative p athnam e or an ab solute pat hna me. pathname - The pat hname s pecifies an absolute pathn ame on the d evice f ile syst em. If pathnam e is not specifie d, it ref ers to th e boot_up CFG f ile.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 688 upload at t a c k _log_ t oTFTP Descripti on T his comm and is used to upload t he attac k log on a unit. Param eters ipaddr - The IP address of the T FTP s erver.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 689 95 TIME AND S NT P COMMAN DS The Sim ple Networ k Tim e Protocol ( SNTP) (an adapt ation of the Networ k Time Protoco l (NT P)) comm ands in the Comm and Line Interf ace (CLI) are liste d (alon g with the a ppropr iate param eters) in the fol lowing tab le.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 690 DGS - 3627:admin# config sntp primary secondary poll - interval 30 Command: config sntp primary secondary poll - interval 30 Success.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 69 1 DGS - 3627:admin# enable sntp Command: enable sntp Success. DGS - 3627:admin# disabl e sntp Purpose T o disable SN TP ser ver su pport. S ynt ax disable sntp Descripti on T his will d isabl e SNT P suppor t.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 692 config t im e _ z one Purpose U sed to det erm ine the tim e zone use d in order to adju st the s ystem clock.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 693 config ds t s_week – C onfigur e the week of the month in which DST begins.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 694 show time Purpose U sed to disp lay the c urrent tim e settings and stat us. S ynt ax show time Descripti on T his will disp lay syst em time an d date conf igurat ion as wel l as displ ay current system time.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 695 96 TIME RANGE COMMANDS The T ime Range com m ands are used in conj unction w ith the Ac cess Prof ile com man.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 696 config t im e _ ra nge Restr ictio ns Onl y Administr ator an d Operator - level user s can issue this comm and. Exam ple usage: To conf igure the tim e range time1 to be betwee n 6:30 a.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 697 97 TRACE ROUT E CO MMANDS The Tr ace Route c omm ands in the Comm and Li ne Inter face (C LI) are list ed (alon g with t he appropr iate par ameter s) in the follo wing tab le.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 698 DGS - 3627:admin# traceroute probe 3 Command: traceroute probe 3 <10 ms <10 ms <10 ms <10 ms 10.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 699 DGS - 3627:admin# traceroute6 3000::1 probe 3 Command: traceroute6 3000::1 probe 3 <10 ms 1345:142::11 <10 ms 1345:142::11 <10 ms 1345:142::11 <10 ms 2011:14::100 <10 ms 2011:14::100 * Request timed out.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 700 98 TRAFFI C CONTROL CO MM ANDS On a com puter net work , packets s uch as Multic ast pac kets and Br oadcas t packets continual ly flood t he net work as norm al procedure.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 701 The Tr affic Contr ol comm ands in the C omm and Line Inter face (C LI) are liste d (al ong with the appr opriate pa ram eters) in the follo wing tab le.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 702 DGS - 3627:admin# config traffic control 1 - 12 broadcast enable action shutdown threshold 1 countdown 5 time_interval 10 Command: config traffic control 1 - 12 broadcast enable action shutdown threshold 1 countdown 5 time_interval 10 Success.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 703 DGS - 3627:admin# show traffic control 1 - 10 Command: show traffic control 1 - 10 Traffic Control Trap : [No.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 704 99 TRAFFI C SEGMENTATI O N COMMANDS Traffic segmentati on allo ws users to further sub - divid e VLANs into sm aller gro ups of ports that will help to reduc e traff ic on the VLA N.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 705 show traffic_segmentation Purpose U sed to disp lay the c urrent tr aff ic segmentation c onfigu ration on the Switc h.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 706 100 TRUSTED HO ST COMMAND S Trus ted Host is a s ecurit y feature wh ich deni es an ille gal networ k addres s to acc ess the s witch.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 707 delete trusted_host Param eters ip a ddr - The IP addres s of the tr usted hos t. network - T he networ k addres s of the tr usted net work . all - A ll trusted h osts will be delete d.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 708 101 UNICAST RO UT E COMMAN DS Route Pref erence is a wa y for r outers to selec t the bes t pat h when ther e ar e two or more dif ferent routes to th e sam e destinati on from two diff erent rout ing prot ocols.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 709 Th e Unicast Route com m ands in the Comm and Line I nterface ( CLI) are listed (a long with the appr opriate param eters) in the follo wing tab le.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 710 create iproute It will fai l if a us er wants t o create a f loating s tatic rout e and th ere has been one s tatic multipath r oute wit h the sa m e destination.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 711 DGS - 3627:admin# delete iproute Command: delete iproute Success. DGS - 3627:admin# show i proute Purpose U sed to disp lay the s witch’ s curr ent IP routing t able.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 712 DGS - 3627:admin# show iproute Command: show iproute Routing Table IP Address/Netmask Gateway Interface Cost Protocol ------------------ --------------- ------------ -------- -------- 10.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 713 config r oute prefer e nc e ospfExt2 - Configur e the pr eferenc e of OSPF external type - 2 rout e. The d efault va lue is 115. ebgp - Conf igur e th e prefer ence of BG P AS - ex ternal r oute.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 714 DGS - 3627:admin# show route preference Command: show route preference Route Preference Settings P rotocol Pr.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 715 create rou te re dis tribu te ds t rip Purpose U sed to redis tribut e routin g inform ation f rom other r outing protoc ols to RIP.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 716 crea t e r out e re dis tr i bute dst bgp ospf - T o redistribut e OSPF routes to BG P. all - T o redistrib ute both O SPF AS - in ternal a nd OSPF AS - external routes to RIP.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 717 config r oute redistr i bute dst ospf Purpose U sed to upd ate the m etric t o be ass ociated with the re distribute d routes from a specif ic protocol to O SPF protocol.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 718 config r oute redistr i bute dst rip type_1 - T o redistr ibute onl y the OSPF AS - intern al type - 1 r outes. type_2 - T o redistr ibute onl y the OSPF AS - intern al type - 2 r outes.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 719 config r oute redistr i bute dst bgp Restr ictio ns Onl y Administr ator an d Operator - level user s can issue this comm and.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 720 enable ecmp ospf Purpose T his comm and is us ed to enab le the ECMP rout e load - balancin g algor ithm. S ynt ax enable ecmp ospf Descripti on T his comm and is used to enable t he ECM P route load - bala n cing a lgorithm .
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 721 config ecmp al gorithm excluded. It it set by defau lt. crc_high - If set, t he ecm p algorithm will inc lude the u pper 5 bits of the CR C. T his attribu tion is m utually exclus ive with ip_sour ce and cr c_low.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 722 102 UTILI ZATION COMM ANDS The Util ization com mands in the Com mand Lin e Interf ace (CLI) ar e listed ( along with the appropria te param eters) in t he following tab le.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 723 DGS - 3627:admin# show utilization ports Command: show utilization ports Port TX/sec RX/sec Util Port TX/sec .
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 724 DGS - 3627:admin# show utilization dram Command: show utilization dram DRAM Utilization : Total DRAM : 262,144 KB Used DRAM : 212,568 KB Utilization : 81% Success.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 725 103 VLAN TRUNKI NG COMM ANDS The VLAN Trunk ing comm ands in the C omm and Line Inter face ( CLI) are lis ted (a long with the appr opriate pa ram eters) in the follo wing tab le.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 726 DGS - 3627:admin# disable vlan_trunk Command: disable vlan_trunk Success. DGS - 3627:admin# config vl a n_ t r unk Purpose U sed to co nfigure a p ort as a the VLAN trunk port.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 727 show vl a n_ tr unk Descripti on Show the VLAN trunk inform ation .
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 728 104 VRRP DEBUG COMMANDS The VRRP Debug com m ands in the C omm and Line Int erface ( CLI) are lis ted (alon g with th e appropr iate para m eters) in the follo wing tab le.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 729 debug vrrp vr _ s t at e _ c ha nge Purpose U sed to ena ble or d isable the V RRP de bug flag f or VR s tate change .
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 730 debug vrrp m a c _ addr_ upda t e Param eters state - T he state of VRR P MAC deb ug flags . The def ault set ting is disabled. enable - En able VRR P MA C debug f lags.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 731 To enabl e VRRP tim er deb ug flags: DGS - 3627:admin# debug vrrp timers state enable Command: debug vrrp timers state enable Success. DGS - 3627:admin# debug vrrp s how counter Purpose U sed to disp lay the VRRP debug stat istic cou nters.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 732 debug vrrp l og state Purpose U sed to ena ble or d isable the V RRP de bug log s tate. S ynt ax debug vrrp l og state [enable | di sable] Descripti on T his comm and is used to enable or disa ble the VR RP debug l og state.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 733 Exam ple usage: To enabl e the VRRP debug state: DGS - 3627:admin# debug vrrp state enable Command: debug vrrp state enable Success.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 734 105 VRRP COMMANDS VRRP or Virtual R outing R edundanc y Protoco l is a f unction on the Sw itch that dynam ically assigns r espons ibilit y for a virtu al r outer to one of the VRRP rout ers on a LAN.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 735 Exam ple Usage: To enabl e VRRP gl oball y on the S witch: DGS - 3627:admin# enable vrrp Command: enable vrrp Success.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 736 create v rrp vr id Purpose T o creat e a VRRP ro uter o n the Switc h.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 737 config vr r p vrid Purpose T o conf igure a VRRP route r set on t he Switc h.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 738 config vrrp i pif Purpose T o conf igure the aut hentica tion type f or the VR RP ro uters of an IP inter face.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 739 DGS - 3627:admin# show vrrp Command: show vrrp Global VRRP :Enabled Non - owner response PING : Disabled Interface Name : System Authentication type : No Authentication VRID : 2 Virtual IP Address : 10.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 740 106 WEB- BASED ACCES S CO NTRO L ( WAC) COMMANDS W AC i s “W e b - based Acces s Control”. W eb - Based Authent ication Login is a f eature des igned to au the nticat e a user when the user is trying t o acces s the Inter net via the Switc h.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 741 enable w ac Descripti on T he enable wac comm and enab les W AC funct ion. W AC and JW AC are mutual ex clusive function . That is, the y can not be ena bled at the sam e tim e.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 742 config w a c port s aging_tim e - A tim e period during which an a uthentica ted hos t w ill keep in aut hent ic ated state.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 743 config w a c defa ult_re dirpat h authent ication. Param eters st ring - T he URL that the cli ent will b e redirec ted to af ter suc cessful auth enticati on.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 744 DGS - 3627:admin# config wac virtual_ip Command: config wac virtual_ip Success. DGS - 3627:admin# Set IPv6 virtual IP addres s: DGS - 3627:admin# config wac virtual_ip 30::20 Command: config wac virtual_ip 30::20 Success.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 745 create w ac user Restr ictio ns O nly Adm inistrat or and Op erator - le vel users can iss ue this com m and.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 746 DGS - 3627:admin# config wac user Jim vlan 3 Command: config wac user Jim vlan 3 Enter a case - sensitive new password:*** Enter the new password again for confirmation:*** Success.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 747 DGS - 3627:admin# show wac Command: show wac Web -b ase d Access Control ----------------------------- State : Enabled Method : RADIUS Redirect Path : http://tw.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 7 48 DGS - 3627:admin# show wac user Command: show wac user User Name Password VID --------- ---------- ------ Jim pasx 1000 Total Entries: 1 DGS - 3627:admin# show w ac auth_state Pur pose Used to dis pla y the authent ication s tate of a p ort.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 749 DGS - 3627:admin# show wac auth_state ports Command: show wac auth_state ports P:Port - based Pri: Priority P.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 750 A PASSWORD RECOVERY CO MMANDS This s ection desc ribes the procedur e for res etting pas swords o n D - L ink Switch es. Authentic ating an y user w ho tries t o access network s is neces sary and impor tant.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 751 B TECHNICAL S P E CI FICAT I ONS Specificat ions list ed here a pply to a ll Switc hes in th e DGS - 360 0 Series ex cept where other wise not ed. General Protocol s IEEE 8 02.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 752 XFP Su pport CX4 Su pport IEEE 802. 3z W DM Tr ansceiver (DEM - 3 30R trans ceiver ) IEEE 802. 3z W DM Tr ansceiver (DEM - 3 31T trans ceiver ) IEE E 802. 3z W DM Tr ansceiver (DEM - 3 31R trans ceive r) IEEE 802.
xStack ® DGS - 3600 Seri es Lay er 3 Gigabit Eth er net Manag ed Sw itc h CLI Manu al 753 Physical and Enviro nment al 75.7mm x 75.7m m x 30mm fans; one 44mm x 44mm x 11m m Operating Tempe rature 0 -.
デバイスD-Link DGS-3600の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
D-Link DGS-3600をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはD-Link DGS-3600の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。D-Link DGS-3600の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。D-Link DGS-3600で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
D-Link DGS-3600を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はD-Link DGS-3600の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、D-Link DGS-3600に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちD-Link DGS-3600デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。