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DPH-140S SIP Phone Quick User Guide Version 1.0.
TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 INTRODUCTION............................................................................................................. 1 2.0 PACKAGE CONTENT .....................................................................................
7.13 P HONE S ETTINGS – P HONE S ETTING .............................................................................. 23 7.14 P HONE S ETTING – T IMER ...............................................................................................
1 1.0 INTRODUCTION Voice over IP (also known as In ternet Phone) is a technology that allows anyone to make a telephone call over the Internet. Th is is a quick user guide for the DPH-140S SIP Phone. It is intended to help you configure the telephone and have it ready to run within a few minutes.
2 3.0 LIST OF FIGURES Diagram for D-Link IP Phone (Model: DPH-140S) M5 M4 M2 M3 M1 M10 M9 M7 M8 M6 M u t e / F u n c . T r a n s f e r R e d i a l H o l d (17) Redial/Call History (18) Hold (16) Transfer (15) Mute/Func.
3 4.0 SUMMAR Y OF KEY FUNCTIONS Keys Functions (1) LCD Display Displays menu, time, cl ock, nam e, phone number, call status (2) Menu Access the phone menu (3) OK Confirm setting change, exit menu, di.
4 5.0 CONNECTING THE IP PHONE Connect the IP Phone as shown below. Wide Area Network / Internet Cable/xDSL Modem Power Adapter Router/HUB Ethernet Cable.
5 6.0 IP PHONE SETUP 6.1 Menu Summary Enable Disable Disable Enable Press the MENU key Display Name: kevin ADSL DIALUP: ENABLE/DISABLE ADSL DIALUP: ENABLE ADSL DIALUP: DISABLE ADSL ID: mike_2004 ADSL Password: ******** DHCP: ENABLE/DISABLE IP Address: AUTO IP Address: 061.
6 Do Not Disturb: ENABLE/DISABLE CF Unconditional: ENABLE/DISABLE CF User Busy: ENABLE/DISABLE CF No Answer: ENABLE/DISABLE Anonymous Call: ENABLE/DISABLE Anony Call Rej: ENABLE/DISABLE Ring Tone: Ringing1/2/3/4 MAC Address: 00D0E90137DB Version: V: 1.
7 NOTE 1 : If you made any modifications, you m ay quit setup at any time by pressing + save and exit or + to quit without saving. The p hone will automatically exit the menu screen if there are no inputs from the user. NOTE 2: Use left and right arrow on the directi on pad to select ENABLE or DISABLE.
8 3 DISABLE ADSL Dialup 6.4 DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) DHCP allows the network administrator to distri bute IP addresses when a computer is plugged into a different place in the network. If your I SP provides static IP ad dress, you must disable DHCP and enter the IP address provided.
9 3 4 DISABLE DHCP 1 2 • Press • Subnet mask automatically acquired Subnet Mask: 255.255.254. 0 • Press • Use or to set DHCP to DISABLE • Press • Enter the IP address • Press • Router IP automatically acquired Router IP: 61. 63. 83.254 DHCP: DISABLE IP Address: 061.
10 3 4 6.5 DNS Server IP The domain name system (DNS) is the way that Internet dom ain names are located and translated into Internet Protocol addresses. There is probably a DNS server within clos e geographic proximity to your ISP that maps th e dom ain names in your Internet requests or forwards them to other servers in the Intern et.
11 6.7 Do Not Disturb This setting allows the user to reject all incoming phone calls. 6.8 CF (call forward) Unconditional Enable CF Unconditional to forward all the inco m ing calls to another number. Otherwise set to disable. You will need to use a web-browser to in put the forwarded phone number .
12 6.1 1 Anonymous Call Enables the caller (user) to hide the nam e and phone number from the receiver. 6.12 Anony Call Rej (Anonymous Call Rejection) Reject any anonymous incoming calls. 6.13 Ringing T ype Select the ring tone. There ar e four ring tones in total.
13 6.14 MAC Address This menu displays the MAC address. User cannot modify MAC address. 6.15 V ersion Version menu displays the firmware versi on. You cannot modify the version number. 6.16 Language Selection The VoIP Phone (model no. DPH-140S) supports two languages: Japanese and English.
14 6.18 V olume Adjustment 6.18.1 Ringer Volume While the handset is in place, • Press to increase the ringer volume and to decrease the ringer volume 6.18.2 Speaker Volume While the handset is in place, • Press • Press to increase the speaker volu me and to decrease the speaker volume 6.
15 7.0 USING THE CONFIGURA TION MENU The configuration menu can be accessed using a we b browser. Some advanced functions such as CF Unconditional, CF User Busy and CF No An swer must be setup from the web browser. 7.1 Accessing Configuration Menu • Open the web browser (ie.
16 User Name Configuration menu login name. Password Configuration menu login password. NTP Server IP Network Time Protocol (NTP) is a protocol used to help match your system clock with an accurate tim e source (eg atomic clock, server). It is good practice to have all your networked computers synchr onized with one server.
17 7.4 Management Setting – Firmwar e update FTP server, login ID, login passw ord and firmware filename ar e preset when you purchase the phone. These are required to download and update the firmware. FTP Server FTP Server address. Login ID Login ID provided by your supplier.
18 7.6 Network Setting – PPPoE Choose PPPoE if your ISP uses PPPoE. Most DSL users use PPPoE. PPPoE ID PPPoE ID/username provided by your ISP. PPPoE Password PPPoE password. DNS Server DNS address provided by your ISP. 7.7 Network Setting – S tatic IP Choose Static IP network setti ng if all Wide Area Network IP is provided to you by your ISP.
19 NOTE: RESTART the system for new settings to take effect after you modify the IP address. 7.8 SIP Setting – SIP Phone Setting, Regi strar Server and Outbound Proxy Server Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) is the most popular Voice over IP standard.
20 7.9 SIP Setting – Others This section is for ne twork administrators. Session Timer The time interval in which the phone periodically refresh SIP sessions by sending repeat ed INVITE requests. These INVITE requests allow the us er agent or proxies to determine the status of the SIP session.
21 7.10 SIP Account Setting You may have up to 4 accounts. i.e., the IP phone can receive up to four different phone numbers. Default Account When you dial a number, the default account is used to dial. User Name of default account is displayed on the receiver’s IP phone.
22 unregistered with SIP server. 7.1 1 S tun Setting – S tun Server Setting, UPnP Setting Setup STUN and UPnP if VLAN (sec 7.12) is set to ENABLE. STUN Simple Traversal of User Datagram Protocol Thr.
23 from the most used codec to the least used codec. RTP Packet Length Real-Time Transfer Protoc ol (RTP) packet length. VAD VAD detects voice activity and adjusts the signal to a target power level. It ensu res that background noise or echo does not get amplified to the target power level.
24 Do Not Disturb Reject all incoming calls. Call Waiting Enable or disable call waiting. Anonymous Call If DISABLE is selec ted, full URI and name are sent to the receiver’s phone when the user makes a phone call. The URI and name of the caller ar e displayed on the receiver’s phone.
25 Inter Digit The time interval that the IP phone waits to detect the end of DTMF digits. No more di gits are accepted after this period and the phone begins to dial. Originating Not Accept The time interval that the cal ler’s phone waits to estab lish a call.
26 7.16 Phone Book Phonebook menu allows the user to add, modify a nd delete phone num bers. To add, type in the name and number then click NEW to add. To m odi fy/delete, select the name from the list and click modify/delete. Name Name that you would like to add.
27 Number 0x Speed dial phone number. 0x is the speed dial number. 7.18 Line Key Settings Line Key Settings allows the user to customize lin e keys as a line or one touch dial. Refer to section 8.11 for one touch dial info. Key Type Select local multiline key (M2~M10) as line or one touch dial function.
28 7.19 Restart System Click Restart to update all the modifications..
29 8.0 OPERA TING THE PHONE 8.1 Dialing 8.1.1 IP Address 1. Lift handset or press SPEAKER button 2. Dial IP address. For example: dialing 3. Press OK or wait until the timer expires to dial. 8.1.2 SIP Number Note: You have to register with SIP server to use SIP number.
30 8.2 Speed Dialing 1. Lift handset or press SPEAKER button 2. Dial Speed Dial number. For example: dialing speed dial number 08 8.3 Answering a Phone Call Note: The CANCEL key may be used to reject a call. When phone rings: 1. Lift handset or press SPEAKER button to begin conversation.
31 8.6 Call T ransfer While having a conversation: 1. Press Transfer T r a n s f e r to put the person on the other line on hold. 2. Dial the IP address or the extensi on number where you like the call to be transferred. 3. Press Transfer T r a n s f e r to transfer the call.
32 5. Pickup the handset or press OK 8.8 On Hold While having a conversation: 1. Press HOLD H o l d (Press HOLD again to resume conversation) 8.9 Call Forwarding Please refer to IP Phone Setup and Web Br owser Configuration section to setup call forwarding.
デバイスD-Link DPH-140Sの購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
D-Link DPH-140Sをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはD-Link DPH-140Sの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。D-Link DPH-140Sの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。D-Link DPH-140Sで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
D-Link DPH-140Sを既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はD-Link DPH-140Sの不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、D-Link DPH-140Sに関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちD-Link DPH-140Sデバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。