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6000DIN Series Resp irat or F ull Face piec e User Instructions for 3M™ 6700DIN Full Face piec e (Sm all) , 680 0DIN Full Facep iece (Medi um), 6900D IN Fu ll Fac epie ce (Lar ge) (Ke ep the se in s.
2 Thes e Use r Ins tr uc tio ns provi de infor mation ab out the fac epiece us e o nly. Impor tant info rmatio n i s p rovide d in th e Us er In st ruc tio ns with each of the air f iltration /supplied air syste ms.
3 US E IN ST RU C TI ON S AN D LI MI TA T IO NS Imp ort ant Befo re use , the wear er must read and und ers tand these Us er I ns tr uc ti on s . Keep these i nstruction s for referen ce.
4 Time Use L imitat ions 1 . If re spira tor b ecome s dam aged, leave t he co ntamin ated area imm ediat ely a nd re pair or r eplac e the re s p ir a to r .
5 S-Speci al or Cri tical Use Instruct ions 3M™ M ercury Vapor Cartri dges ( 6009 a nd 6092 9) are equip ped wi th pas sive 3 M™ End of Service Life Indic ators (ESL I). The colo r cha nge i ndicat or mu st be read ily v isibl e whe n wea ring the resp irator with out manip ulati on.
6 LI ST OF PR OD UC TS 3M™ 6000 Series F ull Facepiece Repla cement Parts and Acce ssories Full Fac epiece with DIN Port Ad apter (6884 ) 67 0 0 D I N Smal l 68 0 0D I N Me d iu m 6 9 0 0D I N L a r.
7 3M™ Accessories Nu mb er Pro duc t N ame 5 04 Resp irato r C lean ing Wipes 6 01 Quantitat ive Fit Test Ada pter 68 78 Sp ec ta cl e Ki t 6885 Lens Cover (1 00 pack ) 6886 Tinted Le ns Cover (2 5 .
8 6006 M ulti -Gas /Vap or Cert ain o rgan ic va pors , chlo rine , hyd roge n chlori de, chlo rine dio xide, sul fur diox ide, hyd rogen sulfi de (esc ape on ly), am monia/ methy lamine , formaldehyd.
9 3M™ Filter s (Side-Mou nted), Ada pters and Re tainers Note: Only 3M™ Filt ers approve d und er NI OSH 42 C FR 84 are to be used with the 3M™ 6000 Ser ies F ull Facepieces.
10 AS S EM B LY IN S TR U CT I ON S All 3M™ 6000 S eries Full Fac epieces equip ped with the 3M ™ 6884 DIN Port A dapter (full fa cep ie ce asse mblie s 6 700D IN, 6800DIN an d 6 900D IN) can b e .
11 3M™ 20 00 Series and 7093 Filter (Side M ounted) Assembly 1 . Align opening of filte r wi th f ilter attachment on f ace piec e. 2 . Turn f ilter c lockw ise un til it i s firm ly sea ted an d cann ot be f urthe r turne d. 3 . Repeat for second filter.
12 3M™ 5 02 Ada pter Assembl y 1 . Align adapt er ov er car tridg e. E ngage front sna p by squeezing fron t of c artri dge an d ada pter together, placin g thumb s of bot h hands o ver top o f adapt er and fi ngers a long bo ttom si des of ca rtridg e.
13 If the facepiece is to be us ed in a ir puri fying mo de (wit hout us ing the 3M SA -1600 or SA-260 0 breat hing tubes), the inhala tion valves must be r eplaced in the facepiece before use.
14 3M™ GVP PAP R Ass emb ly Screw 3M™ GVP-123 brea thing tube elbow adapt er int o the cent er por t of the 6884 adapte r ass embly. Use r must follow Us er In st ru cti on s prov ided with the G VP Be lt-Mount ed Pow ered Air P urifying Respi rator As se mb ly.
15 FI T T I NG IN S T R UC T I O NS Must be followed ea ch time respirator is wo rn. Donning and Use r Seal Check 1 . Fully l oosen al l four he ad stra ps, plac e facep iece on fa ce and pu ll head h arness t o b ack of he ad (Fig .
16 Fig. 10 Fig. 11 3M ™ 60 00 S eri es C ar tr idge s ( Si de -M ou nted ) 1 . Place palms of han ds to c over f ace of cartr idge o r open area o f 3M™ 501 F ilter Retai ner and inhal e gently.
17 Positive Pressure Seal Check 1. Remov e br eathi ng t ube, Powerfl ow™ P APR assembly or cartrid ge/ca niste r fr om th e ce nter DIN po rt, a s app lic able . 2 . With th e palm of you r hand covering the e xhalation valve cover a nd cent er DIN port, e xhale g ently.
18 Cleaning and Storage Cl ean in g i s rec om men de d a ft er ea ch us e. Do not clean with so lvents. Cleaning wi th solvents may deg rade some respira tor components and r educe resp irato r ef fect ivene ss. I nspec t a ll r espi rator com pone nts before each u se to ensu re proper operati ng condi tion.
19 3 . Grasp ce nter ada pter at cover a nd twist counter- clockwise 1/4 tu rn to di sengage bayonet from fa cepiece le ns. 4 . Withd raw c enter adapt er fr om le ns ce nter p ort. Fig. 12 Fig. 14 Fig. 13 Fig ure 15 To in stall the cente r ada pter into t he fa cepie ce 1 .
20 3M™ 6894 Nose Cup Assembly Replacem ent The 6 894 n ose cu p ass embly consist s of a n ose c up and inha lation valves . It is desi gned t o inst all o nto th e cente r a dapte r an d co mfor tably fit ove r th e r espir ator wearer ’s m outh and n ose to aid in pu rging exh aled breath and prevent lens fogging.
21 3M™ 6896 Center Adapter Gasket Replacement The 3M™ 6896 Center Adapter Gasket is de signed t o seal the i nterface betwee n the center adapter and t he lens of the 6000 Series Full Facepiece. 1 . Remove n ose cup a ssembl y and cen ter ada pter ass embly a s descri bed in p revious D IN Port A dapter a nd Nose Cup Replacement sect ions.
22 3M™ 6897 Head Harn ess Repla cement The 6897 head ha rnes s as sembl y c onsis ts of the hea d h arnes s an d b uckle s f or t he 3M 600 0 se ries full facepi ece. To repla ce the head ha rness ass embly: 1. Remove exi sting har ness by pull ing attac hment but tons out of hol es in facese al tabs.
FOR MOR E INFOR MATI ON and assi stance on 3M occu pationa l he alth and envir onmenta l sa fety products , contac t your local 3M repr esentativ e U.S. PAT ENTS 5 , 9 2 4 , 4 2 0 Des. 378,610 Des. 379,160 Des. 388,872 Des. 40 9 , 7 44 Des. 421,116 Des.
デバイス3M 6000DINの購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
3M 6000DINをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこには3M 6000DINの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。3M 6000DINの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。3M 6000DINで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
3M 6000DINを既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又は3M 6000DINの不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、3M 6000DINに関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわち3M 6000DINデバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。