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® Product # 8156GD, 8156HD, 8156VSS & 8156VF DR600B Cover D004.fm Page 1 Wednesday, March 26, 2003 9:52 AM.
Product Num bers: 8156GD, 8156HD, 8156VSS & 8156VF Davis Instrument s Part Num ber: 7395.192 DriveRight 600 User ’s Guide Rev . B Manual ( March 26, 2003) © Davis Instrum ents Corp. 2002-2003. All rights res erved. This product com plies with the essential prot ec tion requirements of the EC EMC Directive 89/336/ EC.
i T ABLE OF C ONTENT S I NTRODUCTION TO THE D RIVE R IGHT 600 ................. ....... ............. ...... ....... ...... . 1 A Note Abou t the Concept o f “Trips“ ................. ........... ................. ................. ............. 1 A Word Abou t Safe Use .
ii M ISCELLANEOUS I NFORMATION ......................... ................... ............. ............ 23 Acciden t Log ................... ................. ................. ........... ................. ................. ........... 2 3 Tamper L og .
1 I NTRODUC TION TO THE D RIVE R IGHT 600 The Drive Right 600, in conjunct ion with the DriveRigh t V ehicle Man- agement Softwa re, pr ovides advanced vehicle safety and use monitor- ing ca pabilities as well as c ompr ehensive f leet manage ment capabilit ies.
2 DriveRight V ehicle Manageme nt Sof tware The Drive Right V ehicle Management Soft ware ena bles more detailed t ra ckin g of ve hic le u sage a nd a ccess to som e a ddit ion al fea- ture s of the DriveRig ht 600. The follow in g is a list of the DriveRig ht 600 feat ures which may only be accesse d using th e softw are.
3 U SING THE D RIVE R IGHT 600 This sec tion briefly d escribes the use o f the DriveRigh t 600 d isplay unit. The use of the four buttons (PLU S, MINUS, MODE, SET/ CLEAR) and t he sequence of data screens a nd settings s creens i s explained.
4 The Da ta Sc reens The data s creens en able you to view most of the info rmation stor ed by the Driv eRight 600. T o cycle thr ough the dat a screens (i n the order shown be low), press and r elease MODE. NOTE: T o view the s ettings sc reens, pre ss an d hold MO DE until the Security Code Entry screen appear s.
5 The Settings Screens T o acce ss the settings screens, press and hol d MODE while viewing any of the d ata screens. After a fe w seco nds, the Securi ty Code screen will appear . T o cycle through the settin gs screens (in the order sho wn below), press and release M ODE.
6 C ALIBRATING THE D RIVE R IGHT 600 Y ou must cal ibrate t he unit be fore it w ill re port the co rrect speed, distanc e, decelera ti on, a nd a c cel e ra tio n. Cal ibration adjusts the unit to work properly with yo ur vehi cle’s VSS signal or wi th the v ehi- cle’s dif ferential a nd tir e size.
7 . Calibratio n Screen 3. Dr ive the vehic le until y ou r each 40 km/h (2 5 MPH) and ke ep the vehicle steady at that speed. 4. Once the vehicl e i s mov i ng steadily at the calibra tion speed, press and hold SET/CLEAR . The word C AL appe ars in th e top righ t of th e displ a y whe n you pr e ss SET/CLEAR.
8 6. Once the calibr ation is com plete, drive the veh i cle and comp are the vehicle’s speedometer to the DriveRi gh t 600 ’s speed display . Be aware that the DriveRi ght 600 resp on ds to chang es i n speed faster than most ve hi cles’ speed ome ters.
9 3. M ake sur e you hav e a new tr ip starte d on the D riveRight 6 00 (i.e., the distance travelled is 0. T o forcibly start a new trip, lo g out (see page 14 fo r details). 4. Drive th e ve hicle f or at le ast 32 km (20 mil e s) . The further you dri ve, t he mo re accurate yo ur calibrat ion.
10 D AT A S CREENS The following section explains a ll the informa tion an d options av ail- able in the various data scr eens. In additio n to the options listed i n the individual sectio ns bel ow , in every screen you have the follow- ing two opt ions: ❏ Move to th e next Data Screen Pr ess an d r elea se MODE.
11 NOTE: Although you may specify the type of trip using the DriveRight 600 display u nit, you mus t have the so ft- ware to vie w t rip t ype info rm atio n. T o change the type of trip, press and ho ld MINUS. The trip type screen will appear--d o not release MINUS.
12 Driver ID Code When using the DriveRigh t 600 to monitor t he driving of multiple drivers , assign eac h driver a unique 4-dig it ID code. Before d riving the vehicle, t he dri ver must ent er his or her ID code.
13 ❏ Log Out T o “log out” press a nd hold SET/CLEA R for 2 seco nds , until the co de resets to 0000. As soon as a dri ver lo g s out, th e cur- ren t trip is ended and d ata for that trip stor ed in th e DriveRi- ght 600’s m emory . Note that you ma y not log ou t when the vehicl e is in motion.
14 Y ou hav e the foll owing optio n from th e T rip Start /End Log Sc reen: ❏ Page T hrough S tored T rip Infor mation Pr ess MINUS t o page backw ard thr ough sto red tr ip infor- matio n. Pr ess P LUS to page fo rwar d thr ough stor ed trip infor matio n.
15 T rip Acceleration /Deceleration L og Screen The T rip Acceleration /Deceleratio n Log Scr een shows t he number of times the set accel eration a nd decelerat ion limits w ere ex ceeded dur- ing eac h trip cu rrently store d in the Dr iveRight 60 0’s memory .
16 GPS Latitud e and Longitude Po sition Screens The GPS Position S creens alternate bet ween Latitude and Longitude to show your current po sitio n, speed , and di rection. NOTE: The GP S scr eens are not di spl ayed i f the Dr iveR ight is n ot connect ed to a vehicle .
17 Odome ter Scr een The Odome ter screen displays the veh icle’s odometer r eading which must be set fr om the DriveRight V ehicle Management Software.
18 S ETTINGS S CREEN S The following section explains a ll the informa tion an d options av ail- able in the various settings sc reens. In addition t o the options l isted in the individual sections belo w , in every scr een you have th e fol- lowing two options: ❏ Move to th e next Se ttings Screen Pr ess an d r elea se MODE.
19 NOTE: If the enter ed code is cor r ect, the clear all log data screen appears whe n you press MO D E. If th e en tered code is n ot cor rect, the wo rd NO appears on the di s- play .
20 Y ou h ave the following option f rom th e Clear Lo g Scree n: ❏ Clear all Log Dat a Pr ess and hold S ET/CLEAR. The w ord CL R (clear) appears i n t he dis play to in dic a te th at t he unit is pr eparing to clear all log data .
21 Y ou have the followin g optio n from th e Alarm On/Of f Screen: ❏ T oggle the Alarm Setting T o tog gle the alarm se tting fro m On to O ff ( or vic e vers a), press and r elease SE T/CLEAR. Each t ime you pr ess SET/ CLEAR, th e display chang es to r ead ON or OF F , depending on the al ar m’s statu s.
22 Tim e E n t r y The T ime Entry scr een allows you to s et the time and to select the format (12 hour or 24 hour) in whic h you want time d isplayed. T i me E ntr y Screen Y ou have the followin g optio ns from the T ime Entry S creen: ❏ Set the Time Use PLUS a nd MINUS t o set th e time.
23 Y ou have the followin g options fro m the Date Entry Sc reen: ❏ Set the Date Use PLUS an d MINUS to set the date. ❏ Change the Time Display Format Pr ess and r elease SET /CLEAR unti l the Mo:Day or Day .Mo segment is flashing. Press PLUS to toggle b etween the two segments.
24 Ta m p e r L o g The following actions will be logged as a ta mper at tem pt: ❏ The DriveRight 600 is unplugged (loses power) ❏ Five incorrect entries in a row for the Security Code ❏ DriveRi.
25 NOTE: If you not i ce tha t the LC D is fa di ng w h en r unning on battery power, it means your ba tter y p ower is lo w. Y ou shou ld rep la ce your bat te ry as so on as pos si bl e. T o insta ll a new ba ttery , insert th e battery as shown below .
26 Battery Life When rem ov ed fr om a vehicle, th e Drive Ri ght unit ta ps into its own ba ttery f or powe r (ins tead of relying on th e vehic le’s b attery ). On the unit’ s battery alone, a unit will operat e for 260 ho urs or , in sleep mode for 4 month s .
27 T RO UBLESHO OTING G UIDE While th e DriveRight 6 00 is designe d to pr ovide year s of tr ouble-fr ee operation, occasional pr oblems may arise. If you ar e having a pr oblem with your unit, please chec k the follo wing guid e befor e calling the fac- tory .
28 ❏ My speed reads zero while driving. Ther e could be a number of things wr ong. Make sur e the DriveRigh t 600 is plug ged in. Make sure t he DriveRight 600 is calibrat ed. Make sur e the speed sens or is within 10- 16 mm (3/8"- 5/8") of the magnet.
29 Cont acting Davis T echnical Supp ort If you have quest ions, or encounter problems in stalling or operating your DriveRig ht 600, please con tact Davis T echnica l Support. Most questions can b e answer ed while y ou’ re on t he phone. Sorr y , we ar e unable to ac cept collect calls .
30 T ECHN ICAL S PECIFICATIONS Speed Displays current speed in MPH or km/h. Records maximum speed for each trip Records total time in which sp eed exceeded set limit for each trip Accuracy ±1% Accelerat ion and Decelerat ion Displays current ac celeration in g’ s (an acceleration of 22 MP H/sec.
31 Siz e 5.25” x 2.25” x 0.86” (132 mm x 57 mm x 22 mm) LCD display size: 3.20” x 1.30” (81 mm x 33 mm) Display Mountin g Options V isor clip for mounting on visor or door pockets. Double-sided tape for mounting on dashboard and other surfaces.
3465 Diablo Avenue, Hayward, CA 94545-2778 U.S.A. 510-732-9229 • Fax: 510-732-9188 E-mail: info@davisnet.com • www.davisnet.com DR600 UG Rev B D008.
デバイスDAVIS 8156GDの購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
DAVIS 8156GDをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはDAVIS 8156GDの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。DAVIS 8156GDの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。DAVIS 8156GDで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
DAVIS 8156GDを既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はDAVIS 8156GDの不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、DAVIS 8156GDに関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちDAVIS 8156GDデバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。