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53-1002 11 6-0 1 07 D e c e m b e r 2 010 Dell Con v erged Enhanced Etherne t Administrat or’s Guide.
Information in this document is subject to change without notice. © 20 10 Dell Inc. All rights reser v ed. Repr o duction of these ma terials in any manner whatsoever withou t the written permission of Dell Inc.
Dell Converged Enhanced Ethernet Administrator ’s Guide iii 53-1002116-01 Contents About This Document In this chapt er . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xv How this document is organized . . . . .
iv Dell Converged Enhanced Ethernet Administrator ’s Guide 53-1002116-01 Chapter 2 Using the CEE CLI In this chapt er . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Management T ools . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Dell Converged Enhanced Ethernet Administrator ’s Guide v 53-1002116-01 VLAN configuration and management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Enabling and disabl ing an int er face por t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Configuring the MTU on an int er face por t .
vi Dell Converged Enhanced Ethernet Administrator ’s Guide 53-1002116-01 STP , RS TP , and MS TP configuration and management . . . . . . . . . . 5 1 Enabling STP , RS TP , or MS TP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 1 Disabling STP , RS TP , or MSTP .
Dell Converged Enhanced Ethernet Administrator ’s Guide vii 53-1002116-01 LA CP configuration and management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69 Enabling LA CP on a CEE interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69 Configuring the LA CP system priority .
viii Dell Converged Enhanced Ethernet Administrator ’s Guide 53-1002116-01 Chapter 10 Configuring QoS using the CEE CLI In this chapt er . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93 QoS ov er view . . . . .
Dell Converged Enhanced Ethernet Administrator ’s Guide ix 53-1002116-01 Chapter 13 Configuring Port Mirroring using the CEE CLI In this chapt er . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119 Port Mirroring pr otocol ov erview .
x Dell Converged Enhanced Ethernet Administrator ’s Guide 53-1002116-01 Managing and displaying the F CoE lo gin configuration . . . . . . . . . 133 Enabling or disabling FC oE login configuration management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Dell Converged Enhanced Ethernet Administrator ’s Guide xi 53-1002116-01 Figures Figure 1 Multiple switch fabric configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Figure 2 CEE CLI command mode hie rarchy . . . .
xii Dell Converged Enhanced Ethernet Administrator ’s Guide 53-1002116-01.
Dell Converged Enhanced Ethernet Administrator ’s Guide xiii 53-1002116-01 Tables Ta b l e 1 FCoE terminology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Ta b l e 2 CEE RBAC permissions . .
xiv Dell Converged Enhanced Ethernet Administrator ’s Guide 53-1002116-01.
Dell Converged Enhanced Ethernet Administrator ’s Guide xv 53-1002116-01 About This Document In this chapter • How this document is organized . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xv • Suppor ted har dware and software.
xvi Dell Converged Enhanced Ethernet Administrator ’s Guide 53-1002116-01 • Chapter 13, “Configuring Port Mirroring using the CEE CLI,” describes how t o configure Por t Mirror ing. • Chapter 1 4, “Configuring RMON using the CEE CLI,” describes how t o configure remote monitoring (RMON).
Dell Converged Enhanced Ethernet Administrator ’s Guide xvii 53-1002116-01 For readability , comma nd names in the narrative por tions of this guide are presented in mixed letter case: for ex ample, switchShow . In actual examples, command lett ercase is of ten all lower case.
xviii Dell Converged Enhanced Ethernet Administrator ’s Guide 53-1002116-01 Notice to the reader This document may contain ref erences to the tr ademarks of the f ollowing corporations. These trademarks are the properties of their respective companies and corporations.
Dell Converged Enhanced Ethernet Administrator ’s Guide 1 53-1002116-01 Chapter 1 Introducing FCoE In this chapter • FCoE terminology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 • FCoE ov er view .
2 Dell Converged Enhanced Ethernet Administrator ’s Guide 53-1002116-01 FCoE overview 1 The motiv ation behind usi ng CEE networ ks as a tr anspor t mechanism f or FC arises from the desire to simplify host pr otocol stacks and consolidat e network inter faces in data cent er environme nts.
Dell Converged Enhanced Ethernet Administrator ’s Guide 3 53-1002116-01 Layer 2 Ethernet overview 1 Layer 2 Ethernet overview The Dell FCoE hardw are contain CE E por ts that su ppor t FCoE forwarding. T he CEE por ts are also backwar ds compatible and suppor t clas sic Lay er 2 Ethernet networks (see Figu re 1 ).
4 Dell Converged Enhanced Ethernet Administrator ’s Guide 53-1002116-01 Layer 2 Ethernet overview 1 The Dell FCoE hardware handles Ethernet frames as follo ws: • When the destination MA C address is not in the lookup table, the frame is flooded on all ports ex cept the ingress por t .
Dell Converged Enhanced Ethernet Administrator ’s Guide 5 53-1002116-01 Layer 2 Ethernet overview 1 Loop-free network environment The Dell FCoE hardw are uses the follo wing prot ocols to maintain a loop-free netw ork envir onment: • 8 0 2 .
6 Dell Converged Enhanced Ethernet Administrator ’s Guide 53-1002116-01 Layer 2 Ethernet overview 1 Congestion control and queuing The Dell FCoE har dware supports several co ngestion control and q ueuing strategies.
Dell Converged Enhanced Ethernet Administrator ’s Guide 7 53-1002116-01 Layer 2 Ethernet overview 1 - Multicast output queuing— A typical multicast output queuing example is where sev eral por ts carr y multicas t inbound traf fic. Each por t has a dif ferent priority setting.
8 Dell Converged Enhanced Ethernet Administrator ’s Guide 53-1002116-01 FCoE Initialization Protocol 1 Trunking NOTE The term “trunking” in an Ethernet netwo rk refers to the use of mult iple ne.
Dell Converged Enhanced Ethernet Administrator ’s Guide 9 53-1002116-01 FCoE Initialization Protocol 1 The Dell FCoE har dware FIP discov er y phase operates as f ollows: • The Dell FCoE ha rdware uses the FCoE Initial ization Protocol (FIP). Enodes discover FCFs and initialize the FCoE connection through the FIP .
10 Dell Converged Enhanced Ethernet Administrator ’s Guide 53-1002116-01 FCoE Initialization Protocol 1 FIP logout FIP logout operat es as follo ws: • ENodes can log out fr om the Dell FCoE hardw are using FIP . The Dell FCoE har dware in the fabric upd ates the MA C address, WWN, and PI D mappings upon logout.
Dell Converged Enhanced Ethernet Administrator ’s Guide 11 53-1002116-01 FCoE Initialization Protocol 1 Logincfg The Dell FCoE hardware logincfg mechanism operates as f ollows: • The logincfg is the mec hanism for controlling ENode logins per Dell FCoE hardware.
12 Dell Converged Enhanced Ethernet Administrator ’s Guide 53-1002116-01 FCoE qu euing 1 • ENodes can access all FC devices with no zo ning—ENodes can access all FC devices in the fabric when cfgdisable is issued and Default Zone is se t to All Access Mode.
Dell Converged Enhanced Ethernet Administrator ’s Guide 13 53-1002116-01 Chapter 2 Using the CEE CLI In this chapter • Management T ools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 • CEE Command Line Inte r face .
14 Dell Converged Enhanced Ethernet Administrator ’s Guide 53-1002116-01 CEE Command Line Interface 2 NOTE The CEE configuratio n is not affected b y configUpload and configDo wnload commands entered in the Fabric OS shell. Saving your configuration changes Any configuration changes made to the switch are written into the ru nning-config file.
Dell Converged Enhanced Ethernet Administrator ’s Guide 15 53-1002116-01 CEE Command Li ne Interface 2 Accessing the CEE CLI throug h the console or Telnet NOTE While this example uses the UserID role t o log in to the switch, any ro le li sted in the “CEE CLI RBA C permissions” section can be used.
16 Dell Converged Enhanced Ethernet Administrator ’s Guide 53-1002116-01 CEE Command Line Interface 2 NOTE At syst em star tup, if you try to enter Privileged EXEC mode bef ore the system has fully boot ed, the follo wing message is displayed: %Info: Please wait.
Dell Converged Enhanced Ethernet Administrator ’s Guide 17 53-1002116-01 CEE Command Li ne Interface 2 NOTE Pressing Ctrl+Z or ent ering the end command in an y mode returns you t o Privileged EXEC mode. Entering exit in any mode returns y ou to the previous mo de.
18 Dell Converged Enhanced Ethernet Administrator ’s Guide 53-1002116-01 CEE Command Line Interface 2 Using the do command as a shortcut Y ou can use the do command to sa ve time when you are working in an y conf iguration mode and you w ant to run a command in the EXEC or Privileged EXEC mode.
Dell Converged Enhanced Ethernet Administrator ’s Guide 19 53-1002116-01 CEE Command Li ne Interface 2 The CEE CLI accepts abbreviations for commands. This example is the abbre viation for the show qos interface all comman d. switch# sh q i a If the switch does not rec ognize a command af ter Ent er is pressed, an error message displays.
20 Dell Converged Enhanced Ethernet Administrator ’s Guide 53-1002116-01 Internal and external 10 Gbps Ethernet interfaces syntax 2 Internal and external 10 Gbps Ethernet interfaces syntax Fabric OS v6.
Dell Converged Enhanced Ethernet Administrator ’s Guide 21 53-1002116-01 Chapter 3 Initial FCoE and CEE Configuration In this chapter • Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
22 Dell Converged Enhanced Ethernet Administrator ’s Guide 53-1002116-01 Configuring the FCoE interfaces 3 Only a single FCoE map is allowed, which is crea ted automatically with the name “def ault.” Y ou are no t be a b le to d el e te or r e n am e t hi s m ap .
Dell Converged Enhanced Ethernet Administrator ’s Guide 23 53-1002116-01 Configuring the CEE interfaces 3 Assigning FCoE map on to an interface The FCoE map cannot be edited, if it is associated t o any int er faces. The FCoE map can be applied, irrespective of whethe r the interface is in ‘switchpor t’ or not.
24 Dell Converged Enhanced Ethernet Administrator ’s Guide 53-1002116-01 Configuring DCBX 3 T o configure the CEE interfaces, per form the f ollowing steps in global configuration mode. 1. Assign VLANs to the uplink Ethernet port. NOTE Y ou must repeat this step for all uplink int er faces.
Dell Converged Enhanced Ethernet Administrator ’s Guide 25 53-1002116-01 Configuring S panning Tree Protocol 3 2. Activat e the protocol. switch(conf-lldp)# no disable 3. A ctivat e the TL V format s using the advertise command in Prot ocol LLDP Conf iguration Mode.
26 Dell Converged Enhanced Ethernet Administrator ’s Guide 53-1002116-01 Configuring protect mo de 3 T o configure V LAN membership, per form the f ollowing steps in global configuration m ode. 1. Creat e the VLAN interfaces on the Dell FCoE har dware using the CEE CLI.
Dell Converged Enhanced Ethernet Administrator ’s Guide 27 53-1002116-01 Chapter 4 Configuring IP static routes In this chapter • IP static r outes ov er view . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 7 • Configuring IP static rout es .
28 Dell Converged Enhanced Ethernet Administrator ’s Guide 53-1002116-01 Configuring IP static routes 4 Configuring IP static routes In directly attached static r outes, o nly the output inter face is spec ified. The destination is assumed to be direct ly attached to this interface, so the packet destination is used as the next-hop ad dress.
Dell Converged Enhanced Ethernet Administrator ’s Guide 29 53-1002116-01 Configuring IP static routes 4 Recursive IP static routes In a recursive IP static r oute, only the ne xt hop is specified.
30 Dell Converged Enhanced Ethernet Administrator ’s Guide 53-1002116-01 Configuring IP static routes 4 2. Displa y the detailed inf ormation about all the IP st atic rout es.
Dell Converged Enhanced Ethernet Administrator ’s Guide 31 53-1002116-01 Chapter 5 Configuring VLANs Using the CEE CLI In this chapter • VLAN ov er view . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
32 Dell Converged Enhanced Ethernet Administrator ’s Guide 53-1002116-01 Ingress VLAN filtering 5 • Admit VLAN tagged and untag ged frames—All tagged and untagged frames wo uld be processed as f ollows: - All untagged frames are clas sified into nativ e VLANs.
Dell Converged Enhanced Ethernet Administrator ’s Guide 33 53-1002116-01 VLAN configuration guidelines a nd restrictions 5 Additionally , there are impor tant facts you should kno w about the VLAN FDB: • The VLAN FDB co ntains inf ormation that helps det ermine the forwarding of an arriving frame based on MA C address and VLAN ID data.
34 Dell Converged Enhanced Ethernet Administrator ’s Guide 53-1002116-01 VLAN configuration and management 5 VLAN configuration and management NOTE T o see the minimum configuration requ ired to en able FCoE o n Dell FCoE hardware, ref er to Chapt er 3, “Initial FCoE and CEE Configuration” .
Dell Converged Enhanced Ethernet Administrator ’s Guide 35 53-1002116-01 VLAN configuration and management 5 Creating a VLAN interface On Dell FCoE hardw are, VLANs are treat ed as in terfaces from a configuration point of vie w. By default all the CEE ports are assigned to VLAN 1 (VLAN ID equals 1).
36 Dell Converged Enhanced Ethernet Administrator ’s Guide 53-1002116-01 VLAN configuration and management 5 Configuring a VLAN interfac e to forward FCoE traffic An FCoE Forwarder (FCF) is an FCoE device that supports FCoE VF _por ts. It is the equivalent of an FC switch.
Dell Converged Enhanced Ethernet Administrator ’s Guide 37 53-1002116-01 VLAN configuration and management 5 Configuring an interface port as a trunk interface Each CEE inter face por t suppor ts admission polici es based on whether the frames are untagged or tagged.
38 Dell Converged Enhanced Ethernet Administrator ’s Guide 53-1002116-01 Configuring protocol-based VLAN classifi er rules 5 T o configure the interface as conv erged inter face, per fo rm the following st eps from Privileged EXEC mode. 1. Ente r t h e configure term inal command to access globa l configuration mode.
Dell Converged Enhanced Ethernet Administrator ’s Guide 39 53-1002116-01 Configuring protocol-based VLAN classifier rules 5 • FCoE Initializat ion Protocol (FIP) • IP version 6 (IPv6) NOTE For complet e information on all available VLAN classifier rule optio ns, see the Con verged Enhanced Ethernet Command R eference .
40 Dell Converged Enhanced Ethernet Administrator ’s Guide 53-1002116-01 Configuring the MAC address table 5 Activating a VLAN classifier group with an interface port T o associate a VLAN classif ier group with an inter face por t, per form the following st eps from Privileged EXEC mode.
Dell Converged Enhanced Ethernet Administrator ’s Guide 41 53-1002116-01 Configuring the MAC address table 5 Specifying or disabling the aging time for MAC addresses Y ou can set the length of tim e that a dynamic entry remains in the MA C address table af ter the entr y is used or updated.
42 Dell Converged Enhanced Ethernet Administrator ’s Guide 53-1002116-01 Configuring the MAC address table 5.
Dell Converged Enhanced Ethernet Administrator ’s Guide 43 53-1002116-01 Chapter 6 Configuring STP, RSTP, and MSTP using the CEE CLI In this chapter • STP o verview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
44 Dell Converged Enhanced Ethernet Administrator ’s Guide 53-1002116-01 STP overview 6 • Disabled—The interface is not par ticipating in spanning tree because of a shutdown por t, no link on the por t, or no spanning tree inst ance running on th e por t.
Dell Converged Enhanced Ethernet Administrator ’s Guide 45 53-1002116-01 RSTP overview 6 6. Enable the guard r oot feature with the spanning-tree guard r oot command. The guar d root fe ature provides a w ay t o enforce the root bridge placeme nt in the network.
46 Dell Converged Enhanced Ethernet Administrator ’s Guide 53-1002116-01 RSTP overview 6 With RSTP , the por t roles f or the new interface st at es are also dif ferent. RS TP dif ferentiat es explicitly between the state of the por t and the role it plays in the topology .
Dell Converged Enhanced Ethernet Administrator ’s Guide 47 53-1002116-01 MSTP overview 6 1 0. Configure the bridge hello time value. F or details, see “Specifying the bridge hello time (S TP and RSTP)” on page 54. switch(conf-stp)# hello-time 5 11 .
48 Dell Converged Enhanced Ethernet Administrator ’s Guide 53-1002116-01 MSTP overview 6 spanning tree instances. With MSTP y ou can have multiple f or warding paths f or data traf fic. A failure in one instance does no t af fect other instan c es .
Dell Converged Enhanced Ethernet Administrator ’s Guide 49 53-1002116-01 STP, RSTP, and MSTP configurat ion guidelines and restrictio ns 6 5. Map a VLAN t o an MSTP instance using the in stance command. For more details see “Mapping a VLAN to an MS TP in stance” on page 55.
50 Dell Converged Enhanced Ethernet Administrator ’s Guide 53-1002116-01 Default STP, RSTP, and MSTP configuration 6 Default STP, RSTP, and MSTP configuration Ta b l e 9 lists the default S TP , RS TP , and MS TP configuration. Ta b l e 10 lists the switch defaults that apply onl y to MSTP configurations.
Dell Converged Enhanced Ethernet Administrator ’s Guide 51 53-1002116-01 STP, RSTP, and MSTP configuration and management 6 STP, RSTP, and MSTP conf iguration and management NOTE T o see the minimum configuration req uired to enab le FCoE on the Dell M8428-k switch, ref er to Chapter 3, “Initial FCoE and CEE Configuration ” .
52 Dell Converged Enhanced Ethernet Administrator ’s Guide 53-1002116-01 STP, RSTP, and MS TP conf iguration and man agement 6 Specifying the bridge priority In any mode (STP , RSTP , o r MSTP), use this comm and to specify the priorit y of the switch .
Dell Converged Enhanced Ethernet Administrator ’s Guide 53 53-1002116-01 STP, RSTP, and MSTP configuration and management 6 Specifying the bridge maximum aging time In any mode (STP , RSTP , or MSTP.
54 Dell Converged Enhanced Ethernet Administrator ’s Guide 53-1002116-01 STP, RSTP, and MS TP conf iguration and man agement 6 Specifying the port-channel path cost In any mode (STP , RSTP , or MSTP), use this comm and to specify the por t-ch annel path cost.
Dell Converged Enhanced Ethernet Administrator ’s Guide 55 53-1002116-01 STP, RSTP, and MSTP configuration and management 6 Enabling Cisco interoperability (MSTP) In MSTP mod e, use this command to enable or di sable the ability of the Dell FCoE hardware to inter operate with certain legacy Cisco switches.
56 Dell Converged Enhanced Ethernet Administrator ’s Guide 53-1002116-01 STP, RSTP, and MS TP conf iguration and man agement 6 Specifying the maximum number of hops for a BPDU (MSTP) In MS TP mode, use this comm and to configure the maximum number of hops f or a BPDU in an MSTP reg ion.
Dell Converged Enhanced Ethernet Administrator ’s Guide 57 53-1002116-01 STP, RSTP, and MSTP configuration and management 6 Flushing MAC addresses (RSTP and MSTP) For RS TP and MSTP , use this command t o flush the MAC addre sses from the VLAN filtering database (FDB).
58 Dell Converged Enhanced Ethernet Administrator ’s Guide 53-1002116-01 Configuring STP, RSTP, or MS TP on CEE interface ports 6 T o restar t the protocol migration pr ocess, per f orm th e follo wing tasks from Privileged EXEC mode.
Dell Converged Enhanced Ethernet Administrator ’s Guide 59 53-1002116-01 Configuring STP, RSTP, or MS TP on CEE interface ports 6 T o configure the path cost f or spanning tree ca lculations on the CEE interface, per form the follo wing steps from Privileged EXEC mode.
60 Dell Converged Enhanced Ethernet Administrator ’s Guide 53-1002116-01 Configuring STP, RSTP, or MS TP on CEE interface ports 6 Guard r oot pro tects the roo t bridge from mali cious attacks and unint entional misconf igurations where a bridge de vice that is not intended t o be the root bridge beco mes the root bridge.
Dell Converged Enhanced Ethernet Administrator ’s Guide 61 53-1002116-01 Configuring STP, RSTP, or MS TP on CEE interface ports 6 4. Ent er t he spanning-tree command to specify the restrictions f or an MSTP instance on a CEE interface.
62 Dell Converged Enhanced Ethernet Administrator ’s Guide 53-1002116-01 Configuring STP, RSTP, or MS TP on CEE interface ports 6 T o specify the port priority on the CEE interface, pe r fo rm the follo wing steps from Privileged EXEC mode. 1. Ente r t h e configure term inal command to access globa l configuration mode.
Dell Converged Enhanced Ethernet Administrator ’s Guide 63 53-1002116-01 Configuring STP, RSTP, or MS TP on CEE interface ports 6 T o enable spanning tree on the CEE int er face, perform the f ollowing st eps from Privileged EXEC mode. 1. Ente r t h e configure term inal command to access globa l configuration mode.
64 Dell Converged Enhanced Ethernet Administrator ’s Guide 53-1002116-01 Configuring STP, RSTP, or MS TP on CEE interface ports 6.
Dell Converged Enhanced Ethernet Administrator ’s Guide 65 53-1002116-01 Chapter 7 Configuring Link Aggregation using the CEE CLI In this chapter • Link aggregation o ver view . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
66 Dell Converged Enhanced Ethernet Administrator ’s Guide 53-1002116-01 Link aggregation overview 7 On each por t, link aggregation control: • Maintains configuration information to control port aggregation. • Exchanges configuration information with other devices to f orm LAGs.
Dell Converged Enhanced Ethernet Administrator ’s Guide 67 53-1002116-01 Link aggregatio n overview 7 The Dell M8428-k switch interoperat es with all of the major Layer 2/La yer 3 aggregation rout ers including Foundr y Networks, Cisco Systems, Brocade Communications Systems and Forc e10 Networks.
68 Dell Converged Enhanced Ethernet Administrator ’s Guide 53-1002116-01 Link aggregation overview 7 Link Aggregation Control Protocol Link Aggregation Contr ol Prot ocol (LA CP) is an IE EE 802.
Dell Converged Enhanced Ethernet Administrator ’s Guide 69 53-1002116-01 LACP configuration guidelines a nd restrictions 7 LACP configuration guidelines and restrictions This section applies to standards-based and Dell -pr oprietar y LAG configurations ex cept where specifically not ed otherw ise.
70 Dell Converged Enhanced Ethernet Administrator ’s Guide 53-1002116-01 LACP configuration and manageme nt 7 3. Ent er t he no shutdown command to enable the CEE int er face. 4. Ent er t he channel-group command t o configure the LA CP for th e CEE inter face.
Dell Converged Enhanced Ethernet Administrator ’s Guide 71 53-1002116-01 LACP configuration and management 7 2. Ent er the por t-channel su b-mode. switch(conf-if-te-0/1)# interface port-channel 63 3.
72 Dell Converged Enhanced Ethernet Administrator ’s Guide 53-1002116-01 LACP troubleshooting tips 7 Clearing LACP counter stat istics on all LAG groups T o clear LA CP counter statistics, ent er the clear command to clear the LA CP counter statistics f or all LAG gr oups .
Dell Converged Enhanced Ethernet Administrator ’s Guide 73 53-1002116-01 LACP troubleshooting tips 7 • Make sure that LA CPDUs are being received an d transmitted on bo th ends of the link and there are no err or PDUs. This can be v erified by ent ering the show lacp por t-channel-num counte rs command and looking at the r x and tx statis tics.
74 Dell Converged Enhanced Ethernet Administrator ’s Guide 53-1002116-01 LACP troubleshooting tips 7.
Dell Converged Enhanced Ethernet Administrator ’s Guide 75 53-1002116-01 Chapter 8 Configuring LLDP using the CEE CLI In this chapter • LLDP ov er view . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
76 Dell Converged Enhanced Ethernet Administrator ’s Guide 53-1002116-01 Layer 2 topology mapping 8 Layer 2 topology mapping The LLDP pr otocol le ts network manageme nt sy stems accurat ely discover and mode l Lay er 2 network t opologies.
Dell Converged Enhanced Ethernet Administrator ’s Guide 77 53-1002116-01 Layer 2 topology mapping 8 - Por t VLANID TL V—Indica tes the por t VLA N ID (PVID) that is associated with an unt agged or priority tagged data frame received on the VLAN por t.
78 Dell Converged Enhanced Ethernet Administrator ’s Guide 53-1002116-01 DCBX overview 8 DCBX overview Storage traf fic requires a lossless communicatio n which is pro vided by CEE.
Dell Converged Enhanced Ethernet Administrator ’s Guide 79 53-1002116-01 DCBX interaction with other vendor devices 8 Priority Flow Control (PFC) With PFC, it is impor tant to pr ovide lossless frame delivery for certain traf fic classes while maintaining existing LAN behavior f or other traf fic classes on the converged link.
80 Dell Converged Enhanced Ethernet Administrator ’s Guide 53-1002116-01 Default LLDP configuration 8 Default LLDP configuration Ta b l e 14 lists the default LLDP c onfiguration.
Dell Converged Enhanced Ethernet Administrator ’s Guide 81 53-1002116-01 LLDP configuration and management 8 Configuring LLDP global command options Af te r en te r i ng t h e prot ocol lldp command from global co nfiguration mode, you are in LL DP configuration mo de which is designated with the switch(conf-lldp)# prompt.
82 Dell Converged Enhanced Ethernet Administrator ’s Guide 53-1002116-01 LLDP configuration and management 8 Enabling and disabling the receivin g and transmitting of LLDP frames By default both transmit an d receiv e f or LLDP frames is enabled.
Dell Converged Enhanced Ethernet Administrator ’s Guide 83 53-1002116-01 LLDP configuration and management 8 3. Adver tise the optional LLDP TL Vs. switch(conf-lldp)# advertise optional-tlv [port-de.
84 Dell Converged Enhanced Ethernet Administrator ’s Guide 53-1002116-01 LLDP configuration and management 8 T o configure LLDP profiles, p er f orm the fo llo wing steps from Privile ged EXEC mode. 1. Ente r t h e configure term inal command to access globa l configuration mode.
Dell Converged Enhanced Ethernet Administrator ’s Guide 85 53-1002116-01 LLDP configuration and management 8 2. Apply an LLDP profile to the int er face. The f ollowing example applies the LLDP pr ofile “network_standar d” to the current interface.
86 Dell Converged Enhanced Ethernet Administrator ’s Guide 53-1002116-01 LLDP configuration and management 8.
Dell Converged Enhanced Ethernet Administrator ’s Guide 87 53-1002116-01 Chapter 9 Configuring ACLs using the CEE CLI In this chapter • A CL overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
88 Dell Converged Enhanced Ethernet Administrator ’s Guide 53-1002116-01 Default ACL configurati on 9 MA C ACLs are supported on the f ollowing interface types: • Physical int er faces • Logical inter faces (LAGs) • VLANs Default ACL configuration Ta b l e 1 5 lists the def ault ACL configuration.
Dell Converged Enhanced Ethernet Administrator ’s Guide 89 53-1002116-01 ACL configuration and management 9 In this ex ample, the name of the standard MA C AC L is “test_0 1.” switch(config)# mac access-list standard test_01 switch(conf-macl-std)# 3.
90 Dell Converged Enhanced Ethernet Administrator ’s Guide 53-1002116-01 ACL configuration and management 9 If you need t o add more rules between existing ru les than the current sequence numbering allo ws, you can us e t he resequence command to reassign sequence nu mbers.
Dell Converged Enhanced Ethernet Administrator ’s Guide 91 53-1002116-01 ACL configuration and management 9 T o reorder the rules in a MAC A CL, per form the f ollowing task fr om Privileged EXEC mode. 1. Ente r t h e resequence command to assign seq uence numb ers to the rules contained in the MAC A C L.
92 Dell Converged Enhanced Ethernet Administrator ’s Guide 53-1002116-01 ACL configuration and management 9.
Dell Converged Enhanced Ethernet Administrator ’s Guide 93 53-1002116-01 Chapter 10 Configuring QoS using the CEE CLI In this chapter • QoS ov er view . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
94 Dell Converged Enhanced Ethernet Administrator ’s Guide 53-1002116-01 Rewriting 10 • Scheduling—When multiple queues are activ e and cont ending for output on a common physical port the scheduling al gorithm selects the ord er the queues are serviced.
Dell Converged Enhanced Ethernet Administrator ’s Guide 95 53-1002116-01 Queueing 10 Ta b l e 16 presents the La yer 2 QoS untrust e d user priority generation table. NOTE Non-tagged Ethernet frames are int erpreted as incoming CoS value of 0 (zer o).
96 Dell Converged Enhanced Ethernet Administrator ’s Guide 53-1002116-01 Queueing 10 T o configure the QoS trust mode, perform the f ollowing steps fr om Privileged EXEC mode. 1. Ent er globa l configuration mode. switch# configure terminal 2. Specify the 1 0 -gigabit Ethernet interface.
Dell Converged Enhanced Ethernet Administrator ’s Guide 97 53-1002116-01 Queueing 10 Applying a CoS-to-CoS mutation QoS map T o apply a CoS-to-CoS mutation QoS map, per for m the f ollowing steps from Privileged EXEC mode. 1. Ent er globa l configuration mode.
98 Dell Converged Enhanced Ethernet Administrator ’s Guide 53-1002116-01 Queueing 10 Y ou are allowed to override these default traf fic class mappings per por t. Once the traf fic class mapping has been resolved it is applied consistently across an y queueing incu rred on the ingress and the egress ports.
Dell Converged Enhanced Ethernet Administrator ’s Guide 99 53-1002116-01 Queueing 10 The f ollowing example cr eates CoS-to- T raf fic-Class QoS map to map CoS 0 (best ef for t) to T raf fic Class 1 and CoS 1 t o below best effor t T raf fic Class 0, all other CoS go through unchanged.
100 Dell Converged Enhanced Ethernet Administrator ’s Guide 53-1002116-01 Congestion control 10 Congestion control Queues can begin filling up due t o a number of re asons, such as over subscription of a link or backpressure fr om a downstream de vice.
Dell Converged Enhanced Ethernet Administrator ’s Guide 101 53-1002116-01 Congestion control 10 Changing the Tail Drop threshold T o change the T ail Drop threshold, perform the f ollowing steps from Privileged EXEC mode. 1. Ent er globa l configuration mode.
102 Dell Converged Enhanced Ethernet Administrator ’s Guide 53-1002116-01 Congestion control 10 Enabling Ethernet Pause T o enable Ethernet Pause, per form the f ollowing steps fr om Privileged EXEC mode. 1. Ent er globa l configuration mode. switch# configure terminal 2.
Dell Converged Enhanced Ethernet Administrator ’s Guide 103 53-1002116-01 Multicast ra te limiting 10 2. Specify the 1 0-gigabit Ethernet inter face.
104 Dell Converged Enhanced Ethernet Administrator ’s Guide 53-1002116-01 Scheduling 10 Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z. switch(config)# qos rcv-queue multicast rate-limit 10000 switch(config)#end 3. En te r t he co py c om ma n d to save t h e ru n ni ng -c on f ig f il e to th e s ta r tu p- co n fi g f i le .
Dell Converged Enhanced Ethernet Administrator ’s Guide 105 53-1002116-01 Scheduling 10 Figure 8 describes the frame scheduling order f or a WRR scheduler servicin g two WRR queues.
106 Dell Converged Enhanced Ethernet Administrator ’s Guide 53-1002116-01 Scheduling 10 Figure 9 shows that ext ending the frame scheduler to a h ybrid SP+WRR system is f airly straightf or ward. All SP queues are considered strict ly higher priority than WRR so they are ser viced first.
Dell Converged Enhanced Ethernet Administrator ’s Guide 107 53-1002116-01 Converged Enhanced Ethern et map config uration 10 Once the multicast traffic class equivalence mappi ng has been applied, then scheduling and any scheduler configuration are inherited fr om the equiv alent unicast traf fic class.
108 Dell Converged Enhanced Ethernet Administrator ’s Guide 53-1002116-01 Converged Enhanced Ethernet map configuration 10 NOTE Only a single CoS can be mapped to a PFC-enab led priority queue. The Co S number must be identical to th e priority queue numb er .
Dell Converged Enhanced Ethernet Administrator ’s Guide 109 53-1002116-01 Converged Enhanced Ethern et map config uration 10 Creating a CEE map Only a single CEE map is allowed, which is creat ed aut omatically with the name “default.” Y ou are no t be a b le to d el e te or r e n am e t hi s m ap .
110 Dell Converged Enhanced Ethernet Administrator ’s Guide 53-1002116-01 Converged Enhanced Ethernet map configuration 10 Defining a priority-table map T o define a priority-table map, per form the follo wing steps fr om Privileged EXEC mode. 1. Ent er globa l configuration mode.
Dell Converged Enhanced Ethernet Administrator ’s Guide 111 53-1002116-01 Chapter 11 Configuring 802.1x Por t Authentication In this chapter • 802. 1x protocol o verview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
112 Dell Converged Enhanced Ethernet Administrator ’s Guide 53-1002116-01 802.1x authentication configuration tasks 11 802.1x authentication configuration tasks The tasks in this section describe the common 802. 1x operations that you will need to perform.
Dell Converged Enhanced Ethernet Administrator ’s Guide 113 53-1002116-01 Interface-specific administrative tasks for 802.1x 11 Configuring 802.1x on specific interface ports T o configure 802. 1x por t authentication on a spec ific interface por t, per form the f ollowing steps from Privileged EXEC mode.
114 Dell Converged Enhanced Ethernet Administrator ’s Guide 53-1002116-01 Interface-specific admini strative tasks for 802.1x 11 switch(conf-if-te-0/16)# dot1x timeout re-authperiod 4000 Disabling 802.
Dell Converged Enhanced Ethernet Administrator ’s Guide 115 53-1002116-01 Chapter 12 Configuring sFlow using the CEE CLI In this chapter • sFlow pr otocol o ver view . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 15 • Configuring the sFlow pr otocol globally .
116 Dell Converged Enhanced Ethernet Administrator ’s Guide 53-1002116-01 Configuring the sFlow protocol globally 12 Configuring the sFlow protocol globally Dell recommends that you g lobally configure sF low on the switch first, then make custom alterations t o specific interface por ts.
Dell Converged Enhanced Ethernet Administrator ’s Guide 117 53-1002116-01 Interface-specific admini strative tasks for sFlow 12 T o disable sFlow on a specific in terface, per form the f ollowing st eps in global configuration mode. 1. Enter interface mode for the por t switch(config)#interface intengigabitethernet 0/12 2.
118 Dell Converged Enhanced Ethernet Administrator ’s Guide 53-1002116-01 Interface-specific admini strative tasks for sFlow 12.
Dell Converged Enhanced Ethernet Administrator ’s Guide 119 53-1002116-01 Chapter 13 Configuring Port Mirroring using the CEE CLI In this chapter • Port Mirroring pr otocol ov erview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
120 Dell Converged Enhanced Ethernet Administrator ’s Guide 53-1002116-01 Configuring ingress Port Mirroring 13 Configuring ingress Port Mirroring T o configure Por t Mirroring for incoming packets only , per form the follo wing s teps in global configuration mode.
Dell Converged Enhanced Ethernet Administrator ’s Guide 121 53-1002116-01 Deleting a Port Mirroring connection from a session 13 2. Configure the source por t and the destination port, with the both paramet er for all pack ets. The destination por t is always an e xternal por t.
122 Dell Converged Enhanced Ethernet Administrator ’s Guide 53-1002116-01 Deleting a Port Mirroring session 13.
Dell Converged Enhanced Ethernet Administrator ’s Guide 123 53-1002116-01 Chapter 14 Configuring RMON using the CEE CLI In this chapter • RMON ov er view . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
124 Dell Converged Enhanced Ethernet Administrator ’s Guide 53-1002116-01 RMON configuration and management 14 2. Configure the RMON alarms. The follo wing example creat es an alarm that tests e ver y sample for a rising threshold switch(config)# rmon alarm 5 1.
Dell Converged Enhanced Ethernet Administrator ’s Guide 125 53-1002116-01 RMON configuration and management 14 switch(config)# interface intengigabitethernet 0/1 3. Enable the CEE int er face. switch(conf-if-te-0/1)# no shutdown 4. Configure RMON gr oup stat istics on the int er face.
126 Dell Converged Enhanced Ethernet Administrator ’s Guide 53-1002116-01 RMON configuration and management 14.
Dell Converged Enhanced Ethernet Administrator ’s Guide 127 53-1002116-01 Chapter 15 Configuring IGMP In this chapter • About IGMP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 7 • Configuring IGMP .
128 Dell Converged Enhanced Ethernet Administrator ’s Guide 53-1002116-01 Configuring IGMP 15 Multicast routing Multicast rout ers use IGMP to learn which gro ups ha ve members on each of their attached ph ysical networks.
Dell Converged Enhanced Ethernet Administrator ’s Guide 129 53-1002116-01 Monitoring IGMP 15 IGMP sno oping querier send s out IGMP queries to trigger IGMP responses from switches that wish to receiv e IP multicast traf fic. IGMP snooping listens for these responses to map the appropriate forwarding addresses.
130 Dell Converged Enhanced Ethernet Administrator ’s Guide 53-1002116-01 Monitoring IGMP 15 4. Use the s h ow i p i gm p m rou ter to displa y multicast router (mr outer) port related information f or all VLANs, or a specific VLAN. switch# show ip igmp snooping mrouter - or - switch# show ip igmp snooping mrouter interface vlan 1 5.
Dell Converged Enhanced Ethernet Administrator ’s Guide 131 53-1002116-01 Chapter 16 FCoE configuration using the Fabric OS CLI In this chapter • FCoE configuration guidelines and restrictions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 3 1 • Managing and displaying the FCoE configuratio n .
132 Dell Converged Enhanced Ethernet Administrator ’s Guide 53-1002116-01 Managing and displaying the FCoE configuration 16 Managing and displaying the FCoE configuration FCoE tec hnology bridges the boundar y between th e SAN and LAN sections of y our network.
Dell Converged Enhanced Ethernet Administrator ’s Guide 133 53-1002116-01 Managing and displaying the FCoE login configuration 16 T o configure FIP m ulticast adver tisement inter vals, per form the f ollowing task . Clearing logins T o clear logins, per form the f ollowing task.
134 Dell Converged Enhanced Ethernet Administrator ’s Guide 53-1002116-01 Managing and displaying the FCoE login configuration 16 Perform one of the following tasks to t oggle the availability of FCoE login configuratio n management.
Dell Converged Enhanced Ethernet Administrator ’s Guide 135 53-1002116-01 Creating and managing the FCoE login group configuration 16 Displaying the FCoE login configuration T o display the F CoE login configuration, per form the f ollowing tasks.
136 Dell Converged Enhanced Ethernet Administrator ’s Guide 53-1002116-01 Creating and managing the FCoE login group configuration 16 T o create an FCoE login group, perform the f ollowing task. Modifying the FCoE login group device list T o add or remov e VN_por t devices from the F CoE login group, perform the f ollowing tasks.
Dell Converged Enhanced Ethernet Administrator ’s Guide 137 53-1002116-01 Creating and managing the FCoE login group configuration 16 Renaming an FCoE login group T o rename an FCoE login group, per form the f ollowing task. Task Command Rena me an FCoE login group.
138 Dell Converged Enhanced Ethernet Administrator ’s Guide 53-1002116-01 Creating and managing the FCoE login group configuration 16.
Dell Converged Enhanced Ethernet Administrator ’s Guide 139 53-1002116-01 Chapter 17 CEE configuration management In this chapter • CEE configuration management guidelines and restrictions . . . . . . . . . . . 139 • CEE configuration management tasks.
140 Dell Converged Enhanced Ethernet Administrator ’s Guide 53-1002116-01 CEE configuration managem ent tasks 17 Display the running configuration file T o display the running configuration, per form the f ollowing st eps from Privileged EXEC mo de.
Dell Converged Enhanced Ethernet Administrator ’s Guide 141 53-1002116-01 CEE configuration managem ent tasks 17 Archiving the running configuration file This tasks allows you t o archive the running configuration to an archive f older on an FTP site, so that it can be stored without ch anging the star tup configuration.
142 Dell Converged Enhanced Ethernet Administrator ’s Guide 53-1002116-01 Flash file manage ment commands 17 Restore a startup configuration file from Flash This task also works f or running configuration files. T o restore the star tup configuration, per form the following st eps from Privileged EXEC mode.
Dell Converged Enhanced Ethernet Administrator ’s Guide 143 53-1002116-01 Debugging and logging commands 17 NOTE Use of the flash:// prefix is optional. Debugging and logging commands Ta b l e 2 6 describes the tasks related to debuggi ng and logging commands on the switch.
144 Dell Converged Enhanced Ethernet Administrator ’s Guide 53-1002116-01 Debugging and logging commands 17.
Dell Converged Enhanced Ethernet Administrator ’s Guide 145 53-1002116-01 Index Symbols Numerics 8000 CEE switch congestion control and queuing , 6 flow control , 8 Layer 2 Ethernet , 3 Layer 2 forwarding , 3 loop-free , 5 tagging , 4 trunking , 8 802.
146 Dell Converged Enhanced Ethernet Administrator ’s Guide 53-1002116-01 classifier groups, VLAN , 39 classifier rules, VLAN , 38 CLI, CEE accessing , 15 command compl etion , 19 command modes , 15.
Dell Converged Enhanced Ethernet Administrator ’s Guide 147 53-1002116-01 FIP FC zoning , 11 FCoE login , 10 FCoE logout , 10 FIP discovery , 8 login , 9 logincfg , 11 logout , 10 name server , 11 r.
148 Dell Converged Enhanced Ethernet Administrator ’s Guide 53-1002116-01 LLDP configuration guidel ines and restrictions , 79 configuration procedur es clearing LLDP-related information , 85 disabl.
Dell Converged Enhanced Ethernet Administrator ’s Guide 149 53-1002116-01 querier interval , 128 MRT , 128 VLAN , 128 queuing congestion c ontrol , 6 FCoE , 12 QoS , 94 R RADIUS , 27 , 111 Rapid Spa.
150 Dell Converged Enhanced Ethernet Administrator ’s Guide 53-1002116-01 VLAN applying a MAC ACL , 91 configuration guidel ines and restrictions , 33 configuration procedur es clearing VLAN counter.
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Dell 53-1002116-01をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはDell 53-1002116-01の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Dell 53-1002116-01の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Dell 53-1002116-01で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
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ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Dell 53-1002116-01に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちDell 53-1002116-01デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。