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Ear thmate GPS PN-20 D E LORM E User Manual ® An All-in-One Handheld GPS Solution fr om DeLorme, the Leading Digital Mapping and GPS Compan y.
T able of C onten ts Get ting St ar ted ........................................................................................................................................................................... 2 Basi c Func tions ...................
2 3 Get ti ng Star ted Th ank you fo r purch asing t he De Lorm e Ear t hmate G PS P N - 20. T his ve rsati le and comp act GP S re - cei ver lets you create t racks of your tr avels, c reate routes s.
4 5 Find Th e Find but ton is l abel ed w ith a m agnif y ing gl ass. Use it to searc h for a p oint of intere st, w ayp oint, add ress, co ordin ate, an d mo re. Y ou c an s earch for a lo cati on b ased on its nam e or it s proxi mit y to the cur rent map c enter .
6 7 GP S PN -20 va r y by a ppl icati on. Fo r m ore inform ation, see t he map ping ap plic atio n’ s Hel p system for i nstru ction s on send ing ma ps to your E ar thmate G PS P N -2 0. • On li ne M ap C ut t er for Ea r th ma te G PS PN -2 0 —V isit http : / / d ata.
8 9 • Set tingt heGP SSet ting stoPowerS avingm ode • Dis ablin gGP Swhil eindo ors • Usingb at teriesw ithhig hermilli amprati ngs( su chasDu race llUltra s,Energ izerE2 s,etc.
10 11 (+, - , / , & ) , or punctuation ( perio d, comma, apostrophe, exclamation point) you want to use. In addition, the foll owing s peci al func tions a re provid ed : Moves t he curs or one sp ace to th e left w itho ut delet ing ch arac ters.
12 13 7 . Browse to the loc atio n w here yo u s aved the .loc fil e in step 2, sele ct the file, and then cli ck Open . Th e dr aw o bjec ts i n the impo r ted fi le d ispl ay . A new waypo int l ayer is automat ical ly created for t he imp or ted file.
14 15 In the sce nario bel ow , T om , ab irdwatch er , uses the Ea rthmate GPS P N -20 , aerial i mage ry , an d the Earthm ateGPSPN - 20Onl ineMa pCentertopreparef o rhisexped ition.
16 17 power t hem on, a nd sele ct the rou te they pla n to use for nav igati on. 1 . Press ME NU, hig hlight the Rou tes option , and pres s EN TER . 2. Hig hlight th e route and pre ss EN TE R. T he map d ispl ays. 3. Hig hlight th e Navigate b utto n and pres s EN TER .
18 19 5. From the H and held Ex po rt ta b, c enter th e ma p on the qua drant and custom ize the hand held gri d size to be st fi t the area . T hen, cli ck th e Select /Edit tool an d sel ect the gr ids on t he map t hat cover t he qua drant.
20 21 The Satel lites Page Vi ew ing t he Sa te ll ite s Pag e Onc e you turn on the E ar thmate GPS PN -2 0, the Sa tellites P age displ ays. T he Satellites Page informs you of your current GP S s t.
22 23 3. Pres s EN T ER. GPS OFF d ispl ays in the up per- lef t co rner of the sc reen a nd all satellites are removed fro m the con stellati on dis play. The Map Page Vi ew ing t he M ap Pag e If a 2- D or 3 - D fi x is obta ined, th e M ap Pa ge disp lays the ma p d ata th at i s av ailab le for your current GP S l oc ation.
24 25 Cha ngeI nfoField smenuo ptio n • Worl dbased ata Th e list ab ove shows the defau lt layer ing of th e dat a t ype s (f rom top to b ottom ) .
26 27 mate GP S P N -2 0. In fo rma ti on F ie ld O p ti on De sc r ip ti on Bea ring Th e direc tion of travel f rom the c urrent l oca tion to t he des ti - nati on ( fini sh or nex t stop ) . E xpres sed in d egrees . Dis plays a green arrow poi nting in t he d irecti on of the nex t way point or ro ute p oint.
28 29 In fo rma ti on F ie ld O p ti on De sc r ip ti on Sp eed : Avera ge Th e ave rage sp eed of the device inc ludin g stop time. E xpres sed in d ista nce per unit of time. This fiel d may b e reset when yo u cle ar T rip Info. Sp eed : M axi mum Th e maxim um spee d achieve d.
30 31 5. Rep eat steps 3 and 4 for each poi nt in the line / p olyg on you want to me asure. The Pan Locat ion Inform ation that displ ays in the uppe r-r ight corne r of the s creen chang es to disp .
32 33 3. Pres s EN TER . Th e Map S etup sc reen dis play s. 4. Use the a rrow keypa d to highli ght the Da ta L aye ri ng bu tton . 5. Pres s EN T ER. The Dat a L ayeri ng sc reen d ispl ays a list of all of the dat a t yp es l oad ed o n the Ear thm ate G PS P N -2 0.
34 35 tering t he map. 1 . From th e Map P age, p ress M ENU. 2. Use the a rrow keypa d to highli ght Ma p Se tu p . 3. Pres s EN TER . Th e Map S etup sc reen dis play s. 4. Use the a rrow keypa d to highli ght the P OI De t ai l drop - dow n list and p ress EN T ER.
36 37 The Compa ss Page Vi ew ing t he C omp as s Page Th e C omp ass Pa ge is a gr aphic rep resenta tion of a tr adit ional oatin g ne edle c ompa ss. It disp lays dif ferentl y dep endin g on if you are n avig ating a rou te or trac king.
38 39 The T rip I nfo Page Vi ew ing t he T ri p In fo Pag e Th e T r ip I nfo P age incl udes eig ht infor mati on fi eld s th at o ccu py t he e ntire s creen ( three inform ation fiel ds disp lay if the Ear th mate GP S PN - 20 is in larg e tex t m od e ).
40 41 Note : Res etti ng T rip Valu es resets t he trip o dem eter for the cur rent T rip I nfo re adin g, wh ile resett ing Dev ice O dometer res ets the cu mulati ve odo meter for all tr ips on t he devic e. 5. Hig hlight R es e t Now an d press E NT ER .
42 43 4. Use the a rrow keypa d to highli ght the Symbol fie ld and p ress EN T ER. 5. Use th e a rrow keyp ad to high light th e s ymb ol t yp e you wa nt to s earch for and pres s EN TER . For a c omp lete list of all of th e symb ol t yp es, se e App endixC o n pag e 81 .
44 45 If your cu rrent Fin d sett ing is Fin d By N ame and yo u want to searc h for natur al features that are near the m ap center , press M EN U. Fin d N ear Map Center i s hig hlighte d. P ress EN TER to sel ect th e Fi nd N ea r Ma p Ce nt er o ption .
46 47 T o create a rou te from your cur rent loc atio n to the searc h result, u se the ar row keypad to highl ight the Route but ton and p ress EN T ER. For m ore inform ation , see ToCr eateaR oute on pag e 55 . T o Fi nd a C oo rd in at e 1 .
48 49 citie s by name, press MEN U. F ind By N ame is hi ghlig hted. Press ENT ER to sel ect the Fin d By Na me o ption. OR If your c urrent Fi nd set ting i s Find B y Na me and yo u want to se arch for c ities t hat are ne ar the m ap c enter , press ME NU.
50 51 The Wa ypo ints Page Us ing t he M ark B ut to n Y ou can use the Ma rk b ut ton ( the but ton with a push pin ) on the E ar thma te GP S PN -20 to m ark a way point at your c urrent GP S locat ion or , if panning , at the cur sor posit ion. If you are not pannin g a nd your are not usin g GPS , the c urrent map center is u sed.
52 53 T o Ed it a Way po in t 1 . Fin d the wayp oint you want to ed it usi ng th e Way point s Pa ge, F ind se arch funct ional it y , o r by selec ting a w aypo int on the m ap. 2. Use the a rrow keypa d to highli ght the way poi nt you want to ed it and pres s EN TER .
54 55 2. Use the arrow keypa d to hig hlight the De l et e all Wayp oi nt s butto n and press ENT ER . A confi rmat ion mes sag e disp lays. 3. Use th e arrow key pad to hi ghlig ht the Ye s button and press ENT ER to del ete all way poi nts from the Ear t hmate GP S P N -2 0.
56 57 4. Rep eat step 3 fo r each p oint you w ant to inclu de in your rou te. 5. Opt ional : If you do not want to includ e yo ur c urrent GP S p ositi on as a route p oint, use the arrow keypad to highli ght Cu rr en t P os it ion an d p ress EN TER .
58 59 3. Pres s MEN U. 4. Use the a rrow keypa d to highli ght De le te R ou te and p ress EN T ER. T he route is d eleted . T o De le te A ll R ou te s 1 . From th e Routes P age, p ress ME NU. 3. Use the a rrow keypa d to highli ght the De l et e All R ou te s opti on and pre ss EN TE R.
60 61 4. T o add a c omme nt to your track , hig hlight the C omment s field and p ress EN T ER. Us e the keyboa rd to enter the co mment text . The n, high light OK and pres s EN TER . 5. T o v iew the track , hi ghlight the Vi ew but ton an d pres s EN T ER.
62 63 T o En ab le t he R es e t In fo S cr ee n Th e Re set Info scre en a llows you to sy nchronize your T rip Info with a track wh en yo u pre ss S ave or Cle ar on the T r ack Det ails P age. T his feature i s enab led by def ault. 1 . From th e T racks P age, p ress M ENU.
64 65 T o Vi ew t he S un an d M oon R is e / Se t In fo rma ti on Th e Sun / Moo n ris e and set inform ation is found under neath the Sun / Mo on gr aphi cs. The infor mati on disp lays the ti me t hat both th e sun and m oon will rise a nd set base d on the current time an d d ate set - ting s.
66 67 The Hunt / Fish Page Us ing t he H unt / Fi sh Pa ge Use th e Hunt / Fi sh pa ge to v iew a pred icit ion of t he t yp e of da y it wi ll be for hunting or fish ing, the bes t times to hunt or fi sh, an d goo d times to hunt o r fish for you r current G PS l oc ation.
68 69 • Spr ing( gre en ) • Summ er( yellow ) • Autu mn( oran ge ) • W inter( blue ) • Mid night( hi ghcont rast— bla ck / g ray / da rkblue ;hel pfulfornig htti meuse ) 3.
70 71 T o Mo di f y t he Pag e Or d er S et t in gs Use the fo llowin g step s to c hang e th e pa ge o rder, add a p age to the pa ge b ut ton se quen ce, o r hid e a pag e. 1 . From th e Devic e Setup P age, h ighlig ht the Pag e Or d er op tion an d press EN T ER.
72 73 If the check box is sel ecte d and you do not want to show the inform ation , high light t he fie ld and press EN T ER to cle ar the ch eck box .
74 75 Wi t h thi s Pa ge.. . Y ou C an ... An d Us e the P age ’s MEN U to... Tr a c k s •T urnt rack ingof f •Saveatr ack •Retur ntothetrac kstar t •Cle .
76 77 Wi t h thi s Pa ge.. . Y ou C an ... An d Us e the P age ’s MEN U to... •Sel ectth eback lightti mer •Chan gethes erialp or tst atus •Chan geUS Bset t.
78 79 rad io frequ ency e nergy a nd, if n ot insta lled an d used in a cco rdan ce wit h the instr ucti ons, m ay cau se har mful inter ferenc e to r adio comm unic ations . However, there is no guar antee th at inter feren ce w ill not o ccur in a pa rt icula r inst allat ion.
80 81 DeL orm e Supp or t • Y ourretur nship pingad dress • Y ourd ay timetele pho nenumb er If you have co ntac ted DeL orme Su pp or t and have bee n instru cted to send .
82 83 Waypo in t Sy mbo ls Fish Fis hing Po le Flow er Ga rden Fo ur-w hee l A T V Ga s Stat ion Ge oc ache F oun d Geoc ache Gli der A rea Go lf Co urs e He alth F aci lit y Heliport Hiking House Ic .
84 85 Glossa ry Ba ck o n Co ur se— T he dire ctio n of travel ne ede d to return to the co urse. Ba se M ap— A low - d etail m ap tha t come s pre - lo aded o n the Ea rt hmate GP S P N -2 0. Ba t te r y Li fe— T he perc entag e of bat ter y life th at is lef t on the dev ice.
86 87 Ti me to N ex t T ur n— The esti mated time to the nex t tu rn in the route bas ed on road cl assi fic ations and sp eed set tin gs. Ti me to S un ri se / se t — T he time rem aining u ntil the sun r ises and s ets. T ri p Od om et er— Th e total dis tanc e the GP S d evice h as been m oving .
88 89 Stre ets .................................... 4 6 - 47 Way poi nts ............................... 41 - 42 Frequ ently asked q uesti ons .............. 7- 8 G Glossar y ....................................... 84 -86 GPS Disab ling ..............
90 91 Ti me set tings ................................ 7 0 -71 T racking ................................................ 9 Tr a c k s Clearing ........................................ 60 Del eting ..................................6 0, 6 2 Following .
92 93 Note s Note s.
94 Note s.
We Bring T ec hnology Down to Earth ™ Since its incorporation in 1 97 6, DeLorme has de veloped an unprecedented reput ation as a leader in the mapping industry . From early beginnings as a paper atlas publisher , the company quic kly emerged as a pioneering tec hnological innov ator .
デバイスDeLorme PN-20の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
DeLorme PN-20をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはDeLorme PN-20の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。DeLorme PN-20の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。DeLorme PN-20で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
DeLorme PN-20を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はDeLorme PN-20の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、DeLorme PN-20に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちDeLorme PN-20デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。