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Ear thmat e ® PN-40/30 GPS D E LOR M E User Manual GPS f or Seri ous O ut door Adv en tu r es.
The Lat est and Most Compr ehensive PN-Ser ies Inf or mation is Alw ays Online! Use r Man uals , Get t ing S tar t ed In fo, T uto rial s Th e DeLo rme W iki is your l ink to comp rehensive info rmatio n abou t your Ea rth mate ® PN - Se ries GP S . The mo st recent User M anual i s always ava ilabl e for downl oad.
T able of Contents General Information ......................................................................................................................... 2 Get ting Star ted ......................................................................
2 Get ting St ar ted Thi s manual i s for use wit h DeLo rme E art hmate ® PN - 3 0 and P N - 4 0 GP S dev ices; they are referre d to as the " PN - Se ries G PS " unle ss other wis e noted. How to Use th is Manua l For m ore informa tion ab out the b uttons o n the PN -S erie s GP S, se e Using the Bu ttons on p age 5 .
3 Getting Star ted 5. Go to M EN U > Devi c e Se tup > S ys te m > Bat t er y T ype and ensure th e corre ct bat ter y t ype is s elec ted. Thi s ensures tha t the bat ter y indic ator dis plays t he cor rect am ount of bat ter y life remai ning.
4 Data Management Th e PN - Se ries GP S stores ro utes and the b ase ma p in its inter nal mem or y . T rac ks, way points , and geo ca ches are saved to th e SD c ard in the dev ice.
5 Using the But tons Powe r Use the Power bu tton to tur n the PN - Serie s GP S on and off, lo ck the but tons, o r to chang e the bac klight s ettin gs. T o turn o n the devic e, press an d hold th e Power but ton until you s ee the Welc ome sc reen.
6 General Information Pre ss IN or OUT to move forw ard or ba ckw ard a pag e at a time. Page Pres s the PAG E but ton to move for ward th rough the pag es in the p age ord er sequ ence. T o ad d, remove, o r reord er pag es, go to M ENU > D evi ce S et up > Pa ge Order (see Pa g e Ord e r o n pag e 6 4).
7 Get infor mation a bout a p oint on th e map to see detailed inf ormation, if available. Qui t Th e functi on of the QUIT but ton varies d epen ding on the st atus of the P N - Ser ies GP S; some of the t hings you c an do are: E xit a pa ge or scre en.
8 General Information Inser t a line break a nd move the cu rsor to the next line. Ke yb oard Shortc uts Th ese but ton press es on the P N - Seri es GP S are ke ybo ard shor t cuts.
9 T o c hange t he si ze of t he tex t On the Trip Info Pag e, you can c hang e the size of the text th at displ ays, wh ich also c hang es the numb er of info el ds.
10 Th e Satelli tes Page d isplay s GP S and satell ite informat ion, time, el evation , and the ba tter y ind icator. It is the rst pa ge in the d efault PA G E bu tton ord er . If you have remove d the Sate llites Pag e from the PA G E but ton orde r , go to MENU > Satellites to view it.
11 The S atellites Pa ge System ( WA AS ) is system of s atellites an d ground stat ions tha t corre ct GP S sign als to improve ac curac y . For m ore informa tion ab out GP S and WA AS , visit t he DeLorme Wiki (wi ki.
12 T o chan ge the tim e setti ngs, g o to MEN U > Dev ic e Setup > Time . GPS Accuracy In the l ower left c orne r of tne Sate llites Pag e, the GP S acc uracy d ispl ays. Th is is the c alcula ted accu racy of th e GP S, exp ressed in d istan ce.
13 The S atellites Pa ge Compas s and Altimeter PN- 40 Only Y ou c an cali brate the P N - Seri es GP S's elec tronic c ompa ss and barometric altimeter with the C alibrate option on the Sate llite Pag e menu, the C omp ass Pa ge menu , and the Devi ce Setup > C omp ass & A ltimeter m enu.
14 Th e Map P age center s the ma p on your cur rent loc ation when t he PN - S eries G PS h as a 2- D or 3 - D x. W hen it doe s not have a GP S x , the ma p displ ays your l ast GP S position. For more in formation, see GPS an d WAAS Sta tus on p age 10.
15 Th e Map P age Panning t he Map Th ere are two w ays to pan the m ap. W hen you pa n the map, t he map cur sor— a wh ite arrow — shows you r loc ation. Automatic panning – W hen GP S trac king or navi gating , the ma p automat icall y pans in t he direct ion of travel.
16 Info Fields Y ou c an hide /show, chang e, and arr ange the i nfo elds at the b ottom of th e Map P age. T he info eld s chan ge when yo u are navig ating . T o a ccess t he Info Field s opti ons, go to M ENU > I nf o Fi el ds . F or more inform ation , see Info Field s on pag e 8.
17 Th e Map P age high - level wo rld cove rage, as we ll as more det ailed N or th Am eric an covera ge. Y ou c an add m aps, d ata, im ager y, draw les, and m ore to your dev ice to supp lement th e bas e map. W hen you ad d dif ferent t ypes of m aps to the sa me area, yo u can cu stomize the ord er in whic h the layers appear .
18 T o reset the d efault layer s ettin gs (all ch eck boxes sele cted and d ata ord ered as in t he list ab ove), go to MENU > Res tore La yer Defaults .
19 Th e Map P age Orienta tion Y ou c an set the ma p to rotate as you move. T o c hange t he ma p orie nt atio n From the M ap Pa ge, go to M ENU > M ap S et up > Orientation and s elect t he map or ientat ion from the dro p - dow n list. North Up – No rt h is always at t he top of the map screen.
20 Point Manag emen t. Use the drop - down lis t for each opti on to selec t how you want i t to appe ar on the ma p. T o hide l ogge d geo cac hes, sel ect the H id e Lo gge d Ca ch es c heck box. Scale Th e scal e option l ets you set the t yp e of sca le you want to use on you r maps.
21 Th e Map P age notes, an d pick you r next c ache. F or more infor mation abo ut all of the se features, se e Th e Geocaches Page sec tion st ar ting on p age 3 8. Route Opt ions Wh en navig ating , use Ro ute Optio ns to stop navi gatin g, get ba ck on tra ck, o r switch th e route ty pe.
22 Navionics Y ou c an use Nav ionic s ® H otMa ps Premiu m Lake Ma ps and G OLD + Mar ine Char ts w ith your P N - Ser ies GP S. Th e char ts are ava ilabl e on SD c ards th at you inser t into your dev ice. Fo r more inform ation a bout th e char ts th at are avail able, v isit navi onics .
23 T o hi de c har t s by map sc al e Y ou c an customize at w hich ma p scal e you can v iew cha rt s on the dev ice. From the Hid e Char ts check b ox, sele ct the sc ale a bove whic h you want to hid e the char t s.
24 Use the C omp ass Pa ge’ s gr aphic c ompa ss to help you nd yo ur desti nation . Both the P N - 4 0 and t he PN - 3 0 use the G PS to d etermine c ompa ss readin gs whe n the devi ce is movi ng. T he PN - 4 0 also has an e lect ronic com pass for u se when th e devic e is stati onar y or movin g below 1.
25 Th e Com pas s Pag e Compass Navigation Arrow. T o chan ge the hik ing route ar row from the C ompa ss Pag e, go to ME NU > C omp as s Nav ig ati on A rro w > Dir ec t t o Next W aypoint or B ac k on Co ur se . Info Fields Y ou c an hide /show, chang e, and arr ange the i nfo elds at the b ottom of th e Com pass P age.
26 Log Y our G eoc ache F ind Wh en navig ating to a g eoc ache, us e the Log Your Geo cac he Find o ption to qui ckly l og ge oca ches, w rite el d notes, an d pick you r next c ache. F or more infor mation abo ut all of the se features, se e Th e Geocaches Page sec tion st ar ting on p age 3 8.
27 Th e T r ip Info Pag e displ ays info eld s that oc cupy th e entire sc reen. Y ou c an customi ze each e ld with o ne of the ma ny availab le info eld o ptions .
28 Th e T rip I nfo Pag e Ot her Menu Op tions Wh en navig ating , add itiona l option s are availab le on the T r ip Info Pag e menu. View Comme nt Deta ils Wh en navig ating , the V iew Co mment Det ails opti on allows yo u to view any avail able c omment s for the geo cac he or way point you a re navig ating to.
29 Use the F ind Pag e to search for a ddres ses, roa ds, citi es, po ints of interest (P OI s), wayp oints, g eoc aches , co ordinates , and more o n your PN -S eries G PS . T o ope n the Find P age, pres s the Find button . Searc h Me thods Th ere are two F ind searc h option s.
30 Th e Find P age T o cle ar all el ds into whic h you have entered inform ation, g o to MEN U > Cl ea r All F ie ld s . T o vi ew the s ear ch m eth od you ar e usi ng Go to Fi nd > M EN U . T he availa ble opt ions are prec ede d by " Switc h to.
31 State /C ountr y/ Cit y/ Nam e (Find b y Name o nly) Addr esses State/C ountry/ City/ Building Numb er/Street Name (Fi nd by Nam e only) Coordinate s Co ordin ates can b e edited .
32 Th e Find P age T o mar k a waypoi nt fo r a sea rc h res ult On the search result de t ails page, select Mark . The re sult is save d as a wayp oint and th e wayp oint deta ils pag e displ ays; you c an edit th e informat ion. Fo r more inform ation se e T o edit wayp oint details on p age 3 6 .
33 A way point is a lo cati on that you m ark and s tore using the P N - Seri es GP S. Y ou c an also t ransfer way point les to an SD c ard in the d evice. W aypo ints are ide ntie d by co ordinates , and you c an assig n a symb ol, na me, and other infor matio n to them.
34 Th e Wayp oint s Pag e GP X le op en on your d evice. T he le n ame and th e numbe r of way points in t he le ap pea r at the top of the p age. Wh en you high light a way point in t he list, t he Bear ing and Dist ance i nfo elds d isplay m easureme nts as follow s: From the G PS p ositi on when th e devic e has a GP S x .
35 elevat ion is not ava ilabl e. Whe n you press Mark , t he way point is s aved and a way point d etails p age o pens where yo u can ed it the way point d etails .
36 Th e Wayp oint s Pag e Managing Wa ypoi nts T o vi ew waypo int d et ail s Use the w aypo int detai ls page to v iew detai led inform ation a way point . From the Wa ypo ints Pag e, selec t a wayp oint and pres s ENTER . T he wayp oint det ails pag e ope ns.
37 3. S elect De lete . Whe n you see the c onr matio n message, se lect Ye s . Th e wayp oints wi th that sy mbol in t he current le are del eted from the l e.
38 Geo cac hing is a tre asure hunting g ame wh ere you use a GP S devi ce to search for g eoc ache s — cont ainers t hat incl ude a lo g for you to record yo ur visit . Some g eoc ache s have tri nkets you can t ake — just follow t he “take one, leave on e ” rul e.
39 Th e Geo cac hes P age a way point in th e list, th e Bearin g and Dis tanc e info elds display measurements as follows: From the G PS p ositi on when th e devic e has a GP S x . From the c ursor lo cat ion if you are m anuall y pannin g the map.
40 the l e you want to op en and pres s ENTER t o vi ew the way point s on the dev ice. Save A s – Save t he open le as a new l e and nam e it. If yo u have mad e any chan ges to the op en le, t he cha nges are s aved in the new le —t he orig inal l e doe s not retain th e chang es.
41 Managing Geo cache s T o vi ew geo ca che d et ail s Use the g eoc ache d etails p age to view i nformati on abo ut a geo cac he, when av ailab le. From the G eoc ache s Page, s elect a g eoc ache a nd press ENTER . T he geo cac he detai ls pag e opens .
42 Tip P r es s the Out but ton to move through the c omme nt one pa ge at a time. Press the Up arrow on the arrow keypad to move to the end o f the comm ent. T o vi ew the g eoc ac he hin t T o quick ly view t he geo cac he hint, from t he geo cac he deta ils pag e go to MENU > View Hint .
43 Th e Geo cac hes P age T o pr oje c t a geo cac he 1. From the ge oca che det ails pa ge, go to M ENU > Projec t Geocache . 2. Enter the i nformati on for proje cted ge oca che in the Bearing an d Distance elds. 3. S elect M ove to move the exis ting ge oca che or Create New to mark a n ew geoc ach e at the proje cted lo catio n.
44 T o wr ite a el d note Wh en you lo g a geoc ache w ith a c ache id , you ca n write a el d note that you c an later u ploa d to Geoc achin g.
45 Th e Geo cac hes P age in T op o Nor th A meric a, C ache R egister, or the De Lorm e Fiel d Notes pa ge on Ge oc aching .com. S ee the H elp for each application f or complete instructions.
46 Th e Routes Pa ge dis plays a lis t of routes on the P N - Ser ies GP S — route s you have create d on the dev ice and rou tes you have se nt to the devic e using a De Lor me map ping app licat ion.
47 Th e Route s Pag e » Hiking – S elec t Aut omatic to continuou sly reca lcula te from the cur rent GP S loc ation to the next s top in the rou te. Selec t Prompt to aler t you when yo u are off tr ack; yo u can the n choo se to reca lcula te or ignore.
48 T o add a n ame for your rou te, highlig ht the Route Name eld , press ENTER and u se the keybo ard to make cha nges. W hen yo u are nishe d editin g, pres s ENTER . T he route nam e will not ch ange w hen you ad d points . 3. Ens ure Ad d Poin t is high lighted an d press ENTER .
49 Th e Route s Pag e Manage Routes T o vi ew rou te de ta ils On the R outes Pa ge, sele ct a route to op en its d etails pag e. If the rou te name is in b old text , it is dis play ing on the map. T o navi gate w it h or vie w a saved r oute o n the m ap 1.
50 the ac tive route fro m Routes P age by sel ectin g Directions . Pre ss MENU from the D irectio ns Pag e to acces s Route Options and geoc aching options (see the ne x t section). Y ou c an also ch ange th e dista nce that i s displ ayed for eac h step in the d irectio ns.
51 A trac k is a record ing of po ints alon g the path yo u travel — use it to keep a l og of your tr avels. From th e T ra cks Pa ge, you c an turn tr ack reco rding on a nd off, set the met hod for reco rding tr ack poi nts, and m anag e track les on the SD c ard.
52 Th e T rac ks Pag e Re co rd p oi nt s by –The metho d for log ging p oints; sele ct Time or Distance from the dro p - dow n list. A shor t tim e inter val gives yo u the most d etaile d result s but quic kly ad ds many p oints; lo gging by dist ance g ives you lo nger rec ording t ime.
53 Pag e open s in navig ation m ode. T he ac tive trac k continu es reco rding as you fo llow the tra ck bac k to the star t. T o save th e ac ti ve trac k 1. Sele ct Save to s ave the acti ve track a s a le on th e SD c ard and c lear th e active t rack me mor y .
54 T o e dit d et ail s for t he ope n tr ack On the t rack d etails p age, you c an custom ize the track name, c olor, and com ments. T o edit a eld , use the ar row k ey pad to hig hlight it an d pres s ENTER . Use th e availab le opti on (drop - down lis t, arrow keyp ad, or keyb oard ) to make chang es.
55 Use the Sun/ Moon Pa ge to view the sunrise/sunset and moonrise/ moonset inf orm ation and the mo on phase inform ation for a sp eci c time, d ate, and lo cati on.
56 Th e Sun / Moo n Pag e Moon Phase Th e Phase eld dis plays t he name of th e current mo on pha se, the perc entag e comp leted if it 's waxin g or waning , and a gr aphic re presenta tion of the p hase.
57 Use the T ide P age to vi ew tide (for o cean s) or current (for tid al rive rs) informa tion for a sp eci c time, d ate, tide station, and location. T o ope n the Ti de Pag e, from any pa ge go to M ENU > Tide . If you have add ed the T ide P age to the PA G E but ton orde r , it is no lo nger ava ilabl e on menus .
58 2. P ress ENTER and u se the arrow keyp ad to make cha nges. W hen you a re nishe d editin g, pres s ENTER . T o re se t the t ime an d dat e T o reset the tim e and date to the d evice’s time and d ate, from the T ide P age, g o to MEN U > Re se t Ti me/D ate .
59 Use the H unt / Fish p age to view a p redic tion of the hunting a nd shin g cond itions for a s peci c d ay and loc ation . The c alcul ations a re based o n John A lde n Kn ight's So lunar Tables, w hich use t he cycle of t he sun and mo on to predi ct ac tivit y and fe eding s chedu les.
60 T o ope n the Devi ce Setup P age, fro m any pag e go to ME NU > De vic e Se tu p . If you have ad ded th e Devic e Setu p Page to th e PAG E button sequence, it is no longer avail able on m enus. P ress the PA G E but t on until it appears. Use the D evice S etup Pa ge opti ons to mod ify t he defaul t set tings on t he PN - S eries G PS .
61 Th e number of w aypo ints/ geoc ache s, trac k, and rou tes currentl y open . Th e device's total c apac it y . T o re s tore t he de faul t se t tin gs T o restore the d efault set tings for a ll the System o ptions , from any p age go to M ENU > D evi ce S et up > S ys te m > Restore Default s.
62 T o tu rn on sc re en r ota tion Sel ect the E na bl e di sp lay r ota ti on c he ck b ox to allow the sc reen to rotate whe n you view the d evice u pside dow n.
63 feature an d to calib rate the ele ctronic c ompa ss and th e barometric altimeter . For m ore informa tion ab out the c ompa ss and alt imeter , see the Compass and Alt imeter sec tion starting on p a g e 6 7. From any pa ge, go to M ENU > D evi ce S et up > Compass & Altimete r .
64 T o mo dif y t he tim e se t ting s From any pa ge, go to M ENU > D evi ce S et up > T ime . Use the drop - down lists to select the time set tings.
65 ME NU > De vic e Se tu p > Pag e Or de r . T o add a p age, se lect th e check b ox next to it. T o remove a pa ge, cle ar the che ck box nex t to it. T o chan ge the p age ord er , high light the ite m you want to move, then u se the arrow s on the rig ht side of th e scree n to move the item up o r down in th e list.
66 File Manageme nt Wayp oints ( includ ing ge oca ches) and t racks are m anage d using G PX — or G PS E xchang e For mat— l es. A GP X le stores lo cati on, elevat ion, an d time inform ation an d is used to tr ansfer da ta bet ween you r PN - Se ries GP S and your c omputer.
67 Tip U se the SD c ard r ea der meth od to qui ckly tr a nsfer large map s. Sen d maps you r use frequently to the d evice’s internal mem ory so you a lways have them whe n you need th em. Compas s and Altime ter PN - 40 o nly Th e PN - 40 c omes e quipp ed wit h two se nsors; an electronic compas s and a barometric altimeter .
68 T o c ali bra te the c ompa ss 1. From the S atellite Pa ge or the C omp ass Pa ge, go to MENU > Calibrate > Calibr ate Compass. OR From any pa ge, go to M ENU > D evi ce S et up > Co mpa s s & Alt im ete r > Ca li br ate > Calibrate Compass .
69 T o c ali bra te the a lti met er 1. From the S atellite Pa ge or the C omp ass Pa ge, go to ME NU > C ali br at e > Cal ib ra te Al ti me te r . OR From any pa ge, go to M ENU > D evi ce S et up > Co mpa s s & Alt im ete r > Ca li br ate > Calibra te Alt imeter .
70 Speci catio ns Ph ysical Specications C ase: IPX-7 water proof, impa ct resist ant Size: 5. 25" x 2. 4 3 " x 1 .5 " Weight : 5.
71 reaso nabl e protectio n again st harmf ul inter ference in a residential installation. This equipment generat es, uses, and c an radi ate radio f requenc y energ y and, i f not insta lled and us ed in acc ordan ce wit h the instr uctio ns, may c ause har mful inter ference to rad io com munica tions.
72 whic hever is lon ger . T his war rant y does n ot cover failures d ue to abuse, m isuse, ac cident s, or una uthor ized dis assemb ly or mo di cat ion.
73 Copyrigh t Information Font s used are d erived f rom the Dej a Vu fonts w hich are der ived from B itstrea m V er a, Co pyri ght © 20 0 3 by Bit stream, I nc. A ll Right s Reser ved . Geo cac hing ic ons (C opyr ight © Grou ndsp eak Inc .) used with permission.
74 Info el ds are used to p rovide infor matio n you need w hen usin g the PN - S eries G PS . On the M ap, C ompa ss, and T rip Info P ages, yo u can cu stomize the info el ds.
75 Info Field Descrip tion Co ordin ates: Seco ndar y Th e coord inates for the c urrent GP S lo catio n, curs or posi tion, o r map center i n the se cond ar y format . The d efault is U TM / UP S. C hang e the forma t in Devic e Setu p > Units > C oord inates: Se cond ar y .
76 Info Field Descrip tion GP S Statu s Th e current st atus of your G PS d evice. N o Fix , 2- D, or 3 - D. A W be low the stat us indic ates a WA A S x . Hea ding Th e current dire ction of t ravel. E xpres sed in de grees. PN- 40 Only : If elec tronic co mpas s accur acy is p oor, a r e d ex cl amati on point displa ys.
77 Info Field Descrip tion Sp eed: Mov ing Averag e Th e average s peed of t he devic e ex c luding s top time. E xpres sed in di stanc e per un it of time. Sunr ise/ Suns et Th e time of day at w hich th e sun will ri se and set ba sed on G PS lo cati on or t h e c u r re nt ma p ce n te r.
78 A A bout t his Devic e .................................. 65 Altimeter Cali brate ............................................ 68 - 69 Elevation ............................................ 12 Pre ssure ............................................ 6 4 , 6 7- 6 8 Set tin gs .
79 G Geocaches Ad d to device .................................... 40 Co mment s/ hint s ............................... 41 - 4 2 De lete ................................................ 42 Edit .................................................... 41 Field notes .
80 P Panning the map ................................... 15 POIs Find .................................................... 29 Map ................................................... 19 - 2 0 Proje ct a way point................................. 37 R Reset fa ctor y defau lts .
81 Save ................................................... 53 Set tin gs ............................................. 51 - 5 2 V iew on map ..................................... 51 T racks Page ........................................... 51 - 5 4 T ransfer maps .
Bat ter ies The Earthmate ® PN-40 and PN-30 can be po wered b y two AA bat teries (NiMH, alkaline, or lithium), or a DeLorme-supplied Li-Ion rec hargeable bat ter y . Y ou’ll find Earthmate PN-Series accessories at www Rec harg eable Lithium-Ion Bat t ery P ac k Caution Use only an Earthmate PN-Series Bat ter y T ype.
デバイスDeLorme PN-30の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
DeLorme PN-30をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはDeLorme PN-30の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。DeLorme PN-30の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。DeLorme PN-30で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
DeLorme PN-30を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はDeLorme PN-30の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、DeLorme PN-30に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちDeLorme PN-30デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。