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External Modem User’s Manual.
External Modem User’s Manual No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form by any mean s without th e prior written permission . Other tradem arks or brand n ames m entioned h erein are tradem arks or regist ered trademarks of their respective compan ies.
I Contents CHAPTER 1 BEF ORE YOU BEGIN .................................................................................... 1 1.1 Features ................................................................................................................
External Modem User's Manual II Appendix A: Calle r ID Comm ands (Optional) .................................................................................. 43 Appendix B: Te chnical Specifica tions .............................................
1 C HAPTER 1 B EFORE Y OU B EGIN 1.1 Features These Fax/Data/TAM Modem s com bine the features of a 56000(receive only )/33600/28800/14400/ 9600 bps data m odem an d a 14400/9600 bps FA X m odem.
3 C HAPTER 2 H ARDWARE I NSTALLATION 2.1 Connecting Your M odem Note: For safety, befo re insta lling and uninstalling y our modem , please m ake sure the telephone line is UNPLUGGED from your modem .
External Modem User's Manual 4 Step 5: Plug the AC adapter into the m odem’s AC IN jack, and plug the oth er end into an electrical outlet. Step 6: Wh en connect ion is f inish ed, power on you r modem before y ou pow er on y our PC. The diagram below illustrates the typical ex ternal modem con nection: 2.
5 C HAPTER 3 D RIVER I NSTALLATION After h ardware installation, tu rn on your m odem and then power on y our PC. Follow the instructions below to install the drivers for the modem . 3.1 Dri ver I nstal l ati on for Window s 95 Step 1: St art Window s 95.
External Modem User's Manual 6 When y ou are done with driver in stallation, you w ill need to specify the cou ntry w here y ou locate upon dif ferent telecom mu nication regu lations/ law s. Please proceed to “ 3.6 Cou ntry Selection ” on page 15 for inst ructions.
Chapter 3 Driver Installation 7 3.2 Dri ver I nstal l ati on for Window s 98 Step 1: St art Window s 98. The Add New Hardware Wizard ap pe a rs anno uncing the dete cting o f a new hard ware. Cl i ck Next . Insert the provided Installation CD into you r CD-ROM drive.
External Modem User's Manual 8 Step 7: Windows w ill continue to detect another device. Click Next . Step 8: With Search for the best driver for your device checkbox s elected, click Next . Step 9: Again , select Specify a location checkbox and the location sh ould be: x:DriverWin9x w here x is y our CD- ROM drive.
Chapter 3 Driver Installation 9 3.3 Dri ver I nstal l a ti on for Window s Me Step 1: Start Window s Me. The Add New Hardwa re Wizard appears. Insert th e Installation CD into y our CD-ROM drive. Select Specify the location of the driver (Advanced) an d then click Next .
External Modem User's Manual 10 Step 6: Again , select Search for the best driver for your device and check only th e Specify a location checkbox . The location should be: x :DriverWinM E w here x is your C D-ROM drive. Oth erwise, repeat s tep 2 to specify the location.
Chapter 3 Driver Installation 11 3.4 Driver I nstallati on for Window s 2000 Step 1: Start Window s 2000. Window s w ill detect a new hardw are device, click Next to cont inue. Step 2: Select Search for a suitable driver… an d click Next . Step 3: Insert the Installation CD into y our CD-ROM drive.
External Modem User's Manual 12 Step 6: If Digital S ignature Not Found win dow appears , click Yes to contin ue. Step 7: Click Finish . When Found New H ardwa re screen appears, w ait for com pleting the installation.
Chapter 3 Driver Installation 13 3.5 Dri ver I nstal l ation For Wi ndow s XP Start Windows XP and insert the provided CD into your CD-R OM drive to start dr iver installation. Step 1 When Found New Hardw are Wizard screen appears, select In stall from a list or specific location (Advanced) and click Next .
External Modem User's Manual 14 Step 4 Click Finish . When Found New H ardwa re screen appears, w ait for com pleting the installation. When y ou are done with driver in stallation, you w ill need to specify the cou ntry w here y ou locate upon dif ferent telecom mu nication regu lations/ law s.
Chapter 3 Driver Installation 15 3.6 Country Selection Before starting the modem , y ou may need to specify the coun try w here y ou locate upon different telecom mu nication regulations/ law s. Step 1: Click Start , point to Settings and then click on Control P a nel .
External Modem User's Manual 16 3.7 Verify that Yo ur Modem is Properly Installed 3.7.1 For Window s 95/98/Me Step 1: Click Start , point to Settings and then click on Control P a nel . Double-click the Mod em s icon. Note: If you are prom pted with Location Inform ation screen, en ter your area code and then ex it the screen.
Chapter 3 Driver Installation 17 Step 3: Hig hlig ht the C OM port used by you r modem and clic k on More Info… . Step 4: Wait for commu nication w ith your m odem. Step 5: If your m odem is properly instal led, the com man d response s hould appear in the box as the follow ing.
External Modem User's Manual 18 3.7.2 For Windows 2000/XP Note: The conf iguration s teps are the sam e in Win dows 2000 and Win dows XP. The graphics here ass um e a Window s 2000 env ironm ent. Step 1: Click Start , point to Settings and then click on Control P a nel .
Chapter 3 Driver Installation 19 Step 3: C lick on Diagnostics tab and then click on Q uery Mo dem . Step 4: Wait for commu nication w ith your m odem. Step 5: If your m odem is properly instal led, the com man d response s hould appear in the box as the follow ing.
21 C HAPTER 4 D RIVER U NINSTALLATION 4.1 Uninstall a ti on fr om Wi ndow s 95/ 98/ M e Step 1: On the deskt op, click on My Computer and right-c lic k o n Properties . Step 2: C lick on Device Manager tab and then double-cl ick the Mo de m i c on. H ighlight IC+ 56k External Data Fax Voice Modem and then click on Rem ove .
External Modem User's Manual 22 Step 4: You will return to System Properties wi ndow and fin d that y our modem is removed from th e hardware list. 4.2 Uninstall a ti on fr om Wi ndow s 2000 Step 1: Click Start , point to Settings and then click on Control P a nel .
Chapter 4 Driver Uninstallation 23 Step 5 : Highli ght IC+ 56k External Data Fax Voice Modem from your dev ice list and then click Nex t . Step 6: Select Yes, I wa nt to… and then click Next .
External Modem User's Manual 24 4.3 Uninstall a ti on fr om Window s XP Step 1 Click Start menu, po int to Settings and then click on Control Panel . On the Control Panel, double-click the System icon . Step 2 Click Hardware tab and then click Device Manager .
25 C HAPTER 5 C OMMAND R EFERENCE This chapter i ncludes all comm ands, S- Regis ters supported by the modem . Before usi ng the comm ands, m ake su re your com mu nications s oftw are package provides the fun ction of ope rat i ng t he modem thro ugh its i nt e rna1 commands.
External Modem User's Manual 26 E0/E Disables c omm and ec ho. E1 Enables c omm and echo. (Default) Hn Hang Up H0/H Goes on-hook. (hangs up) H1 Goes of f-hook. (ready t o dial) In Identification I0/I Report the produc t c ode. I1 Report the hardware che cksum.
Chapter 5 Co mm and Refer e nce 27 P Set Pulse Dial as Default Causes the m odem to ass um e that all subsequent dial co mm ands are pulse dials . You may omit the " P " from the dial str ings. Q Result Code Display Determ ines whether the m odem sends the r esult codes to the DT E.
External Modem User's Manual 28 X4 CONNECT<text> result c ode is gi ven upon ent eri ng onl i ne dat a stat e. Dial t one and busy detecti on are enabl e.
Chapter 5 Co mm and Refer e nce 29 &P2 S ets a 39/ 61 m ake/ break rati o @ 20 pps . &P3 S ets a 33/ 67 m ake/ break rati o @ 20 pps . &Rn CTR Signal Select Determin es wh ether CTR operates in accordan ce with th e EIA-232- D specification or rem ains ON &R1/&R CTR will become acti ve when RTS is On.
External Modem User's Manual 30 *I5 Selects con nect speed 12000bps *I6 Selects con nect speed 14400bps *I7 Selects con nect speed 16800bps *I8 Selects con nect speed 19200bps *I9 Selects con nec.
Chapter 5 Co mm and Refer e nce 31 N1 Selects Di rec t (pass -through) Mode. N2 Selects MNP or dis connec t m ode. N3 Se lects MNP o r Buffer. N4 Select V. 42 without ODP &ADP phas e detect ion, MNP or buf f er. N5 Select V. 42 with ODP & A DP phase det ec tion, MNP or buf f er.
External Modem User's Manual 32 includes part of the num ber, and all but the last c om mand line end with the " ; " followed by a carriage return. ^ Tone Control Toggles calling tone enable/disable:applic able to current dial attem pt only.
Chapter 5 Co mm and Refer e nce 33 5.4 S Register Reference Your mod em has status r egister s. T hese r egiste rs ar e memory locat i ons insid e your mod e m w hich c o ntro l your modem 's operation. You usu ally do not ha ve to worry about settin g any register becaus e the default va lues w ork for most applications.
External Modem User's Manual 34 Range: 0 - 255 rings S2 Escap e Character S2 holds the decim al value of the ASCII charac ter used as the es cape char acter. T he default value corres ponds to an ASCII '+'. A value over 127 disables the escape pr ocess , i.
Chapter 5 Co mm and Refer e nce 35 Range: 1 - 255 seconds . S8 Pause Time for Comma S8 controls how long th e modem pauses w hen a comm a " , " is encountered in a dial strin g wh ile executing a dial comm and.
External Modem User's Manual 36 bit 3 (V) 0 Numeric. 1 Verbos e. bi t 4,5 (&P ) 00 39/61 m ake t o break ratio/ 10pps 01 33/67 mak e t o break ratio/10pps 10 39/61 mak e t o break ratio/20pps 11 33/67 mak e t o break ratio/20pps bi t 6(P or T) 0 T (Tone dial).
Chapter 5 Co mm and Refer e nce 37 S25 serves tw o purposes . When th e modem is operati ng in s yn chronous mode 1, th e value as signe d to S25 specifies th e length of time the m odem w aits after a connection has been made bef ore examin ing DTR.
External Modem User's Manual 38 bit 0, 1 0 0 *H0 . 0 1 *H1 . Bit 2 0 *G0 . 1 *G1 . Bit 4-6 000 &K0 . 011 &K3 . 101 &K4 . 110 &K5 . S99 En ergy detection thresho ld This register can use in Call Progress Mode (CPM) for dial tone detectio n threshold.
39 C HAPTER 6 M ODEM R EFERENCE 6.1 Troubl eshooti ng This chapter describes com m on problems in the installation , configu ration and regular u sage of your Fax/ Data/T AM Modem.
External Modem User's Manual 40 CONNECT 115200 24 x x x x Connec t ion est abl i s hed at 115200 bps CONNECT 1200TX/75RX 25 x x x x V. 23 establ i s hed:trans mi t at 75 bps, rec eive at 1200 bps CONNECT 75TX/1200RX 26 x x x x V.
Chapter 6 Modem Reference 41 6.3.3 Manual A nswer an Incoming Call Co mma nd l i ne : ATA <CR> The factory setting of th e S-register S0 is S0=0. This condition disab les the auto answ er capability so that y ou must issu e an ATA comm and to answ er a call.
43 A PPENDICES A ppendix A : Caller I D Commands (Opti onal ) +VCIDn - Caller ID (Enables or disables Caller ID.) This com man d only apply t o models wh ich su pport the Cal ler ID fun ction. +VCID=0 Disables Caller ID.(Default.) +VCID=1 Enables Caller ID with formatted presentation to the DTE.
External Modem User's Manual 44 MES G = 06034242431 RING RING Unformatted Form Re porting The modem presents all in formation and packet control inf ormation f ound in the m essage. The modem, how ever, excludes the leading U's (channel seizure information) fro m the prese nt ation.
Appendi ces 45 A ppendix B: Technical Specifications Data Rates(bps) V.90: 56000, 54667, 53333, 52000, 50667, 49333, 48000, 46667, 45333, 42667, 41333, 40000, 38667, 37333, 36000, 34667, 33333, 32000, 30667, 29333, 28000 (Receive on ly) Compatibility (Data) IT U-T V.
External Modem User's Manual 46 A ppendix C: Quick Refer ence A Go On- line in Answer Mode Bn Select Protocol to IT U-V.22 or Bell 212A D Go On-line in O riginate Mode En Com m and Echo Hn Hang U.
Appendi ces 47 A ppendix D: Glossary A SCII An acron ym for Am erican Standard Code for Inf ormation Exchan ge. ASC II is a sev en-bit code w hich defin es 128 stan dard characters, inclu ding control ch aracters, letters, num bers, and symbol s. An extra 128 charact ers compri se the extended ASCII s et.
External Modem User's Manual 48 Profile A list of default settings. Protocol A techn ical specification f or serial comm unications ; the protocols supporte d by th e modem are list ed in Appen dix B. PSK Phase Shif t Keying. Pulse Dialing A dialing form in wh ich each digit is repres ented by a series of pulses.
Appendi ces 49 A ppendix E: A SCII CODE TA BLE Decim al Hex Valu e Decimal Hex Value Decim al Hex Value D ecimal Hex Value 000 00 NUL 032 20 (space)064 40 @ 096 60 ' 001 01 SOH 033 21 ! 065 41 A .
デバイスAirlinkplus AME001の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Airlinkplus AME001をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはAirlinkplus AME001の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Airlinkplus AME001の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Airlinkplus AME001で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Airlinkplus AME001を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はAirlinkplus AME001の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Airlinkplus AME001に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちAirlinkplus AME001デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。