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1 FR- M40 Ser ies Full F acepie ce Air Purif ying R espira tor User Instructions for 3M™ FR-M40-10 Full Facepiec e Respirator (small), 3M™ FR-M40-20 Full Facepiece Respirator (medium) and 3M™ FR.
2 GE N E RA L SA F E TY I NF O R MA T I ON Inten ded Use The 3M™ FR-M40 Full Facep iece Respir ator is designed t o help provide respi ratory p rotect ion against cer tain a irb orn e cont ami nant s whe n used i n acco rda nce w ith a ll use a nd li mita tio n inst ruc tio ns and appli cable saf ety and heal th regula tions.
3 C A U T I O N • Cleanin g wi th so lvent s may de grade some respi rator compo nents an d re duce respira tor eff ec ti v en es s. See Maint enance and Cleaning s ectio n. • Inspect al l respi rator compon ents b efore each use to e nsure proper op erati ng co nditi ons.
4 Do Not Use For Atmos phere s with less than 19.5% oxygen, concent ratio ns of conta minan ts which are immedi ately dange rous to life or hea lth, a re unk nown o r when conce ntrat ions excee d the.
5 S-Special or Critical U se Instructio ns There is no NIOS H appr oval sc hedul e for che mical or biol ogica l warfa re agen ts; onl y the tea r agen ts CN & CS.
6 3M™ Spare Parts (Figures 3- 6) fi g . 3 fi g . 4 fi g . 5 fi g . 6 Pr od uc t Nu mb er Pr od uc t N am e FR- M40 -1 01 (a) H e ad H a r n e s s FR-M40-102 ( b ) Inhalation (Inlet) V alve Kit (incl.
7 fig . 19 fig . 20 fig . 21 fig . 22 fig . 23 Pro du ct Nu mb er Pr odu ct N ame W e i g h t FR-M40-1 (fig. 16) E y ep i ec e Outsert, Clear (2) 4.2 oz. (0.12 kg) FR-M40-2 (fig. 16 ) Eyepiece Outsert, Gray (2) 4.2 oz. (0.12 kg) FR-M40-3 (fig. 18) Quick D off Hood (Butyl Rubber Coated Fabric, Olive Drab) 8.
8 3M™ Combinatio n Cartridge/Filt ers fig . 7a fi g . 7 b Pro du ct Nu mb er Pro duc t Nam e W e i g h t FR-C2A1 (fig. 7a) Cartridge, Alumin um, Olive Drab 9.
9 IN ST R UC TI ON S FOR AS SE MB L Y AN D F I TT IN G For furth er i nfor mati on conce rnin g as semb ly a nd f itti ng, call 3M OH&ES D Te chni cal Serv ice Cartr idge (Figur e 8) fi g . 8 1. Screw the cart ridge into the f acepi ece inhala tion port.
10 4 . Remove t he side voicemitte r retainer by unscrewing counter clockwise using the D-r ing voice mitter remova l tool or a s tandard 1 3/1 6 x1 in ch D-ring or similar tool . 5 . Remove the side v oicemitter from the mas k assembly by pre ssing from t he inside of the mask as sembly.
11 Befo re you ente r a co ntami nate d atm osphe re we aring this resp irato r, yo u mus t ins pect the resp irato r, don the respira tor acc ordin g to the inst ructi ons prov ided wi th the compon ents of t he system you a re using a nd complete a U ser Seal Check.
12 Positive and Negative Pressure User Seal Checks Positive Pressure Seal Check (Figure 13) fig . 13 Close off the exhalation valve by pushing firmly on th e center of the exhala tion valve cover with t he heal of one hand. It may b e difficult to clos e the exhalation val ve completely , therefore you must bl ow out or exh ale hard.
13 Quantit ative Fit T esting (QNFT) can b e co nducted wit h 42 CFR 84 P 100 type fi lters. To conduct QNFT on the FR-M40 face piece, screw a 701 F ilter Adapter int o the filter inhal ation port in the fac epiece. Next, attach a 601 Q uantitativ e Fit T est Adap ter alon g with a 3 M 2000 Series P100 42 CFR 84 approved fi lter.
14 MA IN TE N AN CE AN D CL EA NI N G C A U T I O N Clean ing wit h solven ts may de grade some resp irato r compo nents and reduc e respi rator effect ivene ss. Insp ect all re spir ator co mpon ents be for e e ach use to ensur e p rop er opera ting co ndit ion s.
15 1 . The outserts ca n b e attached to the fa cepiec e b y f irst rolling th e r ubber ring up all ar ound the edge o f the outs ert. 2 . Posit ion t he outsert ove r the appro priat e eye ring and roll rubbe r ring dow n all aroun d the eye ring . 3 .
16 3M™FR- M40-5 Univer sal Second Skin, S 3M™ FR-M 40-6 Univ ersal Sec ond Skin, M/L (Fi gures 22 and 23) fig . 22 fig . 23 1 . Remove cartridge from facepiece (if applica bl e) . 2 . Remove the exhalation val ve cover from the facepiece (FR-M40-1 04).
17 Spare P arts 3M™ FR-M40-1 01 Head H arness (F igures 24 an d 2 5) fig . 24 fig . 25 1 . Leng then head har ness to it s ful l ex tent and then w ork tabs at the end s of the h ead h arne ss st raps out of buckles .
18 6 . To verify that the valve seat body ha s been properly re-installed, grasp the two little ta bs sticking straight up f rom the v alve seat body and try to tu rn th e en tire valve seat body in the port. If it turns freel y, th e valve seat body has been correctly re-installed.
19 3M TM 6889 Exhalation Valve Disk (Figure 30) fig . 30 1 . Remove external drink tu be fro m tab on exhalation valve c over, quick dis connect coupling from retaine r in exhalat ion v alve cover a nd ex halatio n val ve c over (see pre vious instructi ons f or 3 M FR- M40-104 exha lation valve c over).
20 1 . Inve rt he ad ha rness over fron t of mask asse mbly and la y the mask face down on a non-ab rasi ve surface with the exha lation valve closest to you. 2 . Gras p the i nter nal dr ink t ube at the d rink t ube c oupli ng an d pul l the i nter nal dr ink t ube aw ay fr om the cou pli ng.
21 1 . Re mo v e si d e voi cemitter retainer by unscrew ing cou nter c lockwise using the D-rin g side voi c e mi t t er remova l tool, or a st andard 1 3/1 6 x1 i nch D-ring o r similar tool. 2 . Remove the side voicemitt er f rom the mask by pressing from the inside of the mask assem bly.
22 4 . To in stall a new quick disconnect coupling lay the mask assembly fac e up. 5. Insert the quick disco nnect coupling int o the externa l drink tube and with a twisting mot ion, pres sing the drin k tube in place. The tube s hould ex tend ove r the n ipple en d of th e quick disconnect c oupling approxim ately 3 /4 inch (19 m m).
デバイス3M FR-M40の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
3M FR-M40をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこには3M FR-M40の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。3M FR-M40の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。3M FR-M40で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
3M FR-M40を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又は3M FR-M40の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、3M FR-M40に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわち3M FR-M40デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。