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OWNER'S MANUAL We appreciate your purchase of this receiver. Please read through this manual for correct operation. We suggest that after reading it you keep this manual in a safe place for future reference.
2 For your safet y in using th e CD8455 W arnings and caution signs, illustrated bel ow , are posted throughout this manual as well as on the CD8455. They show safe and correct ways to handle the product so as to prevent personal injury to you, others and to avoid property damage.
3 Wa r n i n g ● Do not modify t his system for use other than th at specified herein. Also, do not deviate from the inst allation procedures described here in; Eclip se will not be held liable for damages including, but not limited to serious injury , death or property damage resulting from inst al lations that enable unintende d operation.
4 Wa r n i n g ● T o avoid equipment and vehicle damage, including f ire, never supply power to inst a lled equipment in a way which will overload the capacity of an existing v ehicle cir cuit. Never leave a power supply wire or connection uninsulated.
5 W arning ● Do not use when it is broken (the screen is not lit o r no sound comes out). Accident s, fires or shocks may result. ● Always replace fuses with fuses of identical cap acity and characteristics. Never use a higher cap acity fuse than the original.
6 Cau tio n ● Wiring and inst alling this equipment require s expertise and experience. Professional inst allation is recommended. Consult with your dealer or a professional inst a ller . Incorrect wiring may damage the equipment or interfer e with safe vehicle operation.
7 Cau tio n ● A void hot surfaces when wiri ng equipment. High temperatures may damage wiring, causing short s, arcing and fires. ● When changing the inst allation location for this equipment, please consult the dealer where you bought it for safety reasons .
8 Cau tio n ● Do not short, disasse mble or heat the batteries, or place them in fire or water . Fire and injuries may result from battery rupt ure and leakage. ● Store the remote control in a place away from direct sunlight , high temperatures, and high moisture le vels.
9 Table of Conten ts Operating preca utions .... ................... ............. .................... ................... ... 16 Names of controls and parts ....... ................... ............. .................... ......... 23 ESN securi ty operating prece dure .
10 Table of Conten ts Operating pre cautions ............... ............. .................... ................... ...... 16 Notes on operation ............................................... .................................... .....................
11 Enabling the loudness control ............................................... ...................................... .. 49 Making changes wit h Display Adjustment M ode .............................................. ............. 50 Switching the motion picture .
12 MP3/WMA p laying time di splay ......... ...... ...... ....... .... ...... ...... ..... ...... ...... ....... .... ...... 87 Display order o f MP3/WMA file/fo lder nam es ......... .... ...... ....... ...... .... ...... ....... .... .... 87 List ening t o MP3/WMA f ile .
13 How to operate the Sound Adjustment Mode .......... ................... .... 119 About Sound Adjust ment Mode ............................. ...................................... ............... 119 SRS Circle Sur round II (CS II) .................
14 Changing AREA S HOT screens ... ............. ...................................... ..................... 182 Display Arrows ... ....... ...... ...... .... ....... ...... .... ...... ....... ...... .... ....... ...... .... ...... ....... ...... 183 How to use the re mote c ontrol .
15 Switching between displays when receiving HD Rad io............................................... 201 HD Radio reception settings ....................................................................................... 201 How to operate the tuner with an optiona l SIRIUS satellite radio tuner connected (U.
16 Operating pr ecautions Operating precautio ns <Y our CD8455 will perform well over a l ong period of time through correct handlin g and care.> Notes on oper ation ● For your safety , play only at volume levels that al low outside sounds to be heard.
17 Operat ing precautions I About comp act discs ● The signal recorded on a compact disc is read by a laser beam, so nothing touches the disc surface. A scratch on the recorded surface or a badly warped disc may cause deteriorated sound quality or intermittent playback.
18 Operating pr ecautions ● Y ou may notice that some brand new discs are rough around the center hole or outside edge. Remove the rough edges with the s ide of a ballpoint pen, etc. Rough edges may prevent proper loading in the deck. Flakes from the rough edges may also stick to the recorded surface and interfere with playback.
19 Operat ing precautions I ● Do not use a CD with glue or rem nants of adhesive tape or labels . They may cause the CD to get stuck inside or damage the dec k. ● When removing the ejected disc, pull it straight out along the slot. Pressing downward in the process may scratch the recorded surface of the disc.
20 Operating pr ecautions About Me mory S ticks ● Do not store Memory S ticks in places that are subject to static electricity and electrical interference, otherwise the data they cont ain may become corrupted. ● In order to protect the player , the player's functions will be stopped automatic ally if a problem occurs.
21 Operat ing precautions I ● MG Memory S tick supplied i s not formatted. MG Memory S tick must be formatted prior to use. Refer to "Formatting MG Memory S tick (quick format)" on page 104 for instructions on formatting MG Memory S ticks.
22 Operating pr ecautions Abou t clea ning t he Me mory S ticks ● In order to maintain good audio performance fr om Memory S ticks, periodically wipe the cartridge clean of any dust and other cont amination with a dry cloth.
23 Names of cont rols and parts II Names of co ntrols and p art s Front view *: Double function butto n ➞ "MUTE" & "AREA SHOT" funct ions Never pl ace an object or rest your han ds or the like on the front pane l. [CD ] but ton Opens/closes front panel and eject s CD.
24 ESN security oper ating procedure ESN security ope rating pro cedure About ESN This deck is equipped with ESN (ECLIPSE Security Network) . A pre- registered music CD (Key CD), four-digit security c.
25 ESN security ope rating pro cedure III How to switch the sec urity type (Key CD security/ Memory Stick security) Y ou can switch the ty pe of security being used (Key CD security or Memor y S tick sec urit y). The ini tial setting is for Ke y CD secur ity to be used.
26 ESN security oper ating procedure How to operate the ES N (Key CD) securi ty How to program the Key CD Check t hat the un it is in st andby . Press a nd hold th e [FUNC] bu tton, then button [6], and hol d both fo r more tha n one second . A [SEC] message appears, in two seconds it will change to [DISC].
27 ESN security ope rating pro cedure III How to canc el the Key CD Check t hat the un it is in st andby . Press a nd hold th e [FUNC] bu tton, then button [6], and hol d both fo r more tha n one second . A [SEC] message appears, then in two seconds it will change to [DISC].
28 ESN security oper ating procedure How to ch ange the Key C D First , cance l the exi sting Key CD. Refer to "How to cancel the key CD". Next, program a new Key CD.
29 ESN security ope rating pro cedure III What happens if an inco rrect CD is ins erted? Af ter the 5th incorr ect at tempt, the di splay r eads [HEL P] for f ive seco nds. After the [HELP] mes sage will appear for five seconds, serial number will appear .
30 ESN securit y operating p rocedure How to operate the ESN (Memory Stick) security How to record a security code Check that the unit is in st andby . Press and hold the [FUNC] button, then button [6], and hold both for more than one second. A [SEC] message appears, in two seconds it will change to [MS].
31 ESN security ope rating pro cedure III Press the [FUNC] bu tton for m ore than o ne second . The security code is registered in the deck and security is set. The registered security code is encrypted and then written to Memory S tick. Eject the Me mory Stick.
32 ESN security oper ating procedure How to can cel the M emory Stick secur ity The security function can be canceled when the security code that has been recorded with the deck is entered and verified. Canceling the security function c an be done by entering the security code into the deck, or by using the Memory S tick.
33 ESN security ope rating pro cedure III Canceling the security fun ction using a Memory Stick Check t hat the un it is in st andby . Press a nd hold th e [FUNC] bu tton, then button [6], and hol d both fo r more tha n one second . A [SEC] message appears, then in two seconds it will change to [- - - -] (Security code input display).
34 ESN security oper ating procedure How to chan ge the Memor y Stick Y ou can change the Memory S tick and security code t hat have been recorded by the deck to a different Memory S tick and security code. Cancel the securi ty code t hat has be en record ed with th e deck.
35 ESN security ope rating pro cedure III How to resume normal operation (ESN security lock out) If power is disconnected whil e ESN security is active (a sec urity code was recorded), operation is disabled until power is restored and the unit unlocked.
36 ESN security oper ating procedure Press the [FUNC] bu tton for m ore than o ne second . If the security code matches the code recorded by the deck, [OK] will appear on the display and the security function will be canceled.
37 ESN security ope rating pro cedure III If the con tent s recorded in the Memory S tick match the info rmati on record ed by th e deck , [OK] w ill appear on the di splay f or two sec onds, an d then the deck will retu rn to nor mal opera tion.
38 ESN security oper ating procedure How to operate the ACC security ACC securi ty invol ves usi ng Memor y S tick sec urity to re cord a sec urity code, and then when the ignition switch is turned to OFF and back to ACC, the operation of all buttons is di sabled.
39 ESN security ope rating pro cedure III How to turn the securi ty indicator on/off Once ESN s ecurity is ac tivated, the indic ator flashes whenever th e vehicle's igni tion switch is turned of f, warning potential thieves that the unit is protected.
40 ESN security oper ating procedure How to read the Elect ronic Serial Num ber Check t hat the un it is in st andby . Press a nd hold the [FUNC] button, then b utton [4 ], and hold b oth for m ore than one secon d. [ESN] appears on the display , followed by an eight-digit number; this number is your elec tronic serial number (ESN).
41 Basic operatio n IV Basic operatio n This section cov ers basic operating procedures. For additional det ails, please refer to the sections on specific functions . T urning the power on a nd off When the power is turned on, the state used when the power was turned off suc h as CD and tuner playback is restored.
42 Basic operation Listening to CD Press the [O PEN] or [CD ] button. The front panel opens. Inser t a CD int o the di sc slot, l abel sid e up. The CD will immediately start playing. Press the [O PEN] or [CD ] button. The front panel closes. When a CD i s alread y loade d, press the [D ISC MS ] button to swi tch to the CD mo de.
43 Basic operatio n IV Listening to M G Memory Stick Press the [O PEN] or [CD ] button. The front panel opens. Insert a M G Memory Stick int o the Memo ry S tic k slot. Press the [O PEN] or [CD ] button. The front panel closes. Press the [DISC MS] button to switch to th e Memo ry St ick mode .
44 Basic operation Listening to the tuner Press the [FM AM] bu tton. This will turn the tuner on. Press the [FM AM ] button for le ss than on e second to switch to th e de sired FM or AM ba nds. For example, radio bands wil l switch from FM1 ➔ FM2 ➔ FM3 ➔ AM with each press of the button.
45 Basic operation IV Adjusting audio volume T urn the [AUDIO CONTROL] button to the lef t or right. T urn to the right: Increases the volume. T urn to the left: Decreases the volume. Press the [MUTE] button for les s than one second to cut t he volume or restore it i nstantly .
46 Basic operation Switching audio contr ol modes V arious audio control modes may be fine-tuned using this procedure. Press the [AUD IO CONTROL] bu tton for less than on e second to s elect the i tem t o be adjust ed. Modes will switc h in the order shown below each tim e the button is pressed.
47 Basic operatio n IV MID (MIDDLE) Mode Adjusts mi ddle level. Mid mode can be adjusted for each source (CDP/CDC, FM and AM and Memory stick player). T urn the [AUDIO CONTROL] button to the left or right. T urn to the right: Emphasizes medium sounds.
48 Basic operation SVC (Source V olume Control) Mode Y ou can set different volume levels for each audio mode. The volume for the initial FM mode (default value: 40) is us ed as a reference for storing the differences in volume that have been set for each audio mode.
49 Basic operatio n IV T urn the [AUDIO CONTROL] button to the left or right. T urn to the r ight: Increases the SVC setting lev el. T urn to the left: Decreases the SVC setting level.
50 Basic operation Making changes with Display Adjustme nt Mode This mode lets you adjust the display brightness, change the button illumination color and turn the display on and off. Press the [D ISP] butto n for les s than one s econd. Enters display adjustment mode.
51 Basic operatio n IV Switching the motion picture Y ou can select a moving picture screen that is already available in the deck and show it on the display . The deck has three types of motion picture available. In addition, moving pic ture screens provided by the ECLIPSE website (E-iSER V) can be downloaded, imported into the dec k and displayed.
52 Basic operation Switching the brightness Adjust the display brightnes s to the best level. T u rn the [SE L] button to sel ect Brigh t. The selected item will be highlighted. Press the [SEL ] butto n. The mode will change to luminance adjustment mod e.
53 Basic operatio n IV Changing illumination color Y ou can change the button illumination color in the fol lowing way . T u rn the [SE L] button to selec t ILL. The selected item will be highlighted. Press the [SEL ] butto n. The screen for changing the illumination color wil l appear .
54 Basic operation Disabling the display Y ou can turn the display on and off i n the following way . T u rn the [SE L] button to select D isp ON /OFF . The selected item will be highlighted. Press the [SEL ] butto n. The screen for turning the screen display on and off wi ll appear .
55 Basic operatio n IV Importing DISP screens Moving picture s creens provid ed by the ECL IPSE website (E- iSERV) can be downloaded and used instead of pre-set moving pictures. T o download moving picture screens follow the ECLIPSE website (E-iSER V).
56 Basic operation T u rn the [SE L] button to selec t Disp Data. The selected item will be highlighted. Press the [SEL ] butto n. The Disp Data mode is activ ated.
57 Basic operation IV Press the [SEL] button. This begins importing the data into the deck. If the data has already been imported, the data will be overwritten. When importing has completed, [Completed] will appear and the front panel opens automatically , and CD-Rs will automatically eject.
58 Basic operation Displaying Amplifier St atus (E-AMP DISP) If a DSP Amp is connected, the st atus of the DSP amp will be displayed. T u rn the [SE L] button to select E-AMP DISP . The selected item will be highlighted. Press the [SEL ] butto n. The E-AMP DISP mode is acti vated.
59 Basic operatio n IV Making changes with Function Mode A variety of settings can be changed. Press the [FUNC] bu tton for l ess than one secon d. The function mode is activated. T u rn the [SEL ] butto n in eithe r directio n to disp lay setti ng ite ms for se lecti on.
60 Basic operation *5 : Refer to page 81 for deta ils on CD operation, and to p age 1 13 for details on tuner operation. *6 : This setting can only be c hosen when HD radio reception is available. (Refer to page 201 for details on HD Radio operation.) *7 : R efer to page 21 1 for details on AUX Sensitivity .
61 Basic operatio n IV Disabling the guide tone feature (for button operation) The receiver is set at the factory to emit a beep tone in response to button operation. The guide t one feature may be disabled in th e following procedure: T u rn the [SE L] button to selec t Guide T on e.
62 Basic operation Clock display on/off Switches the clock display to ON/OFF . T u rn the [SE L] button to selec t Clock . The selected item will be highlighted. Press the [SEL ] butto n. The clock display ON/OFF mode is activated. T u rn the [SE L] button to select ON or OFF .
63 Basic operatio n IV Setting the time This receiver uses the 12-hour display notation. T urn the [S EL] but ton to se lect Cl ock Adju st. The selected item will be highlighted. Press the [SEL ] butto n. The clock adjustment mode is activated. Pres s the [SE L] button t o displa y the ite m to be sele cted fo r adju stment.
64 Basic operation Switching demonstra tion screen display Y ou can set the demonstration screen display to appear or not appear when the power is turned on. When the power turns on, the various demonstration screens such as the audio operation s creens and motion picture screens will appear repeatedly in the following order .
65 Basic operatio n IV Setting the steering switch function (U .S.A. only) The vehicle’s factory loaded steering switch becomes inoperabl e when the CD8455 is inst alled. The ECLIPSE website (E-iSER V) provides software that enables steering switch operation even wit h the installati on of the deck.
66 Basic operation Reading steering switch d at a The steering switch dat a that has been downloaded from E-iSER V (website) to a Memory S tick or CD-R can be loaded into the dec k and saved there. Press the [FUNC] bu tton for l ess than one secon d. The function mode is activated.
67 Basic operation IV Press the [RTN] button. At this time, other adjustments can also be made in function mode. Press the [FUNC] or [RTN] button to exit function mode. During S tep , the function mode can also be cancelled by pressing the [FUNC] button.
68 Basic operation Comp atibility with various switches The compatibility of the deck's various modes and the steering switches installed on your vehicle are as follows: *1 : Switch names change depending on veh icle make and model.
69 Basic operatio n IV Others Operati on assist function In display adjustment mode, function mode and sound adjustment mode, the screen displays help to guide you in carrying out operations. The fun ction button select ed for adjus tment is di splay ed.
70 Basic operation Disp laying a memo If memos have been set, a mem o recorded corresponding to a number button [1] to [5] appears on the screen when the number button is pressed briefly while the power of the main unit is tur ned off. Setting a memo Pres s and ho ld any n umb er butto n for mor e than two s econds while in the St andby mode.
71 Basic operatio n IV T u rn the [SEL] b utton to the lef t or rig ht to select charac ters. T urn to the right: Advances the character forward in its type. T urn to the left: Moves the character backward in its type. Pres s the [S EL] butto n to se lect cha racters.
72 How to operate the CD player How to op erate the CD player First press the [DISC MS] button for les s than one second to switch to the disc mode. It is assumed here that a CD has a lready been loaded into the unit. Listening to CDs Pres s the [DISC MS ] button for le ss than one s econd to switch to the CD pla yer mode.
73 How to oper ate the CD player V Advancing to the next track or returning to the beginning of t he track being played T u rn the [SE L] button to th e left or right. T urn to the right: Advances to the next track. T urn to the left: Returns to the beginning of the track b eing played.
74 How to operate the CD player Repeating the same t rack (REPEA T) Press th e [5 RPT] button to repe at the trac k being played . T o cancel, press the [5 RPT] button again. Playing tracks in ra ndom order (RANDO M) Press the [6 RAND] button to play the tra cks in random order .
75 How to oper ate the CD player V Switching a CD to pause / play Pres s button [3]. It pauses playing a CD. T o cancel, press button [3] again. Ejecting the disc Pres s the [C D ] button. The front panel opens and the dis c is ejected. Remove the di sc and p ress t he [CD ] or [OPEN ] butt on.
76 How to operate the CD player Creating a title for a C D A CD title may be c reated, attached and dis played for your discs. If external CD changers are c onnected, a title for a CD will be created in the same way . It is assumed here that the CD to be titled is playing.
77 How to oper ate the CD player V T u rn the [SEL] bu tton to the l ef t or right to se lect charac ters. T urn to the right: Advances the character forward in its type. T urn to the left: Moves the character backward in its type. Pres s the [S EL] butto n to se lect cha racters.
78 How to operate the CD player Changing a previousl y set title If external CD c hangers are connected, a previously set title for a CD will be changed in the same way . It is assumed here that the disc mode is selected. Press the [F UNC] button for les s than one secon d while in th e disc m ode.
79 How to oper ate the CD player V T u rn the [SEL] bu tton to the l ef t or right to se lect charac ters. T urn to the right: Advances the character forward in its type. T urn to the left: Moves the character backward in its type. Press the [SEL ] butto n.
80 How to operate the CD player Deleting a previously created title If external CD changers are c onnected, a previously created title for a CD will be deleted in the same way . It is assumed here that the dis c mode is selected. Press the [F UNC] button for les s than one secon d while in th e disc m ode.
81 How to oper ate the CD player V Changing the number o f CD titles The number of CD titles that c an be set can be changed by changing the memory allocation. The number of CD titles is fixed for each pattern and the number of tuner bands that can be r ecorded is also changed at the same time.
82 How to operate the CD player T u rn the [SE L] button to sel ect an ad dress from A to E. The patterns switches between the following. The characters for the selected item are highlig hted and the memory allocation address changes.
83 How to oper ate the CD player V Displaying CD text Only the built-in CD player supports CD TEXT . It can not be displayed with the optional CD changer . If the CD came with a logo shown below , it is recorded with a disc title and track titles. These information will be displayed during playb ack.
84 How to operate the MP3/WMA pl ayer How to opera te the MP3/WMA player About MP 3/WMA What is M P3/WMA? MP3 (MPEG Audio Layer III) is a standard format for audio compression technology . By using MP3 a file can be compressed to one-tenth the size of the original.
85 How to operat e the MP3/WMA player VI ID3/WMA tags MP3/WMA files hav e an "ID3/WMA T ag" that allows input of information so that data such as song ti tle and artist can be saved. This deck supports ID3v . 1.0, 1.1 and WMA ta gs. Media Media capabl e of playing MP3/WMA includes CD-R and CD-RW discs.
86 How to operate the MP3/WMA pl ayer Format of discs The format of discs to be used must be ISO9660 Level 1 or Level 2. Control items for this standard are as follows: ● Maximum director y layers: 8 layers ● Max imum cha racters for folder nam es/file name s: 3 2 (includ i ng " .
87 How to operat e the MP3/WMA player VI File names Only files with the MP3/W MA file ex tension ".mp3", ".wm a" can be recognized as M P3/WMA and playe d. Be sure to sa ve MP3 files w ith the ".mp3" file extension. B e sure to WM A fi les with the ".
88 How to operate the MP3/WMA pl ayer Listening to M P3/WMA file Pres s the [DISC MS ] button for le ss than one s econd to switch to the CD pla yer mode. This start s MP3/WMA file pl ay . Disc mode from CD player ➔ Memory S tick player in order eac h time the button is pressed.
89 How to operat e the MP3/WMA player VI Advancing to the next track (file) or retu rning to the beginning of t he track (file) being playe d T u rn the [SE L] button to th e left or right. T urn to the right: Advances to the next track (file). T urn to the left: Returns to the beginning of the track (file) being played.
90 How to operate the MP3/WMA pl ayer Playing the beginning of files (SCAN) Press the [4 SCAN] button. Press the button briefly to play just the first 10 seconds of each song for all the files in the same lay er of the folder being played.
91 How to operat e the MP3/WMA player VI Playing files in rand om order (RANDOM) Press the [6 RAND] button. Press the button briefly to randoml y play the files in the same layer as the folder being played. Pressing the button until [ALL RANDOM] is displayed will randomly play the files in all the folders.
92 How to operate the MP3/WMA pl ayer Displaying title Pres s the [DISP] butto n for more than on e second . Each time the button is pressed, the following will be di splayed in order . Folder Name/File Name* ➔ Ta g *: The display area shows a maximum of 14 characters and then scrolls to display the remaini ng characters.
93 How to operat e the Memory Sti ck player VII How to operate the Memory St ick player Music data recorded on "MG Memory S tick" with A T RAC3 (an audio compression technology) can be played on this deck. Recording from music CD to the MG Memory S tick is also possible.
94 How to operate the Memory S tick player Advancing to the next track or returning to the beginning of t he track being played T u rn the [SE L] button to th e left or right. T urn to the right: Advances to the next track. T urn to the left: Returns to the beginning of the track b eing played.
95 How to operate the Memory S tick player VII Repeating the same t rack (REPEA T) Press th e [5 RPT] button to repe at the trac k being played . T o cancel, press the [5 RPT] button again. Playing tracks in ra ndom order (RANDO M) Press the [6 RAND] button to play the tra cks in random order .
96 How to operate the Memory S tick player Ejecting the Memory S tick Press the [O PEN] butto n. The front panel opens. Eject the Memory Sti ck. Lightly press the Memory S tick once. Press the [O PEN] butto n. The front panel closes. Memo ry S t ick will not ej ect by itself.
97 How to operate the Memory S tick player VII Recording on Memory Stick Using A TRAC3 audio compression technology , this deck compresses the music dat a played on the bui lt-in CD player , radio, external CD changer and other external i nputs (such as port able players), and records the dat a on the MG Memory S tick.
98 How to operate the Memory S tick player Inser t the MG Memor y S tick. When attempting to record from a CD, m ake sure to insert the CD. When attempting to record from the radio, etc., make sure to turn ON the desired sound source. Press the [FUNC] bu tton for m ore than o ne second .
99 How to operate the Memory S tick player VII Selecting tracks to b e recorded The track to be recorded can be selected. Press the [FUNC] bu tton for l ess than one secon d. The function mode is activated. T u rn the [SE L] button to selec t Memory Stick.
100 How to operate the Memory S tick player Setting sound quality The recording sound quality (the recording bit rate) can be set. The recording bit rate may be selec ted from 66k, 105k and 132k. Sound quality and dat a size increases as the bit rate inc reases.
101 How to operate the Memory S tick player VII T urn the [ SEL] butto n to se lect 6 6kbp s, 105kbp s or 132kbp s. The selection item i s highlighted. Press the [SEL ] butto n. The selected settings will take ef fect. Press the [RTN] button . At this time, other adjustments can also be made i n Memory S tick setting mode.
102 How to operate the Memory S tick player Deleting recorded file The recorded files being played back can be deleted. Press th e [FUNC] butto n for less than on e secon d, when the rec ordin g file b eing pl ayed b ack. The function mode is activated.
103 How to operate the Memory S tick player VII T u rn the [SE L] button to sel ect the fil e to be deleted. Press the [SEL ] butto n. A message confirming file del etion will be display ed. Press the [SEL] button for mo re than two secon ds. The selected file wil l be deleted.
104 How to operate the Memory S tick player Formatting MG Memory Stick (quick format) MG memory stick can be formatted. Press the [FUNC] bu tton for l ess than one secon d. The function mode is activated. T u rn the [SE L] button to selec t Memory Stick.
105 How to operate the Memory S tick player VII Press the [FUNC] or [RTN] b utton to ex it function mode. ● Do not turn of f the power or the ignition switch while formatting. The formatting process will be int errupted and the data may be corru pted.
106 How to operate the tuner How to op erate the tuner First, press the [FM AM] button to start tuner operation. There are automatic and manual methods for setting stati ons in memory . The receiver will accept up to 24 statio ns in memory: 6 in AM and 18 in FM (6 each for FM1, FM2 and FM3.
107 How to operate the tuner VIII Entering stations into memory automatically (The automatic prese t mode: ASM) Press the [FM AM ] button for le ss than on e second to switch to th e de sired FM or AM ba nds. Radio bands will switc h from FM1 ➔ FM2 ➔ FM3 ➔ AM in order each time the button is pressed.
108 How to operate the tuner Manually setting stations into memory This section covers the setting of stations in memory under the numbered buttons. Press the [FM AM ] button for le ss than on e second to switch betwee n FM and A M. T u rn the [S EL] butto n to the right or left to tune to the st atio n to be en tered in memor y .
109 How to operate the tuner VIII Preset station scan This function enables reception of all the st ations in the preset buttons for five seconds each. Press the [SEL ] button for less than two seconds . [P SCAN] will appear on the display , and stations stored under preset buttons [1] through [6] will be played for five seconds each.
110 How to operate the tuner Setting a station name S tation name settings can be changed. Press the [F UNC] button for les s than one secon d while in the tuner mod e. The function mode is activated. T u rn the [SE L] button to selec t St a tion Nam e.
111 How to operate the tuner VIII T u rn the [SEL] bu tton to the l ef t or right to se lect charac ters an d press the [SEL ] button . T urn to the right: Advances the character forward in its type. T urn to the left: Moves the character backward in its type.
112 How to operate the tuner Deleting a station name Press the [F UNC] button for les s than one secon d while in the tuner mod e. The function mode is activated. T u rn the [SE L] button to selec t St a tion Nam e. The selected item will be highlighted.
113 How to operate the tuner VIII Changing the number o f bands The number of bands can be changed by changing the memory allocations. The number of bands is fixed for each pattern and th e number of CD titles that can be set is also changed at the same time.
114 How to operate the tuner T u rn the [SE L] button to sel ect an ad dress from A to E. The patterns swit ch between the following. The characters for th e selected item are highlighted.
115 How to operate the tuner VIII Changing the receptio n sensitivity for a utomatic scanning The deck let s you select the reception sensitivity to be us ed for automatic scanning of st ations. The two sensitivity modes available for this deck are AUT O mode and DX mode.
116 How to operate the tuner Changing the radio ba nd location The location for the radio bands used between th e North American regio n and the Asia/A ustralia/Latin region can be switched. The default setting is USA (North America). Check t hat the de ck is in st andby mod e.
117 How to operate the tuner VIII FM reception charact eristics In general, FM has much better tonal quality than AM. However , FM and FM stereo reception encounter several characteristic problems not enc ountered with AM. FM is more difficult to receiv e than AM in a moving vehicle.
118 How to operate the tuner Reception area of FM broadc ast s A home receiver can catch weak FM stereo s ignals through the use of a tall, directional or ultra-sensitiv e antenna.
119 How to oper ate the Sound Adjustment Mod e IX How to op erate the Sound Adju stment Mod e About Sound Adjustmen t Mode This deck is equipped with two dif ferent sound adjust ment modes: normal mode and pro mode. In normal mode, the acoustic characteris tics inside th e vehicle can be adjusted using comp aratively simple settings .
120 How to operat e the Sound Ad justment Mode SRS Circle Surround II (CS II) Surround sound is produced by combining The CS II (SRS Circle Surround II) mode enables 4-speaker surround sound.
121 How to oper ate the Sound Adjustment Mod e IX [Parametric equalizer characteristics] Median f reque ncy can be varied. Gain can be v aried. Q (shar pness/ban d wid th) can be var ied. In the deck’s normal mode, 7-bands can be adjus ted with a parametric equalizer .
122 How to operate the Sound Adj ustment Mode Time Alignment With vehicle audio systems, the in s tallation position of the speakers and the position of the listener mean that the distances from the listener to the lef t and right speakers are almost always different.
123 How to oper ate the Sound Adjustment Mod e IX Crossove r The frequency band that is stored by a udio media such as CDs is a fairly wide range from 20 Hz to 20 kHz, and it i s difficult for a s ingle speaker to be able to play back all frequenc ies in such a wid e range.
124 How to operate the Sound Adj ustment Mode ● A low-pass fi lter (LPF) is a filter that cuts out frequencies that are higher than the specified frequency (treble range) and allows lower frequencies (bass range) to pass through. ● The slope is the signal level at whic h frequencies that are one octave higher or one oct ave lower are dampened.
125 How to oper ate the Sound Adjustment Mod e IX Multi-harmonizer When original sounds are converted to MP3/WMA and Memory S tick (A TRAC3) format, fr equency ranges that are not normally audible to the human ear are compr essed.
126 How to operate the Sound Adj ustment Mode ● Automatic parametric equalizer correction This can be used to automatically c orrect distortion in frequency characteristics (peaks and dips ) based on the results of measuring the frequency characteristics inside the vehi cle.
127 How to oper ate the Sound Adjustment Mod e IX ● Time alignment and crossover adjustment Other adjustments bes ides adjustment of this deck can be carried out using the ECLIPSE web site. The procedure for doing this is displayed on the screen, and adjustment is c omparatively easy using this method.
128 How to operate the Sound Adj ustment Mode Operations during Nor mal Mode Press the [SOUND] bu tton. The mode will change to sound adjustment mode (normal mode). Refer to "Operations during Pro Mode" on p age 148 for det ails on the operating the Pro Mode.
129 How to oper ate the Sound Adjustment Mod e IX SRS Circle Surr ound II (CS II) The system achieves surround sound by combining SRS T ruBass, which uses the difference between two different frequencies to boost bass tones, and SRS Circle Surround, which uses 2ch (L/R) correlation to expand the sound.
130 How to operate the Sound Adj ustment Mode Parametric equalizer adjustment (PEQ ) The parametric equaliz er adjusts 7 frequency bands. T u rn the [SE L] button to select P EQ. The selected item is highlighted. Press the [SEL ] butto n. The mode will change to p arametric equali zer adjustment mode.
131 How to oper ate the Sound Adjustment Mod e IX Press the [6] button to selec t the Q c urve pattern. Each time the button is pressed, the Q curve changes in the following order . Repeat the operat ions i n step s to to change the sett ings for each ban d.
132 How to operate the Sound Adj ustment Mode Selecting an equalizer mode from memory Press a preset button to select the equalizer mode set in memory for the button. The buttons that set equalizer modes in memory are called preset buttons. T u rn the [SE L] button to select P EQ.
133 How to oper ate the Sound Adjustment Mod e IX Measur ing/display frequenc y characte ristic Frequency characteristics inside the v ehicle can be measured and displayed on the display . The measurement result can be referred to when adjusting pa rametric equalizer .
134 How to operate the Sound Adj ustment Mode Press the [AUDIO CONTROL] bu tton for less than two se conds. After pushing the button, a 10-second count down begins. Leave the vehicle during that time. Pink noise will be output from the speakers and measurement of the frequency characteristics will start.
135 How to oper ate the Sound Adjustment Mod e IX Press the [RTN] button . At this time, other adjustments can also be made in normal mode. Press t he [SOUN D] or [RTN] button to e xit sound adjust ment mo de. ● Sound quality data is writt en to Memory S tick as follows.
136 How to operate the Sound Adj ustment Mode Simplified time alignment settings (Time Alignment) This function corrects the position characteristics and frequency characteristics in order to delay the signals being output from the various speakers so that the signals from eac h speaker reach the listening position at the s ame time.
137 How to oper ate the Sound Adjustment Mod e IX Position selector setting ( Position) When the position of the listener's seat is selected, the time taken for the sound to travel from the speakers to the listener can then b e adjusted in order to obt ain a more natural sound orientation .
138 How to operate the Sound Adj ustment Mode Selecting the type of vehicle ( Car T ype) Y ou can select the time ali gnment settings to match your vehicle from a range of preset settings for different types of vehicle, allowing you to select the opt imum time alignment settings automatically .
139 How to oper ate the Sound Adjustment Mod e IX T u rn the [SE L] button to selec t the s etting item . When the button is turned, the setting item changes in the following order and the selected item is highl ighted. Press the [SEL ] butto n. The selected settings will t ake effect.
140 How to operate the Sound Adj ustment Mode T w eeter settings (T weeter) Y ou can select the tweeter installation location and whether or not a tweeter is being us ed or not, allowing you to select the optimum time alignment setti ngs automatically .
141 How to oper ate the Sound Adjustment Mod e IX Rear speaker position selection (Rear SP) Y ou can select the rear speaker inst allation location, all owing you to select the optimum time alignment settings automati cally . T u rn the [SE L] button to selec t Rear S P .
142 How to operate the Sound Adj ustment Mode Crossove r adjustme nt (X-Over) The frequencies for the front and rear speaker high-pass filter (HPF) and woofer low-pass fil ter (LPF) can be set within a range of 63 t o 200 Hz. (This is the same as the HPF and LPF cutof f frequencies.
143 How to oper ate the Sound Adjustment Mod e IX Multi-harmonizer s ettings (Harmonizer) This function uses harmonic synthesis to restore the high-frequency component that is lost as a result of the compression process so that better sound can be obtained during MP3 /WMA or Memory S tick (A TRAC3) playback.
144 How to operate the Sound Adj ustment Mode Non-fad er phase s election (NO N-F Phase) The merging of sound between the front and rear speakers and the woofer can be improved by selecting the phas e. Switch to a phase which lets the speakers combine without any disharmony .
145 How to oper ate the Sound Adjustment Mod e IX Non-Fader O utput Non-Fader Output can be stereo or mono. Sel ect the method that matches the output method for the sub-woofer system that is connected to the deck. T u rn the [SE L] button to selec t Non-F Ou tput.
146 How to operat e the Sound Ad justment Mode Importing Sound Dat a Sound data adjusted by the E-iSER V website can be downloaded to a CD-R or a Memory S tick and imported into the deck. T urn the [SEL] button to select Soun d Dat a. The selected item is highlighted.
147 How to oper ate the Sound Adjustment Mod e IX Press the [RTN] button . At this time, other adjustments can also be made in normal mode. Press t he [SOUN D] or [RTN] button to e xit sound adjust ment mo de.
148 How to operate the Sound Adj ustment Mode Operations during Pro Mode Press the [SOUND] bu tton for m ore than f ive second s. The mode switches between normal mode and pro mode each time the button is pressed. During pro mode, " PRO MODE ON" and the scroll display appear in the display .
149 How to oper ate the Sound Adjustment Mod e IX T u rn the [SE L] button to selec t a settin g item. When the button is turned, the setting item changes in the followin g order and the selected item is highlighted. Press the [SEL ] butto n. PEQ Time Alignment X-Over Harmonizer Non-F Phase Non-F Output SP Layout Custom Mode Sound Data CD8455.
150 How to operate the Sound Adj ustment Mode Parametric equalizer adjustment (PEQ ) The parametric equaliz er can be set for a both 3-way speaker system or a 4-speaker system.
151 How to operat e the Sound A djustment Mode IX There are 10 Rear & Front-Frequency lo cations (5 + 5) available for the parametric equalizer . The Parametric Equalizer is divided into two channels Front & Rear . Any frequency assigned is highlighted in White, and is unavailable for use elsewhere.
152 How to operate the Sound Adj ustment Mode T u rn the [SE L] button to select P EQ. The selected item will be highlighted. Press the [SEL ] butto n. The mode will change to p arametric equali zer adjustment mode. Pres s the [SEL] butt on to select the chann el and band to be a djust ed.
153 How to oper ate the Sound Adjustment Mod e IX Pres s the [ ] or [ ] button. This adjusts the frequency lev el. [ ] button: Inc reases level. [ ] button: Decreases level. Press the [6] button to selec t the Q c urve pattern. Each time the button is pressed, the Q curve changes in the following order .
154 How to operate the Sound Adj ustment Mode Speaker layout: 3-way speaker system Mid-Band (Group-1) Parametric adjustment in 5-Bands of 25 Frequencies. Hi-Band (Group-2) Parametric adj ustment in 5-Bands of 2 0 Frequencies. Eclip se has by default assigned ar bitrary frequencies for each of the 5-Bands (Hi/Mid for 10 parametric bands tot al).
155 How to oper ate the Sound Adjustment Mod e IX T u rn the [SE L] button to select P EQ. The selected item will be highlighted. Press the [SEL ] butto n. The mode will change to p arametric equali zer adjustment mode. Pres s the [SEL] butt on to select the chann el and band to be a djust ed.
156 How to operate the Sound Adj ustment Mode Pres s the [ ] or [ ] button. This adjusts the frequency lev el. [ ] button: Inc reases level. [ ] button: Decreases level. Press the [6] button to selec t the Q c urve pattern. Each time the button is pressed, the Q curve changes in the following order .
157 How to oper ate the Sound Adjustment Mod e IX Selecting an equalizer mode from memory Press a preset button to select the equalizer mode set in memory for the button. The buttons that stores equalizer modes in memory are called preset buttons. T u rn the [SE L] button to select P EQ.
158 How to operate the Sound Adj ustment Mode Measur ing/display frequenc y characte ristic Frequency characteristics inside the v ehicle can be measured and displayed on the display . The measurement result can be referred to when adjusting pa rametric equalizer .
159 How to oper ate the Sound Adjustment Mod e IX Press the [AUDIO CONTROL] bu tton for less than two se conds. After pushing the button, a 10-second count down begins. Leave the vehicle during that time. Pink noise will be output from the speakers and measurement of the frequency characteristics will start.
160 How to operate the Sound Adj ustment Mode Press the [RTN] button . At this time, other adjustments can also be made in Pro mode. Press t he [SOUN D] or [RTN] button to e xit sound adjust ment mo de. ● Sound quality data is writt en to Memory S tick as follows.
161 How to oper ate the Sound Adjustment Mod e IX Time alignment adjustment (Time Alignment) The delay time and lev el of the sound from each speaker can b e adjusted in order to correct any phase mismatches in the sound resulting from the listening positi on.
162 How to operate the Sound Adj ustment Mode Refer to the following for the method of calculating the delay time. A = (B-C) / 34 A: Delay time (m s) B: Distance from listeni ng position to furthest s.
163 How to oper ate the Sound Adjustment Mod e IX Crossove r adjustme nt (X-Over) With the 4-speaker system, the frequencies of the front speaker HPF (High Pass Filter) and woofer LPF (Low Pass Filter) can be adjusted.
164 How to operate the Sound Adj ustment Mode T u rn the [S EL] button to select th e cut-off frequency . When the button is turned, the frequency changes in the following order . S peaker layout: 3-way speaker system Hi / M-LPF: 200Hz ↔ 250Hz ↔ 315Hz ↔ 400H z ↔ 500Hz ↔ 630Hz ↔ 800Hz ↔ 1kHz ↔ 1.
165 How to oper ate the Sound Adjustment Mod e IX Pres s the [ ] or [ ] buttons to set the slope. [ ] button : The slope becomes more gentle. [ ] button : T he slope becomes steeper . The slope can be set to "P ASS", "6dB/oct", "12dB/oct", "18dB/ oct" or "24dB/oct".
166 How to operate the Sound Adj ustment Mode Multi-harmonizer s ettings (Harmonizer) This function uses harmonic synthesis to restore the high-frequency component that is lost as a result of the compression process so that better sound can be obtained during MP3 /WMA or Memory S tick (A TRAC3) playback.
167 How to oper ate the Sound Adjustment Mod e IX Non-fad er phase s election (NO N-F Phase) The merging of sound between the front and rear speakers and the woofer can be improved by selecting the phas e. Switch the phas e to a phase which lets the speakers combine without any disharmony .
168 How to operate the Sound Adj ustment Mode Non-Fader O utput Non-Fader Output can be stereo or mono. Sel ect the method that matches the output method for the sub-woofer system that is connected to the deck. T u rn the [SE L] button to selec t Non-F Ou tput.
169 How to oper ate the Sound Adjustment Mod e IX Speaker layout Depending upon speaker layout, you can switch between 3-way and 4-speaker systems. (Select a system configurati on before adjusting PEQ, time alignment or cross over .) T u rn the [SE L] button to selec t SP Lay out.
170 How to operat e the Sound Ad justment Mode Importing Sound Dat a Sound data adjusted by the E-iSER V website can be downloaded to a CD-R or a memory stick and imported into the deck. T urn the [SEL] button to select Soun d Dat a. The selected item is highlighted.
171 How to oper ate the Sound Adjustment Mod e IX Press the [RTN] button . At this time, other adjustment s can also be made in pro mode. Press t he [SOUN D] or [RTN] button to e xit sound adjust ment mo de.
172 How to operate the Sound Adj ustment Mode Custom Mode V alues (PEQ, time alignment, c ross over value) can be adjusted using the custom mode on the web site. Adjus t values followi ng the instructions provided on the E-iSERV operation procedure screen, and download the data to a Memory S tick.
173 How to operate the AREA SHOT function (U.S .A. only) X How to operate th e AREA SHOT function (U.S.A. only) About the AREA SHOT Usi ng AREA SH OT fun ction , maps t o dest inat ions and gui danc e inf ormat ion can be di spla yed on yo ur deck if you hav e set rou te on the E CLIP SE web site (E-iS ERV ).
174 How to operate the AREA SHOT function (U.S.A. only) T o use the AREA SHOT function In order to use ARE A SHOT , driving instruc tions such as the direction of travel and the street names of turn intersect ions must be down loaded fro m the ECLIPSE we bsit e (E-i SERV) and imported i nto t he CD8455.
175 How to operate the AREA SHOT function (U.S.A. only) X Map data The map data used by the deck was created based on information provided by T ele Atlas and Geographic Data T echnology . When using the map data, be aware actual road conditions and obey traffic rules.
176 How to operate the AREA SHOT function (U.S.A. only) Reading the AREA SHO T dat a The AREA SHOT dat a that has been downloaded from E-iSER V (w eb site) to a Memory S tick or CD -R can be loaded into the deck and saved there. Press the [FUNC] bu tton for l ess than one secon d.
177 How to operate the AREA SHOT function (U.S.A. only) X T urn the [SEL] button to select the saved file. The selection file name is highlighted. Press the [SEL] button. The selected file will be saved. "READING" is displayed while dat a is being imported.
178 How to operate the AREA SHOT function (U.S.A. only) Changing the AREA SH OT mode Press the [MU TE] button for more than o ne seco nd. Intersection street names and turning directions are displayed o n the screen. Pressing and holding the MUTE button (for 1 second or more) a second time closes the Area Shot mode.
179 How to operate the AREA SHOT function (U.S .A. only) X Using the AREA SHOT mode By manually switching between guidanc e points, both previous and next guidance points can be con firmed during guidance.
180 How to operate the AREA SHOT function (U.S.A. only) Switching between guida nce point s After pas sing each location des cribed in the gui dance, it is necessary to switch manually to the next guidance screen. The previous screen can also be accessed manually and confirmed.
181 How to operate the AREA SHOT function (U.S .A. only) X Re-scrolling through text in formation T ext information including intersection street names and turn directions can be scrolled across the screen by switching throug h guidance point s. A maximum of 1 1 characters can be displayed on a single screen.
182 How to operate the AREA SHOT function (U.S.A. o nly) Changing AREA SHOT screens Press the [RTN] button. In the AREA SHOT mode, the audio screen can be accessed. Pressing the button repeatedly allows you to switch back and for the between the AREA SHOT screen and the Audio screen.
183 How to operate the AREA SHOT function (U.S .A. only) X Display A rrows Arrows for indicating turn directions are displayed as foll ows. Depending on driving conditions, arrows indicate the foll ow.
184 How to use the r emote control How to use the rem ote control Precaution s in use of the remote con trol ● Be careful when handling the remote control, especially because it is small and light. Dropping or striking i t hard may damage it, wear out the battery or cause a malfunction.
185 How to use the remote control XI T urn ing the power on/o ff When the power is turned on, the state used when the power was turned off such as CD and tuner play ing is restored. Press the [PWR ] butto n. The power turns on or off each time the button is pressed .
186 How to use the r emote control Switching playback modes Press the [MOD E] button . Press the button to switch modes in the following sequence: How to play the tuner Select the tuner mode first Selecting the FM/AM band Press the [BAND] or [TU]b utton.
187 How to use the remote control XI Selecting a st ation (ma nually or automatically) A short press of the button wil l allow manual st ation tuning. Pressing for more than one second will start automatic tuni ng. Press the [ TUNE•SEEK ] butto n. [ ] button: Tunes to higher frequency stati ons.
188 How to use the r emote control Advancing to the next track or returni ng to the beginning of the track being played Press the [ T RACK ] b utton. [ ] button: Advances to the next track. [ ] button: Returns to the beginning of the track b eing played.
189 How to use the remote control XI How to play MP3/WMA Switching disc modes Pres s the [D ISC] buton . The disc mode is activated. Press the [DISC] or [BAND] bu tton. When one or two CD changers are connected, press the [DISC] or [BAND] button to c hange modes from CD pl ayer ➔ CD changer 1 ➔ CD changer 2.
190 How to use the re mote control Replacing the battery Use two AAA size batteries. Remove the back cover of the remote control unit by gently pressing and sliding it in the direction indicated by the arrow. Inst all the two batterie s provided into the comp artment as illustrated inside the compartment.
191 How to use the remote control XI ● Be extremely careful not to swallow the battery . ● The ba tter y lif e is ap proxim atel y one y ear . If t he remo te con trol unit does not operat e cor rect ly o r if the bu tto n lamp get s di m, repl ace th e bat teri es.
192 How to operate the receiver wi th an optional C D changer connected How to op erate the receiver with an opt ional CD cha nger conn ected This section covers the operation of an optional CD changer that is connected to the receiv er . T o switch from another mode, press the [DISC MS] button for less than one second.
193 How to opera te the receiver w ith an optional CD changer connecte d XII Fast Forward/Rewind Fast forward or rewind the song currently being played. Pres s and hold the [ ] or [ ] button. [ ] button: Fast forward. [ ] button: Rewind. Playing the beginning of tracks (SCAN) Press the [4 SCAN] button.
194 How to operate the receiver wi th an optional C D changer connected Repeating the same t rack (REPEA T) Pres s the [5 R PT] bu tton. Pressing on the button for less than one sec ond causes the changer to repeat the track currently being played, until the button is pressed again.
195 How to opera te the receiver w ith an optional CD changer connecte d XII Skipping to the next o r previous CD Press button [1 ] o r [2 ]. Button [1 ]: Selects the next lower number disc. Button [2 ]: Selects the next higher number disc. Specifying a CD to play A CD of your choice is directly select able out of the loaded discs.
196 How to operate the tuner wit h an optional HD R adio tuner con nected (U.S.A . only) How to op erate the tun er with an op tional HD Rad io tuner c onnected (U.S.A. on ly) About HD Radio If the optional HD Radio (High Definiti on Radio) tuner unit is c onnected, terrestrial digital b roadcasts can be received.
197 How to opera te the tuner wi th an optional HD Radio tuner connected (U.S.A . only) XIII First, press the [FM AM] button to start tuner operation. There are automatic and manual methods for setting stati ons in memory . The receiver will accept up to 24 statio ns in memory: 6 in AM and 18 in FM (6 each for FM1, FM2 and FM3.
198 How to operate the tuner wit h an optional HD R adio tuner con nected (U.S.A . only) Entering stations into memory automatically (The automatic prese t mode: ASM) Press the [FM AM ] button for le ss than on e second to switch to th e de sired FM or AM ba nds.
199 How to opera te the tuner wi th an optional HD Radio tuner connected (U.S.A . only) XIII Manually setting stations into memory This section covers the setting of stations in memory under the numbered buttons. Press the [FM AM ] button for le ss than on e second to switch betwee n FM and A M.
200 How to operate the tuner wit h an optional HD R adio tuner con nected (U.S.A . only) Preset station scan This function enables reception of all the st ations in the preset buttons for five seconds each. Press the [SEL ] button for less than two seconds .
201 How to operate the tuner with an optional HD Radio tuner con nected (U.S.A. on ly) XIII Switching between displays when receiving HD Radio During digital reception, the name of the st ation being received and other information can be displayed. Press the [DISP] button for more than one second.
202 How to operate the tuner wit h an optional HD R adio tuner con nected (U.S.A . only) T u rn the [SE L] button to selec t AUTO or OFF . The selected item will be highlighted. In the [AUT O] setting, the selecti on is switched between digital an d analog reception automatically .
203 How to operate th e tuner with an opt ional SIRIUS satellite radio tuner connected (U.S.A. only) XIV How to oper ate the tune r with an optional SIR IUS satellite radio tuner connected (U.S.A. only) About SIRIUS satellite radio If the optional SIRIUS s atellite radio tuner unit i s connected, satellite radio broadcast can be received.
204 How to operate the tuner with an o ptional SIRIUS satellite radio tuner connected ( U.S.A. only) The receiver will accept up to 24 st ations in memory . Selecting the radio m ode Press the [FM AM] bu tton for m ore than one sec ond. The mode switches between satellite radio mode and FM/AM radio mode each time the button is pressed.
205 How to operate th e tuner with an opt ional SIRIUS satellite radio tuner connected (U.S.A. only) XIV Category selection The channel can be s elected from among categories s uch as POP and ROCK. Consult the SIRIUS website for detai ls of categories.
206 How to operate the tuner with an o ptional SIRIUS satellite radio tuner connected ( U.S.A. only) Pres s the but tons [1], [2 ] and [3] to select the chann el numbe r to be input. [1] button . . . . . Hundreds [2] button . . . . . T ens [3] button .
207 How to operate th e tuner with an opt ional SIRIUS satellite radio tuner connected (U.S.A. only) XIV Manually setting chan nels into memory This section covers the setting of c hannels in memory under the numbered buttons. T u rn the [S EL] butto n to the right or left to tune to the channe l to be ent ered in memory .
208 How to operate the tuner with an o ptional SIRIUS satellite radio tuner connected ( U.S.A. only) Preset channel sca n This function enables reception of all the channels in the preset buttons for five seconds each. Press the [SEL ] button for less than two seconds .
209 Others XV Others Connecting po rt able au dio players to the AUX jack Use a commonly avail able accessory cord with the RCA connector t o connect a portabl e audio player to the AUX (auxiliary) jack of this system. The deck is compatible with por table audio players with both analo g output and digit al output (44.
210 Others Switching the external input method (a nalog/digita l) Y ou can switch the external input method for the deck. Select the method that matches the output method for the portable audio player that is connected to the deck . In AU X mode, p ress bu tton [1] or button [4].
211 Others XV Changing auxiliary input sensitivity The sensitivity of the auxi liary mode can be changed. Press the [FUNC] bu tton for l ess than one secon d. The function mode is activated. T u rn the [SE L] button to sel ect AUX S ensitivity . The selected item is highlighted.
212 Others User Registration Key display User R egistration Key is your CD 8455's unique ID. In order to use the ECLIPSE websi te ( E-iSERV), a 16-digi t User Regist rat ion Key is necessa ry . Check t hat the de ck is in st andby mod e. Pres s the [DISP] butto n for more than on e second .
213 If you have a questi on: XVI If you hav e a question: First check the item menti oned below before attempting to trou bleshoot problems. If a prob lem occur s, for ins tance when t he unit do es not res pond to any but ton pres ses, or the d isplay d oesn't w ork corr ectly , p ress th e [RESET] button using a paper clip or similar item.
214 If you have a questi on: Displayed information (for troubleshootin g) The information li sted in the chart below is di splayed to show the st atus of the CD, Memory S tick player , Area Shot function, Sirius Radio and CD changer . Refer to the chart for the appropriate action.
215 If you have a qu estion: XVI MSINFO 5 YOU TRIED TO RECORD MORE THAN THE MAXIMUM NUMBER OF TRACKS (400) ONTO A MG MEMORY STICK Delete some of the MG Memory S tick data or use a different MG Memory S tick for recording . MSINFO 6 AN INCOMP A T IBLE MEMORY STICK HAS BEEN INSERTED Check that the Memory S tick ca n be used with this deck.
216 If you have a questi on: Mode Probl em Causes Remedial action to t ake Refer to page Common to all Dead or weak sound Is the volume control up sufficiently? Turn up the volume control. 45 Is the muting function i n effect (MUTE)? Cancel the muting (MUTE) function.
217 If you have a questi on: XVI Mode Problem Causes Remedial action to take Refer to pa ge CD The d isc ca nnot be in sert ed. The disc is ejected as soon as it is inserted. Or , th e disc cannot be eject ed. The disc cannot be changed. Is an extra label or seal applied to the disc? Do not apply labels or seals to the disc.
218 Specifications Specifications <GENERAL> <FM TUNER> <AM TUNER> <CD SECTION> Power Suppl y 14.4V DC (1 1-16V) Current Drain 3A Dimensions (W x H x D) In-Das h Unit 7" x 2" x 6-1/8 " (178 x 50 x 155mm) Mass (weig ht) Approx.
219 Specifications XVII <MEMOR Y STICK SECT ION> <AUDIO AMPLIFIER> Frequ ency R esponse 20Hz~20kHz ±3dB S/N Rati o (A-weighted ) 100dB T o tal Har monic Dis torti on 0.008 % Power Output 14W x 4 (20Hz~20 kHz, 1 % THD, 4 Ω , Vcc=14.4V) Max.
220 Before installation Before inst allatio n Components Inst allation angle In order to maint ain proper functioning, i nstall the unit within an angle of 3 0 degrees from horizont al (standard). If this is not done, sound skippi ng or ejection of the CD may occur .
221 Mounting instructio n XIX Mountin g instruction Mounting the main unit –If inst alling the main unit by the mounting s leeve– Inser t the mo untin g sleev e into the o pening i n the vehi cle dash board or c onsol e box. Use a scr ewdrive r or the l ike to be nd the t abs in the mount ing sleeve t o secur e the mount ing sl eeve.
222 Mounting instr uction Mount the stu d bol t to the main u nit. Insert t he main un it into the mounti ng sl eeve unti l it locks in place. Fasten the re ar of the ma in uni t using eith er meth od [A ] or [B]. Some automobiles m ay be equipped to secure the bac k of the main unit using the stud bolt and suppli ed rubber support.
223 Mounting instructio n XIX –If inst alling the main unit by the side bracket s of the vehicle– Remove t he pocke t s and any ot her acces sorie s from t he cente r cluster to make room fo r the ma in unit . Remove th e mounti ng side br acket s for the poc ket.
224 Mounting instr uction Names of lead wires and destinations (refer to Page 227) ● Caution ● Never connect the power supply to the speaker leads, otherwise it causes damage to the main unit. ● Note ● T o prev ent unconnected leads from shorting out, insulate them by wrapping their tips with electrical t ape.
225 Mounting instructio n XIX 12 AUX in terminals Connect to an external voice output terminal. If the microphone for measuring frequency charact eristics is used, connect microphone to the L side of the R CA terminal. 13 Digital in terminal Connect to digital output terminal of the CD changer.
226 Mounting instr uction Measuring the frequen cy characteristi cs inside the p assenger compartment Conn ect the mi croph one for me asurin g freq uency charac terist ics t o the micropho ne te rminal o f the t uner - amplif ier . Inst all the m icrop hone to the h eadres t of t he driv er's seat.
227 Mounting instructio n XIX System CD8455 CD8455 CD8455 CD8455 CD8455 21010 GPS105 GPS UNIT CD8455 HDR105 HD RADIO TUNER Not e: Adjust t he exte rnal am plifier ’ s input leve l.
228 Mounting i nstruction 1) CD8455 Receive r , used alo ne Caution Never connect the power supply to the speaker leads, otherwise it causes damage to the main unit.
229 Mounting instruction XIX 2) CD8455 + GPS105 Caution Never connect the power supply to the speaker leads, otherwise it causes damage to the main unit.
230 Mounting i nstruction 3) CD8455 + CH3083 + CH3083 + Power Amplif ier Caution Never connect the power supply to the speaker leads, otherwise it causes damage to the main unit. Note 1. The switch on the back side of CD changer (A) must be set the "L" position.
231 Mounting instruction XIX 4) CD8455+HDR10 5+CH3083+Power Amplifier Caution Never connect power supply to the speaker leads, otherwise it causes damage to the main unit.
232 Mounting i nstruction 5) CD8455 + CH3083 + 21010 + Power Amplifi er Caution Never connect the power supply to the speaker leads, otherwise it causes damage to the main unit.
233 Mounting instruction XIX 6) CD8455 + CH3083 + Power Amplif ier (for P ro-Mode) Caution Never connect the power supply to the speaker leads, otherwise it causes damage to the main unit.
234 How to contact customer service How to cont act custom er service Should the product requ ire service, please cont act your nea rest Eclipse de aler .
235 How to contact custome r service XX <KOREA> T ranspectra Co., L T D. 1 15- 16 nonhyun dong kangnam ku Seoul, Korea. Phone: 02-540-4595 Fax: 02-2-540-4666 HYUNDAI AUTONET Co., Lt d. 1st FL. Namhyoung Bldg, 746-23 Y eoksam-Dong, Kangnam-Ku, Seoul, Korea 135-080 Phone: 02-508-6001 Fax: 02-2-508-6067 <T A IW AN> Sentrek T aiwan, L TD.
•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Memo 236 CD8455.
•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Memo 237 CD8455.
•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Memo 238 CD8455.
www FUJITSU TEN LIMITED Contact:FUJITSU TEN CORP. OF AMERICA 19600 So. Vermont Avenue, Torrance, CA 90502 Call:800-233-ECLIPSE "ECLIPSE" is a registered trademark of FUJITSU TEN LIMITED in 48 countries including the U.S. and Japan.
デバイスEclipse CD8455の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Eclipse CD8455をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはEclipse CD8455の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Eclipse CD8455の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Eclipse CD8455で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Eclipse CD8455を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はEclipse CD8455の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Eclipse CD8455に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちEclipse CD8455デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。