Edimax TechnologyメーカーIR-112Eの使用説明書/サービス説明書
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IR - 112E User Manual 10 - 201 3 / v1.0.
1 COPYRIGHT Copyright Edimax T echnology Co., Ltd. all ri ghts reserv ed. No part of this publication may be reproduced, transmitted, transcribed, stored in a retrieval system, or translated into .
2 CONTENT S - Chapter I Introduct ion ................................................................................................ 4 1.1 Highligh ts of your new Network IP Ca mera .......................................................... 4 1.2 Safe ty Instructions .
3 3-7-2 Media ......................................................................................................................... 43 3-7-3 Event Server .............................................................................................
4 Chapt er I Intr o duction 1.1 H ighlights o f your new Netw ork IP Camera Congr atula te s on pur cha sing this high-re solution 3Mega pix els netw ork IP Camera! Th is IP Camer a provide s 3Mega pi.
5 1.2 Safety Ins truction s Plea se f ollow the saf ety instructions list e d below when y ou’ re using this Netwo rk IP Camer a, or you would harm t his camer a and / or your self! Also , the warr anty w ill become v oi d if y ou disobey th ese saf ety instru ctions.
6 1.3 Pack agi ng Cont ents Plea se check the cont ents of y our new Ne twork IP Camer a when you unp ack the pack age. If any item is missing, plea se contac t your dealer of pur chase f or help .
7 1.4 F ami liar with your new Netw ork IP Camer a No. Descrip t ion 1 IR - LED 2 Day/n ight sensor 3 Lens: F ixe d foc al length . 4 DC 5V olt/ 2A input 5 Netwo rk, RJ45 connect or [Cable ASS IGNMENT.
8 1.5 Installation of th e Network IP Camer a Plea se follow th e instructions b elow t o setup y our new IP c amera. 1. Connect Ethernet cable to LAN port. 2. Plug DC power ad apter to power outlet on th e wall. 3. Connect DC power c able to IP C amera’s DC power connector.
9 6. Remo ve th e fr ont cov er to find the Micro-SD car d slot. 7. F ind the scr ews in t he pac kage, use screwdriver to fix the sun shield on the de vice ’ s main body . 8. Secure the wall mouting me tal br ack et on the wall th en secure the bullet camera on the brack et.
10 Chapter II Using Networ k IP Camera by Web Interface 2.1 Locat e the IP addre ss of Network IP Camer a Y ou can use y our new Network IP Camer a by its w eb user in terface via web br owser .
11 2. A fter the ins tallation i s complet e, double-click the “ E diV ie w_F inder ” icon t o ex ecute the a pplic ation. 3. Pre ss ‘Discov er ’ but ton to sear ch for all I P Camer as on y our local netw or k (m ak e sur e a ll IP Camer as are powere d on and c onnect to loc al netw or k fir st).
12 2.2 Connect to IP Came r a’ s W e b U ser Int erface and Ins tall ActiveX Plugin When you know the IP addr ess of IP Camer a, you can c onnect to it by Int ernet Explorer we b brow ser by en tering its IP addr ess in addr e ss bar .
13 For I E 9: Click ‘Inst all’ butt on locat ed a t the bott om of IE to inst all Active X plugin. If you’ re pr ompte d that: ‘W indows F ire wall has b lo ck ed some fea ture s of this progr am’ Click ‘ Allow acce ss’ , or IP C amer a wi ll not be able to f unction properly .
14 When you’ re inst alling Int ernet Explorer plugin, you may also be promp ted that if you w ant to all ow change s to be ma de to your c omputer: Click ‘Y es’ t o allow change s. A fter A ctiveX plugin is in stalled , you should b e able t o see the video str eam from camer a.
15 2.3 V iewing Live V ideo A fter Activ eX con trol is installe d, you can view IP camer a’ s video by web br owser . Just conn ect to IP camer a by web brow ser and login, t hen you can see live v.
16 ‘Connect’ button Start li ve vide o vie w . ‘Disconnec t ’ but ton Stop liv e video vie w . ‘Snapsho t ’ but ton T ak e a snapshot or camer a video and save image fi le on your compu ter .
17 2.4 Client Set ting s In ‘Client Settings’ menu, you c onfigure basic I P camer a settings lik e da ta tran sfer p rot ocol and da ta sto rage f ol der . T o acce ss ‘Clien t Set tings’ menu, click ‘ Clien t Settin gs’ but ton on the le ft.
18 Here are the de scriptions of ev ery setup it em: Item Descrip t ion RTSP /RTP o ver T CP Select this op tion to use RTSP (Real-T ime Str eaming Pr otocol) t o transf er video d ata ov er T CP . *Re fer t o the applic ation note ‘ RTSP /RTP ov er TCP /UDP ’ fo r details.
19 Chapter III Ad vanced Configuration If you wish to c onfigur e IP camer a’ s set tings, you c an access IP camer a’ s ‘Configur ation’ men u, which pr ovides v arious kinds of s ystem set ting. T o acce ss con figurati on menu, click ‘Con figuration’ butt on on the left.
20 3-1 Sy stem In this menu, you c an configu re ba sic IP camer a settings lik e hostname and time. Here are the de scriptions of ev ery setup it em: Item Descrip t ion Host Nam e Input the IP camer a’ s hostname her e, it can be any mean ingful wor ds or char acter s that will help you to identify this IP camer a.
21 T imez one Select the time zone o f re sidence fr om dropd ow n men u to k eep c orrect dat e and time. Dayligh t Saving If the ar ea you liv e uses da ylight sa ving, check this bo x; otherwise do n ot check this bo x to k eep time corr ect.
22 3-2 Security In this men u, y ou can c onfigur e IP camer a’ s l ogin acc ount. Ther e are thr ee kinds of acc ount: - Ad ministr at or (Can view I P cam er a’ s video and mak e change s of cam.
23 Here are the de scriptions of ev ery setup it em: Item Descrip t ion P asswor d / Retype P asswor d (A dmin is tra tor) Here lists all user s exi ste d in I P c amera. If y ou want t o rem ove one user , click it in the list, and then click ‘R emove’ but ton.
24 3-3 Network In this men u, y ou can c onfigur e IP camer a’ s network se tting. 3-3- 1 ‘G eneral’ s et up page Setup I P a ddre ss for t his IP camer a.
25 manually . If y ou do n’t ha ve a DHCP server on your loc al area netw or k, y ou must use th is option to specify an IP addre ss. IP A ddre ss(IPv4): Inpu t IPv4 IP a ddre ss * IP A ddre ss(IPv6.
26 ‘ht tp:// 192.168. 2.3 :8 2’ in web br owser ’ s a ddr ess bar t o access IP camer a’ s web con figurati on interf ace. RTSP P or t Input R TSP p ort number .
27 Item De scription Multica st Enable video m ulticast: Multica st Group Addr ess: Input m ultic ast group addr ess h er e, must be an a ddre ss betw een to 232.255.25 5.255. Multica st video port: In put port number f or video multica st her e.
28 you. Y ou must r egiste r a dynamic IP service fir st. Curr ently this IP c a mer a supports Dynd ns, TZO an d No - IP dynamic IP service. Pr ovider: Select dynamic IP service pr ovider . Host Nam e: Inp ut the hos t name you ob taine d fr om dynamic IP service pr ovider .
30 Here are the de scriptions of ev ery setup it em: Item Descrip t ion Enable F i lter Check this box t o enable IP a ddre ss fi lter , unchec k this Bo x to disable this func tion. Ac cep te d IP list Here list s all IP addr ess that can bui ld connections to this IP camer a.
31 3-5 V ideo Y ou c an ad just the image o f the IP camer a in this menu. Ther e are 3 sub-menus in this menu: Image Se tting, V ideo Setting, and O verla y , which c an be acce ssed by t abs on the .
32 3-5-1 Image Set tin g Y ou c an ad just the image p arame ter s in this pag e. Here are the de scriptions of ev ery setu p item: Item Descrip t ion Brightne ss / Contr ast / Satur ation / Sharpne ss Contr ol the image par ameter s. Cl ick ‘ - ‘ t o decr ease value, or click ‘ + ‘ to incre ase value.
33 horiz ontally , this wi ll help to corr ect the orientation of image when IP c a mer a is hange d bot tom-up by c amera holder . Y ou can click bo th ‘V ertical’ and ‘Horiz ont al’ box a t the same time. Exposure Mode T he def ault set ting is Auto.
34 diff eren t than what you see through your ey e), and most of I R ligh ts are coming fr om sunligh t. Y ou c an select the beha vior or IR-cut filter: - Auto: IR fi lter will act automatic ally . If you do n’t k now if you should use I R filter , select th is option.
35 Here are the de scriptions of ev ery setup it em: Item De scription H.264 Select the compre ssion of main str eam: H.2 64. V ideo Re solution Select video r esolutio n.
36 consum e s more netw or k bandwid th. When y ou finish with abov e settin gs, click ‘ Apply ’ but ton t o save ch anges. Not e: MJPEG op tions are only av ai lable for port able device s lik e cell phone. The ‘ Mobile V iew ’ is used to enable cell phone m onitoring function.
37 3-5-3 O verlay Set ting Y ou c an ad just the video ov erla y par ameter s in this pag e. Here are the de scriptions of ev ery setup it em: Item Descrip t ion Enable T ime Stamp Check this box t o enable ov erla ying time stamp on video.
38 backgr ound color of the te xt (T ext) ma y find this will help the r eadability of t ext in so me c ases. Enable Im age O verla y Check this box t o overla y a specific imag e on video , so y ou can show cert ain te xt / picture on the video and h elp people t o identify this I P camer a.
39 He r e ar e the de scriptions of e ve r y setup item: Item Descrip t ion Enable Mo tion Det ection Check this box t o enable motion detection. Enable (W indow 1 t o W indow 3) Check this box t o enable this mo tion detection windo w . Y ou can select window 1 to 3 to en able up t o 3 motion det ection windows .
40 chang e. P ercen tag e Select the percen tage of pix el change that wi ll trigger motion det ection alert. Select a lower per centag e so you can detect tiny chang es in motion detection area. Sensitivity Select the sensitivity lev el that wi ll trigger motion detection alert.
41 3. E ven t Ser ver: Define the de tai ls of r emote ser ver . Plea se ref er to fo llowing sec tions f or det ailed instructions. 3-7-1 Settings This pag e lists all e xistin g even ts. Y ou can click ‘Mod ify ’ but ton to e dit an e xisting e vent, or ‘Re move’ t o delete an e xisting ev ent.
42 T o add a n ew even t, click ‘New ’ but ton and th e de scriptions of every se tup item is liste d below: Item Descrip t ion Enable Se tting Check this box to enable this ev ent. If you just want to disabl e this even t temporarily , you can uncheck t his box to k eep this ev ent and disabling whi le not deletin g it.
43 3-7-2 Media Y ou can define what kind of media file should be save d on designa ted me dia. Here are the de scriptions of ev ery setup it em: Item Descrip t ion O ne Snapshot Sav e a pictur e fi le when e vent is trigger ed. Maximum V ideo F i le Siz e Sav e a H.
44 3-7-3 E vent Server Y ou can de fine the details of rem ote me dia ser ver: FTP (F ile), SMTP (Emai l), and Samb a (F ile). A Samba server can be any computer running windows oper ating syst em with network neighbor function enabled. Many stand-alone network file server also support samba se r ver functi on.
45 Here are the de scriptions of ev ery setup item : Item Descrip t ion Enable FTP Server Check this box t o enable FTP server u pload. - FTP Server: In put FTP server ’ s IP addr ess or hos tname. - P or t: Input FTP server ’ s port number . In most case s it should be def ault valu e ‘21’ .
46 Item De scription SMTP Server Check this box t o enable Email send. - SMTP Server: In put SMTP server ’ s IP addr ess or h ostname. - P or t: Input SMTP ser ver ’ s port number .
47 Enable SMTP Server then UI shows the it ems as below . Item De scription Samba Server Check this box t o enable Samba server fi le upload . - Samba Ser ver Addr ess: Input Samba server ’ s IP addr ess or hostname. - P ath: Input the path where you want to save fi le on Samba server , li k e ‘upload/r ecord’ .
48 3-8 R e cording t o Micro SD Card When a Micr o SD c ard is insert e d int o IP camera, you can save video files on it. Note: 1. Be sure that the Micro SD Card form at should be F A T32.
49 3-9 SDHC The IP c amera m odule has an optional Micro-SD c ard slot PCBA board . The stan dard modu le does n ot include this boar d. The UI shows th e cap acity is 0 MB when the module with out Micr o- SD c ard slot and mem ory car d. If you nee d the function please check the option when you place the order of the IP cam era module.
50 pag e. Set th e time r ange then click “ Search ” then shows t he rec ords lik e below ..
51 3-10 Log Y ou c an check the u sage log of IP c amera her e. In this p age, you c an click: 1. F irs t page / F inal page: Jump t o first / fin al pag e of log. 2. Pr evious / Ne xt: Jump to pr evious or ne xt page of log. 3. Remo ve: C lear log. Y ou’ll be pr ompte d for c onfirmation.
52 3-11 Device Inf o Y ou can c heck t he information and networ k set tings of this IP camera. Th e inf ormation are very useful when you need to rep air or fix the p roblem of this IP c amera.
53 3-12 Maint ena nce Y ou c an do some main tenance job about this IP c amera h er e. Here are the de scriptions of ev ery setup it em: Item Descrip t ion Reb oot Click this but ton t o reboot the IP c amera. This fun ction is useful when y ou find IP camer a is not work ing properly .
54 3-13 Language Y ou c an chang e the d ispla y language o f we b in terf ace. Click ‘L anguage’ butt on and selec t one language. Mor e language s ma y av ai lable in lat e st firm war e fi le.
55 Chapter V Troubleshooting Plea se don’t pan ic when y ou found th is IP Camer a is not w orking p roperly . Bef ore y ou send this IP Cam er a back t o us, you can do some simple checks to sa ve y our time: Problem descrip t ion P ossi ble solu t ion(s) Can’t connec t to IP Cam er a 1) Please check the IP ad dr ess of IP Camer a again.
56 Fe dera l Communica tion Commission Int erference St atement This equipmen t has been te ste d and f ound to comply with the limits f o r a Cla ss B digital de vice, pur suant to Par t 15 of FCC Rule s. The se limits are designed t o provide r easonable pr otection ag ainst harmful int erfer ence in a r esidential installati on.
57 EU Countrie s Inten ded f or U se The ETSI v ersion of this de vice is intende d for home an d office use in Aus tria, Belg ium, Bulg aria, Cyprus, Cz ech, Denmark, Es tonia, F inland, Franc e, Ger.
58 EU Declar ation of Conf ormity English: This equipment is in c omp liance with the e ssential r equirements a n d other relev ant provis ions of Dir ect ive 2004 / 108 /EC. French: Cet équipement e s t conf orme aux exig ences essentiell es et autre s dispositions de la directiv e 2004 / 108 /EC.
59 WEEE Directive & Product Disposal At the end of it s ser vice able lif e, this pr o duct should n ot be trea ted a s household or gener al wast e. It should be hand ed ov er to the applicable collecti o n point f o r the recy cling of electrical an d electr onic equipment, or ret urned to the sup plier fo r disposal.
60 Declar ation of Conf ormity W e, Edimax T echnology Co., Ltd., declare und er our sole r esponsib ility , that the equipment describe d below c omp lie s with the r equirements of the Europ ean EMC directiv e (2004 / 108 /EC). Equipmen t: 2M IP CAMERA BULLET Model No.
61 Notice According to GNU G eneral Public License Version 2 This product includes software that is subject to the GNU General Pub lic License version 2.
62 0. This License applies to an y program o r other work which con tains a notice placed by t he copyright holder saying it may b e distributed und er the terms of this General Public License.
63 machine-readable copy of the corresponding sourc e code, to be distributed u nder the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium cust omarily used fo r software interchange; or, c) Accompany it with the information y ou received as to the offer to distribu te corresponding source code.
64 permitted only in or amon g countries not thus excluded. In such case, this License incorp orates the limitation as if written in t he bod y of this License. 9. The Free Softwar e Foundation may p ublish revised and/or new version s of the General Public Licens e from time to time.
デバイスEdimax Technology IR-112Eの購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Edimax Technology IR-112Eをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはEdimax Technology IR-112Eの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Edimax Technology IR-112Eの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Edimax Technology IR-112Eで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Edimax Technology IR-112Eを既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はEdimax Technology IR-112Eの不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Edimax Technology IR-112Eに関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちEdimax Technology IR-112Eデバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。