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8500 Series FM Port able Radio Multi-Net® Intrinsically-Safe Vi k i n g C K OPERA TING MANU AL FM Approved.
SAFETY INFORMA TION 2 SAFETY INFORMA TION The FCC h as adopted a s afety stand ard for hu man expos ure to RF ener gy . Proper operation of t h is radio under normal conditio n s results in user expos ure to RF energ y below the Occupational Safety and Health Act and Federal Communica- tion Comm ission li mits.
LAND MOBILE PRODUCT W ARRANTY - The manufact urer’ s warrant y statement for thi s product is ava ilable fro m your produc t supplie r or from t he E.F . Johnson Co mpany , 299 Johnson A venue, Box 1249, W asec a, MN 56093-0 514. Phone (5 07) 835- 6222.
QUICK REFERENCE GUIDE 5 QUICK REFERENCE GUIDE Change system number: S( S y s t e m ) Change gr oup nu mber: G (Group ) T urn system scanning on or off: SCN T empo rar ily su spen d sys tem an d group sc ann ing in Mu lt i-Ne t or L T R mode: Press Auxiliary switch on side.
FEA TURES 6 FEA TURES • Up to 14 sys tems s elec tab le • Up to 1 1 grou ps sel ectab le per sy ste m (Mul ti-Ne t) • Up to 10 cha nnels selecta ble per system (conventi onal) • System sca n .
T ABLE OF CONTENTS 7 T ABLE OF CON TENTS SAFETY INFORMATION ............ ......... ......... .... 2 QUICK REFERENCE GUIDE .............. ......... ........ 5 FEATURES ........... ......... ......... ......... ........ 6 CONTROLS .. ......... .........
T ABLE OF CONTENTS 8 E m e r g e n c yB u t t o n ........ ......... ......... ......... ... 2 6 T r a n s m i tI n h i b i t ...... ......... ......... ......... ....... 2 7 P r i o r i t yC a l l s .................. ......... ............. ... 2 7 K e y p a dD i s a b l e .
CONTROLS 9 CONTR OLS FRONT P ANEL CONTROLS On-O ff/V olume - Tur ning this kno b clockwise tu rns power on and sets the volu me. T urning i t coun terclock wise to the de tent t urns power of f. Power is on when informati on appears in the disp lay . Refer to “Setting V olume Level ” on page 38 for more information.
CONTR OLS 10 S (Sy stem ) - Pressing thi s key i ncreases the se lected sy stem. Hol ding it down cause s the f unction t o repe at. Only progra mmed syste ms can be select ed. T urning power on wi th this swit ch pres sed chang es the loudne ss of the clear-to- tal k ton e.
CONTROLS 11 Backlight Swit ch - Pressin g this switch il lumina tes the disp lay so that it can be viewe d in low-l ight condi tions . This swit ch is the upp er part of the upper half of the rub ber switc hpad on the side. Speaker and Micr ophone - The internal speake r and mi crophon e are locate d behind the gril le in the locat ions shown.
DISPLA Y INFORMA TION 12 DISPLA Y INFORMA TION FRONT P ANEL DISPLA Y System Disp lay - Indicates th e select ed system numb er . Group Display - Indi cates the sele cted group number . SYS (System) - Always displaye d above the syste m number . GRP (Group) - Always displa yed above the group number .
DISPLA Y INFORMA TION 13 tion ap pears when system or group scan ning i f any gro up has been locke d out of the scan list . MUTE - Indica tes that the key press to ne has been muted by turnin g power on w ith the SCN key presse d. T o re-enab le this t one, tu rn power on ag ain w ith t he S CN k ey pre sse d.
ST AND ARD CALLS 14 ST AND ARD CALL S Intr oduction Most calls t hat you make to other s in your radio sy stem are st andard calls . When th ese c alls ar e place d, all th at is requi red is to se lec t the desire d syste m and gro up. No number needs to b e ente red on t he tele- phone keyp ad as wi th spec ial cal ls.
SPECIA L CALLS 15 resume s which is progra mmable fo r 1-7 seconds aft er the mes sage ends. If you do not, anothe r call may be recei ved and you may have to change t he syst em and gr oup. Refe r to “T ransmitting In Scan” on page 22 f or more i nformati on.
SPEC IAL CALL S 16 push-to -tal k switch (i f it is pressed) and a shor t tone should soun d to indicat e tha t the cal l was ac cepte d by the system. After thi s tone sounds, a ringing or secon d short to ne sound s as foll ows: A ringing tone i ndicat es that the o ther party i s being rung.
SPECIA L CALLS 17 Landside-O riginated Cal ls Mobiles can als o be called from a landsi de telep hone. If the syst em is designe d so that mobiles can be called di rectl y , simply dial the tele- phone number of the mobile bei ng called. I f mobiles cannot be called direct ly , dial the number of the system.
SPEC IAL CALL S 18 mode is entered . Then when the phone mode is exite d by pressing the PHON key , the system and group that were displa yed when the phone mode was ent ered a re again d ispla yed. The s ystem a nd group ma y be chan ged in ei the r mod e by pre ssi ng the S YS or GR P keys .
SUPER VI SOR Y T ONES 19 1-8. Th e number can then be changed if neces sary and t hen tr ansmitt ed by pressing SND. T elephone numbers can also be programmed by your syst em oper- ator . A unique identifi cati on can then be stor ed in the unu sed posit ions of each 14-characte r loca tion.
SUPER VI SOR Y T ONES 20 • If this tone so unds afte r the transmi t indicato r flashe s severa l times and “NO SITE” appear s in the display , an out-of-radio- range cond ition is indicat ed. T o complete a call , you may need to g et closer t o your radio system.
SYSTEM S CAN 21 Call Pr oceed T one W ith certai n non-t elepho ne calls, ringi ng does n ot occ ur after the number is dia led. Inst ead, anoth er short tone so unds after the conf irma- tion to ne to i ndicate t hat t he audio pa th is complete an d speak ing can begin.
SYSTE M SCA N 22 displa y always changes to th e system of the call and usuall y changes to the grou p of th e call . The se lected sy stem or group ca n be cha nged whi le scannin g by simpl y pres sing the s ystem or group sel ect swit ch. Scann ing then hal ts and the sele cted syst em or gr oup chang es.
SYSTEM S CAN 23 precedi ng section). F or example, if System 1/Gro up 2 were displayed when scann ing was t urned on and a cal l is rec eived o n Syste m 3/ Group 4, Sys tem 3/Gr oup 4 are displaye d and the c all i s receiv ed. If a respons e is t hen made t o that ca ll, th e tra nsmission o ccurs on System 3/Group 4.
O THE R FEA TURES 24 System lockout i s not a vailable if you have only o ne sel ectabl e system, an d group lockout is avail able only if the select ed system is programmed for gr oup scan (see page 25). The loc kout status of all systems a nd group s is mai ntained w hen po wer is tur ned of f.
O THER FEA TURES 25 cates t hat t he radio s ystem ha s been s uccess fully ac cessed and speaki ng can begi n. If no tone sounds and “BUSY” is indicate d in th e display , the system is busy .
O THE R FEA TURES 26 Call Indicat or The call indic ator is the word “CALL” in the lower part of th e displa y . This featur e indi cates th at a ca ll was recei ved whil e you wer e away fr om th e tran sce iver .
O THER FEA TURES 27 from the dispat cher . A shor t ton e sounds when this k ey is p resse d. Contact your sys tem operat or for more infor mation on the oper ation of this sw itch. T ransmit Inhibit The T rans mit Inhibi t featu re prevent s the trans mitter from turn ing on if the party you are calling is bus y with a nother ca ll.
O THE R FEA TURES 28 be disable d. T o disable all keys except push -to-t alk and backl ight, tur n power on w ith the LCK key pre ssed. I f a key is then pr essed, all tha t happens i s that “KEYLOCK” is dis played . T o re-enable t he keypa d, simply turn power on again with the LCK key press ed.
MUL TI-NET AND CONV ENTIONAL MODES 29 MUL TI-N ET AND CONVENTIONAL MODES General This tr anscei ver ca n opera te in bot h the Mu lti-Net and conv entional modes.
CONVENTIONAL MODE OPERA TION 30 CONVENTIONAL MODE OPERA TION Monitoring Bef ore T ransmitti ng Before tra nsmitting in the con ventional m ode, regulat ions requi re that you monitor th e channel to make sure that it is not being use d by someone else.
CONVENTIONAL MODE OPERA TION 31 turne d on by qu ickly r elea sin g and then p res sing t he push -to -tal k swit ch. If “MON” is indic ated i n the disp lay as describe d in th e prece ding sectio n, the tra nsmi tter will t urn on even if t he channe l is busy .
OPERA TION WITH OPTIONAL REMOTE CONTR OL UNIT 32 OPERA TION WIT H OPTIONAL REMO TE CONTR OL UNIT Intr oduction This trans ceiver ca n be converted to a mobile tr ansce iver by plug- ging it into the opt ional vehi cle adapter i f it has been install ed in the vehicle .
OPERA TION WITH OPTIONAL REMOTE CONTR OL UNIT 33 additi onal fea tures a vailable wi th a contr ol unit ar e a power turn-o f f delay and hor n aler t. The op era tion o f the Rem ote Con tro l Unit wi th this tr ans - ceiver is des cribed i n the f ollowin g informat ion.
OPERA TION WITH OPTIONAL REMOTE CONTR OL UNIT 34 P2 (R TN) - Selec ts e ithe r a h ome s yst em/g roup o r th e la st acti ve s yste m/ group, depe nding on p rogrammin g by your syst em operator . In the phone mode, this key is used to sequen tial ly recall tel ephone numbers fro m memory .
OPERA TION WITH OPTIONAL REMOTE CONTR OL UNIT 35 keypad cannot be use d). If the number is dial ed using the micr ophone keypad, the phone mode proba bly does n ot need to be s elect ed. T urning Power On and Off - Power to both the trans ceiver a nd contr ol unit is co ntrol led by the contro l unit PWR s witch.
MISCELLANEOUS I NFORMA TION 36 are contin uously li ghted (when power is on) for use in low-li ght conditi ons. Sending Status Inf ormatio n When the remote con trol unit is used, st atus info rmatio n can be transmi tted to your dispa tcher when a Multi-Ne t system is select ed.
MISCELLANEOUS INFORMA TION 37 Busy Queuing The busy queuing f eature pl aces the call in a queue i f the repeate r system is busy whe n the c all is pl aced. T hen when t he syst em becomes availa ble, a tone sounds and the cal l can be placed if desir ed.
MISCELLANEOUS I NFORMA TION 38 ular feat ure opera tes, conta ct your syst em operator . The only user- programmabl e fea ture of t his t ransceive r is the seven t elephone n umbers (if your tra nsceiv er is equipped with the opt ional te lephone keyp ad).
MISCELLANEOUS INFORMA TION 39 TX INHIB - Indicat es that the se lected group is te mpora rily busy . This message i s not d ispla yed in the convention al mode. SYN ERR - Indicate s a frequency syn thesizer er ror . Refer to “T rans- ceiver Ser vice” on page 42.
MISCELLANEOUS I NFORMA TION 40 the side up ward and rotat e the pack count erclockwi se (when viewed fr om the bo ttom ). T o in stal l a pac k, in sert it in th e sock et a nd ro tate it c loc k- wise until it lo cks in pla ce. A new pack must be char g ed before use.
MISCELLANEOUS INFORMA TION 41 Charger Part Number Approx imate Charge T ime T rickle 563-0 001-003 16 hours Rapid 239-5 800-400/-4 76 2 hours V ehicular Adapt er Rapid 239-5 810-500 2 hours It is good pr act ice t o rem ove the ba ttery from the ch arger a fter i t is fully ch ar ged.
INTRINSICALL Y SAFE CLASSIFICA TION 42 T ransceiver Service If the t ran sceiv er is not o per ating prope rly , “SYN E RR” or “P ROG ERR” may be displayed. It is als o possible that al l segments of the displa y are i ndicated when power is turned on.
INTRINSICALL Y SAFE CLASSIFICA TION 43 Classifi cation of Areas (Divisi on) Areas ar e clas sified a s Divi sion 1or 2 as shown b elow . Since a Divi- sion 1 area is consid ered most hazardo us, a transce iver appr oved for a speci fic Di visi on 1 atm osph ere ca n also be use d in the sa me Div ision 2 atmo sphe re.
P ar t Number 00 2-8571- 378 12-99hph Printe d in U.S .A FM Approved.
デバイスEFJohnson 8500の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
EFJohnson 8500をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはEFJohnson 8500の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。EFJohnson 8500の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。EFJohnson 8500で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
EFJohnson 8500を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はEFJohnson 8500の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、EFJohnson 8500に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちEFJohnson 8500デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。