Eicon NetworksメーカーDIVA LAN ISDNの使用説明書/サービス説明書
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DIV A LAN ISDN Modem User’ s Guide.
First Edition (A ugust 1999) 206-312-01 DIV A LAN ISDN Modem is a trademar k of Eicon T echnology Corp oration. All other brand and pro duct names are trademark s or regis tered trademarks of their res pectiv e owners .
T able of Conte nts Chapter O ne: Introduction .................. ................... .................... ................... ................... .......... 9 Introducing the DIV A LAN ISDN Modem ................ ................... .................
DIVA LAN ISDN Modem User ’ s Guide Table of Contents 4 Chapter Three: Using Modem Mo nitor .............. ................... ................... .......................... ........ 39 Star ting Modem Monitor ................ .................... ..
DIVA LAN ISDN Modem User ’ s Guide Table of Contents 5 Chapter Six: Security .................. .................... ................... ................... .................... .............. 74 Security feature s .. .................... ..........
DIVA LAN ISDN Modem User ’ s Guide Table of Contents 6 2. Configure th e Corporate profile ................... ................... ................... ...... 103 Using the corpor ate connection ... .................... ................... ..........
DIVA LAN ISDN Modem User ’ s Guide Table of Contents 7 Command line inter face (CLI) ....... .................... ................... ......................... 1 46 Estab lishing a T elnet con nection via IP ......... ................. .............
DIVA LAN ISDN Modem User ’ s Guide Table of Contents 8 ISDN ......... .................... ................... .................... ................... ................... ...... 184 ISDN Acces s Time ............ .................... ..............
Chapter One Intr oduction Eicon T echno logy's DIV A LAN ISDN Modem pro vides af fordable w orkgroup computing for branch off ices, s mall businesses, and home of fi ces. This chapter summarizes the features of the DIV A LAN ISDN Modem an d shows ho w it can be used in a v ariety of applications.
Chapter One: I ntroductio n Introduc ing the DIVA LAN ISDN M odem 10 Introducing the DIV A LAN ISDN Mo dem The DIV A LAN ISDN Modem is a power ful networking solution for SOHO (small of fice/home of fice) an d branch of f i ce users. It creates a complete networking , phone, f ax, and data commu nications system in on e box.
Chapter One: I ntroductio n Introduc ing the DIVA LAN ISDN M odem 11 Connecting to a corporate netw ork This option enables you to connect one or mor e computers to your corp orate LAN for f ile sharing, e-mail, data transfer . Generally , this type of connection tak es place via a direct, dial-up link with the corporate LAN.
Chapter One: I ntroductio n Introduc ing the DIVA LAN ISDN M odem 12 The DIV A LAN ISDN Modem supports caller ID, call transfer , call waiting, call holding, call forwarding, and 3-way conference call features.
Chapter One: I ntroductio n Introduc ing the DIVA LAN ISDN M odem 13 Bandwidth on-demand The DIV A LAN ISDN Modem's b andwidth-on-dem and feature au tomatically monit ors data traf f ic and engages the second B-channel only wh en needed, reducing I SDN costs.
Chapter On e: Introductio n Summary of features 14 Summary of f eatures Note The DIV A LAN I SDN Modem is a vailable wi th or withou t analo g phone po rts.
Chap ter One: In trod ucti on Con tact ing cus tom er serv ices 15 Administration • W eb-based, TELNET , and comman d line management interfaces • Conf igure using IP via the Ether net or ISDN por.
Chapter T wo Getting Star ted This chapter expl ains ho w to in stall and co nfi gure the DI V A LAN ISDN Modem t o pro vide Int ernet access for up to f our computers. If this typ e of install ation does not meet your needs, instru ctions for creating other types of installations are found in Chapter Eight and Chapter Nin e.
Chapter Two: Ge tting Started 1. Installat ion overview 17 1. Ins tallation ov ervie w The steps in this chapter explain how to ins tall and configur e DIV A LAN ISDN Modem to pro vide Internet access for up to four computers. The following diagram illustrates the key components that are part of this installation.
Chapter Two: Ge tting Started 2. Prepare f or installati on 18 2. Prepar e f or i nstallation T o ensure that the installation of your DIV A LAN ISDN Modem is quick and trouble free, take a fe w moments to prepare for installatio n.
Chapter Two: Ge tting Started 2. Prepare f or installati on 19 T o configure th e DIV A LAN ISDN Mo dem The comput er you are goin g to use to conf igure the DIV A LAN ISDN Mo dem must ha ve: • W eb brow ser softw are (Netscape 3.01 or later , or Internet Exp lorer 4 or l ater).
Chapter Two: Ge tting Started 3. Choos e a connecti on protoc ol 20 3. Choos e a con nection pr otocol The usa ge of the ISDN link is gov erned b y the type o f connection pro tocol you choo se. The connecti on protocol d efines the rules b y which IS DN channels are en abled and disabl ed.
Chapter Two: Ge tting Started 3. Choos e a connecti on protoc ol 21 Choosing a co nnection protocol Since the DIV A LAN ISDN Modem sup ports so many potential connections, a set of rules is needed to control ho w the two ISDN B-channels a re shared between connections .
Chapter Two: Ge tting Started 3. Choos e a connecti on protoc ol 22 Only one PHONE port can be used when an MLPPP + B A CP connection is activ e. Ho wever , since MLPPP + B A CP may only be using one B-channel, either PHONE 1 or PHONE 2 may not be a vailab le.
Chapter Two: Ge tting Started 4. Order an ISDN Line 23 4. Or der an I SDN Li ne Call your local phone company and order an ISDN Basic Rate line . T o make ordering an I SDN line easier , Bellcore, in .
Chapter Two: Ge tting Started 5. Gather Internet acco unt inform ation 24 5. Gather I nternet acco unt inf ormation Obtain an account with an ISP ( Internet Service Provider) and record the follo wing: Gath er X. 25 informa tion If you intend to use A O/DI, you will require the following information: Gather V .
Chapter Two: Ge tting Started 5. Gather Internet acco unt inform ation 25 V .120 scripting T o successfully log on to your ISP , you will need to define a script to automatically ex ecute the log on process for you. T he DIV A LAN ISDN Modem cont ains a p re-d efi ned scri p t t hat s hou l d w ork i n th e maj or ity of cases .
Chapter Two: Gettin g Started 6. Inst all the DIVA LA N ISDN Modem 26 6. Inst all the DIV A LAN ISDN Modem Installing the DIV A LAN ISDN Modem is as simple as plug ging it in and con necting a fe w cables.
Chapter Two: Gettin g Started 6. Inst all the DIVA LA N ISDN Modem 27 4. Connect the po w er supply to the PO WER jack on the DIV A LAN ISDN Modem, and plug it into a power outlet. 5. W ait at least 10 seconds for the DIV A LAN ISDN Modem to initialize.
Chapter Two: Ge tting Started 7. Insta ll Modem Monitor (Win dows 95/98 /NT4) 28 7. Inst all Modem Monitor (Win do ws 95/98/NT4) Note If yo u are using an operati n g syst e m oth er than Windows 95 /98/N T4, tur n to page 31 .
Chapter Two: Ge tting Started 7. Insta ll Modem Monitor (Win dows 95/98 /NT4) 29 3. On the Inst all Softwa re screen, click In stall DIV A LAN ISDN Modem Softwar e . 4. The DIV A LAN ISDN Modem Setup Wizard starts. Fo llow the dir ections on your screen to install the softwa re.
Chapter Two: Ge tting Started 7. Insta ll Modem Monitor (Win dows 95/98 /NT4) 30 7. When the Network W izard is done, you will see the following dialog box. 8. Click Conf igur e. Th e DIV A LAN ISDN Mod em launches yo ur def ault W eb bro wser and disp lays the f irst page of the I nternet wizard.
Chapter Two: Getting Sta rted 8. Conn ecting a non -Windows c omputer to the DIVA LAN ISD N Modem 31 8. Connectin g a non-Windo w s comp uter to the DIV A LA N ISDN Modem Note If you are using an oper.
Chapter Two: Getting Sta rted 8. Conn ecting a non -Windows c omputer to the DIVA LAN ISD N Modem 32 7. The DIV A LAN ISDN Modem dis plays the Con fi guration main menu. 8. The Conf iguration main men u giv es you access to all conf iguration options.
Chapter Two: Ge tting Started 9. Config uring the In ternet connec tion 33 9. Config uring the In ternet connec tion This section ex plains ho w to use the Internet wizard to set u p an Internet connection. Conf igu ration occu rs via a seri es of web pages t hat resi de on the DIV A LAN ISDN Modem.
Chapter Two: Ge tting Started 9. Config uring the In ternet connec tion 34 • If your line does not su ppo rt AutoSPID, you will see the following page: Enter your area co de and your ISDN n umbers and click Nex t . The DIV A LAN ISDN Modem will use this information to attempt to guess your SPIDs.
Chapter Two: Ge tting Started 9. Config uring the In ternet connec tion 35 5. Fill in the fi elds as indicated below . 6. Click Ne xt . Th e DIV A LAN ISDN Mode m displays a sum mary of your settings and asks you to verify them.
Chapter Two: Ge tting Started 9. Config uring the In ternet connec tion 36 7. Click Sav e + T est. This will validate your configuration and point out any errors. Note If your ISDN line is n ot connected, the Save + T est option is not available . 8. First, yo ur conf iguration is sav ed to the DIV A LAN ISDN Mo dem.
Chapter Two: Ge tting Started 9. Config uring the In ternet connec tion 37 10. If your tes t was successful, you are no w connected to the Internet. • Click the Go Check F irmwar e button to visit the Ei con T echnology web site.
Chapter Two: Gettin g Started 10. Usin g your DIVA LA N ISDN Modem 38 10. Using y our DIV A LAN IS DN Modem The DIV A LAN ISDN Modem automatically dials out and establishes the ISDN link to the Internet as required.
Chapter Th ree Using Modem Monitor The Modem Moni tor program p rovides an effecti ve w ay to manage your DIV A LAN ISD N Modem. This section provid es an o vervie w of so me of Modem Moni tor ’ s main functions . Fo r more informati on, cons ult the Modem Monitor online help.
Chapter Three: Usin g Modem Mo nitor Starting Modem M onitor 40 Starting Mo dem Moni tor By defaul t, Modem Monitor is automatically lo aded each time you start W indo ws. An icon appears in your system tray to indicate it is running. The icon will change its appearance depending on the state of your DIV A LAN ISDN Modem.
Chapter Three: Usin g Modem Mo nitor Starting Modem M onitor 41 Star t men u options • Call V iewer: Starts the Call V iewer , which lets you view information for all incoming and outgoing calls. • Configuration (W eb): Opens a folder from w hich you can s tart the web-bas ed conf iguration program.
Chapter Thre e: Using Modem Monito r Properties dia log box 42 Pr operties dialog bo x The Modem Monitor Properties d ialog box gi ves yo u quick access to your DIV A LAN ISDN Modem. T o access it, double-click the Modem Monitor icon in your system tray .
Chapter Three: Usin g Modem Monitor Utiliti es dialog box 43 Utiliti es dialog bo x Display the Utilit ies d ialog box by clicking the Utilities button in the Properties dialog box. Buttons • Configur e: Starts the web-based conf iguration interface using your default web b rows er .
Chapter Three: Usin g Modem Monitor Options dialog bo x 44 Options dialo g bo x Lets you def ine the operational ch aracteristics of the Modem Monitor software.
Chapter Three: Usin g Modem Mo nitor Status Vi ewer 45 Statu s Vie wer Lets you vi ew the operational s tatus of the D IV A LAN ISDN Modem and manually manage yo ur connections . • Device name: Name assig ned to the DIV A LAN ISDN Modem. • IP address: IP address assigned to the DIV A LAN ISDN Modem.
Chap ter Fo ur The W eb-based Configuration Interface The DIV A LAN ISDN Modem uses a single ISDN link to provide communication s services for all your connected de vices. I t manages incoming an d outgoing d ata calls from your co mputers, as well as incoming and outg oing analog calls from connected telephones and/ or fax machines .
Chapter Four: The We b-based Co nfiguratio n Interface Startin g the web-ba sed configu ration inte rface 47 Starting the we b-based co nfiguration interface The web-based interface enables you to manage the conf iguration and oper ation of the DIV A LAN ISDN Modem.
Chapter Four: The We b-based Co nfiguratio n Interface Startin g the web-ba sed configu ration inte rface 48 4. The DIV A LAN ISDN Modem displays the Main conf iguration menu. Note The fir st time you access the web-based con figur ation interface, most o f the options in the Administ ration section ar e not available .
Chapter Four: The We b-based Co nfiguratio n Interface General s ettings a nd connecti on profile s 49 General setti ngs and co nnection p ro files Before you begin customizing your configuration, you should familiarize yourself with ho w the DIV A LAN ISDN Modem or ganizes its conf igurat ion settings.
Chap ter Fo ur: T he Web -bas ed Conf igur ation I nter face Edi ting t he ISP profil e 50 Edi ting the I SP p r ofile After you ha ve d efined y our connections with the Intern et wizard, it may be neces sary to fin e tune certain parameters manu ally .
Chap ter Fo ur: T he Web -bas ed Conf igur ation I nter face Edi ting t he ISP profil e 51 4. Use the menu b ar to na vigate between the six confi guration pages : Prof ile, Connecti on, IP , RIP , Authentication, and C allback. For a description of each par ameter , just click the p arameter name.
Chapter Four: The Web-b ased Co nfiguration In terface Editing LAN setting s 52 Editin g LAN settin gs The LAN parameters p age defines the settings for the LAN created by the Ethernet hub built into the DIV A LAN ISDN Modem. Y ou need to modify these settings if: • you need to assign a specific (static) IP address to it .
Chapter Four: The We b-based Co nfiguratio n Interface Saving and resto ring conf iguration f iles 53 Sa ving and restori ng configurati on files The web-based configuration interface mak es it easy to save and restore conf iguration settings on the DIV A LAN ISDN Modem .
Chapter Four: The Web-b ased Co nfiguration In terface Viewin g status inf ormation 54 Viewing st atus informatio n Click Status on the Main configuration menu to vie w real-time stat us information. The DIV A LAN ISDN Modem will open a ne w bro wser windo w contai ning the System s tatus page.
Chapter Four: The We b-based Co nfiguration In terface Obtaini ng statistic s 55 Obtain ing stati stics The DIV A LAN ISDN Modem records a vie w v ariety of statistics, which you can use for information and troubles hooting purpo ses.
Chapter Four: The Web-b ased Confi guration In terface Upgradi ng the DIVA L AN ISDN Mode m firmware 56 Upgrading the DIV A LAN ISDN Modem firmware Eicon T echnology posts th e latest DI V A LAN ISDN Modem firmware on its web site. Y o u can automatically update yo ur DIV A LAN ISDN Modem to this versi on by u sing the web conf iguration program .
Chapter Four: The We b-based Co nfiguratio n Interface Rese tting to fa ctory defa ults 57 Resetting to factory defaults Resetting the DI V A LAN ISDN Modem to factory defaults will erase all your configuration settings, including the system pas sword.
Cha pter Five Minimizing ISDN Char g es ISDN billing practices v ary from flat-rate monthly services to per -call billing to per -minute usage fees. T o h elp you reduce your ISDN cha rge s, the DIV A LAN ISDN Modem provides y ou with se veral cost-cutt ing conf igurati on options.
Chapter Five: Minimizi ng ISDN Charges The Cost Control page 59 The Cost Co ntr ol pa ge For your con venience, t he DIV A LAN ISDN Modem g roups the mo st commonl y used optio ns for redu cing your ISDN charge s on the Co st Contr ol page. T o define Cost Control settings Click Cost Contr ol on th e Manual conf iguration menu .
Chapter Five: Minimizi ng ISDN Charges The Cost Control page 60 2. Set the Idle timer . 3. Click Fi n i s h . 4. Click Save . 5. Click Reset . Data call thresholds By defining data call thresholds, you are able to limit the total number of calls or total length of calls made by any one p rofi le during a set p eriod of tim e.
Chapter Five: Minimizin g ISDN Charge s Config uring BACP 61 Config uring B A CP The bandwid th allocation protocol ( BA CP) works in conjun ction with th e MLPPP connection protocol to regul ate usage of y our ISDN lin e.
Chapter Five: Minimizin g ISDN Charge s Config uring BACP 62 4. Click the More b utton next to the Protocol fi eld. Y ou will see the following page. 5. Set the B A CP parameters as required. 6. Click Save . 7. Click Fi n i s h . 8. Click Save . 9. Click Reset .
Chapter Five: Minimizin g ISDN Charge s Config uring AO/DI 63 Config uring A O/DI A O/DI lets you maint ain a permanen t connection to the Internet or a corporate netw ork, withou t tying up an expens ive ISDN B-channel. A O/DI accomplishes this by u sing the ISDN D-channel to establish a lo w-bandwidth (9.
Chapter Five: Minimizin g ISDN Charge s Config uring AO/DI 64 T o configure A O/DI 1. On the Configuration main menu, click Co nn ecti o n Pr ofiles . 2. Click Edit for the prof ile you want to configure A O/DI for . Y ou will see the follo wing page.
Chapter Five: Minimizin g ISDN Charge s Config uring AO/DI 65 X.25 on the D-channel During normal ISDN operation , the D-channel is used for signalling traff ic purposes (call setup, call tak e do wn, caller ID, etc.) Howe ver , th e full bandwidth of the D-channel is not needed for this.
Chapter Five: Minimizin g ISDN Charge s Config uring AO/DI 66 3. Click Fi n i s h . 4. Click Save . 5. On the Manu al config uration menu, cl ick X.25 . The D IV A LAN ISDN Modem displays this page: 6. Set the X.25 parameters as required. 7. Click Save .
Chapter Fiv e: Minimizing ISDN Ch arges Setting I SDN active i ntervals 67 Set ting ISD N activ e inte rvals By def ining ISDN acti ve interv als, you are able to place restrictions on when data calls can be made or recei ved. T o set ISDN active interv als 1.
Chapter Fiv e: Minimizing ISDN Ch arges Spoofin g NetBIOS servi ces 68 Spoofin g NetBIO S services The NetBIOS prot oco l is used b y W indow s 95/ 98 /NT to sup por t Micros oft W indows Netw ork Nei.
Chapter Fiv e: Minimizing ISDN Ch arges Data comp ression 69 Data compression Data compression increases the ef fectiv e throughput of a B-channel by enco ding data so that fe wer bits are required to rep resent it.
Chapter Five: Minimizin g ISDN Charge s Manual dialing 70 Manua l dialing ISDN acti ve interv als lets you control cos ts by specifying time ranges when the ISDN link can be used. Howe v er , there may be certain s ituations where direct control of the ISDN link is des irable.
Chapter Five: Minimiz ing ISDN Charge s Restri cting analo g calls 71 Restrictin g analog calls Generally , most of the activity on the ISDN line will be created by data traf fic. Th at is why the most of the settings in this sectio n are targeted at data calls.
Chapter Five: Minimizin g ISDN Charge s Data over v oice 72 Data o ver v oice In some re gions, ISDN v oice calls cost less than ISDN data ca lls. Y ou can conf igure the DIV A LAN ISDN Modem to take advan tage of this discrepan cy to reduce yo ur ISDN char ges.
Chapter Five: Minimizin g ISDN Charge s Traffic fil tering 73 T raffic filt ering By using the DIV A LAN ISDN Modem ’ s IP f ilters, you can selecti vely drop outgoi ng traf fic t o reduce your communicati ons char ges. This can be useful if yo u hav e applicatio ns on you r LAN that re gularly se nd non-critical traf fic across the ISDN link.
Chapter Six Security Connecting your comp uters to the internet or a remote corporate LAN creates a wid e range of benef its, but also e xposes your compu ters to certain risks. T o safe guard your data and systems, the DIV A LAN ISDN Modem provides a comprehensi ve range of security features.
Chapter Six: Security Security features 75 Security f eatures The following table lists all security features offered by the DIV A LAN ISD N Modem , and their default settings. The follo wing table lists the security featur es that can be applied to restrict access to the DIV A LAN ISDN Modem conf iguration interf aces.
Chapter Six: Security System password 76 System pas sw ord The DIV A LAN ISDN Modem pro vides a system pass word that restricts access to the W eb-based conf iguration interface and th e CLI. This ensures that conf iguration changes can only be made by authorized p ersonnel.
Chapter Six: Security Automa tic log out 77 A utomatic log ou t The DIV A LAN ISDN Modem applies an autom a tic tim e out to conf iguration sess ions. When a configuration session is idle for more than the time out v alue, the DIV A LAN ISDN Modem automatically logs the user out.
Chapter Six: Security Network ad dress transl ation 78 Netw ork address translation The DIV A LAN ISDN Modem u ses netw ork address translation (N A T) to “ hide ” the local LAN it creates from all external resources.
Chapter Six: Security Network ad dress transl ation 79 Default NA T ser ver When the DIV A LAN ISDN Modem receiv es incoming datagrams containing protocols it does no t handle, it discards them. F or e xample, if an incoming d atagram contains an FT P request and no FTP server has been defi ned using a static mapping , the data is d iscarded.
Chapter Six: Security Network ad dress transl ation 80 T o create a static NA T mapping 1. On the Manu al Conf iguration men u, click IP . 2. On the IP menu, click NA T Stat ic Mapp ings .
Chapter Six: Security Remo te manage ment 81 Remote management By defaul t, the DIV A LAN ISDN Modem does not allo w remot e devices to a ccess its configu ration interfaces via the IS DN link. This pre v ents unauthor ized tampering w hen the DIV A LAN ISDN Modem has di aled out and is connected to the Internet or a remo te corporate network.
Chapter Six: Security Remo te manage ment 82 T o enable remote management If you w ant to sup port remote co nfigu ration, you must enable the remote man agement optio n. This option can only be set with the web-based conf iguration interf ace. 1. On the Manu al Conf iguration men u, click System .
Chapter Six: Security Inco ming dat a calls 83 Incomin g data ca lls By default, the DIV A LAN ISDN Modem refuses all incoming ISDN data calls . This eff ectiv ely shuts the door on unauthor ized systems d ialing-in. (V oice calls are not blocked b y this se tting.
Chapter Six: Security Inco ming dat a calls 84 Note s on t he dia gram 1. The DIV A LAN ISDN Modem pr ovides an IP ad dress to the remote compu ter . 2. Both the DIV A LAN ISDN Modem and the remote computer hav e their o wn fix ed IP addresses s o no assignments are made.
Chapter Six: Security Inco ming dat a calls 85 6. Click Edit for the profile that will answer the call. 7. Click A uthentication . 8. Define the Rem ote username and Rem ote p assw ord the DIV A LAN ISDN Modem expects the remote to send . See “ Call aut henticatio n ” on page 8 7 for more inf ormation.
Chapter Six: Security Call sc reening 86 Call screeni ng Call screening enables you to accept or re ject incoming data calls based on their phone number . This is an eff ectiv e way to limit dial-in acces s to the DIV A LAN ISDN Modem to a small gr oup of remote sites.
Chapter Six: Security Call authentic ation 87 Call authenticati on Call authentication enables ISDN d evices, like the DIV A LAN ISDN Modem, to validate the identity of the de v ice at the other end of the line. Authentication works thro ugh the ex chang e of us ernames and pas s wo rds .
Chapter Six: Security Callb ack 88 Callbac k Callback is another ef fecti ve method to control access to the DIV A LAN ISDN Modem. When callback is enabled, the DIV A LAN ISDN Modem functions as a callback client , and the remote site being called functions as a callback server .
Chapter Six: Security Callb ack 89 Dela y bef ore host calls back This opt ion is only s upported b y the callback con trol protoco l. It allo ws you t o specify the a mount of time the server w aits befor e callin g back. The DIV A LAN ISDN Mod em proposes the delay during callback negotiation.
Chapter Six: Security Manual dialing 90 Manua l dialing The DIV A LAN ISDN Modem autom atically establishes the ISDN link whenev er there is outgoing data traff ic. There may be certain situations where this is not desirable and you will want to hav e manual control of ISDN usag e.
Chapter Six: Security Custom se curity fea tures 91 Custom securi ty featu res By using IP filters you can create your o wn custom s ecurity solutions.
Chapter Seven Setti ng up the Phone P or ts If you purch ased a DIV A LAN ISDN Modem with a nalog por ts, you are able to use ordinary telephones, ans wering machines, fa x machines, and modems ov er your ISDN line. This chapter explains ho w to conf igure the DIV A LAN ISDN Modem to support these analog de vices.
Chapter Seven: Setting up the Phon e Ports Setting p hone numb ers manuall y 93 Setting phone numb ers man uall y The ISP wi zard makes it easy for you t o defi ne your phone numbers and SPIDs. Ho we ver , you can edit them manually using this method.
Chapter Seven: Setting up the Phon e Ports Connectin g modem s and fax ma chines 94 Connecting mo dems and fax mac hines If you are using a PHONE port to connect an analog modem or fax machine, the DIV A LAN ISDN Modem lets you conf i gure the po rt fo r better through put.
Chapter Seven: Setting up the Phon e Ports Call bumping 95 Call bumpin g Call bumping, more formally known as dynamic bandwidth allocation (DB A), allows you to share the ISDN line between data and analo g calls.
Chapter Seven: Setting up the Phon e Ports Restri cting analo g calls 96 Restrictin g analog calls Generally , most of the activity on the ISDN line will be created by data traf fic. Th at is why the most of the settings in this sectio n are targeted at data calls.
Chapter Seven: Setting up the Phon e Ports Supplem entary se rvices 97 Supple mentary services The supplemen tary services described i n this section only wo rk if the y are suppor ted by yo ur ISDN serv ice provid er and if the y are enabled on your ISDN line.
Chapter Seven: Setting up the Phon e Ports Supplem entary se rvices 98 If your IS DN service conforms to EZ-ISDN 1A or EZ-IS DN 3A, you will also h av e V oiceMail. If the numb er to which you h a v e forw arded your calls is busy or does n ot answer , the call will auto matically be forwarded to your V oiceMail.
Chapter Seven: Setting up the Phon e Ports Supplem entary se rvices 99 Call T ransfer Call T ransfer allo ws you to disconne ct from a Three-W ay Conference call and leave the o ther two people connected. It w orks as follo ws: Establish a Three-W ay call as described in the s ection abov e.
Chapter Eight Connecting to a Corporate Netw ork Intranets are an ef fective way for or ganizations to share data an d resources. The DIV A LAN ISDN Modem makes it easy for branch o ff ices and telecommuter s to connect to a corpo rate Intranet.
Chapter Eight: Conne cting to a C orporate Net work Overview 101 Overvie w This option enables you to connect one o r more computers to you r corporate LAN for intran et web bro wsing, e-mail, and f ile transfer . Generally , this type of connection tak es place via a direct, dial-up ISDN link with the corporate LAN.
Chapter Eight: Conne cting to a Corporate Net work 1. Gather inf ormation 102 1. Gather i nf ormation Contact your corpo rate network ad ministrator and record the follo wing information: * Addresses are written as four numb ers separat e d by periods.
Chapter Eight: Conne cting to a C orporate Net work 2. Configure the Corpora te profile 103 2. Configure the Corporate pr ofile Use the Corporate pr ofile to de fine the conf igurations s ettings for the connection to your corporate n etwork. T o configure the Corporate profile 1.
Chapter Eight: Conne cting to a C orporate Net work 2. Configure the Corpora te profile 104 5. Click Connection on the menu b ar . The DIV A LAN ISDN Modem displays the C onnection paramet ers page . 6. Set the following parameters: • T elep hone num ber 1: Specify the ISDN phone numb er of the corporate netw ork.
Chapter Eight: Conne cting to a C orporate Net work 2. Configure the Corpora te profile 105 8. Set the following parameters: • Select profile mode: Leav e this set to N A T unless you ha v e a specif i c requir ement not t oo. Fo r more information on N A T , see “ Network ad dress translation ” on page 7 8.
Chapter Eight: Conne cting to a C orporate Net work 2. Configure the Corpora te profile 106 15. Click Routes . The DIV A LAN ISDN Modem displays the R outes page. Ed it the f ields (if requir ed) so th at they are set as follo ws: 16. Click Save . 17.
Chapter Eight: Conne cting to a Corporate Net work Using the corporate c onnecti on 107 Using the corporate c onnection The DIV A LAN ISDN Modem automatically dials out and establishes the ISDN link to your corporate netwo rk as requi red.
Chapter Eight: Conne cting to a C orporate Net work What ’ s n ext? 108 What ’ s next ? Other chapte rs in this man ual provi de in depth information and instruct ion on a v ariety of t opics relatin g to operating an d conf iguring th e DIV A LAN ISDN Mod em.
Chap ter Ni ne Adv anced Installations This chapter desc ribes adv anced installation scenarios and provid es background inform ation on advan ced conf iguration issues like IP filter ing and IP routing .
Chapter Nine : Advanced In stallatio ns Connectio n retries 110 Conne ction ret ries The connection retry param eter controls how many times the DIV A LAN ISDN Mo dem attempts to establis h a connection usin g a specific p rofile.
Chapter Nine : Advanced In stallatio ns Connectio n retries 111 T o define a backup pr ofile and set the profile restore dela y 1. On the Configuration main menu, click Co nn ecti o n Pr ofiles . 2. Click Edit for the prof ile you want to defin e a backup profile for .
Chapter Nine: Advance d Installa tions Install ing on an existing LAN 112 Insta lling on a n e xisti ng LAN Installing the DIV A LAN ISDN Mo dem o n an existing LAN can be extremely simple, or quite challenging, depending on the co mplexity of your e xisting LAN setup.
Chapter Nine: Advance d Installa tions Install ing on an existing LAN 113 6. Click LAN on the Manual C onfig uration menu. Th e DIV A LAN ISDN Mod em displays the LAN parameters pag e.
Chapter Nine: Advance d Installa tions Install ing on an existing LAN 114 16. Connect the DIV A LAN ISDN Modem to the LAN. Do this by connecting an y one of the DIV A LAN ISDN Modem ’ s ETHERNET ports to a port on your LAN hu b .
Chap ter Ni ne: A dvanc ed Ins tall ation s Connecti ng m ore tha n four compu ters 115 Connecting mo re th an f o ur c omputer s In certain cases, yo u may want to s hare the DIV A LAN ISDN Modem with more than fo ur computers. T o do this, you can conn ect the DIV A LAN ISDN Modem to an Eth ernet hub .
Chap ter Ni ne: Ad vanc ed Ins tall ations Cre ating a virtu al pr ivate networ k 116 Creating a virtual priv ate netw ork A virtual priv at e network (VPN) is an interconnection between two networks that uses the PPTP (point-t o-point tunnel ing protoco l).
Chap ter Ni ne: Ad vanc ed Ins tall ations Cre ating a virtu al pr ivate networ k 117 8. Click Ne xt . Y ou will see the following dialog box. 9. Enter the I P address or host name of the VPN serv er . 10. Click Ne xt . Y ou will see the following dialog box.
Chap ter Ni ne: Ad vanc ed Ins tall ations Cre ating a virtu al pr ivate networ k 118 3. The DIV A LAN ISDN Modem will automa tically establish the link to the Internet and you will see the follo wing Dial-Up Netwo rking dialog box, sho wi ng the details o f your connect ion.
Chapter Nine : Advanced In stallatio ns Concurrent In ternet and Intranet co nnections 119 Concurrent Internet and Intranet conn ections The DIV A LAN ISDN Modem can support both an Internet connection and an intranet connection to your corpora te network.
Chapter Nine : Advanced In stallations IP routes 120 IP routes This sectio n provi des background information on why IP rou tes are need ed and expl ains ho w to def ine them. Howe v er , befo re you can understand routin g, you must be familiar wi th IP addressing and how the DIV A LAN ISDN Modem assigns th em.
Chapter Nine : Advanced In stallations IP routes 121 The follo wing diagram sho w s four computers with addresses assi gned by the DIV A LAN ISDN Modem. By defa u lt, t he DI V A LAN ISDN Modem us es the mas k 255 .25 5.255.0 when as si gn i ng addre sses.
Chapter Nine : Advanced In stallations IP routes 122 In some cases, you may be required to assign a static IP address to a prof ile. This may occur when connecting to a corporate netw ork.
Chapter Nine : Advanced In stallations IP routes 123 Wh y routes are needed Data on an IP netw ork is car ried in s mall p ackages called datagrams. Each datagr am co ntains the IP a ddress of its source an d destination.
Chapter Nine : Advanced In stallations IP routes 124 Multiple connections Consider the following s cenario, which features an Internet and Corpor ate connection, each using on e B-channel (PPP): This scenario requires three routes: Route 3 is used to route traf fic to the Corpor ate network (20 1.
Chapter Nine : Advanced In stallations IP routes 125 Routing on the local LAN The DIV A LAN ISDN Modem lets you create your o wn local area network. I n some ins tances, this network , or the DIV A LAN ISD N Modem itself, will be con nected to another network via a bridge or r outer .
Chapter Nine : Advanced In stallations IP routes 126 The Routing Information Pr otocol (RIP) RIP permits the DIV A LAN ISDN Modem to automatically discover routes for itself, by listening to routing broadcast s from ot her netw or ks.
Chapter Nine : Advanced In stallations IP routes 127 • Gateway add ress: Only used if the Inter face is set to LAN. This is the address of the de vice you want to send the routed traf fic to. This will usually be the address of a bridge or router . • Interface: Choo se the name of the prof ile you want to s end the routed data to.
Chapter Nine : Advanced In stallations IP filte rs 128 IP f ilters IP filtering p rovides you with th e means to implement custo mized security , usage, and cost con trol measures. How fi lterin g wor ks Filters are def ined in a stack. Up to 8 filters can be combined together to obtain sophisticated results.
Chapter Nine : Advanced In stallations IP filte rs 129 Default filter s By default, the DIV A LAN ISDN Modem defines the follo wing three filters for the ISP profile: The fir st two filters pre vent outside access to the web-based configuration interface and the CLI by discarding incoming HTTP and T elnet traff ic.
Chapter Nine : Advanced In stallations IP filte rs 130 4. Click Fi l t e r s to display the follo wing page. (If you enabled remo te manag ement you will not see the first two f ilters.) 5. Select the profile you want to def ine filters for . 6. Click a “ + ” sy mbol to insert a ne w filter .
Chapter Nine : Advanced In stallations IP filte rs 131 7. Define the settings for the f ilter and click Done . The following descriptions explain the options that are av ailable. Action • Drop: Discard data that matches the f ilter definition. • Fo r w a r d : Send data that matches the filter def inition to the filter output.
Chapter Nine : Advanced In stallations IP filte rs 132 • any well kno wn : A pplies th e filter to any p rotocol us ing TCP or UDP ports in t he range 0 to 1023. See RFC 1700 for the comp lete lis t of protocols. • UNI X: Applies the filter to any protocol using TCP or UDP ports in the range 512 to 1023.
Chapter Nine : Advanced In stallations IP filte rs 133 When done, the filter stack should look like this: Allo wing incoming traffic only fr om a specific netw ork This ex ample sho ws how to allo w the DIV A LAN ISDN Modem to only recei ve incoming data fr om a specific network (1 12.
Chapter Nine : Advanced In stallations IP filte rs 134 When done, the filter stack should look like this: Blocking web surfing This exampl e sho ws ho w to block co mputer s on the local LAN created b y the DIV A LAN ISDN Modem from surfing the web . W eb traf f ic is carried by the HTTP protocol.
Chapter Nine : Advanced In stallations IP filte rs 135 When done, the filter stack should look like this:.
Chap ter Ni ne: Ad vanced Inst allat ions Makin g a V.12 0 conn ectio n 136 Making a V .120 connection V .120 was designed to allow non-I SDN devices to communicate with the ISDN network . The DIV A LAN ISDN Modem pro vi des suppo rt for V .120, so y ou can conn ect with such le gac y sys tems.
Chap ter Ni ne: Ad vanced Inst allat ions Makin g a V.12 0 conn ectio n 137 8. Click Mor e . Y o u wil l se e the V .120 Dialin g Scrip t pa ge: 9. This page co ntains a pr e-defined script that y ou can modify for your ins tallation. W hen the V .120 connection is establi shed, this script is automatically run to complete the log in process.
Chapter Nine : Advanced In stallatio ns SecurID su pport 138 SecurID su ppor t When establishing a connection to a SecurID server , a special usern ame and passw ord must be supplied to log on. The server will request this information during authentication .
Chapter Nine : Advanced In stallatio ns SecurID su pport 139 T o enable SecurID support 1. On the Configuration main menu, click Co nn ecti o n Pr ofiles . 2. Click Edit for the prof ile you want to enable SecurI D support fo r . 3. Click A uthentication on the menu bar .
Chapter T en Other Configuration T ools The DIV A LAN ISDN Modem has four conf iguration interfaces: W eb, CLI, DTMF , and TFTP . For most conf iguration tasks you should use the W eb interface, since it is the easiest and fast est way to change conf iguration settings .
Chapter Ten: Othe r Configurati on Tools Configurati on options 141 Config uration options Local configuration The following diagram illustrates the config uration interfaces that are accessible locally .
Chapter Ten: Othe r Configurati on Tools Web interface 142 We b i n t e r f a c e An easy to use interface th at pro vides access to conf iguration wizards , adv anced co nf iguration par ameters, and status information. The web in terface is discus sed in detail in Chapter F our.
Chapter Ten: Othe r Configuration Too ls TFTP interface 143 TFTP i nterf ace The TFTP interf ace lets you upload and do wnload configuration f iles and f irmware. Prere quisites • Requires TFTP client softw are. A share ware client is included o n the DIV A LAN ISDN Modem CD.
Chapter Ten: Othe r Configuration Too ls TFTP interface 144 Uploading/ do wnloadin g configuration files All configuration settings on the DIV A LAN ISDN Modem are stored in configuration files. Using TFTP , you can access these files to retriev e and set configuration v alues.
Chapter Ten: Othe r Configurati on Tools DTMF inte rface 145 DTMF interface The DIV A LAN ISDN Modem enable s you to set certain par ameters using a standard touch-tone tele phone. Prere quisites • touch-to ne analog phone Local acce ss • Phone must be plugged into PHONE port 2.
Chapter Ten: Other C onfigurati on Tools Comman d line int erface (CLI) 146 Comm and line interf ace (CLI ) The command line in terface prov ides you with access to all DIV A LAN ISDN Modem parameters. Some adv anced parameters ar e only accessible via this interf ace.
Chapter Ten: Other C onfigurati on Tools Comman d line int erface (CLI) 147 T o establish a ser ial connection Establish a ser ial connection as fo llows: 1. Connect the DB9 con nector on the beige ser ial cable to the serial por t on your computer , and plug the RJ45 connector into the CONSOLE port on the back o f the DIV A LAN ISDN Modem.
Chapter Ten: Other C onfigurati on Tools Comman d line int erface (CLI) 148 About configur ation context The command line inter f ace identif ies the conf igur atio n con te xt yo u are in b y chang i ng the p romp t.
Chapter Ten: Other C onfigurati on Tools Comman d line int erface (CLI) 149 T o load the ne w firmware 1. Log in to the CLI. 2. T y pe the following command and press Enter . > monitor 3. T y pe the following command and press Enter . > at@load 4.
Appendix A TCP/IP Configuration This appendix provides instructio ns on how to install and configure TCP/IP for use with the DIV A LAN ISDN Modem..
Appendix A: TCP/IP Con figuration Installi ng and co nfiguring TCP/IP for Wind ows 95/98 151 Install ing and configurin g TCP/IP f or Windo ws 95/98 Instal ling TCP /IP If TCP/IP is not installed o n your computer , install it as follows: 1. On the Start menu, cho ose Settings , then choose Contr ol P anel .
Appendix A: TCP/IP Con figuration Installi ng and co nfiguring TCP/IP for Wind ows 95/98 152 5. Click the IP A ddress tab. 6. Select Obtain a n IP add r es s automatica lly . This defi nes your machine as a DHCP client. 7. Click the WINS Conf iguration tab.
Appendix A: TCP/IP Con figuration Installi ng and co nfiguring TCP/IP for Wind ows 95/98 153 9. Click the Gateway tab . 10. Make s u r e no ga t eways are d efined. 11. Click the DNS Configuration tab . 12. Select Disable DNS . This sets your comp uter to use the DIV A LAN ISDN Modem as its DNS server .
Appendix A: TCP/IP Conf iguration Installin g TCP/IP for Win dows NT 154 Insta lling T CP/IP for Wi ndows NT Installing TCP/IP 1. On the Start menu, cho ose Settings , then choose Contr ol P anel . 2. Double-click the Netw ork icon. The Network dialog box ap pears.
Appendix A: TCP/IP Config uration Configur ing TCP/IP on a n iMac 155 Conf iguring TCP/IP on an iMac Set up TCP/IP on an iMac as follo ws: 1. On the Apple menu, select Contr ol P a nels . 2. Select TCP/IP . 3. Set Connect via to Ethernet . 4. Set Conf igur e to Using DHCP Server .
Appendix B T echnical Inf ormation This appendix provides detailed technical information on the DIV A LAN ISDN Modem..
Appendix B: Technic al Informati on DIVA LAN ISDN Modem indicator li ghts 157 DIV A LAN ISDN Modem ind icator ligh ts The front panel lights sho w you the stat us of the DIV A LAN ISDN Modem. B1, B2 Indicates the status of the B -channels. D Indicates the status o f the ISDN D-channel.
Appendix B: Technic al Informati on DIVA LAN ISDN Modem indicator li ghts 158 E1, E2, E 3, E4 Indicates the status o f the four ETHERNET por ts. /C Indicates the status of Ethernet collisions in red. FA U LT PO WER State Description Off The re is no device connect ed to the spe cified ETHER NET port, o r the connec ted device is no t powered on.
Appendix B: Technic al Informati on DIVA LAN ISDN Modem connecto rs 159 DIV A LAN ISDN Modem connector s The back panel is where you connect yo ur equipment to the DIV A LAN ISDN Modem. Po r t De script ion ISDN Use this RJ-45 port to conn ect the DIV A LAN ISDN Mod em to the ISDN line jack.
Appendix B: Technical Information Resetting the DIVA LAN ISDN Mode m 160 Resetting the DIV A LAN ISDN Modem The Reset b utton is located on the back of the DIV A LAN ISDN Modem. T wo reset options are a vailable: Resetting operational se ttings Use this to activ ate conf iguration settings you ha ve made.
Appendix B: Technic al Informati on Term ination 161 T erm ination If you are in North America or Australia and y ou are installing a DIV A LAN ISDN Modem with an S/T interface, you must connect the terminating resistor to ensur e the proper operation of your equipment.
Appendix C Command Line Ref erence This appendix pro vides a description for each CLI command. The command s are grouped according to function ality ..
Appendix C: Command Line Re ference Notation al Convent ions 163 Notation al Con ven tions The section uses the follo wing con vention s: For example, if a comman d is presented as: SET DHCP LEASEDURA.
Appendix C: Command Line Refere nce Command s 164 Commands For inform ation on: See page: AO / D I 1 6 5 Callback 166 Call screening 167 Call th resho lds 168 DHCP 169 DNS 172 Ethernet 17 3 Genera l 1.
Appendix C: Command Line Refere nce AO/DI 165 AO / D I ENABLE A O DI AREA CODE V alid context: Pr ofile/PPP Enables or disables us e of the area code when m aking an A O/DI call. When enabled, the DIV A LAN ISDN Modem uses the area code wh en dialing a remote site.
Appendix C: Command Line Re ference Ca llback 166 Callbac k SET CALLB A CK MODE type opt ion [number1 number2] V alid context: Pr ofile/PPP Sev eral callback modes are av ai lable. Each provides dif ferent features. For callback to work, both client an d server mus t use the same mode.
Appendix C: Command Line Refere nce Call s creening 167 Call screeni ng ADD ISDN SCREENING channel number V alid context: General Adds a number to the call screening table. When call screen ing is enabled, an incoming d ata call is only accepted if its number appears in the call screening table.
Appendix C: Command Line Re ference Call thresh olds 168 Call threshol ds SET ISDN THRESHOLD intervalDa ys maxHours maxCalls V alid context: General Limits usage of the ISDN line ba sed on number of calls or time connected during a specif ied interv al.
Appendix C: Command Line Reference DHCP 169 DHCP SET DHCP TYPE { SER VER | NONE} V alid context: General Sets the type of DHCP services the DIV A LAN ISDN Modem will supply .
Appendix C: Command Line Reference DHCP 170 SET DHCP DOMAIN domai n V alid context: General Specifi es the domain name returned b y the DIV A LAN ISDN Modem when acting as a DHCP ser ver in response to a DHCP reques t. domain: Domain name as a string of up to 31 characters.
Appendix C: Command Line Reference DHCP 171 DELETE DHCP ST A TICMAP ip V alid context: General Deletes an entry from the ST A TICMAP table. See ADD DHCP ST A TICMAP for complete details. ipAddress: IP address of the entry to delete. SHO W DHCP ST A TICMAP V alid context: General Displays the list of de fined static DHCP add r esses .
Appendix C: Command Line Refere nce DNS 172 DNS SET DNS DOMAIN domain V alid context: Pr ofile When DNS relay is enabled, the DIV A LAN ISDN Modem checks each DNS request to see if it matches this name. If so , the DIV A LAN ISDN Modem establishes th e connection def ined by this p rofi le, and for wards t he request.
Appendix C: Command Line Refere nce Ethernet 173 Ethe rnet SHO W ETHERNET ST A TISTICS V alid context: General Displays Et hernet statistics. SHO W ETHERNET AD DRESS V alid context: Pr ofile Displays the Ethernet address o f the DIV A LAN ISDN Modem. Y ou must be in the LAN profile to is sue this command.
Appendix C: Comm and Line Re ference Gener al 174 General MONIT O R V alid context: General In vokes mo nitor mode . Use monitor mod e to upload new f irmware or to dump system mem ory for deb ugging purposes. Y ou can set the DIV A LAN ISDN Modem to automaticall y in voke monitor mode when a fatal error occurs by issuing the SET ONERR OR command.
Appendix C: Comm and Line Re ference Gener al 175 V ALID A TE V alid context: General V alidates the current con f iguration by run ning a series of tests . V alidate helps you determine if the DIV A LAN ISDN Modem i s properly conf igured. SET TIME hh:mm[:ss] V alid context: General Sets the internal system clock .
Appendix C: Comm and Line Re ference Gener al 176 SHO W LED ST A TUS V alid context: General Displays the current status of the DIV A LAN ISDN Modem LEDs. F or example: LED Status B1 B2 D LINK E1 E2 E3 E4/C FAULT POWER On Off On On Flash Fl ash Off *Flash Off On A * next to an On indicates that the LED color is NOT green.
Appendix C: Command Line Refere nce IP filte rs 177 IP f ilters ADD IP FIL TER fi lterNum V alid context: Pr ofile Adds a new IP f ilter to the list at the specified position. This enables you to inser t a f ilter at any point in the list. f ilte rnum : Po siti on to add t he n ew f ilter .
Appendix C: Command Line Refere nce IP filte rs 178 SET IP DESTINA TION Ipaddr netMas k V alid context: F ilter /Pr ofile Sets the destination addr ess and network mask for the filter . On ly data which is destined for the specified address an d networ k is process ed by this f ilter .
Appendix C: Command Line Refere nce IP filte rs 179 SET TYPE {ALL | UDP | TCP | SYN | ANYICMP} V alid context: F ilter Sets the type of data this filter applies to. ALL: This filter applies to all data. UDP: This filter applies to UDP data. TCP: This filter applies to TCP data.
Appendix C: Command Line Refere nce IP NAT 180 IP N A T ENABLE IP NA T DISABLE IP NA T V alid context: Pr ofile Enables or disables N A T (network address translation) for this pro file. N A T allows the DIV A LAN ISDN Modem to use only one IP address when communicating with remote sites via the ISDN port.
Appendix C: Command Line Refere nce IP routing 181 IP routing ADD IP ROUTE Ipaddr maskLe n[:metric] [gwAddr] V alid context: Pr ofile Adds a stat ic IP route.
Appendix C: Command Line Refere nce IP variou s 182 IP various SHO W ICMP ST A TISTICS V alid context: General Displays IC MP statistics . SET IP REMO TE Ipaddr V alid context: Pr ofile Sets the IP address of the remote dev ice this profile conne cts to.
Appendix C: Command Line Refere nce IP variou s 183 SHO W IP CONFIGURA TION V alid context: General Displays IP configuration settin gs. SET IP SER V ICES {ALL | I NTELLIGENT | MINIMAL | NONE} V alid .
Appendix C: Command Line Refere nce ISDN 184 ISDN ENABLE ISDN TEISHARING DISABLE ISDN TEISHARING V alid context: General Enables or disables t he sh ari ng of TEI assi g nments . Some swi tc hes on l y m ak e tw o TEIs a vailab le fo r an ISDN line. Therefore, if you are using A O/DI, enable this option.
Appendix C: Command Line Refere nce ISDN 185 SET ISDN REMO TE channel isdnNumber V alid context: Pr ofile/PPP Sets the remote ISDN numbers the DIV A LAN ISDN Modem should dial when making calls for this profile. channel: ISDN channel. Range: 1 to 2. isdnNumber: ISDN number .
Appendix C: Command Line Refere nce ISDN 186 SET ISDN TEI {isdnTEI | D YNAMIC} V alid context: General Defines the TEI used b y ISDN to support X.25 communications over the D-channel. This setting takes precedence o ver TEI sharing (dynamic allocation).
Appendix C: Command Line Refere nce ISDN Ac cess Time 187 ISDN Access Ti me ADD ISDN A CCESST IME da ys time {IN | OUT | ANY| BLOCKED} V alid context: General Defi nes the times during which ISDN data calls can be made or recei ved.
Appendix C: Command Line Refere nce LAPD 188 LAPD SHO W LAPD TRA CE [memsize [framesize]] V alid context: General This command will start a LAPD trace o r display information for a LAPD trace that is already acti ve. memsize: The amoun t of RAM reserv ed to store the trace on the DIV A LAN ISDN Modem.
Appendix C: Command Line Re ference Logging and Mail Trace 189 Loggin g and M ail T race SET LOG FIL TER {TRA CE | DEBUG | INFO | SECURITY | W ARNING} V alid context: General Specifies the type of information that will be written to the DIV A LAN I SDN Mo d em e vent log.
Appendix C: Command Line Refere nce MLPPP 190 MLPPP SET MLPPP LINKUP threshold delay [channel] V alid context: Pr ofile/PPP Sets the cond itions that def ine when the DIV A LAN ISDN Modem brin gs up an ISDN B -channel. threshold: Percent usage of the current chann el.
Appendix C: Command Line Refere nce Phone 191 Phon e ENABLE PHONE AL TRING channel DISABLE PHONE AL TRING channel V alid context: General If you ha v e two phon e numbers assi gned to phone po rt, the DIV A LAN ISDN Modem assigns a distincti v e ring to each number .
Appendix C: Command Line Refere nce Phone 192 SET PHONE FEA TUREKEY {CONFER ENCE | TRANSFER | DR OP | MSGINDICA T OR} value V alid context: General Specifi es the feature key for analog de vice calling features . CONFERENCE: Conference call. TRANSFER: Call transfer .
Appendix C: Command Line Refere nce Phone 193 ENABLE PHONE SER VICES channel DISABLE PHONE SER VICES channel V alid context: General Enables o r disables s upport for all supplementary phone serv ices.
Appendix C: Command Line Refere nce PPP 194 PPP SET PPP A UTHENT {ENCR YPTED | ANY} V alid context: Pr ofile/PPP Specifies ho w authentication is handled for a call. If the remote is not using the same type of password (encrypted/unen crypted), then the call is rejected .
Appendix C: Command Line Refere nce PPP 195 When enabled, the DIV A LAN ISDN Modem uses the SecureID name and passw ord instead of the user name (SET PPP LN AME ) and passwo rd (SET PPP LP ASSWORD) configu red on the DIV A LAN ISDN Modem for the acti ve prof ile.
Appendix C: Command Line Refere nce PPP 196 SHO W PPP ST A TISTICS V alid context: General Disp lays PP P stat i s tics . SHO W PPP ST A TUS V alid context: Pr ofile/PPP Disp la y s PPP sta t us .
Appendix C: Command Line Refere nce Profiles 197 Profiles SET PR OFILE NAME name V alid context: Pr ofile Changes the name o f the current pro file. name: New n ame for the prof ile. The name mu st not contain spaces. ENABLE PROFILE DISABLE PR OFILE V alid context: Pr ofile Enables or disables the cu rrent prof ile.
Appendix C: Command Line Refere nce Q.931 198 Q. 9 3 1 SHO W Q931 TRA CE [memsize [framesize]] V alid context: General Start a Q931 trace, or d isplay one that is already running . memsize: The amount of RAM reserv ed to store the trace on the DIV A LAN ISDN Modem.
Appendix C: Command Line Refere nce RIP 199 RIP ENABLE RIP [V1 | V2 | V2COMP A TIBLE | MERGE] V alid context: Pr ofile Enables o r disables s upport for RIP (routing i nformation pro tocol). When enabled, the DIV A LAN ISDN Mode m wil l excha nge ro uti n g inf orma t ion wi t h ot he r device s.
Appendix C: Command Line Refere nce RIP 200 DELETE RIP REJECT ipaddr V alid context: General SHO W RIP REJECT V alid context: General Displays the RIP reject table. RIP igno res all routing information receiv ed from peers with IP address that appears in this table.
Appendix C: Command Line Refere nce SNMP 201 SNMP SET SNMP NAME nam e V alid context: General Lets you assign a name to the DIV A LAN ISDN Modem. This inf orm atio n can be retrieved by SNMP agents.
Appendix C: Command Line Refere nce TCP 202 TCP SHO W TCP ST A T ISTICS V alid context: General Displays TC P statisti cs. SHO W TCP TRA CE [memsize [framesize]] V alid context: General Starts or displays a TCP trace. memsize: The amount of RAM reserv ed to store the trace on the DIV A LAN ISDN Modem.
Appendix C: Command Li ne Reference TFTP 203 TFTP ENABLE TFTP SER VER DISABLE TFTP SER VER V alid context: General Enables or disables the TFTP (T rivial File T ransfer Protocol). When enabled the DIV A LAN ISDN Modem acts as a TFTP serv er , and can r espond to upload or d ownload req uests from TFTP clients.
Appendix C: Command Line Refere nce Time Protocol 204 Time Protocol SET TIMEPR O T OCOL SER VER timeServer V alid context: General Use this command to automatically upd ate th e DIV A LAN I SDN Mo d em inter nal clock using a tim e ser ver . timeServer: IP add ress of the time server .
Appendix C: Command Line Refere nce UDP 205 UDP SHO W UDP ST A TISTICS V alid context: General Displays U DP statistics . SHO W UDP TRA CE [memsi ze [fram esiz e]] V alid context: General Starts or displays an UDP trace. memsize: The amoun t of RAM reserv ed to store the trace on the DIV A LAN ISDN Modem.
Appendix C: Command Line Refere nce V.120 206 V. 1 2 0 ENABLE V120 DISABLE V120 V alid context: Pr ofile/PPP Ena bles or disab les the V .12 0 pro t ocol f or the c urrent p rofile. SET V120 M ODE {MUL TIFRAME | UNA CKNO WLEDGED} V alid context: General V .
Appendix C: Command Line Refere nce V.120 207 SET V120 IDLETIME IdleDela y V alid context: General Defi nes the maximum amount of time the line can remain idle withou t the exchang e of data, before the DIV A LAN ISDN Modem disconnects t he link.
Appendix C: Command Line Refere nce V.1 20 Scripti ng 208 V .120 Scripti ng ADD SCRIPT LINE index command [argument] V alid context: Pr ofile/PPP Adds a line to the V .120 script for the cur rent profile. Th e script is ex ecuted when the DIV A LAN ISDN Modem establ ishes a V .
Appendix C: Command Line Refere nce X.25 209 X.25 SET X25 ADDRESS localX25addr V alid context: Pr ofile Sets the X.25 DT E address assigned to the DIV A LAN ISDN Modem.
Appendix C: Command Line Refere nce X.25 210 SET X25 P A CKETSIZE default max imum V alid context: General Sets the default an d maximum X.25 p acket sizes suppor ted for X.25 commun ications ov er the D-channel. default: Default packet size. Range: 64 to 1024 bytes.
Appendix D Regulatory Information This appendix provides regulatory information..
Appendix D: Regulatory In formation 212 Regulatory Information f or the U .S.A W A RNING . Changes or modif ications t o this unit not exp ressly appro v ed by Eico n T echnology Cor poration could v oid the user's authority to operate the equipment.
Appendix D: Regulatory In formation 213 Regulatory Inf ormation for Canada NO TICE: The Industry C anada label identif ies certif ied equipment. This certif ication means that the equipment meets cer tain telecommunic ations netwo rk protecti ve, operational and safety requirem ents.
デバイスEicon Networks DIVA LAN ISDNの購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Eicon Networks DIVA LAN ISDNをまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはEicon Networks DIVA LAN ISDNの技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Eicon Networks DIVA LAN ISDNの取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Eicon Networks DIVA LAN ISDNで得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Eicon Networks DIVA LAN ISDNを既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はEicon Networks DIVA LAN ISDNの不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Eicon Networks DIVA LAN ISDNに関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちEicon Networks DIVA LAN ISDNデバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。