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Impor tant Please read PRECA UTIONS, thi s User ’ s Ma nual, and t he Setup Gui de ( sep arate volume) carefully to f amilia riz e yourself wi th safe a nd ef fec tive usag e. • Please refe r to the Se tup Guid e for basic info rma tion ra nging from connec tio n of the moni tor to a PC to using t he monit or .
2 Location of Caution Statem ent Th is pr oduct ha s be en adjust ed sp eci cally for use i n the r egion to wh ich i t wa s or igin ally sh ipped . If ope rat ed outside th is reg ion, the pr oduct m ay not per form a s st ated i n t he spe cicat ions.
3 Noticeforthismonitor No t ice for th is monit or Aside f rom gener al pu r p oses l ike cr eati ng doc ume nts, v iewi ng multi med ia conte nt, th is pro duct is a lso su ited to applicat ions such as c reat ions of image s and g ra phics, a nd digit al photo pro cessi ng, where a ccu rat e color reprod uct ion is a pr iorit y .
4 Noticeforthismonitor C leaning At te nt io n • Che mica ls such a s alcohol a nd ant ise pt ic solution m ay caus e gloss va r iat ion, t a r n ishi ng, a nd fa di ng of the c abine t or pa nel, and a lso qu al it y det er iora tion of the i ma ge.
5 CONTENTS C ON TEN TS Cover ...................................................................... 1 Not ice f or thi s moni tor ......................................... 3 Cle anin g ..................................................................
6 CONTENTS 7 - 3. Ma kin g Use of US B (Uni vers al Se ri al Bu s )... 5 0 ● SystemReq uireme nt ..................................... 50 ● Proc edur e ...................................................... 50 7 - 4 . Sh owin g Mo nit or In for ma ti on.
7 Chapter1Introduction C hapter 1 Intro duct ion 1 - 1 . F eatures • 27 . 0″ w ide form at LCD • Wide col or ga mut ( Adobe R GB cov er age: 97 %) • Suppor t s a re solution o f 2560 × 1 4 40. • IPS p anel wit h 1 7 8˚ hor i zonta l and ver t ical v iewing a ngles • Frame sy nch ron i zation mode s uppor ted (23 .
8 Chapter1Introduction Attention Be ca ref ul of th e follow ing po int s whe n using t he bu ilt- in c alib rat ion se nsor . Do not t ouch t he bu ilt- in c alib rat ion se nsor . Itmayreducethem easurementacc uracyofthebuilt-i ncalibrati onsensor ,orresultininjur y orequipmentdamage.
9 Chapter1Introduction 1 -2. C ontrols and F u nc tions 1 16 17 10 11 12 13 14 15 7 8 9 2 4 5 3 6 Adju stme ntmen u *1 1. Buil t- in c ali br ati on se nso r Exec utesc alibr ationf oraninde pend entmonito r .Self Cal ibrati onfun cti on( page3 6 ) 2.
10 Chapter1Introduction 1 - 3. EIZO L CD Utilit y Disk A n “EI ZO LCD Util ity D isk” ( CD -RO M ) is supplied w ith t his pro duct. T he fo llowi ng table shows the disk conte nts and t he ov e r view of the soft wa re prog ra ms.
1 1 Chapter1Introduction 1 - 4. Basi c Op erations and F u nc tions ● Basic Adjustment menu operations 1 . Di spla ying Adjustment Menu 1 . Pre ss . T he Adjustme nt menu appe ar s. Cur rentm ode Me nutit le Set ti ng Me nu Item 2. Adjusting/Setting 1 .
12 Chapter1Introduction ● Showing B ut ton Guide W hen you press t he f ront but ton s ( except t he b ut t on ), the but ton g uide ap pea rs nex t to the but t on. But tonG ui de Co ntro lbut ton No te • T he but ton g u ide wi ll c onti nue t o appe a r whi le the Adjus tm ent menu o r Mode menu i s showi ng.
13 Chapter1Introduction ● F unctions The following t able sho ws t he menus for adjust me nt and set t i ng items of each me nu. Mai n Menu It em Ref eren ce Col or *1 Bri ghtne ss “ 2-3.
14 Chapter1Introduction Power Mana ger PowerSave “5 - 1 .Set ti ngPowerSave”(page4 1 ) Indic ator “ 5 -2.S etsth ebri ghtnes softhei ndic ator ” (page42) MenuS ett ings L anguag e “ 3 -2.
15 Chapter2 AdjustingScreens C hapter 2 A djus t in g Screens 2 - 1 . Compatible R esolutions The mon itor su ppor t s the follo w i ng resolutions. ● Digit al Input (D V I- D , DisplayP or t ) Resolu ti on App lic abl e Sign als V er ti cal sc an fre quen cy Dot cl ock DVI- D Disp layPor t 6 40×48 0 VGA 60H z 242.
16 Chapter2 AdjustingScreens 2 -2. Set ting Res olution W hen you con nect t he mon itor to the P C and nd th at the re solution is impro per, or when yo u wa nt to cha nge the resolution, follow the proce du re belo w . ● Windows 8 / Windo ws 7 1 .
17 Chapter2 AdjustingScreens 2 - 3. A djustin g Color ● T o select t he display mode ( color mode ) Th is f u nct ion allows easy s election of a desire d mode ac cordi ng to mon itor applicat ion. Disp lay Mo des Mod e Purp ose 1- Custom Availabl eforth ecol orset ting sacc ord ingtoyourprefe renc e.
18 Chapter2 AdjustingScreens ● T o p er for m advanced adjustments “Color” of the Ad ju st ment menu al lo ws you to con g u re and s av e a se pa rate s et of co lor set t ings for ea ch mode.
19 Chapter2 AdjustingScreens ● Adjusting Brightness The s cre en br ight ness i s adjust ed by cha ngi ng the br ight ne ss of the back light (l ight sou rce f rom t he LCD ba ck panel). Set t ing Ran ge 7 5cd /m 2 t o 3 50 cd /m 2 Proce dure 1 .
20 Chapter2 AdjustingScreens ● Adjusting Gamma Ga m ma ca n be adjust ed. T he br ig htne ss of the monitor va r ies de pend ing on t he i nput si g n al, how ever, the var iat ion rate is not pr opor t ional to t he i nput si g n al.
21 Chapter2 AdjustingScreens ● Adjusting Saturation Th is f u nct ion allows yo u t o adjust color sat u rat ion. Set t ing Ran ge - 1 0 0 to 1 0 0 Proce dure 1 . Choose “C ol or ” f rom t he Ad ju st ment menu, a nd pre ss . 2. Choose “ Advance d Set ti ngs” f rom “Color” , and pr ess .
22 Chapter2 AdjustingScreens ● T o set clipping Th is f u nct ion allows yo u t o dis pla y t he mon itor with t he colors bas ed on the st a nda rd value s o f t he de ned color gamut ( s uch as sR GB ). The met hod of displayi ng the de ned c ol or ga mut outside the nor m al ga mut o f t he monitor c an be s et.
23 Chapter2 AdjustingScreens ● Adjusting Gain The b r ight ness of each color component re d, g re en , and blue is called G ai n. Y ou can cha nge the hue of “white” by adjust ing ga in . Set t ing Ran ge 0% to 1 0 0% Proce dure 1 . Choose “C ol or ” f rom t he Ad ju st ment menu, a nd pre ss .
24 Chapter2 AdjustingScreens ● Adjusting 6 Colors The hue a nd sat u rat ion ca n be adjust ed for each of six colors: Magenta , Red, Y ello w , G ree n, Cya n, a nd Blue. Adjus tab le Ra nge - 1 0 0 to 1 0 0 Proce dure 1 . Choose “C ol or ” f rom t he Ad ju st ment menu, a nd pre ss .
25 Chapter2 AdjustingScreens 2 - 5. Select ing Screen S ize The i ma ge with t he resolution othe r th an t he recom me nded re solution is displayed in f u ll sc ree n automat ically . Y o u ca n cha nge the sc reen si ze by usi ng the “ Scre en Size” f u nct ion f rom “Sc ree n” .
26 Chapter2 AdjustingScreens ● HDMI (HD signal ) input Set t ings Funct ion Enlarg ed Dis playsanimag einfulls cree n.Insom ecas es,ablan khor izontalo rver tic alb order appe arstoeq ualizeth ever tic alratean dtheho rizo ntalrate.
27 Chapter2 AdjustingScreens 2 - 6. Cong uring Mo ving Image P er formance Th is f u nct ion reduc es v isibl e af t er i mages t hat app ea r in fa st movi ng ima ges. If noise or af te r im age is adver sely noticea bl e, se t the “O verd rive” set ti ng to “ Off ” .
28 Chapter2 AdjustingScreens 2 - 8. Set ting HDMI ● Reducing noise The s mall noise s th at occu r i n da rk i mages a re re duce d. Use th is f u nct ion to reduc e noise and roug h ness i n im ages. Proce dure 1 . Choose “ Scre en” f rom the Adjust ment menu , and p ress .
29 Chapter2 AdjustingScreens Enabling Ps eudo Inter lace The i nput i nterla ce signa l is dis play ed a s it is without co nv er sion, en abling i mage s with a C R T -li ke text u re t o be d isplay e d. Proce dure 1 . Choose “ Scre en” f rom the Adjust ment menu , and p ress .
30 Chapter2 AdjustingScreens Sett ing safe area size The si ze of the safe a rea ca n be set. Adjus tab le Ra nge 80% to 99% Proce dure 1 . Choose “ Scre en” f rom the Adjust ment menu , and p ress . 2. Choose “ H DMI Set t ings” f rom “ Scre en” , a nd press .
31 Chapter3SettingMonitor C hapter 3 Sett ing M onitor 3 - 1 . Enabling/Disabli ng Mod e Selection Th is f u nct ion selects / de selects mo des t hat should be sk ippe d. Please us e th is f u nct ion if you w ould li ke to prevent a mode f rom bei ng us ed.
32 Chapter3SettingMonitor 3 - 4. Ch anging A djustment Menu Displ ay P osition Y o u ca n cha nge the d isplay position o f t he Adjust ment menu. Proce dure 1 . Choose “ Menu Set ti ngs” f rom t he Ad ju st ment menu , and pre ss . 2. Choose “ Menu Pos it ion ” f rom “ Menu Set ti ngs” , a nd pre ss .
33 Chapter3SettingMonitor 3 - 7 . Sett ing Si gnal Bandwidth The r a nge o f f re quency a nd dete ct ion sensitiv ity of the cha nge in sig nal ca n be sw itched. At te nt io n • T he gr aph ics boa rd s upp or t ing sig na l dis play is req ui re d.
34 Chapter3SettingMonitor 3 - 9. Cha nging DU E (Digital Un ifor mit y Equa lizer) Sett ing The DU E set t ing ca n be cha nged. Set t ings Funct ion Br ightn ess M akesthebr ight nessa ndco loroft hewho lescr eenunif ormw itho utchan gingth e ma ximumbr ight nes sandc ontrastr atio.
35 Chapter3SettingMonitor ● T o reset all adjustments to th e default sett ings Th is f u nct ion reset s al l adjust me nts to t he default set t ings ( except the “ Opt ional Set t ings” me nu and “ US B Selection” . Proce dure 1 .
36 Chapter4SelfCalibration C hapter 4 SelfCa libratio n Th is pr oduct is e quipp ed w ith a bui lt -i n calib rat ion sensor. The cond itions t hat have been a djuste d usi ng Color Navigator a nd the me asu re ment device ca n be m ai ntai ned .
37 Chapter4SelfCalibration ● Set ting calibration schedule Set the c alibr ation sched ule for SelfCa libr ation. At te nt io n • Clock a djust me nt is nec ess ar y for Sel fC ali bra tion t o ope rat e. Proce dure 1 . Choose “ Self Calib rat ion” from t he Ad ju st ment menu , and pr ess .
38 Chapter4SelfCalibration ● Set the mod e for which SelfCalibration is e xecuted. Set the mo de to execute Self Cal ibr ation ( CAL 1/ CAL2/CAL3 ). Proce dure 1 . Choose “ Self Calib rat ion” from t he Ad ju st ment menu , and pr ess . 2.
39 Chapter4SelfCalibration ● Set ting Adjustment T arget Set the c alibr ation t ar gets for SelfC alibr ation. Proce dure 1 . Choose “ Self Calib rat ion” from t he Ad ju st ment menu , and pr ess . 2. Choose “ Set t ings” f rom “ SelfC alibr ation” , a nd pre ss .
40 Chapter4SelfCalibration 4 - 3. Check ing A djustment Res ult s The p revious Self Ca libr ation res ults c an be che cked. Proce dure 1 . Choose “ Self Calib rat ion” from t he Ad ju st ment menu , and pr ess . 2. Choose “ Resu lt” f rom “ Self Calib rat ion ” , a nd press .
41 Chapter5PowerSavingFunctions C hapter 5 P ow er Sa ving F un c tions 5 - 1 . Sett ing P ow er Sav e Th is f u nct ion allows yo u t o set the mon itor i nto t he pow e r savi ng mode ac cordi ng to t he PC st at us. W he n the monitor h as sh if te d to t he pow e r savi ng mode, t he ima ges on the s cree n ar e not displayed.
42 Chapter5PowerSavingFunctions 5 -2 . Sets t he brightness of the indicator The b r ight ness of the power ind icator ( blue ) a nd the f u nct ion ind icator below the oper at ion k eys whe n the sc ree n is dis play ed ca n be set .
43 Chapter6T roubleshooting C hapter 6 T r oubles hoo t in g If a problem st ill re mai ns a f ter ap plying t he sugge sted r emed ies, cont act you r local EI ZO re prese ntat ive . 6 - 1 . No picture Probl em Possibl e cau se and r eme dy 1. No pi ct ure • Powerindic atord oesnotli ght.
44 Chapter6T roubleshooting 6 -2. Imaging pr oblems Probl em Possibl e cau se and r eme dy 1. The sc re en is t oo b rig ht o r too d ar k. • Us e“ Bri ghtne ss”intheA djustm entmenutoad justit.( Th e LCDmonito rback lighthasali mitedlifes pan.
45 Chapter6T roubleshooting 6 - 3. O ther problems Probl em Possibl e cau se and r eme dy 1. The a dju st me nt me nu do es no t ap pea r . • Check whethertheoperation loc kfunctionworks (s ee “ 3 - 6. Loc kingO perat ionBu tto ns”(page32) ).
46 Chapter6T roubleshooting 6 - 4. Bui lt- in calibration s ensor and Se lf Cali brat ion problems Probl em Possibl e cau se and r eme dy 1. The b uil t- in c alib ra ti on sen sor d oe s not co me ou t /st ays ou t . • T ur nof fthem ainpower ,an dthentur nitona gainafew minutesl ater .
47 Chapter7Reference C hapter 7 R eferen ce 7 - 1 . At tachi ng th e Optional Arm A n optiona l ar m ( or a n optiona l sta nd) ca n be at t ached by removi ng t he sta nd sec tion. Please refer to ou r web site for the cor re spond i ng optional a r m ( or opt ional st and).
48 Chapter7Reference 7 -2 . Con nec ting Multiple Ex ter nal De vices The p roduct h as mult iple conne ction s to exte r na l device s and al lo ws you to sw itch to one of the con ne ctions for dis play .
49 Chapter7Reference ● T o switch among input signals The i nput sign al sw itches ea ch ti me is pre ssed. W hen t he signa l is switche d, t he act ive input por t n ame ap pea rs at t he top r ight cor ner of the scr een .
50 Chapter7Reference 7 - 3. Making U se of U SB (U niv ersal Serial Bus ) Th is mon itor ha s a US B hub. It w ork s as a USB hub when con nect ed to a USB- compat ible PC, allowing t he con nec tion of per iphera l US B dev ices. ● System Requirement • A PC equ ippe d with a USB por t.
51 Chapter7Reference 7 - 4. Sho wing Monitor Information ● Displayi ng signal information “Signal Info ” Th is f u nct ion dis plays the in for mation ab out the cu r re nt input sig nals d isplayed. Proce dure 1 . Choose “ T ools” fr om the Adjust ment menu , and pr ess .
52 Chapter7Reference 7 - 5. Specications LCDPanel Size 27 .0inch(6 80mm) T ype C olo rTF T ,IPS Sur f acet reatme nt HardC oatin g Sur f aceha rdnes s 3H View ingang les H orizo ntal:1 78˚ ,ver ti cal:1 78˚(CR≥10 ) Dotpitc h 0.
53 Chapter7Reference Movabler ange T ilt Up:25˚ ,down:0˚ Swi vel 3 44˚ Adjust ableh eight 190mm( 7 .5inc h )( 1 5 1 .
54 Chapter7Reference Outsid e Dimensions Unit :mm(in ch) 90°~ 381 (15.0) 296 (1 1.7) 255 (10.0) 281.5 (1 1.1) 383.5 (15.1) 15.5 (0.61) 100 (3.9) 100 (3.9) 256.5 (10.1) 279 (1 1.0) 215 (8.5) 604 (23.8) 704 (27.7) 58 (2.28) 402 (15.8) 37.6 (1.
55 Chapter8Glossary C hapter 8 Gloss ar y Adobe R GB Th is is a de n ition of the pra ct ical R GB color space prop osed by Adobe System s i n 1 998. The color rep roduct ion ra nge ( color gamut ) is broa der t ha n sR GB, and is h igh ly ad apt able to such e ld s as pr i nti ng etc.
56 Chapter8Glossary Gain Th is is u sed t o adjust e ach color para mete r for red, g r een a nd blue. An LCD mon itor d isplays the color by the l ight passi ng th r ough t he panel color lter. Red, g ree n and blue are t he t h ree pr i ma r y colors.
57 Chapter8Glossary sR GB (Standard R GB) Int er n ational s ta nd ard for color reprod uction a nd color space a mong per ipher al dev ices ( such as mon itors , pr int er s, digit al ca mer as, s can ne rs ).
58 Appendix Appendi x T rademar k The t er m s H DMI a nd HDM I High -De nit ion M u lti med ia Int er face, a nd t he HDM I Logo are t r ade ma rks or regis tere d t ra dema rk s of HDMI Licen sing, LLC i n the Un ited St ates a nd othe r cou ntr ies.
59 Appendix F CC Declaration of C onformit y F or U .S .A. , Cana da , etc . ( rated 1 00 - 1 20 V ac ) On ly FC C Declara t io n of C onf ormit y W e , the Responsi ble Part y EIZ OInc.
60 Appendix Hin weise zu r Aus wahl des richtigen Sch wenk ar ms für Ihren Mon itor Dieser Monitor ist für Bildschirmarbeitsplätze vorgesehen. W enn nicht der zum Standardzubehör gehörige Schwenkarm verwendet wird, muss statt dessen ein geeigneter anderer Schwenkarm installiert werden.
61 Appendix LIMITE D W ARR ANT Y LIMITED W ARRANTY EIZO Corporation (hereinafter referred to as “ EIZO ”) and distributors authorized by EIZO (hereinafter re.
62 Appendix BEGRENZTE GARANTIE E I Z O C o r p o r a t i o n ( i m W e i t e r e n a l s „ EIZO “ bezeichn et) und die V ertragsimporteure von EIZO (im .
63 Appendix GARANTIE LIMITÉE EIZO Corporation (ci-après dénommé « EIZO ») et les distributeurs autorisés par EIZO (ci-après dénommés « Distrib.
64 Appendix GARANTÍA LIMIT ADA EIZO Corporation (en lo sucesivo “ EI Z O ”) y sus distribuidores autorizados (en lo sucesivo los “ Distribuidores ”) .
65 Appendix GARANZIA LIMIT A T A EIZO Corporation (a cui si farà riferimento da qui in poi con “ EIZO ”) ed i Distributori autorizzati da EIZ.
66 Appendix BEGRÄNSAD GARANTI EIZOCorporation(nedan kallat“ EIZO ”)och EIZOsauktoriseradedistributörer (nedankallade“ Distributörer ”)garanterar i .
67 Appendix ΠΕΡΙΟΡΙΣΜΕΝΗ ΕΓΓΥΗΣΗ Η E I Z O C o r p o r a t i o n ( σ τ ο ε ξ ή ς « EIZO » ) κ α ι ο ι δ ι α ν ο μ ε ί ς .
68 Appendix ОГР АНИЧЕННАЯ Г АР АНТИЯ EIZ O Corp ora tio n (назы ваем ая в дал ьне йше м “ EIZO ”) и автори зир ован ны.
69 Appendix 有限责任保证书 EIZO Corporation ( 以下简称 EIZO ) 和 EIZO 授权的经销商 ( 以下简称 经销商 ) , 接受并依照本有限责任保证书 (.
70 Appendix Rec y cling In for mation Recycling Information This product, when disposed of, is supposed to be collected and recycled according to your country’s legislationto reduce environmental burden.
71 Appendix Πληροφορίες ανακύκλωσης Τ ο προϊόν αυτό, ό ταν απορρίπτεται, πρέπει να συλλέγεται και να.
72 Appendix Informace o recyklaci Při likvidaci produktu musí být produkt vyzvednut a recyklován podle zákonů příslušné země, aby nedocházelo k zatěžování životního prostředí.
73 Appendix Инфор мация о тносно рециклиране Приизхв ър лянет онатозипро дуктсепредлаг асъбиране то.
74 Appendix C hina Measu res for RoH S Compliance in C hinaR oHS 关于电子信息产品污染控制标识 本标识根据「电子信息产品污染控制管理办法」 ,适用于在中华人民.
2nd Edition-April, 2013 03V24155B1 (U. M -C G2 76 ) Copyright © 2012-2013 EIZO Corporation All rights reserved..
デバイスEizo CG276の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Eizo CG276をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはEizo CG276の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Eizo CG276の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Eizo CG276で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Eizo CG276を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はEizo CG276の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Eizo CG276に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちEizo CG276デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。