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® PRO Musician’ s P r o G u i d e Musician Pro Guide Spring 2009.
Recording Recording C2 1 4 Studio mic. , large d iaphragm, base d on C4 1 4 capsule, cardioid polar pat tern € 4 15 C2 1 4 STEREO SET Studio mic. , large d iaphragm, base d on C4 1 4 capsule, cardio.
Recording & Broadcast Recording & Broadcast C1 00 0S i ncl. L ED Vocal/Instrument micr ophone, incl. LED for batte r y check € 189 C200 0B Unive rs al c ar diod r e cor ding m icr op hone i ncl. H 85 € 259 C30 00B One p olar p at te rn, lar ge diap hra gm con den se r mic ro phon e, inc l.
Recording & Broadcast SOL IT UBE Vacuum t ube m icr op hone € 865 C450 0B -BC “L ar ge diap hra gm con den se r mic rop hon e for r adio a nnoun cin g and pr od uc tio n“ € 499 Features So.
Perception PERCEP T ION 1 20 L arg e ca rdi od diap hra gm con den se r mic ro phon e + st and a dapto r € 11 9 PERCEP T ION 1 70 Small dia phr agm co nde nse r mic r opho ne + st and a dapt er € .
Condenser Handheld Microphones Condenser Handheld Microphones C5 Pr ofe ss iona l con den sor m icr op hone f or vo cal s € 209 ELLE C sil ver Pr ofe ss iona l con den sor vo ca l mic rop hon e, sil.
D y n a m ic H an dh el d - I n s t r um en t Mi cr op ho ne s Dynamic Handheld Instrument Microphones D40 Profe ssional dynamic instr ument microphone € 99 D5 Profe ssional dynamic micr ophone for .
Handheld & Instrument Microphones Dynamic Instrument Microphones D 1 1XLR Dynamic Microphone for bass instrument s, i ncl. 5 m XLR to XLR cable € 99 D 22XLR Dynamic Microphone for instrument s, incl. 5 m XLR to XLR cable en H 440 mounting bracket.
D R U M S E T I I D R U M S E T B I G I I Instrument Microphones Instrument Microphones C 41 1 C430 Condens er ov erhea d m icr ophone € 159 C4 1 1L Acoust ic pick -up miniature micr ophone for wire.
Clip-on Microphones Clip-on Microphones C5 1 6ML Hyp er car dio id ins tr ume nta l mic ro phon e for a cc or deo n and sp eaker s, mini x lr fo r wire le ss, B29L or M PA V € 159 C5 18ML Miniat ure.
Head-worn Micro Mic Lavalier Microphones C 417 CK 55 L Head-worn Micro Mic Lavalier Microphones C 52 0 C 55 5 HC 5 7 7 C520L Hea dwor n mic ro pho ne fo r voc als, mini xl r for wi re les s, B29L or M.
WMS 40 Pro Wireless Systems Maximum flexibility Three selectable frequencies for interference-free reception, adjustable transmitter input gain. • Three selectable frequencies • Diversity receiver.
Wireless Systems WMS 40 Pro Wireless systems 15 WMS 40 PRO SINGL E SET S WMS 40 PRO VOC AL s ingle Wir ele ss s et , H T 40 handh eld t ran smi t ter + SR40 s ingle r e cei ver + ada pte r € 165 WMS.
WMS 40 Pro Wireless Systems WMS 40 PRO FLE X X SE TS WMS 40 PRO VOCA L fl ex x Wir ele ss s et, H T 40 FL E X X handh eld t ran smit t er + SR40 F LE X X r ec eive r + st and a dapt or € 225 WMS 40.
WMS 450 PRO WMS 450 PRO Wireless Systems 17 WMS450 VOCAL D5 Wirele ss div er sit y set incl. : € 5 99 - HT 450/ D5 ha nd transmit ter - SR 450 rec eiver - AC adapter , rack mount kit, mic holder - batter ies, user’s manu al - carr ying case WMS450 VOCAL C5 Wirele ss div er sit y set incl.
18 IVM in Ear system IVM Wireless In Eer Monitoring System Power Supplies IV M4 Wir ele ss i n ear mo nitor ing s ys tem, c ompl ete s yst em € 899 POWER SUPPL Y UNI TS B29L Bat t er y p ower s uppl.
Headphones K70 2 Studio refer ence headphones € 409 K27 1 MKII Close d-back circum-aural dyn amic stere o headphones, mini XLR connector € 1 69 K1 71 MKII Close d-back supra-a ural dynamic ster eo.
Headphones Features K 99 ı Semi-open, circumaural hi-fi stereo headphones ı Low weight for excellent comfort ı Skin compatible leatherette ear pads ı Excellent price/performance Features K 77 ı Closed-back circumaural headphones ı Excellent comfort Headphones K8 1 DJ DJ Head phon es.
Di Box - EQ Di box - EQ Di Box - EQ DI Box AR 1 33 Act ive DI Box - Line balancer € 1 65 FC S 966 EK Const ant Q Graphic equaliser € 849 Features FCS 966 EK ı Constant Q filters ı More gain cont.
Amps XTi Series Amps Features XTi Series ı Integrated proprietary DSP with LCD front panel display ı Accurate, uncolored sound with very low distortion for the best in music and voice reproduction .
Amps XLS Series 24 XL S Range XLS20 2D XL SD serie amplfi ier 2 x 300W / 4 ohm € 3 39 XLS402D XL SD serie amplifi er 2 x 4 50W / 4 oh m € 4 15 XLS60 2D XL SD serie amplifi er 2 x 600W / 4 ohm € 549 XLS802D XL SD serie amplifi er 2 x 800W / 4 ohm € 629 XLS5000D XL SD serie amplifi er 2x 1 800W / 4 ohm € 1.
RT A Mi c i nc l u de d DriveRack PX DriveRack PX DR IV ER ACK PX 2 x 4 Power e d spe aker mana geme nt pr oc es so r € 499 25 Features DriveRack PX ı Stereo Feedback Elimination with 12 feedback n.
DriveRack 260 - P A DriveRack 260 2 x 6 speaker m anagement proc ess or € 1. 1 79 DRI VER ACK P A 2 x 6 P A management pr oces sor € 67 5 RT A M Driverac k RT A micr ophone € 1 45 26 Features Dr.
Direct Box Direct box DB 10 Pas sive DI box € 109 DB 12 Ac tive DI box € 1 55 27 Features dB10 ı Premium Performance ı Rugged Design ı Stackable Chassis with Durable Rubber Foot ı Gold-plated .
Eq EQ’s Features 231-215-131 ı T wo 31-band, 1/3-octave Constant Q frequency bands (231) ı T wo 15-band, 2/3-octave Constant Q frequency bands (215) ı Single 31-band, 1/3-octave Constant Q freque.
Silver Range / 10 Series Silver Range 10 Series Features 1046-1066-1074 ı 4 in d ep e nd e nt c h an n el s o f o pe r at i on , s t er eo li n ka b le in 2 pa i rs . ( 10 4 6) ı S wi t ch a bl e O ve r Ea s y® or ha rd - kn e e c om p re ss i on .
Production Series Features AFS 224 ı dbx’s Patent-pending (Advanced Feedback Suppression) AFS™ technology ı 24 Programmable Filters per Channel ı Stereo or Dual Independent Channel Processing .
JRX 100 Series Portable systems JRX 100 Series JR X 1 00 S ER IES JR X1 12M 12” + 1 ” m onit or , 250W/8 ohm € 3 45 JR X1 15 15 ” + 1 ” full r ange s pe aker , 250W/8 ohm € 355 JR X1 25 2 .
MRX 500 Series MR X 50 0 SE R IES MR X5 1 2M 12” + 1 ,5 ” monitor spe ak er , 400W /8 ohm € 8 85 MR X5 1 5 15 ” + 1 ,5” full range speaker , 400W /8 ohm € 9 05 MR X5 25 2 x 15 ” + 1 ,5” full range speaker , 800W / 4 ohm € 1.285 MR X5 1 8S 1 x 18” subwoofer 500W / 4 ohm € 8 85 MR X5 28S 2 x 18” subwoofer 1 000W / 4 ohm € 1.
EON 500 S erie s EON5 1 0 Powered speaker 1 0” + 1 ” 220 W + 60 W amp + mix er € 8 25 EON5 1 5 Powered speaker 1 5” + 1 ” 35 0W + 1 00W amp + mix er € 1.
EON 300 S erie s EON3 1 5 Powered speaker 1 5” + 1 ” 22 0W + 60W a mp € 695 EON3 05 15 ” passive loudsp eak er 250W € 529 EON 305 EON 315 SYSTEM TYPE 15”, two-way, bass reflex design Self-.
PRX 500 Series PR X 50 0 SER IE S PR X 5 12M 12” + 1 ,5” power e d monit or sp eaker 4 00W + 100W € 1.395 PR X 5 15 15 ” + 1,5” powere d sp eaker 4 00W + 100W € 1.59 5 PR X 5 25 2 x 15 ” + 1,5 ” sp eaker , 2x 275W + 1 0 0W € 1. 9 19 PR X 535 1x 15 ” + 6,5” + 1 ,5 “ sp eaker , 400W + 150W + 100W € 1.
LSR 2300 Series LSR232 5P 5” + 1 ” bi am plifi ed studio monitor , 50W + 3 5W amplifi er € 2 95 LSR2328P 8” + 1 ” bi amplifi ed studio monitor , 90W + 70W amplifi er € 5 1 9 LSR23 1 0S.
LSR4300 Series LS R 4300 S erie s LSR43 26 P 6 ” + 1 ” bi amplifi ed studio monitor , 1 50W + 70W amplifi er + DSP roo m mode cor rec tion € 689 LSR43 26 P AK 2 x L SR4 32 6P + LSR4300 acce ssor y kit € 1.38 5 LSR43 26 P5 .1 IN 5x LSR43 26P + 1x L SR 43 12SP + LSR4 300 acce ssor y kit € 4 .
Control 2P Series CONTROL 2P S ER IE S CONTROL C ONTR ACTOR SU RFA CE M OUNT SPE AKE R S CONTR TOL2PS Co ntr ol 2P st er eo p air , on e powe re d mas ter s pea ker + one p ass ive ex te rn sio n spe .
I•ONIX I•ONIX SERIES 39 Features I•ONIX FW810S ı Zero latency Lexicon monitor reverb ı dbx® high-voltage, ultra low noice mic pre’s on all 8 channels ı dbx dynamics (compressor , limiter ,.
ı Desktop Recording ALPHA , OMEG A AND L AMBDA OMEGA Desk top rec ording studio + Steinber g Cubase LE + Pantheon reverb plug in, 8x4 x2 € 259 L AMBD A Desk top rec ording studio + Steinber g Cubas.
MX Series MX Series Processors MX SE R IES - PROCE SS OR S MX200 Multi effe ct pro ces sor € 27 5 MX300 Multi effe ct pro ces sor € 409 MX 400 Multi effe ct pro ces sor , Jack € 4 75 MX 400XL Mu.
M Series Features M Series : ı 4, 8 or 12 input versions ı S/PDIFDigital output ı 4, 8 or 12 input versions ı S/PDIFDigital output ı Low noise, low distortion and RF rejection mic preamps ı Grea.
EFX - MFXi Series Multi-purpose mixers EFX/MFXi Series FX SER IES FX1 6ii Mixing console, 1 6 mono, 2sub, L -R + Lexicon reverb, including rackmount € 989 EFX8 Mixing console, 8 mono, 2 stere o , 2 .
Features EPM: ı Frame sizes 6+2, 8+2 and 12+2 ı 2 configurable auxiliary buses ı XLR-type and ¼” metal jack connector sockets ı RCA phono stereo playback inputs and record outputs ı 3-band EQ .
GigRac Series Powered mixers GigRac Series GIGR AC GI GR AC600 Por table powere d m ixer 2 x 300W , 4U € 49 5 GI GR AC 1 000ST Por table powere d m ixer 2 x 500W , 4U € 6 45 45 Max Input Mic -18 d.
Live Range LX7II LX7II Series L X7 II L X7II 16ch Mixin g co nso le, 16 + 6 , 6 aux, 4 gr oup, L -R-M € 1.329 L X7II 24 ch Mixin g co nso le, 24 + 6, 6 aux, 4 group, L -R-M € 1. 685 L X7II 32ch Mixin g co nso le, 32 + 6, 6 aux, 4 gro up, L - R -M € 2.
Live Range GB Series GB2 Series GB2 Features ı 16, 24, 32 channel frame sizes ı 12 busses ı 2 full feature stereo channels ı 2 stereo returns (on stereo channels) ı 6 Aux sends ı 4 sub groups (p.
Live Range GB 4 Series GB4 Series GB4 LIVE CONSOLE GB4 1 6 4 bus professio nal mixing console, 1 6 channels € 2.645 GB4 24 4 bus professio nal mixing console, 2 4 channels € 3.6 79 GB4 3 2 4 bus professio nal mixing console, 3 2 channels € 4. 709 GB4 40 4 bus professio nal mixing console, 40 channels € 5.
GB8 Series Live Range GB Series Features GB8: ı 24, 32, 40 and 48 channel frame sizes ı 19 busses ı 4 full feature stereo channels ı 4 stereo returns ı 8 Aux sends (all are pre/post switchable) .
50 Notes.
Y ou r dealer Uitg ege ven do or Audio X L NV Be lgië: Indus tr iet er re in 2 nr 1 4 ı IZ Web bekom 21 10 ı 3290 Dies t ı T : + 32 ( 0) 1 3/ 670 890 ı F : + 32 ( 0) 1 3/ 785 669 ı inf o@audi oxl.
デバイスAKG C414B-XLII+H85の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
AKG C414B-XLII+H85をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはAKG C414B-XLII+H85の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。AKG C414B-XLII+H85の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。AKG C414B-XLII+H85で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
AKG C414B-XLII+H85を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はAKG C414B-XLII+H85の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、AKG C414B-XLII+H85に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちAKG C414B-XLII+H85デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。