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COMPETENCE D4101-4 Built-in Electric Multifunction Double Oven Installation and Operating Instructions 100 150 200 250 100 150 200 240 PERFEKT IN FORM UND FUNKTION.
2 IMPORT A NT SA FETY INFORMA TION Thes e warnings are pro vided i n the i nterests of your safet y. Ens ure that you und erstand them all bef ore instal ling or using the appli ance. Your saf et y is of param ount im por tance. If you are u nsur e about an y of the inf orm ation in t his book c ontact the Cus tom er Care Depar tm ent.
3 CONTENTS FOR THE USER Important Safety Information 2 Description of The Appliance 4 Gett ing To K now You r Appl iance 5 Grill And Ov en Furn iture 6 Teles copic Run ners 6 Before Us ing T he Appl i.
4 DESCRIPTION OF THE A PPLI A NCE BUILT-IN ELECTRIC MULTI FUNCTION DOUBLE OVEN Your bui lt-in o ven com pr ises of a conventio nal s econd o ven and dual grill in the top c om partm ent. The m ultifunc tion o ven can b e autom aticall y contr olled b y the e lectron ic tim er.
5 GETTING TO KNOW YOUR A PPLI A NCE THE CONTROL PANEL A - Multif unction M ain O ven Sel ector Oven Light Rotitherm Roas ting Speedcook Fan Control led Defr osting Pizza Conventio nal Cook ing Ventith.
6 GRILL AND OVEN FURNITURE The f ollowing item s of oven furn iture have be en supplied with th e applia nce:- 1 grill pan 2 grill pan handl es 1 grill pan grid 1 straig ht she lf (for grilling a nd s.
7 BEFORE USING THE APPLIA NCE RA TING PLA TE This is situated on the lo wer fr ont fram e of the applianc e and c an be seen upo n op ening the door. Alternat ivel y the rat ing plate m a y also be f ound on the back or top of som e m odels (where ap plic able).
8 ELECTRONIC TIMER KEY A COOK TIME B END TIM E C COUNTDOWN DT I M E E DECRE ASE CONTROL F SELECTO R CONTROL G INCREASE CONT ROL NOTE: The time of da y must be set before the main oven will operate manual ly. 1. HOW TO SET THE TIME OF DA Y The oven has a 24 hour c lock .
9 TO CANCEL THE COUNTDOWN If you change your m ind and want to canc el the 'Countdown' , press the Select or Contr ol butt on until the 'Countdo wn' ( ) ind icator neon flashes a nd then the decrease co ntrol ( - ) until 0.00 sho ws in th e displa y as Fig.
10 B) TO SET THE TIMER TO SWITCH OFF ONLY i) Ensure t he elec tric ity s upply is s witched O N an d that the cor rect t im e of da y is displa yed, e.g. 10.00am as Fig. 9. ii) Set the m ain oven c ontrols to the r equir ed f unction and tem perature.
11 6. THINGS TO NOTE · In the even t of an inter ruption of the electr icit y suppl y, the tim er will r eset itse lf to zero, and all program ming wil l be canc elle d. 7. A UTO M ATIC COOKING It is advisab le to l eave food in the oven f or as short a t ime as possible before autom atic cook ing.
12 FULL WIDTH DUAL GRILL CAUTION - ACCESSIBLE PARTS M AY BECOME HOT WHEN T HE GRILL IS IN USE. CH ILDREN SHOULD B E KEPT AWAY. The grill is a dual circ uit grill wh ich m eans that the f ull are a of the grill c an be us ed or for ec onom y purposes, the centre sec tion o nl y can be used when co ok ing sm aller quant ities of f ood.
13 THE GRILL PAN AND HANDLES The grill pan is sup plied with rem ovab le handles . 1. To attach the ha ndles, place the wire work under the cut out in the pan so th at the m etal plate h ooks over the top of the grill p an. Ensure the handles are positiv ely located.
14 · Preheat the gr il l on f ull set ting f or a f ew m inutes to seal m eat or for toasting. Adjust th e heat setting an d the s helf pos ition as necess ary during cook ing.
15 SECOND OVEN The second oven is the sm aller of the two ovens. It is heated b y elements in th e top a nd bottom of the oven . It is designed for cooking sm aller quant ities of food. It gi ves es peciall y goo d results if used to c ook fruit c akes , sweet and savo ur y flans or qu iche.
16 HINTS AND TIPS · Arrange the shelves in the re quir ed posit ions before s witching t he ov en ON. S helf pos itions are count ed from the bottom up wards. · There should alwa y s be at le ast 2 .5cm (1”) between t he top of the food and the elem ent.
17 SECOND OVEN COOKING CHART SECOND O VEN FOOD SHELF POSIT ION COOKING TEM P° C APPROX COOK TIME (m) Biscu its Bread Bread r olls/buns Cakes : Sm all & Queen 1 1* 1 1 170 - 190 200 - 220 200 - 22.
18 VENTITHERM ® FAN OPERA TED COOKING The f an oven is partic ularl y suitab le for cook ing lar ger qua ntities of f ood. The adva ntages of fan ov en co oking ar e: PREHE A T ING The fan oven quic kl y r eaches its tem perature, s o it is not usuall y neces sar y to preheat the ov en.
19 USING THE TELESCOPIC RUNNERS (where fitted) 1. Ensure t he tel escopic runner s are p ushed back into the o ven ca vity bef ore fitting t he sh elf. 2. Holdin g the f ront edge of the she lf with both hands, pl ace the r ear she lf form s over the tel escopic run ners.
20 CONVENTIONA L COOKING This form of cook ing gives yo u the opportu nit y to cook without t he fan in oper atio n. It is particul arl y suitable for dish es wh ich req uire extra bas e bro wning s uch as pizza s, qu iches a nd f lans. G ratins , lasagnes and h otpots which requir e extra top bro wning a lso cook well in the con ventional oven.
21 HINTS AND TIPS · Single lev el cook ing gives best r esu lts. If you require m ore than one level of c ooking us e t he fan ove n functio n. · The middle sh elf al lows f or the best heat distributi on. To incr ease base brownin g sim ply lower the sh elf pos itio n.
22 MAIN OVEN COOKING CHA RT The oven tem peratures ar e int ended as a guid e onl y. It ma y be nec ess ary t o inc rease or decr ease th e temper atures b y 10°C to sui t ind ividual prefer ences a nd requir em ents.
23 RO A STING CHART INTERNAL T EMPERAT URES – Rare : 50-60 °C; Med ium : 60-70°C; W ell done : 70-80°C MEAT T EMPERAT URE COOKING TIME Beef/ Beef boned 160- 180°C 20-35 m inutes per ½kg ( 1lb) .
24 MAIN OVEN FULL WIDTH DU A L GRILL CAUTION - ACCESSIBLE PARTS M AY BECOME HOT WHEN T HE GRILL IS IN USE. CH ILDREN SHOULD B E KEPT AWAY. The grill is a dual circ uit grill wh ich m eans that the f ull are a of the grill c an be us ed or for ec onom y purposes, the centre sec tion o nl y can be used when co ok ing sm aller quant ities of f ood.
25 HINTS A ND TIPS · Most foods shou ld be placed on th e grid i n the grill pa n to allo w m axim um circulati on of a ir to lif t the food out of the f ats an d juices . · Adjust the gr id and gr ill pa n run ner pos ition t o allow f or diff erent th ick nesses of food.
26 PIZZA This setting ca n be us ed for f oods s uch as pizza where b ase bro wning a nd cris pnes s are req uire d. The lo wer elem ents opera te in c onju nction with the o ven f an. USING PIZZA · Pop out and turn the m ain ove n m ultifunctio n sele ctor to Pizz a.
27 SPEEDCOOK Speedcook is id eal f or quick preheat ing of the ov en bef ore selec ting an alt ernati ve cook ing func tion. It can als o be use d for cook ing chille d and f ro zen conven ience f oods without th e need f or pre heatin g.
28 ROTITHERM RO A STING Rotitherm Roas ting of fers an alternati ve method of c ooking f ood i tem s normall y associ ated with conve ntiona l grillin g. Rotitherm Roas ting he lps to m inim ise cook ing sm ells in the k itchen a nd allo ws you to gril l in the m ain o ven wit h th e oven door close d.
29 HINTS AND TIPS · Prepare foods in the s am e way as f or conventi onal gr illing. Brush lean m eats and fis h lightl y with a little oil or butter to k eep them m oist during c ooking.
30 F A N CONTROLLED DEFROSTING This main oven f uncti on enables you to def rost m ost foods without heat f aster than s om e c onvention al m ethods as the oven f an circ ulates a ir arou nd the f ood. It is part icula rl y suitable f or de licate f roze n foods whic h are to be served co ld e.
31 CARE A ND CLE A NING BEFORE CLEANING A LWAYS ALLOW THE COOLING FAN TO COOL THE APPLIANCE DOWN BEFORE SWITCHING OFF A T T HE ELECTR ICITY SUPPLY. CLEANING MATERI ALS Before us ing an y cleani ng m aterials on your applianc e, check that t he y are suita ble and that th eir use is rec omm ended b y the m anufac turer.
32 CLEANING INSIDE THE OVENS The vitre ous en am el coating i n the o vens c an b e cleaned us ing norm al oven clean ers or aeroso l oven cleaners with car e. Ensur e t hat the m anufac turers instruc tions are fol lowed a nd that all p arts ar e well rinsed after wards.
33 TO REMOVE THE INNER GL A SS 1. Full y open the o ven door. 2. Firm l y grasp the rear edge of the inner glas s panel with both hands. 3. Pus h the g lass pa nel towards you until it clear s the hinge locat ion points at the rear. 4. W i th one hand, carefull y lif t the glass panel t o disengag e it f rom the locatio n points und er the handle.
34 CLEANING THE GRILL AND OVEN FURNITURE All rem ovabl e part s, exc ept the grill p an hand le ca n be washed in the dish washer. The grill pan, gr ill pa n grid, a nd ov en shel ves m ay be cleaned us ing a soa p im pregnat ed steel wool pa d. Soaking f irst i n hot soap y water will m ake clean ing easier.
35 SOMETHING NOT WORKING Please car ry out the follo wing c heck s on your applianc e bef ore cal ling a Servic e Eng ineer. I t m ay be that the problem is a s im ple one which you can s olv e yourself without t he expens e of a service cal l.
36 SERVICE AND SPARE PARTS In the event of your appl iance r equir ing ser vice, or if you wish to purc hase spar e parts , ple ase cont act your local Service F orce C entre by telep honing:- 0870 5 929929 Your tel ephone ca ll will be a utom aticall y routed t o the Ser vic e Force Ce ntre co vering your pos t co de area.
37 GUARA NTEE CONDITIONS Standard guarantee conditions AEG of fer the follo wing guar antee to the f irst purc haser of this applianc e: 1. The guarant ee is valid for 12 m onths com m encing when the appl iance is hande d over t o the f irst retai l purchaser , whic h m ust be ver ified by purc hase in voic e or sim ilar d ocum entatio n.
38 TECHNICAL DETA ILS Voltage: 230-240 Volts AC 50Hz W attage: 5.6-6.1kW Height: 897 m m W idth: 592 mm Depth: 563 m m (excludin g hand les a nd knobs ) W eight: 59k g This appli ance compl ies with: Eur opean Co uncil Directiv e 73/23/EEC . EMC Di rective 89/336/EEC .
39 INST A LL A TION INSTRUCTIONS WARNINGS · This appliance must b e installed by a qualified electrici an/competent person. Safety may be impaired if installation is not carried ou t in a ccordan ce wit h t hese instructio ns. · This ap pliance must b e earthed .
40 CHOICE OF ELECTRICAL CONNECTION · There ar e three pos sible wa ys to con nect your applianc e. In eac h cas e the ap pliance shou ld be operated using at least 6m m 2 tw in core and earth PVC insu lated.
41 RECOMMENDED C A BINET DIMENSIONS (I N MILLIMETRE S) Fig. 3 Bui lt In Insta llation Cross section through cabinet showing oven positioned.
42 HOW TO FINISH UNPACKING · Place pack ed applianc e next to the s pace in which it will be ins talled . · Remove the appli ance pack ing except f or bo ttom tray which s houl d be lef t in po sition unt il the applianc e is re ad y to be fitte d into its cab inet.
43 CONNECTING TO THE MAINS TERMINAL Warning: This applia n ce must b e earthed . · W e recommend you use a new l ength of 6mm 2 twin core and eart hed cabl e to ensure y our safe ty. · Make connecti on as sh own in F ig. 7 b y proceed ing as follows:- · Preform wires t o the ap propriate s hape to s uit fitting int o the m ains term inal bloc k.
44 FITTING INTO THE CA BI NET IMPO RT A NT : Ensure that the ov en is swit ched off at the w all bef ore any furt her work is car ried out . · Using a tape meas ure establis h the interna l width of the cabinet . Refer to page 4 0 if gr eater th an 565mm .
IMP OR T A NT NOTI CE In line with our continu ing polic y of research and dev elopm ent, we reserve th e right t o alter m odels and specif icatio ns wit hout prior not ice. This instruc tion bo oklet is accur ate at t he date of print ing, bu t will be super seded if s pecif ications or appeara nce are changed.
デバイスElectrolux D4101-4の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Electrolux D4101-4をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはElectrolux D4101-4の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Electrolux D4101-4の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Electrolux D4101-4で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Electrolux D4101-4を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はElectrolux D4101-4の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Electrolux D4101-4に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちElectrolux D4101-4デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。