ElectroluxメーカーU30428 EUFG29800の使用説明書/サービス説明書
ページ先へ移動 of 28
Instructi on book F r eezer E U FG29800.
W e we r e thinking o f y ou when we made this pr oduct 8184 1 0 7 -00 / 4.
3 W elcome to the wor ld of Electr olux Thank yo u for choo sing a first clas s pr o duct fr o m Electr olux, which hopefully will pr ovide y o u with lo ts of p leasur e in t he futur e. The Elect r o lux ambit io n is to o f fer a wide v ariet y of q uality pr o duct s t hat make y o ur life mo r e co mfor tab le.
4 The follo wing s ym bols ar e u sed in this manual: Imp or tant infor matio n concerning your pers onal safety and inform atio n on how to av o id damaging t he appliance Ge nera l info rm at io n a.
5 Con ten ts Scrappin g old a pplian ce s 4 ......... Safety instructions 6 ......... USE 7 ........................... Contr ol P anel 7 ................... DI SPLA Y 8 ....................... Funct io ns Me nu 8 ................. Select /Switch of f /S witch on 9 .
6 SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS Y our new fr eez er may have o ther fu n cti ons c ompa red to your p r evi ous on e . C arefu ll y read th e se i n struc tion s to learn how t he appliance wo rks and how to car e for it . Keep the instr uctio n bo oklet . It will come in handy if you later s ell the cabinet or g ive it to somebody else .
7 USE BEF ORE US E Po sit ion and clean the cabinet as explained in the s ectio n "Inst allat ion". B ef o r e in s e r t in g t h e p o w er p lu g in t o t h e out let and switching on the cabinet for th e f irst ti me , l ea ve i t sta nd in g u pri ght for a bou t 2 h ours.
8 DI SPLAY Flashes when ice machin e swit ched on and of f. Excess ive t emper atur e alar m and Door op en a cou stic al arm Indicat or ( if for es een) If o n the t emperat ur e indicat ed is th e a.
9 Select /S witch off /Switch on Temperature regulation The t emperat ur e may b e r eg ulated by pr essing the key (B) to s et the desir ed temp eratur e. By pr essing the key B the curr ent t em- p e r a t u r e s e tt i ng f l a s h e s o n t he i n d i c a - tor and by pr essi ng the ke y B agai n it is possible to cha nge it.
10 It is p os sible t o d e-activ ate t he function at any time by changing the selected temper atur e i n one o f the comp art - ments. Freezing fresh food The fr eez er co mpar tment is suit able for long t erm st or ag e of commer cially fr o zen and deep-fr o zen foo d, and for fr eez ing fr esh foo d.
11 The t emperat ur e may b e r eg ulated be twee n -15° C an d -24° C. W e su ggest settin g th e in ter na l tem- pera tu r e of a pproximate ly - 18°C , w h ich g u a r an t ees p r o p er f r ee z in g an d c on s e r va ti on of th e f r oze n f ood s.
12 Door open acoustic al arm An aco ust ic alarm will so und when t he door i s lef t open for a r oun d 1, 5 min u tes. Th e door ope n a la rm c ondi tion s a r e indicated b y: - flashing o f the icon ; - so unding o f buz z er . Pr e ss the ke y (E) to stop the a cou sti c alarm.
13 Fo r tem po r ar y unlo ck ing : Ke ep th e bu tton ( G) presse d in for abo ut t hr ee seco nds unt il the y ellow in di ca tor lam p (H ) goes ou t.
14 Shelf for ice machine. Cann o t be r emov ed. Ice c onta in e r. Can be remo v ed. L ift t he fr o nt edge and the n pull out . W hen t he ic e co nt ainer i s pull ed o ut, t his s to p s all t he funct io ns o f t he ic e mac hine.
15 P rotec t the en vir onm en t · H and ov er the cabinet packaging and discar ded fridg es and fr eez ers t o a r ecy cling st atio n. Cont act yo ur local council or Envir o nmental Healt h of fice for m or e in f ormati on. · Keep foo ds tuf f in r e-usable co nt ainer s .
16 Se rvicin g and c lean ing th e ice dispenser When necessar y , clean the s urfaces o f the dis penser and t he ice container that ar e acces sible fr om t he outs ide, usi ng only a so f t clo t h and w arm w at er . Never use cleaning agents w ith a grin di ng or a ggr essi ve effe ct.
17 Audible alarm + flashing red warn ing l amp. (It i s too warm inside t he fr eez er .) Switch off t he a udi ble ala rm by pressing the alarm o f f butt o n. The audib le alarm co uld have b een trig g er ed by: The cabinet having been recent ly swit ched on and the temp erat ur e still being to o high.
18 No ice The ice machine is not swit ched o n. St art the ice machine. See t he sect ion "Sw itching t he ice machine on and of f". No wa ter su pply . C arry out the n ec essary measur es o n the water supp ly . The ice dis penser lamp and the yello w indicat or lamp ( I) flashes Leakage in t he connect ion bo x.
19 Power failur e Do not unnecessar ily open the cabinet, except w hen the power cut seems t o be lo ng , in which ca se t he fo o d p r oduc t s s houl d be mov ed to anot her cabinet that wor ks. If t h e f ro ze n p ro d u c t s a re st i l l h a rd f o l l o w i n g th e po wer cut, they may be immediately r efr ozen.
20 INS T A LLA TION Unpacking Unpack the cabinet and check that it is i n good c ond ition an d free of a n y tr anspo rt damag e. N o tify t he dealer immediat ely of any damage. H and the packag ing ov er for r ecycling. For mo r e inform atio n, cont act yo ur local council or t he dealer .
21 W e r eco mmend that the r efr iger ato r is placed on a "run- o f f" mat intended for r efr iger ato rs and fr eez ers , which makes it easier to det ect po ss ible leakage.
22 · the re is good a ir c ircu lati on aroun d the cabinet and that the air channels belo w and behind the cabinet ar e not bl ocke d. Th e ven til ati on spa ce ab ove the cabinet must be at least 4 cm. The v entilat ion sp ace can either b e a) dir ectly ab ov e the cab inet, or b) beh in d and above the top cupboar d.
23 ma rked w ith the le tter " E" or th e ea rth symbol or co lour ed g r eeen and yello w . Co nnnect t he blue ( neut r al) wi r e t o t he ter minal in t he plug which is mar ked wit h th.
24 Guarantee/Customer Service Stand ar d gu arante e condi tions We, Electr olux, undertake that if within 12 months of the date of the purchase this Electrolu x appliance or any part the- reof is pr .
25 European Guarantee w w w .el e ct r ol u x.com This ap pliance is guaranteed by Electrolux in each of the countries listed at the back of this user manual , for the pe riod specifi ed in the appliance g uarantee or ot herwise by law .
26 Great Britain +44 8 705 929 929 Addington W ay , Luton, Bedfor dshir e LU4 9QQ Hellas +30 23 10 56 19 70 4 Limnou Str ., 54627 Thess aloniki Hrvatska +385 1 63 23 33 8 Slavonska a venija 3, 1 0000 Zagr eb Ireland +353 1 40 90 753 Long Mile Road Dub lin 12 Italia +39 (0) 434 5 58500 C.
www.electrolux.com www.electr o lux. uk 8184 1 0 7 -00 / 4 0 2 200 7.
デバイスElectrolux U30428 EUFG29800の購入後に(又は購入する前であっても)重要なポイントは、説明書をよく読むことです。その単純な理由はいくつかあります:
Electrolux U30428 EUFG29800をまだ購入していないなら、この製品の基本情報を理解する良い機会です。まずは上にある説明書の最初のページをご覧ください。そこにはElectrolux U30428 EUFG29800の技術情報の概要が記載されているはずです。デバイスがあなたのニーズを満たすかどうかは、ここで確認しましょう。Electrolux U30428 EUFG29800の取扱説明書の次のページをよく読むことにより、製品の全機能やその取り扱いに関する情報を知ることができます。Electrolux U30428 EUFG29800で得られた情報は、きっとあなたの購入の決断を手助けしてくれることでしょう。
Electrolux U30428 EUFG29800を既にお持ちだが、まだ読んでいない場合は、上記の理由によりそれを行うべきです。そうすることにより機能を適切に使用しているか、又はElectrolux U30428 EUFG29800の不適切な取り扱いによりその寿命を短くする危険を犯していないかどうかを知ることができます。
ですが、ユーザガイドが果たす重要な役割の一つは、Electrolux U30428 EUFG29800に関する問題の解決を支援することです。そこにはほとんどの場合、トラブルシューティング、すなわちElectrolux U30428 EUFG29800デバイスで最もよく起こりうる故障・不良とそれらの対処法についてのアドバイスを見つけることができるはずです。たとえ問題を解決できなかった場合でも、説明書にはカスタマー・サービスセンター又は最寄りのサービスセンターへの問い合わせ先等、次の対処法についての指示があるはずです。